
Looking to start a new travel and tourism business

Last activity 04 August 2017 by Desi_traveller

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Hi all

I've been a part of this forum for years now and have silently benefited from discussions taking place here.
I have a comparatively new idea for a while now and was wondering if you guys could contribute to it.

I'm an Indian citizen and have stayed in Mauritius for more than 10 years. I came here when I was only 17 years old and have seen the island metamorphose from times when we used to pay for incoming calls on our mobile phones to now when we have 100 Mbps optic fibre connections available. To put it in short, I grew up here and am deeply in love with i'le Maurice.

Over the years, I have had friends and relatives come and visit me. One common thing I observed was that most of the tourist packages offered by tour operators mostly cover the famous tourist hotspots. I mean, there's only a set of destinations that is planned to visit and the package is pre made with little chance to explore.

During my stay, I tried to explore every remotest inch of the island and have walked miles on foot where bus services were not available to reach places like le souffleur, pont naturel, etc. So, it is safe to assume that most of the tourists go back without seeing the real natural wonders of our island or dining at the traditional creole restaurants.

My point is that I want to start a service that will showcase all of what Mauritius has to offer on a website and the tourist can pick his options and plan his itinerary according to his wishes. Once he submits a request, we can put that plan into action through local tie ups with taxi drivers, guides, etc.

I believe there is a huge market out there for such custom made packages. My question is, what will be the official hurdles that I need to clear to put such a company in place? What processes and registrations will I need?

Since I am now outside of Mauritius for a few years, where can I find a local partner to help me out with this?

Thanks in advance for your valuable inputs.

barbara torrance

I have read your blog and think it is a good idea. I am a fully qualified IATA travel consultant and am moving to Mauritius to live.  I have always sold Mauritius as a tourist destination and very passionate about the island. I would love to join you on your pursuits. However I am not a citizen of Mauritius.


Hello there Docindie and Barbara,

You seem to have pointed up at the right moment. I have been studying similar idea since the beginning of this month itself. Great to have people investigating towards similar business Ideas.

Actually, I am a Mauritian - and work at the University of Mauritius. I have a very keen interest in business ideas and operations. I have a lot of proposals pending in drawers. I guess you might have possibilities to look into and eventually find ways to realize same.

I have been studying the travel and tours Agency for the last few months - as well as freight fowarding and broker facilities. I am actually trying a software - ITravelSoftware, which is a complete solution to the business you are actually thinking about . It has an all integrated system, which is available online (Cloud System) and needs no special IT background to get acquainted an can be very easy to use for anyone. I have already designed similar systems and using same at the University itself. So, I guess using minimum personnel, a very good amount of task can be automated - or rather has already been automated, just the need to input basic details - which has been automated as well to a certain extent - allowing the customers/clients to input their requirements themselves. As for the rest, a person just has to set-up the system for particular situations/Scenarios.

Consequently, I would be ready to share my know-how and expertise to advance your proposal. I would further point out that I like to cut costs/expenses to increase profits. Furthermore, control of the system must be 24/24 and from any place, so that customers can get feedback and be part of the system themselves, so that we can decrease the amount of interactions and let them be choosers.

I have been trying a lot of scenarios - and the system caters for tours, excursions, car rentals, ticketing, air travel, lodging - apartments and/or Hotels, etc..  We simply have to discuss rates with airlines, hotels, tour operators, taxi services, and other suppliers of services - with different rates for different seasons and types/number of customers.

It would be nice if we could meet or rather even e-mail or create a forum to discuss further..

I am already versatile with a lot of planning and technological improvements especially IT processors.

Grateful for your comments and suggestions.

Kind Regards,


Hi Barbara and Veekram

Thanks for writing in. Well, I am still in the planning stages and welcome your inputs.
Basically, I am looking at having a partner with me in Mauritius who would be willing to supervise day to day operations in Mauritius. For example,making sure that all guests are welcomed properly and looking into any issues that they may have during their stay in Mauritius. Since my partner will be based in Mauritius, we could probably work out things this way that they hold meetings with service providers locally.

