
Absolutely Anything Else

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My issue with LBC is primarily they seem to have lost the reason why we broadcast, that being to entertain and inform people and that output should be balanced, LBC is not balanced, it's opinionated - they admit this themselves, they don't pretend to be a news station, so there is no attempt to qualify or quantify what is being said, so its opinions are at best questionable and cannot be regarded as being factual.  People tend to like the presenters or subjects that agree with their politics.  Knowing all this, I don't waste my limited time trying to sort out the wheat from the chaff.  I do listen to their oldies station (Gold Radio) for music without the jockey.  For news, I listen to Deutsche Welle and NOS, the former broadcast in English where you live (link).

PCM - Particulate matter, I'm probably wrong to include C (carbon) in this example, old (bad) habits from writing papers on diesel fuel emissions; more properly described as PM2.5 (the number is directly related to the size of the harmful particle); PM2.5 is also an issue with car brakes and tyres - the dust they create being below 2.5, so harmful to human lungs (among other things).  Wet wood and some other treated items (i.e. pallets treated with Methyl Bromide) are bad for PM2.5 and cause human diseases;  Wood is only carbon neutral, so environmentally friendly, if it comes from a renewable source (i.e. the logic being that another tree was planted to replace that which is being burnt, the new tree would then be able to absorb the CO2 generated when the old one was burnt).  I was involved in a Biomass incinerator project when I worked for Yorkshire Water; we used to ship trainloads of hazelwood chips from the USA - hazelwood was chosen because apart from its good burning characteristics, it is relatively fast to grow (40/60cm p/year); so could easily be regarded as environmentally friendly and more important in this Regulated world, could be proven by process and audit, that said, I recall people conveniently forgetting the environmental impact of transporting this stuff halfway around the world.  We tried growing it locally (Suffolk), but they still seem to import the American stuff; there are trainloads arriving from Liverpool docks every day.

Warm clothing - indoors I wear a jumper, when I go out I still have a Barbour Jacket that I wore in the military; if you maintain them, they can last a lifetime; I still use it when out walking the dog; it keeps me warm, is water and windproof.  I still have the hood, a cap and leggings it came with, I rarely wear those.  In the car, I wear a fleece.
- @Cynic
LBC is a bit of a mixed bag.  Some interviewers know that there has to be balance and others spout on with their own opinions.  As it's been summer, it's one to dip in and out of.    The amount of repetitive advertising gets on my wick. I've even heard them broadcast the same advert twice in  a row.    I've  started listening to podcasts recently - mainly from the Economist and sometimes LBC and more rarely now, Radio 4.  At one point I was listening online to Irish Radio - not that I'm Irish, I thought they had some interesting discussions about British politics from another media perspective.
Orbán has time until midnight: EUR billions at stake, HUF may collapse

Orban has both the EU Funds from Infrastructure and the COVID Relief funds, both of which are held up by Rule of Law considerations. You see how Fidesz is phrasing this battle as "protecting the Hungarians", which of course this does not do. This only protects the Fidesz kleptocracy while ordinary Hungarians (and expats!) suffer under high inflation and a weak Forint.

Hungary has played word games before about its intentions to curb corruption, and that has led to an optimistic EU Court allowing the release of funds in the past. However, I think they've reached their limit with unkept promises and have their own severe budget constraints, and are happy to let O1G ruin the country in the hope it'll get bad enough for the people that they vote him out next election -- a more long-term plan, but really the only way forward for the democratic EU.
Marilyn Tassy
Sometimes when I think of returning to the US to live, reality hits and I reconsider the move.
My friend moved away from Vegas and her sweet 20 x45 foot inground pool with house to what they believed to be a quiet few acres of land in AZ not far from the Grand Canyon and 20 mins from the river.
A long lonely 90 mins ride away from Vegas out in the high desert.
Not my sort of enviorment but to each their own.
Well, she just wrote me, they have been indoors freaked out for over 3 hours in the middle of the night.
900 feet away on the next st. from their home some as my friend called him,
"Civil War Hillbilly" had his garage on fire.
It was loaded with ammo and they were hunkered down in the house trying to avoid any strays a flyin"!!
No fire hydrants where they live either, the fire dept. had to bring the water in with them!
She is planning on moving next year! To the NW where it rains.
I suppose Hungary is rather peaceful after all.
Orban has both the EU Funds from Infrastructure and the COVID Relief funds, both of which are held up by Rule of Law considerations. You see how Fidesz is phrasing this battle as "protecting the Hungarians", which of course this does not do. This only protects the Fidesz kleptocracy while ordinary Hungarians (and expats!) suffer under high inflation and a weak Forint.

Hungary has played word games before about its intentions to curb corruption, and that has led to an optimistic EU Court allowing the release of funds in the past. However, I think they've reached their limit with unkept promises and have their own severe budget constraints, and are happy to let O1G ruin the country in the hope it'll get bad enough for the people that they vote him out next election -- a more long-term plan, but really the only way forward for the democratic EU.
- @Vicces1

Sums it up pretty well.    It's always the same. 

Grandiose nationalistic (expensive) claims unconnected with reality,  get elected, then struggle to realise the plans, noting surprise on how much of a slog it is and how little one can control outside events (or weather) are,  then entering a period of stagnation and confusion while wallowing in futile leadership, then followed by a hopeless and pointless reorganisation to mount a come back and losing the election as the bubble bursts. 

