Absolutely Anything Else

:) I think the use of male nipples will become clear in 100 years or so

My husband and son are both Buddist.
My husband was the only none Japanese on Maui in his temple.
My son now lives in Japan so Jesus will have to wait on him.
Sort of a slight issue with me, I tell them both that Buddhism sounds great but really it's pagan.
I've even backed off with my yoga, do not meditate any longer  or chant and I was a 3 hour a day yogi running around town from class to class for 17 years.
Even have changed out the way I do poses.I only still do some yoga because it feels god on my back and entire body.
My husband has his little "shrine" set up still and it gets on my nerves to have it in the home. I never will tell anyone what to think though. No, I try but they will not listen.
My son was sent for 3 years to a Lutherian school. the only private school in our budget, not cheap but not over the top either.
He had his religious  studies once a week with all the children.
Now he is a Buddist...
My older sister is really into it with her Bible study group. One reason I'd be afraid to ever move in with her someday.
I am not religious at all but spiritual, I can see the lies in most religions and hate to blindly follow anything.
I no longer celebrate holidays like Christmas or Easter but hate t admit I still like my BD. Not to honor myslef but that's one day my husband's wallet opens up! Not really but thought that was funny to write.
My one cousin married a man from India and she is Hindu, her grandfather was a Greek Orthodox priest. She speaks fluent Russian at a high level but is Hindu now and raised her 2 children as Hindu's.

It is important to eat right. Fr the past 3 weeks or so my husband had wanted to lose a few kilos. he has lost 7 lbs so far. I don't want him t lost it too fast, he looks thin but wants to get rid of his tummy a bit, his nice slacks are to tight for him.
His downfall is cake and sweets.
I've been making a drink these weeks fr our breakfast. It's water, apples, lemon juice, tumeric, cayanne pepper, black pepper garlic and olive oil.
Fills you up and side note, my skin is glowing from drinking it. My skin as really cleared up. wearing those masks brke my skinout and now it's clear and glowing. Must be the drink?
I also make him a drink before bedtime of lemmon rins boiled with cumin seeds, drained add fresh lemon juice and serve cold maybe with a bit of honey.
Poor guy between those drinks, gabbage soup and beets he can't find time enough for his sweets.

I asked my husband before why there are so many old ladies in HUngary and not so manyn old men.\He said their wives mouths killed them off!
He is joking many older men had hard lives of stress and long hours of hard work.
The women worked hard to but the men took their stress relief with drinking before/during and after work.
Not the bit of wine here and there but hard stuff plus smoking frm a young age.
In the US I've seen tons of old men around, most didn't work 12 hour shifts in factories though.

cdw057 wrote:

:) I think the use of male nipples will become clear in 100 years or so

Sounds like you know something we don't!

Like COVID19 restrictions in some countries - the reason why they existed past vaccination will become clear in 100 years. And maybe the existence of UFOs also will become confirmed.  And Donald Trump we'll really know to be a Russian agent.

An answer might be that evolution only adds to DNA, doesn't take away.  It's a bit of a work in progress - maybe we should have two hearts and two livers.  Two brains I'll leave to Steve Martin.

Maybe like lizards, if a limb gets chopped off it should grow back.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

My husband and son are both Buddhist.
My husband was the only none Japanese on Maui in his temple.
My son now lives in Japan so Jesus will have to wait on him.
Sort of a slight issue with me, I tell them both that Buddhism sounds great but really it's pagan.

Nothing wrong with being pagan.   Christmas is pagan and so is a lot of Easter and Halloween.  Makes it more interesting  to have this kind of fun going on.  In the UK we have druids on the summer solstice at Stonehenge.   Been to the "henge" a few times but never when the druids were around.  Shame really. In the area of my youth we have a lot of "rings" - circles of trees on hills.  We also have stone circles. It's all interesting and very pagan. Gotta love those Celts. 

Folklore (and Hollywood) says they'd have  to sacrifice an adult maiden virgin but of course these days, no-one can find one around there.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I've even backed off with my yoga, do not meditate any longer  or chant and I was a 3 hour a day yogi running around town from class to class for 17 years.
Even have changed out the way I do poses.I only still do some yoga because it feels god on my back and entire body.
I no longer celebrate holidays like Christmas or Easter but hate t admit I still like my BD. Not to honor myslef but that's one day my husband's wallet opens up! Not really but thought that was funny to write.
My one cousin married a man from India and she is Hindu, her grandfather was a Greek Orthodox priest. She speaks fluent Russian at a high level but is Hindu now and raised her 2 children as Hindu's.

I've often thought about doing yoga but it looks a bit hard work. I have a book on Tai Chi but I think one has to do it in a group to get more out of it.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

It is important to eat right. Fr the past 3 weeks or so my husband had wanted to lose a few kilos. he has lost 7 lbs so far. I don't want him t lost it too fast, he looks thin but wants to get rid of his tummy a bit, his nice slacks are to tight for him.
His downfall is cake and sweets.

I'm with him.  I try to limit my consumption. I only have sugar free stuff but even that has calories.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I've been making a drink these weeks fr our breakfast. It's water, apples, lemon juice, tumeric, cayanne pepper, black pepper garlic and olive oil.
Fills you up and side note, my skin is glowing from drinking it. My skin as really cleared up. wearing those masks brke my skinout and now it's clear and glowing. Must be the drink?
I also make him a drink before bedtime of lemmon rins boiled with cumin seeds, drained add fresh lemon juice and serve cold maybe with a bit of honey.
Poor guy between those drinks, gabbage soup and beets he can't find time enough for his sweets.

Are you sure you aren't glowing as a reaction from all that stuff you're drinking?

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I asked my husband before why there are so many old ladies in HUngary and not so manyn old men.\He said their wives mouths killed them off!
He is joking many older men had hard lives of stress and long hours of hard work.
The women worked hard to but the men took their stress relief with drinking before/during and after work.
Not the bit of wine here and there but hard stuff plus smoking frm a young age.
In the US I've seen tons of old men around, most didn't work 12 hour shifts in factories though.

Your hubby is right, modern life is really very stressful.  Some stress is OK but it can be a bit much sometimes.   I don't know how people manage to survive horrible periods like being a PoW, shipwrecks, plane crashes, war, abuse and poverty. 

Always surprised that humans find strength to pull from depths they never knew they had.    We (humans) must be amazing!

BTW, love these Celtic knots:


Marilyn Tassy wrote:

My friend in Las Vegas said a few days back that her friend succumbed to C-19 and died. His daughter is still in the ICU with C-19.

Were they vaccinated?

fluffy2560 wrote:
Marilyn Tassy wrote:

My friend in Las Vegas said a few days back that her friend succumbed to C-19 and died. His daughter is still in the ICU with C-19.

Were they vaccinated?

My Vegas buddy said out of the 16 people she knows ATM with C-19 most were vaxed.
This father and daughter were not but I am really surprised because anyone hanging or knowing Susi would of been vaxed.Must of slipped under her radar.
She runs,Las Vegas Gift and Craft Shows and rents huge rooms inside casinos to hold  her events.
I know her and she is a strict rule follower, these people were venders at her show.
I't so odd to me that she didn't shut them down from selling at her show.
Male nipples, well soon enough men will no longer need women for anything, they can produce their own human milk...
The world is turning everyone into what I used to think was cool,"Adonomious" peoople.
Not so cool after all if it means the end of human reproduction.
Bill Gates father was a founder of Planned Parenthood, just let that sink in for a second or two...

Marilyn Tassy wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:
Marilyn Tassy wrote:

My friend in Las Vegas said a few days back that her friend succumbed to C-19 and died. His daughter is still in the ICU with C-19.

Were they vaccinated?

My Vegas buddy said out of the 16 people she knows ATM with C-19 most were vaxed.
This father and daughter were not but I am really surprised because anyone hanging or knowing Susi would of been vaxed.Must of slipped under her radar.
She runs,Las Vegas Gift and Craft Shows and rents huge rooms inside casinos to hold  her events.
I know her and she is a strict rule follower, these people were venders at her show.
I't so odd to me that she didn't shut them down from selling at her show.
Male nipples, well soon enough men will no longer need women for anything, they can produce their own human milk...
The world is turning everyone into what I used to think was cool,"Adonomious" peoople.
Not so cool after all if it means the end of human reproduction.
Bill Gates father was a founder of Planned Parenthood, just let that sink in for a second or two...

I understand it's possible to get C19 even with vaccination but the chances of being hospitalised is minimal as the disease would be  very mild or not noticeable.

I happen to know that male breasts can be developed to produce milk given the right medication (and can produce with certain diseases i.e. prolactinoma).  Apart from that interesting fact, that shows the equipment is actually there for making milk and just needs a nudge in the right direction.   

We might end up all androgynous.  Take years and years and many generation to be a reality.   I think pollution is working to sterility anyway but nature will find a way so that life can continue.

I've got no problem with Planned Parenthood even if don't think much of Bill Gates - he's done a lot for malaria research.    But this is one of those 6 degrees things - there's link to having two brains (as per previous posts) as in that Steve Martin movie (Man with Two Brains).  Kathleen Turner was the love interest in that movie and she's been Planned Parenthood's chairperson in the past.  We come full circle.

I used to think Planned Parenthood was a God send for peple.
After some research it seems, they are really a eugenics program.
Mostly geared to low income people and set up in minority hoods.
Margaret Sanger was a total racist.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I used to think Planned Parenthood (PP) was a God send for peple.
After some research it seems, they are really a eugenics program.
Mostly geared to low income people and set up in minority hoods.
Margaret Sanger was a total racist.

Isn't it in low income and minority areas because those are the people with less access to healthcare and where PP is needed?

Apart from the eugenics and racism, she at least brought some emancipation to folks. Eugenics at the time was connected as being very much the same thing as family planning.  So it was in those times.

We have a similar person in the UK called Mary Stopes.   People still protest outside the clinic that bears her name.   Usually religious types. Makes me wonder how nuns know anything about having or not having children. 

I believe there are constant arrivals at Mary Stopes from countries where terminations are more or less illegal - Ireland, Poland etc.    One has to think back to those times where backstreet terminations were almost a form of contraception with plenty of butchery as a result.

