Absolutely Anything Else

Flight SU 7236 from SVO (Moscow) to VRN (Verona) denied entry to Greek airspace and is circulating over Turkey.

Link above may become invalid as it looks like it's descending to land somewhere,  probably Istanbul.  Probably to refuel and will be sent back to Russia.

Makes you wonder why they set off without permission.

fluffy2560 wrote:

Flight SU 7236 from SVO (Moscow) to VRN (Verona) denied entry to Greek airspace and is circulating over Turkey.

Link above may become invalid as it looks like it's descending to land somewhere,  probably Istanbul.  Probably to refuel and will be sent back to Russia.

Makes you wonder why they set off without permission.

I'll have to look for it later, but there was a Russian flight that was just about to Newfoundland in Canada when it had to turn back to Russia due to being denied landing in the US (destination was NYC).

The EU has now denied its airspace to Aeroflot, and Russia denied it to EU carriers in retaliation.
Some impact to BA serving flights to the ME and India, but much more impactful to the Russian carrier.

Vicces1 wrote:

..... but there was a Russian flight that was just about to Newfoundland in Canada when it had to turn back to Russia due to being denied landing in the US (destination was NYC).

The EU has now denied its airspace to Aeroflot, and Russia denied it to EU carriers in retaliation.
Some impact to BA serving flights to the ME and India, but much more impactful to the Russian carrier.

I didn't know about the one going over Newfoundland.   

The one to Verona has not left Istanbul airport.  I wondered if they would refuel it without cash upfront, i.e. no way to pay for fuel due to the sanctions.

I find it incredible that they set off in the first place.

An interesting Youtube video 1 day before the war started


SimCityAT wrote:

An interesting Youtube video 1 day before the war started


Interesting to see Lviv there.  Definitely looks more German/Austrian than Kyiv.   

But what crazy timing of that guy to be there just hours before they invaded.

BTW, upswing in UA cars driving around here.   Obviously people escaping from further East.

A friend of mine, hired a transit van. Asked for donations and drove to the border this morning. The van was full.

But busses are going daily with stuff now and bringing back refugees. Travelling from Vienna.

https://metropole.at/how-you-can-suppor … rom-vienna

SimCityAT wrote:

A friend of mine, hired a transit van. Asked for donations and drove to the border this morning. The van was full.

But busses are going daily with stuff now and bringing back refugees. Travelling from Vienna.

https://metropole.at/how-you-can-suppor … rom-vienna

No idea what they are doing here although I understand it's free train trips for UA folk to Budapest.   

I saw some UA cars in the car park of the hypermarket.   We used to see quite a few Russian cars but they've almost disappeared.  Haven't seen one of those for ages.   There was a period a while back when there were lots of Georgian cars being everywhere but they've dropped off.  Strangely, I'm seeing now British and Belgium cars as well.

Numbers so far who have taken refugees:

Poland - 377,400
Hungary - 89,561
Moldova - 65,391
Slovakia - 54,304
Romania - 38,461
Belarus - 329

Would be interesting to know how many Austria has taken, because I know they have.....

SimCityAT wrote:

Numbers so far who have taken refugees:

Poland - 377,400
Hungary - 89,561
Moldova - 65,391
Slovakia - 54,304
Romania - 38,461
Belarus - 329

Would be interesting to know how many Austria has taken, because I know they have.....

Not sure if you'll get an answer anytime soon as according to the UK press, many of those numbers you quote have moved on to other countries where they have friends/relatives - almost certainly including Austria, they are just saying "all other European countries".  The Mayor of Warsaw was on Radio 4 this morning and said that what seems like a huge number for him to try and accommodate has been vastly diluted because of this.

We just got in from running errands near Keliti station.
The cheap pizza by the slice palces had lines and a bank had a line at the ATM.
People with suitcases everywhere but some were traveling light.
Maybe they already had a room and left their belongings there?
Most peple didn't look exactly waht I had in my mind that a Ukrainian looks like.
Most all looked like they were from Mongolia or India.Maybe they were workers in Ukraine and left while they had a chance to leave?
I think the HU gov. is giving them places to stay, wonder how many will stay in Hungary or move on to countires like Germany?

Orban has been in touch by e-mail and said the following:

What we all wanted to avoid has happened: there is a war going on in our neighborhood. We will do everything we can to ensure that our country does not drift into the armed conflict, because the security of the Hungarian people is the first.

