Absolutely Anything Else

How they can always bet on the wrong horse, I do not know!

Followed by the inevitable, "Why do bad things keep happening to us?!"

How they can always bet on the wrong horse, I do not know!

Followed by the inevitable, "Why do bad things keep happening to us?!"

And the final words, "Woe is me".

I told Mrs F about the US aid package and she shrugged her shoulders.   

It's like, the new HU normal is plumbing the depths of international relations. 

Szijjártó was hobnobbing with Lavrov at the UN

More HU plughole circling.

Things are not looking good in Italy......

Can't post links again grrrrrrrr

Things are not looking good in Italy......
Can't post links again grrrrrrrr

Something changed. Previous one couldn't edit links but now looks like we can.

Italy is not looking good.   How anyone can see any romance in "fascism" is beyond me?!

Seems to be deficit in rationality, intelligence and knowledge of history in most places these days.

The idiot who mange our building wanted to start up on a project then was forced to stop when Covid was running rampid.

Some electrical work into the outside walls ... I really never noticed they had started.

They want us all to pay up before the work starts as the community pot of common costs isn't large enough for all the work to be finished.

They even sent out a notice that showed the interest rates at OTP bank for those who don't have cash on hand.

It's just so dumb right now.  A possible war brewing and many people having a hard enough time with the normal bills.

My husband tried to tell these silly women , single women who have bought in the house recently that we don't need a new roof. It sounds all shiny and new to them but a repair job would be enough. In face one neighbor on the top floor had a roofman look over her apt. He told her here and there a few palces could be repaired but overall the roof looked good and that it was made with better materials then the newer roofs materials are.

No, my husband was the only one agianst the new roof... Now let them eat cake because they are holding a new house meeting next week to talk about the electrical work.

One women who was so pushy about a new roof which caused us all to have an increase in our monthly common costs only has a 20 sq. foot flat! WHAT?? My husband ( always too logical for everyone) told her if she wanted a new roof then she should of bought in a new house or not on the top floor.

It will be interesting to know how many of these big mouths will show up for the next house meeting with tears in their eyes...

I think the house has a pot of 7 million but this new work is going to cost 21 million.

Of course we will pay our share if it comes down to it but the timing is not right for a major repair when it's not a problem to leave it a bit longer.

For all any of us know,Putin may take us all out and the manager could just run off with all the money before the work even starts.

He gets all his cues from OV and that sort, he gives these jobs out to his buddies to do and he must get a nice cut back in kick backs.

The idiots who mange ur building want to start up on a project then were froced to stp when Covid was running rampid.
Some electrical work int he outside walls ... I really never noticed the had started.
They want us all t pay up befre the wrk starts as the community pot of cmmon csts isn't large enough for all the work to be finished.
They even sent out a notice that showed the interest rats at OTP bank for those who don't have cash on hand.
It's just so dumb right now a possible war brewing and many people having a hard enough time with the normal bills.
My husband tried to tell these silly women , single women who have bought in the house recently that we don't need a new roof. It sound all shiny and new to them but a repair job would be enough. In face one neighbor on the top floor had a roofman look over her apt. He told her here and there a few palces could be repaired but verall the roof looked god and that it was made with better materials then the newer roofs materials are.
No, my husband was the only one agianst the new roof... Now let them eat cake because they are holding a new house meeting next week to talk abut the electrical work.
One women who was s pushy about a new roof which caused us all to have an increase in our monthly common costs only has a 20 sq. foot flat! WHAT?? My husband ( always too logical for everyone) told her if she wanted a new roof then she should of bought in a new house or not on the top floor.
It will be interesting to know how many of these big mouths will show up for the next house meeting with tears in their eyes...
I think the house has a pot of 7 million but this new work is going to cost 21 million.
Of course we will pay our share if it comes down to it but the timing is not right for a major repair when it's not a problem to leave it a bit longer.
For all any of us know,Putin may take us all out and the manager could just run off with all the money before the work even starts.
He gets all his cues from OV and that sort, he gives these jobs out to his buddies to do and he must get a nice cut back in kick backs.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Nah, never pay up before the work is done.

That's generally how things are done but this manger wants the funds before the work starts.

At least that's my understanding.

He has a bad habit of getting minor repairs done and over paying for them. We know he is a crook, gets his buddies to do the work and gets a kickback.

