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mizanahmed66 wrote:When white goes to black country they feel racism, again when black goes to white countries they also feel racism, so racism is everywhere in various form and color.
I think you are right.
I sometimes think that a dislike of people who are different to oneself is the default condition in humans. Most probably it goes back hundreds of thousands of years to ancestral times when different tribes had to defend their territory and source of sustenance against incursion by other foreign tribes.
One could fairly say if they were all white there wouldn't have been any Mandela either.
Yea there are many White South Africans - if I am not wrong then it is 20% - or it was, but due to outmigration the population is likely to have got a lot smaller ...but nevertheless, whether it's 7% or 9% now it is still large - higher than what the percentage of the Black community in the UK.
South Africa is multiracial through and through since there are also the mixedrace people (Black/White) and the Indians who form sizable minorities. Apart from that you find that there are inummerable of South African languages...
Neighbouring countries such as Namibia is also home to a fairly large number of people of European descent
I'm a jewish Israeli guy in Germany.
In the last 3 months past moving here, I didn't experience any racism from locals.
From other expats though, I had a few.
It may be just the polite nature of Germans - maybe even the racist people I met just didn't say or act on their thoughts.
What I did see, is mostly people who know so little about my origin country that they were actually really surprised that I'm a normal human being.
One time I had a great conversation with a nice Pakistani guy and when I told him that I'm jewish he was shocked and asked me "so, you are rich right?? because the jews control the world" so... yeah.
But at the end, my best friends here are actually people who come from politically less friendly places to my country: two of my best friends are an awesome palestinian guy I met in a pub and a sweet turkish girl
Lidorba wrote:I'm a jewish Israeli guy in Germany.
I'm a British Muslim, living in Indonesia.
I use a Muslim forum in the UK but I'm getting sick of a couple of posters on there.
According to those small minded fools, "Jews" are guilty of all the crimes of the Israeli government.
I, not being a racist idiot, argue like the devil against their stupidity but they just can't see how daft they are.
Israelis are guilty of nothing, Jews are guilty of nothing but I can't say I'm too fond of the Israeli government.
Now, not to start a "rights and wrongs of Israel" type argument, more to say, "Sod racists, whoever they are".
mas fred wrote:Lidorba wrote:I'm a jewish Israeli guy in Germany.
I'm a British Muslim, living in Indonesia.
I use a Muslim forum in the UK but I'm getting sick of a couple of posters on there.
According to those small minded fools, "Jews" are guilty of all the crimes of the Israeli government.
I, not being a racist idiot, argue like the devil against their stupidity but they just can't see how daft they are.
Israelis are guilty of nothing, Jews are guilty of nothing but I can't say I'm too fond of the Israeli government.
Now, not to start a "rights and wrongs of Israel" type argument, more to say, "Sod racists, whoever they are".
Very well put.
"The sleep of reason produces monsters".
mas fred wrote:Lidorba wrote:"The sleep of reason produces monsters".
Sorry, I don't speak Spanish.
Hehe yeah credit of course to Señor Francisco Goya
Good morning.
I have travel(l)ed everywhere and lived in many places. You will never get rid of racism. I live, still, in Germany, that's a real mean place. But due to global economic problems all foreigners are hated because they think you are taking their jobs and social 'amenities' money or whatever it is that you receive, or they think you receive. It's very difficult to live anywhere, except where you were born. I think you just have to live with it..you are never going to change anything....I just go right on and live my life. Of course, I have to leave Germany soon before it's too late...
every where there is racism now for us black people or africans it is even worse esp in the arab world they see us as people who never went to school, people who scaring and when they see you they cover there faces three times, they look at you as if they have seen a ghost
I'm having fun on that Muslim forum.
The daft poster is holding up a twit by the name of David Duke as a role model because he hates Jews.
I found a lovely clip where he says he wants all Muslims out of Europe.
The daft poster is having a hard time trying to explain her position.
There goes the thing with racism.
It's a pile of old rubbish and there's no reasonable argument in its favour.
Racism in South Africa is unique. During the apartheid era it was only black people being the target , racism towards black people still occur - any racism towards a black person is a punishable offence. There is still a big difference in average incomes compared to white people.
However since 1994 white people have fallen victim to racism from black people , and to some degree from Government as well.
Add the number of violent crimes and industrial strikes turning deadly each year and it becomes a very unsafe place to live in.
if you have never fallen victim of that then you will never know how it feels like to feel different
renierlummis wrote:Racism in South Africa is unique. During the apartheid era it was only black people being the target , racism towards black people still occur - any racism towards a black person is a punishable offence. There is still a big difference in average incomes compared to white people.