We work for peace, while extending a helping hand to those in need. Hundreds of thousands have fled their homes as a result of the Russo-Ukrainian war: Hungarians and Ukrainians in Transcarpathia.

We can be proud that an exemplary collaboration has been established in Hungary to help them. Once again, we can prove that this is a good country inhabited by good people.

We have launched a special relief operation to help those who have remained in Ukraine and those who need asylum in our country.

You can also participate in the Bridge for Transcarpathia relief program. The 1357 national helpline was launched, and an account number was opened to collect donations.

Please support the cooperation as much as possible!

Let us preserve the peace of our country and lend a helping hand to those who need it most now!

Marilyn Tassy wrote:

We just got in from running errands near Keliti station.
The cheap pizza by the slice palces had lines and a bank had a line at the ATM.
People with suitcases everywhere but some were traveling light.
Maybe they already had a room and left their belongings there?
Most peple didn't look exactly waht I had in my mind that a Ukrainian looks like.
Most all looked like they were from Mongolia or India.Maybe they were workers in Ukraine and left while they had a chance to leave?
I think the HU gov. is giving them places to stay, wonder how many will stay in Hungary or move on to countires like Germany?

I read there were 80,000 students in Ukraine from many countries since Ukraine has (or had) good universities and was relatively cheap.  Some of them were medical students. Not their fight but I would have thought they were needed there and they would have volunteered.  News reports say that one of them - from Inidia - was killed by the missile that hit the town square in Kharkiv.

What Ukranians look like is like us.  It's old news but we know what Putin looks like - Dobby from Harry Potter (not sure where Gollum comes into it):


Sberbank has been declared bankrupt in the Eurozone by the ECB. 

Here in Hungary, Sberbank has been given some time by the MNB.

Elsewhere, looks like all Russian ships are banned from UK ports.

Macron reported that Putin wants to take all of Ukraine:

Ukraine war: Macron fears 'worst is yet to come' after new phone call with Putin


fluffy2560 wrote:

Macron reported that Putin wants to take all of Ukraine:

Ukraine war: Macron fears 'worst is yet to come' after new phone call with Putin


That's what he's been saying since this madness started.

Cynic wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Macron reported that Putin wants to take all of Ukraine:

Ukraine war: Macron fears 'worst is yet to come' after new phone call with Putin


That's what he's been saying since this madness started.

Macron's an idiot but I think we can take it as objective reporting. 

It's the first time we've really heard it so clearly as far as I can remember.

fluffy2560 wrote:

Macron reported that Putin wants to take all of Ukraine:

In the image shared of Belarussian Lukashenko in front of a map, it shows a red outline and invasion plans for Moldova as well. Moldova has a contested region of Russian separatists.
I think there is no doubt Russia plans to press on.

The worry is that as NATO arms Ukraine and others with more effective weapons, Putin gets more frustrated and resorts to more egregious means to achieve his aims.

Vicces1 wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Macron reported that Putin wants to take all of Ukraine:

In the image shared of Belarussian Lukashenko in front of a map, it shows a red outline and invasion plans for Moldova as well. Moldova has a contested region of Russian separatists.
I think there is no doubt Russia plans to press on.

The worry is that as NATO arms Ukraine and others with more effective weapons, Putin gets more frustrated and resorts to more egregious means to achieve his aims.

Luka really screwed that up.   Or did he? I heard he was very reluctant to participate in the Ukraine invasion but Putin calls all the shots. Luka is effectively a nobody.

Latest is that Moldova applied to join the EU.  I cannot see that happening as you have to have peace with your neighbours and internally (maybe exception - Northern Ireland was full of strife when the UK joined the EU). 

Constitutionally Moldova is a neutral country.    But it's clear really that the Russians would walk all over them and of course, violate their neutrality.  That puts all countries at risk.   If I remember correctly, half of Moldovans are dual nationals with Romania which gives those Romanian/Moldovans EU rights.

I cannot see Romania putting up with a Putin invasion if their countrymen are being attacked. 

How many countries will Putin invade before NATO and the EU realise they have to do something stronger?

Online there was a drone flying up to the Ukraine border.   It started from Debrecen (probably at the ex-Russian air force base) and was visible up to about 3km from the border, turned south and then went dark.  It was slow moving - about 80-100 knots and flying just under 5000 feet.   So maybe it was a TB2 Turkish manufactured drone. Hungary was testing them last year.   The UKR forces use them effectively.