I wish they would just vote him out.

People are far too lazy to make the effort to remove him.

He managers around 25 bulidings and must be making,


My husband is tired of being the only one who shows up for house meetings and being the only one against the guy.

The thing is everyone moans and groans about him but they never even attend the house meetings.

We for sure will not be the first to just hand over cash to him.

The rest have to divvy up first.

Most in the house of fully paid up with their common costs but they are a few slackers. I wish to see them caught up and paid up before we open up our wallet.

That's generally how things are done but this manger wants the funds before the work starts.
At least that's my understanding.
He has a bad habit of getting minor repairs done and over paying for them. We know he is a crook, gets his buddies to do the work and gets a kickback.
I wish they would just vote him out.
People are far too lazy to make the effort to remove him.
He managers around 25 bulidings and must be making,
My husband is tired of being the only one who shows up for house meetings and being the only one against the guy.
The thing is everyone moans and groans about him but they never even attend the house meetings.
We for sure will not be the first to just hand over cash to him.
The rest have to divvy up first.
Most in the house of fully paid up with their common costs but they are a few slackers. I wish to see them caught up and paid up before we open up our wallet.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Sounds like Eastern European apathy.    It's like someone else's problem until of course, it becomes your problem too.  It's going to get worse as costs rise with people being unable to cover the common costs, eat and heat themselves up.   If they can get away with not paying on common costs, they will. They'll prioritise heat and food other things.

At least your building manager will have connections to get things done but he should be producing proper accounts showing how the money is being expended. 

At my Dad's place, they have a management company for the apartments.  It's like Apartments Kft for that block.  Legally it has to produce accounts to show expenditures and income and reserves.   And those accounts are public records.  It should be easy to see if work is being charged excessively and you would be able to see what the arrears are.   It's quite transparent.

Lack of reliability continues to pervade HU builders. Our garden builder said he'd come in September.  He's got a week to turn up and start work.  I told Mrs F that he's not coming as I could tell he wasn't engaged properly.  Not responsive, unable to quote, vague dates and so on.  Waste of our time.   Very unprofessional.  Maybe there's something else wrong but he should tell us so we can move on.   Now we have to look again.   I have to rely on Mrs F to do that because if I open my mouth, the price gets another zero on the end.   One  thing perhaps the builder is not happy about is that we said we'd buy all the materials and have them delivered.  Then at least we own that part of it. Better for him as he doesn't have to cash flow it.   We're ready to go but we cannot even get them to draw a plan and come up with a cost or bill of materials.   

I have to rely on Mrs F to do that because if I open my mouth, the price gets another zero on the end.

This is a huge problem for me as well, always having to rely on Hungarian friends to ask questions about services, pricing, etc. As soon as they hear my foreign accent, up goes the price. Unless they post something on the web for something standard, but even then it runs the risk of becoming a "special case" when billed.

My Hungarian friends don't mind asking for me, but it annoys me. And they all know that this is exactly the case, that prices will go up if I talk. Seems to be a status quo most accept.

In other news:

https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautifu … preciated/

I have to rely on Mrs F to do that because if I open my mouth, the price gets another zero on the end.

This is a huge problem for me as well, always having to rely on Hungarian friends to ask questions about services, pricing, etc. As soon as they hear my foreign accent, up goes the price. Unless they post something on the web for something standard, but even then it runs the risk of becoming a "special case" when billed.

My Hungarian friends don't mind asking for me, but it annoys me. And they all know that this is exactly the case, that prices will go up if I talk. Seems to be a status quo most accept.

In other news:
https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautifu … preciated/

Yes, it's a problem.  Expat premium.   Foreigners must be loaded, right? 

As we built a house in Hungary, we're on the case with this kind of stupidity.  It happens all the time to us.  I've got a list of these kind of things.  Just a sample:

  • I had some  HU building scammer try to tell me that a part for my drains would cost something like 1M HUF.   But I can read as well and I had the parts catalogue.  I had to say, explain then Sunshine, why it says in this catalogue it costs like 150 EUR? 

  • I also had some scumbag tell me it cost around 1M HUF to move a radiator.  Parts cost under 100 EUR and I spent 100 EUR on tools and did it myself.   

  • Yet another one tried to get me to pay 1000 EUR on guttering.  Mrs F and I went to the place and bought the parts and I did it myself.   Cost about 100 EUR.

