Bocas del Toro

Looking to spend a week in Bocas later this year, hoping to stay in one  of those over the water Casitas or homes on the main island. Would like some input from those of you who have had experiences staying in those facilities good and bad . Recommendations on where to stay would be welcomed

Trip Advisor is your best bet.

Hi Al  Last oct we spent 14 nights in Boquete and 5 nights in Bocas ,as i look back i think our 5 nights in Bocas was really where we got our best Panamanian/caribb feel , I would highly recommend you go we stayed on the isl of Bastementos with many fond memmories, Our accomadation was on stilts on the water it was called Tio Toms a low budget guest house with no A/C other then the A/C we have no regrets.We went snorkelling a few times it was awsome .Bocas town a tourist trap(main isl) but also had many flavours but was very expensive to dine out ,you take inexpensive water taxis everywhere as its all islands , we enjoyed our walk on Caranero isl. we also did red frog beach which was beautiful , be prepared for hot weather  mixed with rain we were lucky it only rained a couple of times while we were there . The children and the drums and the chocolate farm on Bastamentos awsome  we will go back. Anything we can help you with just ask!

I posted a review of Koko Resort on Trip Advisor  based on our stay there last year. It is the type of place you describe. I'll post a link to my short video in a few minutes.

Here is the link to the video I made showing the walk to the Koko Resort.


Koko Resort is good advice, just do your home work at their website to be sure you are cool with everything they describe. We loved it there.