Sheffield is a wild place with a massive anti American feeling, so you're sure to be killed by Thursday lunch time.........
Ner, just joking.
There is a drugs problem in the city, most of the problems are limited to a few areas, but watch out in quiet areas at night. Drugs bring all the crime you'd expect.
Drunks are common at night, so watch out for them.
999 is the police/ambulance/fire emergency number (Seemed good to mention that little detail at this point)
There is a daft 'crimestoppers' number as well, but it's a pointless waste of time as you'll be beaten up and left in a soggy heap by the side of the road before anyone bothers to answer.
Both universities (Including the plastic one that used to be a polytechnic) are close to the town centre, and there's an excellent public transport system, including an urban tram network known as the supertram.
Don't ride a bicycle near supertram tracks as some people get killed when their front wheel gets stuck.
It's otherwise pretty safe unless you're a slow pensioner or a drunk who didn't get across the tracks quite quickly enough. Not many of these have been squashed lately.
You'll note there is nothing stopping said pensioners and drunks staggering onto the tracks.
It is strongly advised that Sheffield pensioners don't get drunk as their survival chances are very limited.
Lots of student flats available, but you'll also find a lot of students in the London road/Abbeydale road area just outside the city centre. Most there share houses to keep the price down
That area is especially nice if you like Chinese food as it's populated with hundred of Chinese restaurants and take aways. You'll also find Thai and some excellent Indian food on that road.
You'll notice I didn't use any positive adjectives when I mentioned Thai food - This is because I think it's crap.
Sheffield has a massive variety of foods available from more countries than I've ever managed to count (and I did maths at school, so I can to a number well over 10)
History is very different to what you're used to in the US.
400 years is a very long time over there, but it's nothing to England, with 1,000 year old buildings all over the place.
Seriously, really old places are ten a penny in England, and you can still wander around a lot of extremely old buildings. Conisbrough Castle is about an hour away, and you'll love it.
You can walk all the way to the top of the keep.
The stairs are normally considered the best way, but extreme sports fans might well prefer the outside route.
Note - Don't use the 1,000 year old toilets. They still work, but there are modern flushing loos available on site, rather than the blast and drop old versions.
(A "loo" is a John, but is commonly referred to as a bog in Sheffield)
The 'tops' or Pennines are a hop, skip and a jump away, and they're great.
Say hello to any sheep farmers you meet, but don't tell them I'm in Indonesia as a few might very well still remember me.
When I say the views are spectacular, I mean the views are SPEC (Add the present continuous of a naughty F word here) TAC-UL-AR.
The picture is rubbish because it doesn't come even close to doing justice to the real thing.
The accent will be a total mystery to you, so you'll think you've landed in Timbuctoo by mistake.
Yorkshire people tend to be about as diplomatic as a shotgun blast up a Scotsman's kilt, so don't get offended by what seems at first glance to be unbelievable rudeness, as they're just being unbelievably rude.
I know these things because I'm from a place almost close enough to Sheff (for 'tis its local slang name) to throw a welly at the place.
You absolutely must find out what a welly is or you won't be able to sleep.
After that, there is only one more essential thing you absolutely must do, and that's watch a film called "The full monty" about a bunch of strippers. The film is very tastefully made (By Yorkshire standards).
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Any questions?