Meet new friends

Hello, this is Ray and have posted topic here 2 years ago.
Finally haven't stayed in Hanoi for long but keep visiting for business here every month.
Still wanting to meet new friends here to eat around and exchange languages. Feel free to message me!

はじめまして  :)  I know few words

Hi Ray,

I plan to visit Hanoi in October. So if you're there during that time then drop me a line and maybe we can get together.



HI Jay

Im a Vietnamese, I am willing to exchange the language in both English and Japanese . my mail :

@ Khanhnguyen1510 > You may also post an ad in the Language Exchange in Hanoi section for more visibility. :)

Thank you,


we can exchange beer?

Hi friend

Very nice to visit Hanoi and doing business with Hanoi.


Hello Gopi!
Do you mind telling me what kinda business have you dealt with in Hanoi?

I'm asking this because, I'm trying to setup my own business there in Hanoi.  I would like to learn from others who are already running a business there.

Best Regards,