Absolutely Anything Else

Anything can be made to work of course, but it's usually not very efficient for an airline with a short- and medium-haul fleet to just add a couple of long-haul planes. In terms of crew qualifications, spare parts, operating routes, etc the flexibility interchangeability brings is key.
Anything can be made to work of course, but it's usually not very efficient for an airline with a short- and medium-haul fleet to just add a couple of long-haul planes. In terms of crew qualifications, spare parts, operating routes, etc the flexibility interchangeability brings is key.
- @zif

I've been on the A380 numerous times and it's a behemoth.  It's staggeringly big.   I believe in all economy configuration, it would take 600 passengers.  Huge numbers and of course, low cost per head.   Emirates has quite a few of them.

But some of them are being retired now and being replaced by twin engine planes with huge range - like London to Darwin.   I  think with all glass cockpits, retraining is not going to be a problem in changing type.   Airbus has pretty much the same set up on each plane.

Norwegian was doing flights out to Singapore and apparently it was a very nice ride.  But what with COVID etc,  I believe they've reduced themselves right back to a more regional low cost carrier.

There's a HU government A330 freighter (bought from Qatar Airways).  I believe Wizzair actually runs it for the HU  government and supplies all the crew.  So it wouldn't be  a stretch to lease another couple for passenger work.
There are reports that non-Hungarians (only) can attend the England-Hungary match at Puskas Stadium on June 4, 2022 at 17h.   

An adult could take up to 10 children (of any nationality) with them for FREE (UEFA rules).   I believe the children have to be under 14 years old.

The non-Hungarian rule is because of a match ban from last year.

Anyone have any links on where to get these FREE tickets?
Here's where you get the free tickets for kids and an accompanying adult.

But it looks like you have to have a minimum group of 10 kids.
Here's where you get the free tickets for kids and an accompanying adult.

But it looks like you have to have a minimum group of 10 kids.
- @zif

Good call.

Not so good on the 10 kids.  I can rustle up maybe 4 or 5 kids under 14 from school, but not 10 and we'd need a bus or go by public transport.   Shame really as I thought it 1 adult with up to 10 kids rather than a minimum. 
I just received this via the UK government:

Not sure how this would be enforceable under EU laws.  Free movement, barriers to trade etc. Discrimination between EU citizens and so on.  I don't think it will work out for the HU government. It seems to be a nonsense. 

Since this was announced, HU plates are being stolen from HU cars in the border area.

Prices without subsidy (HUF 480 currently/litre) as of last week:

– 95 gasoline: 661 Ft/liter (EUR 1,68/L)

– Gas oil (Diesel) : 679 Ft/liter (EUR 1,73/L)

What they could have done is tax "excess" profits of the oil companies, and reduce the vehicle yearly registration taxes.

@fluffy2560 Interesting side effect, theft of Hungarian license plates is increasing, I would imagine also create some additional cost, I am also sure that some people will benefit from resale.

@fluffy2560 Interesting side effect, theft of Hungarian license plates is increasing, I would imagine also create some additional cost, I am also sure that some people will benefit from resale.

- @cdw057

Yes, I think so.   Obviously the cost is greater than the fuel subsidy.  Hassle of getting new plates etc. Police time.  And so on.  Might even need a new registration in order to cancel the previous one. Need new insurance documents and so on.

There's a limit of 100 litres per day but it's not obvious how that can be enforced.   I can see vans/cars being fitted with large additional tanks and filling up every day, crossing Schengen borders and selling it back in whichever country.

Dual fuel pricing has never worked.  It just leads to smuggling.  Same kind of thing goes on in Venezuela with Colombia. Porous, ill policed and corrupt border and huge price differential.  What could go wrong?

The HU automated filling stations would need sophisticated camera systems to recognise different country plates.  Technologically that's not a problem but linking it up and testing it will be a difficulty.   

They could introduce a vignette for all cars wherever they are from on all roads across Hungary.   Obviously they have the infrastructure for that now for the motorways.   They could then reduce the bi-annual road tax for HU cars and let the price of fuel float more.
I just received this via the UK government:

Not sure how this would be enforceable under EU laws.  Free movement, barriers to trade etc. Discrimination between EU citizens and so on.  I don't think it will work out for the HU government. It seems to be a nonsense. 

Since this was announced, HU plates are being stolen from HU cars in the border area.

