Absolutely Anything Else

Chickens and their pecking order.
That's interesting.
My MIL had chickens and ever so often she'd give them the axe.
I thought she was a barbarian my first visit to Hungary.
She allowed my 2 1/2 year old son to play with a chicken in the yard. He was so happy chasing it around and laughing.
We took a day trip and when we got back to the house he wanted to play with his chicken. All we found were feathers in the yard and pot of boiling soup.
He cried his little eyes out...
My son's ex MIL was something else.
A Hungarian sort of businesswomen/ country women.
She was actually not Hungarian but German.
She had a few bucks but no one would of guessed it.
She had a large 3 story home in Buda and a large Balaton property and a small antique shop in Balaton.
She knew how to save a dollar though.
She had a car but would take the train to her Balaton villa.
She wanted to bring a couple of her Buda chickens down to Balaton but they wouldn't allow her on the train with them. Guess she tried to take them onboard and was turned away.
To save gas money she decided to load them up and place them on the back of her bicycle.
She rode her bike all the way to Balaton just to bring her chickens and not waste gas on her car!
No wonder she saw my son as a meal ticket when he was living with them.
I thought that was just insane to cary her chickens that way like she was some poor simple person with no other options.
I must sound like I was a heavy drinker but no, didn't drink a drop for nearly a year because of my health then decided to have a 4.5% alcohol beer every day or two for the holidays.
I haven't touched anything over 11% in many years. Not a drop in the house, not even for cooking.
I've been making aloe vera juice from plants we've grown with fresh ginger and some honey. Can't see any reason toe buy chemical lased drinks when we can make our own.
Believe me, ginger has a kick.
-@Marilyn Tassy

That's where the term pecking order comes from.  They really do peck each other to establish who's the boss.  They are real bullies. They will bully each other into submission.  But once it's all established and everyone is line, they calm that right down. However they do fight sometimes and it can be really violent. Those claws are really quite sharp and they can "bite" quite well too. Blood can be spilled.

My cousin had a small farm and unfortunately the nice animals - sheep, pigs etc - there were there to be farmed. They weren't pets. And the chickens were destined for the pot on a regular basis. It was said by them that their kids needed to know where their food came from. Bit of a harsh lesson.

I know people who have cycled to Balaton. It's not that far. For a "professional" type cyclist, 100km is just an afternoon ride. My maximum rides in Balaton would be about 50km. That's almost halfway to Budapest.  Be lighter after she'd dropped the chickens off or she could come back on the train then, minus the chickens. 

Mrs F makes aloe vera juice as well from a plant we have. I cannot say it's that's great. It'd need honey in it to take the taste away. I've tried to make ginger ice cream.  It didn't work. It needs something else, perhaps something like lemon or maybe a hint of cinnamon. Be like a kind of fruity bun flavour ice cream then.  I might have a go at that again. Some lemon zest perhaps, bit of lemon juice, some vegetable glycerin (makes ice cream soft and also sweetens it).

My son's ex- MIL probably looked more like the Wicked Witch of the West riding her bike to Balaton then a sports person.

We only visited farms when I was in school. Never actually saw them slaughtered.

Once however when I was about 7 years old I was driven to a school friends home not to far from the canyon house we lived in.

It was rural but her house stood alone a distance away.

We played dolls in her room then went outside to play.

Her father and uncle had just killed a cow and it was hanging upside down from a tree with it's insides pouring out.

End of play day!! Yikes.

I told my mother and she never allowed me over again to her home.

My older sister happened to be friends with my friends older sister.

When she went to her house she mentioned what was on their dinner menu. Cow brains!!

That's OK, I'll pass on dinner!

To this day the thought of that cow hanging gives me the creeps.

My son's ex- MIL probably looked more like the Wicked Witch of the West riding her bike to Balaton then a sports person.
We only visited farms when I was in school. Never actually saw them slaughtered.
Once however when I was about 7 years old I was driven to a school friends home not to far from the canyon house we lived in.
It was rural but her house stood alone a distance away.
We played dolls in her room then went outside to play.
Her father and uncle had just killed a cow and it was hanging upside down from a tree with it's insides pouring out.
End of play day!! Yikes.
I told my mother and she never allowed me over again to her home.
My older sister happened to be friends with my friends older sister.
When she went to her house she mentioned what was on their dinner menu. Cow brains!!
That's OK, I'll pass on dinner!
To this day the thought of that cow hanging gives me the creeps.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I was in a country further East and I hired a taxi guy to take me to look at some tourist locations.   As we approached one of the places - it was a firepit of naturally burning gas - we passed a guy walking with a cow along the road.   So I looked at the firepit which was impressive but not that great.   Then we went back and we passed the cow hanging from the tree. Moreover, a queue was forming to get a piece of the action.  Obviously word had got round it was cow day.

