Absolutely Anything Else

Vicces1 wrote:

I'm beyond disgusted.
I have a thousand thoughts/emotions swirling around in my brain, but let's face it, most reading this don't need to be convinced, and those who need to be convinced won't open their minds.
If Fidesz retains power, I have to seriously consider moving... the only issue being of course that COVID keeps disrupting my travel and therefore my relocation plans.

I must  say moving has crossed my mind as well.  I'm not really complaining that much as I have other issues on my mind like Brexit.  I'm too old now to emigrate to Australia or NZ or Canada.  My relatives there are too distant in Australia but I have more direct ones in NZ.   Realistically I could only really return to the UK and I haven't lived there full time for almost 30 years.  Not sure I'd like it.

Mrs F is far more frustrated than me by the Fidesz sheep sleepwalking into an autocracy.  She fears for our kids. Mrs F's relatives have said to us in the past they'd like to have a dictatorship in charge.   They are too young to remember communism and have that idealistic type of student nirvana scenario of equality and stability and that it comes with  a price.   They forget or don't recognise the injustices of insane regimes.   

I really don't get why people don't know about these things.  What have they been doing with themselves?  Never read anything about Pol Pot, Hitler or even now Myanmar or Belarus.

I have a UK relative is vehemently anti-immigration and just about anything else.  I've said to that person, "OK illegal migrants down at Dover, your policy is to machine gun them in their boats (yes, really).  So if you want to do that, the government will take you down to Dover put you on a boat and you can personally shoot women, kids and men in the head while they struggle in the water.   How about that then?  Put your ideas into action.   How about it?" Obviously there's no answer to that.   

Even in military training, it's quite difficult to actually point a gun at range target shaped like a human and shoot at it.  I found it difficult but I think too much.

Vicces1 wrote:

I'm beyond disgusted.
I have a thousand thoughts/emotions swirling around in my brain, but let's face it, most reading this don't need to be convinced, and those who need to be convinced won't open their minds.
If Fidesz retains power, I have to seriously consider moving... the only issue being of course that COVID keeps disrupting my travel and therefore my relocation plans.

I wonder if C-19 restrictions will get harder here in Hungary after the elections?
Don't think anyone wants to rock the boat with tighter rules until the votes are cast.
Personally I don't have much to lose either way but then again I'm not raising a family here or working.
My husband is ready to move too as soon as the world settles down to a more,"normal" condition.
Doubt that is going to happen anytime soon so I've decided to just hunker down. We  even bought a new tele, something I promised myself I'd never purchase. Seems like we all will be stuck here for the long haul .
For some reason I am really ,really not feeling the holidays this year, just doesn't seem all that important this year.

If you want to put Orbán in the same boat as Trump, that's fair enough. But Pol Pot or Hitler?

zif wrote:

If you want to put Orbán in the same boat as Trump, that's fair enough. But Pol Pot or Hitler?

Yes, we've been here before.

I did mean Pol Pot and Hitler and those using autocratic methods.  It's 101 in the wannabe autocrat playbook.  Pol Pot  became a meglomaniac as did Hitler albeit for different historical and personal reasons but the results were the same.  Hitler used democracy to dismantle itself.

But plenty to read and to research about on a Sunday afternoon. 

The drivers and circumstances leading to those people and many others like Putin or Lukashenko are well documented.

Question is where HU is on that continuum cum path at the present time.  The next election will determine if HU wants to go onwards towards an even more authoritarian regime (outside the EU) or wants to follow a path of multi-party democracy (inside the EU).   

If it's the former, I suspect many will leave and Hungary will become a hollowed out shell rather than the latter - a vibrant growing country that's a model of diversity and tolerance.

