Absolutely Anything Else

SimCityAT wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

Oh some sad news today, Larry King has passed away at the age of 87  :sosad:

Obviously he wasn't well.   

I'm sorry to say the only thing I really remember very distinctly about him was a purported story when some despicable people went through his rubbish bin, collected some men's incontinence pads and included them in an art exhibition.   

Pretty low stuff.

Some of the interviews were quite good.

Yes, there were some that were quite good.  But none really standout memorable to me.  Not like those Parkinson car crash interviews with Meg Ryan or Grace Jones.  Or Rod Hull and Emu.   HardTalk on the BBC can be quite interesting depending on who it is. 

CNN is not bad but some of the shows they have are just so uselessly unconnected with ordinary people - like luxury sailing yacht racing programmes.   One thing in their favour was Larry King and a few other presenters.  Apparently Becky Andersen has quite a fan club amongst a certain section of the community.  Richard Quest is bonkers.  He went to the BBC but washed out there and was back on CNN within months. CNN is not my first choice for news - I would go Economist, BBC, Euronews then CNN in that order.  Never the tabloid web services like mailonline.

I stopped following any MSM when Piers Morgan published that load of rubbish in the Daily Mirror about British soldiers torturing Iraqi civilians and then posted photos of the alleged torture chamber vehicle which turned out to be a yard queen in a TA camp in Manchester and hadn't turned a wheel in years.

Modern news very rarely does its own investigations these days, many times relying on uncorroborated witness testimony and 3rd party picture sources.  Certainly, English language MSM has paid the price in plunging readership and fewer advertisers willing to pay to be associated with them.

Personally, I trust none of it, I read all news stories these days as opinion pieces, I haven't bought a newspaper for years and nothing has happened since then to even encourage me to reconsider.  There is a small glimmer on the horizon with the new GB News channel which is being launched in the near future by Andrew Neil.

"Sleepy" Joe has chosen Rachel Levine as his new openly transgender assistant health secretary...Makes you wonder how many are not open?
He is checking all the PC boxes,we will see what big changes he will bring to the world.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

"Sleepy" Joe has chosen Rachel Levine as his new openly transgender assistant health secretary...Makes you wonder how many are not open?
He is checking all the PC boxes,we will see what big changes he will bring to the world.

Never heard of Rachel Levine but seems eminently qualified to be assistant health secretary.  More power to her. 

It's looking like a good start for Joe. I am hoping some of the new non-Trump policies rub off on the local politics around here.

It's hard to imagine where we were, 4 or 5  years ago.  It's like emerging from the dark ages.

Cynic wrote:

I stopped following any MSM when Piers Morgan published that load of rubbish in the Daily Mirror about British soldiers torturing Iraqi civilians and then posted photos of the alleged torture chamber vehicle which turned out to be a yard queen in a TA camp in Manchester and hadn't turned a wheel in years.

Modern news very rarely does its own investigations these days, many times relying on uncorroborated witness testimony and 3rd party picture sources.  Certainly, English language MSM has paid the price in plunging readership and fewer advertisers willing to pay to be associated with them.

Personally, I trust none of it, I read all news stories these days as opinion pieces, I haven't bought a newspaper for years and nothing has happened since then to even encourage me to reconsider.  There is a small glimmer on the horizon with the new GB News channel which is being launched in the near future by Andrew Neil.

Yes, think you've nailed there. It's all opinion pieces and therefore not really worth reading.  But maybe newspapers have always been about subjective reporting.   After all they are owned by someone. Piers Morgan is a d**khead anyway.  I always avoid him like the plague.

There's a thing going in Australia about Google paying for local news content and threatening to pull out of the place.   Personally I'd like to see Google get its wings clipped and brought under some form of regulation.  I can see the big ones like Amazon or Facebook or Twitter really getting it in the neck within the next 2-3 years.  I am sure they will become regulated soon or in the case of Amazon, it'll be forced to break itself  up.   

Andrew Neil is a tough interviewer.  I always liked him on the couch with Diane Abbott and Michael Portillo.  I have a feeling Andrew Neil has something is up with his speech. Seems to slur his words quite a bit.   Maybe his news channel will work or disappear like so many others.

Off topic but Diane Abbott has disappeared from public view and I heard that meltdown interview she gave over police numbers.  She put it down to problems with her blood glucose levels and diabetes.  I know that feeling.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

"Sleepy" Joe has chosen Rachel Levine as his new openly transgender assistant health secretary...Makes you wonder how many are not open?
He is checking all the PC boxes,we will see what big changes he will bring to the world.

Hardly call him Sleepy, far from it.

SimCityAT wrote:
Marilyn Tassy wrote:

"Sleepy" Joe has chosen Rachel Levine as his new openly transgender assistant health secretary...Makes you wonder how many are not open?
He is checking all the PC boxes,we will see what big changes he will bring to the world.

