Absolutely Anything Else

MOL and "our" Slovnaft paid the transit fees for the stopped oil. As I've read today in the morning. I guess the lower price won't stay for long, they'll "have" to increase the price again to cover extra expenses
- @Bian_ca6661

I don't know about the stopped oil and transit fees but I heard that there was some interruption in flow. 

I don't know where this was an issue but I have this link to the news story.
I don't know about the stopped oil and transit fees but I heard that there was some interruption in flow. 

I don't know where this was an issue but I have this link to the news story.
- @fluffy2560

Obviously there was some payment issue for the transit, but the flow is resumed now
I don't know about the stopped oil and transit fees but I heard that there was some interruption in flow. 

I don't know where this was an issue but I have this link to the news story.
- @fluffy2560

Obviously there was some payment issue for the transit, but the flow is resumed now
- @Bian_ca6661

I think Ukraine couldn't share transit fees with Gazprom due to sanctions on Russian banks.

Odd situation that gas/oil is still flowing from Russia via Ukraine in the middle of a war.

Just strange.
Odd situation that gas/oil is still flowing from Russia via Ukraine in the middle of a war.

Just strange.
- @fluffy2560

Very strange. I suppose both sides need money, Russia for oil supplies, UA transit fee so they can't stop it. Or they could  but don't want to. Putler knows it's his only "weapon" against Europe. He obviously loves to play with 'buttons' and switches
Odd situation that gas/oil is still flowing from Russia via Ukraine in the middle of a war.

Just strange.
- @fluffy2560

Very strange. I suppose both sides need money, Russia for oil supplies, UA transit fee so they can't stop it. Or they could  but don't want to. Putler knows it's his only "weapon" against Europe. He obviously loves to play with 'buttons' and switches
- @Bian_ca6661

UKR's economy is propped up by the West.  About $5B a month.  It's sustainable for a period.   

Putler's plan isn't going that well.  I read on various news sites that the  explosions earlier this week on Crimea destroyed a chunk of his air force - they looked on satellite. And he doesn't have enough recruits to sustain his ground war.  He's offering signing bonuses and higher wages but he's not getting the kind of traction he needs.  Various reports say he's looking for fighters in the RU Far East.

Putler's mercenary unit, Wagner, is supposedly recruiting prisoners.  Obviously if you're in for life or a long sentence, transferring to being a soldier could be an attractive way to gain freedom, particularly if you can find an opportunity to desert/run away/defect in Ukraine.   If they start pulling resources out of their footholds in Syria and elsewhere, it will be significant.

Reports are 80,000 casualties on the Russian's side (UKR unknown) but split on deaths vs injuries unknown (one report was 60,000 injured and 15,000 dead).   That's a lot of people which people back in RU will inevitably start to question.  Apparently people with appropriated property in Crimea are selling up.   UKR's attack (they deny it), is a significant event. If UKR can reach Crimean installations accurately, it means no-one is safe there.

My colleague says that this is like a page turning novel and you never know which way the plot will go.  Only a matter of time before endless movies being made about it.   

Russia is a one commodity country with a relatively  small economy.   China is an interesting comparator with its diverse economy more dependent on the West and Asia. The Chinese leader's calculation on a Taiwan invasion would be more carefully done than Putler's.
Interesting world, easy to avoid isolation, Russia has goods connection with China, just sell oil/gas to Turkey (just reselling by them (to EU?)).
The war in Ukraine is horrible, we know some good people from Ukraine, but we know some good people from Russia; no doubt about it. Many, far too many people are impacted by the war (both sides I have to add).
My extreme opinion, NATO is NATO and if being a part hit back with force, for Ukraine, yes an independent state, but what is wrong with Ukraine being part of Russia???
Russia is rich and in time Ukraine will be as wll (being part).