Just idiots.   They got nothing.  It's not like they are professional at trying it on as their gamble on the  scam was silly.  If you want to scam people, at least try and do it professionally with plausible BS. 

We have had people who were really OK. Our  tiler was quite a good fella.  He did it all nicely and he came back to fix some things which didn't work and did the repairs for free.  Unfortunately he packed it in and went on a worldwide trip to Asia.  Not seen him since!

That moving Reddit graph is very nice.  The presentation is pretty.  Dollar is strengthening considerably.  People reverting to safe currency in uncertain times.  EUR is dropping too.   That's not good. 

I should be clear... I know the foreign premium exists, but when I find reputable craftsmen, I save their number! I think it's the same anywhere, honestly. Contractors in the US can try to give you the runaround as well.

But I now have a trusted electrician and plumber. I'm working on others...

I did some bathroom reconstruction. Well, I had one done not by me... Made the mistake of paying before the work was done and spent 2 months trying to get them to finish their work. In the end, I just had the above trusted plumber -- who I met because of this poor interaction -- come over and fix their work.

So yes, I still have significant trust issues with most "non-published" prices. But there are some reputable Hungarians... harder to find than they should be honestly.


I should be clear... I know the foreign premium exists, but when I find reputable craftsmen, I save their number! I think it's the same anywhere, honestly. Contractors in the US can try to give you the runaround as well.
But I now have a trusted electrician and plumber. I'm working on others...
I did some bathroom reconstruction. Well, I had one done not by me... Made the mistake of paying before the work was done and spent 2 months trying to get them to finish their work. In the end, I just had the above trusted plumber -- who I met because of this poor interaction -- come over and fix their work.
So yes, I still have significant trust issues with most "non-published" prices. But there are some reputable Hungarians... harder to find than they should be honestly.

Yes, there are honest ones around but they are rarer than hen's teeth. 

The government does have indicative prices for work - it has to be registered for work if it's of a large scale. Builders hate that system and it's built on lies anyway - people just enter false lower prices and negotiate for a proportion in cash. 

In any case, it works out to be a bit of pointless regulation seeing as all the OV cadre are scamming the country anyway. 

I do agree there are scammers in all countries but it's easier to track the good ones in some places than others. It's almost zero accountability in Hungary. It's like taxis - they are all usually on the make somehow. People say Bolt Taxis are "honest". Meh, don't use them but supposedly their prices are upfront.

I've used Bolt and CityTaxi, both are similar. Taxis working for one cannot work for the other.

I find them to be fair. Haven't used them extensively, but when I do use them, I haven't yet found a fault.

My husband has a royal fit when I speak English when he is trying to even buy a kilo of veggies at the market.He says they will over charge if they hear me speak. He is usually correct too!

He makes them mad though, he will say something then go to the scales himself and weigh them. He will go back in front of other custmers and call them out for over charging him and get his money back. Sometimes I just stand away, it's embarrassing but he says they should be embarrassed , not him. He remembers who tried to scam him and never buy there again. I'm almost running out of vendors!! He tells them he will report them even if it's just 40 forints difference.

He has his principles that's all.

It has happened in the past, nothing major, maybe a few hundred forints here and there.

His mother used to work in a deli and before that she had her own dairy shop before WW11.

He said she never pulled any rip off with anyone and he learned to be very accurate with numbers as a machinist and having his mother as his example with weighing items to the exact penny. In the US it is good business if you make any difference in favor of the custmer, repeat business.

Not here in Hungary.

Last week at the market we bought sme nice marigold from a wmen. We wanted just half a kilo worth. It was towards the end of the day and she was just about out of marigold. ( Think it kale in the states?) She collected half a kilo for us, put it in a bag but I noticed there were just 4 or 5 more leaves left in her box. I was thinking in the US they would just tss those few extras in the box as a courtesty. Not here, she probably tossed thm in the trash rather then give away a freebie.Ususully they will ask if you want it all and charge a bit more, didn't even offer to do that.

We used to sell itmes in a huge outdoor market in New Mexico. Left over items we had from our import/export business. We always cut peple great deals, we had items I thought would never sale but they sold like hot cakes for the right price. My husband had purchased over 100 tiny pillows for an infant( I always said they were not safe to use on an infant, smother then in their sleep?) We bought then new for 30 cents each. Sold them for one dollar and peple were buying 5 or more at once. Everyone was happy.

