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How do you ignore 20 kicks in the face and a week in hospital? Maybe I could have pretended I fell down the stairs? Played some Angry Birds on the phone while I was being punched and kicked?
The world would be a better place without racism, but it would also be a much better place if so many people didn't feel the need to pontificate on things they know nothing about.
To me I have never experienced racism infact here in kenya we love each person regardless of their race.
After liveing the last 13 years in Europe (I am from MExico), I would change the word racism for intolerance. And this exist in Mexico, Germany, Switzerland everywhere, there are all kind of people with this kind of problems.
In Mexico there is between the indians and the mixed people, in Germany with the foreigners, in Switzerland with people not as conservative as them...
Me...? I am currently working in a hotel, which recieve all kind of Asian groups, and it was really shocked for me to see that we had to put signs to ask our guests not to climb on WC, but seat... And I have still a kind of intolerance there. But I am working on me.
I think that although racism is more prevalent in some countries than others, it is present in all countries to a certain extent. I think narrow mindedness is they key to understanding racism.
Why are people racist? Can't people accept people for what they are and not for their skin colour?
Unfortunately racism has been around for a long time and will always be so.
In some countries it has been ingrained in people over such a long period of time it will be very difficult to eradicate it.
In some of the countries I have worked in there has been a subtle form of racism between tribes who consider themselves to be superior to other tribes.This form of racism / superiority has been bred into them and will never change.
I am lucky in that I have worked around the world,lived with many different types of people and have learned to be tolerant of others.
Intolerance and a feeling of superiority is to me racism.
Racists are just narrow-minded.
very sad to tell you racism is here to stay, since President Obama got into the white house racism went up. the only time it will stop is when Jesus come for his world peace
haggishunter. your brother grew seeing your hair blowing in the wing, covering you head he see it as another culture he did not grew up in, a culture that most people fear since 9/11 peace
I am the same person, wheather i wear a hijab or not, i only wear it when i go out.
He was not brought up like that. He does not even come to my house now. My other sister accepts it so why can,t he.
haggishunter wrote:Andrea
I am the same person, wheather i wear a hijab or not, i only wear it when i go out.
He was not brought up like that. He does not even come to my house now. My other sister accepts it so why can,t he.
His loss.
Stick to what you feel is right for you and stuff anyone who doesn't like it.
Racism is a curse, I think there should be no discrimination over the race and nationality because we are all human unfortunately in most of the countries of the world there is still racism.
If we support each other, have mutual understanding and harmony and respect each others religions then I am hopeful that this world may become like a heaven.
I think that your brother should always respect you and love you whether you wear hijab or not. After all you are her sister and for the people here in my country it is necessary to respect and love their sisters.
I think whats happening in Taiwan involving the Filipinos working there is a form of racism.
Unfortunately, Racism in all around the world!
I think that we should never prejudice on the basis of race, nationality and religion. In fact the visa policies in Europe and USA shows us that there is pretty prejudice with Asians and other nationalities of the world those who belong to third world countries has to face much racisms from the developed country peoples.
I think we should now change the world mind set; we are all humans and equally brother to each other.
As well meaning as you are in saying we need to change the world mindset, good luck with that !!
We may change some peoples way of thinking but will never change all the peoples way of thinking
Racism is endemic in all societies and will always be so.
I think it is really stupid. what is a point of putting down others? Only to make you feel better. I reckon that if one person in a society with the same backgrounds discriminates one race, the rest of the "society" will follow suite.It really is one of those "trends" that occur quite commonly in the world today. It's a sad part of this world. One that will probably never truly go away.
Yes, the developed countries should show the values and first they should embrace the other races to prove that they are develped countries and have no racism. In fact, Racism is still present if I go to apply for the US/Europe visa then I would have to face strict policies due to racism while the Europeans can get US visa easily. why there is prejudice and racism???
Owais, I think you're confusing two things: communities' personal racism or prejudice and national government's discrimination against certain other nationalities. There's a difference.
I'm certain Racism exists in every country. Even here in Malaysia there is a certain degree of racism. I hate it. It's a strong word to use (I know....) but it just bugs me when i see someone being a racist! One would think that at this present day and age we humans would have matured by accepting each other no matter what race or religion you may belong to.
Well...who knows....maybe somewhere in the distant future racism will no longer exist.
Here in Nigeria with more than hundreds tribe we face hell of tribalism.
Tribalism is a form of racism.
