
Cost of living in Nigeria

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I have a lot of questions about living in Nigeria. I thought this was a good forum to ask.

My husband has got an offer to work in Nigeria. Before going thorugh the offer, I wanted to understand the cost of living for an Indian couple in Nigeria, namely the rent for a 2bhk, food expenses, etc, safety issues (if any).

My husband is currently offered 6000 USD per month of which 3000 USD is supposed to be paid in India.
Is this a good offer? Would we be able to live adequately?

Also, if my husband takes up this offer, how soon can i join in?

I have heard that Nigeria is unsafe for women. Is it true?
I have done a ecce course, so basically am a montessori teacher. will i be able to work?
Is it safe to? I am ok being a home - maker, but wont mind having some work.

Please, I would appreciate any help with these questions.




You did not mention the state in Nigeria you will be working. However, find my submission below.

$6000 is ok for a month, but ensure that your employer provides accomodation and vehicle for your movement.

Also ask what other benefits you are entiled to before you arrive Nigeria.

If your employer is not providing accomodation then I suggest you ask for $10,000 monthly to cater for accomodation. Accomodation will cost around $200-$500/month depending on the area.

Food is not expensive, you can get nice meal for as low as $5-$6. There are also lots of eatries where you can get continental & intercontinental meals.

There are chinese, indian, etc comminities in Nigeria, so you may want to find out about them & more information from them and maybe hang around with friends. You can get information on the communitie(s) from your Indian embassy in Nigeria.

If you are in Lagos or Abuja, you may want to  visit the cinema (silver bird cenema in victoria island is recommended).

Nigeria is very safe for women, whether home, abroad, visitors or forigners.

To get a job is possible. Find out more from the Indian community.

I have Indians as colleagues where I work, some of them have lived in Nigeria for more than 4 years.

Cheers! I wish you a safe trip!


AVV2811 wrote:


I have a lot of questions about living in Nigeria. I thought this was a good forum to ask.

My husband has got an offer to work in Nigeria. Before going thorugh the offer, I wanted to understand the cost of living for an Indian couple in Nigeria, namely the rent for a 2bhk, food expenses, etc, safety issues (if any).

My husband is currently offered 6000 USD per month of which 3000 USD is supposed to be paid in India.
Is this a good offer? Would we be able to live adequately?

Also, if my husband takes up this offer, how soon can i join in?

I have heard that Nigeria is unsafe for women. Is it true?
I have done a ecce course, so basically am a montessori teacher. will i be able to work?
Is it safe to? I am ok being a home - maker, but wont mind having some work.

Please, I would appreciate any help with these questions.



Good evening,

I have received an offer from a major Petrochemicals (not Petroleum or Chemical) company in Nigeria. But i am not sure how much salary will be good enough to ask for. I shall operate out of Lagos.
I have no idea how much are the local monthly expenses like travelling, food, electricty, sundry expenses.
How are the nedical facilities there?

Can you help me out, i need to reply to them by Monday.



I think you have asked these questions before. You may find my submission as at last time below.

I suppose that by now your husband is already in Nigeria and probably you'll join him for the Xmas celebrations.

Merry Xmas in Advance!


AVV2811 wrote:


I have a lot of questions about living in Nigeria. I thought this was a good forum to ask.

My husband has got an offer to work in Nigeria. Before going thorugh the offer, I wanted to understand the cost of living for an Indian couple in Nigeria, namely the rent for a 2bhk, food expenses, etc, safety issues (if any).

My husband is currently offered 6000 USD per month of which 3000 USD is supposed to be paid in India.
Is this a good offer? Would we be able to live adequately?

Also, if my husband takes up this offer, how soon can i join in?

I have heard that Nigeria is unsafe for women. Is it true?
I have done a ecce course, so basically am a montessori teacher. will i be able to work?
Is it safe to? I am ok being a home - maker, but wont mind having some work.

Please, I would appreciate any help with these questions.



even i am surprised. one company is offering only US$ 1500 per month +other benefits. what salary we should ask them for HR Admin job.


