
Cambodia how safe is it.?

Last activity 23 December 2014 by raja.thingthong

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Statistically, Cambodia is plenty safer than Thailand where every other day a Westerner seems to run into some unfortunate turn of events.

The one thing I always thought was to find a local you can trust to clue you in and so far I've always found people like that.


K... thanks......

Bobjohnson1217 wrote:

Just an added note, what  Hotel do you work at ,  I would like to meet some expats living In Siem Reap,  Any advice and pointers would be very much appreciated .   Thanks  again. for your reply................Bob Johnson


Hi bobI
I'm an ex pat from Siem Reap running a Estate Agency for a local lady Solina
If I  can assist and I have the time. I'm happy to talk
However I'm leaving very shortly returning to Australia post Xmas

Michael Kean


K..  Thanks, I will not be leaving the states until the last of Feb. But I will check for future posts.


Hello Bob - Jeff here.  Retired USN, fixed income, widower, bored with life and came here July 2014. Started in Ohio lived in various states but left FL to come here.  Here is what I have experienced.
One way ticket in from LA to some China airport for a couple of hours, then onto Siem Reap (China Southern Airlines If I recall correctly).  At the customs counter told them I wanted a Business VISA (Now called an ordinary VISA or E VISA) paid the then 25 USD (a little more now I believe) gave them one passport photo and left with a business VISA. It was valid for thirty days but allows for multiple entries in and out of Cambodia while the tourist VISA does not.  Two weeks after arriving went to one of the many Tour/Travel offices here and gave them my passport and one photo 158 USD. I told to come back in seven days and I had another VISA valid for six months. If I were sure this is my final spot in life I could have given them 280 USD for the VISA to be valid for a full year vice the six month version.  Other than getting your VISA, opening a bank account,  travelling, or transferring money out of Cambodia, lock your passport away in a safe place you'll not need it for everyday living.
Safety, most others have covered it. Generally if you don't do something stupid it is as safe as anywhere else I have ever lived.  The advice to find a local or experienced expat here is good, being a foreigner it will be easier to trust an expat than trying to figure out the locals. My thought on where to stay - plan to spend a couple of weeks at a decent guesthouse. They are inexpensive, clean, many with good amenities and some even have a pool. Stay at the GH till you get the feel of the place before you where you want to rent. Cost of living pretty inexpensive, except if you must have western food and products, then the price rises considerably. Bring any electronics, gadgets you use (Computers etc...) as these products tend to be higher priced here and especially with computers, are sold with the latest illegal software.  Keep up with this site and keep asking the questions, if I see one from you I'll give you my two cents worth anytime - it'll be worth at least one cent lol. ---- JEFF


Dear Bob, you got  correct answers from many people here - you can enter to Cambodia without return ticket.
On the board they do not ask to see your return ticket or your cash or anything. I think in Cambodia are the most polite board clerks I ever have seen.  You just have extend your visa in time if you want to stay more then 1 month.

But honestly, you should check more information of this country - if you dont have any experience, it might be pretty tricky to start your world journey from Cambodia first. 
For example  in Siem Reap extremely hot most of the year.  I spent half of year  there and  the temperature was  35C - 40 C or even more,  even at night very hot.
Guest Houses and apartments with conditioner are more expensive. Not price like 100 USD  per month for an apartment in Siem Reap or Phnom Penh.
Traffic is ok, much better then in Vietnam, but you must be careful with your belongings little bit, specially in PP. 
This country is safe if you follow rules - no need to walk alone in the darkness in Asia ( not in any country there), do not drink much, be careful with friendly strangers who come to you without special reason, like everywhere - usually this is scam. Dont talk of your life much, never make local people feel themselves low or ashamed. Give even a small tip if someone helps you - would it be a cleaning lady, or fruit seller....

I did not felt harrasment or cheating. People were very helpful everywhere. But I felt ashamed of tourists, who bragain  everywhere over every penny  with these people, who hardly can earn a living. 
Anyway I would suggest you to have some cash ready for return ticket. You will love this country or hate - there is no more choise. I love Cambodia,  and cant wait until I can see Cambodian palm trees again.