The opposition will have spent their fallow years, refocusing their winning election strategy.    One thing here I am not seeing, is the emergence of a charismatic opposition leader.  Maybe by the end of O1G's current parliament, someone might come on the scene to truly challenge him.

One way out of it for O1G is to demonise the EU so I expect by say, 2024, anti-EU rhetoric will be ramping up.  Then there will be loaded referendum on leaving the EU, the results of which will be to leave.  Then O1G will be free to pursue any policy without anyone looking over his shoulder.

@fluffy2560 No way that Hungary will leave the EU, the economic damage would be far far too big. For Orban a fine line to walk though.


@fluffy2560 No way that Hungary will leave the EU, the economic damage would be far far too big. For Orban a fine line to walk though.

- @cdw057

I hope you are right.

On the other hand the driver is to stay in power, regardless of the cost for the country and people.   

This kind of idea is straight out of the playbooks of wannabe and historically successful dictators.    We can see it being played out right now in Russia, Belarus and places like Syria or Burma/Myanmar.

OV's MO is to demonise frenemies as a way of selling Fidesz as the only way to keep evil out of the country. 

Evil in this case is Soros/Teachers/Judges/Refugees/EU* or anyone else convenient to the goal of staying in power.

It's an appeal to the Videki and the less worldly masses therein who only watch and see government media and see only that message. 

It's a bit like Trump - being in charge is the only way to stay out of jail.

* and meteorologists.

@fluffy2560 I think Trump is a ***, but he had more power than Orban, or that matter Erdogan. Financials are important, Turkey I think might have more flexibility than Hungary, but still for decades to come needs EU. for Hungary swamped by EU even more.  So much revenues to get, many retirees to support (but also those escaping Western Europe (Germany, Austria, Netherlands,....)) Dropping these revenues (apart from EU funds still to come))

Sometimes when I think of returning to the US to live, reality hits and I reconsider the move.
My friend moved away from Vegas and her sweet 20 x45 foot inground pool with house to what they believed to be a quiet few acres of land in AZ not far from the Grand Canyon and 20 mins from the river.
A long lonely 90 mins ride away from Vegas out in the high desert.
Not my sort of environment but to each their own.
Well, she just wrote me, they have been indoors freaked out for over 3 hours in the middle of the night.
900 feet away on the next st. from their home some as my friend called him,
"Civil War Hillbilly" had his garage on fire.
It was loaded with ammo and they were hunkered down in the house trying to avoid any strays a flyin"!!
No fire hydrants where they live either, the fire dept. had to bring the water in with them!
She is planning on moving next year! To the NW where it rains.
I suppose Hungary is rather peaceful after all.
- @Marilyn Tassy
If ammo was cooking off, they should let it burn out.  Too dangerous to even get in there close.   Where do they get their water from ordinarily?  Collect it in a rainy season?  Dug their own well? 

Bit dangerous to be out in the sticks if you need medical treatment.  Be easy with helicopter rescue but mega-bucks.

I'm finding a bit hard to understand why water shortages are suddenly such a big issue across the developed world.

Hungary won't be safe forever. There will be civil unrest if the government can no longer sustain a lower cost of living or support to those well off.   BTW, I saw a white convertible Rolls Royce with personalised Hungarian plates going to Balaton at the weekend. It'll be such an ostentatious show of wealth when hard times set in.

@fluffy2560 I think Trump is a ***, but he had more power than Orban, or that matter Erdogan. Financials are important, Turkey I think might have more flexibility than Hungary, but still for decades to come needs EU. for Hungary swamped by EU even more.  So much revenues to get, many retirees to support (but also those escaping Western Europe (Germany, Austria, Netherlands,....)) Dropping these revenues (apart from EU funds still to come))

- @cdw057

For sure, the EU should stay but that's a technocrat approach.

But OV doesn't care about that or doing the right thing.  All the policies are just there to keep control.

He just wants to stay in power to maintain the ongoing kleptocracy he has facilitated and his followers have built.  He has to stay in power to stop it collapsing.   

If OV loses power, he and the cronies will probably end up doing prison time for corruption and his friends will lose their wealth.  Gossip is that there is a lot of money stashed in Dubai and this is the place they will run to if it gets too hot in Budapest.

Erdogan is basically the same.  He's determined to keep in power.  It's hard to see it working there long term with his bizarre economics.  People don't like him and they will eventually vote him out.   Then it might get more rational.

OV's MO is to demonise frenemies as a way of selling Fidesz as the only way to keep evil out of the country. 

Evil in this case is Soros/Teachers/Judges/Refugees/EU or anyone else convenient to the goal of staying in power.

- @fluffy2560


OV's MO is to demonise frenemies as a way of selling Fidesz as the only way to keep evil out of the country. 

Evil in this case is Soros/Teachers/Judges/Refugees/EU or anyone else convenient to the goal of staying in power.

- @fluffy2560

- @Bian_ca6661

Haha, yes, indeed, I forgot about that group!

Doesn't Jobbik also serve that purpose for him?

(As to the cost of helicopter ambulance, Medicare and probably other insurors cover it in the States, though you may have a copay.)
Doesn't Jobbik also serve that purpose for him?
- @zif

Can you elaborate more?

Maybe use the quote feature to help.
Just following on from the previous post about VO's need for dangerous villains. Thought it was pretty obvious.

(Not a fan of those who clutter boards with long quotes just to say "I agree!" etc at the end.)
Just following on from the previous post about VO's need for dangerous villains. Thought it was pretty obvious.