Hardly call him Sleepy, far from it.

Did anyone see the news clip where he was signing document after document and you could clearly hear him mumble under his mask, "I don't know what I'm signing", Kamela could be heard telling him to,"Just sign it". Hand puppet president.
I really don't care who is in office, they are all in the same club.
He also is about to or already has signed that illegal immigrants can run for US congress. We all got run over, so sorry for those  that served the US in good faith, their lives were laid down for nothing. ( Mom and apple pie) I'd really be interested in the number who join up that are trans, probably just a small handful would actually serve the military.
He also reversed Trumps degree of allowing transgenders in the US military. Guess they can now bleed out on the field like the rest of the service people.They may be sorry later for being excepted into the wars, wars that we can all see coming. Be them international or domestic.
He also raised the price of insulin on his first day in office, s much for his pro
mise of reformed health care for all.
Again, it's no skin off of my nose, just watching the selection show.
Looks like I am anti- trans rights but I am getting more conservative in my old age. Used to party and dance the nights away in Hollywood disc's with all sorts of people, even knew a trans person in the day. Just saying we have veered so far off curse there is no way back to normal.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Did anyone see the news clip where he was signing document after document and you could clearly hear him mumble under his mask, "I don't know what I'm signing", Kamela could be heard telling him to,"Just sign it". Hand puppet president.
I really don't care who is in office, they are all in the same club.
He also is about to or already has signed that illegal immigrants can run for US congress. We all got run over, so sorry for those  that served the US in good faith, their lives were laid down for nothing. ( Mom and apple pie) I'd really be interested in the number who join up that are trans, probably just a small handful would actually serve the military.
He also reversed Trumps degree of allowing transgenders in the US military. Guess they can now bleed out on the field like the rest of the service people.They may be sorry later for being excepted into the wars, wars that we can all see coming. Be them international or domestic.
He also raised the price of insulin on his first day in office, s much for his pro
mise of reformed health care for all.
Again, it's no skin off of my nose, just watching the selection show.
Looks like I am anti- trans rights but I am getting more conservative in my old age. Used to party and dance the nights away in Hollywood disc's with all sorts of people, even knew a trans person in the day. Just saying we have veered so far off curse there is no way back to normal.

Never saw or heard Kamala nudging him in the news reports I saw.  Might be fake news.  Kamala will probably take over.  I quite like her in some ways but when I saw her quizzing that guy for the Supreme Court, I thought her line of questioning was almost asinine.  I expected much more.

Trump's thing with the trans people was just a way to gain some votes.   No-one even would have noticed until he said something.   Like here, demonise people. What happened to "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (and women) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness".  Yes, Donny, that's right, some are more equal than others.  What a nitwit.

Anyways, according to the BBC, there are just under 9000 trans people out of a total of 1.3M active personnel in the US military.  Therefore it's about 0.7% of the total.  Hardly a "tremendous problem" and disruptive influence. 

BTW, in my own country, there are no restrictions. Military actively supports trans people because they have very valuable skills they need to keep and definitely don't want to lose.

It's the new normal and quite OK really.  The world and its people are diverse and our institutions should reflect that.   I'm getting older at the same rate as everyone else and I'm all for change.  It's how we make progress.  Bring it on.

Don't know about insulin but it's life and death for type 1 diabetics - should be free.  Maybe he's planning to make it free.  Big pharma is price gouging on it.  I don't know how people in the USA who used to get insulin from the elsewhere manage with the lockdown and supply chain disruption. I know people were getting it in Canada. US health system is super scary to us over here.

Interesting thing about immigrants (not necessarily illegal ones) is that they do add plenty to a country's well being.  In my own country, Commonwealth and Irish citizens can even serve in parliament and in the military.  All good in my mind.

That all men created equal stuff in the US was written by upper class white men who owned land  ( and slaves in some cases). Only land owners countredback then so the Consitution wasn't made for us common folks. Most people believe it is but that is not how it went down when it was made up by those Masons. Mr. Washington started up his own group of Masons in Virginia after he left the lodge in the UK. Native Americans, blacks, Chinese etc.. and women couldn't own land or vote when this BS was written up. Looks great on paper but it's worthless.Criminal empires usually are worthless in the end.It's hard for me to say this but it was all an experiment.
It is a shock to finally see the truth about how the wool has been pulled over our eyes for so long, sheep that they see us as.
I saw 2 different U tubbers showing Biden all confused and signing documents and Kamala nudging him on . The volume had to be turned up but he defo said,"I don't even know what I'm signing".
I wouldn't hold my breath in the US for free health care, would be nice but nothing is ever free.

He hasn't increased the price at all, the only reports I have seen is that he has frozen the price of insulin until March.

Here's the full list of Biden's executive actions so far............

