Absolutely Anything Else

I have had a few drips now, and they are good.
Been given a belt/band now.....


Glad to see you still posting here.

So is it all over?

And the belt is part of the post-operation treatment?

I have had a few drips now, and they are good.
Been given a belt/band now.....


Welcome back; hope you're feeling better soon.

I have had a few drips now, and they are good.
Been given a belt/band now.....


Glad to see you still posting here.

So is it all over?

And the belt is part of the post-operation treatment?

Hopefully, I get to go home on Friday.

But still looked after very well, only 6 of us in the ward.  Not so keen on being woken up at 5am to be given drugs, then by the time you fall asleep again its breakfast.

They only took out part of the disc so no need for screws. The belt is to give it support.

Hopefully, I get to go home on Friday.

But still looked after very well, only 6 of us in the ward. Not so keen on being woken up at 5am to be given drugs, then by the time you fall asleep again its breakfast.

They only took out part of the disc so no need for screws. The belt is to give it support.

I hope it fixes the problem once and for all. 

You need your rest to heal so sleeping is a good way to get better.


So far so good I am pain-free, well nothing like I was experiencing. I have pain from the surgery though with is expected.

Thank gawd that throbbing pain I was getting 24/7 has gone. 

I have had a few drips now, and they are good.
Been given a belt/band now.....


Poor thing.

Hope you don't have to stay in hospital for long.

I have had a few drips now, and they are good.
Been given a belt/band now.....

Poor thing.
Hope you don't have to stay in hospital for long.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Friday I will be able to go home, they just want to observe me to make all is OK.

Hungary official takes on German MEP in AI 'rap battle'

I've tried ChatGPT and it's quite impressive.  Important work is being done with it by politicians (see the link).

I have had a few drips now, and they are good.
Been given a belt/band now.....

Poor thing.
Hope you don't have to stay in hospital for long.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Friday I will be able to go home, they just want to observe me to make all is OK.

Sharing a hospital room with others is always a challenge.

One person has to grumble or cry about something which makes your own pain worst.

I'm sure you aren't the culprit!

Just be careful bending over to tie your shoes.I bet all your muscles are tender ATM.

When I was in the hospital here in Budapest in Oct. 2021 I had my own room, in isolation.

To me it was a blessing to be alone.

The room was funky and the water pressure in the shower was not good but to be alone was alright with me.

I could hear the other 20 or so patients in the tiny clinic hospital partying every night around 7 pm till around 8pm.

The daytime charge nurse was strict so i guess the party started when she was gone.

It was crazy to hear , I'm sure someone had brought in some palinka.

They had a laundry room and mirowave in the common area but I wasn't allowed out of my room.

It was covid time and I had a low WBC so everyone was dangerous to me.

Friday is going to be a celebration day, always nice to get sprung and go home.

Just make the most of having a staff to be at your peck and call.

After Friday it's all over.

I have had a few drips now, and they are good.
Been given a belt/band now.....

Poor thing.
Hope you don't have to stay in hospital for long.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Friday I will be able to go home, they just want to observe me to make all is OK.

Sharing a hospital room with others is always a challenge.
One person has to grumble or cry about something which makes your own pain worst.
I'm sure you aren't the culprit!
Just be careful bending over to tie your shoes.I bet all your muscles are tender ATM.
When I was in the hospital here in Budapest in Oct. 2021 I had my own room, in isolation.
To me it was a blessing to be alone.
The room was funky and the water pressure in the shower was not good but to be alone was alright with me.
I could hear the other 20 or so patients in the tiny clinic hospital partying every night around 7 pm till around 8pm.
The daytime charge nurse was strict so i guess the party started when she was gone.
It was crazy to hear , I'm sure someone had brought in some palinka.
They had a laundry room and mirowave in the common area but I wasn't allowed out of my room.
It was covid time and I had a low WBC so everyone was dangerous to me.
Friday is going to be a celebration day, always nice to get sprung and go home.
Just make the most of having a staff to be at your peck and call.
After Friday it's all over.
-@Marilyn Tassy

My shoes/sneakers are slip ons so I have no trouble with laces there.

I had my last Physiotherapie today, which was fine. I have been given a prescription (so will be free) to have more sessions for when I go home. I was given a website to search for one. Added bonus, found one in my town that does home visits and that speaks English.

