Searching for good friend of mine

Hello everybody,

I have one appeal to all forum members, and especially for British expatriats living in Belgrade. In more recent time I learned that good friend of mine, now for 10 years live in Belgrade. We meet in London ( where I studied ) and have good time together for couple of years.
His name is STEVEN, and he was born in BASILDON , Essex, England. His birthday is on Boxing day. I would be very happy to see him again and have pint or two good old Guinniess.
I believe that someone from forum had contact him, so do not hesitate to write me.

Michael Pasic

Moderated by kenjee 8 years ago
Reason : Sharing of external links not allowed on the forum

Hello Michael Pasic

An advert in the Classifieds section : Missing people in Belgrade may help better spread the word

Best Regards

Here is update, his picture. Thank you in advance