Absolutely Anything Else

@Marilyn Tassy

Thank You!!

The clocks have ticked, the fireworks have banged and the drinks have been drunk.

Welcome to 2023.

The clocks have ticked, the fireworks have banged and the drinks have been drunk.
Welcome to 2023.


The clocks have ticked, the fireworks have banged and the drinks have been drunk.
Welcome to 2023.

Ticked - I think you mean 1923 1f923.svg


Happy new year to all. A welcome positive change...oh nooo

The clocks have ticked, the fireworks have banged and the drinks have been drunk.
Welcome to 2023.

Ticked - I think you mean 1923 1f923.svg

There's almost a cacophony of ticking clocks here at Fluffy Towers.

At my paternal grandmother's house, she had a cuckoo clock which used to tick noisily.   

I remember (aged about 6) looking at her coal fire going, it being rather too warm in that room, her sat by the fire and the silence except for the ticking clock and occasional crackle from coal.


Let's see.

I think we will have some power strikes and even curfews again.

Since  the last lot of restrictions I have bought a few extra items whenever I go shopping but it feels a bit over the top to continue to do so now.

Besides it does tend to clog up my space and, famous last words, I'm not expecting prices to get much higher.

I'm not sure if prices will get much higher or not but the exchange rates fluctuate day by day.

I know many decades ago in some countries people would go shopping immediately after collecting their wages because if they waited even one day the prices would be higher.

We recieved a notice from the US gov. that they are increasing our retirement pay but I also got notices of price hikes on other obligations we pay.

I know we are spending at least every other day or two something like 20,000 forints on groceries and we do not buy top shelf items that often.

We were purchasing a few extra non-perishable goods here and there but not so much any longer.

We also are running out of room for storage.

It's not really a issue but for people with larger familes or appetites it's not so great.

I'm not sure if prices will get much higher or not but the exchange rates fluctuate day by day.
I know many decades ago in some countries people would go shopping immediately after collecting their wages because if they waited even one day the prices would be higher.
We recieved a notice from the US gov. that they are increasing our retirement pay but I also got notices of price hikes on other obligations we pay.
I know we are spending at least every other day or two something like 20,000 forints on groceries and we do not buy top shelf items that often.
We were purchasing a few extra non-perishable goods here and there but not so much any longer.
We also are running out of room for storage.
It's not really a issue but for people with larger familes or appetites it's not so great.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Prices are rising far too fast for wages to keep up.   

It's not so bad here if you are paid in foreign currency  as your USD goes further initially but eventually prices will catch up as import prices rise.

It's slow slide into recession and unemployment will rise.   

Hungary isn't going to weather the storm more than any other country.   

Communism believed they could grow a lemon (aka Hungarian "orange") in Hungary, simply by sheer force of righteous belief.   

Current politics are growing lemons as well, not just in Hungary but also in the US Congress.  It's rivaling a soap opera over there what with Kevin McCarthy and the George Santos saga. My US colleagues are highly entertained by the shenanigans.

I left a book back in the UK, well it was a nice address and birthday book because I am hopeless at remembering things.

Bloody Brexit, it cost me €5 to collect it from the Post Office. I was expecting the charge but all the same, I really wish I could slap Boris and his cronies sometimes.

In other news, my relationship has broken down and we are parting ways. So the house is going on the market. As it was my money that bought the house I get to keep that, we will just split the profit.

Oh I forgot, its going to be a great year, as I go under the knife. I am having one of my discs removed in my spine and having 2 metal rods inserted.

So...... It may take 4 to 6 weeks to get back to doing simple activities, such as light housework. It may take 6 months to a year for your back to get better completely. You may need to wear a back brace while your back heals and back to having Physio.

That will happen on 21st March, just 7 days before my birthday.