I was also in the Middle East and it was organised we'd go up to the hills to have a "Bedouin"  experience.   In that trip, we had to choose which goat we wanted to eat in the tent while laying on cushions.   I left that to others and went for a walk up a big hill but from a distance I did see the poor goat getting ready for cooking.  All the other goats were in a pen awaiting their fate.  Must have been very disturbing for them to know it was curtains eventually.  The cooking was interesting - in a barrel in the ground.  Like baking it.

Looking at the weather,  cycling anywhere would be horrible.  It's cold and drizzling.  It's going to be like that all day so no dog walking.  Looking ahead, it's going to be rubbish for days.   There are snow drops in the gardens though.  Soon we'll be into daffodils and then tulips.   That's the sign of spring I really like.   Daffodils remind me of my homeland.  They are planted everywhere, even out in the countryside. 

My sister did the Hippie thing in the late 60's with her UK husband and another couple.

They had a van and spent 6 months on the road.

Drove east from England and went down into Shri-lanka. Over to India, Tibet and parts of the middle east.

She said she felt bad when they went into a eating place and ordered meat. Tehy waited while some poor aniaml was slautered.

Said it didn;t go down very well, she wasn't hungry any longer...

Years later however she killed a deer with her bow and skinned it herself?

I have a hard time on fishing trips in the past eating some of the catch.

Yes, read it may snow anytime, I doubt it here in the city. Haven't seen snow in years.

My sister did the Hippie thing in the late 60's with her UK husband and another couple.
They had a van and spent 6 months on the road.
Drove east from England and went down into Shri-lanka. Over to India, Tibet and parts of the middle east.
She said she felt bad when they went into a eating place and ordered meat. Tehy waited while some poor aniaml was slautered.
Said it didn;t go down very well, she wasn't hungry any longer...
Years later however she killed a deer with her bow and skinned it herself?
I have a hard time on fishing trips in the past eating some of the catch.
Yes, read it may snow anytime, I doubt it here in the city. Haven't seen snow in years.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I've been to Sri Lanka with Mrs F. It was quite interesting. But right now, they are in crisis so not sure it would be the place to be. Very strangely we were in a hotel and we saw a guy we knew a bit from work in Budapest there. Why he was there, with a big group, we had no idea! What a coincidence...in all the gin joints in all the world,....

We had a fish here we had to dispatch. We were shocked. We thought it was dead. Neither of us could do the deed.  It expired on its own but after we'd hacked it about and cooked it, it didn't go down easily. Living out in the middle of nowhere, you'd have to get used to it fast or die.

It's blinking snowing now and really cold. I was planning to go out and now I am not so sure.  I have however dismantled the Xmas tree (finally) as it will be collected on Monday. Last day for rubbish people Xmas tree collection. I am against real Xmas trees. Mrs F insists but I'd rather have a reusable one on the grounds poor old Xmas trees don't have to be sacrificed for silly reasons. I am not sure which is more green - the artificial plastic tree or the real one.

My mom bought one of those fashionable silver trees sometime back in the 1970's.

Didn't really put one in the holiday mood.

I've stopped all holidays so no hassles.

One Xmas here we purchased a live carp to cook. We picked it out and the women hit it on the head and placed it in a plastic bag.

As we drove home we heard it moved around in the truck of the car.It was still haging onto life.

Poor thing, didn't go down well.

My mom bought one of those fashionable silver trees sometime back in the 1970's.
Didn't really put one in the holiday mood.
I've stopped all holidays so no hassles.
One Xmas here we purchased a live carp to cook. We picked it out and the women hit it on the head and placed it in a plastic bag.
As we drove home we heard it moved around in the truck of the car.It was still haging onto life.
Poor thing, didn't go down well.
-@Marilyn Tassy

That carp thing happened to us. That was exactly the same scenario. Just stunned it.  In the worse case, I feel I could dispatch it but when the time came, I'd probably couldn't do it. I'm not very keen on river fish here. They always taste of river. They should put them in a tank of clean water for a week to clean the mud out.

I would be OK to miss out the holidays.  Waste of time really. Like weddings. Why bother with all that lavish spending and nonsense? Just do it in the office with a few valued people, then spend the money on a nice holiday or equipping a nice home. Invite selected people around. No-one needs to have 100s of relatives they never see or don't really like getting plastered.   We've got one of those weddings coming up.  Hmmmm....humbug...

I'm obviously having a grinch day.  Must be the weather.


My son's first HU wife wanted the sky for her wedding. Fine with me but she expected my son to pay for it, not her parents.

She ordered 2 custom made wedding dresses. One for the offical wedding at city hall and one for the big church wedding.

My son last min. didn't go throguh with the wedding, cold feet. Later he backed down and she was happy ust to get the offical wedding. What a darn waste of money it all was.

She turned out to just be a worthless green card bride.

His current wife is quiet and sweet.

They married in Vegas but a few years later flew to Japan for a big wedding which her parnets paid for. We were invited to stay with them but my husband just didn't want to go. He dislikes being a houseguest and didn't feel like spending the money on going.

Her father spent over $10,000 and they just rented their outfits.