I wouldn't be surprised if they'll try and bring in those kind of restrictions here at some point.

fluffy2560 wrote:
Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I used to think Planned Parenthood (PP) was a God send for peple.
After some research it seems, they are really a eugenics program.
Mostly geared to low income people and set up in minority hoods.
Margaret Sanger was a total racist.

Isn't it in low income and minority areas because those are the people with less access to healthcare and where PP is needed?

Apart from the eugenics and racism, she at least brought some emancipation to folks. Eugenics at the time was connected as being very much the same thing as family planning.  So it was in those times.

We have a similar person in the UK called Mary Stopes.   People still protest outside the clinic that bears her name.   Usually religious types. Makes me wonder how nuns know anything about having or not having children. 

I believe there are constant arrivals at Mary Stopes from countries where terminations are more or less illegal - Ireland, Poland etc.    One has to think back to those times where backstreet terminations were almost a form of contraception with plenty of butchery as a result.

I wouldn't be surprised if they'll try and bring in those kind of restrictions here at some point.

That's a bit funny to say outloud, "Apart from eugenics and racism" ...sorry not trying to be a punk but it sounds crazy if you say it out loud and actually listen to how evil that agenda is.
I'm not against abortion in some cases, but all of my life views are more conservative these days.
I used to think anything goes but no longer believe people should be allowed to just run amuck and let others pick up the pieces after destrustion as been done.
I know for a fact if abortions were legal when my mother was young, none of us would be here in my family.
Maybe it was a mistake not to have them legal in the late 40's and mid 50's?
What good have I done in the world so far?
Perhaps in the past I might of saved a few shops from going bankrupt.
None of us are useless and every baby is important in their own way.
I know I was a "mistake" that wasn't suppose to happen, my mom was ready to pack up my 2 sisters and leave my father before she found out about me coming along.
Then 5 years later there was my bro. 3 years later she fianlly got her divorce so maybe she wasted her valueable time having 2 more children or maybe not.
This Do as Tho will attitude is not really advancing the human race that much, more like just building up the egos of people who will be let down at some point in time when they realize they really aren't all that important after all.
I wonder how many of us worthless eaters were mistakes in their parents eyes?

Marilyn Tassy wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:
Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I used to think Planned Parenthood (PP) was a God send for peple.
After some research it seems, they are really a eugenics program.
Mostly geared to low income people and set up in minority hoods.
Margaret Sanger was a total racist.

Isn't it in low income and minority areas because those are the people with less access to healthcare and where PP is needed?

Apart from the eugenics and racism, she at least brought some emancipation to folks. Eugenics at the time was connected as being very much the same thing as family planning.  So it was in those times.

We have a similar person in the UK called Mary Stopes.   People still protest outside the clinic that bears her name.   Usually religious types. Makes me wonder how nuns know anything about having or not having children. 

I believe there are constant arrivals at Mary Stopes from countries where terminations are more or less illegal - Ireland, Poland etc.    One has to think back to those times where backstreet terminations were almost a form of contraception with plenty of butchery as a result.

I wouldn't be surprised if they'll try and bring in those kind of restrictions here at some point.

That's a bit funny to say outloud, "Apart from eugenics and racism" ...sorry not trying to be a punk but it sounds crazy if you say it out loud and actually listen to how evil that agenda is.
I'm not against abortion in some cases, but all of my life views are more conservative these days.
I used to think anything goes but no longer believe people should be allowed to just run amuck and let others pick up the pieces after destruction as been done.
I know for a fact if abortions were legal when my mother was young, none of us would be here in my family.
Maybe it was a mistake not to have them legal in the late 40's and mid 50's?
What good have I done in the world so far?
Perhaps in the past I might of saved a few shops from going bankrupt.
None of us are useless and every baby is important in their own way.
I know I was a "mistake" that wasn't suppose to happen, my mom was ready to pack up my 2 sisters and leave my father before she found out about me coming along.
Then 5 years later there was my bro. 3 years later she fianlly got her divorce so maybe she wasted her valueable time having 2 more children or maybe not.
This Do as Tho will attitude is not really advancing the human race that much, more like just building up the egos of people who will be let down at some point in time when they realize they really aren't all that important after all.
I wonder how many of us worthless eaters were mistakes in their parents eyes?

I suppose the eugenics and racism are akin to saying someone is a little bit Nazi.   Her excuse - if she looked back with hindsight -  might be that the science or philosophy was in development and not fully formed.  Like a half baked cake (idea).  These days perhaps we're more into toppings (I vote chocolate).

I'm from a relatively large family and I know my mother had another one in the oven when the youngest of us was about  6 years old.  She never talked about it but couldn't cope with the effort again. I visited her in the hospital and had no idea why she was there.  I eventually realised maybe 30 years ago what was going on.  I am sad we didn't see our sibling.

I can feel sympathy for "lost children" but then again, a collection of cells is not a human being.  It's that old thing about when consciousness begins.  I was watching a TV programme where they supposed consciousness or thought begins when sensory organs like eyes and ears start feeding information to the developing brain.   Maybe it's at that point human life might really begins.   Brain cells without input are just randomly firing off. Like some politicians.

Bit of a dilemma as women should own their own bodies and not be dictated to (usually by men - yes, you know who you are in Rome). I've got three daughters and I'd never want them to be stopped from making their own choices because of someone else's belief system.

I keep telling Mrs F that kids are worth it in the end.  I don't think she believed me but I am sure she's beginning to as our eldest is now a YA (Young Adult) and becoming more interactive in a teenager'ish way.  We'll miss them when they've flown the coop and roosting elsewhere - case of "job done" to a  certain extent.  We'll be left with the cat and the dog and they will never grow up.

My mother said she had a miscarriage when I was just a few months old.
Maybe that would of been the little sister that I actually got on with. It was a girl mom said so it must of been pretty formed by the time she lo
st it.
My son's Chiense GF already had a little girl when they met, she had a miscarriage with my son's boy. I should be a granny now of a 12 ,13 year old bi racial boy, how pretty he would of been since his mom had a beautiful face and my boy is so tall.
His GF didn't abort, it was a miscarriage and she almost died with complications. We were in HU when this all went down and they didn't tell us for ages.
His old GF from Japan was going to have a baby with him too but she didn't go through with it. I can't blame her our boy is a spcae case at times and can't be realied on all the time. Sorry that happened too.
They soon brke up after that, to bad, I really liked her, smart and on the ball women. She came to the US by herself and worked her way through 4 years at uni in Las Vegas and then got a good job in IT.
She was to much of a go getter for our son in the end.
He is laid back and likes laid back people who don't challenge things.
In the end my husband's ex must of moved a huge cabinet because he was free and not forced to marry her. Sounds so sad really.
My husband almost got married in HU and then never would of left here in his youth. HIs GF lost it by moving furniture around...Heard that tale before, all of a sudden these women decide to move furniture and loss a baby.
My mom also tried  moving furniture and running stairs for hours when she found out my eldest sister was coming along. Her strict half native American aunts beat the crap out of her too for being so dumb.
Still hot boiling baths and drinking all sorts of weird herbs drinks didn't help. Had to write my father a suicide note, her aunts forced her to write it.
Things people like to hide in families I guess, to embarrassing.
My mother actually in the end said she loved infants and small children. She wasn't a fan of children over age 4 all that much though. Too much talking back and asking too many questions.
She had planned her last 2 babies with my step-father though. She was 44 and 46 when she had them.
Me, just had my boy and never worried about the marriage part. I'm lucky and glad my husband is the person he is and in the end all is well.
Sort of wish we had a girl too but then again one can't look back with regrets.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

My mother said she had a miscarriage when I was just a few months old.
Maybe that would of been the little sister that I actually got on with. It was a girl mom said so it must of been pretty formed by the time she lo
st it.
My son's Chiense GF already had a little girl when they met, she had a miscarriage with my son's boy. I should be a granny now of a 12 ,13 year old bi racial boy, how pretty he would of been since his mom had a beautiful face and my boy is so tall.
His GF didn't abort, it was a miscarriage and she almost died with complications. We were in HU when this all went down and they didn't tell us for ages.
His old GF from Japan was going to have a baby with him too but she didn't go through with it. I can't blame her our boy is a spcae case at times and can't be realied on all the time. Sorry that happened too.
They soon brke up after that, to bad, I really liked her, smart and on the ball women. She came to the US by herself and worked her way through 4 years at uni in Las Vegas and then got a good job in IT.
She was to much of a go getter for our son in the end.
He is laid back and likes laid back people who don't challenge things.
In the end my husband's ex must of moved a huge cabinet because he was free and not forced to marry her. Sounds so sad really.
My husband almost got married in HU and then never would of left here in his youth. HIs GF lost it by moving furniture around...Heard that tale before, all of a sudden these women decide to move furniture and loss a baby.
My mom also tried  moving furniture and running stairs for hours when she found out my eldest sister was coming along. Her strict half native American aunts beat the crap out of her too for being so dumb.
Still hot boiling baths and drinking all sorts of weird herbs drinks didn't help. Had to write my father a suicide note, her aunts forced her to write it.
Things people like to hide in families I guess, to embarrassing.
My mother actually in the end said she loved infants and small children. She wasn't a fan of children over age 4 all that much though. Too much talking back and asking too many questions.
She had planned her last 2 babies with my step-father though. She was 44 and 46 when she had them.
Me, just had my boy and never worried about the marriage part. I'm lucky and glad my husband is the person he is and in the end all is well.
Sort of wish we had a girl too but then again one can't look back with regrets.

That sounds like quite a series of sad events.   

But these "missing" aren't really missing at all - they simply didn't exist as people.   I suppose we miss the possibility. Shame about it.

In my own country, and these days anyway, being pregnant and not being married isn't such a big thing nowadays. I don't think anyone really cares much now but back in the day - it was really horrible (forced adoptions, banishment etc). I did hear a statistic that more babies in the UK are born out of wedlock than in it.   Mrs F and I only got married so our kids would be dual nationals.  I actually object being forced to do that just so they can have British citizenship.  They should have been anyway, regardless.   But as one of my relatives said, they do that because people always know who the mother is and I suppose back in the day, there wasn't DNA testing to prove paternity.

We know about having kids when older I was 48 when our youngest was born and Mrs F was 43.  We had all the tests and they said "abnormal" cells were found and hinted at termination.  We researched it all and saw the risks were relatively low and the tests unreliable.   We decided to ignore them and thank god we did.  Looking at how are kids are now, having to putourselves  through such a decision making dilemma seems unbearable.

