If i buy a land for name of my girlfriend and then i do leasing

a rent to own home is big money as a downpayment.. I have already looked into it.. most want 50% or more as a downpayment

I highly doubt it

Great information. I like that strategy.  It depends on the province you are in, I guess. The values are different.  What about security?  How do you find your security situation where you are living, Tommieboy?

on this island (camiguin).. crime is virtually unheard  of.. everyone knows everyone here.. however, no malls and and no mcdonalds.  the good thing is that theres no place to spend money and no way to get fat.. haha. with the money I save here, im able to go to Cebu or manila or cdo anytime I want

for construction, ive got a friend who can do it for you at 15k per sqm.
You have got to be kidding...That would be 15 million for 100 SQM house...crazy...Must be BEVERLY HILLS, Philippines...LOL

I think you will find that 15,000 per square meter is a low price.  In my experience there always seems to be extras that end up doubling the cost in the end.

I have had a house built in the USA and we had a list of construction items and labor cost for each item.  So the project was costed before it began.  and the builder onlly got paid for the progress of the work he did, step by step, after I inspected the work and signed off on the work as accepted.  At any stop I could hold payment until that step was fixed and done correctly.  If you builder has experience, then he will be able to break the cost down like this and get paid.  He is responsbile for showing you the receipts.

Maybe you should open up a Diet Spa: you won't have to do anything but let the clients hang out on the grounds, and there won't be any place for them to go.  Just keep them walking!  Hahaha.

The only places in the Philippines that I do not feel fully secure is and around Luzon. Manila, Makati. Even the provinces have many problems.  I was out in the Antipolo area and there were many problems there with drug addicts, especially burglaries and crime related violence.  I feel very secure in Cebu.  I think that Davao is even more secure, but leaving Davao for the outside provinces the security changes.  Take care.

it totally depends on the province.. there are some provinces that  are not foreigner friendly, but many are ..  like the one im in now. everyone waves when they pass and I have never had a problem with anyone here. best thing to do is travel around and see for yourself. for me, I found Cebu to be much like manila.. traffic pollution and crime.  negros oriental was nice as was Bohol and camiguin islands. baguio city did not seem very friendly towards me, but surigao city was.. when I enter a new city or province, I try to rent on a short term basis so I can leave if I feel uncomfortable there.  peace

You seem to have good judgement in your approach to living abroad.  Your thinking is similar to mine.  I move about like a nomad, thinking that if I wake up and say to myself, hey, I really like this place and don't want to leave, then I just follow my feelings.  Being able to fold up my tent easily and without any entanglements makes me feel very comfortable.  Yes, Cebu has gotten more congested and is showing signs of all the negatives associated with a big city, but that is what happens when  a place gets popular. It begins running through a life-cycle.  Part of my philosophy is to try and stay one step ahead of the crowd. If many people catch on to a place, I usually would head in an altogether different direction, however, I did take a liking to Cebu, at least until I began to experience other places that were more peaceful.  For sure, Luzon is not the place for me to be. I think it is the worst place to think about living if you want to settle in the Philippines.  By the way, what do you think about these US bases that will be starting up in the Philippines?

yes, we are the same in that aspect. I was a nomad for the first 5 yrs.. but recently met a great girl and we live here together in camiguin island.  this truly is the best place if your looking for a long term relationship. the girls here are simple (in a good way).. and they will appreciate anything you do for them. all they want is love and respect. I had my share of city girls and it was a total waste of my time money and effort.. although I did have some great times.. haha
you can rent a home here for 3500-15,000 pesos a month.  even the cheap homes for rent are nicer than most places you would see in manila.  im able to save a lot of money being here and its comforting to know that I have enough money to travel anywhere for a week or 2 and when I get back, my home will not be robbed..
as far as the u.s. bases, it would be great to have them here. most people welcome it, however there are some (Filipinos) that think otherwise

I have lived in Lucena (east of Batangas) since the beginning of this year.  I think it is the perfect balance for me.  I think the city population is 1.5 million.  there are reported to be about 5000 ex-pats here.  We live 8 km out of the city and it is very very quiet up on the hill.  15 minutes from the city.  I feel safe in this city.  The only other place I lived was Angeles City for 2013.