The entire family, cousin, her parents, her sisteer and her children all went with them on their honeymoon in Japan. Some beach resort.

Think they were there just 2 weeks then back to Vegas.

A long trip for a short visit.

My 2 brothers married in Hawaii, at least for one of their marriages.

My sister and I in Vegas.

The eldest sister had a big white wedding. She was 19 and her husband was 26.

Oh, yes my half sister also sprung for Vegas.

A big church wedding which my step-father paid for for the eldest.

It was really nice of him since he had my father walk her to her doom...

We had custom dresses made up, first time I wore stockings at age 12. All grown up for one day then back to bobby socks the next day.

Out of all but one person I know I am the only one with one marriage and it was nothing fancy in Vegas.

My friend has been married since 1973 and the wedding took place in her parents living room.

@Marilyn Tassy

"The ceremony and reception were held in the Zuckerberg and Chan's  backyard at a venue rental charge of zero, unless you count the mortgage. Food was from two decidedly budget friendly local restaurants Fuki Sushi and Palo Alto Sol. (Go check the menus online if you like. I did. I can definitely afford a meal at these places, and so probably can you.) Dessert? Burdick chocolate mice, which the couple had nibbled on their first date. These cost, if you are wondering, $3.25 a piece, less if you order them in catering-sized packages."

https://www.forbes.com/sites/helaineole … ac96f4481b

A fine example how a wedding should be done.

Gold diggers begone.

@Marilyn Tassy
"The ceremony and reception were held in the Zuckerberg and Chan's backyard at a venue rental charge of zero, unless you count the mortgage. Food was from two decidedly budget friendly local restaurants Fuki Sushi and Palo Alto Sol. (Go check the menus online if you like. I did. I can definitely afford a meal at these places, and so probably can you.) Dessert? Burdick chocolate mice, which the couple had nibbled on their first date. These cost, if you are wondering, $3.25 a piece, less if you order them in catering-sized packages."

https://www.forbes.com/sites/helaineole … ac96f4481b

A fine example how a wedding should be done.
Gold diggers begone.

I didn't even know he was married.  Bit of a cheapskate or a big kid it seems.  I suppose a good night in is playing on the Playstation and eating McDs.

My son's first HU wife wanted the sky for her wedding. Fine with me but she expected my son to pay for it, not her parents.
She ordered 2 custom made wedding dresses. One for the offical wedding at city hall and one for the big church wedding.
My son last min. didn't go throguh with the wedding, cold feet. Later he backed down and she was happy ust to get the offical wedding. What a darn waste of money it all was.
She turned out to just be a worthless green card bride.
His current wife is quiet and sweet.
They married in Vegas but a few years later flew to Japan for a big wedding which her parnets paid for. We were invited to stay with them but my husband just didn't want to go. He dislikes being a houseguest and didn't feel like spending the money on going.
Her father spent over $10,000 and they just rented their outfits.
The entire family, cousin, her parents, her sisteer and her children all went with them on their honeymoon in Japan. Some beach resort.
Think they were there just 2 weeks then back to Vegas.
A long trip for a short visit.
My 2 brothers married in Hawaii, at least for one of their marriages.
My sister and I in Vegas.
The eldest sister had a big white wedding. She was 19 and her husband was 26.
Oh, yes my half sister also sprung for Vegas.
A big church wedding which my step-father paid for for the eldest.
It was really nice of him since he had my father walk her to her doom...
We had custom dresses made up, first time I wore stockings at age 12. All grown up for one day then back to bobby socks the next day.
Out of all but one person I know I am the only one with one marriage and it was nothing fancy in Vegas.
My friend has been married since 1973 and the wedding took place in her parents living room.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Mrs F and I got married in a registry (government) office.    It was just us and a few people including Mrs F's cousin who happened to be in England at the time.  It was all over in about 15 minutes.   We went to a pub afterwards - only about 12 of us.  Then we went home and carried on as normal.   

My bro and his wife got hitched in an office in the town they live in. I think their 15 year old son and a couple of others were there - you need witnesses to sign the papers.  They just said - oh, btw, we got married.  Same for my nephew and his Mrs.  Just got an e-mail photo showing them dressed up (a bit) outside a government office.   Oh yes, and my other nephew - just another e-mail received with his Mum and Dad and the bride in some kind of office.    Great. Congrats.

These kinds of weddings must be the norm now.  I heard on the radio that more kids are born out of wedlock than in wedlock. No-one cares. Imagine the stupidity and pain people went through if they had a bun in the oven and weren't married.  Or places where they had forced adoptions by do-gooding religious busybodies.  Thank god those days are over.

https://hungarytoday.hu/new-anti-hungar … n-ukraine/

https://hungarytoday.hu/new-anti-hungar … n-ukraine/

I've noticed that Hungary Today is ramping up some stories about injustices to Hungarian speaking people in Ukraine.

It's hard to know what is true or not.

Previously Hungary Today was relatively moderate but something changed. Maybe new owners aligned with Fidesz.

