Absolutely Anything Else

-@Marilyn Tassy
As the saying goes - you never know how strong you are until being strong is the only option left.
I'd rather not to think about losing even tooth

Teeth are not so bad. They are replaceable with implants. In day to day life, it's still possible to eat as normal.

Limbs are another thing. Eventually we'll be like lizard people and our limbs will grow back using genetic engineering and lizard DNA.

Lizard people live amongst us.


I've naturally less teeth than a "normal" adult person should have, some sort of rare developmental issue. Look normal, but i know there's less of them and I'd love to keep those poor bastards... as for the implants - a friend of mine is going through the process, it takes over 6 months and costs almost 1200€ each. She needs 4 of them (3 pregnancies toll). So while it's solvable i still wanna avoid it

I like the lizzard prospect though

I've naturally less teeth than a "normal" adult person should have, some sort of rare developmental issue. Look normal, but i know there's less of them and I'd love to keep those poor bastards... as for the implants - a friend of mine is going through the process, it takes over 6 months and costs almost 1200€ each. She needs 4 of them (3 pregnancies toll). So while it's solvable i still wanna avoid it
I like the lizard prospect though

Does pregnancy make you lose your teeth? Never heard of that.

I have implants. I had 4 of them over some years but one fell out. It was good while it lasted. The others are solid. Dentist said there was nothing he could do to fix the lost one. I reckon he could have given me a bone graft but he didn't seem to think it would work or would be worthwhile.

Lizards:  I read the other day, they created a clone mouse from stem cells. It reached sufficient development that it was developing a brain with electrical activity. It wouldn't survive because of so many other defects.  There's a movie called Never Let Me Go. About clones and organ donation.  Made an impression on me.

Orban has both the EU Funds from Infrastructure and the COVID Relief funds, both of which are held up by Rule of Law considerations. You see how Fidesz is phrasing this battle as "protecting the Hungarians", which of course this does not do. This only protects the Fidesz kleptocracy while ordinary Hungarians (and expats!) suffer under high inflation and a weak Forint.
Hungary has played word games before about its intentions to curb corruption, and that has led to an optimistic EU Court allowing the release of funds in the past. However, I think they've reached their limit with unkept promises and have their own severe budget constraints, and are happy to let O1G ruin the country in the hope it'll get bad enough for the people that they vote him out next election -- a more long-term plan, but really the only way forward for the democratic EU.

I see myself very much as a guest in Hungary. If it comes to the time when the govt will prefer foreigners to leave I will leave.

I find it hard to follow all the politics but it doesnt yet fill me with the same degree of horror as the UK set up.

I've naturally less teeth than a "normal" adult person should have, some sort of rare developmental issue. Look normal, but i know there's less of them and I'd love to keep those poor bastards... as for the implants - a friend of mine is going through the process, it takes over 6 months and costs almost 1200€ each. She needs 4 of them (3 pregnancies toll). So while it's solvable i still wanna avoid it
I like the lizard prospect though

Does pregnancy make you lose your teeth? Never heard of that.

I have implants. I had 4 of them over some years but one fell out. It was good while it lasted. The others are solid. Dentist said there was nothing he could do to fix the lost one. I reckon he could have given me a bone graft but he didn't seem to think it would work or would be worthwhile.

Lizards:  I read the other day, they created a clone mouse from stem cells. It reached sufficient development that it was developing a brain with electrical activity. It wouldn't survive because of so many other defects.  There's a movie called Never Let Me Go. About clones and organ donation.  Made an impression on me.

From what I know and what I've read the studies linked pregnancies with teeth loss or gingivitis issue. It's due to hormones and the fetus nourishment. I'd say it goes from case to case and it's higly individual as always. Some women might be prone to losing teeth (or hair) after more pregnancies while others never experience any issue.

The science never ceases to amaze me. If they were able to put man on the Moon, they could be able to grow a limb.. maybe ... hopefully, one day. How about people who get their bodies frozen after death??

From what I know and what I've read the studies linked pregnancies with teeth loss or gingivitis issue. It's due to hormones and the fetus nourishment. I'd say it goes from case to case and it's higly individual as always. Some women might be prone to losing teeth (or hair) after more pregnancies while others never experience any issue.
The science never ceases to amaze me. If they were able to put man on the Moon, they could be able to grow a limb.. maybe ... hopefully, one day. How about people who get their bodies frozen after death??