I watched a sad movie last night on Netflix.
It was in HUngarian with subtitles.
"Eternal Winter".
About a young wife and mother who was put into a forced labor camp in the Soviet Union in 1944.
They kept her there slaving away for years after the war was over with too.
My HU FIL was in the HU Army and his unit was captured and put in a forced labor camp in Russia but it  was really sad to know they took civilians and mothers with children too.
Guess over 700,000 Hungarian were placed in work camps and over 300,000 never went home again.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I watched a sad movie last night on Netflix.
It was in HUngarian with subtitles.
"Eternal Winter".
About a young wife and mother who was put into a forced labor camp in the Soviet Union in 1944.
They kept her there slaving away for years after the war was over with too.
My HU FIL was in the HU Army and his unit was captured and put in a forced labor camp in Russia but it  was really sad to know they took civilians and mothers with children too.
Guess over 700,000 Hungarian were placed in work camps and over 300,000 never went home again.

They have a lot to answer for those Russians.   

Mrs F's grandfather was a refugee in Germany during WW2 (he was pretty much ethnically German).  Apparently they went there and were put to work looking  after cavalry horses which would have fitted in with his skill set.   

My paternal grandfather was shot several times by the Germans which left him paralysed in his left arm.   He crawled a mile or more away from the front and was picked up by a local who took him to a field hospital.  They tried to amputate his arm but he refused.  He died early - in his 50s - more or less as a result of his injuries.  In those days, the British government treated its soldiers very badly.  I am not sure they look after them well now.

I watched a movie called Into The Dark on Netflix.  Kind of a crime and horror mystery surrounding a child, wolves and a cult.  Wasn't bad and the scenery was interesting - set in Alaska. Cast was quite good.

Might check that film out tonight if I don't forget.
Alaska seems like a real no mans land.
My grandfather was born in the US in 1882.
He was really old enough when I was born to be my great-grandfather.
Well his first language at home in the US was German.
His name was German and during WW1 andlater no one wanted to really hire him.
There was a huge anti-German thing going on in the US. At least with blue collar workers.
Even my Ruysn grandfather called my mother, "The German" and I'm sure being a ethnic Ruysn in the US wasn't exactly winning any prizes either.
My German grandfather  always got the worst jobs, like unloading coal from trains.
Only good thing was during the 1930's he was able to collect 100 lbs bags of broken coal chips and take them home.
He would often be seen walking in the dark and snow with that bag on his back. He would give it to his neighobrs who couldn't afford coal too.
To think he left his wealthy parents home just to shovel coal. Then again he asked for it by running away, joining the Army and drinking so much.
My FIL said  that eveyday in that labor camp people were dropping like flies.
The Japanese prisoners were smart and refused to eat anything except rice which they never got.
They were dropping in such large numbers that finally Russia sent them all home before they all died on them.
War is horrible for all sides.
My step-dad who was a 2 time POW and in the US Navy as a corpsman/medic said rats are really not all that bad tasting...Yuck!

[img https://static-assets.bamgrid.com/produ … b71e62.png[/img]

Has anyone tried Disney +?

I am actually finding it better than Netflix, I tend to watch it more now than Netflix, it seems to have more to offer.

SimCityAT wrote:

[img https://static-assets.bamgrid.com/produ … b71e62.png[/url]

Has anyone tried Disney +?

I am actually finding it better than Netflix, I tend to watch it more now than Netflix, it seems to have more to offer.

Netflix is quite variable and they don't really have some key shows I'd like to see and some of their stuff looks cheap.  But they do have some commercial winners - e.g. Squid Game and Casa de Papel.   Both foreign language shows but wildly popular. 

While I'm here, Korea seems to be going through a bit of a boom in top shows and movies.  I can recommend the Korean movie Parasite. It won the Oscar for best movie in 2020.  Remarkable considering it's a foreign language film.

Amazon Studios has produced some top stuff recently.  Apple TV isn't bad either. 

But Disney+ ? Just the name puts me off!

There is a better choice of movies with Disney +, but they are not all Disney films. Sure Netflix does have some good originals. Its down to a better of taste.

I do like the National Geographic channel on the site. It already programmed in my SKY receiver and on my TV.

I do have Apple TV on my Telly but really explored it properly.

https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/hu … 021-12-13/

Seems scapegoatism is alive and well...

