
Planning to move to Bahrain...need help..!!!!


Hello Everyone,

I am a Software Engineer and have 2+ years of experience,and have got a job offer and planning to move to Bahrain in the Month of December-15.
I have accepted the offer letter and have successfully completed my Medical check-up here in India.
They are offering me 550 BD(450 BD+ 100 HRA) is this enough to settle myself in Bahrain.
Can someone help me out with my below queries--
1)What is the living cost in Bahrain.?
2)Is there any metro Bus service or train service available for Public
3)I am a vegetarian, how much does food cost.
4)Most probably i will be working in Manama, where can i get an affordable sharing Flat/House.

If i have missed any thing that i need to know please mention it.

See also

Living in Manama: the expat guideHow long it takes to renew driving license?CRPEP application- licence grade criteriaCRPEP application - Engineer license application 2020Self Sponsorship Indicative Timing for Approval


Kindly go through these posts which should give you an idea about the cost of living in Bahrain.  : Definitive Guide to Bahrain for New Expats : cost of living … 07#2522261 : cost of living area wise

even after going through the post if you have any queries please do ask, our esteemed forum members would be more than happy to help.




You have been offered a similar package(450+100 HRA) to what I have been offered as well. My Visa is in process and I shall be moving to Bahrain in this november.  I am also looking for places where I can get accommodation my budget.


In case you missed it, Logical Indian posted up this here.  Be sure to check sticky posts as they have a lot of information about costs, where to live, and everything the incoming expat needs to know.

Best of luck!

logicalindian wrote:


Kindly go through these posts which should give you an idea about the cost of living in Bahrain.  : Definitive Guide to Bahrain for New Expats : cost of living … 07#2522261 : cost of living area wise

even after going through the post if you have any queries please do ask, our esteemed forum members would be more than happy to help.




if you asking suggestions on where to live, i would recommend that you come down and then search for a place which is close by to work. Your colleagues can give your valuable inputs on the same.

good luck!



My workplace shall be  at Salmabad..... can you give me fair idea of what shall be tentative rent for a studio apartment close to this area.... and suggest the area as well.... I understand that when i shall be coming down then only i shall be able to get an exact idea.... I am just asking to understand my Income to expense ratio.. nothing else... Thank you very much!!


Hi S8rohit,

Thanks for the info, Can you let me know rough estimate on when your employer started visa processing.
How long does is take and what's the next step.
As i will be joining in December, my employer told me they will start the visa process in November.
Also did they offered you initial accommodation until you find your own place..??



i would not be able to give you the exacts, salmabad is more of commercial area isa town, tubli, a'ali are surrounding areas. I really would not know the exact rent info because it will depend on lot of factors, but im guessing for a single bedroom around 150-200 would be a rough figure or even less. … 184447,13z



logicalindian wrote:


i would not be able to give you the exacts, salmabad is more of commercial area isa town, tubli, a'ali are surrounding areas. I really would not know the exact rent info because it will depend on lot of factors, but im guessing for a single bedroom around 150-200 would be a rough figure or even less. … 184447,13z


Yeah.... even when i was reasearching I also understood that.... I guess i need to wait till i move there and then hunt for an apartment. Thank you for your revert.


HemanshuN wrote:

Hi S8rohit,

Thanks for the info, Can you let me know rough estimate on when your employer started visa processing.
How long does is take and what's the next step.
As i will be joining in December, my employer told me they will start the visa process in November.
Also did they offered you initial accommodation until you find your own place..??

My employer started my visa process on 1st of October after i submitted my medical test reports. Still the visa in process and it shall be completed by this weekend hopefully. He did mention that since we hold an Indian visa it take relatively more time. No he has not offered me accommodation but shall assist me to get one. Which area would be your work place??


Have you tried sites like and to see if you can at least get an idea of what you'll get?

I think it best to be here to actually see the apartment before making any commitments - but hopefully your employer will take care of you until you do find a place.  Best of luck!


BD. 200 Is good enough to lead a decent bachelor life in bahrain,


Hi bro...I think you already move in bahrain..bahrain is nice country. .I've been there for 6 years and I miss there...

Zaara Almas

But arrive first and then look out for sharing a room with a friend as you are a bachelor

Dr Harihar

Hello there,
Can anybody refer me any link or any person who can help me to find guidance to join government or private hospital as a doctor?



Try visiting their respective websites and check for the contact info/career page.