Meanwhile the President of Croatia has lost the plot - Croatian President Opposes EU Measures against Hungary

I cannot see Croatia or Hungary being in on the UKR Marshall Plan with this kind of BS going on.  They'll be frozen out by UKR.


Milanović won the presidential election in Croatia in late 2019 as a liberal and left-leaning candidate, a counterpoint to the conservative government currently in power in the newest EU member state. But he has since made a turn to populist nationalism, and criticized Western policies both toward the Balkans and Russia.

Milanović has thus developed a reputation as pro-Russia, which he has denied. Yet in recent months, he has openly opposed the admission of Finland and Sweden into NATO amid the war in Ukraine, and the training of Ukrainian troops in Croatia as part of EU aid to the embattled country.

While the heads of state said they both condemn Russian aggression in Ukraine and support its territorial integrity, Milanović said he, like Hungary's government, doesn't support sanctions against Moscow, and characterized the conflict in Ukraine as a proxy war between Russia and the United States.


Makes you wonder what leverage Russia has against this guy.

The EU needs to have some teeth. The net contributing nations have a right to use their taxes to feed their children, make their lives better, not fund corrupt mini-dictators who laugh in the face of their obligations. Honestly, no money should be coming to any country that does not uphold basic human and democratic values. Hungary and Croatia can protest all they want, but without EU funds or assistance.

Makes you wonder what leverage Russia has against this guy.
The EU needs to have some teeth. The net contributing nations have a right to use their taxes to feed their children, make their lives better, not fund corrupt mini-dictators who laugh in the face of their obligations. Honestly, no money should be coming to any country that does not uphold basic human and democratic values. Hungary and Croatia can protest all they want, but without EU funds or assistance.

Yes, that's a good point. What have they got on him? Or Orban? Or even Trump? 

I believe the Croatian PM finds the President of Croatia a national embarrassment but has no hand in his appointment (it's an election, so blame the voters).

It's a bit like the Hungarian President but of course, the PM recommends the person for President. She's just an OV proxy/lackey. Shoe-in.

Croatia hasn't quite circled the plughole yet but Hungary is so far gone, it's unrecoverable except in a generation or two, It's much too late to waste time on. I'm now thinking Hungary needs to be booted out of the EU. It's like an ultimatum. Accept the rule of law (EU laws and normality), temper your language and put in place a system of multi-party democracy, and oh yes, pay back the monies stolen by cronies. Do that, or don't let the doorknob hit you on the derriere via the door marked HUexit.


As a matter of fact we talking about a guy who did buy and attend in T shirts from a second hand shop.


Croatia just lost the very few remains of it's independence when their traitors pushed trought the destruction of their national currency/ monetary policy.

As for the EU: it will inevitably weaken or crush.

Their robber barron economy depends on it's expansion. The founders/ some early birds was able to upkeep/ improve their wealth just because the expansions: cheap/ hardworking workforce, assets to acquire ridiculously cheap (privatization/ de-nationalisation + traitors/ corruption), and a market for their overpriced goods (arbitrage) after the destruction of the wannabe/ new members economy.

So if it cannot expand to continue in this way inevitably collapses in the next decades.

That is why it wants or at least wanted Ukraine: mass country to buy up/ exploit.

Old EU members if Eastern countries leaves don't have the luxury of the UK after BREXIT which in some level can rely on it's monetary policy/ nat. currency, on the Commonwealth, and the N1 common tongue WW, etc...

That is just the economic side. As did many pointed out: we were under the Ottoman Empire, Habsburg Empire, occupied by the Soviet Union and even those had the sense (sometimes after revolutions for sure) to barking in  less to internal matters/ let more independence than this EU wish to. Oh, and they at least were honest about the limited independence which was more than now.

Such mild/ faint moderates as the Hungarian/ Polish government/ some presidents are do things very weakly. They lovered the tensions for years and get most of the steam out from real actions.

Not sure how much time they had left if they continue to be such moderates maybe their neck will mind it before Brussels/ Strasbourg, Luxembourg and Frankfurt becames the new Carthago.

A union does not depend on expansion for growth. Look at the US, look at OPEC, etc. The foundation is simply, we are better, stronger together than alone -- as the UK has found and is finding out. You get to impose guidelines, rules, etc that you could never have done as a single minor country. No one asks what Vermont's foreign policy is and that state couldn't be more than a minor blip if it were not part of a larger union.

The EU has a core set of principles, a la the Constitution in the US, but it has very few enforcement mechanisms when it chooses to use any, and it has chosen not to take seriously internal threats to these principles in the name of politics. The EU needs reform, but it is not economically desperate.

Increasingly, the youth of many countries think of themselves more as European and less of the nation they were born in.

https://ecfr.eu/special/what_europeans_ … _debunked/

In other news... It's reported that Mrs. Ukraine PM is in the west having herself a lovely shopping spree. Hitting all the designer shops.

I guess she is a bit tired of the khaki outfits.

Please don't forget to support the Ukraine, those designer handbags aren't cheap!

