Absolutely Anything Else

a bit unexpected....
Hungary: Power outages prompt disruptions on the Ukrainian border

As of the morning of 3 December 2022 power outages in Ukraine have prompted disruptions on the Ukrainian border.

Officials have stated that border crossings near Lonya and Barabas towns, both located in Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg county, are currently suspended due to the outages.

The statement noted that operations at border crossings near Zahony and Beregsurany towns, both located in Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg county, have not been impacted.
Hmm, not good news.
I have a feeling another lockdown is just around the corner.
Really hope I'm wrong!
-@Marilyn Tassy

Wasn't clear to me if the border crossing is closed on the UKR side meaning the HU side had to be closed as well or the HU side was dependent on UKR power.    As usual half-baked statements reported.

I don't see any lockdowns likely.

BTW, Mrs Fluffy is reporting fuel shortages.  Some filling stations don't have 95.   More worryingly, we  have a few stations in the village (perhaps 4-5 of them) and I'm hearing from Mrs F that 2-3 of them look like they are going to be mothballed.  They just cannot cover their costs it seems.

We could be in for a fuel deprived winter.

I wrote that comment about a 2nd lockdown before chating with my son in Japan.

He and his wife were going out to dinner.

He wrote back saying their fave restaurant was closed and that today near the city center a 7-11 store was closed and it feels like another round of lockdowns is coming.

I wrote that comment about a 2nd lockdown before chating with my son in Japan.
He and his wife were going out to dinner.
He wrote back saying their fave restaurant was closed and that today near the city center a 7-11 store was closed and it feels like another round of lockdowns is coming.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Was it all closed because of COVID?

The place for lockdowns is China. That place looks like it's going to go into meltdown with the restrictions they've imposed.

I don't really get any of that. Why isn't everyone vaccinated there? 

They are expert at these large scale activities involving millions of people and they would vaccinate people even if they didn't want it.  That kind of regime.

Fuel update:

Went to a MOL station for petrol and there's no 95 (E10) but there was 100 (E5). 

We were a bit unsure as I'd forgotten if it could have 100 (E5).

I always put 95 in the car (it's old) so putting 100 in shouldn't be a problem but I decided to put it off until I'd checked online. Been years since I looked it up.

Problem with ethanol based fuel is supposedly that it can ruin your gaskets if the car too old.

I don't really get any of that. Why isn't everyone vaccinated there?


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/ … ence-chief

I don't really get any of that. Why isn't everyone vaccinated there?


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/ … ence-chief

I see.  That just about covers it.

Typical Commie idea a la Stalin and Putin,  the masses willing to sacrifice themselves for the leader's pride.

World Cup 2022:

England 3 Senegal 0

Senegal kept England on their toes. 

I doubt England's chances against champions France in the quarter final (Saturday 10th @ 20h CET, on MTV4 Sport)

WC 2022:

Brazil 4 Korea 1

Brazil clearly the superior team but the referee seems to have had an agenda with the Koreans.  Some serious mistakes by the Koreans who appear to have been far too polite.  The Korean goal might just be goal of the tournament.

Fuel update:
Went to a MOL station for petrol and there's no 95 (E10) but there was 100 (E5).

We were a bit unsure as I'd forgotten if it could have 100 (E5).

I always put 95 in the car (it's old) so putting 100 in shouldn't be a problem but I decided to put it off until I'd checked online. Been years since I looked it up.

Problem with ethanol based fuel is supposedly that it can ruin your gaskets if the car too old.

IDK, our Toyota is around 30 or so years old, runs better with 100.

It's worth it to us to use 100 in the long run as they car is stronger and smoother with it.

Yes, In Japan they are still wearing masks all this time when indoors.

My older sister just wrote to tell me she has Covid. Not too horrible but in bed these last 2 days. Runny nose etc.

She has had all the shots and boosters.

So far everyone I know has been vaxed excpet for my boy and ourselves. So far we haven'teven had one sniffle and I was in hospital last year with a dangerously low WBC.

