
Christmas (year-end) - who will be in Riyadh?

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Hmmmmmmm, seen D's "Bah Humbug" comment. 
Me.....I love Christmas so there's no "Bah Humbug" allowed, just lots of happiness and Christmas cheer.....and, as i keep telling D, I am always right!!!
We'll be there, my flight is booked!


the reason they dont remember their exact bdays is cos they dont keep a record of it since it is something insignificant intheir culture. they may actually know he year, or even the month of birth but not necessarily the exact date. Some saudi families may have records of the Hijro dates, though, which could easily be converted to Gregorian with a +/- 1/2 days thrown in.

seeker of truth

i love Christmas too.. and for the past 2 Christmas spending here, it is like just an ordinary days.. no caroling, no fireworks, many things are missing... unlike when i was back home. and that's the simple truth.

yup musicman, its mainly becoz of their culture..hehehe..but they are kinda happy when u greet them happy btw eid mubarak and hajj mubarak to u and ur family musicman


thanks SOT, wish you and the rest the same.
even back home in Sri Lanka, it was the Colonial influence of the Portuguese, Dutch and British that brought in the birthday celebration culture. Before that era (1505) the natives would not have even known what day of the week it was?


Friends let e know when and where are you all going to clebrate the new year eve. will like to join you all


We're here for Christmas. 

Was looking forward to the Xmas Carols at our embassy but most of the singers are leaving the country so they had to cancel that - what a shame.


Ho! Ho! Ho!....
Merry Christmas everyone!


ahh, just reminded me ...
Xmas = my birthday
my birthday = 24 years old
wish I was 21 again :p


wat difference did these 3 years make??


Shall I be honest... Apart from putting on weight lolz ...
no just messing, to be honest not much of a difference.
I am still doing what I was doing 3 years ago ...


then y do u wanna live it again? y do u wanna go through all the pains in life again? (lol, being sarcastic)

so as christmas and ur brithday fall on the same date, y dont u give us a party?



Party ?
Party it is then for you guys,
aright, whos the first one down to uk then ?


as long as u r treating, i dont mind being the first one


sure, why not,
I am up for it.
As long as each person has a present for moi ..

lemme warn you, its freezing here.. have your coats on you, I wont be providing anything :p


i can manage that... just RELEASE me from here ;)


surely, it cant be THAT bad?


it isnt... dont worry
just said it to keep the conversation rolling


Hello everyone

Is January 1 a holiday in Saudi Arabia?  Thanks


Macdin wrote:

Hello everyone

Is January 1 a holiday in Saudi Arabia?  Thanks

how i wish!!! :):):)


Macdin wrote:

Hello everyone

Is January 1 a holiday in Saudi Arabia?  Thanks

I'll be recovering from jet-lag. :|


any ham for christmas?


funkydelicguy wrote:
Macdin wrote:

Hello everyone

Is January 1 a holiday in Saudi Arabia?  Thanks

how i wish!!! :):):)

My goodness.. :sosad:


sarah.farooq wrote:

My goodness.. :sosad:

what's the amazement?.... and suddenly u cried.


funkydelicguy wrote:

any ham for christmas?

Just got from the embassy, gonna pick some up for some island friends, but can u believe it....They were out of SPAM! :sosad:

They do carry it normally.  Out of stock I guess.  Will try again Saturday when I go back for something else.


CivEngr wrote:

They do carry it normally.  Out of stock I guess.  Will try again Saturday when I go back for something else.

yeHeeY! :cheers:

looking forward for a positive saturday and we'll definitely attack your xmas feast! :top:


funkydelicguy wrote:
CivEngr wrote:

They do carry it normally.  Out of stock I guess.  Will try again Saturday when I go back for something else.

yeHeeY! :cheers:

looking forward for a positive saturday and we'll definitely attack your xmas feast! :top:

The SPAM was for some Phillipino co-workers.  I will be out of town on X-mas but flying back New Years Eve.  I'll miss the festivities here.


nzpounamu wrote:

We're here for Christmas. 

Was looking forward to the Xmas Carols at our embassy but most of the singers are leaving the country so they had to cancel that - what a shame.

Why don't we have our own Carol Service? Am sure they are a few soprano's and baritones together with some angel voices from the ladies to make a plan! I am up for it, maybe we could do something of a roaming Carol Service on a few compounds?


jillndave wrote:

Hmmmmmmm, seen D's "Bah Humbug" comment. 
Me.....I love Christmas so there's no "Bah Humbug" allowed, just lots of happiness and Christmas cheer.....and, as i keep telling D, I am always right!!!
We'll be there, my flight is booked!

J, D was "bah humbug" because you were missing! You will be putting the festive cheer back in him when you get yourself over here! Will be a very happy Christmas indeed:D can't wait to meet you.


where's Santa? the christmas stocking hanging on my door is still empty!  :(:(:(


Hello Friends,

Do you all remember me, looks like i am gonna miss the biggest party or event of the year.



anil.soni wrote:

Hello Friends,

Do you all remember me, looks like i am gonna miss the biggest party or event of the year.


Hey Anil, I hear you have moved on, sorry to have missed you did you have a leaving do?  Will you be back in Riyadh?


gowiththeflowUK wrote:
anil.soni wrote:

Hello Friends,

Do you all remember me, looks like i am gonna miss the biggest party or event of the year.


Hey Anil, I hear you have moved on, sorry to have missed you did you have a leaving do?  Will you be back in Riyadh?

Hi Max,

Hope you are fine now. I met almost everyone in different events but missed to meet who were travelling. Thanks for all the wishes from all the friends and there are no signs of me coming back to Riyadh.

Stay in touch.


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