(Not a fan of those who clutter boards with long quotes just to say "I agree!" etc at the end.)
- @zif
Personally I find the @person response style without the quote problematic.   It would help the reader to know who and what people are referring to. It's easy to edit the quote just to highlight the part one wants to reference or respond to. 

But back to the subject, it is pretty obvious what OV is doing.  But a lot of people - at least in my social circle - don't seem to recognise what he does.  If they do, they cannot verbalise it or compare it to previous history.  Like they never thought about it. Makes me wonder what all those bookshelves are for in people's houses.

Meanwhile, my hypothesis would be that Jobbik is domestic voter influenced which brings the argument more on shore.  OV selects enemies who will have limited opportunity to fight back and would not divide "his voters" to any degree.  For example, meteorologists are not part of a larger domestic political group that needs persuasion or could grab power - just a noise blip in the wider signal.   

Jobbik is of course, quite popular for unfathomable reasons.  I still remember the old Jobbik and those aren't really guys you'd want at your dining table or around for drinks at Christmas.

It'll be interesting times as OV grapples with economic problems and the falling forint.  It's not an enemy you can demonise or mobilise voters about. It's all driven by external factors.

Marilyn Tassy
It took well over an hour for the fire dept to even show up.
By then the ammo show was over with. She thought it might of been a red neck shooting at coyotes at first.
My friend has a huge water tank on her land and a truck delivers their water.
In Hawaii many people living off the grid have water catchment tanks but it rains just about every day there.
Yes, my friend already has figured out they are in trouble if they need an ambulance.
She is handicapped, in a wheelcahir and can't drive any longer.
Her husband just had cancer treatments a couple years ago and who knows what his furture is.
She is planning on moving to the NW in a smaller home in a senior area but with her own garden and yard.
They live in a large 4 bedroom 3 bath home with 3 car garage. They don't need all that room. It sounds like rough living in the high desert but it isn't. They have a club house with pool and golf course out in nowhere land.

Driving a Rolls around, makes me laugh.
Outside a fancy Gelson's grocery store in Encino, Ca. we saw a Rolls that looked fairly new with jumper cables and the hood up!
No one was bothering to give them a jump.
I rode in a Silver Shadow once, nice but rather cramped, smaller inside then you'd think.
I had an old BF who lived in a cool 1920's built home in the older area of Beverly Hills with his parents.
His unlce own a new Rolls. His mother went to pick up the Rolls for her brother for some reason and got pulled over by the police.
It seems wearing a bathrobe and hair curlers is not the prper driving outfit while behind the wheel of a Rolls.
I could just see his mom getting pulled over, just a nice Jewish lady doing her bro a favor.
Many, I mean many Hungarians without a pot to pee in used to visit HU, stay with fmaily to save money but would rent the fanciest cars they could just to show off.
Really silly, why advertize if you are wealthy and why try so hard if you don't have the funds?
Personized plates, poor things, they put all their stock in material possesions and they could of put their treasures to better use.
Never impressed with some one elses riches, what good does their wealth do anyone but themselves?
Know  a HU guy who now lives in Hungary again. In Hawaii he was just a scammer but he made sure he drove around in a Ferrarri. 
Make a big impression on some and they let you into the club.
Have to ask yourself if you really want to be a memebr of such a club.
Marilyn Tassy
Vegas is a strange city.
I was hired a few times over 25 years as a,'Talent".
I just remembered a few years ago my husband and I were trying to incourange our Japanese DIL to get a job.
We went so far as to take her into a talent agent because of her language skills .
Well, because we were sitting there with her we decided to sign up as well.
We were hired shortly afterwards as ,"talent" we had a short gig of 4 days of working the ,'Shoot Show" held inside a strip casino in their convention area.
We thought it would be interesting and give us a few extra bucks to play with.
The Shoot Show was something else, people from literally all over the world met to see the lastest and greatest in weapons.
Most owned some sort of gun shop in their home country.
Even we ,"talents" were not allowed into certain exibition rooms.
I wonder if they sold military grade weapons in those rooms.
Basically we just directed people here and there to differnet areas of the show.
That's how we spent our vacation working at a gun show.
We later took my DIL to a casino to get a dealing job. I was hired and she wasn't... I didn't take the job, was already done with dealing.

I am still registed as a ,"talent". I get online messages from another agent. I was asked while in gaming school to work for 4 days at a gaming convention in town.
I was hired by a family owned card manufacturing business who was trying to bring interest in the USA for their quality cards. The co. was from Japan and their cards were really nice, far too nice to use in a dirty poker room.
Getting paid $25. cash per hour in 1998 while still learning what I was doing was sweet.
They had me at a balckjack table and I dealt a few hands here and there if anone wanted to look over their cards.
Most of the talent at the angency was more like showgirl models, I was the only games dealer they had.
I swear Vegas has some of the strangest jobs ever. I even knew a women who was working as the ,"pretty lady" an elephant would carry in it's trunk.
Marilyn Tassy
I am really getting forgetful at times.
The funniest part of the story about my old BF's mom  getting pulled over while driving her brother's Rolls Royce while being dressed in a bathrobe and having hair curlers in her hair was that she was arressted when stopped by the police.
She had dropped her brother off at the airport and was taking his car  to his home.
They didn't believe she was the registerd owners sister and thought she was a car thief!
It took awhile to get her out of jail because her brother was already on the plane.
Story was she never wanted to sit in that car ever again.
It was funny if anyone had seen this sweet little day and could even think she was a mass criminal.