However since 1994 white people have fallen victim to racism from black people , and to some degree from Government as well.
Add the number of violent crimes and industrial strikes turning deadly each year and it becomes a very unsafe place to live in.
Is racism against Whites not "a punishable offence" in South Africa?
mas fred wrote:I'm having fun on that Muslim forum.
The daft poster is holding up a twit by the name of David Duke as a role model because he hates Jews.
I found a lovely clip where he says he wants all Muslims out of Europe.
The daft poster is having a hard time trying to explain her position.
There goes the thing with racism.
It's a pile of old rubbish and there's no reasonable argument in its favour.
I was hoping to see that Muslin Forum you mentioned but you gave no details. What I did do is look up David Duke on YouTube and sure enough there he was with a whole bunch of videos.
So I watched his most recent one "CNN Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix". I will admit he is taking hold of a very hot potato and though I admit I haven't checked all the details and names myself I found his commentary in respect of the Palestinians and the Israelis most probably not far from reality as I know it. One sided yes, but so are most commentaries in the US media but from the other side, the Israeli side.
El_Jost wrote:What I did do is look up David Duke on YouTube and sure enough there he was with a whole bunch of videos.
So I watched his most recent one "CNN Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix". I will admit he is taking hold of a very hot potato and though I admit I haven't checked all the details and names myself I found his commentary in respect of the Palestinians and the Israelis most probably not far from reality as I know it. One sided yes, but so are most commentaries in the US media but from the other side, the Israeli side.
Sorry I didn't reply to your question but I dislike 'cross forum' work.
Seems a bit like advertising a position in an attempt to drum up support. I see it this way, if I can't argue my stance, I'm probably wrong.
That or too stupid to be effective.
As for Duke, clever man but still a nasty little turd.
He takes part truths and expands on them in such as way as to seem valid.
The more rabid anti Israeli types use him for exactly that reason but their stupidity catches up on them as twits like Duke hate everyone and generally can't resist saying so.
The Duke video I posted shows "Muslims" up as sneaky, lazy, benefit grabbing suicide bombers to a man who're doing their best to force the most severe Islamic law on the whole world.
Of course, I'd be stupid to deny the existence of such people because they surely exist but they're a tiny minority.
Duke uses such images to paint a picture of all and I know that equally applied to his version of "Jews".
The vast majority of Jews I've met have been perfectly nice people and I refuse to hate them just because they happen to be of a given religion.
It's just wrong.
I don't mind disliking the orthodox Jews I had the misfortune to meet in North London. That lot, the ones I had contact with, were nasty little racists. They wouldn't even take my pizza order because I didn't have a daft black coat and a stupid, ringlet infested haircut.
I love pizza and their shop had the smell of pizza heaven but they wouldn't even look me in the face.
Sadly, many people are stupid enough to believe Duke and/or use his rubbish because they hate Jews in general.
It's daft at best.
racism is everywhere its depend on peoples
This is a truly strange world: Some white would rather be black, some white women prefer black men, there are a great number of Interracial marriage rising...
So who is losing this battle anyway?
Us against the world.
HaileyinHongKong wrote:David Duke is a white supremicist, segregationist, holocaust denier. He is anti-black, anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant (unless they're white), anti-women. He would hate almost everyone at this site. He wouldn't want any of you to enter the US (unless you're white) and he'd hate me for leaving the US (because I'm white). He was a leader of the KKK. That tells you everything you need to know.
He'd love me.
A white Christian, converted to Islam and, to put poo on his toilet roll, I married a brown skinned woman a year later.
I think I may be a traitor to the white race in his eyes but, hey, stuff the idiot.
I see it this way, if you feel the need to hate people you don't even know, you're probably either a bit floppy in the trousers or a homosexual that just can't life life as you are.
Come on David, being homosexual is just one of those things and nothing to be ashamed of.
Come out, enjoy life and stop hating people.
mas fred: I don't mind cross-posting (from one forum to another), because it saves copy-and-pasting a whole long comment. I know some of the expat-forums tend to be unnecessarily competitive about their rivals in the trade, but I hope Expat.com is above such nonsense. So for Hericles's post about racial mixing, let me post this link and hope for the best:
http://www.expatfocus.com/c/aid=448/col … -counting/
It is a "column" I wrote for that site back in April last year about the excellent racial mix in my Caribbean island. With a total population of 50,000, of whom maybe two thirds are foreign-born, there are somewhere between 50 and 70 nationalities who live together in peace and harmony. The only tensions are - understandably - between the majority of the native-born Caymanian community and everybody else. Also understandably, "everybody else" shares a common interest in hating the Immigration system, and resenting those Caymanians who support it.