So far so good I am pain-free, well nothing like I was experiencing. I have pain from the surgery though with is expected.
Thank gawd that throbbing pain I was getting 24/7 has gone.

So I suppose the nerve the disc was pressing on is no longer being impinged. 

It really sounds like a good result.

My brother was just 63 when he passed this last Sept.
He had stage 4 colon cancer but was at work just 2 days before he passed.( He could of stopped but wanted to keep busy)
I swear the US is the worst place ever.,You can literally be dying on your feet and still never collect a dime.
He must of supported at least 4 people in their retirment but never saw a red cent himself. Not fair, I say get it while it's hot and available to you at 62. It might not be there later when you think it will be.
My SIL told me they had plans to visit us here in HUngary. They were going to take a Danube crusie through several countries after seeing the UK.
Covid and then him getting ill. Don't wait to live, take the money and run.
One never knows when the music will end.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I really do want to retire from this BS but we have kids at home still.

The two eldest are long gone and living their own lives. We have to wait about 8 years to make sure the youngest has flown the nest for good.  I am not happy about that but we did the deed that created the child. We knew what we were doing. I thought we'd have done better to allow retirement at an age when we'll be good shape still. COVID messed up quite a bit.

The next kid up is pretty smart and wants to study at university abroad and should be very successful at it. I would hate that not to be possible just because for money reasons. Stupidly, university here in Hungary is no longer a cheap option - it's a killer on finances everywhere actually.

We'll sacrifice ourselves to make sure the kids dreams are achievable.  We're always joking with the kids still at home that whichever one is mega successful we can all move to their house in Spain where there's nicer weather and we'll be that kid's housekeepers, drivers and gofers. They can keep us in the style we want to become accustomed to!

So far so good I am pain-free, well nothing like I was experiencing. I have pain from the surgery though with is expected.
Thank gawd that throbbing pain I was getting 24/7 has gone.

So I suppose the nerve the disc was pressing on is no longer being impinged.

It really sounds like a good result.

My Doberman was a large guy. 108lbs. and when he was 8 years old his back went out.

We drove him to a lake for some fun and he fell out of the van.

We just turned around and took him home. Called a vet ASAP.

He had disc damage from old age and being such a large breed.

His back legs weren't  working.

It was surgery or putting him down.

We opted for surgery. The vet was great. He saw the surgery performed many times but never did it himself before our dog. He was open and honest about it and charged us half price.

He scraped the bones near the discs and it worked.

My dog was fine for another 4 1/2 years. A long time in dog years.

I'm sure this surgery will improve your qualtiy of life too and you'll be back on your feet in no time.

So far so good I am pain-free, well nothing like I was experiencing. I have pain from the surgery though with is expected.
Thank gawd that throbbing pain I was getting 24/7 has gone.

So I suppose the nerve the disc was pressing on is no longer being impinged.

It really sounds like a good result.
My Doberman was a large guy. 108lbs. and when he was 8 years old his back went out.
We drove him to a lake for some fun and he fell out of the van.
We just turned around and took him home. Called a vet ASAP.
He had disc damage from old age and being such a large breed.
His back legs weren't working.
It was surgery or putting him down.
We opted for surgery. The vet was great. He saw the surgery performed many times but never did it himself before our dog. He was open and honest about it and charged us half price.
He scraped the bones near the discs and it worked.
My dog was fine for another 4 1/2 years. A long time in dog years.
I'm sure this surgery will improve your qualtiy of life too and you'll be back on your feet in no time.
-@Marilyn Tassy

There's a UK TV show called The Supervet.   The stuff they do with animals there is amazing.  I think I've seen it here on National Geographic or Discovery.  We have 200 TV channels but  maybe I see 1 programme every 3 months.  Easier to get stuff online.

Backs are really funny things.  All works in progress.  Mine has been OK for ages after I went to the chiropractor but working in the garden with all the bending and twisting, it came back quite badly yesterday.  Interesting thing is I recovered more quickly.  I am not sure if it's the  chiropractor I have been to see or it was because I was too busy to do any real work and therefore rested it.  That's key really, rest, rest, rest.

i really didn't want to compare anyone to my dog but just mentioned that often just a bit of  surgery can help.