HaileyinHongKong wrote:julianaa wrote:One would think that at this present day and age we humans would have matured by accepting each other no matter what race or religion you may belong to.
Why? What's so special about this age?
Hi Hailey
Now how do i answer that...LOL.
Mankind has come a long way don't you think? In terms of education, technology etc. One would think that people would have come to a stage of accepting other people of different colour, or of different religion or of different race. Forget the uneducated people (as their exposure is limited) but what about those who are educated? They should have the capability to rationalize, understand and accept the differences of people. That no matter where we originated from the one thing that we all do share is...that we are of the same species....humans.
Anyways....that's my opinion. LOL I find it really sad tho. Especially for those who fall into this category. For they will never get to understand and appreciate the different cultures and how amazing each culture is in their own way.
HaileyinHongKong wrote:I don't think we've come nearly far enough. People in 100 years will look back at us and laugh.
Today's education is probably worse than it's been in more prosperous times.
I totally agree with you Hailey.
Hi There,
I do agree when you quote " Mankind has come a long way" but how many of us 'humans except the reality that we all originated form Africa, that our fathers before us were very 'EDUCATED' they gave us 'mathematics, great cities, building that even now day we still want to find out just HOW they did this.
In terms of education now days, each country want to teach what is advantageous to their personal history.
When I went to school we learnt about the natives of America 'Red Indians, the Aborigines of Australia, the Eskimos and how they lived in igloos and eat fatty fish to survive. Where are they now, what happen to them, why are the foreigners in there own land. We learnt from all these natives that they welcome the 'new faces' that came on THEIR LAND with open arms and were willing to except them as part of their lives, unfortunately the 'new arrivals' were 'EDUCATED' differently and that's where we are now.
As for technologies if this don't bring in the money it's not worth the efforts. When you know that people from 'poorer countries' have to die with HIV, Cancer or Malaria etc because they cannot afford this.
Technologies - Half of the world is eating too much the other half is starving.
I think it's a bit strong when you quote:
"Forget the uneducated people (as their exposure is limited) but what about those who are educated? They should have the capability to rationalize, understand and accept the differences of people. That no matter where we originated from the one thing that we all do share is...that we are of the same species....humans."
Hi Nycorgi,
I think you misunderstood with what i said about the uneducated. I don't mean any disrespect towards them. What I meant was we can't condemn those racist who belong to the uneducated category because they think differently. I'm saying this based on first hand experience with such people. Their views on life, family, etc is totally different. Yes they are able to rationalize and understand but it's limited.
It's a tribal thing. There will always be resistance to the mixing of different races, colours, religions and cultures. There is equal resistance to the mixing of different tribes in parts of the world, different clans, different villages, different social classes and castes.
Racism is the most offensive taboo in the Western World today. But when and where I was growing up it was denominations within the Christian religion, and since then I have encountered or observed every one of those other taboos. I expect other members of Expat.com have too.
Where I live today, different races, religions, etc, all mix peaceably - but one specific culture holds itself aloof from all the other cultures. Many of our ethnically distinct, native-born Cayman Islanders (mixed-race, of mainly African and European ancestry) are at daggers drawn with immigrants of the same kind of ancestry. Go figure.
Of course , London is multicultural city, a huge mix of races,cultures,religions.On my opinion, if you a white man there no problems feel racistic discrimination on your address.Vice versa,mereless non-white(blacks,muslims and etc.)people are more vulnerable to amny racistic insults
Even more,the Blacks and Muslims sometimes use their victim of racism status,it is gonna favorable to them ask for contributions.... In case of layoffs they always emphasize racistic factor.Isn't it? Sure,I am not talking about them all,but these are the facts from our life,they are existing.
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business immigration wrote:Of course , London is multicultural city, a huge mix of races,cultures,religions.On my opinion, if you a white man there no problems feel racistic discrimination on your address.Vice versa,mereless non-white(blacks,muslims and etc.)people are more vulnerable to amny racistic insults
You must be joking.
I've experienced racism against me in London on two occasions.
The first was in a bar, normally used by Afro-Caribbeans who made it very clear, I was unwelcome.
The second was in North London. Extremist Jews, black clothes, black hat and stupid ringlet jobs, wouldn't even serve me a bloody pizza because I didn't conform to their narrow version of what's right.
Each to his own but to exclude others because they aren't the same as you is well wrong.
However, a couple of bad experiences don't come close to comparing with the many good.
