Tips and advice to thrive in Laos
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When living in a foreign country, you have to adapt to a new environment, various cultures and different social codes.
How did you manage to adjust to Laos?
How long does it take to feel at home? Would you say it is an easy process?
According to you, what is key for a successful integration process in Laos?
Thank you in advance for sharing your experience!
To adjust you first have to learn to speak the language and have an understanding of social norm.
I felt at home rather early in the piece and I think this was due to the way Lao people accept strangers.
By making the effort the locals seem to appreciate this.
For me, even after many years coming and going from Laos, it is still a learning curve.
Be open minded and prepared to throw any western preconceived ideas out the window.
I have written widely on this subject, my two principal books being "Culture Shock Laos" and "The Lao, Laos, and you". The visitor will meet as many or more cultural differences in Laos as in other countries, but perhaps the thing that sets Laos apart is the marked tolerance of things different. Thus the foreigner will never feel prejudice directed at him or her and rarely feel uncomfortable. Partly this may be explained by the religion: Buddhism is the stated religion of the majority but a good third say they have 'no' religion or play the spirit world. Formal religions like Islam and Christianity make up only about 2% of the population, and are extremely well tolerated (and the Constitution guarantees their rights). The foreigner can therefore interact to the level s/he chooses. If only more countries were as easy going as Laos...
I have been working in laos now for 3 months. It is great but can be expensive. I am located in Luang Prabang and the prices for food here are prohibitive for a family if only 1 income is available. The salaries on offer are very very low so if you are used to having money in your pocket or looking to save forget it.
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