Our neighbor is not vaxed but she doesn't see anyone and always is wearing a mask even just to take her trash out.

She does travel often on trains for hours at a time.

I suppose if we got it, it will either take us out or we have already been immune to it.

My friend in AZ wants to see me next time I visit the states BUT she will not hang with anyone who is not vaxed or not wearing a mask, Guess that reunion is never gonna happen cause I have no plans to volunteer for a jab.

She lives so far away from anyone that for sure her immune system is weak. Anyone 100 meters frm her could take her out.

IDK, our Toyota is around 30 or so years old, runs better with 100.
It's worth it to us to use 100 in the long run as they car is stronger and smoother with it.

Apparently there is a fuel shortage. People are panic buying. I was in the UK so I knew nothing of this. We seem to have dropped the ball and missed anticipating this problem. Mrs F says people are talking of driving to Slovakia and Austria to fill up where there is no shortage. Yeah, right, if you have fuel to get there.  It seems like it's mainly to do with MOL. They said it might ease by next week.

On the other hand, OV is getting it in the neck this week over so many things. Sounds good to me!

I suppose if we got it, it will either take us out or we have already been immune to it.
My friend in AZ wants to see me next time I visit the states BUT she will not hang with anyone who is not vaxed or not wearing a mask, Guess that reunion is never gonna happen cause I have no plans to volunteer for a jab.
She lives so far away from anyone that for sure her immune system is weak. Anyone 100 meters frm her could take her out.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I guess you've got your reasons not to be jabbed. In my own country, people are very enthusiastic to have the vaccine. Demand is and was very high. I've had 4 of them and I feel perfectly OK. It must have saved me from Omicron.  If I hadn't been jabbed I expect it would have really been a lot worse. Even my dear old Dad is on vaccination number 5. I'm really enthusiastic to to keep all my vaccinations up to date. I will be going to get boosted on my other vaccinations before Xmas. Some of them ran out during COVID.

Your friend in AZ, if she's been jabbed, she's got nothing to worry about.  If she hasn't been jabbed, I can understand her caution. But the easiest thing to do is get jabbed and not take the risk. The risk of anything happening to her because of the vaccine is far less than the risk of catching COVID.

I knew people that didn't have the jab and are no longer with us. Both my sister and father have had it twice. Both were vaccinated and only had it mild. My dad who is 82, I am pretty sure it will have killed him if he hadn't had the jab.

Well, that was a surprise. Spain is out of the WC losing to Morocco on penalties.

Well, that was a surprise. Spain is out of the WC losing to Spain on penalties.

You mean losing to Morocco.   It's amazing how this strong national teams are being pushed out of the tournament.

Fuel price fiascos:

As somewhat expected and under pressure from MOL, the HU government abandoned the current fuel price cap overnight. It's more now like a market price and a 50% increase.

Petrol is about 640 HUF/litre (1.54 EUR/l), diesel will be 699 HUF/litre (1.69 EUR/l). 

This doesn't sound like a subsidised price.

Article also says it will take 2 months for shortages to reduce.

This is a hot potato. It'll be interesting to see how this is going to affect the economy and OV's priorities about families and his bromance with Putin. It's going to hit everyone one way or another.  I was planning to buy fuel but I will wait until the weekend to see if stocks improve.

As of yesterday, OV also vetoed EUR 18 billion budget support to Ukraine. And didn't get his EUR 7 billion EU money.  Interestingly, the EU said it would move on without Hungarian support by reclassifying the support to Ukraine so a majority is sufficient rather than unanimous voting.  In other words, who cares what OV thinks!

Your price cap has been scrapped. That's what the problem was.

Your price cap has been scrapped. That's what the problem was.

Reports are the National Bank boss told OV to drop the cap.   

That and MOL (national fuel company) refusing to cooperate.  Apparently they said they were doing maintenance, not audits.

OV had no choice but to drop it.