I left a book back in the UK, well it was a nice address and birthday book because I am hopeless at remembering things.
Bloody Brexit, it cost me €5 to collect it from the Post Office. I was expecting the charge but all the same, I really wish I could slap Boris and his cronies sometimes.
In other news, my relationship has broken down and we are parting ways. So the house is going on the market. As it was my money that bought the house I get to keep that, we will just split the profit.

Sorry to hear that about splitting up.   Mrs F and I were married before so this is second time around for both of us.  Neither of us enjoyed the process of breaking up - it was like Beirut in the civil war. Wastes so much time, energy and money.  We're determined to be nice to each other and together until the very end.   In some ways, we're an odd couple and stronger for it.

Blood Brexit indeed.   I believe UK polls are creeping more towards EU positiveness.  Maybe it goes the other way and it does become a policy. 

I did read an interview with the leader of the Reform Party (formerly UKIP) and I was staggered to hear that those beliefs and policies are still alive somewhere in the system.   

It's all part of the same thing, Farage is no longer in your garage,  the last days of Trump and cronies as they circle the plug hole, Bolsanaro evaporating in Brazil etc.   Social media is getting more under control to some extent so less fake news.  Maybe sanity is coming back into fashion.

Oh I forgot, its going to be a great year, as I go under the knife. I am having one of my discs removed in my spine and having 2 metal rods inserted.
So...... It may take 4 to 6 weeks to get back to doing simple activities, such as light housework. It may take 6 months to a year for your back to get better completely. You may need to wear a back brace while your back heals and back to having Physio.

That will happen on 21st March, just 7 days before my birthday.

Sorry to hear that.  Backs are funny things.   I've been visiting a chiropractor.  I don't think it really did any good.  Chiropractor said I had a trapped nerve after X-raying me.  She said we're not built for sitting at desks.  We should stand up and not use our backs as hinges for heavy lifting etc.   Not much I could do about it in the end.  I suspect they could grind off a bit of bone which is impinging on the nerves but quite risky.  My current issue is never being able to sleep the whole night through. I have to get up and move around.  And I eat painkillers too often for my liking.  My bro has inoperable cysts in his spine.  They aren't cancer, just impinging on his nerves.  All the Docs could do is offer painkillers for when it's bad. 

I hope the op reduces your pain.



God, yes, that old chestnut.

I used to like Farage but he's clearly a total plonker.  A broken record.  We never hear from him now. 

I used to like Johnson.  But that's what he is.  Johnson by name, a giant Johnson by nature.

What a muddle. 

The whole of the UK is in a mess, with all the strikes. Labour doesn't seem to be any better after listening to Starmer's speech, just as bad as Sunaks speech yesterday.

There's a contradiction that's hard to resolve. On the one hand, getting anything done really requires a leader who'll bulldoze his/her agenda through. On the other hand, voters don't seem to like hard-headed leaders and prefer relative softies like Sunak. Could a Thatcher clone possibly come to power today?

The whole of the UK is in a mess, with all the strikes. Labour doesn't seem to be any better after listening to Starmer's speech, just as bad as Sunaks speech yesterday.

Starmer is biding his time.  He's got annoyed Tory voters on his side at the moment.  If he says something stupid (to them), it's a vote loser.  Once he's got his feet under the table, he can start spouting his policies more forcefully.

Sunak's speech was a waste of space.  Written by a 12 year old with too much time on their hands.  Sunlight uplands and prancing unicorns tomorrow,  dire straights for now.

There's a contradiction that's hard to resolve. On the one hand, getting anything done really requires a leader who'll bulldoze his/her agenda through. On the other hand, voters don't seem to like hard-headed leaders and prefer relative softies like Sunak. Could a Thatcher clone possibly come to power today?

Thatcher was a special case for those times. People aren't interesting in recreating her demise.  Whatever's going on in No. 10, it looks like amateur hour.