Your system sounds interesting Veekram, but honestly, I would want to manage the system manually for now so that the customer gets a personalized feel.

Please feel free to drop me a personal message for further discussions.

barbara torrance

I would like to know more about your plans as I have the experience and qualifiations. Maybe we could talk more . My email Barbara.

Moderated by kenjee 9 years ago
Reason : Please do not share personal contact infos on the public forum!

Dear Docindie,

By this era of technology, we cannot go backwards, else, we will surely be unable to cope with competitors.. Furthermore, Tourists visiting Mauritius come from developed countries and often would appreciate having most of the processes completed online and at their own pace and convenience. Thus, it would seem inappropriate to hire people to do such tasks as there might be expenses related to overtime claims and work schedules conflict.

Thus, the advantage of having a website and automated systems will reduce both time and discrepancies, since you would get realtime updates on all processes taking place without the need for reconciliation.  Also, you can be updated and take any action deemed urgent from any where as long as you have a network, this can be true for customers as well.

However, you are free to choose your own way forward. But I can guarantee that the progress will be really very slow. Most of OLD type businesses are nowadays failing and unable to compete because of TOO MANY PAPERWORKS .. and I am one of those who hate to mingle with paper works. I have been working at the Univeristy of Mauritius for the last 15 years, and all I can say is that it is full of PAPERS - linked with a lot of expenses.. and repeated tasks at all levels..

Anyway, it all depends on how you see things..

Awaiting for your comments..

Moderated by kenjee 9 years ago
Reason : Please do not share personal contact infos on the public forum!

Dear Barbara,

Sure. . You can add me in your google circles and we can chat..

I am online on week-days from 09.00am to 16.30 .

Have a nice time..


Moderated by kenjee 9 years ago
Reason : Please do not share personal contact infos on the public forum!
veek wrote:

Dear Docindie,

By this era of technology, we cannot go backwards, else, we will surely be unable to cope with competitors.. Furthermore, Tourists visiting Mauritius come from developed countries and often would appreciate having most of the processes completed online and at their own pace and convenience. Thus, it would seem inappropriate to hire people to do such tasks as there might be expenses related to overtime claims and work schedules conflict.

Thus, the advantage of having a website and automated systems will reduce both time and discrepancies, since you would get realtime updates on all processes taking place without the need for reconciliation.  Also, you can be updated and take any action deemed urgent from any where as long as you have a network, this can be true for customers as well.

However, you are free to choose your own way forward. But I can guarantee that the progress will be really very slow. Most of OLD type businesses are nowadays failing and unable to compete because of TOO MANY PAPERWORKS .. and I am one of those who hate to mingle with paper works. I have been working at the Univeristy of Mauritius for the last 15 years, and all I can say is that it is full of PAPERS - linked with a lot of expenses.. and repeated tasks at all levels..

Anyway, it all depends on how you see things..

Awaiting for your comments..

Hey Veekram,
You are right too, in a way. But I would need to understand the extent to which you can help in automating the system. Can you please give me an example of anything that you have put in place? Maybe a site that I could visit and see?


Hey Barbara
I guess you are not allowed to post your email address here on the forum so it got moderated.
Can you please send me your email address in a personal message here on this site?


Well, You can check the trial version of the software yourself, which is available for enyone upto 30 days.

Well, by automation, i mean to say that every "department" is linked and hence updated depending on the transactions involved, that is it is an all integrated system.

For instance, once you book a ticket and accommodation details, you will have detailed costing of air ticket and accommodation separately, without the need to input every detail on each booking details like for room bookings and then any transfer included, and then any sight seeing expenses, etc ..

then, you can view your profit/expenses incurred separately for each type of transaction. The accounting part is done automatically, depending on the programmed rates input.

Well, you will not quite understand this theoretically, but you should instead get the actual practical look first to be able to find the advantage.

Hope you understand..

barbara torrance

Hi Veekram,
It sounds very impressive.  We will have to meet up when I arrive in Mauritius.