Having been in there directly and seeing first hand the birth of two of my children, it's rather awesome. But there's a lot of other things that happen with the kismamas (HU word), like swollen ankles, backache, hormonal changes, post-partum blues and so on. But the thing about pregnancy is that the kismamas are not ill. They are just pregnant.

I wonder about the frozen bodies thing.  Some people have their brains frozen but I wonder if they could cope with the shock of awakening in another body 400-500 years later. Some people wouldn't be worth bringing back at any price. Donny T would be a horrible candidate for this. If he has it done, lets hope someone fails to plug the freezer in.

Hello everyone,

With some lateness, a post was moved to this thread (previously posted on the protest thread). Sorry about that

https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.p … 78#5490183

    Nord Stream 1 is off again, for the "maintenance"



Hello everyone,
With some lateness, a post was moved to this thread (previously posted on the protest thread). Sorry about that

https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.p … 78#5490183

  Nord Stream 1 is off again, for the "maintenance"


Thanks Bhavna. 

Do you think we could have a feature where the OP could move their own post to another thread?

  Nord Stream 1 is off again, for the "maintenance"

There's a report on Euronews, HU has signed a deal for gas from Russia.

They say that the supply is "safe" but I wonder if the price is higher or lower than it was before.

Maybe bills won't change here.

Unfortunately (for Putler), they are likely to lose Kherson within a month or two and if that happens, PU could very well be deposed.

  Nord Stream 1 is off again, for the "maintenance"
There's a report on Euronews, HU has sign a deal for gas from Russia.

They say that the supply is "safe" but I wonder if the price is higher or lower than it was before.

Maybe bills won't change here.

Unfortunately (for Putler), they are likely to lose Kherson within a month or two and if that happens, PU could very well be deposed.


I'm not sure how to feel about that. While i understand there's no way to cut off the oil/gas completely and in short time, it still feels as pact with devil. And of course I know it's easy to be courageous while I'm still comfy, well-fed and warm.  But it feels like another water for OV's i-take-care-of-my-people mill. Something to use as an argument against upcoming protests. I'm curious about the prices as well

I see myself very much as a guest in Hungary. If it comes to the time when the govt will prefer foreigners to leave I will leave.


Same same. I only fear the days when there will be nowhere to go to escape

Hello everyone,
With some lateness, a post was moved to this thread (previously posted on the protest thread). Sorry about that

https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.p … 78#5490183

  Nord Stream 1 is off again, for the "maintenance"


Thank you <3

I wonder about the frozen bodies thing.  Some people have their brains frozen but I wonder if they could cope with the shock of awakening in another body 400-500 years later. Some people wouldn't be worth bringing back at any price. Donny T would be a horrible candidate for this. If he has it done, lets hope someone fails to plug the freezer in.

I watched a documentary about Thai (I think..) couple that lost their little daughter to illness. They traveled all the way to the US to get her body frozen in hope she can be relived... resurrected (i don't know which word to use) in the future. All the time I just wondered - do they do it cause they really believe in it?? Or is it a way that keeps them from losing sanity from their loss?

I agree with you on certain people being here once is enough!

I see myself very much as a guest in Hungary. If it comes to the time when the govt will prefer foreigners to leave I will leave.


Same same. I only fear the days when there will be nowhere to go to escape


I used to think of myself as being a member of the EU, we were effectively the same right across the continent and there were few differences between us. We were equal amongst our peers in other countries. My wife and kids are Hungarian citizens but I'm not. Now I feel like a disenfranchised foreigner and certainly less equal amongst everyone else in the EU. As you might have guessed, I am unhappy about it.   

Thank you moronic British electorate and Boris Johnson, you idiot.

I used to think of myself as being a member of the EU, we were effectively the same right across the continent and there were few differences between us. We were equal amongst our peers in other countries. My wife and kids are Hungarian citizens but I'm not. Now I feel like a disenfranchised foreigner and certainly less equal amongst everyone else in the EU. As you might have guessed, I am unhappy about it.   

