Absolutely Anything Else

fluffy2560 wrote:
Cynic wrote:

Somebody mentioned the Prison; it was right next door to our Maritime camp in the city.  We had a couple of guys in there doing life for murdering a prostitute.  In Belize prisons, you don't get fed, your family bring you food and you get what's left after the guards have stolen the best parts.  Anyway, we had to bring our guys food, so every day, my driver would drop off a couple of 24-hour ration packs for them.  The first day we did it, the guards did their usual trick of stealing most of it, but nobody told them the 2 Brits were both special forces guys, who after they "trained" the guards on the correct way to deliver their rations, then went about sorting out the gangs in the prison.

What happened to those two guys in there for murder?  Did they get out or are they still in there?

With the right palm greasing I bet they could have got out  and been spirited away or set up to serve their sentences back in Blighty.

Wow, don't think the Rasta guy we met in Belize was in for murder, hope not at least!
Probably was something to do with drugs but not sure.
Murder,I am not interested in even meeting anyone who did something so horrible.
I worked in New Mexico with a really nice sweet little lady in a beauty salon.
She also held a full time job as a rom cleaner at Intel.
I asked her why she was working s hard.
She told me her son was in a NM prison fr murder and she was trying to hire him yet another lawyer.
It was sad to see her slaving away like that.
Her son was a teenager and attended a house party.
Sme guy wanted to beat him up, they guy was larger so her son pulled out a kinfe and killed the guy.
Wow, in my teens we attended a few crazy house parties that had some univited gang bangers types show up. Lucky for us some of the older college kids knew them and told them to be nice or leave.
Scary really since they hated my friends and I to death.
Growing up in a small town the only thing on weekends for teens to do was go to house parties or the movies.
My BFF Lisa had 2 really cool parents.
She was the youngest child so I knew her older siblings who had gone to school with my older sisters.
Her bro was in college and still living at home when we were in high school.
Her parnets would go camping every single Friday and return home Sunday afternoons.
We had the house to ourselves for 30 some hours.
We only had our good friends come over, Lisa had her bros college friends over, about 8 guys and there were about 6 to7 of us girls. We basically had 2 different parties going on since the rules were no dating between the groups, just friends strictly. The guys were sort of stoner nerds anyways but nice and they all had cars.
We would listen to records, laugh, smoke ,drink beer and make a run to the pancake house at midnight.
We'd hang on early Sundays and clean the house before their parents came home.
All fun and games until Randy Vance barffed on Lisa's mom's brand new sofa.
Parties came to a full stop after that.
After that we all went to concerts together, saw the Stones for the first time with Lisa, her bro and about 5 of his college buddies.
It was a bonus to know stoners in college .They always had the best smokes.
I'm still in contact with one of the dudes, he is a grandfather who married a very pretty nice Hippie chick in college. They live in AZ and travel around in their RV.
He no longer speaks with Lisa's bro, they had a fight over politics, weird.

fluffy2560 wrote:
Cynic wrote:

Somebody mentioned the Prison; it was right next door to our Maritime camp in the city.  We had a couple of guys in there doing life for murdering a prostitute.  In Belize prisons, you don't get fed, your family bring you food and you get what's left after the guards have stolen the best parts.  Anyway, we had to bring our guys food, so every day, my driver would drop off a couple of 24-hour ration packs for them.  The first day we did it, the guards did their usual trick of stealing most of it, but nobody told them the 2 Brits were both special forces guys, who after they "trained" the guards on the correct way to deliver their rations, then went about sorting out the gangs in the prison.

What happened to those two guys in there for murder?  Did they get out or are they still in there?

With the right palm greasing I bet they could have got out  and been spirited away or set up to serve their sentences back in Blighty.

They got out or were transferred back to a UK prison; at least when I spoke to a guy that filled my slot a few years later, we were no longer delivering their ration packs; who knows?  I just had a quick Google search about it and found nothing about it, which is weird because it was there in the past.  Perhaps I dreamed the whole thing?