And over in the USA, I am amazed Gaetz seems to be holding McCarthy's feet to the fire interminably.  The guy has to pull out of the race. It's the only way the hard right will see a way forward.  Lots of schadenfreude to enjoy but Gaetz was alledgedly involved in so many dodgy dealings, how did he suddenly become the kingmaker.

KM was finished as soon as he said he thought he had "earned" the job. How tone-deaf can a politician be.

As to Thatcher and her "special times," with strikes, inflation, and Brexit after-effects hitting Britain hard, "special times" may well be on the horizon again, and produce a strong leader who's not afraid to break some eggs. And make the trains run on time.

Oh dear, Poor SimCityAT.

Are you having surgery in Hungary or going to the UK for treatment?

I had minor orthoscopic knee surgery in Hungary about 9 years ago.

I was sent to the major ortho hospital in the 8th district, on Fumei Ut.( not sure about the spelling)

Not the most fun of places, the food was horrible, the little that was served. Basically luke warm watery tea and stale bread and margarine.

If there is no one around to bring you treats and drinks be sure to pack an extra bag full of items.

Fresh fruit or even dried fruit or crackers and a cans of fish and your own drinking water.

I was in hospital here about 16 months ago for 5 days for another health issue.

Food was again terrible and I had to bring around 2 -6 packs of water because they just don't give you any. If drinking from the old sink is fine with you then don't bother packing.

Just a tip, bring ear plugs and an eye shade for sleeping.

The wifi didn't work in the hospital and I was in isolation for 5 days. Was talking to myslef really.

They usually have a cafe inside every hospital but they overcharge for water and sandwiches, they are stale as well.

You probably won't be up and about after back surgery so the cafe is out.

They will give you a long list of what to bring with you like TP and soap.

Bring your own pillow because they are sort of cheap with giving out more then one.

I am also very sorry to hear about your break-up.

Right now might be not the best time to sale?

I know when we were looking 13 years ago there was hardly a dozen flats for sale in our district. My husband looked a few weeks ago and now there are more then 600 just in our district up for sale.

If I were you, and I could chose, I'd have my surgery in the UK.

You may or may not need rehab afterwards and the PT clinic where I went was not well funded and the equipment was from God knows when, maybe the 1950's?

Of course you can do it here, no fear, the hospitals are a bit rough but you can do it.

Years ago i was thinking of a volunteer deal, visiting ex-pats in hospitals and making sure their needs were met.

If I were younger that might be a good idea.

I had to wait hours for them to bring me a walker to use the WC post knee surgery. It's the little things that mean allot when your down.

Oh dear, Poor SimCityAT.
Are you having surgery in Hungary or going to the UK for treatment?
-@Marilyn Tassy

He'll be having that surgery in Austria I suppose.

Compared to HU, it'll be 5 * hospital with hot and cold running bedside services - free WiFi and movie channels.  And instead of HU gruel, it'll be AT chef prepared lunches and dinners, with dishes flambeed at the bedside. Chauffeur driven ambulances and 24x7 home help. Caviar sandwiches and champagne on demand.

Ok, I'm exaggerating. There might not be caviar sandwiches. Might be oysters. Or maybe something in between like tuna.

Anyways, better in AT than HU for that level of surgery.  UK probably better than both technically.  If you can get an appointment.

My Swiss friends mom was in hospital in Switzerland, she had a wine list!

In Sweden my husband was given a Hungarian speaking nurse.

Personally, I'd pay double for coverage here if they had proper water pressure and  private curtain between beds!

Oh dear, Poor SimCityAT.
Are you having surgery in Hungary or going to the UK for treatment?
-@Marilyn Tassy

He'll be having that surgery in Austria I suppose.

Compared to HU, it'll be 5 * hospital with hot and cold running bedside services - free WiFi and movie channels. And instead of HU gruel, it'll be AT chef prepared lunches and dinners, with dishes flambeed at the bedside. Chauffeur driven ambulances and 24x7 home help. Caviar sandwiches and champagne on demand.