Thanks, I'll try to bring it up later, my eyes hardly see the small print right now.
I was no Trump fan and I am not a fan of this new guy either.
I am afraid we are going to see sme really crazy times sn in the US and perhaps elsewhere too.
Hope I'm wrong,would rather look like an idiot then see people suffering.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

That all men created equal stuff in the US was written by upper class white men who owned land  ( and slaves in some cases). Only land owners countredback then so the Consitution wasn't made for us common folks. Most people believe it is but that is not how it went down when it was made up by those Masons. Mr. Washington started up his own group of Masons in Virginia after he left the lodge in the UK. Native Americans, blacks, Chinese etc.. and women couldn't own land or vote when this BS was written up. Looks great on paper but it's worthless.Criminal empires usually are worthless in the end.It's hard for me to say this but it was all an experiment.
It is a shock to finally see the truth about how the wool has been pulled over our eyes for so long, sheep that they see us as.
I saw 2 different U tubers showing Biden all confused and signing documents and Kamala nudging him on . The volume had to be turned up but he defo said,"I don't even know what I'm signing".
I wouldn't hold my breath in the US for free health care, would be nice but nothing is ever free.

Oh for sure, they weren't exactly saints those fellas.  But then again, you'd think that someone would have challenged the trans exclusion thing in the Supreme Court.  Maybe they did, I don't know.  I always wondered how they ever got away with segregation in the US military in WW2 or even making Rosa Parks get out of her seat.   

Could have been a faked video on You Tube.  There are plenty of them.  It's not as though Trump didn't do stuff like sign blank sheets of paper. 

Maybe with Biden back in, Obamacare is going to get more depth and breadth to it and perhaps it'll work better for those who have no funds to pay.  US is the only G8 country in the world with that kind of healthcare system.

Nay, it's a dream to think the doctor's lobbies in the US will ever let go of their gold mine.
It would take a huge overhaul of every institution and a new way of thinking.
You can get care in the US if you are not able to pay BUT it depends on how many hoops you are willing to jump through for those doors to open.
You have to do a tn f research and phone calls, hours of waiting to get any answers or aid but it can be done.
I had major eye and bone surgery done on my son at some of the best medical centers in S. Cal. UCLA medical center. I usually spent 6 to 8 hours every visit waiting to get in but I did it, only after already paying thousands out of pocket just for x-rays and then telling the doc I was done with them. I was going to Hungary to get his surgery because I wasn't getting an answer on how much it was going to cost me in the end. Should I sell my house now r take out a loan?
His pride couldn't let us go, it was a challenge t fix my boys arm so he got me hooked up with a group that was called, "The "crippled" children's fund". I'm sure they have changed their name by now, not very PC.
I was demanding and pushy, not me at all but mom's can turn into tigers when needed.
3 surgeries later his arm is OK but 2 inches shorter then the other one. Could of had to strecthed for free to but my boy wasn't willing to have his arm broken everyday for the next 2 years and wear a cage around his arm for years to allow the bones to grow.
Think they helped us because it was a sort of serious case and what can a child do if their parents can't afraid to treat them. Not everyone has unlimited resourses.
He also went for a long time to the Jules Stien eye clinic at UCLA. In the end he had eye surgery elsewhere, the clinic was taking so long and those 8 hur office visits with 40 children waiting was way too much for even the most patient soul.
In the end I think that arm issue made our son very anti-social. He wasn't allowed to play hard, ride a bike or get wild for years while he healed up, turned him into a gaming nerd.
We never really think about his arm these days but his ex-HU wife used to enjoy calling him a "cripple" when she was in one of her many moods.
I wasn't aware of that until later, if I'd known she would be needing a bit of surgery herself.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Nay, it's a dream to think the doctor's lobbies in the US will ever let go of their gold mine.
It would take a huge overhaul of every institution and a new way of thinking.
You can get care in the US if you are not able to pay BUT it depends on how many hoops you are willing to jump through for those doors to open.
You have to do a tn f research and phone calls, hours of waiting to get any answers or aid but it can be done.
I had major eye and bone surgery done on my son at some of the best medical centers in S. Cal. UCLA medical center. I usually spent 6 to 8 hours every visit waiting to get in but I did it, only after already paying thousands out of pocket just for x-rays and then telling the doc I was done with them. I was going to Hungary to get his surgery because I wasn't getting an answer on how much it was going to cost me in the end. Should I sell my house now r take out a loan?
His pride couldn't let us go, it was a challenge t fix my boys arm so he got me hooked up with a group that was called, "The "crippled" children's fund". I'm sure they have changed their name by now, not very PC.
I was demanding and pushy, not me at all but mom's can turn into tigers when needed.
3 surgeries later his arm is OK but 2 inches shorter then the other one. Could of had to strecthed for free to but my boy wasn't willing to have his arm broken everyday for the next 2 years and wear a cage around his arm for years to allow the bones to grow.
Think they helped us because it was a sort of serious case and what can a child do if their parents can't afraid to treat them. Not everyone has unlimited resourses.
He also went for a long time to the Jules Stien eye clinic at UCLA. In the end he had eye surgery elsewhere, the clinic was taking so long and those 8 hur office visits with 40 children waiting was way too much for even the most patient soul.
In the end I think that arm issue made our son very anti-social. He wasn't allowed to play hard, ride a bike or get wild for years while he healed up, turned him into a gaming nerd.
We never really think about his arm these days but his ex-HU wife used to enjoy calling him a "cripple" when she was in one of her many moods.
I wasn't aware of that until later, if I'd known she would be needing a bit of surgery herself.