Live stream of Ukrainian nuclear power station being shelled by Russians.  Building is on fire.

Nuclear Power Station in Ukraine on fire

fluffy2560 wrote:

Live stream of Ukrainian nuclear power station being shelled by Russians.  Building is on fire.

Nuclear Power Station in Ukraine on fire

Oh great.... Let's pray the wind doesn't blow our way.
Hard to believe they are that wreckless to bomb near a nuke plant.

I see on yahoo news that many black residents in the UKraine are not being allowed onto trains and some are being beaten.
Not sure just how many black students are trying to leave the Ukraine .
Maybe it's a big problem for them or it could be a few isolated cases of people being aggesive and not waiting their turns?
Hard to know the real truth from the news.
They always push one agenda or the other for their own reasons.
I must say the other day near Keliti those that were walking around with suitcases seemed very,"ethnic" to us, not your typical Ukrainian looking person. Meaning white and fair haired.
I'm sure these students just want to leave the Ukraine like anyone else and probably will go back to their home countries as soon as possible.

Marilyn Tassy wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Live stream of Ukrainian nuclear power station being shelled by Russians.  Building is on fire.

Nuclear Power Station in Ukraine on fire

Oh great.... Let's pray the wind doesn't blow our way.
Hard to believe they are that wreckless to bomb near a nuke plant.

I see on yahoo news that many black residents in the UKraine are not being allowed onto trains and some are being beaten.
Not sure just how many black students are trying to leave the Ukraine .
Maybe it's a big problem for them or it could be a few isolated cases of people being aggesive and not waiting their turns?
Hard to know the real truth from the news.
They always push one agenda or the other for their own reasons.
I must say the other day near Keliti those that were walking around with suitcases seemed very,"ethnic" to us, not your typical Ukrainian looking person. Meaning white and fair haired.
I'm sure these students just want to leave the Ukraine like anyone else and probably will go back to their home countries as soon as possible.

Power station fire was put out but the Russians now control it.

I also heard about racist behaviour at the border.   If they aren't Ukrainian they should be entitled to leave and go back home.  I don't see what the problem would be.  More effort to argue with them than to let them go.  Need to get their priorities right.

UK is behaving like a bunch of idiots.  They are an absolute shower. They said Ukrainians wanting to come to the UK have to undergo some kind of security checks before they can have a visa.  And wait weeks for a tourist visa.   Like a woman with two kids whose husband has stayed behind to fight needs a security check.  There's playing politics and showing some humanity.  What a bunch of clowns.

I've just taken the dog for a walk and seen a Ukrainian car in the street. Big Ukrainian sign on the back.  It looked very dirty and like it had been driven hard from somewhere rough.

Hi all.

Just in case; you may have heard that the BBC has closed its Moscow operation wef today.  I'm not sure if that affects how any of you receive your dose of the Arntie Beeb, but if anyone is affected, they have launched a SW radio service on the following frequency and times:

15735 kHz - 1800 to 2000 and
  5875 kHz - 0000 to 0200 Kiev Time (GMT + 2).

Hope this helps.

Expat Team

Cynic wrote:

Hi all.

Just in case; you may have heard that the BBC has closed its Moscow operation wef today.  I'm not sure if that affects how any of you receive your dose of the Auntie Beeb, but if anyone is affected, they have launched a SW radio service on the following frequency and times:

15735 kHz - 1800 to 2000 and
  5875 kHz - 0000 to 0200 Kiev Time (GMT + 2).

Hope this helps.

Expat Team

Thanks for that. 

Most people will be getting their info via the Internet and on their phone but that depends on the infrastructure and power still working.

It's a good point to take a radio if bugging out.  But how many have short wave  radios nowadays?

Your post has prompted me to go and find mine.

fluffy2560 wrote:
Cynic wrote:

Hi all.

Just in case; you may have heard that the BBC has closed its Moscow operation wef today.  I'm not sure if that affects how any of you receive your dose of the Auntie Beeb, but if anyone is affected, they have launched a SW radio service on the following frequency and times:

15735 kHz - 1800 to 2000 and
  5875 kHz - 0000 to 0200 Kiev Time (GMT + 2).

Hope this helps.

Expat Team

Thanks for that. 

Most people will be getting their info via the Internet and on their phone but that depends on the infrastructure and power still working.