Prices without subsidy (HUF 480 currently/litre) as of last week:

– 95 gasoline: 661 Ft/liter (EUR 1,68/L)

– Gas oil (Diesel) : 679 Ft/liter (EUR 1,73/L)

What they could have done is tax "excess" profits of the oil companies, and reduce the vehicle yearly registration taxes.
- @fluffy2560

This has been in place since last Friday 
I just received this via the UK government:

Not sure how this would be enforceable under EU laws.  Free movement, barriers to trade etc. Discrimination between EU citizens and so on.  I don't think it will work out for the HU government. It seems to be a nonsense. 

Since this was announced, HU plates are being stolen from HU cars in the border area.

Prices without subsidy (HUF 480 currently/litre) as of last week:

– 95 gasoline: 661 Ft/liter (EUR 1,68/L)

– Gas oil (Diesel) : 679 Ft/liter (EUR 1,73/L)

What they could have done is tax "excess" profits of the oil companies, and reduce the vehicle yearly registration taxes.
- @fluffy2560

This has been in place since last Friday 
- @SimCityAT

Mrs Fluffy claims she told me last week but  obviously I wasn't paying attention or  the light was on but nobody was home when she told me.

I cannot see anyone making a special trip from Austria - maybe from Eisenstadt.  Very probably Slovakia.  Bratislava would be easy.

@fluffy2560 Interesting, you are much much more direct than I am, but I imply exactly the same, over the years I hope people on the forum know me a little bit :).

Message from the HU Government Information Centre:

"We defended overhead cuts at the last EU summit. We have blocked a proposal in Brussels that would have banned the use of oil from Russia in Hungary. Under the agreement, countries that receive oil by pipeline will continue to operate under the old conditions.

Energy prices are already high in the European Union and inflation is high. Because of sanctions, the whole of Europe is dancing on the brink of a global economic crisis. Under such circumstances, it would have been unbearable for us if we had to run the Hungarian economy with more expensive oil. This would have amounted to an atomic bomb dropped on the Hungarian economy. Adopting the original Brussels package would have increased the price of fuel by 55 to 60 percent, which would have pushed up the price of other products further.

The Hungarian position has been clear from the beginning: we condemn Russia's military intervention, we are giving a helping hand to those in trouble from Ukraine, but we still cannot allow the Hungarian people to pay the price of the war".

The last sentence is interesting ...."we still cannot allow the Hungarian people to pay the price of the war."   Nice words but Hungary is going to pay one way or another eventually and particularly if the war spills over.   Ukraine is paying right now for the war. At some point there will be a reckoning on who did what, when and why.   In any case, no-one is going to be immune from the knock on effects anyway - from the price of energy to the price of food.     
Two speed fuel price update......

I was at my local Aldi automated filling station. 

There's a "security guard" (old codger smoking!) there now and of the 4 pumps, at least one of them is the "higher price" for international registered vehicles.   There was a bit of a kerfuffle going on at one of the pumps.  Don't know what about.

I tried to pay with cash to get 10,000 HUF of diesel but it would only let me have 5,000 HUF - about 10 litres for cash.   Others paying by card could have more, like 10,000 HUF worth.

There's a different menu system now on the pump and you have to confirm you are buying fuel for a Hungarian vehicle.

I didn't dare press the English or German language button in case it assumed I was buying for a foreign registered vehicle.

As for the guard, when he came over I said "Good Day" in Hungarian, he looked at the HU plates on the car, didn't say anything and left me to it.

I can see this dual fuel thing ending up with fisticuffs in border areas.  People aren't used to being discriminated against.  I am sure the EU is going to step in when they notice.


Hungary punished misfiring England in Budapest, ending a 60-year wait for victory over the Three Lions


Hungary punished misfiring England in Budapest, ending a 60-year wait for victory over the Three Lions

- @SimCityAT

I watched the game on TV and England's performance was lacklustre and without enthusiasm.   

IMHO the penalty that gave HU its victory wasn't deserved.  It wasn't a deliberate foul or malicious.

There was booing again when the England players took the knee.  And that's despite it being a "kids only" crowd.  Makes one wonder what is going on in the psyche here.

The return match on the 14 June on England home ground will not be another win for HU.
Interesting about the petrol pumps.
About the HU fans being banned...
Reminds me of when I was 4 years old and the family was at the boardwalk in Conn. OK, guess I'll say the year...1958.

I was thristy and ran towards a drinking fountain. My mother stopped me and said I couldn't use that one, I had to drink from the white only fountain!!