Weirdly, Mrs F reports that people at her work do not seem understand what is going on.    She's had to reduce it to the price of chicken. Something everyone should understand, i.e it costs 1000 HUF to feed a chicken but  the government forces the farmer to sell it for 500 HUF.  Farmer's action is to pull out of chicken farming and to grow something else or keep the chickens until the market improves.  I cannot believe people don't understand that here.  Were they absent on the day they taught basic arithmetic?

Or maybe they are just sheeple.

Fuel shortages are one thing but food shortages are going to be a nightmare.

My husband trys to joke it off saying he wants to lose a few kilos, really it's not a joking matter.

If there are no deliveries even if your sitting on a pile of cash it won't matter.

I've already noticed items not stocked in a few shops that I normally buy.

Plenty of booze available though...

Last year I started watching "Despression Era Cooking with Carla".

Of course one needs their own small garden, us city dwellers are outta luck in that dept.

Better to stock up if you can, toss out items from closets and fill them with supplies.

At least that's the prepper in me talking. So far I can't convince my husband things are going south fast.

If I had small children at home for sure I'd start stocking up on itmes like boxed milk, water, cereal basic items.

No one wants to stand in long food lines for their daily rations.

I hope I'm just tripping and Mad Max time isn't around the corner.


Mrs F reports there is no 95 but there is diesel if you search for it.

There's no requirement now to show your car registration documents.

Radio reports 2 weeks until the situation is supposed to normalise

Fuel shortages are one thing but food shortages are going to be a nightmare.
My husband trys to joke it off saying he wants to lose a few kilos, really it's not a joking matter.
If there are no deliveries even if your sitting on a pile of cash it won't matter.
I've already noticed items not stocked in a few shops that I normally buy.
Plenty of booze available though...
Last year I started watching "Despression Era Cooking with Carla".
Of course one needs their own small garden, us city dwellers are outta luck in that dept.
Better to stock up if you can, toss out items from closets and fill them with supplies.
At least that's the prepper in me talking. So far I can't convince my husband things are going south fast.
If I had small children at home for sure I'd start stocking up on itmes like boxed milk, water, cereal basic items.
No one wants to stand in long food lines for their daily rations.
I hope I'm just tripping and Mad Max time isn't around the corner.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Depression Era Cooking with Carla?  Maybe should be Depressing Dining with Carla. Never heard of it.

We maintain stocks on some items and I was telling Mrs F to wind them down as it was pointless having too much stuff.  But maybe that's  famous last words.  There won't be shortages, it'll just be really expensive to live.

I was looking at an long distance air ticket price today.   The same journey I took 3 years ago is now between 2 x and 3 x the price.  Not all of that can be inflation. Presumably it's mostly fuel price inflation.

I love avacados. The average price per each is about 499.

I'm afraid if they raise the price too much they will just stop selling them if people aren't willing to pay a few bucks each for one.

It they get up to 700 or more each then even if you're willing to spend that much you might not find any for sale.

I also think there as to be a limit on stocking emergency food itmes.

The 3 people I knew who had reserves to last for years died before they ever needed any of their stock.

My cousin lived with his siter and BIL for awhile.

He was a bit of a prepper. He rented one room from them but took over a second room for his stock.

When he moved out( she had him locked up for a month , what it is in the UK, sectioned? Mental?) After he pulled his machine gun out and told them he was going to kill them... ODed on pills instead...

Off topic, well, she cleared out his things for when he got the VA and gov. to put him in a brand new apt. by himself.

Guess that's cheaper then keeping someone locked up in the looney bin.

Well, she freaked out, had to call a truck in to remove the floor to ceiling cans of food he had in the extra room. She said they were narrow walkways inside the room between piled up cans.. Might of been more of a wide pathways as my cousin was a large guy, 408 lbs!!

Poor guy his heart gave out last year.

Being a prepper is nothing new. In the 1970's my sisters FIL passed away. They also had to get a truck to remove all the stocked up food cans in his garage.