Economically being cynical again, an economic crisis is overdue and let it come.
Interesting world, easy to avoid isolation, Russia has goods connection with China, just sell oil/gas to Turkey (just reselling by them (to EU?)).
The war in Ukraine is horrible, we know some good people from Ukraine, but we know some good people from Russia; no doubt about it. Many, far too many people are impacted by the war (both sides I have to add).
My extreme opinion, NATO is NATO and if being a part hit back with force, for Ukraine, yes an independent state, but what is wrong with Ukraine being part of Russia???
Russia is rich and in time Ukraine will be as wll (being part).

Economically being cynical again, an economic crisis is overdue and let it come.
- @cdw057

I suspect Ukraine is the significant problem in being part of Russia - they want nothing to do with them, even more so since Putin decided to unilaterally move his tents onto their lawn.  I must admit feeling a little bit sorry for the Russian tourists in Crimea, suddenly finding themselves in the middle of a war zone when the previous evening they were assured all was safe and it was 300 km away.
I suspect Ukraine is the significant problem in being part of Russia - they want nothing to do with them, even more so since Putin decided to unilaterally move his tents onto their lawn.  I must admit feeling a little bit sorry for the Russian tourists in Crimea, suddenly finding themselves in the middle of a war zone when the previous evening they were assured all was safe and it was 300 km away.
- @Cynic

I don't feel sorry for them at all.  They were buying into it.

Hopefully those tourists will go back pronto and tell their compatriots the war is real, it's on their doorstep and Putin caused it.

Apparently UKR hit a Belarus airfield this morning.

Maybe the guy smoking in Crimea was transferred to Belarus but they forgot to take his cigarettes and lighter off him.
... extreme opinion, NATO is NATO and if being a part hit back with force, for Ukraine, yes an independent state, but what is wrong with Ukraine being part of Russia???
Russia is rich and in time Ukraine will be as wll (being part).

Economically being cynical again, an economic crisis is overdue and let it come.
- @cdw057

UKR is an independent state and that's the way their want it to stay.   It's like saying Belgium is part of The Netherlands.  Belgians might have something negative to say about it.  Same with Kosovo and Serbia or even Serbia and Montenegro.   Don't believe that UKR thinks in any way the same as Russia. 

My summer homework - one has to read Ivan Illyin's philosophies to understand where PU gets his ideas from.  Illyin says that mention of UKR as a separate country is the same as being a traitor.  Ilyin was a right wing lunatic.   I almost fear reading more about Illyn as he's just so mad, I am finding it hard to cope with.  Put(a)in's war is all about him, his legacy and his ego. I begin to believe there's a kind of thug based cult* going on.

As far as I can see the economics don't make sense.  If Russia takes Ukraine, it's going to have to rebuild it AND take on all their debt.  It's not like the debt disappears just because the country ceases to exist - UKR debt will be on Russia.  Germany had to take on the DDR debt when they merged.  International lenders are never  going to forget. My own country only recently paid off US lend-lease debt from WW2!!  Generations of Russia will be paying for Putin's misadventure.

* Trump is also a kind of cult of lunatics with QAnon and other groups.  But I'll take the 5th on more comments about him except to say, when in a hole, stop digging.
Interesting world, easy to avoid isolation, Russia has goods connection with China, just sell oil/gas to Turkey (just reselling by them (to EU?)).
The war in Ukraine is horrible, we know some good people from Ukraine, but we know some good people from Russia; no doubt about it. Many, far too many people are impacted by the war (both sides I have to add).
My extreme opinion, NATO is NATO and if being a part hit back with force, for Ukraine, yes an independent state, but what is wrong with Ukraine being part of Russia???
Russia is rich and in time Ukraine will be as wll (being part).

