Foreigner borrowed money then did not return
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Hello all,
I am quite a new member in this forum. Since i joined, there is a member contacted me about doing business together. I met him and his friend for talking about business. I did give him sample of products then one day he borrowed me a little amount of money (not too much). However, he ignored all my message about business or return money since that day. What should i do in this case? Should i report him so that people in this forum may avoid his cheating?
Thanks in advance.
Only lend what you can afford to lose,,and that's to close friends only.
You could put a post up requesting this person to please return your money. I'm assuming you've tried to message them. ?? Maybe a little embarrassment may work. At the very least it will warn others .
I've had several foriegners here ask me to enter a partnership deal. Usually these guys don't have the financial backing to do it themselves. If they haven't got the money at this stage of their lives,, it's a good indicator that they never will....and neither will you get your money from them.
Try and back "winners"
It's a sure bet that foreigners here borrowing money of others are "losers". Avoid them.
Thanks for your advice. When i lent him, i thought it was the only way to see if i can trust him for the business or not and i could lose it. My only concern is that should i notice his name? He wants to settle down and does business in Vietnam, thus i think he may do the same with other vietnamese who want to do business with him.
I trusted because he and his girlfriend seems honest people
diemnguyen wrote:Thanks for your advice. When i lent him, i thought it was the only way to see if i can trust him for the business or not and i could lose it. My only concern is that should i notice his name? He wants to settle down and does business in Vietnam, thus i think he may do the same with other vietnamese who want to do business with him.
And when you keep his name a secret,he will do it again and again to other Vietnamese.
That will not be good to know.
Hi Diem,
By the way welcome to
Don't be afraid to ask for your money back...that's all. If you say he stole or deliberately not paid you back, it may be an issue.
But,, if you just politely mention that he "may " have forgot to pay you ,,and,, maybe can't locate you.
Suggest he or someone that knows him message you. That way your not openly accusing anyone, just a friendly reminder...
I'm sure we'll all get the drift on what he's about.
Here's my tip, lend nobody money,people seem to think paying back money is not an obligation.
Many thanks for all your advices. I will take your advices. Incase he really wants to forget i will warn people about that.
Have a good day
If being polite and considerate doesn't work,
Hang the. f^*+ker out to dry.
Forget being nice. He owes you the money that he borrowed and which you worked hard for.
Hello diemnguyen,
For info, according to forum rules it is prohibited to share the personal info or profile name of a person on the thread.
If you wish to report that person, just click on the 'report' button on his profile.
We will got the notice and do the necessary.
Thank you,
Hello Marjorie,
Thank for info. What kind of action will you take when i report? How can we warn people to avoid his trap? He even threathen me by message.
Many thanks
Hello diemnguyen
Could you please report that message he sent you as well as his profile. We do not allow such members to be on our site.
Kenjee Team
Reporting it to is going to do stuff all for other people. The guy can register under another name and do it all again, meanwhile you will protect him at because of some crappy rule you happy,what a joke.
colinoscapee wrote:Reporting it to is going to do stuff all for other people. The guy can register under another name and do it all again, meanwhile you will protect him at because of some crappy rule you happy,what a joke.
That "crappy rule", as you so delicately put it, is more for her protection than it is for the member who will not repay the loan.
I'm sure you must know at least something about civil law. You surely have heard the terms libel and slander, have you not???
Publicly identifying the member and what he has done wrong will not only violate Expat-blog Terms and Conditions of Use, but will also expose diemnguyen to the possibility that the member involved bring a civil action against her for libel and/or slander should he find out. This could result in having to pay out civil damages that would likely be far greater than the small amount of money loaned.
You seem to forget that simply telling somebody something in private is vastly different in publishing it for all to see, this does have consequences far beyond whatever would be gained in terms of retribution.
Think about it! Rules aren't created without serious thought going into the process.
Expat-blog Experts Team
Obviously you know very little about how things work here in Viet Nam.It is totally different to most western countries where going to court to sue somebody for the most minor of things is a normal way of life.
Lending money to an expat is possibly about as bad as lending money to some of the financially challenged ladies one meets. My biggest loss was to a lady (not a girlfriend) I had known for many years and was almost part of the family. Seventy million down the tube. I forgave her because I was the fool who lent money to a "poor" person. At the same time I severed connections with her entire family and most of her friends. It's surprising how vicious these "ladies" can be if you accuse them. In DiemNguyen's case I am astounded that she would even consider lending money to a "rich" foreigner. Unfortunately life's lessons can be expensive and then there are slow learners like me.
does Vietnam even have civil court? As much I'd like my curiosity to be answered I think publishing names on public forum is wrong if we don't hear the supposedly scammer's side of story. Give him a week to give his side and if he doesn't reply than post his name.