It was a bit ,"dangerous" at the time fr my mom being in her mid 40's in the late 1960's even.
She just said she prayed on it and felt healthy.
My half sister is a bit off her rocker at times though...Mom had her tested, the experts said she was normal but then again, they didn't have to live with her!
We wish our boy would have a child before we kick it.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

It was a bit ,"dangerous" at the time fr my mom being in her mid 40's in the late 1960's even.
She just said she prayed on it and felt healthy.
My half sister is a bit off her rocker at times though...Mom had her tested, the experts said she was normal but then again, they didn't have to live with her!

Yes, it's a bit dangerous being over 40s at any time.  But the technology is good and with proper healthcare,  there should not really anything to stop people having kids at any age.  One sees women having kids in their 60s with fertility treatment.   I find it harder to keep up now with the Fluffyettes but if I was say 70, I'd really struggle to keep up with a toddler.  So not the baby but me!

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

We wish our boy would have a child before we kick it.

I'm sure they know what to do! Maybe she's a bit worried - Mrs F was very concerned as it's a rollercoaster one cannot get off.  Baby is coming regardless.   But actually being pregnant is not being sick - it's just normal.

BTW, some interesting half-Japanese people competing in the Olympics at the moment.  One wonders how their parents managed to meet!  There was a BBC news article of acceptance of half-Japanese people in Japan - click here.

fluffy2560 wrote:
Marilyn Tassy wrote:

It was a bit ,"dangerous" at the time fr my mom being in her mid 40's in the late 1960's even.
She just said she prayed on it and felt healthy.
My half sister is a bit off her rocker at times though...Mom had her tested, the experts said she was normal but then again, they didn't have to live with her!

Yes, it's a bit dangerous being over 40s at any time.  But the technology is good and with proper healthcare,  there should not really anything to stop people having kids at any age.  One sees women having kids in their 60s with fertility treatment.   I find it harder to keep up now with the Fluffyettes but if I was say 70, I'd really struggle to keep up with a toddler.  So not the baby but me!

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

We wish our boy would have a child before we kick it.

I'm sure they know what to do! Maybe she's a bit worried - Mrs F was very concerned as it's a rollercoaster one cannot get off.  Baby is coming regardless.   But actually being pregnant is not being sick - it's just normal.

BTW, some interesting half-Japanese people competing in the Olympics at the moment.  One wonders how their parents managed to meet!  There was a BBC news article of acceptance of half-Japanese people in Japan - click here.

Pretty half Japanese young lady.
She looks half back ,funny Ariana was the name we would of given if we had a girl.
My son was born in 1976 and we didn't know what sex he would be until he was born.
Think we both wanted a boy so it worked out.
My 2 older male cousins have bi racial chilren, one's wife is from Thailand and the other the Phillipines.
My SIL has 3 sons, 2 are from her second husband who was black. They are very good looking young men with light eye color. Her "white boy" her first born is a bit heavy set but he was born with a bad kidney and already has had 2 transplants. That may be the cause of his heavyset frame, all those drugs he must always be on.
I've given up ever even thinking of my own half Japanese brother. I have 2 half bro's I've never seen in my life, at least 2 I know of that is!
My mother was happy to have her two last babies but when they became teenagers she got wrn out.
She said she no longer had the strength to kick their butts when they needed it like she was able to do with us  4 brats.

My friend in Vegas is having a hard time this week.
She has lost 3 friends this week.
1 to C-19, 1 to health issues and 1 to being killed on the job.
This man was only 46 and the father of 2.
My friend is buddies with his MIL.
He was a NV State Trooper who was putting down road spikes to stop a car jacker when the crimmie stuck him with the stolen car.
The jerk was shot by the police and killed, they must of been super angry with him for hitting an officer.
A fund raiser is set for this coming week to help suport his family  a bit for things not covered by insurance.
It is a a Drag event, I am slightly surprised by that.Diva Drag Queen Charity Bingo being held at Tommy Rockers.
I told my cousin in Vegas about this. He and his wife took us t a boxing match in Vegas on our last trip there. A young Mexican boxer was shot and killed by gang memebers and the match was t raise funds for his funeral.
It's suprising to how really a small town Las Vegas really is, everyone seems to know each other.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Pretty half Japanese young lady.
She looks half back ,funny Ariana was the name we would of given if we had a girl.
My son was born in 1976 and we didn't know what sex he would be until he was born.
Think we both wanted a boy so it worked out.
My 2 older male cousins have bi racial chilren, one's wife is from Thailand and the other the Phillipines.
My SIL has 3 sons, 2 are from her second husband who was black. They are very good looking young men with light eye color. Her "white boy" her first born is a bit heavy set but he was born with a bad kidney and already has had 2 transplants. That may be the cause of his heavyset frame, all those drugs he must always be on.
I've given up ever even thinking of my own half Japanese brother. I have 2 half bro's I've never seen in my life, at least 2 I know of that is!
My mother was happy to have her two last babies but when they became teenagers she got wrn out.
She said she no longer had the strength to kick their butts when they needed it like she was able to do with us  4 brats.

Ariana (in the link) was Miss Japan.   They called her a Hafu (like Half because they they are half-Japanese).

Japan always seems to me to be a funny place.  One of my daughters spent 2 years in Sapporo (North of Japan) teaching English in a school (kids under about 11).  She said she had a good time there and learnt quite a bit of Japanese but there was no chance for advancement unless one was Japanese.  My nephew spent 2 years in South Korea teaching English and same thing, there's no way to advance.  But he didn't spend any time learning Korean.  If he had, he could have got some kind of job related to that knowledge of Korean society and culture.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

My friend in Vegas is having a hard time this week.
She has lost 3 friends this week.
1 to C-19, 1 to health issues and 1 to being killed on the job.
This man was only 46 and the father of 2.
My friend is buddies with his MIL.
He was a NV State Trooper who was putting down road spikes to stop a car jacker when the crimmie stuck him with the stolen car.
The jerk was shot by the police and killed, they must of been super angry with him for hitting an officer.
A fund raiser is set for this coming week to help suport his family  a bit for things not covered by insurance.
It is a a Drag event, I am slightly surprised by that.Diva Drag Queen Charity Bingo being held at Tommy Rockers.
I told my cousin in Vegas about this. He and his wife took us t a boxing match in Vegas on our last trip there. A young Mexican boxer was shot and killed by gang memebers and the match was t raise funds for his funeral.
It's suprising to how really a small town Las Vegas really is, everyone seems to know each other.

I looked up the NV State Trooper death and he was named Micah May aged 46.  What a shame.  And the perp was Douglas Claiborne aged 60.   The perp looks absolutely mad with wild hair and beard and maybe on something chemical. 

Apparently Claibourne had been doing criminal stuff since 2002.  Makes you wonder why someone waited until they were 42 to start a life of crime.   Or perhaps he was only on record since he was 42. Looks like Claibourne had a death wish - carjacker, armed and killed a cop. It could only end one way.

I'd have thought Micah's wife would get a significant widow's pension plus a lump sum for immediate expenses. 

Deaths involving C19 seem to be bad luck if folks are fully vaccinated.  They might have died from something else.  The rate of hospitalisation post-vaccination is tiny and deaths are incredibly low (0.0002% according to the CDC).  Really, there's no excuse not to be vaccinated. Why take the chance?

Age 60? Gosh what a nut job!
Good riddance but too bad he had to take a good man out with his death wish.
Yes, I also thought his wife should be covered but that's Vegas, anything for a party.
When we went to the boxing match for the young boxer who was shot, it was pretty clear that his mother needed the money to bury him. The story was he had been in a gang and left, was n his way to being a great boxer with a future and then his old gang took him out while he was walking near his home.
They were a rather poor family from N Vegas and he had younger siblings in the house.
She attended the match and so did Ali's daughter, she was low key and sat in the back area. We met a former middle weight champ, I'm bad, forgot his name since I'm not really a boxing fan.
I do have a photo of him with his arms wrapped over my husband's and my shoulder. My cousin knew him and asked him to take a photo with my husband since my husband loves boxing.Man my husband was embarrassed though.
My cousin worked out at that local Vegas boxing gym.
He is "old" so he didn't actually box anyone, just went for exercise and training.
It was sort of fun since I never went to a match in my life.
My uncle, my mother's half bro who was 19 years her senior happened to be a professinal boxer in his youth.
In fact his photo was n the wall in the Smithsonian, one cousin saw it there.
he was Jack Dempsy's sparring partner too.
He taught my mother a few moves which she taught us for those nasty bullies at school. Guess it worked, I was able to hold my own and get mre licks in when I was jumped in school by 2 girls, I was ,"winning" before the staff broke it up.
This uncle married a lady from Hungary who was 15 when they wed.
Mm was born in 1924 so he was born around 1905.
Pre tv and pre pay per view. Mom said he was a bit well known befre he got punched out, he gt cockey and n longer worked out hard before a fight because he always won. Lost a big fight and then turned to petty crime. He and another guy robbed a potato chip factory! Gt busted but not before he spent all the stolen goodies.
He had sme brain damage after fighting but his Hungarian wife took good care of him.
My mom sort of grew up with their children as he was so much older then my mother was.
Mm was baby-sat by her Hungarian in-laws.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Age 60? Gosh what a nut job!
Good riddance but too bad he had to take a good man out with his death wish.
Yes, I also thought his wife should be covered but that's Vegas, anything for a party.
When we went to the boxing match for the young boxer who was shot, it was pretty clear that his mother needed the money to bury him. The story was he had been in a gang and left, was n his way to being a great boxer with a future and then his old gang took him out while he was walking near his home.
They were a rather poor family from N Vegas and he had younger siblings in the house.
She attended the match and so did Ali's daughter, she was low key and sat in the back area. We met a former middle weight champ, I'm bad, forgot his name since I'm not really a boxing fan.
I do have a photo of him with his arms wrapped over my husband's and my shoulder. My cousin knew him and asked him to take a photo with my husband since my husband loves boxing.Man my husband was embarrassed though.
This uncle married a lady from Hungary who was 15 when they wed.
Mm was born in 1924 so he was born around 1905.
Pre tv and pre pay per view. Mom said he was a bit well known befre he got punched out, he gt cockey and n longer worked out hard before a fight because he always won. Lost a big fight and then turned to petty crime. He and another guy robbed a potato chip factory! Gt busted but not before he spent all the stolen goodies.
He had sme brain damage after fighting but his Hungarian wife took good care of him.
My mom sort of grew up with their children as he was so much older then my mother was.
Mm was baby-sat by her Hungarian in-laws.