Economically being cynical again, an economic crisis is overdue and let it come.
- @cdw057

If UA doesn't want to be part of Russia voluntarily, then they shouldn't be made to be a part of Russia by force. As an independent country they have the right to decide what they wanna be part of and no other country should interfere with the decision.
Russia might be rich in sources but they put the money to wrong use. Excuse my French - but crapping in a hole in 21st century is not sign of civilized or rich country
The ELTE Faculty of Sciences is preparing for drastic overhead cuts, and is already considering the temporary closure of some departments. Due to rising energy prices, the university is considering the possibility of switching the Faculty of Sciences to online teaching for half a year, and temporarily closing some of its departments, Népszava reports.
Seems Zsa-Zsa's husband ,Frederic Prinz Von Anhalt was mugged in Budapest last night.
He was strolling on the Danube embankment alone when 5 thugs took his 11 million forint watch.
I hope he is alright.
Seems Zsa-Zsa's husband ,Frederic Prinz Von Anhalt was mugged in Budapest last night.
He was strolling on the Danube embankment alone when 5 thugs took his 11 million forint watch.
I hope he is alright.
- @Marilyn Tassy

The ELTE Faculty of Sciences is preparing for drastic overhead cuts, and is already considering the temporary closure of some departments. Due to rising energy prices, the university is considering the possibility of switching the Faculty of Sciences to online teaching for half a year, and temporarily closing some of its departments, Népszava reports.
- @SimCityAT

This is annoying ... what is Gov't doing to prevent these scenarios? Other than keeping unrealistic gas cap at the gas stations..
The ELTE Faculty of Sciences is preparing for drastic overhead cuts, and is already considering the temporary closure of some departments. Due to rising energy prices, the university is considering the possibility of switching the Faculty of Sciences to online teaching for half a year, and temporarily closing some of its departments, Népszava reports.
Source: dailynewshungary.com https://dailynewshungary.com/one-of-bud … overheads/
- @SimCityAT

This is annoying ... what is Gov't doing to prevent these scenarios? Other than keeping unrealistic gas cap at the gas stations..
- @Bian_ca6661

It's bad planning and being too much in bed with Putin because of the ongoing OV nationalist ranting. 

Diversifying supply is economics 101.

Essentially energy policy is to be aligned to Russia but Russia is not the partner it might have seemed to be.   

Germany is also done the same thing because of Agent Merkel and others like Schroeder.

The BS OV spouts has now bitten him back and he's burnt a lot of bridges with his reliable colleagues.  No-one will be in a hurry to help him.  On the other hand, it'll work to justify a HUexit. And then it's Lukashenko 2.0.

The European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS), which had been due to be implemented in May 2023, has been delayed until November 2023.

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/ … arns-judge

Viktor Orbán's grip on Hungary's courts threatens rule of law, warns judge

Csaba Vasvári's claims of ‘overreach' follow freeze on EU funds over concerns about judicial independence

Viktor Orbán's government is “constantly overreaching” its authority to sway the courts, a senior judge has said, in an intervention that will deepen alarm about the rule of law in Hungary.

https://www.reuters.com/business/aerosp … 022-08-08/

One simply doesn't know which gem to read first...

The European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS), which had been due to be implemented in May 2023, has been delayed until November 2023.

- @SimCityAT

Saw that. 

What it means for those with RPs is unclear.   

We may still end up needlessly getting our passports stamped.

In October, I will begin a rigmarole of updating my passport details at BMBAH (immigration) and elsewhere. 

Moreover I have to report in for a medical every 2 years to keep my 7.5t truck endorsement.

It's just all a hassle.

https://www.reuters.com/business/aerosp … 022-08-08/

One simply doesn't know which gem to read first...
- @Bian_ca6661

Interesting they are trying to claw back funds from anyone they can find.  Ryanair will keep them tied up in court for years before they see any money out of them. It could be they want them to leave so Wizzair can monopolise the Hungarian aviation market. 

