Meeting English Speaking Friends

Hola! I'm from the USA. My husband and I recently got married, moved to Denver, and are traveling the world for 10 months. We'll be in Buenos Aires (Palermo) for the next month and looking to make English speaking friends. This is Day 2 for us in Buenos Aires and we speak little English so we've found things like getting a SIM card and data minutes an adventure here. ☺️

Have you found any good English speaking hot spots? Interested in meeting up?


Hola -- I moved here from California in June and it has been a learning experience!  There are several things to learn from the SIM card  -- although I got one from Personal for a whopping 10 pesos -- Dolar Blue, the Sube card, etc.  Funny little things that drive a person crazy.
I'm an older single male but if you'd like to pick my brain, **


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Hi! Looking natve english speakers to improve my skills and happy to show you BsAs and help with your doubts.