Thank you moronic British electorate and Boris Johnson, you idiot.


My spouse is non-European (yessss, we're part of the big wiping-the-precious-culture problem) but he feels more comfortable here than me. I wonder how he does that.

Is Johnson still in the office? Wasn't he supposed to step down already?? And do you think it'd be possible for GB become a member again?

My spouse is non-European (yessss, we're part of the big wiping-the-precious-culture problem) but he feels more comfortable here than me. I wonder how he does that.

Is Johnson still in the office? Wasn't he supposed to step down already?? And do you think it'd be possible for GB become a member again?


Johnson will be out next week BUT he was of course responsible for agreeing a dumb and stupid deal with the EU.  He ran out of time and had to agree - to anything. And in doing so, he annoyed an awful lot of people. Me included and about 1M British people who live in the EU.

And could the UK join again? People say it's too late and the British should get on with it. But on the other hand, it's caused a huge amount of hassle for everyone. There's no obvious dividend to it and it's raised costs. Northern Ireland is cut off from the rest of the UK and there's less of a seat at a table on any regional issues. Gibraltar is half-in and half-out. Intolerable.

I am speculating here but what might happen when the Conservative Party is out (very likely next time), there might be creeping kind of unwritten associate agreements where there are gradual tweaks to immigration, changes in the way British people are treated at the border due to the ETAIS thing (a potential catastrophe for UK border crossings), longer periods in the UK and longer times in Schengen tolerated. Possibly even easy work permits for EU nationals the other way. Like businesses can certify EU nationals to work in the UK rather than the immigration authorities.  I expect when there's a change in power, things will change, but at the moment no-one is prepared to come out and say it as party policy.

One of my daughters and her BF are in NZ on a working holiday visa. They were preparing to leave by mid-September as their visas were over. However, they were just extended unilaterally by the NZ government.  It's because there's a labour shortage in NZ and too many jobs to be filled. People are leaving NZ to go to Australia. NZ is not that attractive compared to Australia as far as salaries go.

So there's a combination - lower salaries, more attractive jobs elsewhere, ageism and an element of nationalism. The cost is businesses not being able to grow and flourish. It looks the same in the UK, in HU and in the EU.  They'll have to do something to fix it.

Freezing people and bringing them back is not something I would do to a loved one.

I think Walt Disney had his head frozen.

Not sure who would donate their body too him if he ever was revived.

Makes me think of the old B movie, from the late 50's early 60's, some horror film where some mad scientist love died in a car crash but he was able to cut off her head and keep her head alive...

He was looking for a new body for her. All those wasted Sat. afternoons watching terrible films.

My mother had 6 children and said she lost a tooth with each birth.

Lucky for her they all were back teeth.

I had no issues at all being preganat. I wrked full time running around as a car hop until I got to big for their largest uniform, size 14 and was nealry 7 months alng.

I mved to Maui the same month and swam and walked and climbed hills until my last week before brith. Just hung around the pool and swam allot less, my energy the last week was going. Think that is natural, your body is getting ready for showtime.

I als had just runed 21 before my sn was born and I was in the best shape ever.

I was able to wear a string binkini just weeks pst birth and never had any strectch marks or weight gain.

In fact I gained only 23 lbs in total and most was put on within the last few weeks of being pregnant.

I think being young made it s easy. I used a front pack and back pack to lug him arund on Maui. That also helped keep ne in shape. Carrying an extra 10 to 20 lbs around all day long.

I hated to give up nursing him, it allowed me to eat anything and never gain a lb. Plus it made my bikini look even better...

I now think however that mentally being a more mature mother has it's benefits...

Like they probably don't cry with their baby...

I don't know, I feel like a immigrant in my own country just as much as I do here in Hungary.

The earth is not my real home the way I see it.

Just passing through.

We went swimming yesterday at a spa.You could feel the weather change in the air. Leaves were starting to fall off the trees. Sort of sad, this summer went by to fast.

https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ch … 022-09-01/

Sure, it's either falling from window or drinking funny-tasting tea..

https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ch … 022-09-01/
Sure, it's either falling from window or drinking funny-tasting tea..

Yes, saw that.

Makes you wonder if he jumped or was he pushed?