Hello Friends

I'm new to this disscussion. I got an offer from the Logas based company named as " Triton Group". Following are the contents of their offer:

Your Salary will be Upto 2000 USD (overseas salary)
Extra Perks
Overseas Salary - To be credited to Incumbents India NRE Account on Monthly basis
Local Salary – Local sustenance Allowance paid every month
Tax Free salary at Nigeria and India
Two Years Contract (One Month Paid Leave on Completion of Contract)
Security Deposit of one quarter of overseas salary deducted over a period of 1 year.
Fully Furnished Accommodation to be provided by the organization for Bachelors on twin sharing basis/Sr. Bachelors will be provided a single room in a shared apartment.
Transport on sharing basis provided free of cost by the organization
House Maid and House Stewart provided free of cost by the organization.
All Utility Bills (E.g.: LPG/Electricity/Water) to be paid by the organization.
Visa to be processed by the organization.
Air Tickets to be provided by the organization.

“CTC” will be addition of {overseas salary + Local Salary + Entitlements and Other Facilities} provided by the organization.

Can I know that
1. How is the company?
2.The offer made by company is fair for a couple or not?
3. They have promised the local conveyance will be around USD 500, will it be ok?

pls help me on this issue.


do you have any idea about DASS PETRO LTD ? I HAVE GOT OFFER FROM THEM ...


ravi1980 wrote:

Hi Fee Acer

I am likely to get an offer from an Nigerian based company , I want to know about the security and the living standard at Lagos

Similar to Delhi.


PachelPocks wrote:

$120,000 pa in most western countries is enough  to enjoy life with, how can it not be enough in what is classed as a third world country..?

Several reasons PachelPocks:

A: Economy of scale: In a rich country consumer goods are sold in high numbers because there are many people that can afford it. In 3rd world countries this number is small. Smaller numbers result in higher retail prices

B: Higher Infrastructure costs: Power is a great example. The insecurity of power supply leads to very high costs for businesses. Everybody essentially has to produce his own power. A shopping centre operating on a "1st world" standard has exorbitant running costs for power, water,... and this is past on to the shop owners. They slap that costs on their goods. The same applies to your own costs living with air-condition, clean water,...

C: No middle class means that those with money can pay so much more: Who can still remember the times when receiving or sending an email cost you 1 US dollar in Nigeria. Those who can afford a computer are so immensely rich that they can easily pay 1 US dollar for every email. Having no real middle class means that you have to live the life of the rich and infamous or live with those on the road.

D: Ojibo inflation: There are no set prices so if a vendor feels that you are rich in his terms he will charge you more. As there are no poor Expats running around Nigeria they are charged ridiculous prices for everything.

I could go on for hours but I hope these few points help explain the phenomenon.


Les Pat

security is high living standards are high


Hi All,
Quick Help
I have been offered from Blueprint Business(IT Prof) Net in hand:
$2,500 a month
Additional :  $500 as local allowance with family accomodation
Medical. + phone line
One ticket per year
Visa and Airfare

Is it ok to be in Lagos/Ghana?
if i calculate it's not even 60K USD per year..


trvl_living wrote:

Hi All,
Quick Help
I have been offered from Blueprint Business(IT Prof) Net in hand:
$2,500 a month
Additional :  $500 as local allowance with family accomodation
Medical. + phone line
One ticket per year
Visa and Airfare

Is it ok to be in Lagos/Ghana?
if i calculate it's not even 60K USD per year..

I wouldn't even get out of bed for that deal...


I want to know whether any Indian CBSE sylabus schools avaialble in abuja


I have been interview by Nigeria (Lagos) based company. Compnay is in business of Internet Service provider. Largest in Africa region.Company offered me USD $ 60,000 per annum + accomodation + food + tranport + flight travel once in year,for position of IT Operation Supervisor. I would appreciate If you provide or guide me wheather above offer should I accept. I am bachleor.


@ trvl_living, you can and will have to do better than that if you are moving to Lagos, it's like the second most expensive city for expatriates or so.

@ Vivek if they are taking care of food transport and your flight once a year, the deal is not too shabby, means you'll be taking home almost all you earn, but what about Medical insurance/services and also enquire about domestic help, that is actually a necessity in Lagos, will your accomodation have security/a cook or cleaning service or errand person? Find out, if not they should provide for that. Medical services are top priority as that can get very expensive.

@ Kramesh (Indian Language School Website)


Hi, do you mean to say it is very less ?????

Sandman6 wrote:
trvl_living wrote:

Hi All,
Quick Help
I have been offered from Blueprint Business(IT Prof) Net in hand:
$2,500 a month
Additional :  $500 as local allowance with family accomodation
Medical. + phone line
One ticket per year
Visa and Airfare

Is it ok to be in Lagos/Ghana?
if i calculate it's not even 60K USD per year..

I wouldn't even get out of bed for that deal...