My husband probably will go to the house meeting tomorrow if only to see who shows up.

I know my husband aksed last time aboout seeing why a repair cost as much as it did. They never showed any paperwork on the job. He did ask to see the papers but of course the subject was changed and forgotten.

It was just a small storeage area that is owned by everyone in the house. Only around 5 people use it to store their bikes inside. I told my husband if they were going to be like that then I would buy some old junk bike just to store it too.

The manager does little favors for some people in the house so that when it's time to vote one way they vote in his favor.

In fact the brain dead dentist next door to us voted with the manageer last meeting. My husband asked her what she had just signed and she tld him she didn't even know??!! THe manager had let her stre her bike in the rom so she felt she should vote his way??

She calls herself a Dr., that's rather scary!!

It's been going on for years but most of the fools in the house haven't lived here that long, they have not wised up to his game yet. In fact his accountant is his GF.

Cooking the books I'd say!

It loks like the repairs will be in stages and they need about 50% of the people to get the loan to get the rate they quoted. We would just pay cash, no loans needed with their high rates attached.

I've given up worrying about the neighbors, the house or much of anything these days.

Everyone wants a free ride.

All the ld time repairmen who actually went to trade school to learn their craft are either died or moved away. Now days it's mostly someone who saw the job done a few items and calls themselves a professional. Some assistant who calls themselves a master of their trade. False advertizing at it's best!

My point really is in these uncertain times is it smart to make big expensive repairs right now?

They dollar is strong right now but fr how long is anyones guess.

I know on Friday the exchange was over 419 but we've seen it under 200 in the past.

I must say in my mind I still think of the 1,000 forint bill as worth $5.00 US dollars, Now it's worth much more but I count in my mind at 200. Keeps me from going ape sh** in the stores thinking I'm getting less then I am for my money.

...The manager does little favors for some people in the house so that when it's time to vote one way they vote in his favor.
In fact the brain dead dentist next door to us voted with the manager last meeting. My husband asked her what she had just signed and she tld him she didn't even know??!! THe manager had let her store her bike in the room so she felt she should vote his way??
She calls herself a Dr., that's rather scary!!
It's been going on for years but most of the fools in the house haven't lived here that long, they have not wised up to his game yet. In fact his accountant is his GF.
Cooking the books I'd say!
It looks like the repairs will be in stages and they need about 50% of the people to get the loan to get the rate they quoted. We would just pay cash, no loans needed with their high rates attached.
I've given up worrying about the neighbors, the house or much of anything these days.
Everyone wants a free ride.
All the old time repairmen who actually went to trade school to learn their craft are either died or moved away. Now days it's mostly someone who saw the job done a few items and calls themselves a professional. Some assistant who calls themselves a master of their trade. False advertising at it's best!
My point really is in these uncertain times is it smart to make big expensive repairs right now?
They dollar is strong right now but fr how long is anyones guess.
I know on Friday the exchange was over 419 but we've seen it under 200 in the past.
I must say in my mind I still think of the 1,000 forint bill as worth $5.00 US dollars, Now it's worth much more but I count in my mind at 200. Keeps me from going ape sh** in the stores thinking I'm getting less then I am for my money.
-@Marilyn Tassy

It sounds to me that the accounts need some forensic examination to see what is really going on.  Sounds all a bit too cosy.    It sounds to me like the building manager needs to reapply for his job.  How did he even get the job anyway?   And who does he actually work for?  Should be you and the other owners obviously! 

Maybe the dentist is earning so much, she doesn't care how much she's being ripped off!

The exchange rate is a problem at the moment.   But if you are receiving funds in USD, then converting, the lag in the system will help keep things cheaper for a bit but things like VAT might go up as the government coffers start to get a bit dry and imports become more expensive.

The far right have won in Italy

The far right have won in Italy

This is not good. 

I do not understand why the right is becoming so strong again.  I am not sure what her policies are but the old guard, aka Berlusconi,  is a Putin apologist.

Unfortunately being on the right always creates a possibility of an alliance with Hungary and more appeasement of Putin.

BTW, things are going the other way in the USA - Biden is up and Trump is down.   Trump's candidates for elections have  QAnon supporters in there which shows how far things are going wrong with the Republicans. 