He should have listened to the Foo Fighters Learn to Fly before taking a header out the window.

I suppose if you play with Putin fire, you're going to get Putin burnt.

If he had some horrible disease, why didn't he seek treatment in Germany or the USA? He'd have access to better treatment and it's not like he couldn't afford it.

https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ch … 022-09-01/
Sure, it's either falling from window or drinking funny-tasting tea..

Yes, saw that.

Makes you wonder if he jumped or was he pushed?

He should have listened to the Foo Fighters Learn to Fly before taking a header out the window.

I suppose if you play with Putin fire, you're going to get Putin burnt.

If he had some horrible disease, why didn't he seek treatment in Germany or the USA? He'd have access to better treatment and it's not like he couldn't afford it.


Ooof course he jumped, there's no such thing as pushing someone out of window in RuSSia.

Getting treatment in filthy West..?

I love that song!

Just witnessed bunch of young men arguing in the street. Maaan, do they have temper! I left before the eye poking began but the cat sitting few steps away from them had some nerves

Of course he jumped, there's no such thing as pushing someone out of window in RuSSia.
Getting treatment in filthy West..?
I love that song!

We'll never really know what happened to the guy.   I'm not going to miss him.

Did you hear about the taxis in Moscow?

The rumour is that someone hacked the Taxi App and ordered all the taxis all at once.

The result: Traffic chaos!

Of course he jumped, there's no such thing as pushing someone out of window in RuSSia.
Getting treatment in filthy West..?
I love that song!

We'll never really know what happened to the guy.  I'm not going to miss him.

Did you hear about the taxis in Moscow?

The rumour is that someone hacked the Taxi App and ordered all the taxis all at once.

The result: Traffic chaos!


I haven't heard 1f62e.svg was it the Anonymous group??

Freezing people and bringing them back is not something I would do to a loved one.
I think Walt Disney had his head frozen.
Not sure who would donate their body too him if he ever was revived.
Makes me think of the old B movie, from the late 50's early 60's, some horror film where some mad scientist love died in a car crash but he was able to cut off her head and keep her head alive...

I also had just turned 21 before my sn was born and I was in the best shape ever.
I was able to wear a string bikini just weeks pst birth and never had any strectch marks or weight gain.
In fact I gained only 23 lbs in total and most was put on within the last few weeks of being pregnant.
I think being young made it s easy. I used a front pack and back pack to lug him around on Maui. That also helped keep me in shape. Carrying an extra 10 to 20 lbs around all day long.
I hated to give up nursing him, it allowed me to eat anything and never gain a lb. Plus it made my bikini look even better...
I now think however that mentally being a more mature mother has it's benefits...
Like they probably don't cry with their baby...

I don't know, I feel like a immigrant in my own country just as much as I do here in Hungary.
The earth is not my real home the way I see it.
Just passing through.

We went swimming yesterday at a spa.You could feel the weather change in the air. Leaves were starting to fall off the trees. Sort of sad, this summer went by too fast.

-@Marilyn Tassy

I believe Walt Disney wasn't such a nice guy - never to be seen smoking despite being addicted. And Roald Dahl hated kids. Hard to believe considering his output.  I think those sleeping dogs should continue to lie.

Being in the pudding club at 21. Oh, such an elastic age. You are right, everything is going to snap back right where it was. Something to be said for having kids young - you still get to be young'ish yourself by the time kids are self-sufficient.

Last night was all rain around here last night - about 15mm. It'll take days to dry out. Luckily I did my car repairs during the day so I didn't have to lie on damp ground.

Luckily the cars don't need "on the ground" work just now, so that's all good.

The days of outdoor swimming are over and definitely the change is in the air. It's getting positively chilly at night now. I didn't wear shorts today with crocs when I went to collect a Fluffyette from school. I had to wear track suit bottoms, socks and proper trainers. T-shirts still OK.  But it warmed up OK this arvo but now it's cool again. At least opening the window cools it down somewhat.

I haven't heard 1f62e.svg was it the Anonymous group??


I was put on to it by someone sending me a twitter link (click here).

I don't speak Russian so I don't really know if it's true. All I could see were a lot of taxis and police.

Everytime I try to use the quote option the submit button doesn't appear?