My dog had another 4 1/2 years in him which he wouldn't of had if not for back surgery.

My friend however who had that wild cage built for her neck and spine has pretty much gone no contact with anyone.Her bother is around but it's not the same as being in contact with her. Her daughter mentioned she was bad off post those 2 major surgeries. I know she was in rehab for months after her second surgery.

I think in her case she was better of left alone.

Swimming is great for the back if you don't over do it right away.

Last summer I went crazy and swam to much too soon plus used the exercise machines they had at the spa. I swear 2 days later I couldn't even stand up striaght, took over a week to recover.

Going to be interesting this summer. Always start out pale and weak but finish by early Sept. doing none stop laps and looking tan.

I really should move to a year ound summer climate.

It was funny when we liked in Hawaii, you could always tell the tourists by their lobster red skin .

Years ago we came out of Palintinus and by chance heard a black/American young man laughing with his lady friends. I don't think they fully understood what he was saying but I almost  laughed out loud hearing him.

He was funny.

He was checking out all the pale ,red, sunburned people leaving the spa and commenting on them. He really was witty.

He was talking about burnt chickens and sunburns.

Can't remember his exact words but he really was speaking the truth.

It cracks me up seeing pale winter skinned people first hitting the sun in early summer. They just roast themselves half baked.

Saturday we found a notice to collect our "gift" from our district.

Once again they are giving out a bonus to children and seniors.

10,000 forints a head.

I guess it comes in the form of a cash gift card?

Saturday we did some shopping and I sepnt my 10,000 before I got it.

My husband rolled his eye and said, "typical American" spending before they have it.

Sometimes the sterotype is on point.

I think it might be a Twilight Zone evening of relaxation for me. It's more believable then the news.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Actually I like this more:


That is also a remake from the 60`

I think it might be a Twilight Zone evening of relaxation for me. It's more believable then the news.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Actually I like this more:

That is also a remake from the 60`

Outer Limits was a good show - quite a rival of the Twilight Zone.

Lots of stars did guest spots in both those shows.

I really like 60s shows. My fave must be The Invaders. I used to play "Invaders" when I was a kid (in the 60s). 

19 years...Better late then never?
Hungarian history is so sad really.
To me it seems for some reason the world is against little Hungary.
Not sure why exactly but they seem to always get the raw end of every deal.
-@Marilyn Tassy

You're too kind to them. I used to want to believe them but I don't any more.

They always bet on the wrong horse and therefore reap what they sow.

It's happening right now, today!

HU refused to send from its stockpile - under an EU mandate - ammo to Ukraine.

And HU and Turkey are blocking Sweden's accession to NATO. WTF?

Everyone else is going to remember all this. For a very very long time.

And then it's going to be "woe is me" without considering they made their own beds.

Electing an extreme religious right wing homophobe bent on perpetuating a corrupt autocracy is only going to end in tears.

Better late.

Called perseverance.

The world against us?

Well - probably.

But actually that is a Hungarian talent to fight against world empires and/ or make them times difficult.

Have rought times with:

  • Khazar Empire
  • Byzantine Empire
  • Holy Roman Empire (several times)
  • Kievan Rus
  • Mongol Empire
  • Ottoman Empire (for centuries)
  • Austrian Empire (for centuries)
  • III. Reich (1944)
  • USSR (II. WW + 1956)

We probably bet on the wrong horses, but mostly loyal of stupidity. Still there are more honor to remain with the losers then change sides - like Romania famous about that and ended up better in the end.

Also it should be a history lesson for active empires, like the Homo Globo World Empire of Wokeistan: if becames enemy no easy victories here.

Also EU should stop dictate.

Guys like me just would be happy if such stocpiles would be used on Brussels.

About Sweden:

  • Turkey have concerns because of certain Kurdish forces who reside in Sweden (and branded terrorist in Turkey)
  • Hungary have concerns because of certain females, who was in ISIS returned to Sweden, and get a free pass, because of the "difficulties" to prosecute them, while they were in the Middle East and member of ISIS - ISIL

Such security risks from actual members are voiced towards a wannabe member.

19 years...Better late then never?
Hungarian history is so sad really.
To me it seems for some reason the world is against little Hungary.
Not sure why exactly but they seem to always get the raw end of every deal.
-@Marilyn Tassy

You're too kind to them. I used to want to believe them but I don't any more.

