
EXPAT BLOG party - 16/10

Last activity 12 November 2010 by juliboss88

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Last months meetup was good fun, so it's probably about time to do it again.

I'm proposing that we meet up in a pub somewhere on Saturday 16th October.

We should have a think about the venue, as it was a bit loud to converse last time, and some people couldn't find the group. Any suggestions.

Any questions, ideas, or just to say you are or aren't coming - post it in here.


We will be meeting at Cafè del teatre o teatreneu, the address is torrijas 41, which is in Gracia on the corner of perla and torrijas, from 8pm onwards.


So I missed the last one 'cos I completely forgot all about it. And now this one coincides with my first trip back to London... Grrr!

One day I'll meet yous guys...

Steven B.

Count me in. Anywhere is fine by me!


I'm there smile.png


discussion sticked wink.png


What about a place in Gràcia???
Cafè del teatre o teatreneu... i could go and ask to check if we could stay there...


Sounds like a good plan to me.


Ok ! This time I'll be there for sure !
Cafè del teatre is like 20m from my place, sounds good to me smile.png

Steven B.

Great, it's right down the street from my place smile.png


it a loooooooooooong way from my place


ok for me


anyone  infrom me where is this place.



I get to Barcelona on the 15th of October so that's great. Looking forward to meeting you all. I shall be there :-)


Good man John.... definitely time to organise another one.  The 16th should suit me too.


I'll be there too. Like the sound of the venue.


Yup, count me in too!

Claire_R wrote:

Yup, count me in too!

you must be with your boy freand.he is very funy and nice

diddly6969 wrote:

ok for me

hay r u.i hope u should be come with u,r sweet baby mandy.if she likes. Buy


sorry mate, out of luck.  my darling daughter doesn't live in barcelona as much as i would wish!  bye the way, is it the bar place in calle terol? near calle verdi?


Hi everyone!
I am sorry i won't be able to make it... but still, i can go and check for you guys, anyway... if somebody knows another bar could go...
El cafè del teatre is in carrer Torrijos, is the street that leads to Plaça de la Virreina, parallel to Verdi.
Ciao a tutti!


Hello, I am looking for new friends in US, Spain, as I am planning to visit these countries.

Thanks and hope to hear from you.

b_c_n wrote:

Hi everyone!
I am sorry i won't be able to make it... but still, i can go and check for you guys, anyway... if somebody knows another bar could go...
El cafè del teatre is in carrer Torrijos, is the street that leads to Plaça de la Virreina, parallel to Verdi.
Ciao a tutti!

Laura, if you could go and check it would be great. It sounds like a good place to meet up, and a lot of people seem to live in Gracia.

Shame you can't make it though!


We will try and come along again. I need to speak English with a native again and soon......before I go mad!!!!

giweb wrote:

Hello, I am looking for new friends in US, Spain, as I am planning to visit these countries.

Thanks and hope to hear from you.

Hi Grace, you're a bit offtopic.gif on this discussion. Would you mind starting your own discussion on the forums of these countries? It will enable accurate responses to your message smile.png


hi all! can i be your new friend ?? lol


Just arrived last week and would love to meet you all! see you there!

Jess smile.png


Hey everyone - I'm new to this website and you all seem like a friendly and normal enough bunch smile.png

I actually signed up because I am looking or an apartment to move into in November so if anyone knows of anything I'd be grateful!

I have been in Barca since June 09 but am always looking to meet new and interesting people!

I'll see you there!


hiya, was in gracia district this morning and came across the bar by chance.  so popped in and asked them to reserve a space for us for saturday which will be on the left as you walk in (the bar isnt big) from 8pm.  it is on the corner of monsenny street/torrijas.  i'll get there for 8pm as am singing in the choir next day in a church service so can't have a late night.  see you then


Hi Diddly6969, i went yesterday night but they were closing... I wanted to go tomorrow again, thanks a lot!
I'm sorry i won't be coming on saturday, i'll try to pass at least for 10min, but i'm pretty bussy right now...
Thanks again


Great! I'll update the original post with the time and location.

We should also be there at 8 or slightly after.


hmmm is it far from Gracia station? i cant find it on my map! anyone gona be arriving from the station first??

otherwise im sure ill find it!!

Steven B.

It's really easy to find. Though if you want, we can always meet you at Fontana or Joanic metro stations. Just let me know!,+41+Barcelona+08012&sll=41.387917,2.169919&sspn=0.257061,0.617294&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Carrer+de+Torrijos,+41,+08012+Barcelona,+Catalunya,+Spain&ll=41.403419,2.158298&spn=0.008031,0.01929&z=16


unfortunately I won't be able to make it this saturday...I have been roped into a Karaoke night in Barceloneta.

Will definately be at the next one though yikes.png)


Right ill find out what connection i need but defo meet up at one of those places!! Will report back! Peaceeee


Hey all smile.png I'm new here and I really want to meet you guys so see you on saturday! ;)Hope I'll find the place big_smile.pngD


Fontana station it is!!


fontana station has benches just outside as you come out.  to get to the bar turn left out of fontana station then left onto carrer asturies keep going straight up to plaza de la virriena then right into torrijos and its a little further down.  i was wrong and that it is not on the corner of monsenny as this goes into calle perla oops.

see you there folks


So, what is it on the corner of - if someone can let me know, I'll update the original post. Thanks.

LinLinKearney wrote:

I'll be arriving from Fontana station as well...could we meet up there and all go together, I've only been to Gracia once and am not very confident navigating around yet!

Shall we meet at Fontana then? and attempt to find the bar smile.png

diddly6969 wrote:

fontana station has benches just outside as you come out.  to get to the bar turn left out of fontana station then left onto carrer asturies keep going straight up to plaza de la virriena then right into torrijos and its a little further down.  i was wrong and that it is not on the corner of monsenny as this goes into calle perla oops.

see you there folks

can u infrom me what,s the nearest metro station this

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