Socially, there is the usual tendency to seek out the company of one's own occupation or nationality. But many white European middle-class accountants, for instance, feel more comfortable in the company of black Jamaican electricians than in the company of Caymanian accountants. Strange but true.
I once had an argument with a black Jamaican who claimed he had been racially disrespected by a Caymanian shopkeeper. I told him that the disrespect was for his nationality, not his colour. He had to agree with my belief that a jet-black Caymanian would have treated him exactly the same. Also strange but true!
Great article Gordon.
You do have a good way with the pen and make an article sound more like a story.
Hericles wrote:This is a truly strange world: Some white would rather be black, some white women prefer black men, there are a great number of Interracial marriage rising...
So who is losing this battle anyway?
Us against the world.
It would be interesting to see a survey of white womens' opinions.
In my travels I have lived in several countries including Africa. The opinion I gained was more that "Black men prefer white women".
HaileyinHongKong wrote:mas fred wrote:I see it this way, if you feel the need to hate people you don't even know, you're probably either a bit floppy in the trousers or a homosexual that just can't life life as you are.
Come on David, being homosexual is just one of those things and nothing to be ashamed of.
Come out, enjoy life and stop hating people.
The funny thing is, I've never heard of any homophobia from him. All of his hate seems to be directed at anyone who isn't a white Christian male.
There you have it, absolute proof, Duke is gay.
On a more serious note, I've noticed that many haters tend to be socially inadequate.
They tend to be loud mouthed, fat, pompous fools with few friends and not much of a life. That or they're something they can't cope with and try to deflect from that by hating others.
Frankly, I'd sooner be happy in myself and have no need to transfer my self loathing onto others for one pathetic reason or another.
What i see about racism or how i define racism is simply ..People who are engulfed by inferiority complex,who feel inwardly that they are not complete or able to be free with other races or tribes.How can you curse,insult or abuse someone because of his or her color or race.Color and race don't suppose to be a problem to anyone, all hands and other organs of humans are not the same in shape and measurement,so is all humans.It is surprising seeing someone exhibiting the act of racism at this 21st century.To me every racist is like a rapists and i call them cowards.
Well for we expats,we are used to racial abuses and already know how to take care of our selves.I believe one day,RACISM will be flushed out of the human existence.
I was rejected to go into a club here in South Korea because I am a foreigner and even though I was with two of my Korean friends, they still didnt let us in.
Though I dont know if its a racism or not, my Korean friend explained to me that the Koreans are just not used to foreigners and their lack of English knowledge make them hesitate to accept the foreigners in their bars or clubs because they wouldnt know what we would say to them and how to respond.
Though I am grateful that the people that I have met here are super friendly. And I dont have any problem socializing with them :-)
Sophie Fisher wrote:I was rejected to go into a club here in South Korea because I am a foreigner
Girl, if that's you in your avatar, their loss - big style.
I were the owner of the club, I'd sack the daft bouncers for refusing entry to the hottest lady who was likely to walk in that night.
mas fred wrote:Sophie Fisher wrote:I was rejected to go into a club here in South Korea because I am a foreigner
Girl, if that's you in your avatar, their loss - big style.
I were the owner of the club, I'd sack the daft bouncers for refusing entry to the hottest lady who was likely to walk in that night.
Lol. Thanks Mas!
Not all the clubs here are like that, but most of them are.
Though after that night, I dont have the desire to check out other places.
aslipacar wrote:According to my experience
That media is almost lie. not showing the truth . and making fear between people specially check the news channel to whom you can trust
The press, lie?
Unless you work for CNN and someone publishes a video like this where you're caught in the act of making up a story.
They rehearsed, shot, added sound effects and broadcast a 'news' piece.
It was a piece all right but what exactly it was a piece of is the question.
Oh, and the BBC reported the falling of WTC 7.
Pity is was in the background when they told us about it.
They'd been told what to say but cocked up on the timing.
I would disagree with Sunnyvee. I find more racist people in developing countries though I would admit that both Taiwan and Thailand are all multicultural and have more understanding towards each race. However, nations like Singapore, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Myanmar tend to have religious or ethical differences among their population. Right now, in Myanmar, in addition to the Islam-Buddhist genocide, there is a war between the Katchin nationalities and the Burmese government. Most developing countries seem to have these ethical differences and instability.
two tumbs for London, in Indonesia > minority such like chinesse always racism from native indonesia.
princess sandra wrote:two tumbs for London, in Indonesia > minority such like chinesse always racism from native indonesia.
I've noticed that sad state of affairs in Jakarta but it wasn't so true in Wonosobo when I lived there.
London appears to be more with it but it's not so true when you dig just a little below the surface.
The North of England has some real problems.
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