To win again next year, the key for Orban will be getting all of Fidesz's faithful concentrated in smaller towns and villages back to the ballot box, with a referendum on "LGBT propaganda" likely on the same day as an added fillip.

Yet with inflation running at a 14-year high of 7.4%, Orban will also need some of the undecided voters whom he is targeting with large tax cuts for families, massive pension hikes, a 20% minimum wage rise and a fuel price cap.

Orban, nailing his electoral colours to gender and sexuality issues, told a Fidesz congress last month: "We will not give up the right to defend our borders...We insist marriage in Hungary is between a man and a woman, a father is a man and a mother is a woman...and they should leave our children alone."

In a pitch to the insular nationalism of Fidesz's popular base, Orban's chief of staff Gergely Gulyas told website Index.hu on Monday that LGBT rights groups "have huge influence in Brussels".

- I only wish I had so much influence in Brussels...

SimCityAT wrote:

There is a better choice of movies with Disney +, but they are not all Disney films. Sure Netflix does have some good originals. Its down to a better of taste.

I do like the National Geographic channel on the site. It already programmed in my SKY receiver and on my TV.

I do have Apple TV on my Telly but really explored it properly.

It's that name Disney.   I think of Dumbo and Mickey Mouse. I've been assuming that Disney is for kids.  Where are the zombies, spaceships, crime and pure evil? 

We have National Geographic (I think) on cable TV here.  A lot of stuff is dubbed or has annoying voice overs.  They should do more subtitling.   I would watch it more if I had more time and it was more accessible. 

We abandoned Sky years ago.  I've still got the gear but I think it'll be totally dead over satellite before long.  Might be dead now. They are doing their own TVs now with Sky Glass and streaming it into them like Netflix etc.

Apple TV has original programming some of which clearly cost big bucks.

I was looking at some trailer and there was some person from one of those companies afterwards and it was said that they are determined to bring the best actors, directors, writers and production to the smaller screen.   Seems obvious.

I also read about the number of production studios being built.   They are everywhere now.   Sound stages and ancillary buildings are going up all over.

Black Panther Seen in Kiskunhalas

Doesn't say if it's a Fidesz voter.

Vicces1 wrote:


Seems scapegoatism is alive and well...

To win again next year, the key for Orban will be getting all of Fidesz's faithful concentrated in smaller towns and villages back to the ballot box, with a referendum on "LGBT propaganda" likely on the same day as an added fillip.

Yet with inflation running at a 14-year high of 7.4%, Orban will also need some of the undecided voters whom he is targeting with large tax cuts for families, massive pension hikes, a 20% minimum wage rise and a fuel price cap.

Orban, nailing his electoral colours to gender and sexuality issues, told a Fidesz congress last month: "We will not give up the right to defend our borders...We insist marriage in Hungary is between a man and a woman, a father is a man and a mother is a woman...and they should leave our children alone."

In a pitch to the insular nationalism of Fidesz's popular base, Orban's chief of staff Gergely Gulyas told website Index.hu on Monday that LGBT rights groups "have huge influence in Brussels".

- I only wish I had so much influence in Brussels...

We can have some hope for change.

This really is the stagnant phase of OV's government.  Run out of ideas, old stale stuff recycled, standard tactics to try and convince people of the Soros/EU fifth column advancing to change  the traditional Hungarian way of life.   What's that anyway?   

No-one would believe that stuff forever, it's just not important enough when one is trying to pay the gas bill and feed your kids, cats and dogs.

But then you read a quote from some person who falls for the BS and you realise how truly dimwitted some of the electorate are.   Once again, what are these people doing with their time? Not spending it on educating themselves it would seem.

I am wondering how OV is going to put spin on the latest ECJ ruling on same-sex parents' right to be registered as equal parents in any EU country.   

The final statement in the article is rather good - The case cannot be appealed.