From our semi comfy bubble over here in Europe, we find it unfathomable how that health system over there came into existence.   Obviously it's big business and it'll take more than Obama or Biden to redefine it but maybe key reforms can be encouraged.   I really find unbelievable that people would even protest to keep a system that would bankrupt them.   Moreover it stuns me that some people don't know the difference between socialised and socialism.  WTF?

I am rather surprised and sorry to hear about your boy's arm.  Obviously I don't know anything about the particular circumstances.  I do read a lot and watch lots of science and medical programmes on the TV.  I saw before some stuff about bone lengthening.  It's not bone breaking as far as I know.  They put in some metal rods on the two ends and move the ends of the bones apart 1mm a day.  The bone keeps grows to fill in the gap until the gap is filled. They move the ends apart 4 times a day.    So if it was 2" (~50mm) then it would take about 50 days which is 7 weeks plus or minus.   Pretty tolerable when a broken bone takes 6 weeks to heal.  And it's for life. Maybe the Japanese would do it for him or not. Maybe too old now.   Just a thought.

I was going to say that plenty of people here still use those phrases (like cripple) about people who are disabled.  It might  be the language, translation and interpretation are the issues.  It's a bit in your face sometimes and incredibly blunt.  My FIL was particularly prone to using very un-PC terms when referring to different groups in Hungary or anywhere else.   He'd never have survived elsewhere because someone eventually would squared up to him for fisticuffs.  He was a kind of guy who would assume someone in a wheelchair or disabled in some way was stupid or an idiot.  Obviously Stephen Hawking was the very antithesis of being intellectually challenged. 

BTW, my MIL has to go and get her cataracts done but won't  go because of COVID.  She'd have to do it in the public system.   It's becoming intolerable so she'll have to go eventually otherwise she'll have less quality of life and could become more or less blind.  My  mother had cataracts and macular degeneration so was more or less blind.  Very isolating.

Today is dog walking day.  So I think it'll be Hármashatárhegy. It's Dogville over there every day with many "delightfully" sniffable and playful canine friends.   I think the dog likes it too. Not keen on the cold and the wind.  I thought we were coming out of it now and there was a sprinkling of snow.  It's already February (almost) - we need some warmer weather.

Just got home from a long day of exams in the eye clinic.
I will have my first eye surgery within a few weeks, Guess I am an ,"emergency". I always wait until last min to take care of medical issues.
Need to get a PCR test first... Drag.
Yes, I just summed it up fast with my son's story f keeping his bones apart.
He turned 13 during this drama and we allowed him to decide what he could deal with or not.
I wasn't thrilled to think about "turning the screws" on him.
He had what is called a unicameral bone cyst.
Was a very horrible stressful time for sure.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Just got home from a long day of exams in the eye clinic.
I will have my first eye surgery within a few weeks, Guess I am an ,"emergency". I always wait until last min to take care of medical issues.
Need to get a PCR test first... Drag.
Yes, I just summed it up fast with my son's story f keeping his bones apart.
He turned 13 during this drama and we allowed him to decide what he could deal with or not.
I wasn't thrilled to think about "turning the screws" on him.
He had what is called a unicameral bone cyst.
Was a very horrible stressful time for sure.

Being 13 and having that problem would be stressful for anyone. 

I did Google it and it seems very common.  Perhaps things have moved on and one of the current treatments would have fixed it. Seems like they have options now.   Maybe he's used to it but perhaps there's still something they could do if it was bothering him.

I hope your eye surgery will go well. I think there's nothing much to worry about.  I presume they are replacing the lens. 

They even do them in medical "factory ships" with many surgeries of the same type going on in parallel (think it was Mercy Ships or another one like it).  Looks like it's very routine.