Yes, dead at 60. Like suicide by cop.  I suppose he didn't wake up in the morning with that plan but I suppose after he ran the cop over he felt he'd have nowhere to go and he'd get the electric chair or firing squad.   Even so, you'd think he'd have ditched the jacked car and gun and tried to get away on foot.  He might have time to cut and dyed his hair and shaved off his beard and caught a bus to somewhere off the grid.

I was reading about Ali's refusal to join the draft the other day - part of the Nation of Islam's "war" on American society.   Eventually his refusal and ensuing criminal record to cause by rejection of the draft or be called up to Vietnam was removed. Then he could box again as he'd lost his boxing license.  That guy had a lot of kids by a few different women.  Makes you wonder if any of his kids really knew him as he didn't seem to stay long with any particular partner.

I quite like watching boxing myself but it's inevitable that if someone bashes you around the head all the time, it's going to damage your brain.  So best not to do it.  It's  becoming the same with football - they won't let younger kids head the ball now and in rugby, helmets are coming in.  Rugby is a rough sport and getting bashed in the head is inevitable. 

Here's the Claibourne perp dude (bit scary looking):


Holy Moly, thanks for the nightmare!
This dude is beyond scary looking.. fully demonic!
Not to be racist but my sister who was an expert in Karate said you have to attack differnt races in different areas of the body?!
Some are soft in the head and others in the guts.
Ok, not sure where that helps anyone to know.
All I know for sure is one would NEVER want to cross her in a bad mood.
She was one mean older sister. Sort of a secret weapon too. If anyone bothered me as a child all I had to say is I'm telling my big sister. That ended any troubles for me, even with boys.
I usually try to not get emotionallly involved when I hear bad news unless I know the people involved but this Troopers death really bothers me some. Part of my heart is still in Vegas, had some fun times there and met some really nice people.
I suppose because my step-dad passed around his age and I know how hard it is for his children.
I'm a softy I suppose,hate to think about other people's misery.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Holy Moly, thanks for the nightmare!
This dude is beyond scary looking.. fully demonic!
Not to be racist but my sister who was an expert in Karate said you have to attack differnt races in different areas of the body?!
Some are soft in the head and others in the guts.
Ok, not sure where that helps anyone to know.
All I know for sure is one would NEVER want to cross her in a bad mood.
She was one mean older sister. Sort of a secret weapon too. If anyone bothered me as a child all I had to say is I'm telling my big sister. That ended any troubles for me, even with boys.
I usually try to not get emotionallly involved when I hear bad news unless I know the people involved but this Troopers death really bothers me some. Part of my heart is still in Vegas, had some fun times there and met some really nice people.
I suppose because my step-dad passed around his age and I know how hard it is for his children.
I'm a softy I suppose,hate to think about other people's misery.

They say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover but maybe that guy is a straight up exception.  He could have got himself tidied up, got straight and sober and then not end up dead.   Definitely soft in the head.  I think he looks like he might have been on crack.  Then he wouldn't really have regard for his safety or anyone else's. 

From his obit (below), he was one angry guy asking for trouble, a general decline into the mayhem that led to the cop's and his death.   

There was another obit which said "Claiborne  was known to be an amazing person he will be dearly missed by his family and friends."   I don't think anyone will have much sympathy for him.

"Claiborne died at the scene. He died of gunshot wounds to the head and torso. The manner of death was homicide. The coroner's office had no known address for Claiborne. Claiborne had previously been charged with 1 count of battery in Las Vegas Justice Court.

Claiborne spit on an officer inside The Venetian on March 10, 2020, a day before the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic.The charge was dropped in June 2020.

Claiborne had a Hawaiian driver's license when he was detained by Metro last year.
His criminal history in Hawaii extends back to at least 2002, when he was sentenced to 30 days in jail on a misdemeanor battery charge. In 2004, Claiborne was charged with felony assault and assault of an officer; making a terror threat; possession of drugs of a prominent danger; and possession of drug paraphernalia. He pleaded guilty to all except assaulting an officer, a charge that prosecutors did not pursue. He was sentenced to 5 years jail and 5 years probation.

The Metropolitan Police Department is investigating the law enforcement shooting that unfolded at the scene. Metro clarified in a statement that no Las Vegas police officers discharged their firearms in the shooting."

Find the last statement odd but maybe it was actually NV State Troopers who shot him.  I'm spending too much time on this.  But it looks like more rain and lunchtime.

Having a secret weapon - or a bodyguard - shouldn't really be necessary amongst civilised people.  But nice to know those services are available!

Yes, he looks a bit too much like Charlie Mason for my liking.
Hawaii, I have a serious love/hate relationship with that place.
There you can find the nicest, sweetest, kindess peple on earth and also the meanest, nastiest, hateful people on earth.
It's good to have a body guard if you can find one.
When we moved t Hilo our son was 17 and within a few days he wanted to find himself a job.
His father dropped him off in downtwn HIlo ( all  6 blocks of it) and was going to pick him up at a set time.
As my pale, red headed son was walking from place to place he was stopped by 3 older larger Hawaiian men. At the time our sn had his beautiful hair nearly down t his waist, all nice and shinny all one length.
These evil bas**** tld him they never wanted to see him around ever again or "You no more have hair" as they told him.
Our son didn't inform us of this for ages and we wondered why he slunk around indoors and refused to come into town with us.I swear he didn't leave the area around our home for a full year , until we moved away. One reason I had to move because he hated it there so much.
Later I found out half the pop. there were on meth or something like H.
Not the best city in Hawaii.
Lots of people move to Hawaii from the mainland to escape themselves just like many do here, move to HU to escape their past or themselves.
Some would argue I have it wrong but frm the ex-pats I've personally met, I think 2 and 2 doesn't always add up.
Different if you are looking for a quiet cheap place to retire to or have family or a job waiting here for you.
In Hawaii I met some really nice sweet ladies through my gym, most were wealthy locals people who owned a bussiness in town  like real estate or were married to doctors in town.It was weird for me to be so excepted by these rich ladies as I barly had 2 dimes to rub together and was wrking ding hair on the other side of the Island.
My real estate Hawaiian friend was running for city counsel in HIlo. That was the only time I took part in anything political. We had a parade for her through town and we all dressed up like the 1950's. She wanted to bring back old Hawaii. Had a party at her hme afterwards. Wow, it was fantastic, she knew the best property to buy. It was an old plantation house that had been built by Swedish missionaries wh owned a sugar plantation in the day. One of the coolest homes I've ever seen in person, a stream running through her back yard, 6 fot long irn bathtubs imported from Sweden, Koa wood panelled rooms, just beautiful. It was nice to meet real peple who were so open and kind but those that were evil were really bad news. Sme peple would call yu names in shps just for being white skinned and follow you around just to creep you out.
One lady I'm still friends with was married to a half Janapese man who I also knew through our gym. He was nice, I'd often chat with him while we rode bikes. He had a successful real estate business and my friend was a social worker. Well, her job sent her off Island for some training. While she was gone her husband watched their 3 children. Her then 12 or 13 year old son walked into her bedrom one morning and found his father had ODed on drugs! My freind found out his business was in ruins, no money and he had a secret life with drugs and parties. Wow hard to believe you can be married to someone and they have a double life.Sad , my friend is happy now and that son is a doctor in Honolulu.Yes, Hawaii is a stange place.
For some reason though the locals liked the Hungarians, maybe they saw them as outsiders and not mainlanders?
My boss a white lady who had lived on Hawaii for many decades had been an older single mom who had a handicapped girl. She had formely been a high fashion model in the 1960's, 6 feet tall, slim and blonde. She was a trip and very honest like most are in HI, told everyone she was able to get the money to open her beauty /barber salon but selling grass.
She was trippy, hired me over the phone and never showed up my first day on the job. She just asked the other 2 hairdressers if I was cool or not, it was up to them .She worked with me about one week then gave me the keys to her salon and had me work alone on Sat. Then soon afterwards she left for Thailand  for 6 weeks with her 40 year old BF. She was in her 60's. Left her handicapped teenage daughter with her mom and went off for adventures in Asia.
She just told everyone t put her share of any money into a box and leave it for her, it was an honor system. Super cool lady, how could anyone take advantage of a person like that?
The 2 women I worked with were or could of been scary, one later went to the H zone, fully a junkie. The other was always high on grass at work.In fact all 3 of them went out back and smked everyday, silly me I wasn't even aware they were doing that until months had gne by. I didn't dare do that, I had a 3 hour drive everyday round trip from home in the dark and rain on a windy  hilly road.
Another world for sure over there.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Yes, he looks a bit too much like Charlie Mason for my liking.
Hawaii, I have a serious love/hate relationship with that place.
There you can find the nicest, sweetest, kindess peple on earth and also the meanest, nastiest, hateful people on earth.
It's good to have a body guard if you can find one.
When we moved t Hilo our son was 17 and within a few days he wanted to find himself a job.
His father dropped him off in downtwn HIlo ( all  6 blocks of it) and was going to pick him up at a set time.
As my pale, red headed son was walking from place to place he was stopped by 3 older larger Hawaiian men. At the time our sn had his beautiful hair nearly down t his waist, all nice and shinny all one length.
These evil bas**** tld him they never wanted to see him around ever again or "You no more have hair" as they told him.
Our son didn't inform us of this for ages and we wondered why he slunk around indoors and refused to come into town with us.I swear he didn't leave the area around our home for a full year , until we moved away. One reason I had to move because he hated it there so much.
Later I found out half the pop. there were on meth or something like H.
Not the best city in Hawaii.
Lots of people move to Hawaii from the mainland to escape themselves just like many do here, move to HU to escape their past or themselves.
Some would argue I have it wrong but frm the ex-pats I've personally met, I think 2 and 2 doesn't always add up.
Another world for sure over there.

Yes, a bit "Family" looking that guy.  Some of those Manson people are out of prison now but some still locked up.  I don't think anyone really knows what that was all about?