According to the article, O1G said at a Fidesz conference recently:

"..... "We will not give up the right to defend our borders...We insist marriage in Hungary is between a man and a woman, a father is a man and a mother is a woman...and they should leave our children alone."

So how is that working out for you now O1G?    Nobbled your referendum and belief system I'd say!

I do like the smell of CJEU schadenfreude justice in the morning.

Some of the interesting news towards the bottom of the Reuters article that I posted above:
"a recent survey by Policy Solutions found the high cost of living to be the No. 1 voter issue - for 47% of Hungarians - followed by low wages and inadequate public healthcare.

Even for Fidesz supporters, LGBT "propaganda" ranked only 10th as among the issues most troubling them, with migration higher up among the top concerns at 17%.

Fidesz swept to re-election in 2014 with 45% of votes cast on party lists and scored a two-thirds majority again in 2018."

...was overshadowed by the next line: ($1 = 324.7200 forints)
And as I look for myself today, it is at: $1 = 328.72 Fts.
On behalf of my comparatively dwindling salary and the worth of my residence -- OUCH!!

Vicces1 wrote:

Some of the interesting news towards the bottom of the Reuters article that I posted above:
"a recent survey by Policy Solutions found the high cost of living to be the No. 1 voter issue - for 47% of Hungarians - followed by low wages and inadequate public healthcare.

Even for Fidesz supporters, LGBT "propaganda" ranked only 10th as among the issues most troubling them, with migration higher up among the top concerns at 17%.

Fidesz swept to re-election in 2014 with 45% of votes cast on party lists and scored a two-thirds majority again in 2018."

...was overshadowed by the next line: ($1 = 324.7200 forints)
And as I look for myself today, it is at: $1 = 328.72 Fts.
On behalf of my comparatively dwindling salary and the worth of my residence -- OUCH!!

I can see where you are coming from.   I wonder about it all  myself.

Prices are really in your face here on a daily basis.   John and Jack or Lydia and Susan shacked up together down the street or in the next apartment really doesn't figure highly when checking out the price of a loaf of bread at Aldi.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs comes to my mind here:


When the chips are down, Physiological - i.e. food/health/shelter and Safety - stability/community etc, goes higher than cognitive and aesthetic needs.  No good worrying about the LGBTI community if there's nothing in the cupboard to eat.   

Fidesz is barking up the wrong tree.  BS'ing on what marriage is won't wash in tough situations.  And migration?  What migration?  Why would anyone want to stay here except for love?

Far better would be going to a larger economy where opportunities are larger, more varied, more developed thinking and with less politicking.

2022 is the Chinese Year of the Tiger:


Fingers crossed it's more fun than 2021 and 2020.

Would have worked better if Desmond Tutu had hung on for another year.  Could have been his year.

A very nice and true diagram, however when getting older I go down to the two (+ internet), in the past I went for the top, but these times have gone (perhaps sadly, but perhaps also good (the top ones can also create a lot of stress (and did))
I prefer a simple life without worries and I was raised with duty and commitment (which was good and also helped me throughout life), but in the top was too difficult (even if I tried for a number of years).

On the third and intimate relationship, I have and am happily married more than 20+ years, so that is fine but others ....

On the third and intimate relationship, I have and am happily married more than 20+ years, so that is fine but others .... (I have acquaintances, friends, just 1 or 2 from the very very past and they will do all for me as I will for them, but calling a friend will not be easy and I will doubt I will have new ones in the future)

I lost 2 of my old freinds in short order.
They both passed within 3 months of each other.
Hard to replace people that knew you when you were 12 years old till old age.
Just have to take people as they are and not try to expect them to live up to  old standards of friendship.
Guess they don't have to picky swear not to rat me out to my mother like my old standards would of demanded.
Last night New Years Eve was my 44th wedding anniversary.
Must admit I  forgot it was!
We don't make a big thing out of special days.
We have known each other for 48 years .
Sounds like a long time but it also seems like we met just yesterday.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

Last night New Years Eve was my 44th wedding anniversary.
Must admit I  forgot it was!
We don't make a big thing out of special days.
We have known each other for 48 years .
Sounds like a long time but it also seems like we met just yesterday.