In other news... It's reported that Mrs. Ukraine PM is in the west having herself a lovely shopping spree. Hitting all the designer shops.

I guess she is a bit tired of the khaki outfits.

Please don't forget to support the Ukraine, those designer handbags aren't cheap!

In other news... It's reported that Mrs. Ukraine PM is in the west having herself a lovely shopping spree. Hitting all the designer shops.
I guess she is a bit tire dof the khaki outfits.
Please don't forget to support the Ukraine, those designer handbags aren't cheap!
-@Marilyn Tassy

She has been in the West doing hundreds of TV interviews. She has visited the UK, Austria, Germany, France and probably more. It hasn't all been shopping, but so what if she hit some shops?

In other news... It's reported that Mrs. Ukraine PM is in the west having herself a lovely shopping spree. Hitting all the designer shops.
I guess she is a bit tire dof the khaki outfits.
Please don't forget to support the Ukraine, those designer handbags aren't cheap!
-@Marilyn Tassy

She has been in the West doing hundreds of TV interviews. She has visited the UK, Austria, Germany, France and probably more. It hasn't all been shopping, but so what if she hit some shops?

Makes me think of Zsa-Zsa when she visted Hungary back in the 1960's.

She visited many desinger clothing shops on credit and was stopped at the airport for none payment of bills.

She thought Hungary owed her for just being Zsa-Zsa.

They stopped all state medicare( for those low income people under age 65) in Florida but still are sending US tax payer money to Ukraine.

I'd like to see a reciet of where all the money is going and into who's pockets.

Zelensky was a popular and successful actor and comedian before turning politician. TV, movies, voice overs, production, and he invested in the UK property market with other investors.

He is managing a major war in his country, while battling Russian sympathizers, and he is routing out corruption in Ukraine.

The man isn't perfect, but it seems harsh to judge him by allowing the family some shopping in the West while anyone in their family and close friends circles potentially could die in the war any day.

The war could be over soon. Putin must be sh^tting his pants now. Most of Europe is giving some kind of weapons on top of what America is adding.

The war could be over soon. Putin must be sh^tting his pants now. Most of Europe is giving some kind of weapons on top of what America is adding.

They aren't providing enough. ZE asked for 300 tanks and the Allies can barely stand to rustle up 100.  I heard a military commentator say the real number should be 500.  It's easily manageable by NATO countries. PU's BS ain't going to wash.

We all know now he's a paper tiger but it will take many years for Russia and it's people to be anywhere near their original position prior to their invasion.  He's going to fight to his last soldier.  He's like Stalin. He doesn't care if it takes 20 million.

Russians and Belarussians etc - unless they are on the side of peace and Ukrainian independence - are going to be persona non-grata for years  anywhere West .

I did read an interesting article which said possibly the CSTO countries would turn against Russia, the main one being Kazakhstan. But I can imagine Armenia and Azerbaijan not being very happy either.  They have their own problems. But KZ was openly critical of PU.

The war could be over soon. Putin must be sh^tting his pants now. Most of Europe is giving some kind of weapons on top of what America is adding.

They aren't providing enough. ZE asked for 300 tanks and the Allies can barely stand to rustle up 100.  I heard a military commentator say the real number should be 500.  It's easily manageable by NATO countries. PU's BS ain't going to wash.

We all know now he's a paper tiger but it will take many years for Russia and it's people to be anywhere near their original position prior to their invasion.  He's going to fight to his last soldier.  He's like Stalin. He doesn't care if it takes 20 million.

Russians and Belarussians etc - unless they are on the side of peace and Ukrainian independence - are going to be persona anywhere West non-grata for years.

I did read an interesting article which said possibly the CSTO countries would turn against Russia, the main one being Kazakhstan. But I can imagine Armenia and Azerbaijan not being very happy either.  They have their own problems. But KZ was openly critical of PU.



It's an interesting article but has elements of sensationalism.

One of my contacts says that UKR soldiers were already in Poland on Leopard training and have been there for several weeks. If so, it looks like Poland already made the decision weeks ago.

ZE's efforts are because of PU's options for a potential attack in the spring. And ZE is putting his forces in place for his own offensive come Spring.  PU may have numbers for cannon fodder via his conscription plans but UKR's fighting skills are really something.

If ZE can split Russian forces across at say, Melitopol and hold it, take out the Kerch bridge, the war is essentially over for PU.  RU forces in Crimea would have to surrender unless they and all the imported Russian citizens are volunteering to die in a siege.  If ZE had long range HIMARS, that bridge is toast (again) along with any of RU's Black Sea fleet that remained.

PU would have to abandon the war.  PU would never survive the humiliation and might helped out of an open window in an tall building.

Zelensky was a popular and successful actor and comedian before turning politician. TV, movies, voice overs, production, and he invested in the UK property market with other investors.
He is managing a major war in his country, while battling Russian sympathizers, and he is routing out corruption in Ukraine.
The man isn't perfect, but it seems harsh to judge him by allowing the family some shopping in the West while anyone in their family and close friends circles potentially could die in the war any day.

