Contractor stole from my home!

Hello there,

I am renovating my house and the other day after a contractor had been in, I realized that my drawer was all messed up and to my horror that my rings and a purse of cash missing!

What can I do, I realized when he had left.  There are other contractors onsite but he was the only one in the house.  Do I confront him, give him a way out by telling all contractors that if it is them to mail back my things and I will not take it further, can I with hold the balance due to him of 3k or should I go to the police???

I am new on here but interested to know if you received any replies to this post & what did you do? I had a similar experience which must have gone on for a few years but the 'robber' in question was clever I didnt notice. Due to my regular visits to the UK he had freedom to take whatever he wanted. I started noticing items missing..odd items too! Then I met his wife by chance & she was wearing a piece of my jewellry, I was so dumbstruck I didnt know what to say. I trusted this workman with my home & he abused. I stilll havent handled it apart from take my keys back & he has become abusive, confronting me with accusations & lies suggesting that I have bad mouthed him & I havent said a word to anyone in this country!!I have only shared my dilemma with my family. He knows what he has done & because I wont have him working for me he has turned the tables,saying lies about me...So how do I handle this?