If you're going to do business with anyone in Vietnam I'd suggest private messaging the person that got scammed for details including names.
While you may well be right that the Vietnamese are much less apt to litigate over every little thing than we westerners have seemingly come to be the country does still have laws against slander and libel. They can even be quite serious matters leading to prison terms, especially if you slander anyone connected with the local government. See Vietnam News article: … libel.html
That said, since the individual involved is an expat (and probably a westerner) what makes you think that he wouldn't take the matter to court if his name were posted publicly?
It's quite easy to sit back at a comfortable (and safe) distance and tell SOMEONE ELSE what they should do when there are no consequences to you. Publicly posting names of individuals or entities on our forums and making allegations of wrongdoing of any kind is a violation of Expat-blog Terms and Conditions of Use. Perhaps you are willing to assume the consequences of such an action yourself then??? You can always contact @diemnguyen in the private message system to obtain the individual's name, that way YOU can post it to the forum and assume all the consequences. Somehow I don't think that will happen any time soon, will it?
Expat-blog Experts Team
For the simple fact that Viet Nam does not operate to what you are used to. They have intellectual property rights here,yet it's breached day in day out. Civil courts ,now that's funny.At the end of the day, I have a better understanding as to how Viet Nam works under its socialist system then you do. If people want to take someone to court here because they were slandered or defamed, then the best of luck to them. Viet Nam is still evolving in many ways, but people still call you fat here without the worry of some anal, PC lawyer wanting to sue you because you have hurt their poor clients feelings.
Ps, I would stick to Brasil, a place you would know something about.
James,I just read the example you gave in the link. Unfortunately you didn't read it too clearly. That case was against the state,the Vietnamese won't tolerate anyone talking about them or trying to undermine them.Its a totally different matter when it comes to individuals,try and look for some cases of slander or defamation on individuals,you won't find many as it's not the done thing here.Lets hope that the Western way of suing people for the most minute reason doesn't work it's way into Vietnamese culture.
Well as far as anything I've been able to find out about VN law, it's the same slander and libel law that the government used in this case, so it stands to reason that individuals may also use this law.
I noted that Vietnamese AREN'T by nature the type of people who jump to sue at the drop of a hat, but also pointed out that the individual we're talking about here IS NOT VIETNAMESE. He may well be one who would sue at the drop of a hat.
At any rate, this was all given as a means of pointing out WHY our rules against naming names and pointing fingers exist. Because Expat-blog can also become involved in such cases, also runs the risk of the site being taken down in some nations as a result. The rule serves to protect ALL involved, not just the offender. Every action has its consequences, the OP may not have read or understood our rules, thus it was pointed out so she would not place her membership at risk, or put herself in a situation where she can be held up to civil liability as well.
James Expat-blog Experts Team
I have a feeling this story may not be true,sent the OP a private message asking as to who it was and no reply. Maybe she was lonely that day and wanted something to fill in some time.
thecoolchazza wrote:I deleted my message
Why did you delete it.....
thecoolchazza replied to the topic "Foreigner borrowed money then did not return" to which you subscribed, on the Ho Chi Minh City forum.
The message reads as follows:
colinoscapee wrote:I have a feeling this story may not be true,sent the OP a private message asking as to who it was and no reply. Maybe she was lonely that day and wanted something to fill in some time.
I have feeling you may be a bimbo, just by the way you write. Maybe you were just bored and wanted attention. or maybe you just wanted to show off your detective skills. It hurts doesn't it.
So who is that remark aimed at?
Boy do I feel dumb, I thought colinoscapee was a guy. Oh well, I suppose some guys could be called bimbos.
colinoscapee wrote:I have a feeling this story may not be true,sent the OP a private message asking as to who it was and no reply. Maybe she was lonely that day and wanted something to fill in some time.
So if she doesn't reply to a stranger then she must be lying?
Adhome01 wrote:colinoscapee wrote:I have a feeling this story may not be true,sent the OP a private message asking as to who it was and no reply. Maybe she was lonely that day and wanted something to fill in some time.
So if she doesn't reply to a stranger then she must be lying?
