Best cities to live in Pakistan


It's not always easy to decide in which area to settle in when moving to Pakistan. According to you, what are the best cites to live in?

Which regions offer most of the job opportunities, a good quality of life, an affordable cost of living?

Share with us the cities you would recommend to expats and soon-to-be expats in Pakistan.

Thank you in advance,


Karachi (Financial Hub), Lahore (Cultural Hub) and Islamabad (Capital) are by far the best cities to live in Pakistan. These are also the cities where you will find a lot of foreigners already settled and living a very comfortable life.

In my opinion, Karachi is the most affordable city to live in and Islamabad the most expensive among the 3. Lahore, somewhere in the middle as far as cost of living is concerned. I guess it mostly depends on the lifestyle one wishes to adopt. For a single person, with a starting salary of US$500 per month, you can have the basic comforts of life and for someone with a family of 4, US$1,000 per month is a good start.

As far as job opportunities go, it all depends on your skill set. Anyone who can work some magic in the Education, Food and Computer Sciences sectors will definitely be high in demand. There are a lot of other fields that are on the rise in Pakistan but I'm not an expert, so I'd rather leave that for the specialists to share their opinions.

End of rant.  :top: 


My recommendations on ground of Life Standard :

1) Islamabad - Capital city, thousands of Expat living here
2) Karachi  -  one of the largest city in Asia, so it has pro and cotra like other metropolitan  ,Choose better place / areas / locality to enjoy this its, Ocean , culture and environment

3) Lahore - in my priority list it is at last doesn't mean, its not a place to live , it is full with culture, historical places, rich history-- choose nice area here and enjoy the city


Julien wrote:


Its not always easy to decide in which area to settle in when moving to Pakistan. According to you, what are the best cites to live in?

Which regions offer most of the job opportunities, a good quality of life, an affordable cost of living?

Share with us the cities you would recommend to expats and soon-to-be expats in Pakistan.

Thank you in advance,


Hy jualin the best city to live in Pakistan is Islamabad for more information ** plz contact me here

Moderated by kenjee 8 years ago
Reason : Share contact infos only in private please.


I am curious.  Do you have a job in Pakistan?  Or, are you hoping to build a life there?  I ask because I am interested in how one can legally get the "resident" visa for Pakistan.


Julien is the founder of this excellent forum. He does not live in or have a job in Pakistan.
I can safely say that he is definitely not looking to build a life there !!!

Your post is off topic, The topic is 'best cities to live in'  so I suggest that you start a new thread for the information you are seeking. Also read through the many informative posts on the forum for such information.

Lahore is a beautiful city of gardens. I love Lahore where I am living since 1971 and do not think of leaving this place. Rich in culture, modern with highest number of Colleges and Universities. People love food and cuisine.
Lahore is expanding very fast being a peaceful city. It's also called heart of Pakistan.

Islamabad is good regarding job opps but Lahore is more thriving in terms of pace with rich historical heritage.

I suggest you Lahore because its peaceful and you can find a good job there and settled in good accommodation in any area as per you pocket is concern and you have good transportation and soon the orange line is being made to facilitate the citizens and the food here is awesome you can find any food from all over the world and have good 4 seasons in fact 5 seasons if we include the rainy season and the people are very friendly and live so best of luck to be in Pakistan any where but as far as i am concern Lahore is the city to be in good for your stay

I dont know where is the best... i was living in Peshawar, is a very beutiful and weird place to live... but im not sure if it is a good for a non pakistani... even im not sure if that is good for a non pathan.. except if ur husband is from there...

Nonina your post confused everyone here, there is more "" i dont know "  then  you know,  ;)  just kidding,, Peshawar is sure not a city in Pakistan for foreigners to live, until they have to for some reasons

Take care-- Cheers

hahahahah sorry!