I am 21 Years old and I have been working for 3+ years of experience.

I have been offered the following in Blueprint Business:

EMC Engineer:

·         $2,000 Take home per month

·         $500 local salary per month

·         Bachelor Accommodation provided

·         Company Transport

·         Medical

·         Telephone expenses

·         20 days paid leave per annum with ticket for self only

·         Probation period of 6 months as per the policy for all expats

·         Resumption date is the 1st of May

·         Initial term of 2 years, and can be renewed for more on the basis of mutual agreement later.

Is it OK for living a normal life????

Please share some details about the company and cost in those places???



Hello Everybody..i find this blog extremely conflicting in its views,Heliconia is vehemently mentioning that salary should not be less than $200K to survive in Nigeria..which i actually find a middle /sr professional in the US only gets somewhere between$100 to $150K a year Any salary from $100K & above according to me should be good enough in any part of the world ( considering the $ as a benchmark ).... i have my apprehensions as well as i have been offered a senior role in  Lagos for a reputed Telecommunications company & they have offered by $120K...let me know if this is suitable for a lavish life in lagos considering rest all facilities like housing/transportation has been taken care of. Also i would also like to know how is the night life/place to travel/jungle safaris  if a person is an outdoor kind of a person


what do expats do for recreation in Lagos...are there clubs for Tennis, Golf available


Cost of living in Nigeria is very high, it grows as the population grows


Dear Forum Members,

I have got a job offer in Nigeria (i.e., maybe Lagos / Abuja) and i want to negotiate with the Company, would request you to kindly let us know the cost of living.

1) 2 Bedroom Apartment/House rent per month.
2) Electricity Charges per month.
3) Water Charges per month.
4) Cooking Gas Charges per month.
5) Mobile Tariff per month.
6) Internet Tariff Unlimited per month.
7) Food with Groceries if prepared in house per person per month (i.e., Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner).
8) Food if eaten outside per person per month (i.e., Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner).
9) Local Transportation Charges.
10) Is there any Income Tax if so what would be the Income Tax Structure.

If any more details i have left out kindly let me know.

Hope to receive a favorable reply at the earliest.

Chetan B R


Hello Chetan B R -> Could you please avoid copy/paste messages on the forum?

Thank you,


I agree with you,I am an expat living here for 9 months of the year,I get an allowance of 107 000 naira per month for food ,toiletries,entertainment,etc. and I find this slightly too little,but if I am honest I do spend too much time in the clubs



My brother has recieved a job offer from Nigeria. Delta distt.
warri city. from an engg. company   PYTHON ENGG> COMPANY LTD.

1 Is this a reputable company. he was selcted just by posting his CV . Is this a normal practice there . No interview.
2. The Co. asks money to furnish the IWC. is this also the normal practice.
3.What are the living conditions of Warri.CO. is providing health insurance,transport,yearly to and fro ticket to native country,accomodation in its compound,phone ,education as allowances

other than this $9000. is this sufficient?
4 Plz tell about the city as i cannot find much about that place.


Hi,I think there are two warning signs here,1)no reputable company will not just hire you without an interview 2)A reputable company will not ask you to provide money for ANYTHING,except personal needs....I think be very wary of this company

briju p

Cost to live in LAGOS Nigeria

> accommodation prices : 3 million to 4 million Niara yearly for 3 BHK flat approx 2000 sqft area with boys quarter

> public transportation fares (tube, bus etc ...): Public transport is not used by expats as it is not safe but interstate private bus service will charge 10 to 15 K Niara for round trip. By air it varies from 35 to 50 K Naira for round trip

> food prices per month: For Vegetarian it varies from 80 K to 100 K and for Non Vegeterian it can be from 70 K to 120 K for family of 2.

> health prices : Very expensive for consultation only they charge 10 to 20 K and medicines are also expensive, insurance takes long time to clear.

> eduction prices: School fees in Indian Managed fees 120 k to 150 k, International school 200 to 300 K

> energy prices: Oil for generator can cost around 40 K and electricity around 15 K per month as you have to run mostly on genset.

> common bills (Internet, television, telephone, mobile phone): For TV DSTV pack range from 3k to 14 k per month, Pehla for indian channels range for 25 to 45 K for 6 mnths. Internet is 5 K for 1 GB and Telephone may range from 5 to 10 K according to your usage.

> prices of a good menu in a traditional restaurant: Vegeterian 3 course meal will be around 20 K and buffet in 2 star 3K plus beverages and water.