She said some were so old that it would of killed him to eat from those cans.

6 months is a good number to stock up for but not everyone has the room or willingness to organize and rotate itmes.

I still have items from the lockdown times. Guess it can't hurt of have bags of beans and salt, they usually dont go off unless they get damp.

I know the Mormons tell their members to have food and water stored for up to a year.

It's part of their religion as far as I know.

How much water can a person actually store if they don't have space or a tank in their yard?

At least in Hawaii it rains almost everyday in some areas.

Fuel update (s):

Looks like about 635'ish HUF at Auchan for 95. This morning I managed to get 20K HUF of 95 in the car at the automated fuel station.

There's no fuel at my local MOL and Aldi.  Shell have 95 fuel at 645 HUF

This afternoon, I was also at Oranges (automated fuel station locally) in my hobby car and it's 631 HUF for 95. 

Cheapest so far.

Strange now the price has gone up, somehow shortages have eased almost overnight.

.....He was a bit of a prepper. He rented one room from them but took over a second room for his stock.
When he moved out( she had him locked up for a month , what it is in the UK, sectioned? Mental?) After he pulled his machine gun out and told them he was going to kill them... ODed on pills instead...
Off topic, well, she cleared out his things for when he got the VA and gov. to put him in a brand new apt. by himself.
Guess that's cheaper then keeping someone locked up in the looney bin.
Well, she freaked out, had to call a truck in to remove the floor to ceiling cans of food he had in the extra room. She said they were narrow walkways inside the room between piled up cans.. Might of been more of a wide pathways as my cousin was a large guy, 408 lbs!!
I still have items from the lockdown times. Guess it can't hurt of have bags of beans and salt, they usually dont go off unless they get damp.
I know the Mormons tell their members to have food and water stored for up to a year.
It's part of their religion as far as I know.
How much water can a person actually store if they don't have space or a tank in their yard?
At least in Hawaii it rains almost everyday in some areas.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Yes, sectioned is indeed the UK (and elsewhere) term for committing someone involuntarily to a psychiatric hospital.  The term comes from the sections of the law (Mental Health Act 1983) which allows it.  There are multiple reasons to section people - usually if they are a danger to themselves and others etc. 

I've never really understood when people cross a line from just imagining stuff to being dangerous.  My BIL's progress in dementia does lead to irrational thinking and even minor hallucinations.  He's been saying weird things but he doesn't seem to be bothered by it all.   Like hallucinations are normal.   Same for my MIL.  She's confused who is alive or dead.  We just agree with her because she'll forget soon enough.

Rather coincidentally I had a summer job checking tin cans in a tin can factory to see if they had "blown".  These cans have a rubber type seal in the tops. If that leaks, the top of the can would be bulging due to the gas produced by bacteria feasting on the contents.   Those are the ones to chuck out.   I also tested bottle tops.  We had metal bottles underwater and we put pressurised gas through them until the tops started bubbling.   It was a bit of a weird job.  But I did learn the contents can remain edible for many years so long as the seal hasn't failed and the bugs haven't got in.   10+ years isn't unusual and could be much longer. 

I didn't know that about the Mormons.  I heard they wore one piece undergarments.  I am not sure if that's just in cold weather or all the time and for what purpose, I've no idea.

My MIL bought and filled two large water barrels for the supposed Year 2000 (non-)disaster.  She kept them full up in her cellar.   I don't know how they got emptied.  She must have had someone pump them out.   They disappeared, I know that.   But she's the kind of person to sit under a pyramid to get energy  or believe in beaming energy by thought power to sick people.  She has in the past been convinced I speak enough Hungarian to fully understand her.   That's never been true.

Yes, I can testify some Mormons do wear one piece undergarments. They look something like undergraments from 1880. go down to their knees.

My friend was mormon but not "super Mormon" she wore normal clothing, even short -shorts and taught exercise while wearing tight excerise gear. Wore a small swimsuit to the pool .Showed off her nice figure, no problem.