The prison itself is now a museum celebrating Belizean culture, which made me smile when I read it.  They have built a new one in Hatteville (if you Google it, you could be forgiven for thinking that somebody did a job lot in blue and yellow paint), it's rather strange as the prisoners are all let out during the day, so they can carry on working and supporting their families, but go back to the nick at night time.  Sometimes they don't bother coming back and the Governor declares a mass breakout.

fluffy2560 wrote:

.... I'm stunned into silence (for once).  Being a lowly grunt I never saw any real shenanigans.

90% of the time there were no issues.  Plane lands, load bags and passengers, Loadie gives out in-flight meal boxes if applicable and does pre-flight briefing; plane takes off, lands at the destination - do the reverse, it's not hard.  Most of the passengers have done it before and don't need to be told what to do.  It's when things don't go to plan that any weakness in the system is exposed, in this case, it was his assumption that caring for a passenger was my problem and not his.  I don't look much like a Gurkha, probably a couple of feet taller than most of them; I was just another passenger who happened to know what he should have done and was pissed off that he would try it on any passenger; he lost.

Cynic wrote:

They got out or were transferred back to a UK prison; at least when I spoke to a guy that filled my slot a few years later, we were no longer delivering their ration packs; who knows?  I just had a quick Google search about it and found nothing about it, which is weird because it was there in the past.  Perhaps I dreamed the whole thing?

The prison itself is now a museum celebrating Belizean culture, which made me smile when I read it.  They have built a new one in Hatteville (if you Google it, you could be forgiven for thinking that somebody did a job lot in blue and yellow paint), it's rather strange as the prisoners are all let out during the day, so they can carry on working and supporting their families, but go back to the nick at night time.  Sometimes they don't bother coming back and the Governor declares a mass breakout.

I was thinking they could have managed to get themselves deleted from any searches or changed their names.  I think the UK doesn't consider sentences over something like 18 months as spent so are always on record and would be in the public interest.   I suppose life in the UK really turns into about 15 to 20 years before parole.  Unless indefinitely detained.

I did Google the Belize prison.  Doesn't look that bad compared to some others but I also saw a major breakout listed.  Some of those dudes look European types and very European names.  But they also look like a very sorry bunch in their orange jumpsuits.

The Guy in Belize we met that was in night time lock up in jail lived in San Ignacio, about 3 hours ride from Belize city.
I hate to think about jail.
My husband was only 18 or 19 when a stupid girl told the cops that 2 guys assulted her.
My husband wasn't even there! It was more like she was a slut and threw herself on my hubbies friend with hopes of being in the "cool" crowd. Idiot.

He and his friend spent 3 months in a Jail cell in Budapest waiting for their trial. Good thing the dumb "chick" had some guilt and told the truth before they spent more time in jail while both being inocent of any crime.My husband was a sleep during whatever happened with her blessing and wanting to be there, dirty thing. Made my husband lose respect for most women, never thought they could act so low and nasty for nothing.
My husband was told to sue the gov. and the chicky but he just dropped it .didn't need more hassle. Bad enough he lost his fun/good driving job over it. They had to replace him while he was locked up.
Not like anything you see on tv, no sweet exercise area and no private cells. He had to learn to poop in front of 8 other people, hench the need for the old, "courtesy flush" term.
Had to sit on backless benches every single morning for over one hour listening to the rules over the PA system. No laying on your bunk during the day either.
Dam women, I told him if he ever sees her anywhere in Hungary any time, I'm kicking her in the t***!
Don't care if she is a great-granny now or not.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

The Guy in Belize we met that was in night time lock up in jail lived in San Ignacio, about 3 hours ride from Belize city.
I hate to think about jail.
My husband was only 18 or 19 when a stupid girl told the cops that 2 guys assulted her.
My husband wasn't even there! It was more like she was a slut and threw herself on my hubbies friend with hopes of being in the "cool" crowd. Idiot.