Hi. Bob, to find a  hotel/guesthouse with affordable prices in Asia , the best website is  Agoda - No prepayment fee usually and much more hotels with good prices then in Tripadvisor.
And - ask your hotel/guesthouse to meet you on airport/Coach station. They are happy  do this for very low cost or for free.
Wish you happy journey !


Regarding "do not drink much...", the problem is that some retired western males lose themselves once they get to SE Asia. The alcohol is cheap, the girls are sweet, they have no real reason to get up (early) in the morning and an unhealthy lifestyle can ensue.

I would say, make sure you will occupy yourself with something once you get there, so you don't lose the plot.

And yes, it will be very hot, pretty much everywhere in Cambodia. From March onwards, you will be sweating it out at 40+ Celsius.

Doesn't deter me from ordering hot soup and drinklng hot tea though - sweating is good for you, I believe, as it will facilitate getting all the toxins out.


If you use common sense , and are not doing illegal stuff or drugs or wandering around at late hours , you won't have problems.... Also there is a typical scam here  by a few Filipino people meeting u at a Park or on the street and are neighborly and invite you to a residence where they set u up to play gambling card games where you are set up with a WINNING hand and tempting you to gamble Large amts!!! DONT THAT IS all I will say ... Scam.  Enjoy this country inexpensive apts if u take your time arriving here at a guest house ie Hello guest house ,136 st in Phnom Penh and get in touch with a rental agt to find a apt you can afford ! Easy! hello guesthouse ...Basic accomadation ,no frills! 8 us a night


It takes about three weeks to acclimate in this very hot climate and high humidity. Lot of sweating, throat problems or bronchitis often etc. Take with you some medicine what you use at home for similar problems.  Later, already significantly easier smile.png


On the ever so outrageous forum, (former) admin keeping_it_riel wrote in 2009 & '10:

"...I'd say as a percentage guesstimate street homeless smackheads in London and male expats in Cambodia have roughly the same life expectancy."


"Generally speaking, Khmers don't make old bones and it's probably true that we, as expats, can lop 15 years or so off our expected lifespans just for living here. It's the price we pay?"

He underscored these points by dying yesterday, even though - and I believe him - he stated he was employed and leading a respectable lifestyle. R.I.P. Peter.

While it could be said that if you seriously entertain moving to Cambodia voluntarily and it's not for a job posting or you are starting a serious relationship there, there is likely something not quite right with you somewhere - I like to think that he was wrong though and that there isn't just one dominate Cambodia expat-by-choice type: The "sex-pat", who can be seen knocking one back from morning to morning, ruining his heath and sanity over the years.

I would like to prove him wrong. Either that or die trying.  big_smile.png


Easy nice life in Cambodia, retirement in sunshine.....All that is beyond our borders, seems nicer. Living in an unaccustomed climate burdens the body, low sanitary conditions, different food, unusual mix of bacteria, just a big life change in high age  - it is obvious that it does not prolong life.However, many people of respectable age start their path to the unknown to live happy life at last ....


I've heard of SE Asian ex-pats who are really up there in age and doing well and for Thai expats there was never such a strong emphasis on it being an "early death-stination" even though way more foreigners seem to die there.

I still believe that country-side living and having social ties and a purpose/hobby apart from the usual ingredients (no life threatening pre-existing conditions, no reckless behavior, enough sleep, moderate alcohol intake, reasonable healthy balanced eating, moderate exercise, low stress) are good for you, regardless of where you live.

I just don't think cold countries with a significant lack of sun would be so much better for you.


No, I do not think, that in refrigerator in darkness better to live, just to maintain  vegetables the best.  Thats why Im looking to relocate too smile.png



Please contact me for any help such as finding rooms, travel arrangements and other as I am trustworthy expat living in Cambodia since 7 years settled here.

My contact 016 416173

Best Regards,


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