Had long red fingernails etc. Her husband liked that look and she always pleased her man.

We once went over to the apt. of a lady in our complex who was a Mormon. She was in the middle of getting dressed and had us come into her room while she dressed. She was wearing the long undergarments. I must of been starring hard because they both explained it to me.

Not all Mormons do that but those active in the church do or something like that.

OK, this women was nice but her husband creeped me out. Not him personally but his job. He was a Mortician...He was also a church elder so they followed all the old time traditions.

I think most people do live in their own world, with all these video games and social media it's going to get worst.

People create an image of how they want to be seen and believe it's real.

How else could they have so many odd dillusional people on U tube?

There is one very large women on U tube who does nothing but eat huge amounts of food and talk about fantasy tv shows or the past, like when she was a small child and nothing else.Orders tons of food, burps and farts on camera and thinks she is cute...

I'm sure she isn't the only one living in their own private Idaho...

I wonder at times if these people have a fliter or mirror, let alone one functioning brain cell,.

I know how do I know such a person is on U tube making bank by eating and burping without a care...I too have fallen into the dark hole of social media at times...

It's a mental illness just to view these self harming people.

But how real are all those Youtube "stars"? Aren't many of them just acting out a role to attract watchers? There can be serious money involved if you attract a big enough Youtube following.

But how real are all those Youtube "stars"? Aren't many of them just acting out a role to attract watchers? There can be serious money involved if you attract a big enough Youtube following.

Some must be acting. I really only check in with a few of them.

Then again to be over 450 lbs and they aren't acting...

They are putting their lives in danger being so overweight and just cramming food in their face.

It really is a good way to stay on a diet if anyone is trying to lose weight. They make the food look so disgusting that you just lost your appetite.

I went down the rabbit hole and clicked ne of these foodies.

It was funny at the time because as this women was gorging on junk food you could hear the guy behind the camera moaning a groaning in pleasure... It was so nasty that it was funny.

My husband thinks I need medical assitance if I click those sick U tubbers on.

I am over it now, had too much time on my hands when I was ill and couldn't watch anything too heavy( no pun).

They called it ,"food porn" channels.

I'm a rather thin person and watching people over eat is mind blowing to me.

I had 2 male cousins who both were over 400 lbs. I just couldn't believe they had no control over themselves.

One died about a year ago, his heart gave out. The other one has lost his weight but he has cancer... Not the best sort of diet.

It's a shame really the internet is so full of discovery and knowledge and people watch mind numbing junk instead.

The new drug, the internet...

What's unnerving is how Youtube susses out what you're interested in and makes those recommendations you're sure to click on, and end up down in that rabbit hole.

But how real are all those Youtube "stars"? Aren't many of them just acting out a role to attract watchers? There can be serious money involved if you attract a big enough Youtube following.

Yes, some of those people make real money doing that stuff.  And they go on to score in the more traditional media.  But I see TikTok is being sued in Indiana for corrupting the youth of today or whatever it is. 

People seem to be supporting the slapping around the likes of Facebook, TikTok etc.    That's without  any passing twinge of irony being here in these forums.

I wonder about the "rebels" of bygone eras - like perhaps Mozart or the Impressionists.  Maybe those Youtubers and what have you are just like them.  We'll see them as innovators in the future.

On the other hand, last night I was watching some dude installing a space heater in his shed/garage.  His tear down and experiments on efficiency seem pretty useful to me.  I often use YouTube to look at car repair techniques.  It's extremely useful for that.

My husband watched a couple of dudes with garage lathes showing how to machine.

IDK, my husband was gringging...

He said most were just bad.

He also said it takes a min. of 10 years experience running a machine to call yourself a machinist and that one never can claim they know it all.

He also has watched U tubers do car reapirs and they are helpful at times.

Also watching people fix broken computers has helped in the past, nothing major but he changed out a hard drive and a few other things in the past with help from U tube.