According to my US friends, there's nothing to stop Trump being President from a prison cell.

Our neighbor just rang us up.

She isn't going to the house meeting today. It makes her to nervous and she is afraid to speak out.

She is the one who had those Gypsy guys follow her home from the bus stop years ago .

They left her alone after she told our house heavy.

He has moved away but we think he still does work for the manager.

The manager has at least 25 buildings he runs and we know if anyone tried to vote him out they would have a prblem with getting beat up or worst.

We are sure this happens all over the place here in Hungary every house has something fishy going on.

Who knows who these people are paying off, someone in the local district, the police or even higher up?

A few mangers in the past have been arrested in Hungary but our guy is too smart to get caught. Everyone thinks he is such a nice guy...

This is the number 1 reason my husband is always talking about leaving Hungary. He desn't like the mind set here and how people think.

The US is not perfect but for sure having a crooked house manager wouldn't happen for long.

In Hungary I have felt very safe, but I suppose also linked to where I lived (good neighbourts helps, but also having good big non accepting dogs helps.

Of course there can be fishy people wandering around, but there are many more easy opportunities rather then trying a risky property.

Typical of me lately, I forgot one of my main pooints...

The manger and probably most rental agencies are, "connected" so to speak.

Once my husband was next door chatting with the ,"house heavy" the phone rang and it was the house manager. He wanted the neighbor to take care of something for him, like collect from someone...

This ex-neighbor even had a job for a spell as the personal driver/ body guard for a HU businessman. This guy was a phrama salesman and traveled all over the world.

He was an ex-chemist who worked for a large corp. selling drugs.

Why would he need a body guard?

In fact this businessman just happened to be visiting Las Vegas when we were there visiting our son.

We took him out to dinner and showed him some sights.

Once in a blue moon he would be at our neighbors house.

So basically a pharma salesman and a house manager both need a body guard... Hmm... sounds like the pretense for a tv show!!

@Marilyn Tassy In my mind no business with neighbours at all, irrespective of Luxembourg, Hungary or Turkey. If things have to be done with people who are at a distance (no matter the country), yes you pay more, but conflicts are avoided.

We had neighbours offering to cut the grass, repair this or that, even if for free or cheap I have never accepted, business with neighbours are just asking for problems (yes massively paying but ease of mind is also important)

I just want to make my own choice.

Just to say, over the years I trusted the most who engaged over other items (chess, concerts, singing, knitting, ...) Neighbours were very nice, bringing apricots, salad, .. we had something to change (apples, cherries, walnuts (at the start), ..

I am a bit chaotic I realize, but important who to trust and who trusts you, living in a village is in a way easier.

We live now in a town in a complex and no complaints as such, however you believe it a neighbour calls to our door a few months ago for me to stop smoking, my wife was very very strong, but these things happen.

Not allowed to cough, smoke, drink or eat own dishes is outrageaus. The next reply would be, please go to the police.

Difference between village and town complex living.

    We live now in a town in a complex and no complaints as such, however you believe it a neighbour calls to our door a few months ago for me to stop smoking, my wife was very very strong, but these things happen.
    Not allowed to cough, smoke, drink or eat own dishes is outrageous. The next reply would be, please go to the police.
    Difference between village and town complex living.

What's the problem with you smoking there?   Is the smoke blowing into their apartment or on their laundry?  Maybe the neighbours are sitting there fuming about it.

I've got a thing about my various neighbours.

One neighbour, their ridiculously big trees that drop leaves all over my shed or pine cones on my car.   They need to come around and clean my gutters regularly.  I'm unhappy with them.   They said they'd solved it but they only cut one branch off.  They should have cut 10m off the top of the trees.

Neighbours can be really annoying even if they think they are not doing anything wrong.   We have one neighbour who insists on feeding our dog whole packets of biscuits.   It will make her fatter than she already is.  The dog has no self-control. She'll eat until she explodes.   

Another neighbour and their kids started throwing bones into our garden for the dog.  Jeez, please litter your own garden or get your own dog!    We had to tell them to stop that which they finally understood.

Another one mows the grass incessantly and at odd times - What for? Nothing else to do? 

When we first moved into our house 13 years ago, our neighbour offered to mow the grass, but he was in ill health so we declined the offer, anyway I quite enjoy it.