Another thing about Rolls owners, just because they have a few bucks to show off with, it doesn't mean they have any style or class.
My mother's in-laws, my step-father's uncle his wife and my step-dad's aunt all drove up to my mother's graveside.
She never liked them and they hated the fact that my step-dad was 12 years younger then my mother and always looked down their noses at her.
My mental half-sister invited them without informing the rest of us.
Well up they came in a Rolls Royce, my mother was a simple person and would of laughed at them coming in such grand style to send her off.
I say you can't buy class because the uncle went over to my mother's cremated remains and actually picked up the box and shook it!!! WTH???? I was speachless, he said he wanted to know how heavy it was...
I asked my half sis why she invited those idiots but she said they were family, not my mom's family for sure!
Vegas is a strange city.
I was hired a few times over 25 years as a,'Talent".
We were hired shortly afterwards as ,"talent" we had a short gig of 4 days of working the ,'Shoot Show" held inside a strip casino in their convention area.

I am still registered as a ,"talent". I get online messages from another agent. I was asked while in gaming school to work for 4 days at a gaming convention in town.

Most of the talent at the agency was more like showgirl models, I was the only games dealer they had.
I swear Vegas has some of the strangest jobs ever. I even knew a women who was working as the ,"pretty lady" an elephant would carry in it's trunk.
- @Marilyn Tassy

It's hard over here to understand the love affair with guns and weaponry over there.    I've fired plenty of guns as that one of things people do in the military.  There's only one thing they are useful for and that's killing people.  I wouldn't have guns in my house but reading about them related to Ukraine is OK. Still, I wouldn't really have any issue with doing meet and greet at a gun show.  But I probably wouldn't pass the talent qualification.

I want to know how the elephant woman got the job.  And more so, what she had on her CV/resume that helped her get hired?  Mrs F said it probably just said Entertainer as her job title.
Marilyn Tassy
Entertainer is probably the job title.
I swear some of the most creative people are in Vegas.
Hardly ever met anyone with a so called, "normal" job.
I would go early to my yoga class to warm up with a few others, couples would use the same room before class to practice their moves.
We would just sit and watch them instead of warming up.
Cirque du Soleil moves.
One of my yoga instructors had been a NYC Rockett, another was a German child tv star who became a ballet dancer and later did Broadway style dances on Cruise ships.
In her old age ( in her 30's) she moved to Vegas and became an exercise/yoga teacher.
She has since started 2 businesses of her own. A animal resuce and a craft show.
Made so much money with those odd jobs that she bought a second home in Hawaii.
There is big money to make in Vegas if you can stand living there long enough.
I know my old BF's mom wanted her son and I to move to Vegas.
Her other boy and his wife lived in Vegas and worked in casinos.
She wanted me to be a showgirl or cocktail waitress, funny thing my mom also mentioned that to me a few times when I was just a teenager.
Not like I could really say I was fit to be a showgirl but being tall that's the first thing people thing of.
My mom was very conservative and when she mentioned that to me and I told her it was,"gross" those wmen went topless in some shows, well, she said some very down to earth comments about that.
I couldn't believe my ears. Mom saying things like well, you might as well get paid for it since being a housewife is a thankless job...
Man, that older generation was crazy at times.
I was too young to be a cocktail waitress at 18 so never even considered moving to Vegas.
I knew a few ladies from the UK who had moved to the US just to work as showgirls. They were dancerts in the UK and 5 or 6 got together and moved to the states in the 1960's.
They were much older then I when I met them but still very beautiful, one was over 6 feet tall.
Maggie, sad to remember she died in the WC in France while on holiday, not a very elegant way too check out...
My fried found out what started the fire near her home the other night. Some guy was hoarding cars and they blew up.
He is in the hospital, must of been the smoke.
The fireworks show was car parts going off.
My friend moved frm Vegas because sme of her neighbors used to shot guns off into the night sky and it freaked her out.
Seems she can't get away from strange neighbors.
I know, we had a gun and I realized I would never use it unless it was to shoot to kill. My husband felt creepy about it too so we got rid of it.
My bro says he has enough equipemnt to support Seal Team Six on a mission!
Not sure what he was planning on doing with it all.
Maybe he is the,"Civlil War Hillbilly"?
Entertainer is probably the job title.
I swear some of the most creative people are in Vegas.
Hardly ever met anyone with a so called, "normal" job.
I would go early to my yoga class to warm up with a few others, couples would use the same room before class to practice their moves.
We would just sit and watch them instead of warming up.
Cirque du Soleil moves.
One of my yoga instructors had been a NYC Rockett, another was a German child tv star who became a ballet dancer and later did Broadway style dances on Cruise ships.
In her old age ( in her 30's) she moved to Vegas and became an exercise/yoga teacher.
She has since started 2 businesses of her own. A animal resuce and a craft show.
Made so much money with those odd jobs that she bought a second home in Hawaii.
There is big money to make in Vegas if you can stand living there long enough.
I know my old BF's mom wanted her son and I to move to Vegas.
Her other boy and his wife lived in Vegas and worked in casinos.
She wanted me to be a showgirl or cocktail waitress, funny thing my mom also mentioned that to me a few times when I was just a teenager.
Not like I could really say I was fit to be a showgirl but being tall that's the first thing people thing of.
My mom was very conservative and when she mentioned that to me and I told her it was,"gross" those wmen went topless in some shows, well, she said some very down to earth comments about that.
I couldn't believe my ears. Mom saying things like well, you might as well get paid for it since being a housewife is a thankless job...
Man, that older generation was crazy at times.
I was too young to be a cocktail waitress at 18 so never even considered moving to Vegas.
I knew a few ladies from the UK who had moved to the US just to work as showgirls. They were dancerts in the UK and 5 or 6 got together and moved to the states in the 1960's.
They were much older then I when I met them but still very beautiful, one was over 6 feet tall.
Maggie, sad to remember she died in the WC in France while on holiday, not a very elegant way too check out...
My fried found out what started the fire near her home the other night. Some guy was hoarding cars and they blew up.
He is in the hospital, must of been the smoke.
The fireworks show was car parts going off.
My friend moved frm Vegas because sme of her neighbors used to shot guns off into the night sky and it freaked her out.
Seems she can't get away from strange neighbors.
I know, we had a gun and I realized I would never use it unless it was to shoot to kill. My husband felt creepy about it too so we got rid of it.
My bro says he has enough equipemnt to support Seal Team Six on a mission!
Not sure what he was planning on doing with it all.
Maybe he is the,"Civlil War Hillbilly"?
- @Marilyn Tassy
It's amazing what people will pay for.   It'd be interesting to see an elephant carrying a person in its trunk.  Those days of animal circus acts are in decline. Elephants particularly.  Down at Balaton they have several circuses during the season and we've been to a few performances over the years when the kids were younger. I've noticed the number of animals appearing in acts are declining.  They do have camels and horses which arguably aren't the same as elephant performers.  I've actually sat on an elephant.  Legs either side of the head, so on the neck.  Remarkably comfortable - better than a horse.