Congrats on the 44th WA.....nice! Forgetting WAs is not unusual.  It's just comfy stuff.

Let me just check on the amount of marital telepathy going on...

Do you finish each other's sentences?

Sometimes have a feeling your other half is going to phone you and they do?

Sometimes see something while driving and your other half just says, "yes" without you mentioning what it was?

If you can tick these, then you have marital telepathy!   

There are probably more indicators, but these were the ones I could think of immediately.

I often do finish my husbands sentences, It is a bad habit sometimes, hate to be rude and cut him off.
I know for sure when he is grumpy, he doesn't even have to say a word, it's written on his face.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

I often do finish my husbands sentences, It is a bad habit sometimes, hate to be rude and cut him off.
I know for sure when he is grumpy, he doesn't even have to say a word, it's written on his face.

Finishing the other half's sentences isn't always rude, it's just knowing each other, it doesn't need to be really said.

Excellent on grumpy or mood auto-detection, have to add that to the list!


According to the news, you can reach pizza level even without having the jab:

Austrian police investigate fraud at Vienna COVID vaccination centre

SimCityAT wrote:

[img align=C]https://scontent.fvie2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/271041524_10159433811377279_6667857583196299753_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=825194&_nc_ohc=wI3BjU6n9s0AX9qvSHo&tn=N67g51Kp2t2MW8xD&_nc_ht=scontent.fvie2-1.fna&oh=00_AT-xwdVof4-WUNAJqsuE7kBpfnPghW441EcghY4pXxSeMg&oe=61D5FB27[/url]

That's funny and a bit off putting at the same time.
Reminds me of when I was a table games dealer in Vegas.
One casino, Palace Station used to give out coupons for a pizza if you lost enough that day on the tables.
I remember some women on my blackjack table telling me she lost a few thousnad dollars and wanted to get a comp. coupon for a pizza.
What a dummy, the pizza was less then $50. , makes you wonder if she played all day long just for the pizza.
My husband sometimes overplayed the slots and used to get the weekly "free gifts" from the Palms casino.
That would really make me mad, I have all sorts of ,"freebies" unused in my Vegas streage unit.I could probably open up a shop since I have the merchandise.
The only comp I ever enjoyed was when he got 50% off Sunday brunch with free champane .

I have myself some new wheels

Jokes aside......

I've had some wrong with my left leg for a while now, I've been to the hospital a couple of times already with an odd visit to the doctors, My last visit I should have been admitted but they had no spare beds.

Oh well, I had an MRI scan on Friday, so now I am waiting on the results, so I should get them today. I have already the CD with the pictures.

SimCityAT wrote:

Jokes aside......

I've had some wrong with my left leg for a while now, I've been to the hospital a couple of times already with an odd visit to the doctors, My last visit I should have been admitted but they had no spare beds.

Oh well, I had an MRI scan on Friday, so now I am waiting on the results, so I should get them today. I have already the CD with the pictures.

I'm really sorry you have some health issues.
It has to be a nightmare right now being in the hospital.
Are you in the ortho hospital in the 8th district?
I was in there 8 years back for a minor knee surgery. 28 hours of insanity.
The nurses had a verbal fight around midnight with my 80 year old Hungarian room mate.
Poor old lady with a broken hip.
I was petrified of them so just covered my eyes and turned away from the floor show.
The poor old women had been in there for 2 weeks and was afraid and in pain.
They had no mercy on her, they were upset that she dared to call them in at night.
They took away her pull bar and ringer.
Maybe something minor is going on with you like a back issues? Maybe a good back adjustment could help?
I will send you some positive energy and wish that you are sent home in fine shape very soon.
Let us know if there is anything we might be able to do for you via getting info that is in Hungarian.
We don't know much about the health care sytem here but my husband can read Hungarian if you find yourself in a pinch.
One thing I know from past experience is they do not send people home from the hospital over the weekend so try to get out before Friday if possible.