Hi there, it is quite a long procedure! you will have to submit around 8 documents. these info are available at the Ministry of tourism in Port-louis, the office of MTPA, in front of line barracks. please go there in person to enlighten yourself. Thanks.

barbara torrance
Moderated by Priscilla 9 years ago
Reason : please do not share your personal contact details on the forum for your own security

Hi docindie,

from reading your post it seems to me that you wish to offer tailor made individual itinaries for people that wish to discover Mauritius differently, that is more than just the famous routes and sightseeing spots. It's good to remain focused on one area and not dilute your proposal with to many additional products at once. You can offer add ons gradually as you get more familiar when the real time live business is taking place as you will then also discover the challenges, how much time you actually have to manage it all and what is worth it or not.

You will be operating from abroad right? It is a wise idea as you suggested to team up with a partner on the island. You should look for a good reputable local incoming tour operator that is licenced by the tourism authority. They can then receive your guests at the airport, bring them to their accommodation and carry out the itinaries you have planned. You do not necessarily need a big partner. There are various small tour operators who could assist you. Arrange some meetings with them, meet them personally. Do some communications tests, email, phone, skype, whatsapp, sms etc. to see how is the response rate. Some operators might be busy with day to day business and not manage efficiently various communication channels. So seek one you can have ease of communication and peace of mind.

Like riazan said, if you are going to offer those services yourself directly in Mauritius with your base here and without any partners, you will need to apply at the tourism authority for a tour operators licence and this procedure takes long and will involve costs and business plan.

Regarding your suppliers, that is sightseeing places, restaurants, activity partners like catamarans and so on you can establish a collaboration with them - or your local tour operator partner might already have some. Many of them are already established and will be able to tell you how they normally operate and you can tap in, try to stick to procedures that is familiar or easiest for them to process your requests. You will also notice that some partners are fine with email, others you still need to drop a call.

And as a tipp for quality control, keep a calendar like google calendar, bookmark dates when your clients have booked what, AND also add reminders to inform in advance like 1-2 days your partners when the client is coming. Mistakes can always happen in channel of communications so do not rely only on your partners once you have confirmed them dates.

And business wise, you also need to have an idea how you will acquire clients.
You seem to have a network of contacts and from their referrals you can get started to spread the word. Since you will not most likely start with having high volume requests, you will be able to handle it manually, and all on your own. Also you should do that in the beginning so that you know every bit and piece of your business. If you expect only business from your website, it will take a while as you need to get traffic on your website. Don't build a dependency on Google search engine rankings alone. Source your clients through various sources.

Before you do automisation, get a good knowledge first of your own business and all its manual operations how they run in real time live business situations. I made the mistake in the past that i simulated how things will be, designed an automated system and then once operational in Mauritius it didn't fit with the reality of how people work here. This kind of mistake can cost you a lot. So, avoid excessive costs, do it manually. No need to employ anyone yet. Then you will know step by step which areas you can automate or generate your invoices with a click. Like Mr Bronson said, when you start, you are the manager, secretary, marketing, and sales person all in one! :-)

I quote:

"My point is that I want to start a service that will showcase all of what Mauritius has to offer on a website and the tourist can pick his options and plan his itinerary according to his wishes. Once he submits a request, we can put that plan into action through local tie ups with taxi drivers, guides, etc.

I believe there is a huge market out there for such custom made packages. My question is, what will be the official hurdles that I need to clear to put such a company in place? What processes and registrations will I need?"

Bon courage on your new venture!

barbara torrance

There is already a system in place perhaps for visiting the lesser known spots of the Island , in that you can quite often hire a taxi driver for the day and he will take you to any of these places or as near as possible as I have seen them operating like this throughout the Island.  Yes that way may be very random but you could tap into the wealth of knowledge and vehicle pool that is available by having a registered service with these drivers who can log in when they want this type of work or what you could do is open the request up from the customer and then the drivers bid for the job then the customer gets the day out as requested.

Another base of drivers could be EXPATS who have lived here for some time and know where these places are and often they will have good language skills especially with English Customers.  Many have cars and perhaps are retired and want some part time work, however the downside of that is probably insurance costs of using their vehicles for tourism business

Hans Sun

Hi...can you please contact me on email?