I'm a bit surprised you cannot be a cocktail waitress at 18.  I suppose you're an adult at 18 for everything including war but having alcohol, no way.  Hard to understand.   

Our No 1 HU Fluffyette is very artistic and is now talking of wanting to be a professional dancer. I'm not keen at all.  I think it's not a lifelong career that I can see as being a solid job choice.  Unless one is mega talented, it's more like a hobby.  In later years, it's like being a footballer. An injury will mess you up forever,  then one could only be possibly a dance teacher, perhaps choreographer but opportunities for top end  talent are few and far between.  I'm saying, why not do something like cinematography or film making and do dancing/fashion/art/acting/writing on the side?  It would be a far better choice than dancing.   It's quite difficult to chose the educational options at 17-18 for university or college post-school.   There has been mention of biology too - not a bad subject to study.

I quite like the idea of having a bunch of old cars to tinker with if I lived out in the sticks - no room here for mucking about with scrap cars.  Blowing them up isn't such a good idea.  I'd be thinking of restoring them.  But for certain cars,  riddling the lemons with bullets sounds quite attractive. 
Marilyn Tassy
My German friend who has those businesses in Vegas started out on tv with her brother in some sort of cirucus act. Her  mother is still teaching dance and is in her 80's in Germany.
You have to start really early to make it in dancing and by 40 years old dancers usually are finished.
I had an old friend, a sort of BF but it was just rollerskating, shopping in thrift stores and holding hands. He was gay but wouldn't be open about it at the time.
Very strange, met him with several of my friends on a school day trip to the LA Art Museum.
He lived near there and was out on the lawn realxing when we had our lunch break and went to the grass to eat.
He fell in,"love" with me at first sight because of the way I dressed.
Wore a nice women's 1940's suit jacket with my jeans and had put a fresh flower in the lapel of my jacket.
Never thought we'd ever run into him again after that afternoon but fate is strange.
6 months or so later when I moved to Hollywod and lived with my sister I was walking on the st. and who should be walking up to me?
He was a ballet dancer but also sad.funny. strange enough he was also an Epileptic!
I know, sounds unlikely.
He loved sewing knicker style pants for me and putting ballet stockings on me . He wore homesewn knickers himself, not UK knickers I mean slacks that only go to your knees.
We wore this crazy outfits and would roller skate all over Hollywood. He had a car but was afraid he might have an attck while driving. I hadn't learned to drive so his car just sat.
We had some fun times, he was a nice guy but again, secretly gay. I should of known when he had some custom made red boots with silver fairies on them made for himself...
I mean you could take a bath in front of him and he would just hand you the towel!No monkey business.
I had my BFF Lisa over once and we spent the night at his parents house. We never laughed so hard in our lives, he was reading us bedtime stories and feeding us M&M candies... Of course Lisa and I were a bit ,"out of it" and he was a sober as a Nunn.
I doubt he knew we weren't oursevles...
Yes I was 16 to 18 when everyone wanted me to be a Vegas showgirl... Child abuse??
My mother was the one who started that insane idea.
Guess she was day dreaming about what if she had gone to Vegas when she was younger.
Last I heard was my old BF had a fit onstage in Denmark and came around on the flight back home.
I lost contact with him after he made me mad. We once decided to take a chance and drive his car to my hometown to meet a friend of mine.
I think she was there at the museum the day we all met but I suppose my flower was too much, he was overwhelmed by it.
Well, I reintroduced him to my friend and he fell head over heels in love with her.
She looked more like Mia Farrow then I did and he saw himself as Woody Allen.
Man, I sure can meet them, the strange ones that is....
Funny side fact, this guy had gone to school with yet another Hollywod crazy that was my close friend for about 6 months. Met her through my sister and another gay guy that worked with them. She moved in with my sister and I and my little niece when she lst her job. Her boss had a "cool start up" and told everyone he would pay them at teh end of the month. She got a apt. and was waiting for her paycheck to pay her rent when she and that other gay guy were locked out. The guy skipped town without paying anyone and they all lost their apts.
That's how I found myself living with her and this gay guy when i was 17 and ran away from home.
My sister was her buddy for awhile .
Well she had gone to HS with my ballet friend and a few other now minor celbs.
Rodney Bigenheimer ( A real weirdo even for my crowd) and one guy from the Eagles.
She claimed she had helped him write the song, "Take it Easy" but sold her rights to him for $2,000 before the song was sold. I did think that was true, her mom had a nice stereo and a few items she had bought with the money.
There were many creative people in LA back in the day.
I just walked away from my crazy GF who had grown up in Hollywod. She was 3 years older then I and the last straw was when she got picked up for shoplifting. Things were getting out of control.