What you're really saying is that Hawaii has as many strange, potentially dangerous, people as Erd.  Or Erd is Maui without the sea and palm trees.  I don't know if people run away to Erd. From Erd, maybe.

I've been to some of those US associated islands out in the Pacific and they are like giant villages where everyone knows everyone else.   Some of those islands are really like ghettos.  I was in Guam a few times during transit and it's basically a static aircraft carrier for the US military.  I don't think it's a very attractive place to be retired unless one is from there.  It'll be awfully difficult to get out of there as it's so far away from anywhere else. I can't say the scenery is much to look at.

Maui is great Big Island... well maybe the Kona side?
Hilo rained every single day and at times just pured rain non-stop for over a week druing rainy season.
Guess that's why they have so many druggies on that side of the Island, not much work and too much rain.
We leased a home on a hill high up a mountain, what a view we had. I coud see the open ocean frm the living rom and the sun rising out of it, just beautiful. House had about 40 or so acres of land and the landlrd had 6 cows and one bull fenced a distance from the home, no smells, he would come once a week and cut the grass and the prperty was really nice and the landlord was nice too.
He cracked me up, a local guy who had that lovely house but lived downhill in a small community because his wife was lonely up n the mountain. She wanted to live right on top of the rest of their fmaily and freinds. He had built that home for her but she wanted nothing to do with it.
He painted everything a sort of baby blue color, the house , his car and his boat. Could see from Hilo Bay his boat out fishing because of the odd color.
The home was right next t and ran into the lands of C&H sugar corp. so the land loked like it went on foever.
Of course one can't just stay indoors all the time.
The Manson family lived on Sphan Ranch, up off the canyon road that we took every time we wanted to drive from our town into the SF Valley to shop.
Passed the place a min. of once a week, my step-father drove by daily on his way to work.
My sisteers and half our town used to rent horses for day rides and the Manson's would staddle the horses up for the riders.
One person frm our toown mentioned that "Shorty" saddled them up once. Shorty who's head was removed and buried on the ranch by the family!
My sisters rode just one time there, the "Hippies" at the ranch freaked them out so much that they didn't want to ride there again.
My sisters were about their age at the time too.
Mr Sphan was so old and lney he didn't even know what was going on, I bet they dosed up his tea and kept him in a state of confusion to take advantage of him.
Heard Steve McQeen actaully shuld of been at Sharon Tates home that fateful night but he got side tracked by picking up a women hitchhiker and going off with her for the night instead.
All those cool movies he was in might not of been made if not for that wild women hitching a ride.
Erd, yes Erd, the place where I discovered the joy of drinking wine! That or slitting your wrists!
To be fair though, they had sme really nice little back room gym set up. work out s hard that you don't know where you are any longer.
One gym that I went to in Erd was inside a ladies hme. Nice, she had over half her 3 story home set up for a gym.
Had spent so much fixing her home up that one day the gym was closed, she had a nervous breakdwn over the bills.It was closed for almost a year, I had to find another source for my workout fix.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Maui is great Big Island... well maybe the Kona side?
Hilo rained every single day and at times just pured rain non-stop for over a week druing rainy season.
Guess that's why they have so many druggies on that side of the Island, not much work and too much rain.
We leased a home on a hill high up a mountain, what a view we had. I coud see the open ocean frm the living rom and the sun rising out of it, just beautiful. House had about 40 or so acres of land and the landlrd had 6 cows and one bull fenced a distance from the home, no smells, he would come once a week and cut the grass and the prperty was really nice and the landlord was nice too.
He cracked me up, a local guy who had that lovely house but lived downhill in a small community because his wife was lonely up n the mountain. She wanted to live right on top of the rest of their fmaily and freinds. He had built that home for her but she wanted nothing to do with it.
He painted everything a sort of baby blue color, the house , his car and his boat. Could see from Hilo Bay his boat out fishing because of the odd color.
The home was right next t and ran into the lands of C&H sugar corp. so the land loked like it went on foever.

I wanted to live in some mountains previously but I now realise it'd be a nuisance.  One has to drive to get everything.  It's nice and quiet for sure but there's nothing going on in those places.  Unless one is a farmer and live there to work on your property, it's not that much fun.  I like the idea of having a house there but not great.  If one lives on the side of a valley, you lose all your light quickly as the sun moves and one's house is in the lee of the mountain.   And the weather can be rather bad and quickly.  Winter is pretty horrible.  Closed down in the snow.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Of course one can't just stay indoors all the time.
The Manson family lived on Sphan Ranch, up off the canyon road that we took every time we wanted to drive from our town into the SF Valley to shop.
Passed the place a min. of once a week, my step-father drove by daily on his way to work.
My sisteers and half our town used to rent horses for day rides and the Manson's would staddle the horses up for the riders.
One person frm our toown mentioned that "Shorty" saddled them up once. Shorty who's head was removed and buried on the ranch by the family!
My sisters rode just one time there, the "Hippies" at the ranch freaked them out so much that they didn't want to ride there again.
My sisters were about their age at the time too.
Mr Sphan was so old and lney he didn't even know what was going on, I bet they dosed up his tea and kept him in a state of confusion to take advantage of him.
Heard Steve McQeen actaully shuld of been at Sharon Tates home that fateful night but he got side tracked by picking up a women hitchhiker and going off with her for the night instead.
All those cool movies he was in might not of been made if not for that wild women hitching a ride.
Erd, yes Erd, the place where I discovered the joy of drinking wine! That or slitting your wrists!
To be fair though, they had sme really nice little back room gym set up. work out s hard that you don't know where you are any longer.
One gym that I went to in Erd was inside a ladies hme. Nice, she had over half her 3 story home set up for a gym.
Had spent so much fixing her home up that one day the gym was closed, she had a nervous breakdwn over the bills.It was closed for almost a year, I had to find another source for my workout fix.

Sounds like we were lucky not to lose Steve McQueen.  He had his Great Escape.   Manson is now dead and won't be missed.  But some of his disciples still keep going but banged up in jail.  I believe some were released and lived quietly.  How could he have such charisma he could get people to engage in such atrocities? No idea, maybe drugs.  Perennial question for the next one.   

Erd is a place that doesn't seem to be anything at all, especially in those housing areas.  I go there sometimes - there are free lavender plants at an abandoned farm are there, next to the old abandoned military base.  There's quite a good tool shop there but the staff all look like their dog died - really miserable.  Mrs F sometimes goes there to use the industrial washing machines at Bubbles (laundromat).  It's possible to wash large sized carpets there. Oh and not a bad place to get your roof drainpipe supplies.  Otherwise, don't bother!

When my in-laws bought property in Erd they was hardly any full time residents living there,
It was mostly all just little weekend homes.
My husband was young, 9-10 years old and was dragged kicking and screaming every weekend while they wrked their land.
He had 2 brothers ,country boys to play with but he was miserable.
His step dad then only had a motorbike so my husband and his mom and sblings all took the train early Sat. mornings to Erd and came home Last train back on Sundays.
He was so happy when he got old enough to stay in the city alone on weekends.
I wonder what's up in Erd with the new swimming pool complex?
It was built years back but never opened up!
So Erd of them!
We have a Bubbles laundry not far from us. Always say we are going to try it out but so far never have.
I'd love to use a dryer. My washer has a dryer feature on it but my husband said it isn't very good and take up too much power to use.
I'd love to use fluffy soft machine dried towels some day though.
We drove over to Lupa Lake yesterday for a  swim.
Was great hardly anyone there during the weekdays.
Only 25 min. out of town.
Velence looks like it's dne for the season , really low water levels.
We were thinking of checking out a free strand on the Danube yesterday instead but my husband thought it might be too chilly for me and drity.
He likes the sand area at Lupa to, reminds him of Hawaii or Ca.
I wasn't too thrilled with the sand after my lunch feel in the sand and I was wondering why it was so crunchy.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

When my in-laws bought property in Erd they was hardly any full time residents living there,
It was mostly all just little weekend homes.
My husband was young, 9-10 years old and was dragged kicking and screaming every weekend while they wrked their land.
He had 2 brothers ,country boys to play with but he was miserable.
His step dad then only had a motorbike so my husband and his mom and sblings all took the train early Sat. mornings to Erd and came home Last train back on Sundays.
He was so happy when he got old enough to stay in the city alone on weekends.
I wonder what's up in Erd with the new swimming pool complex?
It was built years back but never opened up!
So Erd of them!
We have a Bubbles laundry not far from us. Always say we are going to try it out but so far never have.
I'd love to use a dryer. My washer has a dryer feature on it but my husband said it isn't very good and take up too much power to use.
I'd love to use fluffy soft machine dried towels some day though.
We drove over to Lupa Lake yesterday for a  swim.
Was great hardly anyone there during the weekdays.
Only 25 min. out of town.
Velence looks like it's dne for the season , really low water levels.
We were thinking of checking out a free strand on the Danube yesterday instead but my husband thought it might be too chilly for me and drity.
He likes the sand area at Lupa to, reminds him of Hawaii or Ca.
I wasn't too thrilled with the sand after my lunch feel in the sand and I was wondering why it was so crunchy.

If you look on Google maps or even go there, Erd Parkvaros looks like it's laid out on a grid with flat characterless streets.  It's what we used to call a "new town".  There are plenty of those in the UK. Artificially created places with concrete block "brutalist" architecture.

Sometimes its necessary to put the stuff in the dryer.  I mean, where else is it going to go when the weather is crap and there's nowhere to hang it.    Winter, it's really necessary as it'll cause too much condensation drying them inside.   

We put carpets and rugs in the Bubbles machines. When I was last in one (in Siofok), there was quite a queue for the industrial washers.  We had to go late at night (we were at Balaton so didn't want to drive all the way back home).

We're off to Balaton again next week - Mrs F and kids go Monday, I will go Tuesday as work to do. I was worried the weather has taken a turn but it's looking pretty good during the day.  Expecting 30 C or so.  I really want it to be like 23 C and sunny with a breeze.  Then I can use my bike. I really suffer these days cycling in hot weather.  Like the dog, I'm banned from cycling if it's over about 26 C.   I plan to do my usual long trips - cycle to Siofok or Fonyod or somewhere, then cross the lake with the bike and cycle back to Tihany, and take the ferry to Szantod.  Round trip of 30km to 55km depending (5 to 13 km on the ferry so not all cycling). Have to set off early enough to avoid being roasted.