Also have a memory of riding in the car and starring at a women walking in the downtown of our city. She was so pretty in her yellow summer dress and yellow heels. It was what was called a "ballon" skirt dress and I found it interesting.My mother scolded me for starring at her. The young women happened to be black and mom thought I was being rude by starring. No, I just thought she was so pretty and I loved her outfit. Children don't see color and differences. I didn't even consider her race until my mother mentioned it was not nice to stare because she was different then me. Never even crossed my mind.

Around the late 50's I also remember my father's best friend from work coming over a few times to watch the Friday night fights on our tv set with my dad. Mm wuld make snacks and they would enjou a few beers while watching the fights.

After the evening was over, my father had to,"scout" out the neighborhood before his friend left our home. His friend was a black man and it was best to not make the neighbors get in a tizzy... Glad those days are gone, or so I thought they were... Dad said at work they acted like they weren't friends because all their co-workers would hassle them if they knew.

This BS has to be taught and it's said that the children at the football match are already brainwashed int hating because someone looks different.

My husband said it was karma that the HU fans were banned from seeing their team win.

We tried topping off our gas tank last Friday and the station was closed.

No idea why but now I know, they did a swap out .

We use premium petrol , have to see if they raised the price of that too.
Interesting about the petrol pumps.
About the HU fans being banned...
Reminds me of when I was 4 years old and the family was at the boardwalk in Conn. OK, guess I'll say the year...1958.

I was thristy and ran towards a drinking fountain. My mother stopped me and said I couldn't use that one, I had to drink from the white only fountain!!

Also have a memory of riding in the car and starring at a women walking in the downtown of our city. She was so pretty in her yellow summer dress and yellow heels. It was what was called a "ballon" skirt dress and I found it interesting.My mother scolded me for starring at her. The young women happened to be black and mom thought I was being rude by starring. No, I just thought she was so pretty and I loved her outfit. Children don't see color and differences. I didn't even consider her race until my mother mentioned it was not nice to stare because she was different then me. Never even crossed my mind.

Around the late 50's I also remember my father's best friend from work coming over a few times to watch the Friday night fights on our tv set with my dad. Mm wuld make snacks and they would enjou a few beers while watching the fights.

After the evening was over, my father had to,"scout" out the neighborhood before his friend left our home. His friend was a black man and it was best to not make the neighbors get in a tizzy... Glad those days are gone, or so I thought they were... Dad said at work they acted like they weren't friends because all their co-workers would hassle them if they knew.

This BS has to be taught and it's said that the children at the football match are already brainwashed int hating because someone looks different.

My husband said it was karma that the HU fans were banned from seeing their team win.

We tried topping off our gas tank last Friday and the station was closed.

No idea why but now I know, they did a swap out .

We use premium petrol , have to see if they raised the price of that too.
- @Marilyn Tassy

Reminds me of  Northern Ireland. I used to work with two guys from there, each of which was from opposite sides but they were good friends and worked together.   They told me they had to take separate buses to the same destination.   If they were discovered on the wrong bus, they could have been beaten up by whichever side had taken a dislike to them.  I asked how anyone could tell which side of the divide they came from and they said there are very slight accent differences between the communities.  I couldn't tell the difference.   

Reminds me of Hutu/Tutsi genocide, Kosovo and a legion of other conflicts. Even my own country plans to deport asylum seekers/illegal immigrants to Rwanda.  That's hardly a country with a good track record on human rights. 

BTW, last night I noticed Kane (England captain) was wearing a rainbow captain's armband.   Solidarity with the LGBT community.  Good to see such famous players taking a stand with that and taking the knee. 

I don't know what is going on here in Hungary, but someone is encouraging youngsters to be a bunch of bigots. I find that quite upsetting.  It's one of the reasons why we're getting uncomfortable here.   It's becoming normal here to show intolerance to others.  And in 2022.  I thought we'd left it all behind but obviously not.  We fear for our kids being brainwashed as this kind of thing is a creeping thing here. It's in schools, in day to day language and in politics.  It's becoming incompatible with our values.
I personally try to stay in the middle of these sorts of debates, not a lefty or a righty.

There is a right and wrong way to treat people and what's missing is love and respect for others rights.

Don't have to agree with everyone but you also don't have to hate on them.

I often think aobut the small little "gang" of playmates my son had in our old apt. house in Ca.

What a wild group of little 8 -9 year olds.