People joining us at tables in restaurants because there was so little room or just talking to people from other backgrounds whist you wait in a queue
I recall an especially pleasant conversation with an Israeli family who joined my Chinese friends and I at a table in a London restaurant and a really nice chat to a young lady from Zimbabwe who worked at the Rotherham KFC.
There are so many good people in the world but almost every group have their minority idiots who make others hate their own people.
Such a pity.
WHY IS IT THAT SOME HUMANS WOULD DISCOURAGE MIXED MARRIAGES? Because these clever people do not want to lose their national identity,understood? They think about native state,about their ethnic roots and certainly do not wish soil own ethnic identity to black! That's why you are still black!
HaileyinHongKong wrote:Some of these comments sound racist.
Mine about the extremist Jews was a little but you need to meet them to understand what I mean.
Not a one would speak to me. I asked directions from a few, nothing.
I could smell pizza (and the smell was amazing) but the sods in the shop refused to talk to me at all.
(Refusing to serve me pizza is a serious offence.)
A brief chat to the guy in the pizza shop I ended up at, the people who owned the hotel I was staying in and a couple of locals confirmed my fears.
These terrible extremists refuse to communicate or have anything to do with the non believers around them.
In my humble opinion - that makes them bigoted scumbags and worthy of contempt.
I should add - this was before my conversion to Islam and, by way of a note, my family history is Jewish (Our lot came to England as French Jews just after Billy the Basher did his thing in 1066) so I have a very Jewish appearance.
And there we have the problem. If a small, extremist element behaves in this terrible manner, many (not so bright) people will assume "jews" behave in that way.
This, as we are aware, is not the case.
As for the comments by the the other poster - they do seem to be a little anti white but that could just be lesser English skills so it doesn't come over properly.
As you know, I like to end on a happy note (Because I'm a happy bunny) so I must mention the bright side of the ignorant swine who refused to serve me the pizza.
The next shop had a '2 for 1' offer but I only wanted one so the two tramps sitting near the shop got a treat.
See - there's always a good side if only you want to find it.
Good luck dear.
Although I am a white American who loves culture I often experience racism in my country from other cultures. These people do not even know me.
perseus.ha wrote:Racism
As a christian man live in EGYPT
Unfortunately it is fact here, and has many faces.
And For the Honest testimony, Not all the society and not all time.
Some Muslim people are racism, and it started about 40 years ago.
I have many many Muslim friends, They are good and fair and not think by this way.
And before my society wasn't infected be RACISM.
There is many studies determine when RACISM start and why and where and they all agree in this.
i wish my country retrieve it's health, and peace set here between all people.
Thanks for your time
In your opinion, what started the inter-religious problems in Egypt?
Sadly...racism exists everywhere. The question is what do you do when faced with such people? Do you give in to anger because of the unfairness dished out to you? Do you demand to have equal rights?
Where I'm concerned....it's pointless to be angry when faced with such situations. I would feel hurt (no doubt about that for i'm only human).
But...if i were to loose my temper, the only one who would be hurting would be me. So...when faced with such person/or persons in my mind i would just feel sorry for them...for these are people with small minds. They have not progressed in life. Their hatred towards other people who are different from them for what ever the reason would forever leave them in their tiny little world where there is no peace because of their hatred. As long as i don't think like them...I would have my peace and happiness in mixing with others who live their life to the fullest and who except people of different walks of life as they are.
As a matter of interest: does anybody know when "racism" came to include religious/national/cultural bigotry? I can see the connection, but it's confusing sometimes.
In Egypt (just for instance) there is discrimination by some Moslems against local Christians. But are the Christians racially distinct? Are there really any pure-blood Copts left, after all these years? Are Christians in Egypt not fellow-Arabs, like they are in Palestine and Lebanon?
I ask out of ignorance and in a spirit of genuine enquiry.
Yes Anglo-Saxon had created the bases of raw racism for centuries see South Africa, New Zealand, Samoa, USA, Australia etc in my personal experience migrating to Australia 32 year ago I could write a book about Australia White Policy still exist now 2013, Is a word that My family and I learned in Australia and in a hard way and is not just color because I look white European but my Spanish name is always postponed last affecting my children when we look for work or other circumstances.
This is my reaction at 63 year old to retire fully and die in another culture but not in Australia
rperezoso wrote:... my Spanish name is always postponed last affecting my children when we look for work or other circumstances.
This is my reaction at 63 year old to retire fully and die in another culture but not in Australia Rene
Australia is a big place, Rene. How many towns and cities have you lived in, where you experienced anti-Spanish prejudice?
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