I suppose some people do make god money making those foodie U tubes.

They also spend more money on one junk food meal then I spend for an entire week for 2 people.

Makes me cringe at times how they let themselves go just to make money.

No one would watch a slim person eating a huge meal.

I watched for laughes mostly and it mind numbing if you want to just zone out.

I usually fall alseep while viewing them.

That's my vice, watching chubby people chow down..I suppose they would call that being a ,"feeder".

What cracks me up is these U tubbers have fans only sites. God knows what they post, not paying to see some fat lady naked eating a chicken wing. I have not fallen down the rabbbit hole that deep!

I wonder if that's what is meant by a dark winter.

I'm sort of waiting to see someone record having their first heart attack online. Now that's dark.

Yes, I can testify some Mormons do wear one piece undergarments. They look something like undergraments from 1880. go down to their knees.
My friend was mormon but not "super Mormon" she wore normal clothing, even short -shorts and taught exercise while wearing tight excerise gear. Wore a small swimsuit to the pool .Showed off her nice figure, no problem.
Had long red fingernails etc. Her husband liked that look and she always pleased her man.
We once went over to the apt. of a lady in our complex who was a Mormon. She was in the middle of getting dressed and had us come into her room while she dressed. She was wearing the long undergarments. I must of been starring hard because they both explained it to me.
Not all Mormons do that but those active in the church do or something like that.
OK, this women was nice but her husband creeped me out. Not him personally but his job. He was a Mortician...He was also a church elder so they followed all the old time traditions.
-@Marilyn Tassy

There used to be families in the UK - like Romanys or Gypsies or other groups - who, as they travelled, would drop by at the nearest church to get their kids baptised.  So you have a mix of different religious denominations all in the same family. 

I suppose the Mormon one piece underwear is some kind of chastity device. But of course, where there's a will, there's a way! I suppose if it was made out of some kind of lace or rubber or silk then it could work for comfort as well as a fetish.  More power to them.

I don't mind admitting I've got a one piece suit. Mine is made out of neoprene and I wear it with a mask, fins and snorkel for watersports (no, not that kind ;) ).

Strangely enough, Mrs F was talking about Morticians working from home in the USA. There's a movie on Netflix about it. So they'd have body preparation places in say, their outbuilding or basement and the rest of the family would be upstairs. Is this some kind of thing in the USA? We don't have such things in the UK - all that kind of thing is done at the funeral homes.  I've seen a couple of movies and TV shows with this sort of morticians at home thing going on. Most recently The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina the Teenage Witch (on Netflix - worth watching if you have young teenage kids hanging about).

I've never heard of a at home funeral parlor.

Perhaps they have a totally sepaerate enterance in some sort of commerical building where they are allowed to live on site?

Sounds a bit rare to me.

I know in the US you can have a beauty salon at home but they have strict rules.

You have to have the salon closed off from the rest of the home. Have a seperate enterance, bathroom and sinks.

My old salon in NM was remodeled from a cool old Adobe house.

The front of the home was another business and I was in the back with a brick wall between both businesses.

I had a bathroom that came with a shower and 2 rooms, one looked like it had been a bedroom but the closets were gone and I had 2 salon stations in that room plus 2 stations in the other room. The sink area might of been part of a kitchen at one time, hard to say it just had 2 sinks .

The front area was a reception area.

I suppose if one needed they could of lived in the salon in the back area with the door closed. Hmm, maybe that would of been a good idea after all, got expensive paying rent on a house, the salon and a machine shop at the same time.