Ok, I'm exaggerating. There might not be caviar sandwiches. Might be oysters. Or maybe something in between like tuna.

Anyways, better in AT than HU for that level of surgery. UK probably better than both technically. If you can get an appointment.

I am having the top surgeon in Austria doing the operation. 

Yes we have FREE WiFi, no idea about TV, but in my previous stays in the hospital we had TV with loads of channels.

My Swiss friends mom was in hospital in Switzerland, she had a wine list!
In Sweden my husband was given a Hungarian speaking nurse.
Personally, I'd pay double for coverage here if they had proper water pressure and private curtain between beds!
-@Marilyn Tassy

In Private hospitals in Austria, you get room service and a bar list. Even standard hospitals sell wine and beer at the hospital cafe.

I really wish you all the best with your upcoming surgery.

Don't wish to scare you but my friend from childhood had major neck then back surgery I suppose it was 4 years ago.

First they did her neck then a few months later her spine.

They build a sort of cage to hold it in place, no rods but a huge contraption.

She had to go to rehab for 2 months. Last I heard about a year ago from her daughter is it wasn't going to well with her. She is not very mobile.

She was in a top hospital in N. Ca.

She is pretty much no contact with anyone lately.

She had back issues since I've known her from like age 11.

She is a very top heavy women and rather tall.

Not sure if her body frame has anything to do with her back problems.

I'm sure you are in good hands, just saying be ready for a bit of lng termp PT in your future.

I wasn't given PT post knee surgery here in Hungary but beforehand.

Sort of silly really to do it that way.

I had to return to the US and got serious PT in Vegas for 2 months.

It's always best to know what can happen even if it doesn't happen.

I was in the hospital in 2021 for another issue and honestly wasn't told too much , I felt like I was a goner though.

It's best not to be at their mercy and have all the info beforehand.

My Swiss friends mom was in hospital in Switzerland, she had a wine list!
In Sweden my husband was given a Hungarian speaking nurse.
Personally, I'd pay double for coverage here if they had proper water pressure and private curtain between beds!
-@Marilyn Tassy

In Private hospitals in Austria, you get room service and a bar list. Even standard hospitals sell wine and beer at the hospital cafe.

I knew it. 

It's hard to compare HU to AT.  People here could only dream of that kind of thing.  When Mrs F was in hospital here (having babies), I had to bring in food for her on a daily basis. The actual technical care was fine. But of course, extra cash under the table to get extra attention makes a lot of difference.  You're better off in AT for sure.

Having visiting my poor old Mum in hospital in the UK, I was very impressed by the level attention and the more or less continuous tea delivery.  I wasn't that sure about the medical care itself.  Doctors that did turn up were extremely nice but they did dance around the subject. Unlike my deceased brother was told up front he was terminal.  No sugar coating.

It's hard for me to compare. I've never been in hospital overnight. I've been an outpatient and seen consultants but I've never been kept there to sleep. I guess I've just been lucky so far.

I really wish you all the best with your upcoming surgery.
Don't wish to scare you but my friend from childhood had major neck then back surgery I suppose it was 4 years ago.
First they did her neck then a few months later her spine.
They build a sort of cage to hold it in place, no rods but a huge contraption.
She had to go to rehab for 2 months. Last I heard about a year ago from her daughter is it wasn't going to well with her. She is not very mobile.
She was in a top hospital in N. Ca.
She is pretty much no contact with anyone lately.
She had back issues since I've known her from like age 11.
She is a very top heavy women and rather tall.
Not sure if her body frame has anything to do with her back problems.
I'm sure you are in good hands, just saying be ready for a bit of lng termp PT in your future.
I wasn't given PT post knee surgery here in Hungary but beforehand.
Sort of silly really to do it that way.
I had to return to the US and got serious PT in Vegas for 2 months.
It's always best to know what can happen even if it doesn't happen.
I was in the hospital in 2021 for another issue and honestly wasn't told too much , I felt like I was a goner though.
It's best not to be at their mercy and have all the info beforehand.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I've seen a frame/cage operation on the TV on a medical show.