The Hungarian media reproted his wife shopping like a mad women in all the high end shops.

I think he may still be an actor and comedian , just being in politics is a better paying gig.

I do not trust of like anyone in politics, right left or anything between, they are all corrupt to the core.

Yes, we all know people can die anyday for any reason.

I think it is a crime that he is forcing men ages 18 to their late 50's to fight.

How many of those men's wives are shopping at high end stores for trinkets.

It just doesn't go down well with your average person to have it openly in your face that they may act like they care but in reality it's their bank accounts that they really care for.

Then again, one should never trust the media, most of it is done on green screens and in reality most all they report is nothing more then a lie.

A smart criminal knows when  to lay low and not flaunt their ill gotten gains.

I do not wish to argue with anyone, that's their intention with the news to distract us from what is really going on.

Zelensky was a popular and successful actor and comedian before turning politician. TV, movies, voice overs, production, and he invested in the UK property market with other investors.
He is managing a major war in his country, while battling Russian sympathizers, and he is routing out corruption in Ukraine.
The man isn't perfect, but it seems harsh to judge him by allowing the family some shopping in the West while anyone in their family and close friends circles potentially could die in the war any day.
The Hungarian media reproted his wife shopping like a mad women in all the high end shops.

-@Marilyn Tassy

Probably propaganda rubbish, just like in Russian media that the West is sending tanks and Gass Chambers!!

Zelensky was a popular and successful actor and comedian before turning politician. TV, movies, voice overs, production, and he invested in the UK property market with other investors.
He is managing a major war in his country, while battling Russian sympathizers, and he is routing out corruption in Ukraine.
The man isn't perfect, but it seems harsh to judge him by allowing the family some shopping in the West while anyone in their family and close friends circles potentially could die in the war any day.
The Hungarian media reproted his wife shopping like a mad women in all the high end shops.

-@Marilyn Tassy

Probably propaganda rubbish, just like in Russian media that the West is sending tanks and Gass Chambers!!

Haha, I didn't read the one about gas chambers.  How pathetic. What ignorant fools would believe that nonsense?!

I just read an article about the US invading Okinawa at the end of WW2.  Japanese people were told Americans were cannibals and would eat them and their children. Whole families threw themselves off cliffs in mass suicides. Seems ridiculous to us now. A senseless waste of life brought about by propaganda.

There's an article on the BBC about people living in basements in the UKR town of Lyman. Apparently everyone was hiding in a basement while the Russians bombed them. And yet 30% of the people hiding were on the Russian side. WTF? Because they so openly supported Russia, even though they were being killed by them, they still believed the Russian propaganda. Those who survived had to run away to Russia for fear of retribution once UKR took the town back. They must have been insane to be holed up in a basement with their UKR neighbours but support the attackers. WTF?

I think Mrs ZE shopping like crazy is some YouTube or Fox BS.  She's too sensible and committed to do something so crass. And Hungarian media, who can believe anything they say? They are just O1G's PU apologist mouthpieces.

I believe the HU media landscape is like RU ten years ago. We already see elements of it - O1G's take over of the media, CEU being kicked out, the anti-EU rhetoric, the silly referendums, adoption of the anti-NGO financing laws, the demonisation of minorities like the LGBT community. History repeats itself.

Yep, being posted on RT and on Telegram. Sadly some gullible idiot will believe it though.

The US had reports a few years ago about the US gov. having stock piles of guillotines and coffins.

If in reality they couldn't waste a bullet on people then why even bother to bury them?

A fire pit would work just as well.

Then again some would argue that the best method would be to have people do themselves in with a vax or over trusting the gov. when they come a knockin' on the door.

I haven't watched the news for several weeks now, same old slide show week after week.

One can go crazy thinking there is a conspiracy around every corner and the boogie man is waiting in the dark.

I'm off today to get injections in my knees, for a split second I let my mind wander thinking what exactly are they going to dose me with?

We trust blindly but overthinking things also is not a healthy habit.

What I do find a bit on the odd side is I visited the ortho doc 2 weeks ago. He said my knees are not all that bad, wonder what he considers bad?

I asked for an injection, he told me I had to pay out of pocket for the shots.

Fine was ready to pay up right then and there and get it done with.

No, he needs at least 4 patients at once to use a room to give shots.

My medical slip states I must first pay at the desk under the term of giving a,"morality payment".

No one can ever convince me that everything is not a conspiracy. If they don't want to do away with you, then are after your money.

Yep, being posted on RT and on Telegram. Sadly some gullible idiot will believe it though.

Oh, RT, who believes that any more?  And Telegram, bah, unreliable Kremlin Krap (hmmm...maybe call it KK from now on).

Who gets their news from Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and so on?

AND who believes it?

Real news channels have proper journalists who verify their stories. And if more than one outlet reports it, then probably on average it's reliable (not including the Daily Mail or Mail Online).