It seems to freeze and the page doesn't move.

My half sisters. husband passed from COPD about 6 months ago.

He had a 38 year old son who jumped to his death a month later.

The guy was a big drug user, used to steal my sisters things and sell them for drugs.

He lived with them for the longest time until he found some women to support him, at least to give him a place to live.

It now seems his father was actually giving him money all this time, why else kill himself after his father died?

He was coming to my sisters home after his dad passed and stealing whatever he could out of her garage.

He and a couple of his,"friends" went to a casino in their town in the mid west and he jumped off the parking garage roof.

His buddies left his body and drove his truck back to his house...

The police woke my sister up in the middle of the night and took her over to where he had been living. They removed to bags of something, took her home and told her the investigation was over with?!

Wonder what was in the bags?

Later one of his buddies took the truck back to my sisters house since it was still in her deceased husbands name. Not sure if the truck was part of the investigation or what.Just sounds so off. No one was arrested.

I know of a man who jumped out of the window of his hospital room. He was told he had cancer so he jumped. Wasn't high enough to cause him to much damage, hurt his back a bit . Guess that was over a decade ago and now he is cancer free. He almost killed himself for nothing.

Everytime I try to use the quote option the submit button doesn't appear?
It seems to freeze and the page doesn't move.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Yes, it's screwed up.   

The Submit button is pushed off the screen when the posts are too big to fit in the space available.

I press "Ctrl -" and it will shrink it so I can see.   Then "Ctrl +" to make it bigger again.

I also add my own highlighting now as it seems to have forgotten how to do that.

I know of a man who jumped out of the window of his hospital room. He was told he had cancer so he jumped. Wasn't high enough to cause him to much damage, hurt his back a bit . Guess that was over a decade ago and now he is cancer free. He almost killed himself for nothing.

-@Marilyn Tassy

I can understand how bad things can seems but things will usually be different the next day.  Too late if it's over through impulsive reactive actions. 

People have to share their troubles to a good listener.  Just talking to someone - anyone - can be incredibly helpful.  I'm not afraid to say I've had psychotherapy before and I can really recommend it.   It's a way of rationalising one's thoughts.  People have to take care of their minds and their bodies.

As I've mentioned before my beloved brother had a terminal brain tumour.   He talked about going to Switzerland to end it all at the Dignitas clinic in Zurich. Unfortunately events overtook him when his tumour caused a hemorrhage and he became no longer capable of that level of decision making or movement let along flying to Zurich accompanied or not.   In the  end, he was on a rollercoaster ride he had no control off and his life was no longer in his own hands. Miss him. :(

Freezing people and bringing them back is not something I would do to a loved one.
I think Walt Disney had his head frozen.
Not sure who would donate their body too him if he ever was revived.
Makes me think of the old B movie, from the late 50's early 60's, some horror film where some mad scientist love died in a car crash but he was able to cut off her head and keep her head alive...
He was looking for a new body for her. All those wasted Sat. afternoons watching terrible films.

-@Marilyn Tassy

It's definitely not a waste of Saturday afternoons watching B movies. I spent yesterday afternoon watching "100 Rifles" with Raquel Welch, Jim Brown and Burt Reynolds.  I never knew Raquel was half Bolivian - more depth to her character than I thought. I did spend sometime trying to see if Burt was wearing a toupee. Looks like he did his own stunts.  Some interesting social aspects - Jim ravaging a willing Raquel.  Unusual for 1969 perhaps but tame by today's standards.  What's not to like!

Re: Walt Disney, by coincidence I read an article about "immortality" just this morning.

Unfortunately, to live forever you have change body and become a jellyfish.

Apparently 1000 years is thought possible.

I am sure some humans have jellyfish DNA already - Trump and Putin immediately come to mind.

Everytime I try to use the quote option the submit button doesn't appear?
It seems to freeze and the page doesn't move.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Yes, it's screwed up. 

The Submit button is pushed off the screen when the posts are too big to fit in the space available.

I press "Ctrl -" and it will shrink it so I can see.  Then "Ctrl +" to make it bigger again.

I also add my own highlighting now as it seems to have forgotten how to do that.

I'll keep this short then...Good grief, I'm defo not a computer wizz..This 9 year old laptop is abut finished as it is...