He and his friend spent 3 months in a Jail cell in Budapest waiting for their trial. Good thing the dumb "chick" had some guilt and told the truth before they spent more time in jail while both being inocent of any crime.My husband was a sleep during whatever happened with her blessing and wanting to be there, dirty thing. Made my husband lose respect for most women, never thought they could act so low and nasty for nothing.
My husband was told to sue the gov. and the chicky but he just dropped it .didn't need more hassle. Bad enough he lost his fun/good driving job over it. They had to replace him while he was locked up.
Not like anything you see on tv, no sweet exercise area and no private cells. He had to learn to poop in front of 8 other people, hench the need for the old, "courtesy flush" term.
Had to sit on backless benches every single morning for over one hour listening to the rules over the PA system. No laying on your bunk during the day either.
Dam women, I told him if he ever sees her anywhere in Hungary any time, I'm kicking her in the t***!
Don't care if she is a great-granny now or not.

In the UK and it seems like the US, if you are the accused, they tell everyone your name.  On the other hand in the UK,  attacks on women, the women remain anonymous.  People's reputations are are destroyed by the accusation.  Really both the accused and the alleged victim should remain anonymous just in case the victim made it all up.   

I actually wondered if modern prison would be just like having a really good rest. Like being a monk or something for a while.   

I heard a well known guy on the radio who'd got like a year in the clink and he said it was really boring and very degrading like the bathroom experience of your hubby.  I suppose one would muddle  through. If you were in for years of life and in a terrible place like a Supermax, it'd be a real struggle.   

Imagine being banged up for years for selling hashish.  Then they make it legal.  But you don't get your lost time back!

Exatclty, they should let those mild drug charges drop and let these people out since it is legal now.
Saw a upsetting movie on Neflix recently, "White Boy Ricky".
Kid was wild but did  time while being an informant for the US gov. they threw him under the bus.
Not fair at all, peple who did worst did less time.
It is a true story s that's why it was so disturbing to watch.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Exatclty, they should let those mild drug charges drop and let these people out since it is legal now.
Saw a upsetting movie on Neflix recently, "White Boy Ricky".
Kid was wild but did  time while being an informant for the US gov. they threw him under the bus.
Not fair at all, peple who did worst did less time.
It is a true story s that's why it was so disturbing to watch.

I am going to check that movie out.   Looks like rain so maybe an afternoon movie will be in order post dog-walking.

I think government shoving people under the bus is not unusual.  Chances of me being questioned by the FBI are close to zero but even so, I reckon the best thing to do is STFU when questioned about anything.  They are allowed to lie to you to get you to admit your guilt.

fluffy2560 wrote:
Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Exatclty, they should let those mild drug charges drop and let these people out since it is legal now.
Saw a upsetting movie on Neflix recently, "White Boy Ricky".
Kid was wild but did  time while being an informant for the US gov. they threw him under the bus.
Not fair at all, peple who did worst did less time.
It is a true story s that's why it was so disturbing to watch.

I am going to check that movie out.   Looks like rain so maybe an afternoon movie will be in order post dog-walking.

I think government shoving people under the bus is not unusual.  Chances of me being questioned by the FBI are close to zero but even so, I reckon the best thing to do is STFU when questioned about anything.  They are allowed to lie to you to get you to admit your guilt.

Decent movie filmed like in the mid 80s' style. Matthew Mc Conaughy plays the father.
Very moody style.

I just could not get into watching "White Boy Ricky".

A good Documentary to watch is......

Operation Varsity Blues
The College
Admissions Scanda


SimCityAT wrote:

I just could not get into watching "White Boy Ricky".

A good Documentary to watch is......

Operation Varsity Blues
The College
Admissions Scanda


I missed the first half of "White Boy Ricky" my husband was watching it in the early morning and I came in about half way through the movie.
I'll keep this documentary in mind, will write it down for my evening watch.

A while back Installed a new telephone cable from the main entry point to our living room. The clips are not working, they have broken. The wall they are in is drywall. Can I cut an indent and fill it in and after?