2 brothers of UK /US dencent, Jeremy and Tate,  Bobby from Iran, Andreas from Chile,a little black boy who's name I've forgotten, a lttle girl,  Marie, a tomboy, a boy from Russia a Irish red headed boy.Some pretty loud BD parties with all of them over.

No one even noticed they were so diverse, it was all of them against another group of kids.

If only adults would learn from children...
Staying out is good, most of us are a little but older, just waiting to die essentially, ideally comfortably. My father was only 39, that I am almost 60 is a blessing (grandfathers also well before 60)

Staying in the middle is fine, no conflicts, no..

In the past (being Dutch) I was right wing, being supporter on Nuclear energy (nowadays fashion) and Apartheid (will not be in fashion anywhere, but still). , I lost my energy for political believes, people probably still hate me I think for my past, but I am not dangereous anymore. I am more like a vegetable (I hate myself for that, but so be it)

It is sad and decadent, I prefer to spend the rest of my life in a bit of comfort, no stress at the HR at the job, no getting too excited or were the world goes (a little bit, but I am too old tom make a change).

Hungary (even if special) is still quite fine, apart from the massive impacts coming (but also for eg Benelux and Germanu)

Honestly I just to want my quiet life. No ambitions, just live the rest of my life. Fighting for believes, yes a little bit, but not on my top of the agenda. I prefer to worry on closure of my company, inflation, where or what to eat tomorrow, should i buy whicky or cigarettes tomorrow, bottom line simple things for simple people.

Sad, but that is the way things go.
I know the saying is very,"old hat" these days but the first time I heard the phrase,

"Life is a Bit@@ and then you die" I almost fell over laughing.

My witty sarcastic older sister told me that straight faced.

Words of wisdom!

I thought I was done for last Oct. but here I am , still being a pain in the bottom to the world!

I no longer have any fear of death, just a bit sad to not finish a few things and tell a few people what I think of them, good or bad!

I know nothing in life is all that serious and that we all need a chill pill.
Staying out is good, most of us are a little but older, just waiting to die essentially, ideally comfortably. My father was only 39, that I am almost 60 is a blessing (grandfathers also well before 60)

Staying in the middle is fine, no conflicts, no..

In the past (being Dutch) I was right wing, being supporter on Nuclear energy (nowadays fashion) and Apartheid (will not be in fashion anywhere, but still). , I lost my energy for political believes, people probably still hate me I think for my past, but I am not dangereous anymore. I am more like a vegetable (I hate myself for that, but so be it)

It is sad and decadent, I prefer to spend the rest of my life in a bit of comfort, no stress at the HR at the job, no getting too excited or were the world goes (a little bit, but I am too old tom make a change).

Hungary (even if special) is still quite fine, apart from the massive impacts coming (but also for eg Benelux and Germanu)

Honestly I just to want my quiet life. No ambitions, just live the rest of my life. Fighting for believes, yes a little bit, but not on my top of the agenda. I prefer to worry on closure of my company, inflation, where or what to eat tomorrow, should i buy whicky or cigarettes tomorrow, bottom line simple things for simple people.

Sad, but that is the way things go.
- @cdw057

People have to take a stand somewhere eventually. Sitting on the fence would bring us all to ruin if that had happened in all sorts of dangerous moments of history - like the Cuban missile crisis or now, like Ukraine. 

Maybe the thing is that one gets a little bit older, past 60 and one sees the repeating nature of mistakes and problems, note one's own mortality and realise  everything going on around is not going to make much difference to one's personal situation.  Just keeping comfortable is a priority and maybe just relaxing in the idea of retirement soon.  The younger ones can take up the fight more enthusiastically. 

In my own case, there's a different investment.  I seriously worry about my kids future.  I can see them growing up in a dangerous world (albeit with some parallels of before) - evil doer in Moscow, rise of right wing (yet again) in Europe, terrorism, crime,  energy issues, climate and so on. 

If I had to settle on one "simple" issue in my kids lifetimes, likely to severely impact them,  it would probably be access to water.  Energy can be solved with alternative sources and hopefully nuclear fusion.
Shouldn't over worry about ones children.

If they were raised as free thinkers and motovated, knowing what's right and what's wrong they will figure it all out for themselves.

That's the advice my mother used to give.

Teach them right and pray for the best.

Big talk on my part, I'm still trying to figutre out what's going on in this plain of insanity!

( Some say it's a globe, some say it's flat, what do we really know except what we were told?)