I'm off today to get injections in my knees, for a split second I let my mind wander thinking what exactly are they going to dose me with?
We trust blindly but overthinking things also is not a healthy habit.
What I do find a bit on the odd side is I visited the ortho doc 2 weeks ago. He said my knees are not all that bad, wonder what he considers bad?
I asked for an injection, he told me I had to pay out of pocket for the shots.
Fine was ready to pay up right then and there and get it done with.
No, he needs at least 4 patients at once to use a room to give shots.
My medical slip states I must first pay at the desk under the term of giving a,"morality payment".
No one can ever convince me that everything is not a conspiracy. If they don't want to do away with you, then are after your money.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I think they would inject gold into your joints if it's arthritis. I suppose it's like a kind of lubricant. They did that to my Mum I believe.

What the hell is a morality payment? Is that another phrase for a "tip"?

I wouldn't worry about the vaccinations. It's too late to ask for it if you get the virus. You should do it asap to protect yourselves. I've had 4 of the COVID vaccinations and I am still walking and talking. Whether I make sense is another matter.


Its already happened to people in Austria!!

Its already happened to people in Austria!!

That's terrible.  We get our Netflix through password sharing via a UK relative.

But we're pretty sophisticated. We can watch UK TV via VPN to my Dad's place. It's fast enough to watch movies and was OK to see the World Cup.

I am not sure I want to pay myself for Netflix. Rather just get it via someone else's account.

Besides, so many shows are on other providers like Amazon Prime. HBO produces some of the best content.  If Netflix had some of those shows it might be worth it.

A union does not depend on expansion for growth. Look at the US, look at OPEC, etc. The foundation is simply, we are better, stronger together than alone -- as the UK has found and is finding out. You get to impose guidelines, rules, etc that you could never have done as a single minor country. No one asks what Vermont's foreign policy is and that state couldn't be more than a minor blip if it were not part of a larger union.
The EU has a core set of principles, a la the Constitution in the US, but it has very few enforcement mechanisms when it chooses to use any, and it has chosen not to take seriously internal threats to these principles in the name of politics. The EU needs reform, but it is not economically desperate.
Increasingly, the youth of many countries think of themselves more as European and less of the nation they were born in.
https://ecfr.eu/special/what_europeans_ … _debunked/

The US or the OPEC are entirelly different from the EU in economics.

About regulations/ rules for sure cannot comparable to something like the US constitution which is a relative short document opposed with just a Treaty of Lisbon alone. Overall the EU has several hundreds/ thousands the text compared to any constitution.

Anyway US states are mostly very fond of their self-governing and often against federal involvement/ federal agencies. Even done a civil war because of that.

As for reform the EU: it is far beyond that.

What was in decades a cooperation agreement, mainly about voluntary sharing of resources and do economics cooperation, some guidelines (instead rules and dictates) that gone seriously sideways.

That did not happened from one day to another, but if needs some notable dates, like mid 90's, after the Maastricht Treaty.

Honestly at the end of 90's for example I was just mildly against the EU/ join it. There were still false hopes: it had a potential/ with the right changes can became something all right.

About identity:

Off course many people consider self as European, as did a hundred years ago, after all we are in this continent. Being European or being a supporter of the EU is absolutelly different.

BUT: it starting to change.

Sure the EU, or how it definies things among the reasons. When they rebranded madness as "European values" (and still try to push it as such) for example.

As for me (identity):

  1. South Hungarian (Storm Corner)
  2. East European
  3. Eurasian

There are others, but true: the (whole) Hungarian is not among the top. In this regard similar to Italy, where folks are for example Sicilian first, and Italian just somewhere down on the list.

Finally looked up the "Shopping spree" story -- and it is just that, false news and altered images.

Fact Check-Image of Ukraine's first lady Olena Zelenska wearing luxury brands is altered

https://www.reuters.com/article/fact-ch … SL1N33D1R8

https://www.newsweek.com/zelenska-zelen … ee-1768736

Misbar investigated the circulated claim and found it to be fake. The image is fabricated.

https://misbar.com/en/factcheck/2022/12 … fabricated

I'm off today to get injections in my knees, for a split second I let my mind wander thinking what exactly are they going to dose me with?
We trust blindly but overthinking things also is not a healthy habit.
What I do find a bit on the odd side is I visited the ortho doc 2 weeks ago. He said my knees are not all that bad, wonder what he considers bad?
I asked for an injection, he told me I had to pay out of pocket for the shots.
Fine was ready to pay up right then and there and get it done with.
No, he needs at least 4 patients at once to use a room to give shots.
My medical slip states I must first pay at the desk under the term of giving a,"morality payment".
No one can ever convince me that everything is not a conspiracy. If they don't want to do away with you, then are after your money.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I think they would inject gold into your joints if it's arthritis. I suppose it's like a kind of lubricant. They did that to my Mum I believe.

What the hell is a morality payment? Is that another phrase for a "tip"?

I wouldn't worry about the vaccinations. It's too late to ask for it if you get the virus. You should do it asap to protect yourselves. I've had 4 of the COVID vaccinations and I am still walking and talking. Whether I make sense is another matter.