Lockdown is really making the mind word lol

SimCityAT wrote:

A while back Installed a new telephone cable from the main entry point to our living room. The clips are not working, they have broken. The wall they are in is drywall. Can I cut an indent and fill it in and after?

Lockdown is really making the mind word lol

Oh I dream of DIY to get away from the run of the mill BS.

But yes, you can hide it.  Just cut a channel, insert a conduit (panzerslauch), fix at intervals using blitz cement and then and use gips to plaster it.   You can then use a cable puller thing to take your cable from one place to another.   Hard to get the plaster flat but can be done.

You can also put it behind the skirting board if you have boards with a channel (or just take it off and make a wall channel at floor level behind the skirting so you don't need to plaster it in afterwards.  Just put the skirting board back on but make sure you don't stick a screw or nail through the cable.   

I used a "Gripfill" mastic glue gun to stick my skirting boards on but if your walls are not straight, you'll find it hard to get a straight bit of wood to stick on properly.   You can always screw it and fill in the screw tops with plastic wood.  Use galvanised screws otherwise they'll rust and you'll see it on the outside.

With Netflix in Hungary does it come up with the country or another? I use a VPN so I get pretty much every Netflix possible. But when I choose Hungary it always comes up with Austria.

SimCityAT wrote:

With Netflix in Hungary does it come up with the country or another? I use a VPN so I get pretty much every Netflix possible. But when I choose Hungary it always comes up with Austria.

I use my daughter's Netflix as one of the other users - there can be up to 5.  She's in the UK.  We don't have use a VPN at all for it.   

We see lists on popular shows in Hungary so they definitely are geo-locating us.  I don't know if they are  filtering stuff.  I think probably not.

They are intending to put warnings up on shared usage but we've not seen anything.

fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

With Netflix in Hungary does it come up with the country or another? I use a VPN so I get pretty much every Netflix possible. But when I choose Hungary it always comes up with Austria.

I use my daughter's Netflix as one of the other users - there can be up to 5.  She's in the UK.  We don't have use a VPN at all for it.   

We see lists on popular shows in Hungary so they definitely are geo-locating us.  I don't know if they are  filtering stuff.  I think probably not.

They are intending to put warnings up on shared usage but we've not seen anything.

I normally use Netflix on the TV as it is included with our TV provider. But I do like to see what other countries provide due to licensing laws.

TV does get a bit boring at the weekend, reruns of episodes of whats have been shown during the week.

I hear that even Sky are going to end a stop to sharing accounts with SKY GO. But be careful with your Netflix as your daughter could be struck off Netflix. Not sure how they will do that though. I guess they mean with payment? You just use another method.

fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

With Netflix in Hungary does it come up with the country or another? I use a VPN so I get pretty much every Netflix possible. But when I choose Hungary it always comes up with Austria.

I use my daughter's Netflix as one of the other users - there can be up to 5.  She's in the UK.  We don't have use a VPN at all for it.   

We see lists on popular shows in Hungary so they definitely are geo-locating us.  I don't know if they are  filtering stuff.  I think probably not.

They are intending to put warnings up on shared usage but we've not seen anything.

Yes, my Netflix is a gift from my sister in the US.
No issue with buying my own but thought I'd rather get it from the good. old USA if possible.
We heard just the other day they may have issues with sharing.
OK, give it to use little folks again.
It's all good just give me some shows in Englsih without so many dumb subtitled shows.
With my eyes going bonkers I am not in the mood to read all that much.
In all truth, many shows lately on Netflix are just garbage anyways.

I am grateful for Netflix, I am no IT expert, but currently I use it through a Roku stick (in the past not possible in Hungary but now it is). I used XBOX but I do not know what happened (anyhow we do not play console games). Roku has some other advantages (many normal TV channels to choose from (free of charge), but also many you can subscribe to (which I will not do).