Our No 1 HU Fluffyette is very artistic and is now talking of wanting to be a professional dancer. I'm not keen at all.  I think it's not a lifelong career that I can see as being a solid job choice.  Unless one is mega talented, it's more like a hobby.  In later years, it's like being a footballer. An injury will mess you up forever,  then one could only be possibly a dance teacher, perhaps choreographer but opportunities for top end  talent are few and far between.  I'm saying, why not do something like cinematography or film making and do dancing/fashion/art/acting/writing on the side?  It would be a far better choice than dancing.   It's quite difficult to chose the educational options at 17-18 for university or college post-school.   There has been mention of biology too - not a bad subject to study.

- @fluffy2560
One of my wife's schoolfriends, her son is a professional dancer in Amsterdam.  From talking to him, from a young career doing the circuit of cruise ships, theatre and cabaret (it helps that he can sing a bit), he has now (mid-30's) moved on to choreography and he does a lot of work for TV  and film companies across Europe - he says there is more to it than just dance scenes and jumping around, but also covers the structure of the cast when in view on set or stage; how they move and how it looks to the viewer.  He must have done OK, he's just bought a flat in Amsterdam!  I asked about injuries, and he puts it that your body gets older much faster (overuse) and any injuries you do pick up are exacerbated by the extremes that such activity can inflict and the repetitive nature of some routines.  His dance-partner is a lovely lady and he really looks after her, when you see the pair of them just walk together, it's beautiful to watch; he says that were she a bloke, he'd have a perfect life.
It's quite difficult to chose the educational options at 17-18 for university or college post-school.   There has been mention of biology too - not a bad subject to study.
- @fluffy2560
Well better hurry as it seems women's higher education might be another "hot issue" in the future:
Marilyn Tassy
It's quite difficult to chose the educational options at 17-18 for university or college post-school.   There has been mention of biology too - not a bad subject to study.
- @fluffy2560
Well better hurry as it seems women's higher education might be another "hot issue" in the future:

I'm not clear about how going to uni as a HU citizen works here.

Does the gov. give free or low cost education to it's citizens?

One of my cousins was born in Hungary and she and her HU husband are both doctors now who live in the UK.
I'd guess she is about 61 years old now.
I didn't get a chance to talk to her very much when I met her in Poland at a family reunion.
I actually was a bit upset in a silly way. She looked so much like my deceased sister( but without the cool edge) but she was a bit of a snob and I really wasn't into wasting my time getting to know her much.
Had more fun and interesting people to chat with.

My SIL here in Hungary went to uni here and I know they family wasn't wealthy. She is a uni chemistry teacher in Budapest.

I do know my ther SIL who is now 78 years old is still mad that she couldn't go to uni in her youth.
She had to go to work instead because during the commie years one could go to uni for free but it was a burden on many families to support someone all those years. She had to settle for trade school as a tailor.
She did however become the manager of her dept. in a large patteren cutting factory.
She made sure her daughter went to uni but it didn't exactly fit my SIL's dreams. Her daughter wrked at a tv station for a bit but now is a housewife with several children and doesn't work at all.

In the US it now seems anyone with a heartbeat can get a student loan and go to college.
Wasn't so easy when I was out of HS.
Our mother had 6 children and told us all to not get any fancy ideas because she didn't have the money for it.
Sort of defeated before getting started.... My eldest sister went to a 2 year college but mom said she was engaged to a college student and had to be smart enough for her marriage!!
My one sister had an I.Q. of over 145 but worked in offices. She used her smarts to do things her way at every job she had. She would crack me up. She worked the desk and office in Encino for two CPA's in the mid 1980's.
She taught herself how to program the computer they had, very basic by todays standards.
Did short hand and typed over 120 WPM on an electric typewritter. She finished all the work each day that she thought was enough. She wasn't about to over work for her pay and finshed by noon but had to be there till 5 pm. She always told me she did enough for the day to cover her paycheck.
I'd pop over some days and we would chat while she told her bosses where they could find this or that!
She would be doing her nails just like in the movies.
One of the guys once asked her to pick up his dry cleaning. My sister told him off and asked him what the F his wife was doing ? She also told them she didn't make coffee.
She never got fired either.
It's sad to think what she could of done if she was able to have gone to college and use her mind.

- @Bian_ca6661

I'm not clear about how going to uni as a HU citizen works here.

Does the gov. give free or low cost education to it's citizens?