But, I really like Lucena.

I been to batangas for a mini vacation..  I forgot the name of the resort but it had cable water skiing.. nice place.. as for angeles city.. that's definitely not my type of place. if I want a girl I like it to be a little bit of a challenge.. paying bar girls to sit with me is not my idea having fun.. haha..  that being said, there are soo many beautiful parts of the Philippines its a sin to stay in one place like many expats do

Yes , it is true i was in camiguin and now i am in bohol with my girlfriend , i like both also girl here more different.  Also she is a nice girl. I non like live in a big city like manila o cebu

yes.. I used to live in Bohol about 3 years ago. it was a nice island.. roads are well paved and great for riding your motorbike.. your also right about the girls, they are much more appreciative in the province.  good luck friend

Good for you that you are content where you are and have a loving companion.  Yes, I had a pinay gf for 11 years and we had a wonderful relationship.  She passed on, otherwise we would have been together still; but I have been dating another pinay here in the states and we have been together for a while now. Both were born in the US but without the American me-me-me mentality.  You know what I mean, I am sure.  I am back-and-forth to the Philippines and will be heading back shortly in a month or so.  I want to explore the Davao area.  Besides offering the city, that entire area is dominated by pristine nature: that area down to the Governor Generoso and up and around Mati and again around up along the eastern coast is wide open for a person who really wants to pioneer and be away from the expat communities and all hints of that bud-cell life style that many have.  Not saying I will settle there, but its ideal for a curious nomad.  But I know I am getting old enough and to the point that I have to sprout roots.  We can't keep moving like sharks all the time.  Anyway, sounds like you have found the reason for spreading your roots.  Good luck to you both.

Yes last word we canot tell but that sames we find right one, i hope that every thing go in good way also in future, and we can live together. I think if i can start here with a business then every thing is good,  but that it isnot easy here in philippines.  Thanks for good luck and also good luck for you.

Ate 1, I am beginning to believe you are female lol

I have done the  same . House and land in Her Name . With a 50 year Lease back to me ,signed by power of attorney and verified and signed by Muncipallity , I have a 4 year old Daughter  maybe she should be on the Lease too . A Foreigner cannot own land but 1 house He can ,so the house can be seperately in my name .. If we got Married I am not sure if I would be in a Better Position

not sure what good a house is if you cannot own the land under it.. but its true that if the land is under a childs name.. its much better in case something goes awry later

My suggestion: concentrate on doing something with your life where you are.  Stabilize yourself economically and build on a financial plan, with an  eye towards the future to living in the Philippines.  You need money, a significant amount to form a foundation for your life.  Most young people who think about going to foreign lands in Asia or South America, really do not have a good realistic hold on their lives.  You don't have time to lose years.  Use them wisely to build a financial future that will give you the freedom to do what you want.

thanks for advice all people here

Who so?  Don't understand....

Dont buy any property you cannot put in your own name, unless she is your LEGAL spouse or you acknowledge a child with her. If things go sour between the two of you, at least you can honorably claim you treated her well.. If you still feel like acquiring a property in her name, consider it a gift.

Yes, good advice.  I am so surprised at how so many men behave like teenagers when they meet a woman in the Philippnes.  Grown men experiencing "puppy-love", so trusting and naive to think they will build a utopian nest with their young bride.  Many of these men are so childish.  In many instances, there is no need to marry.  They can have romance without the marriage. Its safer and costs much  less, especially in heart ache; not to say that there aren't any fabulous pinays.  Pinays in general make very good wives and girl-friends, but if you are an  old guy or a poor one who fronts as having money, you better be realistic about yourself and the young girl you get involved with.  One good defense is TIME.  A long-term relationship with a girl will reveal her true substance or lack of....If she shows herself to be worth it, by all means, take the plunge and be happy.