My internet keeps going on and off.
It was a stressful time with our son's arm. 3 breaks and 3 surgeries in one years time.
They put some donor bone in his arm the last surgery.
It affected his growth plate
He is used to it and we hardly notice his arm is shorter unless he is wearing certain style shirts.
They prbobaly have come a long way with this sort of bone problem, they told me at the  time that they didn't know why it happened and usually starts when a person is about 2 years old.
Today is his 45th BD. We are on the phone right now with him.
He is off to a nice steak dinner with his wife in Fukuoka.
They are not locked down like here. They have an 8pm curfew but it is not really enforced. Tonight he will be out past 8pm since it is 6pm there now.
Yesterday was strange at the eye clinic. They had about 40 people waiting in a cramped hallway for exams.
No social distancing at all, impossible with so many people sitting around waiting. I was there for 3 hours, not horrible but not fun either.
Right down the hallway they had a ward blocked off, the Covid ward!
That was disturbing that it was so close to the eye clinic.
My husband noticed the warning sign to not enter and broke put in a coughing fit, great timing!!

Tis the season for Six Nations. I watched the games yesterday and canned crowd cheers just didn't seem right.

SimCityAT wrote:

Tis the season for Six Nations. I watched the games yesterday and canned crowd cheers just didn't seem right.

That's ridiculous. 

Do they have cardboard cutout people as well? 

I suppose they could digitally add in crowds but difficult to do on the fly.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

....Yesterday was strange at the eye clinic. They had about 40 people waiting in a cramped hallway for exams.
No social distancing at all, impossible with so many people sitting around waiting. I was there for 3 hours, not horrible but not fun either.
Right down the hallway they had a ward blocked off, the Covid ward!
That was disturbing that it was so close to the eye clinic.
My husband noticed the warning sign to not enter and broke put in a coughing fit, great timing!!

We don't see a lot of social distancing going on around here at all. 

When we were walking the dog at Nagy-Hárs-hegy, we drove to Szépjuhászné, then walked all around the hill on a circular route.   

Szépjuhászné is a station on the Children's Railway and surprisingly there was a group of maybe 20 younger people (perhaps 18-25 years old) piled up there at the büfé.   They were wearing masks but not 2m apart in the queue.   We also saw a group (12 people) of older Nordic walkers - in their 50s or 60s - mixed bag of some with and some without masks.

Come Spring I expect I'll be coughing and sneezing - allergies.  I expect everyone to be running the other way.

https://hungarytoday.hu/large-disparity … t-savings/

So sad to hear that Orban has no income and no net worth. Same for Szajjarto.
- Prime Minister Viktor Orbán supposedly has no liquid assets, or savings at all, possessing only two properties: one in Budapest's 12th district and one in his hometown of Felcsút.
- Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó still owes the same amount, HUF 30 million (Eur 84,000) to his family, which he borrowed years ago to purchase his home in Dunakeszi. His savings decreased from HUF 5.8 million in 2019 to HUF 222,071 (EUR 624). The value of his securities increased to 2.6 million (EUR 7,301), and his insurance asset fund increased to HUF 941,000 (EUR 2,642).

His 2020 declaration received special attention after his controversial holiday trip on the luxury yacht of government-ally businessman László Szíjj. In the declaration, there isn't any reference to the trip which he still refers to as a “private matter.”

Also if you hadn't heard, Orban's son went to a prestigious military school in the UK on a Hungarian scholarship meant to help those who could not otherwise afford it.
https://hungarytoday.hu/orban-son-state … sandhurst/

Honestly the amount of corruption here is beyond the pale...
The EU is hitting at just the tip of the iceberg...
https://www.reddit.com/r/hungary/commen … financial/

Vicces1 wrote:


Honestly the amount of corruption here is beyond the pale...
The EU is hitting at just the tip of the iceberg...
https://www.reddit.com/r/hungary/commen … financial/

Oh yes of course.

There have been some discussions around Varga Judit, the combative justice minister. She and her husband allegedly borrowed money from the government or something using a scheme which was intended to finance younger people's first steps in the property ownership market.  Varga and her husband have or had two main homes - one somewhere near Balaton for holidays and another in Budapest for work.  The scheme was for houses for people to live in full time rather than a financial break for holiday homes.   The minister is supposed to have used the financing for the holiday home.   No links on that yet but someone might oblige.

This seems to be a poorly translated version, but the spirit is there...
https://szamokadatok.hu/en/Post/2791/Ju … e_received
Varga Judit states that you've been duped by the fake news industry...

And here is one in Hungarian...
https://telex.hu/gazdasag/2021/01/26/va … t-felvenni

Vicces1 wrote:

This seems to be a poorly translated version, but the spirit is there...
https://szamokadatok.hu/en/Post/2791/Ju … e_received
Varga Judit states that you've been duped by the fake news industry...

And here is one in Hungarian...
https://telex.hu/gazdasag/2021/01/26/va … t-felvenni

Very interesting reading.  Obviously my previous posting was not the full story.   

Blaming the left wing media as fake news is just Trumpist.   Presently alternative facts is just so 2016-2020.  Varga-ist perhaps. 

Telex is the independent successor to the now government biased index.hu.  It was interesting that the Blikk tabloid brought the original subject up.     