It's like a metal framework shaped a bit like a cylinder which supports the bones of the spine with rods and screws.  It's really impressive as a bit of technology and seemed to really help the patient. I was amazed they could fit that into someone's neck and for it to be completely invisible post-operation. I am not sure what the entire result was as the TV show had no follow up but the docs were saying it was a complete success.

My own disks are becoming worn out in my neck. It's manageable with some painkillers when it's particularly annoying.  I was told be rubber bits were degraded and the nerve entry/exit parts were narrowed due to the rubbery bits becoming thinner. Not much they can do about it.  It only really hurts in the morning and if I do a lot of bending.

I've only been in hospital a couple of times, and although Austrians moan about them I find top notch, I tell them to visit the UK and try the food.

In Austria, you get given a menu when you arrive and have 3 choices for Lunch and Dinner. Breakfast is just standard, I think you could state if you were Vegan or Vegetarian.

In the US they have a decent menu at the 2 different hospitals I was in over the years there.

One was when my baby was born, it was like a resort on Maui. I had a ocean view from the bed and the food was so fresh and good.

They had me stay 3 days instead of the then usual 2 days. The other mom's were  jealous of me! Some had more then one child and their big event was being cared for in hospital and the nice meals.

Yes, that custom cage thing is what they did with my friend, Pam.

The neck went pretty good but the big operation on her spine was not so great. Her daughter was telling me she wanted to die instead of going through all that pain.

I really should try to contact her daughter and see how she is doing. Just hate to intrude on her if she isn't well.

On the bright side, I had a good friend in Ca. who had polio as a child in the 1950's. She was in an iron lung for over a year.

They put a rod in her spine and she was fine.

She had two children and worked etc. Never said anything about it except she couldn't touch her toes. Cancer got her in the end but her back was fine.

I've only been in hospital a couple of times, and although Austrians moan about them I find top notch, I tell them to visit the UK and try the food.
In Austria, you get given a menu when you arrive and have 3 choices for Lunch and Dinner. Breakfast is just standard, I think you could state if you were Vegan or Vegetarian.

It has to be better than the UK currently.  It's falling to bits there.    I'm watching the "Ambulance" TV show on iPlayer and it's hard to believe that people are still committed to providing the service.  The stress looks overwhelming.  No wonder they are leaving in droves.   That said my Dad was in hospital overnight a few weeks ago - chest infection.   And from what I heard, the standard of care was very high. They only thing which didn't work was discharge.  He's 98 and they just wanted him to be dumped back at home.   We had to emergency mobilise private carers to rescue him from the hospital.   Otherwise they'd have taken him home by taxi and left him on the doorstep.

Rishi Sunak holding NHS crisis meeting at No 10 as pressure builds on health service

https://news.sky.com/story/pm-to-hold-n … e-12781174

Rishi Sunak holding NHS crisis meeting at No 10 as pressure builds on health service
https://news.sky.com/story/pm-to-hold-n … e-12781174

LBC ran an interview with someone there in the meeting and none of those involved with industrial action were actually present.  It's like the railways.  The government talks big but never  meets with those organising the strikes.   The law change they are proposing to stop industrial action is going to go nowhere - legal experts say it's got no chance of flying.

Supply chain issues:

Mrs Fluffy reports shortages at the supermarkets (Aldi and ECO-family) of:

Dishwasher tablets

Tinned Dog Food

Small oranges like satsumas/mandarins

Fuel prices seem to be down at our local "Oranges" discount station.  95 is about 630 HUF and Diesel is about 687 HUF.   MOL and Shell are much more expensive. Even Aldi is being undercut.

700 was the magic number at Tesco for most items per kilo.

Onions at 529 per kilo.