BTW, Wizzair Abu Dhabi is flying to Russia.  Makes me wonder about using Wizzair for anything as they are effectively aiding and abetting sanctions busting and therefore supporting Putin.
Seems Zsa-Zsa's husband ,Frederic Prinz Von Anhalt was mugged in Budapest last night.
He was strolling on the Danube embankment alone when 5 thugs took his 11 million forint watch.
I hope he is alright.
- @Marilyn Tassy

- @SimCityAT

How are they going to fence that?  Everyone will know it's his.  I suppose it could go to Russia and no-one there would care.  But if it was going to be serviced by the manufacturer Patek Philippe, it'll be on the list of stolen watches.

Interesting they are trying to claw back funds from anyone they can find.  Ryanair will keep them tied up in court for years before they see any money out of them. It could be they want them to leave so Wizzair can monopolise the Hungarian aviation market. 

BTW, Wizzair Abu Dhabi is flying to Russia.  Makes me wonder about using Wizzair for anything as they are effectively aiding and abetting sanctions busting and therefore supporting Putin.
- @fluffy2560

OV possibly realized he's been milking the dead cow for too long, now trying to get it back to life. I  also don't think they'll see any penny from Ryanair
How are they going to fence that?  Everyone will know it's his.  I suppose it could go to Russia and no-one there would care.  But if it was going to be serviced by the manufacturer, it'll be on the list of stolen watches.
- @fluffy2560

I guess the thugs were not the sharpest pencils... 5 against one old man to start with.. even the "gangstas" are not what they used to be

Interesting they are trying to claw back funds from anyone they can find.  Ryanair will keep them tied up in court for years before they see any money out of them. It could be they want them to leave so Wizzair can monopolise the Hungarian aviation market. 

BTW, Wizzair Abu Dhabi is flying to Russia.  Makes me wonder about using Wizzair for anything as they are effectively aiding and abetting sanctions busting and therefore supporting Putin.
- @fluffy2560

OV possibly realized he's been milking the dead cow for too long, now trying to get it back to life. I  also don't think they'll see any penny from Ryanair
- @Bian_ca6661

Wizzair has said it will offer 10,000 free tickets to evacuate refugees from Ukraine.
https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/news/w … ut-europe/

Ryanair doesn't care about Hungary, it has already said it will ax routes. It will appeal against the fine, But Michael O'Leary needs to shut up sometimes and not insult people.

Eight Budapest Routes to be Canceled by Ryanair

The low-cost airline Ryanair is to cancel eight of its Budapest routes after a dispute regarding the recently-introduced extra profit tax in Hungary. The company has already indicated that the extra costs could easily result in flight cancellations or groundings.
Reportedly, the following destinations are planned to be removed from the schedule: Bordeaux, Bournemouth, Cologne, Kaunas, Krakow, Lappeenranta, Riga, and Turin. Tickets were on sale to these destinations shortly before the announcement. Air services to these cities will be suspended from the winter timetable changeover.
According to the Hungarian travel portal Okosutas.hu, the flight cancellations could be a reaction to the extra profit tax by Ryanair.

It is supposed to be collected by airport ground-handling companies and charged to passengers departing from domestic airports. There are two tariffs for the airline tax: if the passenger's final destination is the European Union, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Iceland, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland, Serbia, or Ukraine, the tax is HUF 3900 (EUR 10) per passenger. For persons flying to other countries, the contribution is HUF 9750 (EUR 25).

Wizzair has said it will offer 10,000 free tickets to evacuate refugees from Ukraine.
https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/news/w … ut-europe/

Ryanair doesn't care about Hungary, it has already said it will ax routes. It will appeal against the fine, But Michael O'Leary needs to shut up sometimes and not insult people.
- @SimCityAT

O'Leary is renowned for his big mouth of course. Part of his job is to chuck his opinions around.

You can bet the routes axed will be the least profitable.

I never fly on Ryanair myself.  They don't go anywhere I want to go to.

The free tickets is a nice idea. At LGW (London Gatwick) there's also a large welcome desk decked out in Ukrainian flags and bunting.