They always bet on the wrong horse and therefore reap what they sow.

It's happening right now, today!

HU refused to send from its stockpile - under an EU mandate - ammo to Ukraine.

And HU and Turkey are blocking Sweden's accession to NATO. WTF?

Everyone else is going to remember all this. For a very very long time.

And then it's going to be "woe is me" without considering they made their own beds.

Electing an extreme religious right wing homophobe bent on perpetuating a corrupt autocracy is only going to end in tears.

Better late.
Called perseverance.

The world against us?
Well - probably.
But actually that is a Hungarian talent to fight against world empires and/ or make them times difficult.
Have rought times with:
Khazar Empire
Byzantine Empire
Holy Roman Empire (several times)
Kievan Rus
Mongol Empire
Ottoman Empire (for centuries)
Austrian Empire (for centuries)
III. Reich (1944)
USSR (II. WW + 1956)

We probably bet on the wrong horses, but mostly loyal of stupidity. Still there are more honor to remain with the losers then change sides - like Romania famous about that and ended up better in the end.

Also it should be a history lesson for active empires, like the Homo Globo World Empire of Wokeistan: if becames enemy no easy victories here.

Also EU should stop dictate.
Guys like me just would be happy if such stocpiles would be used on Brussels.

About Sweden:
Turkey have concerns because of certain Kurdish forces who reside in Sweden (and branded terrorist in Turkey)
Hungary have concerns because of certain females, who was in ISIS returned to Sweden, and get a free pass, because of the "difficulties" to prosecute them, while they were in the Middle East and member of ISIS - ISIL
Such security risks from actual members are voiced towards a wannabe member.

Yup, Hungary bets on the wrong horses all the time.  And then it moans about it. Just as I said. Just the other day, FM Szijjártó was wittering on about how "woe are we" because others criticise the Fidesz regime. Hey Szijjártó, enough with the blah-blah. Time to wake up and smell the coffee. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it's a duck. If you were expecting a swan, the you'd better change your thinking. Ain't going to end because of whinging.

Sweden would be an asset to NATO - it has a sophisticated armaments industry. Erdogan is only after the Kurds because it's useful to have an enemy to blame for all his mismanagement. Same 'ol story.  The Kurds actually used to have a place at the Turkish political table and they were pretty useful to the USA fighting ISIS in Syria etc.  I say let them in. Erdogan cannot milk it forever. No-one is going to forget his prevarication.

BTW, do you know any gay people? If so, how have they impacted your life - positive or negatively? If not, what have you got against them? Is it religious? Or something else? Just curious.

I think it might be a Twilight Zone evening of relaxation for me. It's more believable then the news.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Actually I like this more:

That is also a remake from the 60`

The Outter Limits.

Yes, we used to watch that all the time.

My older sister loved sci-fi and was always in control of the tv set.

Fine, she was in control of our music as well.

Lucky me, I was turned on to many great bands from an early age. 8 years old and already a Stones fan.

These past few weeks I've been rewatching from the start the old  Gothic 60's daytime tv show, Dark Shadows.

Love being able to watch it episode after episode and not having to run home from school to catch it at 3:30 everyday for 20 mins with commericals taking the other 10 mins of air time.

Johathan Frid the actor who played the sad vampire Barnabus Collins was gay in real life. Never knew that as a child, all the teengirls had a crush on him back then.

I was too young to indulge in such fantasy but my sister was really into the show. She even slept with garlic around her neck!

She had a wild imgination!

I think it might be a Twilight Zone evening of relaxation for me. It's more believable then the news.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Actually I like this more:

That is also a remake from the 60`
The Outter Limits.
Yes, we used to watch that all the time.
My older sister loved sci-fi and was always in control of the tv set.
Fine, she was in control of our music as well.
Lucky me, I was turned on to many great bands from an early age. 8 years old and already a Stones fan.
These past few weeks I've been rewatching from the start the old Gothic 60's daytime tv show, Dark Shadows.
Love being able to watch it episode after episode and not having to run home from school to catch it at 3:30 everyday for 20 mins with commericals taking the other 10 mins of air time.
Johathan Frid the actor who played the sad vampire Barnabus Collins was gay in real life. Never knew that as a child, all the teengirls had a crush on him back then.
I was too young to indulge in such fantasy but my sister was really into the show. She even slept with garlic around her neck!
She had a wild imgination!
-@Marilyn Tassy

I suppose all vampires are sad really.   

