Piles or bawaseer or hemorrhoids treatment in riyadh

If any one have info about any good doctor or hopital or medicine reply me and help me

Dear There is no medicine and solution can work except surgery, i was suffering from it and went to Pakistan for surgery and after that Alhumdulillah i am fine but u have to avoid constipation even after surgery,

the reason of hemorrhoids in serve constipation avoid it as much u can,
u can visit any hospital in Riyadh and any general surgeon will perform this small surgery, recovery time is 3 to 5 weeks, .

i can give u 1 advice its works for me , take i glass of Hot Milk with 1 spoon Honey before going to bed, it is the best solution for constipation. if its not work for u please go for surgery.

Thank you for great response

I the best doctor is Nabil Ajmi at SMCH ,Riyadh.

if it's external hemorrhoid so it will work (Hot Milk with 1 spoon Honey).

sitting in a bath tub of hot /warm water will also help in reducing the pain/burning sensation. Also use anti-hemorrhoid ointment available in the pharmacy before and after defecation (before and after toilet)

You can treat hemorrhoids without going under the knife by just following these tips:

1. Avoid getting constipated - eat high-fiber diet i.e. green leafy veggies, drink plenty of water
2. Most of the hemorrhoidal creams and suppositories can cause allergic reactions due to prolonged use. I suggest you opt for treatment with natural ingredients and it's readily available in the market or your garden. You'll be needing 2 things only: aloe vera gel and pulverized vitamin c tablet (1/4 cup is to 1 tablet). Gather stems of aloe vera and peel the skin, take out the gel. Blend the aloe vera gel together with the pulverized vitamin c tablet (it will look like a thirst-quenching juice) . Transfer the mixture in a clean container and refrigerate. Apply the mixture rectally using a 3 or 5cc syringe (without needle please) 3x a day or as often as you like. This will help shrink the piles and relieve you of pain. Keep the mixture refrigerated to keep it fresh and soothing when you apply. Hope it helps...

Thanks lina.is pulvarised vitamin c available in pharmacies

Thanks lina.is pulvarised vitamin c available in pharmacies

Just buy the regular vitamin c tablets from the pharmacy and just pulverised it yourself. I recommend to pulverised it to easily mixed with the aloe vera gel when you use the blender


Thanks leana

I trust in treating withiout opration. Also you should avoid junk food, fish, prawns, chicken for at least 5 to 6 months.

Yes, it is manageable without surgery... just lead a healthy lifestyle - eat plenty of vegetables, drink a lot of water....

Mrs. Lina,

I have an external hemorrhoids.

Could you please help me to recover from this with your useful tips??

Waiting for ur reply

Can u send me names for piles medicn

I have taken a treatment for bawaseer or hemorrhoids in Bangalore, India. Their is  "IS Piles & Fistula Clinic" which is providing best & effective treatment & painless treatment without surgery. I suggest the people who suffering for "Piles (Bawaseer) & Fistula " related problem can consult to Doctor Pasha (IS Piles & Fistula Clinic) at Kumaraswamy Layout , Bangalore ,India. His medicine gives an awesome relief from bleeding piles and burning sensation. It's a one of the top service provider in the world & doctor available at watsup & he clear all the doubts

Visit  "IS Piles & Fistula Clinic" at Bangalore, India. Its a top service provider without surgery. Search in google for "IS Piles & Fistula Clinic" for more details.

can u give contact no.

Hi If any of you suffering with Hemorrhoids/Fissure/Abscess problem then you can contact or visit "IS Piles & Fistula Clinic" Bangalore, India.  Dr Pasha is best for Ano Rectal Problems & he is available over watsup. He Provides best Diet Chat to his patients. His time period for treatment 3 to 7 days only. Patients are visiting across the globe. His phone Number : 9900282876

https://www.google.co.in/search?q=IS+Pi … 78a538e6e8

Open the above Link. You will come to know about his treatment and Services

Which is the best doctor in riyadh for piles