I don't believe half of what was taught in school so we must just prep our chilren to think for themselves.
Shouldn't over worry about ones children.

If they were raised as free thinkers and motovated, knowing what's right and what's wrong they will figure it all out for themselves.

That's the advice my mother used to give.

Teach them right and pray for the best.

Big talk on my part, I'm still trying to figutre out what's going on in this plain of insanity!

( Some say it's a globe, some say it's flat, what do we really know except what we were told?)

I don't believe half of what was taught in school so we must just prep our chilren to think for themselves.
- @Marilyn Tassy

I am sure they  will be OK but it'd better (in my mind) if they didn't have to struggle against anti-free thinkers and the wannabe fascists.  Anything we can do to give them a leg up has to be a good thing. 

The kids are definitely free thinkers.  In the current environment the only way they can deal with that is to leave the country. 

That's a shame for them but definitely a shame on the politicians and society.

BTW, I can assure you that the world is not flat.  It's a sphere.  Physically it's the lowest energy state to maintain.  A flat disk would collapse to a sphere under its own gravitational forces. 

Well I am sure you have heard by now, its all heating up in the UK, I know I will be watching the news at 7pm CEST


Well I am sure you have heard by now, its all heating up in the UK, I know I will be watching the news at 7pm CEST

- @SimCityAT

They may not announce the result straight away. Exciting evening, it clashes with Eastenders and Coronation Street; it looks like I'll be upstairs.

Well I am sure you have heard by now, its all heating up in the UK, I know I will be watching the news at 7pm CEST

- @SimCityAT

They may not announce the result straight away. Exciting evening, it clashes with Eastenders and Coronation Street; it looks like I'll be upstairs.
- @Cynic

Downstairs soap operas and Upstairs the same?

If Boris is out, it'll mean changes everywhere but who are the contenders for Big Dog's job? 

I reckon Ben Wallace or Liz Truss. 

I don't think anyone will be sad to see Priti Patel given her marching orders. 

Boris might survive it as there's no-one really with the same "pull" as him.   I just hope whoever comes in keeps up the pressure on Russia and continues supporting Zelensky and Ukraine.   

Change in direction over Brexit would be good too.   

Well I am sure you have heard by now, its all heating up in the UK, I know I will be watching the news at 7pm CEST

- @SimCityAT

They may not announce the result straight away. Exciting evening, it clashes with Eastenders and Coronation Street; it looks like I'll be upstairs.
- @Cynic

Downstairs soap operas and Upstairs the same?

If Boris is out, it'll mean changes everywhere but who are the contenders for Big Dog's job? 

I reckon Ben Wallace or Liz Truss. 

I don't think anyone will be sad to see Priti Patel given her marching orders. 

Boris might survive it as there's no-one really with the same "pull" as him.   I just hope whoever comes in keeps up the pressure on Russia and continues supporting Zelensky and Ukraine.   

Change in direction over Brexit would be good too.   
- @fluffy2560

We'd upgraded and moved our bedroom when our daughter/son in law moved out; one of the things we upgraded was the TV, and another was the bed (I have never before spent so much on a bed in my life!!!), but the end result is if there is a clash of programmes on TV, either of us can switch rooms with no loss in TV picture quality, or comfort.

Well I am sure you have heard by now, its all heating up in the UK, I know I will be watching the news at 7pm CEST

- @SimCityAT

They may not announce the result straight away. Exciting evening, it clashes with Eastenders and Coronation Street; it looks like I'll be upstairs.
- @Cynic

The result will be anounced at 9pm BST (10pm CEST)

We'd upgraded and moved our bedroom when our daughter/son in law moved out; one of the things we upgraded was the TV, and another was the bed (I have never before spent so much on a bed in my life!!!), but the end result is if there is a clash of programmes on TV, either of us can switch rooms with no loss in TV picture quality, or comfort.
- @Cynic

Problem here is that there's nothing worth watching on the TV.  Very few channels in English and the number of advert breaks and lengths is brutal.  Unsurprising nowt  much in English I suppose as it's Hungary. It's easier to just watch online - the entire house is wired/WiFi'd for Internet.   So we've only got one TV which our son watches kids programmes on and Mrs F watches cooking competitions on while doing the ironing.   I never watch anything on it.   All the rest of the screens are used with computers.

One odd thing about this place is there is no domestic DAB radio at all here so there's no foreign services broadcast terrestrially.  It's quite strange to me given the excellent choice in the UK and other places.   But there's a way around it, we listen to UK radio via the Internet in the car.  Same with  UK TV - except just download over VPN into Iplayer.   