Being half-dead or all-dead but refusing to lie down is not going to cheer you up.  I suppose vampires are just animals like dogs and cats - driven by instinct and food needs.

I don't know if my dog is happy or sad. I think it lives for the moment. I suppose it's relative - in pain/not in pain, hungry/not hungry, hot/cold etc.  That kind of thing.  It never seems to be satisfied about food. It's always ready for a snack.

I suppose The Invaders was kind of like vampires in a way.  They would inhabit human bodies and burn up if they were killed (similar to exposure to sunlight).  Neat trick they burn up and there's no evidence to show the disbelievers.   

Just as I said. Just the other day, FM Szijjártó was wittering on about how "woe are we" because others criticise the Fidesz regime. Hey Szijjártó, enough with the blah-blah. Time to wake up and smell the coffee. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it's a duck. If you were expecting a swan, the you'd better change your thinking. Ain't going to end because of whinging.

Sweden would be an asset to NATO - it has a sophisticated armaments industry. Erdogan is only after the Kurds because it's useful to have an enemy to blame for all his mismanagement. Same 'ol story. The Kurds actually used to have a place at the Turkish political table and they were pretty useful to the USA fighting ISIS in Syria etc. I say let them in. Erdogan cannot milk it forever. No-one is going to forget his prevarication.

BTW, do you know any gay people? If so, how have they impacted your life - positive or negatively? If not, what have you got against them? Is it religious? Or something else? Just curious.

Actually evn that article said:

"of those countries' critiques of Hungarian domestic affairs."

"mostly because of the very disrespectful behavior of the political elites of both countries towards Hungary,”

Regardless: political BS, and a mistake.

What do you expect from a politician other than blah-blah? That is what politicians do.

Scandinavia needs a few thousand Breivik and a serious cleanup for sure to win back what they did lost but to achive anything from abroad with words? Good luck.

Yeah, actually the arms industry is fine in Sweden.

Mainly: patrol boats, corvettes/ frigattes, stealth submarine, guided missiles.

Kurds are a problem for the Turkish + other nearby countries/ territories/ tribes.

They don`t make much trouble in Europe, well not that type of trouble. But sure, just like nearby folks at the Caucasus Kurds are in the two extremes: no problem OR deadly problem.

Funny story:

Place: England, a water-pipe tavern packed with Kurds. Opposing side of the street: a pub. There were a football match, and the fans have some not serious brawl when the supporters of the opposing clubs did not agree how the match gone.

The Kurds were both surprised and shocked:

"If they don`t have problems with each other why do they shout and brawl instead to chill out? But IF they have problem with each other why not stab each others in the neck?"

So just a bit different world.

Anyway anno - just like others - I was impressed by the Kurdish Female Battle Groups. Sure they were badass, and the fear of ISIS based on actions.

Yeah I know quite many gay people.

Just at my main worksplace there are over 20.

The problem is not with the ones I know: they are also against gay propaganda, pride parades, harmful advocation, etc...

The problem is with: NGO-s/ advocation + pressure groups + political powers/ legalistlive background.

They make the newslines, propaganda, enforcement efforts (by soc media/ legalization/ etc...): that you must accept, follow/ brook something.

And off course whole countries, like USA, Canada, UK who also in an imperialist way try to enforce such thing upon others worldwide, also such organizations, like EU who wanna re-definiate "European values" as such.

So just like in other parts of the world: people may have far more resistance when certain forces try to "converse" them to follow a certain way what they not wish to (culture, legalisation, political system, public mentality, etc...):


Pic link missed:


Pic link missed:

You can always edit to insert your picture link.

As far as the picture goes:  FFS.

Actually evn that article said:
"of those countries' critiques of Hungarian domestic affairs."
"mostly because of the very disrespectful behavior of the political elites of both countries towards Hungary,”
Regardless: political BS, and a mistake.
What do you expect from a politician other than blah-blah? That is what politicians do.