I have some favourite series and movies on Netflix, the unfortunate thing is that many of them are discontinued are deleted after time. (Grimm and Doc Martin were and are my favourites)
Currently looking at Anne. Feel good series

cdw057 wrote:

I am grateful for Netflix, I am no IT expert, but currently I use it through a Roku stick (in the past not possible in Hungary but now it is). I used XBOX but I do not know what happened (anyhow we do not play console games). Roku has some other advantages (many normal TV channels to choose from (free of charge), but also many you can subscribe to (which I will not do).

I have some favourite series and movies on Netflix, the unfortunate thing is that many of them are discontinued are deleted after time. (Grimm and Doc Martin were and are my favourites)
Currently looking at Anne. Feel good series

Once all the good stuff has been seen on Netflix, it's hard to find anything to watch.  They do have a lot of old movies but one has to search. 

I saw a Netflix movie called Geostorm last night.  It wasn't very good despite an all star cast.  It was obviously partially financed by China or UAE as Hong Kong, Shanghai and Dubai were in it quite a bit.

We still have a sh.. load of DVD's which we brought from Luxembourg, often simple movies, but we enjoy them, eg Mr Monk, Upstairs Downstairs, Louis de Funes, all of them very good. However I agree with you not always easy to find excellent movies on Netflix (also a matter of taste).
Both me and my wife play chess and enjoyed Queen of Gambits

Again at my age I do not mind looking at movies for even a third time, melancholy, or just losing memorie, on the positive side seeing things which I did not before.

My husband liked Anne on Netflix.
I've never watched it.
I'm more into shows like The Vikings or SOA.
Dartk stuff.
Yes, most of the god shows on Netflix are done.
Dexter was a fun one .
Dark as well.
What's wrong with me?
Lately the series, "The Crown" has been a good watch.
A few nights bnack I watch a movie, "The Dig" interesting.
Another good one was ,"Rosita".Had some English and Danish subtitles, really good movie.

Admittedly I myself like to look at Walking Dead and Z nation, but most of the time I look at movies which are situatable for both my wife and me.

cdw057 wrote:

Admittedly I myself like to look at Walking Dead and Z nation, but most of the time I look at movies which are situatable for both my wife and me.

The streaming services are becoming a bit fragmented.  They all have their own shows so other than downloading,  it's hard to access some other streaming  service produced shows. 

Walking Dead in its new format is not as good as before. 

Z Nation was OK but not hard core zombie enough for me.

cdw057 wrote:

We still have a sh.. load of DVD's which we brought from Luxembourg, often simple movies, but we enjoy them, eg Mr Monk, Upstairs Downstairs, Louis de Funes, all of them very good. However I agree with you not always easy to find excellent movies on Netflix (also a matter of taste).
Both me and my wife play chess and enjoyed Queen of Gambits

Again at my age I do not mind looking at movies for even a third time, melancholy, or just losing memorie, on the positive side seeing things which I did not before.

I didn't know DVDs were still a thing.   I think it's all online now.   Even CDs are over.  I have 200+ CDs in storage in a very large box. I've ripped them all to MP3 at least 10 years ago.   My  entire collection fits on my smartphone.  Even that's old fashioned - my kids use Spotify all the time.

I looked at The Queen's Gambit and decided it wasn't for me.   I lost all interest in chess when it was proved it was just a processing problem and not really skill related. Eventually any good chess programme on a smartphone will be able to win.  Bit like Rubik's cube.  Apply the algorithm and finish the puzzle.  Job done.

I shall comment when I return, I have a meeting to go to. the jobcentre here has sent to a firm that helps people get back into work. It really is bloody pointless when nothing is open as we are in lockdown. I have job offers anyway but as I said they can't open. I am also meant to send an application once a week to any job. It doesn't matter if I am qualified or not. I have to be actively seeking employment.

Really total madness.

Why do women take so long to get ready? It would have been quicker if I had got the train. :D

SimCityAT wrote:

I shall comment when I return, I have a meeting to go to. the jobcentre here has sent to a firm that helps people get back into work. It really is bloody pointless when nothing is open as we are in lockdown. I have job offers anyway but as I said they can't open. I am also meant to send an application once a week to any job. It doesn't matter if I am qualified or not. I have to be actively seeking employment.