Firstly, she posted it looking for help, then taking the time to ask her via PM who the person was so maybe able to help, as she was keen to let it be known. Not getting a reply tells me there is something rotten in Denmark, maybe you can't figure that out as you get around with a bag on your head.
@ diemnguyen > Just to inform you that we didn't receive any response from you yet. Can you please revert back to us?
Please help us to protect you and other members.
Priscilla team
She said he had threatened her privately.This has the potential to be a serious situation even to murder. Regardless of her culpability if anyone knows her they should check to see if she's alright. On the other hand, all the attention she has garnered may have frightened her and she has withdrawn. It has been suggested she is trolling or has exacerbated the situation but we should accept her post at face value for now.
Well if it was really bothering her she would of posted by now, but seeing as it's been a week since her last post we will never know.
I experienced the same situation but fortunately I knew what I must do and I dared to do.
I posted a topic about a guy owned me money and ran away (which was deleted after that under the rules but it was helpful because I got help from people who read it. He emailed & threaten to sue me after I posted on my FB & the story spread in media channels cause luckily I found him with the support of many people in this forum after he was reported as a nice, kind & good teacher on an online newspaper, LOL. I even was contacted by his ex gf in Scotland because she is chasing him, too. I also contacted local police where he lived in Scotland and they did something to him, and Vietnamese reporters/police contacted him & where he was teaching, which scared him so much that he must emailed me.
Let's say:
Maybe they solved their problems and agreed to close this topic & leave this forum silently.
Maybe he threatened her and she is not tough enough neither have strong evidence in case he threatened to sue her (like many foreigners do to ignorant Vietnamese)
Maybe she's too new here and don't know us enough to count on us cause all she is doing now is "wondering what she should do" and didn't know her topic draw this much attention.
We can't know. All we can do is to wait or to close this topic. At least, I don't think we should assume things like Mr. colinoscapee assumes,
Scarlett, all the things you said are also assumptions, that makes you a hypocrite to criticise someone else for making an assumption.
Let's say:
Maybe they solved their problems and agreed to close this topic & leave this forum silently.
Maybe he threatened her and she is not tough enough neither have strong evidence in case he threatened to sue her (like many foreigners do to ignorant Vietnamese)
Maybe she's too new here and don't know us enough to count on us cause all she is doing now is "wondering what she should do" and didn't know her topic draw this much attention.
colinoscapee wrote:Scarlett, all the things you said are also assumptions, that makes you a hypocrite to criticise someone else for making an assumption.
Let's say:
Maybe they solved their problems and agreed to close this topic & leave this forum silently.
Maybe he threatened her and she is not tough enough neither have strong evidence in case he threatened to sue her (like many foreigners do to ignorant Vietnamese)
Maybe she's too new here and don't know us enough to count on us cause all she is doing now is "wondering what she should do" and didn't know her topic draw this much attention.
What I want to say is we are free to think or to assume, yet we shouldn't assume things that accuse anyone for anything we are not sure or don't have proof. I'd preferred assumption that don't lead us to regret for anything but to be a generous thinker.
Sorry if I make you think I'm criticizing you. Okay! Just feel free to be what you are & do what you want. Peace.
Just shut the thread.
The girl's not commenting on her own topic and we have no name of the perpetrator.
Scarlett, just let me say this. Having been on forums for many years,I have noticed that when people make accusations and then never return to either back that accusation or inform as to what happened, then there is a good chance it's all made up. I'm not saying what happened to this lady is false, but don't you think she would of returned and actually replied to her own thread after a week of being missing in action. There are people in this world who just make things up, maybe this is one of them,maybe not,but we will never know unless the OP actually comes back and says something. She asked for help, I offered her the chance to post the guys name via pm, but again nothing.
If you ever want to see stories being made up, go to The Thorn Tree and read how people say the VOA(visa on arrival)doesn't work and it is illegal, most of the people who post these accusations are probably working for the VN embassies as its doing them out of income. Most of the people who post these accusations never return to post again,funny that.Its the same with people who post and say a certain hotel or restaurant is terrible, usually it's the opposition, one post and never return.
that's something confidence men perfected. A school asks VN teachers for a month's salary and the foreigners get suckered by some undocumented "loan" which is (verbally) said to be repaid with the last payment. while the small print taketh away what the contract giveth...
BAD IDEA to hand over cash. Over the years in SE Asia, I've learned to o n l y pay into bank accounts with transfers (need that "message")!!
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