Am on and am a mauritian seeking to start a business venture.

As I am based on the island, I can offer you all the assistance and cooperation you will need to start the venture.

Also am willing to start something so I feel the time is ripe. do contact me.

Hemend Naidu

Hans Sun

please get in touch with me...i have already inquired about the required permits.


hi. I just see your msg. I find ur  suggestion  marvelous.well I am a mauritian n I too want to put forward a travel n tourist company. I will be glad if there is a possibility  to work as patner   . I am working as taxidriver  at le paradis hotel.

barbara torrance

Hello Docindie
Based on your ideas and that I would be on the ground I would be able to do all that you require.
Whereabouts do you live? Maybe we could Skype and discuss this in depth.


The main question hasn't been addressed here, in my humble opinion.

First: the application for a TEL licence is not made at the MTPA, but at the Tourism Authority (@ Riazan)

Second: there are major restrictions when it comes to foreigners applying for a Tour Operator licence (there is a minimum investment criteria). There's also a bank guarantee of Rs20 million to be made (I have not confirmed this at 100% but it has been introduced very recently, Interested parties might want to confirm with the Tourism Authority, tel : 213 1740).

Here are the steps that you technically need to undertake:

(1)  Incorporate a domestic company
(2)  Secure the appropriate 'space'. At least get a 'Reservation Letter' from the landlord
(3)  Draw you inside layout plan to show how the office will be set-up
(4)  You need to have adequate parking space, accessibility, proper sanitary facilities and waiting area for clients
(5)  Gather the Building and Land Use Permit (BLP) from the landlord
(6)  Prepare a business plan with financial forecast. Be sure to include a comprehensive marketing plan
(7)  Open the company's bank account and send the 'minimum investment' funds. Get a bank statement to confirm. See (*) below.
(8)  Fill-in the forms, pack all other documents mentioned above (+promoters' details) and submit to Tourism Authority

Once your application is received, the Tourism Authority will send 'inspectors' to inspect the 'place' and you will be called to answer any queries they may have on your project (through the business plan).

The Tourism Authority will require Fire, Police and HEalth Clearance. So expect to get visits from these three departments. 

(*) the minimum investment stage can be skipped.  You will be issued with a Letter of Intent from the Tourism Authority asking you to send the funds to Mauritius, subject to they being satisfied with all other aspects of your application.

Hope above helps.

Good luck!


Hi, my name is Dev, i just came back to mauritius after spending sometime as GM of a hotel in a french colony.i used to run a tour operator myself few years back. Me too am looking for a partner, where each of us can bring something to the company. Contact me on so as we mayshare our ideas

safe and cheap holidays in mauritius
Moderated by Julien 9 years ago
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barbara torrance

Please can you forward details......price, area etc


Hey guys,, guess am late on this post!  kindly let me know if this project has been taken into action yet. i am currently working on  set up a website similar to that you mentioned. Hopefully it will be live by the end of this year..  so if there are any chances we could work together in any way and share our ideas, i would really appreciate it.. i am currently in Dubai and will be in Mauritius for holidays in march to make some photo-shoot and aerial videos of the paradise island.

Many Thanks

Avi Gopaul


Greeting, i have myself in the past been among the first to launch the Eastern Europe packages and among the first to create packages specially for Indian market. Unfortunately, with high competitions and DMC low rates, i stopped marketing within the Indian clients.
But, to be honest they great clients.
Now, i am running a restaurant, with indian food as side Business.
I worked with tour operators mainly to provide lunch.
I have few Tour Operators contacts in India, where i can suggest you to meet them, thus, i will look for accommodations, transfers, excursions and assistance locally. All logistic in all.
I will be great to partner with you.
Last but not least, in the past, few years back i took a hotel on lease, so, if things goes on well, we can take it back and provide accommodations to our clients and in same building we apply for a tour operator's licence.
Have a thought and contact me back.


Hey Avi,

Glad to see you working on this.
Why don't you drop me your email in a PM?


Moderated by Priscilla 7 years ago
Reason : please post in the classifieds section
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Hi i want to know whats the procedure  please.

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