Everytime we buy a new ne my husband takes it over and I get the left overs.It's all god at least this ne has English keys and I'm too dam lazy to figure out how t use the HU keyboard. We just abut purchased a new ne for me in Vegas 3 years ago but it was so last min,like literally 2 hours before take off that I wasn't in the mod to shop. Should of pushed myself a bit more and bought a new  one, always next time...

I know the feeling of missing a deceased sibling.

Parents are hard enough losing but a vibrant sibling is to much.

It makes one know for a fact that every life is important, even those sad homeless people have people who loved them or love them.

Some people seem unloveable but I'm sure at one time even their mother's loved them.

The Queen is dead

Long live the King

The Queen is dead
Long live the King

The moment history stops

The Queen is dead
Long live the King
The moment history stops

I was trying to tell my 13 year old to remember this day but there was more interest in playing Counterstrike.

96 years...

70 years as Queen.

She had a good life.

I wasn't sure if old Charlie was going to be King or not but seems he is.

Not so sure I like the sound of Camillia being Queen consort however. I still feel like Diana was ripped off.

Suppose as an American it's not my business.

96 years...
70 years as Queen.
She had a good life.
I wasn't sure if old Charlie was going to be King or not but seems he is.
Not so sure I like the sound of Camillia being Queen consort however. I still feel like Diana was ripped off.
Suppose as an American it's not my business.
-@Marilyn Tassy

It's almost everyone's business. She's been on the throne all my life. Symbol of stability and longevity worldwide.

The system is organised that as soon as the Queen died, Charles became King. Absolutely no gap between them. Continuity is everything. Camilla wasn't that popular but she's been rehabilitated of late. People have come to accept her even if she was seen as evil in relation to Diana. Of course, Charles is not that young, he's in his 70s, so he had to wait a long time to get the top job.  Death of the Queen raises so many issues - Prince Harry's Dad is now the King and William's kids are directly in line - they've all moved up. No idea what Meghan will be thinking about today - their kids are also moving up the line.

And Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the other countries involved where she was head of state will be thinking again about becoming republics.

One thing about being King Charles III is the other Kings Charles I and II. Didn't end well for Charles I (executed) and Charles II supposedly poisoned himself accidentally.

I haven't seen anything about a book of condolences at the British Embassy.  Bit of a slow start. If we see we can do it, we'll go up there and sign the book mainly so the kids can contribute and acknowledge they are part of the UK as well as Hungary.

Meghan still seems too,'Hollywood" to be taken seriously, Like a spoiled brat.

Really trashy business with her family. Nothing to look up to as a "subject".

Not at all like Princess Grace of Monaco who had style and ,"grace".

My eldest sister went to the Queens tea in the ealry 1970's.

Said she was like everyone's mother or favorite aunt to the citizens of the UK.

Hard to understand, we just have presidents and they come and go so often that they pretty much aren't taken all that seriously.

I suppose Kennedy was the closest to Royalty the US ever had.

If he hadn't been taken out so soon, who knows he might of fallen from grace with the public.

I have around about 18 news channels from around the world and nearly all of them have just one subject and that is the passing of the Queen.


I have around about 18 news channels from around the world and nearly all of them have just one subject and that is the passing of the Queen.

My Mum and Dad were living near Northampton when Diana died.   

She was transported up to Althrop Hall for internment and the funeral courtege passed by my Mum and Dad's house. 

My Dad - not a royalist - was sick of the TV coverage of it and the fawning tributes. 

He said if she was that much of angel she could have flown there herself and not blocked up the roads

I think there will now never be another who has demonstrated such grace, dignity, and British spirit as the Queen. I am not British, I am not her subject, I am not a monarchist. But it would be folly to deny the positive effect she has had on generations throughout the world, not only her "subjects".

She will also be the last queen in our, and likely our children's lifetimes. After Charles, it's William, then George.

I do not mourn, but celebrate her life. She was a treasure.

I will say her last 10 years have been a bit of a disappointment though: the fire at Windsor Castle, her sex offender child, her grandchild removing himself completely from Royal life, Boris gaming her empire, and Truss being her despicable self just a few days before the queen's death...  I daresay she was happy to go at this point...