I am not in hospital, I am at home... I have just had my results through. Bugger is I know what they mean. I will follow up when I have seen my Doctor and she can explain.

SimCityAT wrote:

I am not in hospital, I am at home... I have just had my results through. Bugger is I know what they mean. I will follow up when I have seen my Doctor and she can explain.

Best wishes to you.
Hope it is a simple fix and nothing majoor going on.
The waiting is the worst part.

SimCityAT wrote:

Jokes aside......

I've had some wrong with my left leg for a while now, I've been to the hospital a couple of times already with an odd visit to the doctors, My last visit I should have been admitted but they had no spare beds.

Oh well, I had an MRI scan on Friday, so now I am waiting on the results, so I should get them today. I have already the CD with the pictures.

What do you think it might be?  Hip problem? Knee?

fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

Jokes aside......

I've had some wrong with my left leg for a while now, I've been to the hospital a couple of times already with an odd visit to the doctors, My last visit I should have been admitted but they had no spare beds.

Oh well, I had an MRI scan on Friday, so now I am waiting on the results, so I should get them today. I have already the CD with the pictures.

What do you think it might be?  Hip problem? Knee?

At first, they were saying sciatica, then a slipped disk. Had my MRI results back which now says....

Slightly dehydrated Disci L4-S1

I could go to my doctor today, but not keen on battling in winds of 100km/h winds that we are having.  I am currently living downstairs so it's not a biggy anyway have everything I need here: Toilet, Kitchen, Shower, and Bed :D

Oh yeah, I have my Orthopaedic appointment on Wednesday, so I shall see what they have to say as they are more specialists on the matter.

SimCityAT wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

Jokes aside......

I've had some wrong with my left leg for a while now, I've been to the hospital a couple of times already with an odd visit to the doctors, My last visit I should have been admitted but they had no spare beds.

Oh well, I had an MRI scan on Friday, so now I am waiting on the results, so I should get them today. I have already the CD with the pictures.

What do you think it might be?  Hip problem? Knee?

At first, they were saying sciatica, then a slipped disk. Had my MRI results back which now says....

Slightly dehydrated Disci L4-S1

I could go to my doctor today, but not keen on battling in winds of 100km/h winds that we are having.  I am currently living downstairs so it's not a biggy anyway have everything I need here: Toilet, Kitchen, Shower, and Bed :D

Oh yeah, I have my Orthopaedic appointment on Wednesday, so I shall see what they have to say as they are more specialists on the matter.

Maybe it's just wear and tear.    Backs are weird - mine hurts but don't know where exactly. 

This sort of thing seems par for the course if you are old enough - usual things discussed at the bus stop by older people.   Rubbery bits maybe just wearing down.  My knee rubbery bits has degeneration.

Hope it doesn't hurt too much.

SimCityAT wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

Jokes aside......

I've had some wrong with my left leg for a while now, I've been to the hospital a couple of times already with an odd visit to the doctors, My last visit I should have been admitted but they had no spare beds.

Oh well, I had an MRI scan on Friday, so now I am waiting on the results, so I should get them today. I have already the CD with the pictures.

What do you think it might be?  Hip problem? Knee?

At first, they were saying sciatica, then a slipped disk. Had my MRI results back which now says....

Slightly dehydrated Disci L4-S1

I could go to my doctor today, but not keen on battling in winds of 100km/h winds that we are having.  I am currently living downstairs so it's not a biggy anyway have everything I need here: Toilet, Kitchen, Shower, and Bed :D

Oh yeah, I have my Orthopaedic appointment on Wednesday, so I shall see what they have to say as they are more specialists on the matter.