Really total madness.

I think it's the same everywhere.   I haven't been out of a job for a very long time.  I think I would be floundering around if I had to do that again.  Best of luck.

BTW,  ideal job perhaps....I'd like to have owned a scrapyard - like for old cars.  I could fiddle about all day with bits of metal.    Mrs Fluffy used to want to be able to operate an excavator. At one point we thought about buying a small one and renting it out. 

Apparently one of the most satisfying jobs is demolition - knocking stuff down.   Blowing things up sounds very attractive to me.    So much more fun than building it.

SimCityAT wrote:

Why do women take so long to get ready? It would have been quicker if I had got the train. :D

We know someone who has to get dressed up just to go to the shops.   

We laughed because it as all heels and  makeup and carrying a fancy little shopping basket.

All a palaver to get a litre of milk.

fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

Why do women take so long to get ready? It would have been quicker if I had got the train. :D

We know someone who has to get dressed up just to go to the shops.   

We laughed because it as all heels and  makeup and carrying a fancy little shopping basket.

All a palaver to get a litre of milk.

My mum, was like that, have you brushed your teeth, you're not going out like that....... FFS I am only going to the garden centre or to B & Q.

fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

I shall comment when I return, I have a meeting to go to. the jobcentre here has sent to a firm that helps people get back into work. It really is bloody pointless when nothing is open as we are in lockdown. I have job offers anyway but as I said they can't open. I am also meant to send an application once a week to any job. It doesn't matter if I am qualified or not. I have to be actively seeking employment.

Really total madness.

I think it's the same everywhere.   I haven't been out of a job for a very long time.  I think I would be floundering around if I had to do that again.  Best of luck.

BTW,  ideal job perhaps....I'd like to have owned a scrapyard - like for old cars.  I could fiddle about all day with bits of metal.    Mrs Fluffy used to want to be able to operate an excavator. At one point we thought about buying a small one and renting it out. 

Apparently one of the most satisfying jobs is demolition - knocking stuff down.   Blowing things up sounds very attractive to me.    So much more fun than building it.

As was expected, a waste of a bloody time. How are they meant to help when there are no jobs because of lockdown.

fluffy2560 wrote:
cdw057 wrote:

We still have a sh.. load of DVD's which we brought from Luxembourg, often simple movies, but we enjoy them, eg Mr Monk, Upstairs Downstairs, Louis de Funes, all of them very good. However I agree with you not always easy to find excellent movies on Netflix (also a matter of taste).
Both me and my wife play chess and enjoyed Queen of Gambits

Again at my age I do not mind looking at movies for even a third time, melancholy, or just losing memorie, on the positive side seeing things which I did not before.

I didn't know DVDs were still a thing.   I think it's all online now.   Even CDs are over.  I have 200+ CDs in storage in a very large box. I've ripped them all to MP3 at least 10 years ago.   My  entire collection fits on my smartphone.  Even that's old fashioned - my kids use Spotify all the time.

I looked at The Queen's Gambit and decided it wasn't for me.   I lost all interest in chess when it was proved it was just a processing problem and not really skill related. Eventually any good chess programme on a smartphone will be able to win.  Bit like Rubik's cube.  Apply the algorithm and finish the puzzle.  Job done.

I can hardly handle checkers but Queens Gambit was a good show.
It was more then just the game.
DVD's ,What you talkin' about Willis? .. I still enjoy my music tapes and I'm lucky that I was never into 8 track or I'd still be using them.
I have a Sony Walkman and use it to exercise with .
Old school...
We did have a MP3 player but gave ity to the neighbors girl, too high tech for us!
I still have almost all my old vynil LP's from my teen years in storage in Vegas.
We have most of our ,"meomries" on old Sony 8 mm tapes also in storage.
The old Sony Video 8 series.
Have my Maxie dog on 8 mm tapes with his graduation from obedience school and most of my memories from my mom's Sunday dinners with everyone in the fam being there.
Suppose the $170. per month fee is worth saving them.Hard to put a price on them.