Thanks bucai and ate1
good advice

I have know my girlfriend for 4 years.  We have lived together for 2 years.  It is really clear that web both are just now beginning to be a strong couple, and starting to work together as ONE, a team.  I don't think this is just about being Filipino.  It just takes time to really get to know your partner and to get beyond the initial romance and into the "maintenance" part of the relationship.  Where you real actually have to live (real) life and solve real problems.

It takes time.  And, frankly, you need to experience a crisis together to really find out if you can be a couple, a team.

DON'T BE IN SUCH A HURRY.  What if it took 24 more months to get to the part where you get married.  Would the world crash down?  lol.

Ate1 wrote:

Yes, good advice.  I am so surprised at how so many men behave like teenagers when they meet a woman in the Philippnes.  Grown men experiencing "puppy-love", so trusting and naive to think they will build a utopian nest with their young bride.  Many of these men are so childish.  In many instances, there is no need to marry.  They can have romance without the marriage. Its safer and costs much  less, especially in heart ache; not to say that there aren't any fabulous pinays.  Pinays in general make very good wives and girl-friends, but if you are an  old guy or a poor one who fronts as having money, you better be realistic about yourself and the young girl you get involved with.  One good defense is TIME.  A long-term relationship with a girl will reveal her true substance or lack of....If she shows herself to be worth it, by all means, take the plunge and be happy.

One of your better posts...You drove the nail in one blow on this one...

Roger, excellent advice.

First of all, do not fully trust your girlfriend!  Its sad to say but you must protect yourself, and know that love oftentimes goes sour, so you need to have a game plan in place if that happens.  Rent first until you are sure that your relationship is progressing and not regressing.  Wait until your first born child and then buy the land under the child's name and lease the land under the child's name but own the house yourself.  It makes the situation more complicated for your girlfriend.  Do not marry her for a while because this will keep her baited to stay in line. She has no legal status working against you and she will feel impelled to work towards that status.  Once you are more confident in your relationship you can marry her. 

Calculate the cost of a good rental home- say 700 per month- and multiply that by, lets say, five years.  That would be about 42,000 US dollars.  You can have a house built for that amount.  My point is, if after five years you lose it all, you would have just lost what it would have cost you to have lived well renting there.  No big money will be lost.  Anyway, if the relationship goes sour, you would have had to leave shelter and inheritance for your child.  If you can't afford this, then you should seriously consider not coming to the Philippines. If you don't have decent money to give yourself a start, you are better off back home in your country, rather than live like a pauper in the Philippines.  Caucasians who do not have money are much less respected in the Philippines or anywhere in Asia.  They will look down on you as a loser.  Their impression is that Caucasians are rich and if you are one of those who are not, then you are a loser according to them.  Some food for thought....

- @Ate1

amen this smart way too do it . child  first then buy  the land into his/her  name . build house intoo my our name . sure get a lawyer cfrom the american embassy list.
Spoken like a true Hillbilly. My advice - stay in the Appalalachian Mountains . That way you can be amongst your own folk when you finally lose your shirt.
Spoken like a true Hillbilly. My advice - stay in the Appalalachian Mountains . That way you can be amongst your own folk when you finally lose your shirt.
- @Lotus Eater

That wasn't very nice, especially to a new member.

Welcome to the forum, HillbillyPhilippines. We have an intro thread at the top if you'd like to post something about yourself but not required. Sorry you encountered some rudeness and hope you stay. Most of the folks here are quite knowledgeable and willing to share.

You replied to an old thread but the points are still valid. As far as housing here goes - it is very cheap to rent so that's often the best way to go for those who are new. Takes awhile to adjust to the climate and culture.. and many don't. I figure any investments I make into land/housing etc, are a way to leave something for her in her later years if the relationship has been good. Pretty hard to enforce a contract or hold onto a house in the PI if things turn bad relationship-wise. Especially in the province. Best to write it off.

@amaglow2  I don't think you can lease from a spouse. Maybe a trust in the kids name might work. But if your married, you name can go on the TCT and you have equal rights, also congical rights laws here apply. Best you seek a good attorney, they are not expensive.

If i buy a land for name of my girlfriend and then i do leasing for 50 years ,  and then if some days i have some problem with she,  i want know she still can get back from me that land where i have a house too?  I want buy land then build house doing in this way? What is opinion of expat people in philippines?