Scandinavia needs a few thousand Breivik and a serious cleanup for sure to win back what they did lost but to achive anything from abroad with words? Good luck.

Yeah, actually the arms industry is fine in Sweden.
Mainly: patrol boats, corvettes/ frigattes, stealth submarine, guided missiles.

Kurds are a problem for the Turkish + other nearby countries/ territories/ tribes.
They don`t make much trouble in Europe, well not that type of trouble. But sure, just like nearby folks at the Caucasus Kurds are in the two extremes: no problem OR deadly problem.

Funny story:
Place: England, a water-pipe tavern packed with Kurds. Opposing side of the street: a pub. There were a football match, and the fans have some not serious brawl when the supporters of the opposing clubs did not agree how the match gone.
The Kurds were both surprised and shocked:
"If they don`t have problems with each other why do they shout and brawl instead to chill out? But IF they have problem with each other why not stab each others in the neck?"
So just a bit different world.

Anyway anno - just like others - I was impressed by the Kurdish Female Battle Groups. Sure they were badass, and the fear of ISIS based on actions.

Yeah I know quite many gay people.
Just at my main worksplace there are over 20.
The problem is not with the ones I know: they are also against gay propaganda, pride parades, harmful advocation, etc...

The problem is with: NGO-s/ advocation + pressure groups + political powers/ legalistlive background.
They make the newslines, propaganda, enforcement efforts (by soc media/ legalization/ etc...): that you must accept, follow/ brook something.
And off course whole countries, like USA, Canada, UK who also in an imperialist way try to enforce such thing upon others worldwide, also such organizations, like EU who wanna re-definiate "European values" as such.

So just like in other parts of the world: people may have far more resistance when certain forces try to "converse" them to follow a certain way what they not wish to (culture, legalisation, political system, public mentality, etc...):


Hmmm...it's Tuesday, I feel like a bit of a rant, why not?

Rant mode ON.

Szijjártó made a mistake? Never, I don't believe it. He should get a life. If lots of countries criticise, they must be doing something wrong. Anyway, like anyone cares what he thinks? He's the FM of a minor country that has no clout at all.  OV is so far up Szijjártó's fundament, we all know who is pulling the strings.

I've said it before, personally I think HU is now too far gone and should be kicked out of the EU and NATO for at least a couple of generations. All the money paid net to HU paid back to the EU and the country then isolated. It can always be like North Korea or Belarus if it wants - who cares, it's a "nobody" and inconsequential amongst countries involved in world affairs. All those supporters of OV can queue for visas to go anywhere - down the passport ranking to Afghanistan.

The country has been incompatible with EU values since mid-2010's.  If I was a country with huge economic power, I would be leaning extremely hard on HU over its policies especially over Swedn. Maybe not quite as heavy as leaning on RU but hell, why not? My way or the highway. I don't call that imperialist, I'd call it supporting democracy and equal rights. 

BTW, you missed out the Swedish Saab fighter jets. I've been "attacked" by Viggen fighter/bombers (they are now retired) while on exercises in Denmark. You don't want to be on the receiving end of that. Don't ask me what kind of Viggen it was, it was on us and gone before we even knew which direction it was even coming from. I've never seen mud vibrate like that. The noise made my stomach turn over.

Breivik should have been jailed for life (meaning life). He's clearly many sandwiches short of a picnic and irredeemable. And I'm being kind to him. But he only got 20 years as that's the maximum sentence. Maybe they'll keep him in forever as he's so unsafe.  I saw Fritzl was in the news as well.  He's another mentally ill person.  He thinks he did nothing wrong.  I cannot see him leaving prison or mental hospital.

Rant mode OFF.

Szijjártó made a mistake? Never, I don't believe it.

He did.

As FM he gets the report of national security and secret services daily.

Was really stupid to criticize NATO membership based on how a foreign country try to barking into internal affairs.

Returned former ISIS members are a far more serious/ eligable reasons in regard of Sweden. 

For sure certain countries and powerbases are annoyed when cannot dominate a relative small country. They should learn from history. 

The country has been incompatible with EU values since mid-2010's.

What nowday called "European values" are a shame: there was an Europe once - very different.

EU in present form deserve a total destruction.

About NATO:

Anno during it`s creation it was a defensive alliance.