But it really does depend on your community on helping each out. Here in Austria, we can call on anyone if we need a tool that we are going to only need once so need to buy it. Get some stuff removed like rotten wood.

Thats not just Austria, back in the UK (Wales) I could call neighbours to my dad and ask but most of the time they would offer in the first place.

Saying that it does go both ways, If I can help, I will so will my dad as he has wealth of knowledge, especially in education and music.

Just to make you laugh


@SimCityAT I prefer to give than to get, only creates obligations which might or might not be met.

Yesterday afternoon one of our neighbors a man in his 70's came to our door to ask my husband if he was going to the house meeting or not. The man and his new wife have a larger flat in the house and their share of any new repairs would be rather expensive.

He told my husband who else was going to show up so my hubby said he would go.

Well, this old dude came half drunk and the people he said were coming never showed up.

The only good idea this man had was to get an independant contactor in to check out what new repairs are really needed for any safety issues if there are any and then go from there.

Makes sense to me but really think of all these old buildings in the city. Most are over 100 years old and I doubt any have had this work and updates done. When you think about it they all are fire traps. They'd never pass the health and safety regulations in the US.

My husband got the manager mad by telling him he thought the timing wasn't right. This manager really wants to do the work, which is fishy as heck.

Most of the few peple who showed up had their fingers up their bum and didn't say a word.

The manger was pushing everyone to sign off for the repairs, my husband said not enough people were their to represent the building, they need at least 30% to attend these meetings. The manager gave him the look of death when he made that point.

Well, long story but they have pushed it till another meeting later on.

I told my husband not to go to any more of these stupid meeting because he is about the only person who cares and has half a brain cell working.

It's not big hardship for us either way and if the others don't care then why should we?

We are too old to give a ratz a@@.

Just makes us wonder why everyone is so afraid of this manager, like he owns the palce and not us.

We had a young guy from the Neterlands renting next door to us for a couple of months before Covid.

He was quiet and all but whenever I opened the window we got a hige whiff of smoke.

Not from cig's either!

I ran into him once in the stairwell and being outspoken as I am I told him we could smell the pot coming out of his window. That he should be more aware because it was and is illegal in Hungary and someone not as liberal as us might report him.

He thanked me for telling him but didn't seem very concerned.

I personally would have an issue if it was cig smoke waffing into my flat, I understand why people would get upset about the smell.

Some people have lung issues and the smoke might set them off.

My sister had bad asthma.

She invited some Hungarian friends to lunch at her place once.

A few peple lite up without first asking her and she tossed them out of her flat.

She told them to smoke outside away from her place.

Sounds like she was being mean but her health was at stake.

Didn't see much news coverage about the damage to the Nord Stream pipeline.

Perhaps something is ,"brewing"?

It doesn't sound like a good thing at all.

Will be interesting to see what the news is in the next few days or so.

Didn't see much news coverage about the damage to the Nord Stream pipeline.
Perhaps something is ,"brewing"?
It doesn't sound like a good thing at all.
Will be interesting to see what the news is in the next few days or so.
-@Marilyn Tassy

There's a bit on Euronews about it.

Swedish could see this was sabotage as their seismic detectors can distinguish between natural phenomena and explosions. 

Presumably the Russians fired torpedoes or set explosives.

I don't get the logic of why Russia would blow up their own pipeline? Some of my correspondents have said this was to make sure the pipeline cannot be used at all during the winter.  They could have just said, no we're not sending any gas to you. Like they care what anyone thinks anyway. 

In any case, there's already new pipeline from Norway to Germany which goes south to Czechia and Slovakia etc. Not a lot of detail on that. Maybe it doesn't go to Hungary. I saw HU was reducing heating in schools and public buildings to 19 C.

Rather than the pipeline, I'm more concerned with Putin's statement over tactical nukes. Biden has said there would be a response. What does that mean? Does it mean NATO could intervene? Use of nukes is the final card for Putin to play. Hard to say but maybe this would be it, the final showdown and possibly the end of all of us. All the fall out will be blowing towards Russia but obviously some of it is going to come our way as well.

If Putin took out some city, possibly Lvov or some other place as a demonstration, then I cannot see any other response but for the Allies to become directly involved. Russia and Putin will never survive it.  Let's hope someone with power has some sense in the Kremlin. 