SimCityAT wrote:

As was expected, a waste of a bloody time. How are they meant to help when there are no jobs because of lockdown.

You could have said you wanted to be a lumberjack....leaping from tree to tree, as you float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia.....

Is there anything you really fancy doing? 

I mean perhaps some self-contained jobs like landscape gardening or portrait painting or maybe sculpting?

fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

As was expected, a waste of a bloody time. How are they meant to help when there are no jobs because of lockdown.

You could have said you wanted to be a lumberjack....leaping from tree to tree, as you float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia.....

Is there anything you really fancy doing? 

I mean perhaps some self-contained jobs like landscape gardening or portrait painting or maybe sculpting?

The hospitality industry has been hit really hard, unemployment in that area is really high, so everyone is in the same boat and will take any job going. I said I will even sweep the roads, there is pretty much nothing going. Just going to have to wait for the news conference at 6 pm to see if the lockdown is going to be lifted on 27th March. It is looking doubtful because of the high number of cases still. It may well be lifted but just for over Easter like it was for Christmas but that is only for a few days.

SimCityAT wrote:

The hospitality industry has been hit really hard, unemployment in that area is really high, so everyone is in the same boat and will take any job going. I said I will even sweep the roads, there is pretty much nothing going. Just going to have to wait for the news conference at 6 pm to see if the lockdown is going to be lifted on 27th March. It is looking doubtful because of the high number of cases still. It may well be lifted but just for over Easter like it was for Christmas but that is only for a few days.

I'm really sorry about it - not trying to trivialise your predicament in previous postings.  It must be very stressful. 

Are they  making any furlough payments to anyone?  I mean like in the UK. We don't see any of that going on here.

It might be really dumb but one of my kids in NZ is doing English lessons online.  Just conversational stuff.   Not really teaching, just chatting to people.  Seems to work really well.   I can ask the name of site if you want.

I cannot see anything changing before May.  All we hear is that there's a third wave coming.  It's not good.  I have work but I'm going to have to go to Asia to do it.  It seems very difficult to get there with some countries having a complete ban on visitors for any reason.  I am really still very unhappy about the  UK with its quarantine and PCR test demands.

SimCityAT wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

As was expected, a waste of a bloody time. How are they meant to help when there are no jobs because of lockdown.

You could have said you wanted to be a lumberjack....leaping from tree to tree, as you float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia.....

Is there anything you really fancy doing? 

I mean perhaps some self-contained jobs like landscape gardening or portrait painting or maybe sculpting?

The hospitality industry has been hit really hard, unemployment in that area is really high, so everyone is in the same boat and will take any job going. I said I will even sweep the roads, there is pretty much nothing going. Just going to have to wait for the news conference at 6 pm to see if the lockdown is going to be lifted on 27th March. It is looking doubtful because of the high number of cases still. It may well be lifted but just for over Easter like it was for Christmas but that is only for a few days.

I saw on FB ex-pat site for Hungary a week ago or so a co. looking for delivery people. They will either give you a co. car to use or give a scooter. Maybe it's food delivery?
I thought they were giving 80%  income payments to thse displaced from their jobs?
Maybe it is not for everyone?
Teaching English online sounds good, I will ask my US friend here who lives in HUngary and teaches online now for the HU public schools. I know she was hired in the US through a company and just needed a degree in anything and had to be a volunteer teacher for 6 months before being sent here to teach.
Maybe now they are forgoing the 6 month voluneteer thing?
I'll write her now before I forget to. She gets free rent and pay.

Just sent my friend a message asking the name of the place she works for.
My DIL works in a hotel in Japan and I believe they have reduced her wrk days too just 3 a week or 4.
She was working the front desk but now they have her do some cleaning as well.
Terrible times but it will end.

