Moving to Davao City with family


I'm having an option to move to Davao City with family. Kindly tell me does the city offer good options in child education? What is the cost of housing (rentals). Thanks in advance.

that depends what size of house you want -where you will work /live  etc

Absolutely! My husband and I just moved into Davao and it has been awesome.

With regards to your child's education, there are a lot of options. The best would have to be Ateneo de Davao University. Not only does it carry the name of one of the most prestigious institutions in the country, it has also consistently produced high-quality graduates. There are also international schools in Davao that you can also consider. It's good to choose a school that enrolls English-proficient students so your children wouldn't have such a hard time adjusting to the language here.

When it comes to housing, you have tons of options. You can own a house for just 7,000-10,000 pesos (approximately $150) a month. That is if you're lucky. Most houses for rent range from 15,000-25,000 pesos (approximately $300-$600). I suggest you contact someone from *** who can help you out with your options. They have helped us a lot, plus they have good customer service. Try sending an email to ***

There are also more affordable options but can be a lot farther from the city. Mintal is the most popular residential destination. Also try to check out some apartments in Ma-a or Cabantian. Prices range from 5,000-7,000 pesos (approximately $100-$150). We'd be happy to help you out with that since we really want to make more friends here.

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I recently visited there. It is very controlled there with military and police checking everyone. Pretty much like a warzone.

I like the check points and police that is why Davao is one of the safest cities in Asia, and laws are enforced in Davao City