My husband was freaked out years ago in the US when he saw poatoes sold by the piece, seems that will be happneing here too very soon at this rate.

My freind in AZ told me the type of free range eggs she likes cost $9.00 per dozen!

I saw a meme with a Rapper all dressed up with a gold chain around his neck.

Instead of a diamond pendant he was sporting a carton of free range eggs on his chain.

It was meant to be funny but it's getting to close to reality.

700 was the magic number at Tesco for most items per kilo.
Onions at 529 per kilo.
My husband was freaked out years ago in the US when he saw poatoes sold by the piece, seems that will be happneing here too very soon at this rate.
My freind in AZ told me the type of free range eggs she likes cost $9.00 per dozen!
I saw a meme with a Rapper all dressed up with a gold chain around his neck.
Instead of a diamond pendant he was sporting a carton of free range eggs on his chain.
It was meant to be funny but it's getting to close to reality.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Funny you say that. Mrs F showed me a packet of pasta from EC-family that cost 700 HUF for 500g yet in Tesco it was 1000 HUF for 1kg. 100% more for 50% more.  And less visits to the shops.  Unusual for Tesco to be cheaper than EC-family or whatever it's called.  And fuel is 700 HUF/litre.  Maybe we're heading for 700 HUF per EUR/USD.  The new HUF normal.

We used to have chickens here at Fluffy Towers. Maybe we should get some more. You get about one egg per day per chicken for 3-4 years.  The eggs were nice but the mice liked the chicken food too much. The chicken food was cheap though. If we lived out in the sticks, I'd be OK to have chickens again as they could roam further. We've still got the chicken house and chicken compound can be resurrected.   But if other people have to look after them when you're away, and the dog is asleep too much,  the chickens are going to die horribly, murdered by martins, foxes and other interlopers.

My husband said as soon as the average price gets even closer to 1,000 per kilo, people are going to freak out and not buy anything they do not really need.

I noticed last month that the outdoor farmerts market was packed with shoppers. They sell mostly produce so i don't think it was because of the holidays that it was so busy.

Even so, they are not very much cheaper then a store is.

Tesco prices seem higher every week.

I wouldn't mind raising chickens but then again it's not worth it for one egg per day per chicken. Maybe if you sing to them they may lay more eggs? One egg per day would work for me thugh. I only eat one at a time.

We were given some farm fresh eggs in Hawaii and it takes some getting used to, they are so different then store bought ones. So yellow inside and have a stronger taste.

I buy the GMO free eggs or the Omega -3 eggs.

I read these types have more omega 3 inside and your normal eggs sold in shops has to much omega 6. It's because of what is feed to the chickens.

In the states I always purchased free range organic eggs.

I never really took notice in the past of the differnt sort of eggs for sale here, I used to look at the price before what they actually were.

IDK, I am trying to eat less but better quaility items.

My husband is limiting his pastsa intake so I am too.

I love pasta but it's no fun to make it just for one.

I've quit my one can of beer and not drinking anything but fresh tea and water.

Not to save money but for my health.

I am actually more tired not drinking then having one beer every so often.

Strange, I sleep longer and deeper without adding poison to my diet.


Sad to hear that. But new year gives new hope.