Having an assignment in these times is a blessing. I used to be and still am a consultant, but since early last year business has come to a standstill. (I do not speak Hungarian and only service Western European Countries). No clue how long this will last, I am just lucky that I had some profits before so some VAT to set off and from dividend tax to be paid my losses can compensate partially. Still for me it will be difficult to find a local job (even if remote).
I just have to accept we will have to eat in our savings for now. Perhaps things will improve in autumn.

Do not worry we can still eat, drink, smoke for now.
And very important pay for internet.

Just saw something about the UK putting in a travel ban until at least July.
It's getting crazy again.

If I hear back from my friend about being a online English teacher in Hungary, I'll be sure to post.
Never thought we could consider ourseves lucky to be on SS.
I asked my husband before WTH would we do if they stopped giving us our monthly income from the US.
He said, no biggie, he would find a job doing something.
Not so sure that could happen now even if one was willing to work.
At the moment the plumber has finally showed up after 2 weeks to look at the ceiling in our flat.
The dude upstairs has a leak and our ceiling is coming down and is no stained yellow.
He is still upstairs tearing int the guys wall or floor.
He came down to inform my husband that it was "gushing" water.
2 weeks for a visit? He is the house plumber too.
It's all good, I'm not the only one without water at the moment.
I broke down my kitchen hoping they would repair the ceiling today but now I'm sort of doubting they will get that far today.
I needed a good deep cleaning anyways in that room.
Have to try to see the positive in every rotten situation in life.
On a lighter note, the woorking women in the house don't seem busy now either.
Ladies of the night so too speak.
A flat across and above us seems to have a flock of women coming and going in good times.
They often sat outside on the walkway in dressing gowns and smoking cigs mid day.
Wild guess what they were up to all night long!
Not many tourists around these days so they seem to have taken their'wears" elsewhere!
Our friend in the house who's 86 year old mom passed before Xmas is now taking blood pressure meds and getting some sort of feel god pills for depression.
She calls us at least once per week, this week it has been 3 times. I don't mind, she is nice and under stress being alone with this virus stuff going on.
Her mom lived with her fr more then 20 years and now she is lost by herself.
She knows everything going on in the house, who is selling, who is doing this or that.
God knows how she gets her info cause I'm clueless about everyone in the house except what she tells us about.
Seems the women living 2 doors down from us is also a working women. Hard to believe . She is a bit dowdy looking and 65 years old.
She was seen drunk and picking up people at Keliti station...
Sort of messed up when everyone knows your business like that.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Teaching English online sounds good, I will ask my US friend here who lives in HUngary and teaches online now for the HU public schools. I know she was hired in the US through a company and just needed a degree in anything and had to be a volunteer teacher for 6 months before being sent here to teach.
Just sent my friend a message asking the name of the place she works for.
My DIL works in a hotel in Japan and I believe they have reduced her work days too just 3 a week or 4.
She was working the front desk but now they have her do some cleaning as well.
Terrible times but it will end.

I've always thought unless one really wanted to be a teacher, teaching English would be a bit of a last resort.  On the other hand, it'll keep one busy.

If someone is furloughed and gets extra money via other work, then the furlough money might be cut.

I think the hospitality industry will be dead for years.  Airlines too.  It's horrible.

It's no longer a muddle, it's an absolute mess.  Almost all of Europe is in lockdown now - Germany for 3 weeks.  I cannot even go to the UK to see my dear old Dad.

I'm thinking we'll have economic trade wars over Astra Zeneca next. I bet the EU tries to take over the factory.  I wouldn't be surprised if the UK government's response would be to nationalise it temporarily.   It would be a major escalation for the EU and UK to go there.

My English teaching friend said they are not hiring ATM but she gets messages from a co. with posts about online work.
Maybe it can help ?


Marilyn Tassy wrote:

My English teaching friend said they are not hiring ATM but she gets messages from a co. with posts about online work.
Maybe it can help ?


I looked at this one and it had a few online jobs posted but seems to be mainly Asia (would mean working nights):

ESL Teacher Recruitment

No idea if any good.