The cost of fuel to get down there plus the car autopalya sticker is becoming significant. Have to cut down on car use. I went to our local petrol station last night and I was shocked to see 95 is about 450 HUF a litre locally. I put 10K HUF in and I got 22 litres approximately.   Just think it was about 100 HUF cheaper a year ago.  I was 6 litres short on my 10K HUF of one year ago.   This ain't good news. Really need an electric car but mega-bucks for one of them.

I want to head to the water at least one day this week.
Monday is suppse too rain and then I have 2 dfferent doctor appointments next week... Bummer, wish I could of put them off until Sept...
Have a great time sounds fun riding around the lake but better still is jumping in the water.
Petrol/gas, we need to purchase some today or tomorrow so I can get to one of my doc appointments.
He is an old friend of my BIL and has booked me to see him in his home office up in the hills.
Nice and peaceful setting, going to cost a bit though...
Could of gone to the clinic here but sitting waiting for 4 hours and then having to go back several times just isn't worth it in this case.
Bad enough my eye doc spaced out last visit and put drops in my eyes before testing for my eyeglass script. Now I have to go back and wait it out just for that.
This family friend is about 78 years old now so not sure how much longer he will be seeing people so better go now while I can get in.
We use the super oxtane petrol for our car.It's an old car and runs better with high quality gas/petrol. It also seems to use less gas if we shell out for high end stuff.
Evens out in the end.
Erd, the planned community...
I remember my 2 teenager sisters crying when they saw the home my mom and step-father were buying. It was a good 45 min to one hour away from their friends and the house was just another cookie cutter home in a planned community. One sis used to not hitch hick but ride the rails to get out of town and down into the valley to see her friends. Seems there was an area in the tunnel where the train slowed way down and kids would hop on for a free ride outta town,heard the partied pretty hard up the canyon near the tunnel as well. Knew someone who lived in a treehouse in the hills around our town.Some oddball dude my sister knew in school.
We had lived in a cool home a custom house in a canyon with a stream running down the road and plenty of mountains around.
We upgraded to a box style house, guess it was called a "Ranch" home.
Big back yard that no one really wanted to use. My step-dad put in a large doughboy abve ground pool but it was no in ground pool. could only go round and round in that thing.
My parents had seen a home in Burbank near where my step-dad worked that had belonged to ne of the members of the old MIckey Mouse Club. It even had a built in pool and was a custom home with step-down living rom and fireplace. In the  long run they should of bought that house as it was only $8,000. more then the one they bought!
My cousin bought a fridge that cost $8,000 just to compare prices from 1967 to now!
I'd like to check out ne of those DIY laundry places smetime this winter.
I always hand wash my nice jeans and shirts or dry clean them if needed.
My other stuff is not that valueable to me so I just dump it in the washer and pray .
I had a place in Vegas that would dry clean items for just a couple of bucks, think a winter coast was the most expensive thing around $10.00.
In the mid 1960's when my parents divorced for a while we didn't have a washing machine but my mom would drive everyone to Zodies Center once a week on Sat. her day off of work.
She did the weekly grocery shopping, 2carts full mst times and my teen sisters had to do the laundry in the center with the machines.
My mter set them up and they had t sit and watch the clothing while she shopped for food.
Mom always would add a full load of santizer to every machine first and run a full cycle, she didn't want us to get "koodies" from some one else family.
Took a long while to do the washing that way.
Well, my silly sisters had money with them from baby-sitting in the neighborhood when they weren't watching my bro and I.
They decided the money was burning a hole in their pockets so they left the laundry and went int the mall area to look at clothing to buy for themselves.
When they returned before our mom found out they left the laundry alone, they discvered smeone had helped themselves t my mother's newish sheets and towles.
Mom made my sisters hand over their saving to her to buy new sheets and towels with, think they owed her for several sitting jobs to come as well.
When you are raised by a poor single mom yu learn some life lessons early and hard.
Boy were they upset, no new clothing for them that month.
Makes you wonder to, what sort of low life would steal laundry frm what obviously was from a family with children?
On Maui we leased a nice condo that had a laundry room on every flor of the building.
4 stories high condos.
Well right after my sn was born I bought myself sme nice new jeans.
I washed them in the laundry room of our building and left them in the washer while I feed my boy.
Came back to collect them and they were gone.
I was so amd I knew who probably had stolen them.
I didn't care who they were.
My friend lhad tld me and i should of listened to her that she had her sheets stolen form the machines and she had seen a Hawaiin couple , very arge peple selling her sheets at a flee market.
I ran to their apt. and banged ont he dor demanding my jeans back.
Silly me, of course they deneied it and the man, about 350 lbs of him chased me back to my apt.
I wasn't about to stand toe to toe with him but I screamed through my door that I knew he was a crook.
Never got my jeans back though.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I want to head to the water at least one day this week.
Monday is suppse too rain and then I have 2 dfferent doctor appointments next week... Bummer, wish I could of put them off until Sept...
Have a great time sounds fun riding around the lake but better still is jumping in the water.
Petrol/gas, we need to purchase some today or tomorrow so I can get to one of my doc appointments.
He is an old friend of my BIL and has booked me to see him in his home office up in the hills.
Nice and peaceful setting, going to cost a bit though...
Could of gone to the clinic here but sitting waiting for 4 hours and then having to go back several times just isn't worth it in this case.
Bad enough my eye doc spaced out last visit and put drops in my eyes before testing for my eyeglass script. Now I have to go back and wait it out just for that.
This family friend is about 78 years old now so not sure how much longer he will be seeing people so better go now while I can get in.
We use the super octane petrol for our car.It's an old car and runs better with high quality gas/petrol. It also seems to use less gas if we shell out for high end stuff.
My friend had told me and i should of listened to her that she had her sheets stolen form the machines and she had seen a Hawaiian couple , very large people selling her sheets at a flee market.
I ran to their apt. and banged on the door demanding my jeans back.
Silly me, of course they denied it and the man, about 350 lbs of him chased me back to my apt.
I wasn't about to stand toe to toe with him but I screamed through my door that I knew he was a crook.
Never got my jeans back though.

It doesn't make any sense to pay for the more expensive "fuel saver" fuel.  The cost savings on fuel are so much lower than the increased pump price.  On the other hand, we've been warned off using fuel from Auchan which seems to be of lower quality.  Our mechanic tells us that numerous cars come in with reports of performance issues which are solved simply by adding better quality fuel.  We're generally using Aldi petrol which is cheaper anyway.  Should think about an EV (Electric Vehicle) but they have to be a lot cheaper than now.

I am not surprised someone stole your laundry.   It used to happen in the UK in communal apartment blocks where people would steal the laundry off the drying lines around the back.  Pretty despicable thing to do for people who are less well off.  But petty criminals don't consider that, only their own position.   I can understand your Mum punishing your sisters.  This kind of thing has gone on here - but people have to learn their responsibilities.  In some way it's not really the fault of kids not thinking things through - up until the teens their brains aren't as developed to understand the consequences of their actions.  I often try and get our kids to think through but only about 50% of the time do they see a direct causal link between what they do and what happens.  Usually they dismiss it all without thinking of the risks or having a Plan B.

Stealing laundry is a bit like the guy who smashed up my car to steal the radio - sold it for $3 approx and cost me $300 in damage.   And the guy who ripped out a door and ignition locks on my car in the middle of Budapest and caused $200 damage while taking my fire extinguisher and about 100 Ft I had for a parking meter.   On that car, they couldn't start it as I'd installed a hidden switch to disable to ignition.  Whole car was worth about $500.

I see the weather is quite good again after the big thunderstorms and huge downpour last night.   The rain was extremely heavy my guttering was nearly overwhelmed.

My mum,mom was hard on us but she had to be considering the circumstances at the time.
One reason my eldest sister always says she never wanted children, because she raised her siblings.
Not really true at all but she loves the drama and it sounds good to say she sacificed herself for others.
Yes, we will make room this week for a swim day no matter what.
Weather is just too nice to pass on going.
My husband bought a used Toyota van in Honolulu becuase at the time he had 3 carpet cleaning machines and need to lug them around for jobs.
He was just about to make really good with some hotels when we had to leave for Hilo, Honolulu is the place to be if you need a real job.( The things a dog nwer ges through... Impossible in Honolulu to find a rental with a large dog in tow)
While parked outside the industrial unit he used for his carpet cleaning business the van was broken into by what was obviously a homeless person.'They broke the drivers side door lock.
After that the only way to enter was to unlock the passenger side.
Dam people. (Smelled like a homeless person was sleeping inside too)
The van looked like crap after we shipped it from Hawaii to Ca., the very day my husband picked it up from the shipyard a trash truch slammed into the rear of it and caused damage to the back side.
We got pennies out of the law suit, hard to sue the state.
The van looked like crap but ran like new so we never parted with it.
Drove in all over NM, and on to Vegas. Had it for several years, it just would not break down.
Then less the 2 weeks before we moved to Hungary another low life, obviously homeless person stole it from our gated community. ( Trash all inside when we recovered it along with fast food wrappers, the windows had paper covering most of the windows so no one could see them camping out insde our van)
I was so mad, had my good yoga mat and gym shoes in the van.All stolen as well.
We called it in as stolen and gave up on recovering it before we left for HU.
Out of nowhere just days before we left for HU the police told us they recovered the van.
Had to pay out impound fees( fing homeless!)( I've been homeless and never stole from anyone so there's that)
Had a darn flags worth of parking tickets on the van too.
I spent my last days in Vegas going to the ticket court to show the van was listed as stolen when it got the tickets to be able to right them off.
Had to ASAP a post to sell the van for pennies.
Got lucky about 4 days before leaving the states when 2 guys wanted our van for only $800. so they could take a road trip into Mexico and not worry about being scammed or the van getting stolen.
We told them it was had been stolen and had been highjacked in Hawaii just to be honest with them.They loved the van because it looked like crap but ran like a dream.
We went to the DMV with them to make sure there was no issue with transfer of papers because it had been reported as stolen.
Dam, to this day I can't give a cent out to a homeless person because I remember the hassle one of them , or rather several of them put us through, think I should ask them for some spare change!

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Dam, to this day I can't give a cent out to a homeless person because I remember the hassle one of them , or rather several of them put us through, think I should ask them for some spare change!