If you get the OK from the ortho doctr then perhaps some physical therapy would help.
I had knee surgery here in HU and it actually made my knee worst.
Have mild arthritis in my joints.
Family history of that.
I have always been very active with exercise but neglected hard knee exercises because they hurt.
Well after surgery that didn't nothing but make me use a crutch for  6 months then a cane for a year, I had PT for 2 months in the US. I am no lnger in much pain and put my crutch and cane away for an emergency .
I keep my knee active daily with my PT exercises, just have to get into the habit of doing them everyday to keep things moving.
Hope it isn't too late to just do PT.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

What do you think it might be?  Hip problem? Knee?

At first, they were saying sciatica, then a slipped disk. Had my MRI results back which now says....

Slightly dehydrated Disci L4-S1

I could go to my doctor today, but not keen on battling in winds of 100km/h winds that we are having.  I am currently living downstairs so it's not a biggy anyway have everything I need here: Toilet, Kitchen, Shower, and Bed :D

Oh yeah, I have my Orthopaedic appointment on Wednesday, so I shall see what they have to say as they are more specialists on the matter.

If you get the OK from the ortho doctr then perhaps some physical therapy would help.
I had knee surgery here in HU and it actually made my knee worst.
Have mild arthritis in my joints.
Family history of that.
I have always been very active with exercise but neglected hard knee exercises because they hurt.
Well after surgery that didn't nothing but make me use a crutch for  6 months then a cane for a year, I had PT for 2 months in the US. I am no lnger in much pain and put my crutch and cane away for an emergency .
I keep my knee active daily with my PT exercises, just have to get into the habit of doing them everyday to keep things moving.
Hope it isn't too late to just do PT.

Sorry about your knee Marilyn.    That's what goes first - knees and hips.   

I'm pretty sure I have osteoarthritis as well.  It's literally a pain the backside. And left ring finger.  Particularly in the morning.   

My mother had it and the Docs told her her pelvic joints were all loose and there was nothing they could do.  She said it was horribly painful and no position was good enough to stop it hurting.

I've got an blow up exercise ball I lay across sometimes to arch my back.  It's pretty good and pulls all the muscles in hurty but some how satisfying ways. 

But what I really want is to be hung upside down by my ankles to stretch my spine.  It's become a kind of fantasy.  I don't think I could do it long if the blood was rushing to my head. 

Funny thing about osteoarthritis is that it takes a fair bit to get going in the mornings but once it's all loosened up, it's pretty much OK and unnoticeable during the rest of the day.

One reason I take the dog walking so regularly - get the old rusty grindy joints lubed up.

fluffy2560 wrote:

..... Sorry about your knee Marilyn.    That's what goes first - knees and hips.

I've now reached the stage where I dread standing up; my knees pop and it's only a matter of time till it hurts; so like you, I've upped the exercising, dog walking etc.  Hopefully, it will put off the inevitable for a bit longer.

Cynic wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

..... Sorry about your knee Marilyn.    That's what goes first - knees and hips.

I've now reached the stage where I dread standing up; my knees pop and it's only a matter of time till it hurts; so like you, I've upped the exercising, dog walking etc.  Hopefully, it will put off the inevitable for a bit longer.

Are the medics suggesting new knee joints?   Maybe the popping is bubbles of gas.  Like cracking knuckles.

My knee seems to be worse in the winter.  I think a few years I'm going to need something like that fixing or a hip replacement. Things go wrong as one ages  - like death by a thousand cuts. 

I was up a step ladder checking on a ceiling light fitting earlier today and I felt a bit wobbly up there.   That's something relatively new. Previously I was able to go up ladders no problem. It might be my ears - I'm developing tinnitus too.   That's even more annoying than my hip and knee at the moment.   I should not have been at those rock concerts.

Tinnitus is like a randomly occurring whistling noise.  Both my parents are/were very deaf so it might run in the family.  Sounds like fan running at high speed.

fluffy2560 wrote:

.... Are the medics suggesting new knee joints?   Maybe the popping is bubbles of gas.  Like cracking knuckles.

LOL - my 2 in-house medics are at the sucking of teeth and shaking their head stage of their prognosis.

Probably not a good time to add another condition to my list of ailments; there is no magic restoration cure apart from surgery and there are others with greater need than me at the moment.