It is supposed to be collected by airport ground-handling companies and charged to passengers departing from domestic airports. There are two tariffs for the airline tax: if the passenger's final destination is the European Union, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Iceland, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland, Serbia, or Ukraine, the tax is HUF 3900 (EUR 10) per passenger. For persons flying to other countries, the contribution is HUF 9750 (EUR 25).

- @SimCityAT


San Marino doesn't have an airport.

Nearest is Rimini in Italy.

I suppose it doesn't make any difference to the fees.

It is supposed to be collected by airport ground-handling companies and charged to passengers departing from domestic airports. There are two tariffs for the airline tax: if the passenger's final destination is the European Union, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Iceland, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland, Serbia, or Ukraine, the tax is HUF 3900 (EUR 10) per passenger. For persons flying to other countries, the contribution is HUF 9750 (EUR 25).

- @SimCityAT


San Marino doesn't have an airport.

Nearest is Rimini in Italy.

I suppose it doesn't make any difference to the fees.
- @fluffy2560

Federico Fellini International Airport (Italian: Aeroporto Internazionale Federico Fellini; IATA: RMI, ICAO: LIPR), formerly Rimini Miramare Airport, is an international airport located at Miramare, 5.2 kilometres (3.2 mi) southeast[1] of Rimini, Italy. It also is the main aerial gateway to the nearby independent republic of San Marino. The airport is named after Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini.


https://dailynewshungary.com/18-video-b … ts-sziget/

It is supposed to be collected by airport ground-handling companies and charged to passengers departing from domestic airports. There are two tariffs for the airline tax: if the passenger's final destination is the European Union, Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Iceland, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, San Marino, Switzerland, Serbia, or Ukraine, the tax is HUF 3900 (EUR 10) per passenger. For persons flying to other countries, the contribution is HUF 9750 (EUR 25).

- @SimCityAT


San Marino doesn't have an airport.

Nearest is Rimini in Italy.

I suppose it doesn't make any difference to the fees.
- @fluffy2560

Federico Fellini International Airport (Italian: Aeroporto Internazionale Federico Fellini; IATA: RMI, ICAO: LIPR), formerly Rimini Miramare Airport, is an international airport located at Miramare, 5.2 kilometres (3.2 mi) southeast[1] of Rimini, Italy. It also is the main aerial gateway to the nearby independent republic of San Marino. The airport is named after Italian filmmaker Federico Fellini.
- @SimCityAT
Yes, indeed it's the airport for San Marino but it's located in Italy and in the EU.  I wondered why they mentioned San Marino specifically.  Maybe because it's not in the EU but is in Schengen.


https://dailynewshungary.com/18-video-b … ts-sziget/

Probably fuelled by alcohol. I hope the perp gets jail time for that and also some of the  bystanders for doing nothing.


https://dailynewshungary.com/18-video-b … ts-sziget/

Probably fuelled by alcohol. I hope the perp gets jail time for that and also some of the  bystanders for doing nothing.
- @fluffy2560

Alcohol, heat and macho hormones are never good combo. What pisses me off is the mentions of "cheering and booing" and recording a video instead of doing something. It could've ended up much worse and ruin the lives of few over a "girl" (supposedly). If it were true, I'd run away from a guy with short fuse even before he's finished fighting
I tried watching the video but it wouldn't upload.
Maybe they didn't believe I was over age 18?!
Those who watched and didn't try to help are not normal.
The days of peace and love concerts are over with.
On Maui I took my infant son to a all day concert and many others had children with them.
One needs to be over age 18 and sign a waver these days to attend any live event.
Sad. Hope the guy recovers.
I worked in NM with a women who's teen son stabbed another teen to death at a house party.
They fought over some girl.
The women was working 2 full time jobs to try and get her son a better lawyer and get in less years behind bars.
Sad stuff.
I figure any women who gets 2 men worked up that much is not worth a dime.
Those who stood by doing nothing should be charged with something as well.