One of my cousins was born in Hungary and she and her HU husband are both doctors now who live in the UK.
I'd guess she is about 61 years old now.
I didn't get a chance to talk to her very much when I met her in Poland at a family reunion.
I actually was a bit upset in a silly way. She looked so much like my deceased sister( but without the cool edge) but she was a bit of a snob and I really wasn't into wasting my time getting to know her much.
Had more fun and interesting people to chat with.

My SIL here in Hungary went to uni here and I know they family wasn't wealthy. She is a uni chemistry teacher in Budapest.

I do know my ther SIL who is now 78 years old is still mad that she couldn't go to uni in her youth.
She had to go to work instead because during the commie years one could go to uni for free but it was a burden on many families to support someone all those years. She had to settle for trade school as a tailor.
She did however become the manager of her dept. in a large patteren cutting factory.
She made sure her daughter went to uni but it didn't exactly fit my SIL's dreams. Her daughter wrked at a tv station for a bit but now is a housewife with several children and doesn't work at all.

In the US it now seems anyone with a heartbeat can get a student loan and go to college.
Wasn't so easy when I was out of HS.
Our mother had 6 children and told us all to not get any fancy ideas because she didn't have the money for it.
Sort of defeated before getting started.... My eldest sister went to a 2 year college but mom said she was engaged to a college student and had to be smart enough for her marriage!!
My one sister had an I.Q. of over 145 but worked in offices. She used her smarts to do things her way at every job she had. She would crack me up. She worked the desk and office in Encino for two CPA's in the mid 1980's.
She taught herself how to program the computer they had, very basic by todays standards.
Did short hand and typed over 120 WPM on an electric typewritter. She finished all the work each day that she thought was enough. She wasn't about to over work for her pay and finshed by noon but had to be there till 5 pm. She always told me she did enough for the day to cover her paycheck.
I'd pop over some days and we would chat while she told her bosses where they could find this or that!
She would be doing her nails just like in the movies.
One of the guys once asked her to pick up his dry cleaning. My sister told him off and asked him what the F his wife was doing ? She also told them she didn't make coffee.
She never got fired either.
It's sad to think what she could of done if she was able to have gone to college and use her mind.
- @Marilyn Tassy

I'm not clear about HU educational system as well. Maybe someone will give an insight.
Your sister sounds like a badass, she must have been fun at the parties. It's bit shame she wasted her mind on office work, why was that - she didn't have the ambitions or "drive" to achieve more? Especially when you mentioned she learned to program the comp? But I guess if she never regretted her life choices, who's to say what she should do better, right.
Marilyn Tassy
My sister got BORED to death with almost everything. She hung out with some very creative people in the and fashion world.
She was in a movie herself, she flew a bi-plane that one of her BF's owned.
She drove a race car, was a groupie in many ways .
Hung in the 60's with up and coming rockers in LA.
Partied and did a few things that are considered a bit shocking.
She loved action and never committed herself to anything for long.
Expect of course her family, was a loyal friend.
One of her loves was an attorney, they were together for years. She sort of learned allot about the law from him but never wanted to go to law school.
One of his office workers knew my sister, liked her and later married my sisters old BF when they went their different ways.
In fact this women agreed to pay for my sisters funeral in part with several other ex's of my sister.This women also went through law school after she married my sisters ex.
Let's just say she liked to party more then commit for long. Like a candle that burns from both ends.
They say really smart people can be their own worst enemies,too smart for everyone around them and they tend to feel isolated because they see the world differently then us average Joes do.
As a child she was always telling me the most off beat ideas, like the world is flat, this was in the 1950's before it became a  cult thing to say such an idea. She spoke of mind control through the media back in the 60's and all sorts of ideas that now are considered werid or anti-system.
Either she was ahead of her time or a time traveler.
She also knew she wouldn't live a long life and decided to just play all the time and enjoy life.
She was put in special sumer camps as a child because of her asthma.
If she got overly worked up about anything she would not be able to breath well.
Stress would set her off so she started taking drugs at a young age.
Some people are just meant to pass through life and not grow old.
It's quite difficult to chose the educational options at 17-18 for university or college post-school.   There has been mention of biology too - not a bad subject to study.
- @fluffy2560
Well better hurry as it seems women's higher education might be another "hot issue" in the future: - @Bian_ca6661
That deserves abbreviation word salad.


I've never heard such stupidity.   That's outrageous BS. It actually makes me feel sick.   Is that State Audit Office being run by the Taliban?

Our kid is already saying she wants to leave the country and study abroad.  I was thinking first degree here, any additional ones elsewhere.  But now I'm wondering if that's the right way to go - it's oppressive for her here.  As an EU student, it might work better to go somewhere else like Austria or maybe further afield like Spain.

I have  no idea how student financing works here.  When I went to Uni, it was low cost and in some cases, totally free.  We need to know how it works pretty quickly as there's only a year before decisions have to be made.
One of my wife's schoolfriends, her son is a professional dancer in Amsterdam.  From talking to him, from a young career doing the circuit of cruise ships, theatre and cabaret (it helps that he can sing a bit), he has now (mid-30's) moved on to choreography and he does a lot of work for TV  and film companies across Europe - he says there is more to it than just dance scenes and jumping around, but also covers the structure of the cast when in view on set or stage; how they move and how it looks to the viewer.  He must have done OK, he's just bought a flat in Amsterdam!  I asked about injuries, and he puts it that your body gets older much faster (overuse) and any injuries you do pick up are exacerbated by the extremes that such activity can inflict and the repetitive nature of some routines.  His dance-partner is a lovely lady and he really looks after her, when you see the pair of them just walk together, it's beautiful to watch; he says that were she a bloke, he'd have a perfect life.
- @Cynic

I can imagine all the injuries in such an athletic profession.  I'm not in favour as it's not sustainable but I suppose she'll do what she wants anyway.  It'll be like gravity - eventually she'll be attracted whatever subject is natural for her and then be captured by its gravitational field. 