211 MPs voted for the prime minister, compared to 148 votes against - a majority of 63.

He needed a simple majority - 180 votes or more - to continue in office.
The result means 59% of Conservative MPs backed Mr Johnson, with 41% voting against him.

211 MPs voted for the prime minister, compared to 148 votes against - a majority of 63.

He needed a simple majority - 180 votes or more - to continue in office.
The result means 59% of Conservative MPs backed Mr Johnson, with 41% voting against him.
- @SimCityAT
Looks like a comfortable win for Bo Jo aka Big Dog.   Those who voted against him will be out of favour for top jobs.

Be interesting to see what arguments they put forward over his handling of various crises we've had - COVID, Ukraine, Brexit and so on. 

Like to know what was decisive.


Is it possible Johnson himself connived to arrange this vote?

Once a PM survives a committee vote like this he's free from another committee vote -- though not another type of challenge -- for a year.

A scheming PM -- and aren't they all -- who sees trouble on the horizon might thus take steps to trigger a committee vote before the trouble develops. Risky of course but that's part of the game.

Question is, must Brady call for a vote once the necessary number of letters have been submitted, or does he have the discretion to ignore letters that come from supporters of the PM trying to trigger a vote for strategic purposes?
Is it possible Johnson himself connived to arrange this vote?

Once a PM survives a committee vote like this he's free from another committee vote -- though not another type of challenge -- for a year.

A scheming PM -- and aren't they all -- who sees trouble on the horizon might thus take steps to trigger a committee vote before the trouble develops. Risky of course but that's part of the game.

Question is, must Brady call for a vote once the necessary number of letters have been submitted, or does he have the discretion to ignore letters that come from supporters of the PM trying to trigger a vote for strategic purposes?
- @zif

When Brady has 15% letters of no confidence he has to hold a vote in the commons.
Is it possible Johnson himself connived to arrange this vote?

Once a PM survives a committee vote like this he's free from another committee vote -- though not another type of challenge -- for a year.

A scheming PM -- and aren't they all -- who sees trouble on the horizon might thus take steps to trigger a committee vote before the trouble develops. Risky of course but that's part of the game.

Question is, must Brady call for a vote once the necessary number of letters have been submitted, or does he have the discretion to ignore letters that come from supporters of the PM trying to trigger a vote for strategic purposes?
- @zif

Bo Jo had a pretty strong majority in this confidence vote.  He's banking on it blowing over and he'll pull off another win for them at the next election.   Apparently he told the MPs that and it seems to have convinced some of them.  The MPs know which side of the toast is buttered for them to maintain their jobs.   

He's lucky that the opposition has little charisma.  People aren't voting logically anyway, they vote for the best political showman/woman and Big Dog has that charisma/BS in abundance.  The shine has certainly worn off a bit but there's no-one like him in other parties to challenge the current order.  Compare that to OV  here in Hungary. Same kind of thing.

I reckon Boris is now going to be effectively the Conservative party, just like Trump is now effectively the Republican party.  One and the same thing.

I reckon he'll want to win another term and then he'll pack it all in.  The retirement package is good - great pension, police security for the rest of his life and  a life on a circuit of very lucrative speaking engagements.   Tony Blair was charging something like $500K for a 20 minute speech back in 2007.  Boris will be up in that range or higher.
By nature, Boris was meant to be a good-time feel-good prime minister, but covid made that impossible. He was just the wrong man for a bad time.

But as the pandemic recedes and gloom changes to cheer I think he'll find his stride and his popularity return.
By nature, Boris was meant to be a good-time feel-good prime minister, but covid made that impossible. He was just the wrong man for a bad time.

But as the pandemic recedes and gloom changes to cheer I think he'll find his stride and his popularity return.
- @zif

Nah, he has done the damage now, people won't forget, I give 6 months to a year left.
By nature, Boris was meant to be a good-time feel-good prime minister, but covid made that impossible. He was just the wrong man for a bad time.

But as the pandemic recedes and gloom changes to cheer I think he'll find his stride and his popularity return.
- @zif

Nah, he has done the damage now, people won't forget, I give 6 months to a year left.
- @SimCityAT

There are two by-elections coming up - Wakefield and Tiverton and Honiton (both 23rd June 2022).   

Conservative majority in Wakefield was about 3300 and in Tiverton and Honiton it was 24000.