It's a good point to take a radio if bugging out.  But how many have short wave  radios nowadays?

Your post has prompted me to go and find mine.

I think we may have a hand cranked radio here, or it could be in storeage in the USA?
Living in a "hoarders paradise" comes in handy at times...
We have a set of walkie talkies here.
We bought them ages ago for my elderly MIL to use when she was out in her garden.
She could contact someone in the house if she fell down.
She fell once and was stuck there for hours...

fluffy2560 wrote:

Thanks for that. 

Most people will be getting their info via the Internet and on their phone but that depends on the infrastructure and power still working.

It's a good point to take a radio if bugging out.  But how many have short wave  radios nowadays?

Your post has prompted me to go and find mine.

I still have the Grundig Yacht Boy I bought in Germany in the 80s; as the name indicates, it's a marine (designed to be used on a boat) model, runs off batteries and mains and will run the entire SW band.  We use it in our bathroom every day and apart from the plastic casing fading a bit in the sun, it runs fine.

Most western news outlets have stopped reporting from Russia because if caught they face 15 years in prison. ORF the Austrian broadcaster has stopped as well.

The BBC has turned to the dark web though,

Cynic wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:

Thanks for that. 

Most people will be getting their info via the Internet and on their phone but that depends on the infrastructure and power still working.

It's a good point to take a radio if bugging out.  But how many have short wave  radios nowadays?

Your post has prompted me to go and find mine.

I still have the Grundig Yacht Boy I bought in Germany in the 80s; as the name indicates, it's a marine (designed to be used on a boat) model, runs off batteries and mains and will run the entire SW band.  We use it in our bathroom every day and apart from the plastic casing fading a bit in the sun, it runs fine.

I remember the Yacht Boy.  It was a good radio and quite top end.

We're fully Internet'd so all our radios have Internet connectivity.   I'm the only one who listens to the radio here.  Everyone else is glued to their phones.

I still have my Panasonic radio - RF-B45 with FM-LW-MW-SW functions.  All digital controls and SSB feature.

I've just got it out and put in new batteries. 

Works on FM but hardly any voice transmissions on the other bands.  Heard one HU station on MW but very poor quality.  Rest of them must be radar or other data chirps or jamming.

SimCityAT wrote:

Most western news outlets have stopped reporting from Russia because if caught they face 15 years in prison. ORF the Austrian broadcaster has stopped as well.

The BBC has turned to the dark web though,

Yes, BBC closed down their operations in-country.  Journalists personally responsible.  It's a Russian slide into a totalitarian state.  Means they haven't got it under control.

Interesting about the BBC moving into the dark web.

Got any links on that?

fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

Most western news outlets have stopped reporting from Russia because if caught they face 15 years in prison. ORF the Austrian broadcaster has stopped as well.

The BBC has turned to the dark web though,

Yes, BBC closed down their operations in-country.  Journalists personally responsible.  It's a Russian slide into a totalitarian state.  Means they haven't got it under control.

Interesting about the BBC moving into the dark web.

Got any links on that?

Was reported on Sky News but more info is HERE

fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

Most western news outlets have stopped reporting from Russia because if caught they face 15 years in prison. ORF the Austrian broadcaster has stopped as well.

The BBC has turned to the dark web though,

Yes, BBC closed down their operations in-country.  Journalists personally responsible.  It's a Russian slide into a totalitarian state.  Means they haven't got it under control.

Interesting about the BBC moving into the dark web.

Got any links on that?

You can get it on the Tor browser - not something I'm willing to do.

Cynic wrote:
fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

Most western news outlets have stopped reporting from Russia because if caught they face 15 years in prison. ORF the Austrian broadcaster has stopped as well.

The BBC has turned to the dark web though,

Yes, BBC closed down their operations in-country.  Journalists personally responsible.  It's a Russian slide into a totalitarian state.  Means they haven't got it under control.

Interesting about the BBC moving into the dark web.

Got any links on that?

You can get it on the Tor browser - not something I'm willing to do.

I was looking for a reference to a web site with the story.  There's one here:

BBC points Russians to the Tor version of itself

The  actual address can be found here:

Tor: How to access BBC News on the dark web

I've had a look at the BBC ToR pages and it's a cutdown version with less rich media, presumably to improve loading speeds where there's low network capacity.

