Life Partner Visa

I'm wondering if somebody can advise on the best course of action for me with the new rules now requiring an interview. Mainly, I'm wondering whether both parties have to be present in the same country to conduct the interview? My situation is this....I'm a SA citizen and my partner in British. We will be together officially for two years in August.

He lives in the UK and I divide my time between the two countries and he visits when he can. We plan for him to relocate to SA permanently next year. However, he was planning on visiting in October before moving next year. I will be in the UK in August so I'm wondering if it's worth doing the application then if we need to be interviewed? My concern is that his passport might not be back in time for his October visit?

Would he still be able to enter the country next year on a tourist visa and then we can complete the unmarried partner visa when he arrives in SA? Obviously we've all heard horror stories about how long it takes with home affairs here, so I'm thinking doing an application in the UK might be a more speedy option - depending of course on the expected time there?

Hope that all makes sense.

Thanks in advance for the advice.

The reason is that both parties are supposed to be cohabiting. If you cannot prove cohabitation, you will not qualify for the visa, regardless of religious views, living in different countries or anything in your situation.

We cohabit when we are together in each other's respective countries. We have a lease in both our names in the UK and in SA, but neither of us can spend more than six months in each other's country. So how are we supposed to cohabbit? It's the same struggle with the UK unmarried partner visa, but seems desperately unfair to me.

Unfortunately it is the law and one of the only ways for Home Affairs to stop granting Life Partner Visas to people who are not really in relationships.

Your leases will save you though, as long as you state that you live together at one of the addresses.

i am living in islamabad with one child and my husband is living in SA and i want to go there with my child whats the best possible option please help me

Apply in your country for an Accompanying Spousal Visa (type of Relative's Visa) for both you and your child.

Excellent news on the leases. Big help, thanks very much. We're starting to look at documents we need to fill in now. Just to clarify, does the Life Partner Visa = a relatives permit? I can't seem to find anything else on SA House UK that indicates being a spousal visa.

mspr1nt wrote:

Excellent news on the leases. Big help, thanks very much. We're starting to look at documents we need to fill in now. Just to clarify, does the Life Partner Visa = a relatives permit? I can't seem to find anything else on SA House UK that indicates being a spousal visa.


I was wondering whether someone may be able to help me! I am going to apply for a life partner visa- my boyfriend and I have been together for over 2 years. I just need to know what documentation that I require, I have the documents I need to sign but I am not 100% sure on what other documents I need- I have one bank statement with both of our names- I can get a letter from a rental agency in Florida staying that we both lived together and shared the rent for 6 months- my boyfriends mum is going to give us a letter saying that she will sponsor me and confirm our relationship and I can get a letter from a captain from 2 years ago saying that we got together then. Is there any other documents apart from the medical that I need? I greatly appreciate your response!!! Thank you!  Sam

You must prove, among a great deal of other documents, that you lived together for 2 years and also shared finances for 2 years.

I have a question regarding the life partner visa. I am German and my partner is South African. We have collected so far all required documents so that I can apply for a life partner visa for South Africa. We signed everything in South Africa and now I came back to Germany becasue I need to do the application from here. How does it work with the interview they mention? Do we need in any case an interview? Do we both have to be present at the consulate here in Germany or does my boyfriend go on the same day to Home Affairs or how does it work?
I have been through all webpages from the embassy, Home Affarirs, etc. and they don't state anything.

Does anyone have experience with the new regulations?
Thank you!

Hi, I hope I am doing this correctly. I am a born and bred South African and stay in Vereeniging, Gauteng. I am flying to Krasnodar on the 17th of December and to spend Christmas with my fiance and were hoping to get married in December. It now seems unlikely that this could happen since our marriage has to be registered first and there is a 30 day waiting period after registration and I must leave Russia again on the 8th of January. We were under the impression the 30 day period could be shortened drastically by paying an additional fee that we now find out is not really true. We wanted to get married over December, then my wife would apply for her visa to come to South Africa and come to me once it's ready and she had a few other matters taken care of. She's in tears already with worry and we've tried to see what can be done to get married in December still but to me honest, it seems unlikely. What would be the best option? Should I fly back once the registration for our marriage is eligible and then get married? Will she then have to stay behind to prepare her visa and come when its done? What type of visa should she apply for? She doesn't really need a working permit since she is going to be a housewife at first giving her time to adjust and to improve on her English, which is very poor at this stage. I would really appreciate if somebody could just advise us of the best option  to take. Thanks, Lenny