It'll certainly show what's going on in people's minds.  It'll either be a bloodbath or a damp squib.

I reckon there's a good chance of them losing in Wakefield obviously - so meh to that one.

If they lose in Tiverton and Honiton it couldn't be a more  brutal in your face two fingers to Boris and Co.
Fuel price situation reaches the EU as was inevitable...(my highlighting):

The European executive will look into the decision of the government in Budapest to only allow cars with Hungarian license plates to buy petrol at capped prices at the country's petrol stations, a Commission source told EURACTIV.

The government announced on Thursday (27 May) that from Friday, only cars with Hungarian registration plates will be allowed to fill up with petrol or diesel at the capped price of €1.22 (HUF 480) per litre, Telex reported.

The Hungarian authorities have not informed the Commission in advance of the planned measure, which learned about the move from the press, according to the source.

The European executive will now further investigate to identify the scope, the content and the motivation or possible justification for the different prices for consumers within the EU's single market.

“It must be very clear that the free movement of goods and services in the internal market is our strongest asset in ensuring supplies across the EU,” the Commission official said, highlighting that restrictions can only be justified on the basis of overriding grounds like public order, public security or public health, or other non-economic mandatory requirements established by the case-law.

Based on the services directive, EU countries have to ensure that companies do not discriminate against service recipients by applying higher prices due to the recipient's nationality or country of residence and differential treatment is only allowed when the differences are directly justified.

Freezing petrol prices has been touted as an in important anti-inflationary measure by the government.

Following EU leaders' acquiesence to Hungary's demands that Russian oil coming through pipelines be exempted from the embargo paving the way to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's greenlight of the sanctions package, the Hungarian leader posted a “victory report” from Brussels:

“The father a man, the mother a woman, the petrol remains HUF 480”, he said alluding to an earlier constitutional amendment that proclaimed, among other things, that “the mother is a woman, the father is a man.”

Following the measure's adoption last week, the head of the Prime Minister's Office, Antal Rogán, said he expected there would be “a discussion with the EU” about the new rules, according to Portfolio.hu.
Even more up to date:

OV will be able to blame the EU for increasing fuel prices.  This is another nail in the EU coffin and Hungary's membership.

Dual fuel pricing - what could possibly go wrong!
Fuel price situation reaches the EU as was inevitable...(my highlighting):

The European executive will look into the decision of the government in Budapest to only allow cars with Hungarian license plates to buy petrol at capped prices at the country's petrol stations, a Commission source told EURACTIV.

The government announced on Thursday (27 May) that from Friday, only cars with Hungarian registration plates will be allowed to fill up with petrol or diesel at the capped price of €1.22 (HUF 480) per litre, Telex reported.

The Hungarian authorities have not informed the Commission in advance of the planned measure, which learned about the move from the press, according to the source.

The European executive will now further investigate to identify the scope, the content and the motivation or possible justification for the different prices for consumers within the EU's single market.

“It must be very clear that the free movement of goods and services in the internal market is our strongest asset in ensuring supplies across the EU,” the Commission official said, highlighting that restrictions can only be justified on the basis of overriding grounds like public order, public security or public health, or other non-economic mandatory requirements established by the case-law.

Based on the services directive, EU countries have to ensure that companies do not discriminate against service recipients by applying higher prices due to the recipient's nationality or country of residence and differential treatment is only allowed when the differences are directly justified.

Freezing petrol prices has been touted as an in important anti-inflationary measure by the government.

Following EU leaders' acquiesence to Hungary's demands that Russian oil coming through pipelines be exempted from the embargo paving the way to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's greenlight of the sanctions package, the Hungarian leader posted a “victory report” from Brussels:

“The father a man, the mother a woman, the petrol remains HUF 480”, he said alluding to an earlier constitutional amendment that proclaimed, among other things, that “the mother is a woman, the father is a man.”

Following the measure's adoption last week, the head of the Prime Minister's Office, Antal Rogán, said he expected there would be “a discussion with the EU” about the new rules, according to Portfolio.hu.
Even more up to date:

OV will be able to blame the EU for increasing fuel prices.  This is another nail in the EU coffin and Hungary's membership.

Dual fuel pricing - what could possibly go wrong!
- @fluffy2560

A black market will grow, just like it did between the Netherlands and Germany in the 1970's.  A feature for my wife's family was every Sunday to drive across to Gronau and fill all the cars up.