My husband said as soon as the average price gets even closer to 1,000 per kilo, people are going to freak out and not buy anything they do not really need.
I noticed last month that the outdoor farmerts market was packed with shoppers. They sell mostly produce so i don't think it was because of the holidays that it was so busy.
Even so, they are not very much cheaper then a store is.
Tesco prices seem higher every week.
I wouldn't mind raising chickens but then again it's not worth it for one egg per day per chicken. Maybe if you sing to them they may lay more eggs? One egg per day would work for me thugh. I only eat one at a time.
We were given some farm fresh eggs in Hawaii and it takes some getting used to, they are so different then store bought ones. So yellow inside and have a stronger taste.
I buy the GMO free eggs or the Omega -3 eggs.
I read these types have more omega 3 inside and your normal eggs sold in shops has to much omega 6. It's because of what is feed to the chickens.
In the states I always purchased free range organic eggs.
I never really took notice in the past of the differnt sort of eggs for sale here, I used to look at the price before what they actually were.
IDK, I am trying to eat less but better quaility items.
My husband is limiting his pastsa intake so I am too.
I love pasta but it's no fun to make it just for one.
I've quit my one can of beer and not drinking anything but fresh tea and water.
Not to save money but for my health.
I am actually more tired not drinking then having one beer every so often.
Strange, I sleep longer and deeper without adding poison to my diet.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Eggs do indeed vary so much but it's all related to the food they eat.   To make it worthwhile, you need about 6 chickens so that you can get half a dozen per day.  It doesn't work out like that usually - probably you'd get anywhere between 2 and 6 eggs per day.    The yolk is the most telling indicator of the food the chickens get.   Very yellow yolks show good quality food.  Light yolks, not very good quality. 

It depends on all sorts of things like the weather, age   of the chicken, food, how stressed they are and if it's raining.   We let our chickens roam in the garden so they had a nice life and could do their thing which mainly consists of scratching, dust baths and eating any plants and bugs they fancy.  Some of the weeds they really liked - they were crazy for one particular one.   Others they never touched - chickens know. They did fight amongst themselves.  Definitely there was a pecking order.  Every chicken knows its position in the hierarchy.    They were quite brutal with each other if they got into a fight.

We were "kind" to the chickens.  They got entertainment (they seem to like looking in a mirror) and plenty of attention.   The kids used to cuddle them.  They had a really nice chicken house with nesting boxes, good bedding and security.   I made it from a design I found on the internet - it was on wheels with a metal frame and the wood part built out of old furniture and a pallet.  Two level perches they enjoyed.  They were well looked after but they don't have such a long lifespan.  Maybe 4 years.  All of them died naturally apart from the last one which was brutally murdered.  They all got buried under unused parts of the vegetable patch.   Seems to have done wonders for the soil there so they continue to serve.

When I stopped drinking, I was very tired for a few weeks and then it started to get better.   Alcohol induced sleep is definitely bad sleep. Perhaps the difference between being unconscious or actually being asleep.

Chickens and their pecking order.

That's interesting.

My MIL had chickens and ever so often she'd give them the axe.

I thought she was a barbarian my first visit to Hungary.

She allowed my 2 1/2 year old son to play with a chicken in the yard. He was so happy chasing it around and laughing.

We took a day trip and when we got back to the house he wanted to play with his chicken. All we found were feathers in the yard and pot of boiling soup.

He cried his little eyes out...

My son's ex MIL was something else.

A Hungarian sort of businesswomen/ country women.

She was actually not Hungarian but German.

She had a few bucks but no one would of guessed it.

She had a large 3 story home in Buda and a large Balaton property and a small antique shop in Balaton.

She knew how to save a dollar though.

She had a car but would take the train to her Balaton villa.

She wanted to bring a couple of her Buda chickens down to Balaton but they wouldn't allow her on the train with them. Guess she tried to take them onboard and was turned away.

To save gas money she decided to load them up and place them on the back of her bicycle.

She rode her bike all the way to Balaton just to bring her chickens and not waste gas on her car!

No wonder she saw my son as a meal ticket when he was living with them.

I thought that was just insane to cary her chickens that way like she was some poor simple person with no other options.

I must sound like I was a heavy drinker but no, didn't drink a drop for nearly a year because of my health then decided to have a 4.5% alcohol beer every day or two for the holidays.

I haven't touched anything over 11% in many years. Not a drop in the house, not even for cooking.

I've been making aloe vera juice from plants we've grown with fresh ginger and some honey. Can't see any reason toe buy chemical lased drinks when we can make our own.

Believe me, ginger has a kick.