Dear me, I pray it isn't "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition" time.

I don't think it's a bad idea to stock up on a few supplies if one can afford it.

The dollar exchange is very high right now, for how long that will hold up is anyones guess.

Time to buy some candles and stock up on bottled water and perhaps some canned goods.

If we all go up in smoke it doesn't matter one way or the other if we overspent on extra items.

These days I really don't think they will do much damage to buildings just to anything living.

Directed energy weapons.

They probably were testing  them out a few years ago with all those fires in Ca. Tress and plastic outdoor furniture didn't have any damge but homes were burnt to the ground. All in nice little rows.Just enough damage to ruin people and keep them from rebuilding in the area.

It's nice in N. Ca. My mom lived in Santa Rosa before she passed away.

Had some time to drive around the area, very pretty before the fires.

Well, today looks lovely outside, seaze the day.

In other news...

My husand just informed me of a new law from last year that passed here in Hungary.

It's the first time we've heard of it.

Perhaps because we don't have minor children we missed it.

The Hungarian Medical Chamber voted on this.

The law could be vetoed however...

It is still be bit under consideration.

The laws states that children over age 12 can have legal sex with another person up to age 18.

From age 14 children can legally ingage in sex with any age.

I was under the impression that Hungary was against even teaching about sex in schools.

I remember being 12 1/2 to 13 years old and visiting my 18 year old Hippie sister and her husband at the horse ranch they managed.

Their 18 year old friend would visit with his 13 year old girlfriend. It was so strange to me that they were in a realtionship . I was very uncomfotable around that couple.

She was even driving and living with this guy between living with her parents.

She was super mature for 13 years old.

They later married and had a few children together but their situation was very rare and very strange.

In yet other news...

We just read that starting in Oct. in Germany they will have military pressence on the streets. They will be asking for papers etc.

Hmm, maybe it's getting about time to look into airfare prices....

In other news...
My husand just informed me of a new law from last year that passed here in Hungary.
It's the first time we've heard of it.
Perhaps because we don't have minor children we missed it.
The Hungarian Medical Chamber voted on this.
The law could be vetoed however...
It is still be bit under consideration.
The laws states that children over age 12 can have legal sex with another person up to age 18.
From age 14 children can legally ingage in sex with any age.
I was under the impression that Hungary was against even teaching about sex in schools.
I remember being 12 1/2 to 13 years old and visiting my 18 year old Hippie sister and her husband at the horse ranch they managed.
Their 18 year old friend would visit with his 13 year old girlfriend. It was so strange to me that they were in a realtionship . I was very uncomfotable around that couple.
She was even driving and living with this guy between living with her parents.
She was super mature for 13 years old.
They later married and had a few children together but their situation was very rare and very strange.
In yet other news...
We just read that starting in Oct. in Germany they will have military pressence on the streets. They will be asking for papers etc.
Hmm, maybe it's getting about time to look into airfare prices....
-@Marilyn Tassy

12 years old? Dear Lord

》Norway will deploy its military to protect its oil and gas installations against possible sabotage after several countries said two Russian pipelines to Europe spewing gas into the Baltic had been attacked, the prime minister said on Wednesday.《

Btw, anybody heard from OV about his master gas deal recently? Well I guess that's gone with the water.. oh wait!

》Norway will deploy its military to protect its oil and gas installations against possible sabotage after several countries said two Russian pipelines to Europe spewing gas into the Baltic had been attacked, the prime minister said on Wednesday.《
Btw, anybody heard from OV about his master gas deal recently? Well I guess that's gone with the water.. oh wait!

Not surprised.  OV is keeping quiet. It's beyond anything he can do. He's made himself an inconsequential spectator. He cannot blame all these events on the EU, Soros, judges, teachers or the LGBT+ community. No-one is consulting him on what happens next.

After thinking about it during the day, I suppose the demonstration Russia made of killing Nordstream 1+2, shows they could hit the new Norway-Poland pipeline as well. And a warning to Finland and Sweden, now headed for NATO membership.

Countries I expect the Baltic will become a no-go zone for shipping, especially for Russian vessels.  I expect heavy patrols by NATO member navies and probably lots of inspections. The chances of a clash with Russian military ships look high.