I was wondering if there would be a through investigation into the current government personnel's finances when O1G and his cronies are out.   Mrs Fluffy says the chances are zero that there will be anything of any depth.

fluffy2560 wrote:

I was wondering if there would be a through investigation into the current government personnel's finances when O1G and his cronies are out.   Mrs Fluffy says the chances are zero that there will be anything of any depth.

If I were a betting man, I'd put a lot of money on your wife's wisdom...

Vicces1 wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

I was wondering if there would be a through investigation into the current government personnel's finances when O1G and his cronies are out.   Mrs Fluffy says the chances are zero that there will be anything of any depth.

If I were a betting man, I'd put a lot of money on your wife's wisdom...

Yes, I think the odds are definitely in her favour.  Never bet against Mrs Fluffy.   Her thoughts reminds me of that very famous book often quoted in institutionalised corruption situations:  It's Our Turn To Eat.

BTW, there are pictures of Ms Varga's house on Telex

Looks like a renovation to me, not a new property contrary to quotes I've seen.

Who remembers The Equalizer with Edward Woodward? They have only gone and done a remake of it. This time they have made it with a woman staring.

SimCityAT wrote:

Who remembers The Equalizer with Edward Woodward? They have only gone and done a remake of it. This time they have made it with a woman staring.

I hope she doesn't stare at me.   

I knew this one was coming. I've never quite understood where Queen Loofah (Latifah) actually came from.  Suddenly she was in a load of TV shows and movies.  Apparently she was a singer.  Never heard any of her music.   Queen Loofah is not her real name.

I am doubtful it will be a great show but willing to sample it.  Having read the synopsis the back story sounds a bit like a Bosch rip off.  Why mess with it if it ain't broken?

What's coming next? Knightrider? Six Million Dollar Man? 

I've been watching Godless on Netflix this past week.  That's a great show.

Someone in LA just told me that some shows have taken a break for a week because of the Superbowl - what they call "football" over there.   What a nuisance interrupting important viewing although I did enjoy Lady Gaga's halftime show a few years go.  P-P-P-...poker face....

Just got back from COVID test, all because now if you wish to go to the Chemist, doctor, hairdresser you have to show a negative test result, as our hairdressers have been closed for the last few months everyone is in need of a cut, so you can imagine the town was out in force to get a test so had to queue up which of course let to outside. Of all days it had to snow. In all, it only took an hour. 25 minutes later I got an SMS to say my results were negative. No surprise there because I haven't been in contact with anyone only the misses  :D Oh and the checkout girl at the supermarket. But considering everyone has to wear masks and at the till it's closed off with plastic screening, I'm not likely to catch anything there.

Anyway, it was quite amusing when I did get to the entrance the assistant checking peoples details spoke to me English even without talking. No idea who the lady was, just a bit scary that my face is known as the Englander. Naturally many do know me as British after living here for under 12 years and eat, drink at locals. But this just baffled me considering there are only two males who are British, me and another who is in their 80's.

SimCityAT wrote:

Just got back from COVID test, all because now if you wish to go to the Chemist, doctor, hairdresser you have to show a negative test result, as our hairdressers have been closed for the last few months everyone is in need of a cut, so you can imagine the town was out in force to get a test so had to queue up which of course let to outside. Of all days it had to snow. In all, it only took an hour. 25 minutes later I got an SMS to say my results were negative. No surprise there because I haven't been in contact with anyone only the misses  :D Oh and the checkout girl at the supermarket. But considering everyone has to wear masks and at the till it's closed off with plastic screening, I'm not likely to catch anything there.

Anyway, it was quite amusing when I did get to the entrance the assistant checking peoples details spoke to me English even without talking. No idea who the lady was, just a bit scary that my face is known as the Englander. Naturally many do know me as British after living here for under 12 years and eat, drink at locals. But this just baffled me considering there are only two males who are British, me and another who is in their 80's.

No COVID testing here. Too expensive to get involved with.  And they aren't set up for it.    Always  an option not to get your hair cut. You could have a man bun perhaps? 

People know me here by sight just as I know them.  Strangely I quite often recognise people by their dogs now.  I do regular routes often at the same time as others are doing the same.

But I've also been driving Mrs Fluffy's car and people wave at me thinking I'm her.  Weird!