I was discussing further this idea with my HU daughter about this concept of art/music/fashion/acting as being like the same thing. She just said it was obvious. It's taken me such a long time to understand the concept that it's all performance.  It seems obvious now but it shows how out of touch I was. 

I'm definitely late to the party!   
Marilyn Tassy
Be careful what you wish for...
I looked online at my sisters name, she is listed as a actress/ model??
I know she was in a movie, not going to ever in my life tell the title of it!
X rated!!!
She did model for a short spell, until her husband had enough of her agent bugging her to go to dinner with,"clients".
The entire industry of "art" leaves me cold inside.
I mentioned in the past how my cousin was a child actor and was dumped when he turned into a pre-teen and had a head injury.
He did himself in.
Not worth the pressure.
I had my friend,Peggy who was a high end runway model in Milan try to off herself many times. She was always being used by wealthy men just so they could be seen in public with her because of her looks. Everything about her was just about perfect except for the scares on her wrists. For so many of us it is hard to relate about being too beautiful for our own good.
The entire entertainment industry is bad news in my book.
A simple life with being allowed to live under the radar is the best overall.
Be careful what you wish for...
I looked online at my sisters name, she is listed as a actress/ model??
I know she was in a movie, not going to ever in my life tell the title of it!
X rated!!!
She did model for a short spell, until her husband had enough of her agent bugging her to go to dinner with,"clients".
The entire industry of "art" leaves me cold inside.
I mentioned in the past how my cousin was a child actor and was dumped when he turned into a pre-teen and had a head injury.
He did himself in.
Not worth the pressure.
I had my friend,Peggy who was a high end runway model in Milan try to off herself many times. She was always being used by wealthy men just so they could be seen in public with her because of her looks. Everything about her was just about perfect except for the scares on her wrists. For so many of us it is hard to relate about being too beautiful for our own good.
The entire entertainment industry is bad news in my book.
A simple life with being allowed to live under the radar is the best overall.
- @Marilyn Tassy
I can imagine the pressure being overwhelming.  A wrong word, an indiscretion, wrong company, wrong age, too fat, too thin and the career is going to be over in a flash.   Maybe it's just a teenage fantasy and it'll fizzle out.  Whatever she does, I am sure she'll eventually be OK.  She's a smart cookie and not one to worry about too much. 

I always had  a fantasy I was going to be a rock guitarist or drummer but lack of talent soon nobbled that idea.   I was simply not good enough and I should get a real job.   Even now, 30+ years later from starting this particular career,  I am still thinking I should get a real job.  Or if my numbers come up, retire!

I was watching YouTube yesterday.  It was where The Beatles in the 60s were playing on the roof of a building.    You can see they had talent by the bucket load. Just oodles of it. 
Mentioning NL - have you heard about the truck rolling into street party?
Well better hurry as it seems women's higher education might be another "hot issue" in the future:
- @Bian_ca6661
That deserves abbreviation word salad.


I've never heard such stupidity.   That's outrageous BS. It actually makes me feel sick.   Is that State Audit Office being run by the Taliban?

Our kid is already saying she wants to leave the country and study abroad.  I was thinking first degree here, any additional ones elsewhere.  But now I'm wondering if that's the right way to go - it's oppressive for her here.  As an EU student, it might work better to go somewhere else like Austria or maybe further afield like Spain.

I have  no idea how student financing works here.  When I went to Uni, it was low cost and in some cases, totally free.  We need to know how it works pretty quickly as there's only a year before decisions have to be made.
- @fluffy2560

Taliban was the 1st word that came to my mind after reading that piece of garbage. Such absurdity
Mentioning NL - have you heard about the truck rolling into street party?
- @Bian_ca6661

Yes, was just reading about it; a Spanish truck drove into a street BBQ at Nieuw-Beijerland. It says”meerdere dood  en gewonden”; nothing firm yet, that’s not the Dutch way.
Mentioning NL - have you heard about the truck rolling into street party?
- @Bian_ca6661

Yes, was just reading about it; a Spanish truck drove into a street BBQ at Nieuw-Beijerland. It says”meerdere dood  en gewonden”; nothing firm yet, that’s not the Dutch way.
- @Cynic

Yes, they stated that the news would be updated, they didn't guve any figures for casualties. Some news say 2 people died, some say it could be higher number. However it's tragic
Mentioning NL - have you heard about the truck rolling into street party?
- @Bian_ca6661

Yes, was just reading about it; a Spanish truck drove into a street BBQ at Nieuw-Beijerland. It says”meerdere dood  en gewonden”; nothing firm yet, that’s not the Dutch way.
- @Cynic

Yes, they stated that the news would be updated, they didn't guve any figures for casualties. Some news say 2 people died, some say it could be higher number. However it's tragic
- @Bian_ca6661

Numbers confirmed as 3 that have died

Sterkte allemaal
Dutch police are reporting 2 fatalities; the truck came off a dyke and fell to the garden below.

Written in the magazine..........

What are the challenges faced by Britons returning to the UK?

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