> How much does it cost to rent an apartment/house in Kuwait?
300 KD (2 BHK)
> How much do you pay for your public transport tickets (bus, subway, train, tram)?
Public transport only buses on select routes. That is the reason for too much taxies and personal cars in kuwait.
> Staple food: what do people eat and how much do they pay for basic food like bread, rice or pasta?
Depends on nationalities . You get all foods and almost at the same or little higher rates than in their home countries
>What is your monthly grocery budget?
100 KD (For family of four)
> How much does it cost to see a physician/doctor/specialist in Kuwait ?
1 KD each and everytime you go to a Govt hospital / clinic 5 KD each time you go to a private hospital
> What is your children's schooling monthly budget?
For indian school in Ahmadi governerate i pay 750 +650 KD per year + 15+15 KD school transport every month for my 2 kids as tuition fees (Of course had no option as all other schools admissions were full other wise it is max 450 KD per kid per year)
> How much does it cost to fill up your car’s fuel tank?
First try to get a driving licence in kuwait ( you will fail all the time you go for the test without recommendation or agent --Unofficial figures for getting driving licence is 250 KD and every year you have to renew your driving licence . Kuwait has stopped issuing LMV driving licence with more than 1 year validity)
> How much do you pay for electricity/gas/water etc.?
Depends on your Building care taker (Harris) and building owners terms for electricity and water. For gas i paid 20 KD to get 2 cylinders and everytime for refilling 1.5 KD (Cylinder capacity is 8 Kg only not like india where we get 14 KG LPG cylinders for 3 or 4 KD equivalent)
> How much do you pay for your Internet/phone subscription?
Phone Calling - Min 5 KD with all mobile operators in kuwait. Internet 4G only one provider gives 200 GB for 2.5 KD per month . Rest all more than 5 KD for 400 GB and speeds are horrible with no connectivity during week ends starting from Thursday evening to saturday night.
> How much do you pay for your lunch pack on weekdays?
1-2 KD per day should be ok.
> How much do you pay for an espresso coffee?
Never tried one
> How much do you pay for a cinema ticket?
Mostly we can go as bachelor only as cinemas are strictly censored in kuwait and age group mentioned in the ticket itself. So if your kids are below 15 years mostly you will never watch a hollywood or Indian movies in cinema halls as a family.
> How much does a gym membership cost in Kuwait?
No Idea
>>>>>>>>>Additional inputs
>Kuwait residency charges.
500 KD for first year for my wife and 2 kids . (Includes 100 KD each as residency fees + medical insurance). Subsequent years (10 KD each as residency fees + whatever medical insurance charges at present it is 40 KD for adults and 30 KD for kids)