Gosh, I hope to God no one ever confuses me with my husband! I mean he is cute but he would make the ugliest drag queen ever in history.Thankfully!
C-19 tests for a haircut, this is in Hungary?
I had better start my cutting lessons for my husband, I've had him dabble with trimming the back of my hair in the past, he is good at it but not sure he could do a graduated  A-lined bob with layers the first time aroundI might have to buy a pink wig just in case!
Got that PCR test last Friday, they said if they didn't call me then I was good.So far no call so I'm negative for C-19.
Also not a big surprise, we don't hang with people although if we ever did get it it would be from going into these doctor's offices these past weeks.
Yesterday we visited the GP for my final OK pre surgery. It was her , 2 of her staff and us in the room, all wearing our masks. Then the door opens and some guy walks in speaking to the doc about something. Seems like he knew her or worked there, he was all in white but looked like a cleaner more then a medical staff member. ( He looked stupid, sorry to say some people's I.Q. does show on their faces) He just boldly came in without a mask on, thanks dude. No one said a word about it either!
Even so what if a person was half undressed and he just pops in the room?
If I survive the next few days, I will know this virus is being made out to be worst then it actually is just because I'm in danger from so many idiots. Waiting in medical centers all crowded with others, some one has to blow their nose so they just lower their mask and let it rip. Why not get up and walk away from others first? Where is the common sense?
I used to pick up illness often when I was a games dealer and hairdresser, so many people know they are ill but refuse to protect others in their selfishness.

What a waste of a time that was yesterday. I had my hair cut this morning, did they ask for my test results? NO!!

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Gosh, I hope to God no one ever confuses me with my husband! I mean he is cute but he would make the ugliest drag queen ever in history.Thankfully!

Just a matter of your hubby's commitment to a new career.  Commitment and very thick makeup perhaps.  If he's got a beard, it'd be a bit of a stopper.   Out of all the surprisingly effective  turns in drag  I would cite this one (click here).  Forget the boring song.   Flick through to just before the end. 

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

C-19 tests for a haircut, this is in Hungary?

It was in Austria.   Perception here might be they are all rich in Austria and have personal testers following them about.  I have no idea where I would even get a test.  BTW, there are now mutant variants on variants being mentioned in the media.   

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I had better start my cutting lessons for my husband, I've had him dabble with trimming the back of my hair in the past, he is good at it but not sure he could do a graduated  A-lined bob with layers the first time aroundI might have to buy a pink wig just in case!

My youngest daughter was up for cutting hair about 10 years ago.  She cut her own hair at an angle - started on her fringe.  Aftermath was an hair emergency and we had to try and tidy her up.  But luckily she's blessed with absolutely super lush hair to die for so it was just a matter of weeks before it was forgotten.  She did tell me fairly recently she wanted to cut my hair.  Err....no...

But what do we do in the COVID world to keep our hair organised?  We've just been ignoring it.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Got that PCR test last Friday, they said if they didn't call me then I was good.So far no call so I'm negative for C-19....
Yesterday we visited the GP for my final OK pre surgery. It was her , 2 of her staff and us in the room, all wearing our masks. Then the door opens and some guy walks in speaking to the doc about something. ....
If I survive the next few days, I will know this virus is being made out to be worst then it actually is just because I'm in danger from so many idiots. Waiting in medical centers all crowded with others, some one has to blow their nose so they just lower their mask and let it rip. Why not get up and walk away from others first? Where is the common sense?
I used to pick up illness often when I was a games dealer and hairdresser, so many people know they are ill but refuse to protect others in their selfishness.

Glad to hear your test are negative.

Maybe the interloper was already vaccinated?   

There seems to be a lot of casual attention to the rules.   Not that I've really seen huge amounts of it as I hardly go out these days.  And definitely not today in this dreadful weather.  I had a useless trip to Ikea last week and tomorrow, looks like a trip to "big" Tesco. Mrs Fluffy needs some HP sauce.  I don't think it will be possible due to Brexit.

SimCityAT wrote:

What a waste of a time that was yesterday. I had my hair cut this morning, did they ask for my test results? NO!!

Maybe they were already infected?

I'm a participant in an NHS England Covid symptoms trial group; been doing it for some time now, just open the mobile app, read the questions, select the options, close the app - job done.

Outside of this group, last Friday my wife was working at one of our vaccination centres; I had the car and was waiting in the car park for her to finish when I got a call asking me if I could call in and get my jab; they had 5 jabs left over from no-shows and they were going to be thrown away, so yes, of course, good news.

I got my briefing on potential side-effects, jabbed, wait 15 minutes, went home - with wife ofc.  No symptoms in first 24 hours, easy this.  24 hours later, I was unwell, had a chill, the dreaded cough, then to add insult to injury last Friday when I got an e-mail from this NHS group at 08:50, telling me that some of my selections had raised some issues and asking me if I was willing to go for a Covid test.  FFS, this is not so good, so quick conversation with the wife, went online and got a test booked in our local test centre and by 09:20 was back home having been tested, got the result the next morning, negative.  3 days later, still got a bit of a cough, but apart from that, I'm back to my annoying usual self.  Except, now (of course) I'm an annoying expert in all things Covid as well.

Cynic wrote:

Outside of this group, last Friday my wife was working at one of our vaccination centres; I had the car and was waiting in the car park for her to finish when I got a call asking me if I could call in and get my jab; they had 5 jabs left over from no-shows and they were going to be thrown away, so yes, of course, good news.