ToR browser works just as a normal browser but it is able to resolve onion addresses.   It supports all the usual stuff like Ad Block and No-Script.   It's based on Mozilla Firefox. Nothing to worry about.  It's not some dodgy software.  Content elsewhere might be dodgy, but not the ToR browser itself. Nothing different from ordinary  web sites.

No need for us to have it because we are not in Russia and we are still able to access the BBC online and BBC World on the TV.

I noticed that Sky has finally got rid of the RT channel. Not as if I watched it anyway.

SimCityAT wrote:

No need for us to have it because we are not in Russia and we are still able to access the BBC online and BBC World on the TV.

I noticed that Sky has finally got rid of the RT channel. Not as if I watched it anyway.

Yes, sure but worth knowing what is going on the world.   It's interesting to see how Russia controls the media and what happens and tools are possible to challenge it.

Apparently RT had 70K viewers in the UK.   I find that hard to believe.  Maybe  it was their hyped estimate.

I just wonder what their ex-politician presenters are going to do.   Alex Salmond was on there apparently.  Could be accused of being a Putin proxy to break up the UK.  Makes you wonder about  what else had Russian interference?  Brexit?  US election/Trump?  Orban here? UK and BoJo?

Anyone who worked for it is going to take a serious credibility hit.

fluffy2560 wrote:
SimCityAT wrote:

No need for us to have it because we are not in Russia and we are still able to access the BBC online and BBC World on the TV.

I noticed that Sky has finally got rid of the RT channel. Not as if I watched it anyway.

Yes, sure but worth knowing what is going on the world.   It's interesting to see how Russia controls the media and what happens and tools are possible to challenge it.

Apparently RT had 70K viewers in the UK.   I find that hard to believe.  Maybe  it was their hyped estimate.

I just wonder what their ex-politician presenters are going to do.   Alex Salmond was on there apparently.  Could be accused of being a Putin proxy to break up the UK.  Makes you wonder about  what else had Russian interference?  Brexit?  US election/Trump?  Orban here? UK and BoJo?

Anyone who worked for it is going to take a serious credibility hit.

George Galloway was on it and Sputnik.

SimCityAT wrote:

George Galloway was on it and Sputnik.

We never hear from him either - like Eddie Murphy.

Wasn't Jeremy Corbyn on RT as well?

Sputnik was the radio channel I suppose.  Never really came on my radar.

Most of those has-been politicians struggle to remain relevant. 

Bit like Farage.  Never hear from him either. 

After his anti-EU barrage, Farage is rusting away in a garage with his bagg-age now.

Sputnik: Orbiting the world with George Galloway


Oh, thought it was a radio thing.   Won't be missed!

Sputnik sputtered its last sput...

Another update:
"Russian President Vladimir Putin has described sanctions imposed by Western nations over his invasion of Ukraine as "akin to a declaration of war".

Mr Putin also warned that any attempt to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine would be seen as participation in the armed conflict."

- I do not think there is any current scenario where NATO would put its own sons and daughters at risk with this threat of escalation looming over them. Ukraine must fight for itself -- and they are. The difficulty is getting required anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles into their hands. If you create a military convoy and drive the roadways with such equipment, you are a target for Russian air power. And you can't exactly throw some ordnance into the back of a VW and drive to Kyiv to help out. Let's hope smarter logistical minds than mine have figured out how to overcome this quandary and get the right tools to the right Ukrainians.

Difficult times...


In another topic closer to home.... The HUF...
I work here in Hungary, getting paid in Forints. The value of my salary has fallen precipitously in recent weeks -- how are you all faring?
As of today:
1 Eur = 387.6 Fts / On Feb 22, it was 355.6 -- a fall of 9%...
1 Eur = 32.99 Ukrainian hryvnia / On Feb 22, it was 32.8 -- a fall of less than 1%
1 Eur = 135.5 Russian Rubles / On Feb 22, it was 89.3 -- a fall of 34%

In June of 2021, the Forint was trading at about 350 Fts to the Euro.

So the HUF is performing significantly worse than the Ukrainian currency!
And every day I get paid less, travel becomes more expensive, and I see the value of everything I try to do to save here in Hungary eroded by inflation and devaluation. It is humongously frustrating and depressing...

It is interesting that his 40-mile convoy has come to a standstill because they have broken down and run out of fuel. It was meant to take 24 hours, but its been days now, so I guess they could well be low on supplies i.e food now?