I've never heard of a at home funeral parlor.
Perhaps they have a totally sepaerate enterance in some sort of commerical building where they are allowed to live on site?
Sounds a bit rare to me.
I know in the US you can have a beauty salon at home but they have strict rules.
You have to have the salon closed off from the rest of the home. Have a seperate enterance, bathroom and sinks.
My old salon in NM was remodeled from a cool old Adobe house.
The front of the home was another business and I was in the back with a brick wall between both businesses.
I had a bathroom that came with a shower and 2 rooms, one looked like it had been a bedroom but the closets were gone and I had 2 salon stations in that room plus 2 stations in the other room. The sink area might of been part of a kitchen at one time, hard to say it just had 2 sinks .
The front area was a reception area.
I suppose if one needed they could of lived in the salon in the back area with the door closed. Hmm, maybe that would of been a good idea after all, got expensive paying rent on a house, the salon and a machine shop at the same time.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I can see "living above the shop" would be a reasonable cost saving measure. I suppose out in the countryside or remote areas, the funeral home would have been at the local carpenter's place (for making the caskets) or even the local doctor's place (used to dead bodies). Like in the UK, 100s of years ago, barbers used to do dentistry and surgery.  Hence the red and white rotating poles outside.

Unless of course living above the shop means something else if you're Elon Musk who apparently is living at Twitter HQ and turning it into some kind of hotel.

Possibly illegally even. Zoning and all that.

I suppose if it was a beauty salon in one part and a machine shop in the other, some metal work repairs could be going on and "while you wait" you could get your hair or nails done and watch the repairs through a window.   

WC 2022:

Croatia 1 Brazil 1

But Croatia wins on penalties 4-2.

It was about the most exciting match I've seen in the entire tournament. Brazil is such a strong team it's certainly a surprise to be knocked out by a relative minnow.  Croatia put up a strong performance.

WC 2022:

Netherlands 2 Argentina 2

Argentina wins on penalties after extra time

Plenty of theatrics from Argentina with Messi being a prima donna taking every opportunity to roll around on the ground faking it.  Lots of Argentine fouls on The Netherlands. More than a bit of argy-bargy when a scuffle broke out between the NL players on the bench and the Argentine players after a foul by Argentina. But it's all over now and we all move on and await tomorrow's match England vs France.

WC 2022:
Netherlands 2 Argentina 2

Argentina wins on penalties after extra time

Plenty of theatrics from Argentina with Messi being a prima donna taking every opportunity to roll around on the ground faking it. Lots of Argentine fouls on The Netherlands. More than a bit of argy-bargy when a scuffle broke out between the players on the bench and the Argentine players after a foul by Argentina. But it's all over now and we all move on and await tomorrow's match England vs France.

How many yellow cards?

WC 2022:
Netherlands 2 Argentina 2

Argentina wins on penalties after extra time

Plenty of theatrics from Argentina with Messi being a prima donna taking every opportunity to roll around on the ground faking it. Lots of Argentine fouls on The Netherlands. More than a bit of argy-bargy when a scuffle broke out between the players on the bench and the Argentine players after a foul by Argentina. But it's all over now and we all move on and await tomorrow's match England vs France.

How many yellow cards?

Too many to count.  And some Argentine players banned from the next match.

WC 2022

Morocco  1 Portugal 0

An exciting match and a total shocker.   This is a really different World Cup.  Ronaldo didn't make any difference despite being on as a sub in the 2nd half.  Portugal played well but made mistakes. Morocco had the determination to push through and played a technically better game.  Their goalie did very well despite pressure from Portugal. Saved them multiple times.

If England beat France, I hope it doesn't go to their heads. We have seen this before.

WC 2022

England 1 France 2

All over for Les Rost Biefs.

The referee needs a new pair of glasses.

WC 2022:

Tuesday -

Argentina vs Croatia 20h CET.  This should be a good one.  Fluffy prediction Argentina 3 Croatia 1

Wednesday - 

France vs Morocco 20h CET. 

Be interesting but France will probably overpower Morocco easily.  Fluffy Prediction France 4 Morocco 0.

WC 2022:

Final Sunday 18th 16h CET

Argentina vs France

Third Place Saturday 17th 16h CET

Croatia vs Morocco

Morocco did well but couldn't overcome the technical skills of France.  It was a worthy try.