I got my briefing on potential side-effects, jabbed, wait 15 minutes, went home - with wife ofc.  No symptoms in first 24 hours, easy this.  24 hours later, I was unwell, had a chill, the dreaded cough...... 3 days later, still got a bit of a cough, but apart from that, I'm back to my annoying usual self.  Except, now (of course) I'm an annoying expert in all things Covid as well.

That's quite good.  More proactive than here. And the monitoring sounds really on the ball.

Were you at the same vaccination centre as where your wife was working?  Surprise them by being right there in about 2 seconds?

Sorry to hear you had some issues. My Dad had his jab (Pfizer) and has no side effects.  I don't know anyone who has actually been jabbed, especially here.   Any ideas about why you have a cough?

I did see a report on Euronews fussing about the arrival of some Russian vaccines for just a few people.  The government spokeswoman was waffling on.  Her name is Cecilia something and is the subject of some derision online for faffing up her reports.

btw, eeee, when I were a wee 'un I used to dream of being an annoying expert in summat. But I've had to just be satisfied wit' being annoying.

fluffy2560 wrote:
Cynic wrote:

Outside of this group, last Friday my wife was working at one of our vaccination centres; I had the car and was waiting in the car park for her to finish when I got a call asking me if I could call in and get my jab; they had 5 jabs left over from no-shows and they were going to be thrown away, so yes, of course, good news.

I got my briefing on potential side-effects, jabbed, wait 15 minutes, went home - with wife ofc.  No symptoms in first 24 hours, easy this.  24 hours later, I was unwell, had a chill, the dreaded cough...... 3 days later, still got a bit of a cough, but apart from that, I'm back to my annoying usual self.  Except, now (of course) I'm an annoying expert in all things Covid as well.

That's quite good.  More proactive than here. And the monitoring sounds really on the ball.

Were you at the same vaccination centre as where your wife was working?  Surprise them by being right there in about 2 seconds?

Sorry to hear you had some issues. My Dad had his jab (Pfizer) and has no side effects.  I don't know anyone who has actually been jabbed, especially here.   Any ideas about why you have a cough?

I did see a report on Euronews fussing about the arrival of some Russian vaccines for just a few people.  The government spokeswoman was waffling on.  Her name is Cecilia something and is the subject of some derision online for faffing up her reports.

btw, eeee, when I were a wee 'un I used to dream of being an annoying expert in summat. But I've had to just be satisfied wit' being annoying.

Yeah - it's extremely well organised here; my wife is an NHS nurse who works for a doctors practice locally, our daughter is an NHS care community nurse for the local community nursing team, so I'm probably at least well informed as most annoying types; plus I'm an ex-regulator who had a specialist training responsibility for the NHS, so am at least a professional pain in the ass as well.  To be honest, I try and stay well clear because although they have the best will in the world, they are so bloody frustrating sometimes that the old soldier in me tends to rear his ugly head when the answer to a problem is just so simple, but because "they don't do things like that" it never gets considered.  People should realise that the NHS reflects on the society it recruits from, some are good, some are bloody awful, but they all share one goal and have performed miracles in Covid.

I was parked outside where my wife was jabbing; so right place at the right time; my wife was jabbing yesterday, she did 97 jabs in one day, then she ran out of victims (that's what I call her patients); she's there again today, determined to get her 100 badge (joke).

I asked my wife about my cough and knew instantly I'd screwed up - I got a "it's winter" look.  It's getting better now, the bark has gone, I get a whole nights sleep without a coughing fit, it doesn't help having COPD as well though.  I'm really glad this didn't happen further down my COPD pathway, it's really dark down there.

Cynic wrote:


I was parked outside where my wife was jabbing; so right place at the right time; my wife was jabbing yesterday, she did 97 jabs in one day, then she ran out of victims (that's what I call her patients); she's there again today, determined to get her 100 badge (joke).

I asked my wife about my cough and knew instantly I'd screwed up - I got a "it's winter" look.  It's getting better now, the bark has gone, I get a whole nights sleep without a coughing fit, it doesn't help having COPD as well though.  I'm really glad this didn't happen further down my COPD pathway, it's really dark down there.

I hope they give her a gold star.  I wish we were all getting it here.  Then we might be able to travel.  But it seems to be getting worse in the UK with the hotel quarantine.  Very expensive at something like £1750 a person.  Like 5* luxury for that kind of money.   

In my mind, it's just not worth going there if there is any quarantine.  I'd like to see my relatives and particularly my Dad but it's impossible until the vaccination programme has fully been deployed and lockdown ends.

Sorry to hear about COPD - explains the cough.  My mother had a severe heart condition which meant her lungs were always full of liquid.  Not the same but perhaps similar effects.  Feel for you.

fluffy2560 wrote:

......  Feel for you.

Thank you.  Appreciated.