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Monette Riingen

Hi everybody! a tourist in russia it possible to work there, could change and get a working permit?thanks


Visa and working permit for us filipinos is very expensive.It cost 1500$ to 4000$. Everything here is very expensive


Hi Kabayan! I hope this would help. For more details, here is the link:

"Migration and Work Policies in Russia:

The visa and passport are obtained through local Russian Embassy. However, if you want to obtain a work permit in Russia, make sure that you enter in legal way meaning your visa should be for work or for permanent residency and not a TOURIST VISA.

To get a visa either for work, permanent residence, tour and business transaction, there should be a host party (or a Russian citizen) who invited you to come to their country. The host party will be the one who will get you the permit.

For OFWs who want to obtain a work visa, make sure to find an employer first before you go to Russia. The employer will be the one who will get you a work permit and will give it to you upon your arrival in the country.

The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) has advised all OFWs not to work to Russia holding only a tourist visa. The Immigration department of Russia is very keen to illegal aliens in their country and initially deports those who are proven illegal foreign workers."

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