- @giovannigio

To protect your property you need to marry the person and before marrying execute a pre-nuptial agreement and yes if you have a child donate the property to your child but if you like to risk invest only an amount that you can let go of
Juse spoke with a lawyer today...because I am buying a beach home here in Dipolog... She first said, yes... a 50 year (pre-paid) lease is legal, and is a way to protect yourself because you have paid a lease already, and for them to take it, they would have to refund you (part) of the unused lease to take it from you... However... she also said if I am to get a retirement visa, Then as a foreigner... I can OWN a home (residence only... not business property)... with the title in my name.  I am in the process now buying, and she is writing up the dead of sale right now, and after we close with the owner. My fiancee will sign the lease agreement... f.y.i... I spoke with 3 attorneys when searching for a good one, and this attorney is Excellent... and extremely knowledgeable about Philippine law.... This beach house isn't a ton of money(8.5 million)... however... Best to prepare for the unknown... last thing I want is for my fiancee to have an accident or something and die...and her family come and take the home from me! 

P.s... also look into a paper called the "Deed of Usufruct"  have her sign and notarize that also...  Gives you more control, and rights to the land/house. 
Juse spoke with a lawyer today...because I am buying a beach home here in Dipolog... She first said, yes... a 50 year (pre-paid) lease is legal, and is a way to protect yourself because you have paid a lease already, and for them to take it, they would have to refund you (part) of the unused lease to take it from you... However... she also said if I am to get a retirement visa, Then as a foreigner... I can OWN a home (residence only... not business property)... with the title in my name.  I am in the process now buying, and she is writing up the dead of sale right now, and after we close with the owner. My fiancee will sign the lease agreement... f.y.i... I spoke with 3 attorneys when searching for a good one, and this attorney is Excellent... and extremely knowledgeable about Philippine law.... This beach house isn't a ton of money(8.5 million)... however... Best to prepare for the unknown... last thing I want is for my fiancee to have an accident or something and die...and her family come and take the home from me! 

P.s... also look into a paper called the "Deed of Usufruct"  have her sign and notarize that also...  Gives you more control, and rights to the land/house. 
- @Wellsfry

WHAT?!  Its kind of the OPPOSITE concerning foreigners owning residental and business...
Foreigners CAN own (part of) BUSINESS with land
BUT CANT own living home  if not only the building at leased land.
It seem she know A BIT more than other lawyers, but still SCREWING UP some  :)   IF other than lease, if doing as some other parts of what you wrote.
Let me look before you sign anything... 

Btw - In lease solution it cant be from wife, but I dont know what the law say if lease contract is from when not married and then marry, if marrying make the contract unvalid or not.

OR are you buying a big lot, split it and make as a CONDO union with mimimum 60 % Filipinos?  THATS possible.

@Wellsfry my friend good luck. Get the word irrevocable in the contract. Advice from a friend who has been here a long time. My email in lcdrski@gmail.com. Jim.  My SRRV has been approved!! Getting my senior card next! Thanks.


Hello Coach,

The forigner can own a building but NOT the land built on it.

Of course the residential land can be leased to you for 25 years even if the lease states longer it would be valid for 25 year and if you want longer it would be under a separate lease agreement after the first 25 years expires.

The above is from own experience as I leased a residential lot in Greenheights Manila and built my own house.

Hello Coach,

The forigner can own a building but NOT the land built on it.

Of course the residential land can be leased to you for 25 years even if the lease states longer it would be valid for 25 year and if you want longer it would be under a separate lease agreement after the first 25 years expires.

The above is from own experience as I leased a residential lot in Greenheights Manila and built my own house.
- @dodi1000

Yes I know.  (Except foreigns CAN own 40 % of land through a business if fullfil some demand.)

Thats why I - partly - questioned what that lawyer had said.


@giovannigio she will own the land you the house, as long as you are not married, you cannot have a lease from your spouse

@giovannigio she will own the land, you own the house until the lease is up, if she is your spouse you cannot have a lease from her