Not a means of fairy tale isolation and the speaking-tube/ cashpig of the military industrial complex.

BTW, you missed out the Swedish Saab fighter jets. I've been "attacked" by Viggen fighter/bombers (they are now retired) while on exercises in Denmark. You don't want to be on the receiving end of that. Don't ask me what kind of Viggen it was, it was on us and gone before we even knew which direction it was even coming from. I've never seen mud vibrate like that. The noise made my stomach turn over.

Sure Sweden have some other craft as well.

But for example in stealth submarines probably top 1 worldwide, or at least in the top 3.

Breivik should have been jailed for life (meaning life). He's clearly many sandwiches short of a picnic and irredeemable. And I'm being kind to him. But he only got 20 years as that's the maximum sentence. Maybe they'll keep him in forever as he's so unsafe. I saw Fritzl was in the news as well. He's another mentally ill person. He thinks he did nothing wrong. I cannot see him leaving prison or mental hospital.


Breivik  have political reasons and deeds as well. Probably did not executed in the most effective way, but as the proverb goes:

"A swallow doesn't make a summer."

But a thousand like him would make Scandinavia change.

Josef Fritzl is a different case.

For start: no political motivation/ connection with the one above.

The case is just a modern stupidity: it`s became a public case, some "law and order" nonsense.

The traditional Germanic folk law said:

The victim and the victim`s family should carry out the sentence or can forgive the offender.

Obviously in  this case the family as whole would be difficult - but the girl should if she wish to.

Breivik have political reasons and deeds as well. Probably did not executed in the most effective way, but as the proverb goes:
"A swallow doesn't make a summer."
But a thousand like him would make Scandinavia change.

Josef Fritzl is a different case.
For start: no political motivation/ connection with the one above.
The case is just a modern stupidity: it`s became a public case, some "law and order" nonsense.

The traditional Germanic folk law said:
The victim and the victim`s family should carry out the sentence or can forgive the offender.
Obviously in this case the family as whole would be difficult - but the girl should if she wish to.

None of us know what is going on behind the scenes with the FM (I was being sarcastic about his mistakes). I doubt HU gets full briefings from NATO as it's untrustworthy.  The briefings received by HU will be going straight to Putin - that's the perception if not a fact.  Tiddler Hungary must be either getting it in the neck every day or they are being totally sidelined/excluded. I tend to think the latter. Nothing like a diplomatic cold shoulder. So many pictures of OV sitting alone - friend of no-one except other autocrats. It's really rather pathetic to see there's no place at the table for Hungary. Just because we don't hear about it doesn't mean the exclusion isn't happening. I suppose that's what the FM's complaining about. No-one is listening anyway. Those who matter in the world, don't care about his opinion.

Brevik and Fritzl are both corrupt individuals, regardless of their motivation. Brevik is not a freedom fighter by any description.  His alternative expression could have been to become a politician and then fight for his cause from within the system. If his ideas were so righteous, he would have gained popularity and made changes. Of course no-one rational would do what he did.

But in any case, neither has expressed remorse. They are similar in some ways because of that. One has to ask if the punishment fits the crime. Both committed heinous crimes and in other places, they'd have been executed. It's not like there's any doubt about their guilt. Not advocating for the death penalty, but their crimes are so horrible, they need to be kept away from the public. I cannot see them being rehabilitated - ever.

As for Fritzl's daughter carrying out the sentence, I don't think anyone would be looking for that kind of justice system in a modern state. Rule of law and all that.  Might work for somewhere else but not around here.

It's always been the case in modern democracies that the punishment must be proportional to the crime. We can see how corrupt the system can become under an autocrat - that guy in Russia whose daughter was taken into state care because she drew a picture showing Russia as the aggressor in Ukraine. He was facing a 2 year prison sentence but he's currently on the run.

None of us know what is going on behind the scenes with the FM (I was being sarcastic about his mistakes). I doubt HU gets full briefings from NATO as it's untrustworthy. The briefings received by HU will be going straight to Putin - that's the perception if not a fact. Tiddler Hungary must be either getting it in the neck every day or they are being totally sidelined/excluded. I tend to think the latter. Nothing like a diplomatic cold shoulder. So many pictures of OV sitting alone - friend of no-one except other autocrats. It's really rather pathetic to see there's no place at the table for Hungary. Just because we don't hear about it doesn't mean the exclusion isn't happening. I suppose that's what the FM's complaining about. No-one is listening anyway. Those who matter in the world, don't care about his opinion.