We figured out what the morality payment is on ur own by putting two and two together, or rather more like 45,000 and 45,000 forints...

That's another story.

Everything in the medical system is so secretive.

The morality payment comes in the form of some stickers that are issued by the clerk when you check in. They didn't want to take any payment at the desk. We wanted to pay for the mediacation when we checked in but no one there wanted our money?? Figured in reality no one should be paying.

That's later...

The morality is the gov. covering the cost of the treatment. in this case medications because that is the only form of treatment to cure the pain.

Doesn't mean it's free though...

No wonder there was a clandestic meeting spot for those of us who got shots for our joints.

Can't say more because I don't want the internet watchers after me once again.

The doctors don't have any morality that's clear, why would they allow one to be in pain for weeks before treating them when all they have to do is send them in for a shot right then and there. Handed a slip of stickers, maybe 12 but only one sticker was used... Never to see the others, ( black market stickers?)

Already said to much.

Was injected with hydrocolonic acid, a gel like injection, Optivisc 60, at least I asked to see the package, didn't want a shot full of water!

Still was a "bargin basement" price in the US 3 doeses of the shot would cost more then $1,330. The EU price is 147 Euros per shot. I like to price check everything if possible. To have a ,"professional" inject you in the US is an added cost. I try to remember I'm not in the US though.

I watch a guy on U tube who calls doctors, "Pill Pushing Pimps in white coats", more like dingy grey...

I call them the medical mafia.

It's still pay to play but under the giuse of a legal gift.

Everyone should be offered these gov. sponsered shots but most are only given the choice of taking some pills. Less then 48 hours post injection and I think it works... Perhaps I want it to work and am telling myslef it was worth the hassle.

I always say far too much, the habit of the older peple. No reason to hold back on telling the truth.

Everything is a lie and everyone is out to get something. I remember when doctors really wanted to cure people and not buy themselves a villa by extrotion.

The do have signs out right on their doors saying payment is not needed... See how far that gets you. Gotta cover themselves someway.

A union does not depend on expansion for growth. Look at the US, look at OPEC, etc. The foundation is simply, we are better, stronger together than alone -- as the UK has found and is finding out. You get to impose guidelines, rules, etc that you could never have done as a single minor country. No one asks what Vermont's foreign policy is and that state couldn't be more than a minor blip if it were not part of a larger union.
The EU has a core set of principles, a la the Constitution in the US, but it has very few enforcement mechanisms when it chooses to use any, and it has chosen not to take seriously internal threats to these principles in the name of politics. The EU needs reform, but it is not economically desperate.
Increasingly, the youth of many countries think of themselves more as European and less of the nation they were born in.
https://ecfr.eu/special/what_europeans_ … _debunked/

The US or the OPEC are entirelly different from the EU in economics.
About regulations/ rules for sure cannot comparable to something like the US constitution which is a relative short document opposed with just a Treaty of Lisbon alone. Overall the EU has several hundreds/ thousands the text compared to any constitution.
Anyway US states are mostly very fond of their self-governing and often against federal involvement/ federal agencies. Even done a civil war because of that.

As for reform the EU: it is far beyond that.
What was in decades a cooperation agreement, mainly about voluntary sharing of resources and do economics cooperation, some guidelines (instead rules and dictates) that gone seriously sideways.
That did not happened from one day to another, but if needs some notable dates, like mid 90's, after the Maastricht Treaty.
Honestly at the end of 90's for example I was just mildly against the EU/ join it. There were still false hopes: it had a potential/ with the right changes can became something all right.

About identity:
Off course many people consider self as European, as did a hundred years ago, after all we are in this continent. Being European or being a supporter of the EU is absolutelly different.
BUT: it starting to change.
Sure the EU, or how it definies things among the reasons. When they rebranded madness as "European values" (and still try to push it as such) for example.
As for me (identity):

South Hungarian (Storm Corner)
East European

There are others, but true: the (whole) Hungarian is not among the top. In this regard similar to Italy, where folks are for example Sicilian first, and Italian just somewhere down on the list.

It's true people now days are not limited to the same ethnic nationalities as where they happened to be born.

Everyone is so mixed now days.

My Ruysn grandfather was very upset about all of his 8 children marrying outside of the Rusyn culture.

What did he actually expect though with 6 of his 8 children being born in the US?

It's old fashioned and rude really to think one culture is above another.

Who made the rules?

My sister did a DNA test recently with some surprising results.

We are 86.9 % European, mostly from NE Europe with 10% of that being from Norway.Surprise.

The biggest surprise of all however was finding out we are .02% Beringian, like what's that?

Middle eastern 3.5%

Sub African 8%

with being a mix of Senegambian, Nigerian and Sierra Leon.

All the native American we were told we had is really just 2 % and not even from N. America but S. America!

I'm super surprised but not shocked. We always were asked, "what are you" from everyone we ever met.

My husband jsut says we are exotic and rare. He is kind.