I worked in NM with a women who's teen son stabbed another teen to death at a house party.
They fought over some girl.
The women was working 2 full time jobs to try and get her son a better lawyer and get in less years behind bars.
Sad stuff.
I figure any women who gets 2 men worked up that much is not worth a dime.
Those who stood by doing nothing should be charged with something as well.
- @Marilyn Tassy

Maybe a punishment  of a little less testosterone could work - like cutting off their goolies.

I worked in NM with a women who's teen son stabbed another teen to death at a house party.
They fought over some girl.
The women was working 2 full time jobs to try and get her son a better lawyer and get in less years behind bars.
Sad stuff.
I figure any women who gets 2 men worked up that much is not worth a dime.
Those who stood by doing nothing should be charged with something as well.
- @Marilyn Tassy

Maybe a punishment  of a little less testosterone could work - like cutting off their goolies.
- @fluffy2560

I almost forgot about this odd tale.
I was cutting a guys hair in New Mexico and before I pulled out the clippers he warned me.
He had a scare from the front of his hairline that ran right in the middle of his skull down to the  opccuplical bone.
He also was a teenageer at a house party when this happned to him.
He was chatting up some guys girlfriend, they guy was mad and got an axe.
He plunged it in his head.
He went off to the ER with the axe still in his skull.
All I can say is those party favors sure have a kick to them!

I am personally getting a bit disgusted by the greed of event holders and of vendors at events.
Went swimming yesterday, paid our fees to enter but even so half the lap lanes were closed off and reserved for private swim teams and water polo.
The Wave pool was empty, 2 times I was told to not enter because they were abut to start a "surfing" class.
Like how many of these children are ever going to see an ocean let alone ride the waves in Ho'okipa?
My husband and his local Hawaiian buddies wipped out big time at Ho'okipa. Too much for experts let alone someone learning in a wave pool that is less then 5 feet deep.

Children on body boards with the wave machine on and some dude pushing them here and there.
Any darn thing for an extra buck.
I think they should have a time table up to inform people before entery that their full fare ticket is not worth full fare.
Let us get a discount for not having full service.
I had a blast in any case just forced me to do more laps without a break.
We used to like swimming at another pool . Went for years but had enough when they closed off lamnes in the lap pool fr private swim classes for children in day camp.
I mean they could have these classes in ate afternoon or early morning hours before the place opens for business.
My rant, sorry,the greed just kills me.
They were selling hamburgers for 4,500 forints, I hope they were grassfeed beef at those prices.
We saw it had rained, went anyways but until nontime it was rahter slw at the pool/ People are not willing to spend to enter if they think they will be rained out. It did start raining by early afternoon right after many just arrived.
No rain checks here in Hungary, no money back.
We got our money back years ago at a pol when a 8 year old girl drowned that day. No one was allowed back in the water so they gave a refund.
It was a surprise on the way out, I now wish they had given us the option of donating to the girls funeral instead. Didn't even think of it at the time myself.
Don't wish anyone to drown for a rain check however.
My spouse got a day off today so we went to swimming pool near by our place. It was bit crowded in the hot pools, not so much in the swimming pool so we had a blast swimming the lengths. But as the place got more crowded around lunchtime, some weirdos showed up. I could make my peace with bunch of hunks standing in the swimming pool and chatting, although blocking half a line... but what was the matter with one couple almost making out in front of the children there...Geeez, get a room. Later on 2 boys showed up with plastic boat and remote control and navigated it around the swimmers while (I suppose) mother kept taking pictures or videos of them. I was kinda hyped up and considering saying something as there were other kids jumping into water and swimmers with heads under water, poking an eye out on some stupid plastic toy would be truly brilliant... but then an older gentleman swam to them and kindly talked to them so they removed the boat. Sitting in the thermal bath I watched some people with their noses stuck to their cell phones which is another thing that I can't get my head around but to each their own.
All in all it was nice day, but some people never cease to surprise me. Well I guess that's the charm 1f600.svg
Do they add something in the water here.. or is it the heat?

1f914.svg1f914.svg - @Bian_ca6661