That reminded me of homeless people I've seen in the forest recently.   We never had homeless people hanging out around are before.   This guy had a bag, couple of tins of beer and a loaf of bread.  Looked like a homeless picnic and he was fast asleep on a picnic bench.  Mrs F thought he was just some ordinary guy.  I wasn't sure.

I don't think there's much wrong with giving a few 100 HUF to a homeless person so long as they don't go and spend it on booze or some other addiction. 

We saw a guy down here in Balaton once on his horse.  He'd travelled across country to the lake. I think he came from about 200km or something.  I thought that was pretty cool - he said he just stopped wherever and asked people for water and maybe some grazing for his horse and  usually got some dinner to go with it.   Seems like people were rather happy about it and to hear the story.  Kind of homeless traveller but softened people's hearts by having a well behaved horse for transport.  I am sure the horse loved the journey.  I like the sound of that kind of travelling adventure.

In S. Ca. my then  12 year old son walked to the local 7/11 store to buy himself some treats.
A boy living in a nice house with everything he wanted at his fingertips.
Itwas a lazy Sat. morning and being 12 he ran out without combing his hair, it was a mess and as it was summertime he had on shorts and an old t-shirt.
Outside the shop a raggedy man was asking for spare change for booze.
My son fr some reason started to talk to him outside the shop.
Out of nowhere people ging in and out of the shop handled my son bills of money.
They thought this cute "homeless "red headed boy needed aid.
He came hom with far more treasts then what he could of purchased with what we had given him to spend.
He told me about people just placing money into his hands, he said he gave most of the cash to the man but kept $5. for himself.
He also told me the man lived nearby in a nice home, he just went out to beg for extra cash.
I don't know, sounds werid to me.
My husband is the one who refuses to give out money. I used to give a tiny bit to some people here and there. Usually women and usually handicapped people.
Then again, unless limbs are missing you never know who is faking it.
My sister in the 80's used to give money to a blind man on the st. near her job. She said she respected how he asked for money, he sold penclis.
As a child my mom said many war vets and jobless men would go door to door asking for food, clothing whatever. They offered to do odd jobs for a meal. Her grandmother and aunts never made them work but always sent them off with something to eat. Mom said the "beggars" would mark the outside of a walkway near a home that was a giver so other homeless would know who would help them out. Mom's family saw the chalk mark but never washed it away. Anyone could get something to eat or drink from their place even though they had little to give extra.
Vets used to also go door to door selling small things they made by hand. Blind vets learned to make bracelets from scrap metals. As a teenager mom gave me one of the braclets she bought from one of these blind vets post WW11. I thought it was cool s funky looking, really looked new age in the 60's.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

In S. Ca. my then  12 year old son walked to the local 7/11 store to buy himself some treats.
A boy living in a nice house with everything he wanted at his fingertips.
Itwas a lazy Sat. morning and being 12 he ran out without combing his hair, it was a mess and as it was summertime he had on shorts and an old t-shirt.
Outside the shop a raggedy man was asking for spare change for booze.
My son fr some reason started to talk to him outside the shop.
Out of nowhere people ging in and out of the shop handled my son bills of money.
They thought this cute "homeless "red headed boy needed aid.
He came hom with far more treasts then what he could of purchased with what we had given him to spend.
He told me about people just placing money into his hands, he said he gave most of the cash to the man but kept $5. for himself.
He also told me the man lived nearby in a nice home, he just went out to beg for extra cash.
I don't know, sounds werid to me.
..... Mom said the "beggars" would mark the outside of a walkway near a home that was a giver so other homeless would know who would help them out. Mom's family saw the chalk mark but never washed it away. Anyone could get something to eat or drink from their place even though they had little to give extra.
Vets used to also go door to door selling small things they made by hand. Blind vets learned to make bracelets from scrap metals. As a teenager mom gave me one of the braclets she bought from one of these blind vets post WW11. I thought it was cool s funky looking, really looked new age in the 60's.

Shame those vets had to go door to door to make money in that way.  There are going to be a lot more vets on the street as the US and NATO winds down in Afghanistan.  That's a whole other subject.

Maybe your entrepreneurial son could have teamed up with the fake hobo outside the shop and continued sharing the proceeds every Saturday.  Could have been a lucrative income.    Reminds me of the movie Flim-Flam Man.  Not quite the same but it really impressed me that movie but I was surprised it was made in 1967. 

Those hobo (UK: tramp) marks are well known in the UK although I don't know if the signs are different in different countries.  I remember seeing them when I was a kid.  I am not sure tramps/hobos really exist anymore.  Are they just homeless people?  You never really see them in the countryside as we used to back in the day.  I remember seeing a few when I was a kid and them asking for water or food.  I don't remember what my parents did. I expect my Mum would give them water but not food. My Dad would probably have given them both.

Found this useful bit of info - could be useful when in need. There's a lot to like about the inventiveness of these symbols:


BTW, Mrs F says she's never heard of these signs in Hungary and in communism, there were no homeless people.  Interesting difference to the situation now!

My husband about lost his mind when he found out how our boy  could afford more treats then he had funds for.
My husband is so anti-begging it isn't funny.
I remember just once with my friend we asked for spare change when I was a teenager.
Only did it once and never again, found it to be too low level for me, better to just go home and not ask for hand out's. Guess I was a snobby runaway!
We would lift food items like lunch meat from shops but buy the bread. I'm sorry now for the shopkeepers. Desperate times and all my own fault, too stubborn.
I knew my mom was waiting for me anytime to come home, I just wasn't ready to return home, held out for 6 months until I turned 18. Called her up to bring me home on my BD.
She and my step- father didn't do that, instead they moved me into my own apt. they paid for 3 months rent, filled up the fridge and bought new towels, sheets ect. for me and said, you're on your own now, find a job.
They would come by often to make sure I was alright. Not much trouble going on then in Burbank.
I had a job within a week then moved up in quality of jobs, always made sure I had another lined up before I quit the last.
I'm sorry to say it probably isn't so easy these days to go out on your own and not have a hard time of it.
I did have several dinners of Campells soup with triple water added to it but did it by myself and never asked for help.
Those hobo signs are interesting .
Some are funny.
I think gangs in the US paint on homes with sings to let other s know who lives inside ect.
My mom said her father road the rails after he left the US Army . He came from a very wealthy fmaily but had a bad relationship with his parents, sounds like me as a teen.
He was still a teenager when he played hobo tramp. He was only 14 when he entered the Army.
When my husband was a refugee he got a small sum of money for the month while waiting to be excepted into a new country.
He was careless many times and spent it all tooo fast.
He said he had days in a row , maybe 4 or 5 where he lived only on water.
He learrned the hard way to save for a rainy day.
In Hungary he worked but his mom spoiled him with always having a nice meal coked and clean clothing ready.
I mentioned before though that in Budapest we saw a guy begging. My husband knew him from school. He gave him $5.00 about 1,000 forints when it was 200 forints to the dollar.
He said they guy was nice in school but not a very serius student. If my husband the class clown said that then they guy really had to have been lazy as heck.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

My husband about lost his mind when he found out how our boy  could afford more treats then he had funds for.
My husband is so anti-begging it isn't funny.
I remember just once with my friend we asked for spare change when I was a teenager.
Only did it once and never again, found it to be too low level for me, better to just go home and not ask for hand out's. Guess I was a snobby runaway!
We would lift food items like lunch meat from shops but buy the bread. I'm sorry now for the shopkeepers. Desperate times and all my own fault, too stubborn.
I knew my mom was waiting for me anytime to come home, I just wasn't ready to return home, held out for 6 months until I turned 18. Called her up to bring me home on my BD.
She and my step- father didn't do that, instead they moved me into my own apt. they paid for 3 months rent, filled up the fridge and bought new towels, sheets etc. for me and said, you're on your own now, find a job.
They would come by often to make sure I was alright. Not much trouble going on then in Burbank.
I had a job within a week then moved up in quality of jobs, always made sure I had another lined up before I quit the last.
I'm sorry to say it probably isn't so easy these days to go out on your own and not have a hard time of it.
I did have several dinners of Campbell's soup with triple water added to it but did it by myself and never asked for help.
Those hobo signs are interesting .
Some are funny.
I think gangs in the US paint on homes with sings to let other s know who lives inside etc.
My mom said her father rode the rails after he left the US Army . He came from a very wealthy family but had a bad relationship with his parents, sounds like me as a teen.
He was still a teenager when he played hobo tramp. He was only 14 when he entered the Army.
When my husband was a refugee he got a small sum of money for the month while waiting to be excepted into a new country.
He was careless many times and spent it all tooo fast.
He said he had days in a row , maybe 4 or 5 where he lived only on water.
He learnt the hard way to save for a rainy day.
In Hungary he worked but his mom spoiled him with always having a nice meal coked and clean clothing ready.
I mentioned before though that in Budapest we saw a guy begging. My husband knew him from school. He gave him $5.00 about 1,000 forints when it was 200 forints to the dollar.
He said they guy was nice in school but not a very serious student. If my husband the class clown said that then they guy really had to have been lazy as heck.

My sister kicked her daughter out the house because she was in a relationship with a difficult guy.  It looked pretty tough for her after such a closeted life.  Eventually she sorted herself out and has two kids with a nicer person and had a minor career of sorts.  I don't think she was really in any serious danger of starving during her "awkward period" as there was always an emergency parent rescue ripcord she could pull for a Bank of Mum and Dad bailout parachute.

I do worry about my own kids here.  They currently lead such a closeted life with Mrs F and I being their personal assistants on all matters 24x7.  It's the little things that get you like not clearing up after themselves or not seeing the consequences of their actions or thinking through on the risks they take.  I should be be more forgiving but it's hard to see manpower going to waste and Mrs F and I toiling over things and them just idling.  On the other hand,  they do need time to be kids.

I remember being 16 and having a Saturday job - I worked in a supermarket, stacking shelves, on the cash register, putting the trash in the trash compactor (this was considered the cushy number, operating the compactor as it was mainly cardboard boxes). 

Worst bit was cleaning in the "meat room" where the butchers worked but being 16, I wasn't allowed to operate or clean some of the  machines as I wasn't old enough to do that - had to be 18.   

I am not sure they have Saturday jobs here.  Be ideal for the No. 1 HU Fluffyette to get used to the idea of getting up and being on time to earn some own money.    Wouldn't want it to interfere with studies.  But somehow growing up means being introduced to the "world of work" and all the rest of those responsible thing in an environment where one has to organise oneself, fit into a group and take instructions.