> prices of a beer and or a coffee in a regular pub: Beer 800 to 1200 and Coffee : 500 to 1200

> price of the cinema : 2.5 to 3 K

Majority of this i.e Accommodation, Fuel electricity, School fees, Mobile bills are paid by the company who employs you, Car is allotted to you with free fuel / around 7 k monthly fuel allowances are paid. Apart from this Company pays local allowances that covers your food and other basic necessities.

Commodities are expensive as all these are imported from other countries very few are produced in the country. Naira to Dollar is 156 to 162 Naira for a Dollar and 3 Naira for a Rupee.

If you treat your househelp and drives well they are very loyal to you. People are very friendly as any place even in Nigeria there are some crooks, and be cautious while traveling at night.

briju p

Hello Mr Chetan,

For your quires majority of the companies bare the expenses for your living i.e. they provide you with house, elctricity, water charges, gas, geneset, one mobile and internet connection for free as a package.

If you are having a basic meal it cost around to 60k for veg and 75 k for non-veg.

And having bit lavish like juice, and some continental food then your monthly expense would be around 80 k for veg and 90 k for non veg.
Having food in restaurant is very expensive you get 1 star or less quality food at 5 star rate i.e. in Lagos in an indian outing dhabba or street type average restaurant food for Breakfast would we 1500 naira i.e tea, idli or dosa, sandwich or burger. Vadapav or samosa is 200 naira per plate. Mineral water for 500 ml is around 60 naira for 500 ml and 150 naira for 15cl.

Buffet is 3000 to 3500 per person without beverages and water. Good restaurant would charge around 15 to 20 k for 3 course meal including beer or one drink. 

Expats dont use local transport as it is not very safe and also as many companies give you car as part of the deal so they use company car for transport.

Local allowance paid for
junior level job: 90 k to 105 k
middle level job: 100 k to 120 K
Senior level job: 120 k to 170 K

There is not much difference in the local allowance and these are after tax deduction. House help i.e. maid charges are around 15 to 18 k in Ikeja, 20 to 25 k in Victoria Island, Lekki.

School fees are borne by company and some companies pay even for private tutions. School transport is provided by the company.

Hope this information is enough for you.


Yes you are right, as the company does not have their own website, also their email address looks fishy, find them below...
Better to avoid or search for more information.. Good Luck

    Python Engineering Co. Ltd.

We want to know what you think about our web site and our company. We have provided the e-mail addresses for people to contact with your specific questions.

For general information or web site ideas:

To receive our brochures and literature:

To get a price quote:

briju p

Hi can you  send me the details like the company website, their office address. If i get this information can help you. Is it a Petroleum company or oil company if yes then please mention the post as we have friends in Port Harcourt and near warri.



briju p

Hi there

If the company does not have its own domain means the company is fishy.

Best way is to know the owner if company is managed by Nigerian that is what we can understand by their name, it may be fraud or scam as many of these type of fraudants are plenty in Nigeria as not even single expat is on the board.  As i said no employee pays money for getting their visa or tickets it is all managed by company.

If this is the email id

Get more information and shall update to you as soon as i get some information.



Hello guys.

Just to remind you that this thread title is Cost of living in Nigeria. If you want to discuss another subject, do not hesitate to create a new thread on the Nigeria forum. ;)

Thank you,
Aurélie Team


Sure Aurélie, thanks :)

Thanks Briju for your input..!


This kind of salary looks low, but depends on what you are getting now and what is your expectation.

Cost of living is high in Nigeria, higher than many advanced countries. Normally the expats get house, car with driver and maid from company to insulate them from such high expense. Without car and driver, it is difficult to move on your own. There is no public tranportation.
Regarding company, I have no idea. You can try to find out local address of the company and I can find out the details from some of my friends.


Hi RakeshP,

Thank you for the sharing of information ;)

Expat-blog Team


Hi friends,

I m in screening process of interview and hope will be selected for post of manager maintenance in food processing unit. The unit is not so big as MNC but a strenght of employees are working there and most are Indian. I have four member in my family, Plz share some information and your opinion on offer given by company.

1. Family accommodation, full furnished house,
2. Pool car for transportation,
3. Free Schooling for my child,
4. One month leave with air ticket in a year,
5. Visa and relocation from india,
6. Salary is 20k USD per anum,

Now Plz tell me opinion on offer, is it OK or less? . and what more perks should I ask from the company


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