Some sites are speculating it was a submarine and others speculating it was a military ship disguised as a fishing boat. The water is too shallow for a submarine. Apparently the bomb would have been only perhaps the size of a fairly standard WW2 bomb. So logistically not that difficult to blow up.

...In yet other news...
We just read that starting in Oct. in Germany they will have military presence on the streets. They will be asking for papers etc.
Hmm, maybe it's getting about time to look into airfare prices....
-@Marilyn Tassy

I didn't read any of that in today's news and I read and listen to news almost 24x7.   In any case, why?

Might be old news as that was discussed a few years ago.   This is a problem.  Best think is to have a link to trusted sources - i.e proper journalists from mainstream newspapers or TV channels.

In other news...
My husand just informed me of a new law from last year that passed here in Hungary.
It's the first time we've heard of it.
Perhaps because we don't have minor children we missed it.
The Hungarian Medical Chamber voted on this.
The law could be vetoed however...
It is still be bit under consideration.
The laws states that children over age 12 can have legal sex with another person up to age 18.
From age 14 children can legally engage in sex with any age.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Is this some kind of increasing the population through teenage pregnancy initiative?

Sounds very weird as a policy.  It's like encouraging underage sex.

...In yet other news...
We just read that starting in Oct. in Germany they will have military presence on the streets. They will be asking for papers etc.
Hmm, maybe it's getting about time to look into airfare prices....
-@Marilyn Tassy

I didn't read any of that in today's news and I read and listen to news almost 24x7.  In any case, why?

Might be old news as that was discussed a few years ago.  This is a problem. Best think is to have a link to trusted sources - i.e proper journalists from mainstream newspapers or TV channels.

I've found this, not sure about reliability

https://worldfreedomalliance.org/au/new … n-october/

Dear me, I pray it isn't "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition" time.
I don't think it's a bad idea to stock up on a few supplies if one can afford it.
The dollar exchange is very high right now, for how long that will hold up is anyones guess.
Time to buy some candles and stock up on bottled water and perhaps some canned goods.
If we all go up in smoke it doesn't matter one way or the other if we overspent on extra items.
These days I really don't think they will do much damage to buildings just to anything living.
Directed energy weapons.
They probably were testing them out a few years ago with all those fires in Ca. Tress and plastic outdoor furniture didn't have any damge but homes were burnt to the ground. All in nice little rows.Just enough damage to ruin people and keep them from rebuilding in the area.
It's nice in N. Ca. My mom lived in Santa Rosa before she passed away.
Had some time to drive around the area, very pretty before the fires.
Well, today looks lovely outside, seaze the day.
-@Marilyn Tassy

One way or another I just hope when it comes to the worst it will be quick and painless. The "napalm girl" picture keeps me haunting whenever I hear about a war conflict

One way or another I just hope when it comes to the worst it will be quick and painless. The "napalm girl" picture keeps me haunting whenever I hear about a war conflict

I remember that actually happening and how it made the news. She survived but it was not good obviously.

There's no dignified death in war.   CNN has some footage of dead Russians piled up in the street.  Just Putin cannon fodder.  Some of them were very young according to the documents they found - just 23 years old.  What a senseless waste of life.  All for one man's ego.

In other news...
My husand just informed me of a new law from last year that passed here in Hungary.
It's the first time we've heard of it.
Perhaps because we don't have minor children we missed it.
The Hungarian Medical Chamber voted on this.
The law could be vetoed however...
It is still be bit under consideration.
The laws states that children over age 12 can have legal sex with another person up to age 18.
From age 14 children can legally ingage in sex with any age.
I was under the impression that Hungary was against even teaching about sex in schools.
I remember being 12 1/2 to 13 years old and visiting my 18 year old Hippie sister and her husband at the horse ranch they managed.
Their 18 year old friend would visit with his 13 year old girlfriend. It was so strange to me that they were in a realtionship . I was very uncomfotable around that couple.
She was even driving and living with this guy between living with her parents.
She was super mature for 13 years old.
They later married and had a few children together but their situation was very rare and very strange.
In yet other news...
We just read that starting in Oct. in Germany they will have military pressence on the streets. They will be asking for papers etc.
Hmm, maybe it's getting about time to look into airfare prices....
-@Marilyn Tassy
12 years old? Dear Lord

Let's hope it is ,"fake" news.