BTW, I've heard several stories of US veterans as retirees living a hobo or at least nomadic life style of some kind - just spend a couple of years cruising along after doing 20 years.   Joined at 18, out at 38 and presumably with a regular pension.  Still a young person with plenty of time - one hopes - ahead of them.  All I got for my short time in the military was a lapel badge!

Wish our mother had put our studies before housework.
I'd always have piles of laundry to fold or hang up after schol.
We had to help aroun d the hosue befre doing any school work.
My mom actually would be cnfusing, said the most important thing is to get a husband. A man about your same social level, who had a good job and brought home his money.
No man wants a stupid wife but they also don't want to be embarrassed by how dumb you are.
Best to learn to keep a nice home and be ladylike at all times....
Talk about being in another world.
She often wuld yell at me to put dwn the stupid books and get out in the kitchen and learn how to make a pie crust, In the end that would be more important in my life then some book.
On the other hand she often would throw us out of the house with an apple and a book and tell us to relax and read .
My female cousins who also had single mom's actually graduated with hnors from colleges and had well paying careers and husbands and families to boot. I still can't make a decent pie crust to save my life, good thing my marriage doesn't depend on a pie crust like mom thought!
My good friend, Kit had 2 boys. One was my boys age and the other about a year younger. Such cute boys and playmates of my son.
Kit was 7 years my senior, my eldest sisters age.
Just a lovely lady with so much class and style. She and her husband met in school and married. He joined the US military and they mved t England for years, he was stationed there.
Her 2 boys were born in England.
She is my buddy who had poilo as a child and was in an iron lung for a year, had a rod put in her spine, no one knew really, they way she worked so hard to dress and cover her crooked back and jus ther overall attitude was so classic.
I had some reservations seeing how she treated her boys though but in the long run I think she was smart and did what needed to be done.
They were 7 and 8 years old and she made them clean their rooms, make their bed and even do their own laundry.
She sadly passed away when they were 15 and 16 from breast cancer.
Some people have it rough but she never complained at all even when she was dying of cancer, always gave a cheerful smile and never told anyone of her pain.
She knew it was best to teach her boys to care fr themselves because somehow she knew she wouldn't be around for long.
We HAD to work around the house as children and got no money for it either.
Wouldn't of had time to get a paying job becuase we were kept so busy all the time.
In fact the reason I ran away frm home was over hanging up some laundry after school. Just made me snap because my BFF, Lisa was waiting on me and back then we had no cell phones. My mother wouldn't let me run over and tell her my plans had changed, had to make her wait and wait for no show me.
Can you imagine running away from home over some laundry?

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Wish our mother had put our studies before housework.
I'd always have piles of laundry to fold or hang up after schol.
We had to help aroun d the hosue befre doing any school work.
My mom actually would be cnfusing, said the most important thing is to get a husband. A man about your same social level, who had a good job and brought home his money.
No man wants a stupid wife but they also don't want to be embarrassed by how dumb you are.
Best to learn to keep a nice home and be ladylike at all times....
Talk about being in another world.
She often wuld yell at me to put dwn the stupid books and get out in the kitchen and learn how to make a pie crust, In the end that would be more important in my life then some book.
On the other hand she often would throw us out of the house with an apple and a book and tell us to relax and read .
My female cousins who also had single mom's actually graduated with hnors from colleges and had well paying careers and husbands and families to boot. I still can't make a decent pie crust to save my life, good thing my marriage doesn't depend on a pie crust like mom thought!
My good friend, Kit had 2 boys. One was my boys age and the other about a year younger. Such cute boys and playmates of my son.
Kit was 7 years my senior, my eldest sisters age.
Just a lovely lady with so much class and style. She and her husband met in school and married. He joined the US military and they mved t England for years, he was stationed there.
Her 2 boys were born in England.
She is my buddy who had poilo as a child and was in an iron lung for a year, had a rod put in her spine, no one knew really, they way she worked so hard to dress and cover her crooked back and jus ther overall attitude was so classic.
I had some reservations seeing how she treated her boys though but in the long run I think she was smart and did what needed to be done.
They were 7 and 8 years old and she made them clean their rooms, make their bed and even do their own laundry.
She sadly passed away when they were 15 and 16 from breast cancer.
Some people have it rough but she never complained at all even when she was dying of cancer, always gave a cheerful smile and never told anyone of her pain.
She knew it was best to teach her boys to care fr themselves because somehow she knew she wouldn't be around for long.
We HAD to work around the house as children and got no money for it either.
Wouldn't of had time to get a paying job becuase we were kept so busy all the time.
In fact the reason I ran away frm home was over hanging up some laundry after school. Just made me snap because my BFF, Lisa was waiting on me and back then we had no cell phones. My mother wouldn't let me run over and tell her my plans had changed, had to make her wait and wait for no show me.
Can you imagine running away from home over some laundry?

I can imagine leaving over laundry.  It might just push someone over the edge.  But that's what happens anyway - kids get restless and want to leave the nest.  It's OK if they do it in a structured way - like leaving at 18 to go to university etc.

Sounds like your Mum had some traditionalist views of male/female roles.   It was a different age of course.  Risks were much worse back then - women might have been seen just an extension of their husband as the primary provider perhaps.  Pie crust indeed.  These days, both partners should know how to cook, clean up, do the laundry/iron and look after kids.  I can prove it!  I'm making Beef Bourguignon in a slow cooker today! 

I could say those "traditional roles" are being  seen in a whole turbocharged corrupted version  going on in Afghanistan.  Speaking of which,  Biden has done the wrong thing.  The optics of people falling off planes is looking bad for him.   Of course it's only what Trump wanted - he said it was Biden's fault but he started it. 

Sadly, the US leaving has forced out everyone else as well.  The only way that place could stabilise is with multi-generational change.   The foreign powers could have stayed there another 20-30 years.  It'll be another Somalia.  I cannot see anyone going there to help - China and Russia will step in.   I am wondering if China will be yet another country that fails in Afghanistan.  Everyone else has had a go. China doesn't have a lot of ethics over their host behaviours.  But i wonder what they will do about the Uyghurs oppressed in China.

I've been watching news frm the US about the happenings in Afghanistan.( Not an easy word to spell for me!)
Their dogs are fantastic at least.
My friend has 2 of them and my sister had one once. Dogs with an ego and a streak of vanity.
I'm very upset over how people are going to be treated there. Women, girls, Christains and many others.
They need to double up on cooking lcasses there and learn how to make a decent pie crust!
No, it's a terrible situation and I'm sad we left them in such a mess.
We never should of bothered them in the first place if we were going to dump them once they converted to western ways.
I worked in a beauty salon in Ca. with many women from there, many of our clients were from there or Iran.
I was the "token" American working there for the most part.
I saw eyebrow threading done before it became a U tube or salon thing.
Can't do it myself, never tired but wow what can be dne with ones mouth and a piece of string..; Oops, that sounds a bit rude!
I wnder what got up Biden's rear end to pull out in a huge huff like this?
Something is up and only those in power know what's really happening.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I've been watching news frm the US about the happenings in Afghanistan.( Not an easy word to spell for me!)
Their dogs are fantastic at least.
My friend has 2 of them and my sister had one once. Dogs with an ego and a streak of vanity.
I'm very upset over how people are going to be treated there. Women, girls, Christians and many others.
They need to double up on cooking lcasses there and learn how to make a decent pie crust!
No, it's a terrible situation and I'm sad we left them in such a mess.
We never should of bothered them in the first place if we were going to dump them once they converted to western ways.
I worked in a beauty salon in Ca. with many women from there, many of our clients were from there or Iran.
I was the "token" American working there for the most part.
I saw eyebrow threading done before it became a U tube or salon thing.
Can't do it myself, never tired but wow what can be dne with ones mouth and a piece of string..; Oops, that sounds a bit rude!
I wnder what got up Biden's rear end to pull out in a huge huff like this?
Something is up and only those in power know what's really happening.

I've never seen any Afghan hounds around Hungary although I expect there are some.  I was reading about dog intelligence the other day and Afghan and Bassett Hounds are some of the most stupid dogs in existence.  They are really down at the bottom of the list.  Dogs like Retrievers, Labradors and Alsatians (German Shepherds) are at the top of the list.  When we're walking with dog, the one we've seen most popular now are Huskys or less so the Aikitas.  I think Huskys have become popular because of Game of Thrones.

Reports are there is fighting in Afghanistan after some locals took down the Taliban flag and put up a flag from a previous time.   The Taliban will face their own insurgency or it'll fragment.

I think that all this is per-meditated  - Biden, Boris and all knew.  Basically US and allies said in a secret agreement, OK we'll go but don't interfere while we get our people out.   So the Taliban is just waiting  until everyone's gone. I even heard this morning the British government saying it's ramping up aid.  So what that'll mean is that they will recognise the government there at some point.  I bet Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Qatar etc will recognise the government quickly and that China and Russia follow on relatively speedily.    Looks to me like a massive stitch up.

It's bad over there.
My heart really hurts for the innocent stuck in a living hell.
Yes, my sister said her Afgan hound was stupid as a rock but too pretty to not pay attention to.
I was searching for a Dalmation before finding my loving Doberman.
My sister about bunched me in the head saying Dalmations are stupid dogs.
They get that rap because they often are deaf.
Later a neighobr came to my home with a Dalmation in tow.
She knew I had been looking for one for ages.
I already had my Dobie well trained by then and it was impossible to deal with a trained pet and an untrained one that was no longer a puppy.
I put up flyers for lost dogs, no one contacted me.
I had the Dalmation foor several weeks, would walk both dogs at once, one leash trained and one pulling and tugging.
One day my Dobie had enough, he just went crazy on the Dalmation, like saying get lost sucker, this is my home and you are not welcome here.
I had to pull them apart before my Maxie bit the Dalmation, good thing he was trained enough to listen to me before things got bloody.
I have a photo of the 2 sitting on the couch together being nice but overall it was too much.
A friend volunteered to take the Dalmation to Or. state where they knew people in a firehouse that would take the Dalmation as a mascott.
It was sad to say good-bye but also a relief.
They do have the most lovely of soft smooth fur though.They also are sweet even if a bit on the dumb side.