Seems you misunderstand.

I did talked about the reports what the HU secret services send to the FM and others. We have over 6 of them and quite top grade WW. Sadly quality expected to decrease as they put a buddy as overseer, who is a politician and not a professional.

FSB just like others are a competitor, so no information sharing when it is not neccesary - sometimes in regard of organised crime (alias Bratva) happens but still rare as the agreement is: no troublemaking here, so up untill the bosses keep that in respect they are more or less safe.

Who matters in the world?

That is a good question.

The so called modern / civilised/ democratic (?) ones are still in a delusion that they are the world when in reality they are about one quarter of the world. China alone can overshadow that by cc. 2030 - 2035.

Brevik and Fritzl are both corrupt individuals, regardless of their motivation. Brevik is not a freedom fighter by any description. His alternative expression could have been to become a politician and then fight for his cause from within the system. If his ideas were so righteous, he would have gained popularity and made changes. Of course no-one rational would do what he did.

I do consider the guy as a cleaner.

No one can change the system within the system, following the rules which set to upkeep that very system. Nor power nor change relies on becaming a politician and gain popularity.

The Bolsheviks are one of the best example: a very small minority gained rulership by overpowering all others and did conquer the largest country up to date.

Anyway (because you also do like sci-fi):


For me that system would be the ultimate utopia. (Sadly utopia is impossible.)

But in any case, neither has expressed remorse. They are similar in some ways because of that.

You know traditionally the lack of remorse was = clear intent, which was = less problematic than when someone is mad with rage, or cannot provide reasoning.

Also the false propaganda painted the Tzarist Russian Empire as very opressive, while for example they had: Judgment of Conscience.

So actually in that time a certain anarchist who previously murdered a hight ranking leader get no sentence at all, because: truly believed what he did was right and judges give a free pass. 

As for Fritzl's daughter carrying out the sentence, I don't think anyone would be looking for that kind of justice system in a modern state. Rule of law and all that. Might work for somewhere else but not around here.

I would.

Actually know about certain cases.

For example one certain girl who carried out a certain sentence over her pimp after certain continous events. Not the place of authorities to barking into personal business. She did just right. 

It's always been the case in modern democracies that the punishment must be proportional to the crime. We can see how corrupt the system can become under an autocrat - that guy in Russia whose daughter was taken into state care because she drew a picture showing Russia as the aggressor in Ukraine. He was facing a 2 year prison sentence but he's currently on the run.

https://www.rt.com/russia/573782-wagner … e-ukraine/

Exactly what I said anno: true power lines are never fully clear.

People no matter how powerful they think they are, no matter how well connected better to listen to certain inquries...

Rest assured Aleksey Gritsaenko prosecutor perspire a bit when think about his future: no one wants a friendly visit from trained veterans, nor wish to visit any luxury hotels in the near future because as a new trend certain people tend to fall out from the windows/ balconies of Russian luxury hotels nowdays if fail to reconsider certain actions/ ways of thinking. 1f609.svg

Proper East European way. 

None of us know what is going on behind the scenes with the FM (I was being sarcastic about his mistakes). I doubt HU gets full briefings from NATO as it's untrustworthy. The briefings received by HU will be going straight to Putin - that's the perception if not a fact. Tiddler Hungary must be either getting it in the neck every day or they are being totally sidelined/excluded. I tend to think the latter. Nothing like a diplomatic cold shoulder. So many pictures of OV sitting alone - friend of no-one except other autocrats. It's really rather pathetic to see there's no place at the table for Hungary. Just because we don't hear about it doesn't mean the exclusion isn't happening. I suppose that's what the FM's complaining about. No-one is listening anyway. Those who matter in the world, don't care about his opinion.

Seems you misunderstand.
I did talked about the reports what the HU secret services send to the FM and others. We have over 6 of them and quite top grade WW. Sadly quality expected to decrease as they put a buddy as overseer, who is a politician and not a professional.
FSB just like others are a competitor, so no information sharing when it is not neccesary - sometimes in regard of organised crime (alias Bratva) happens but still rare as the agreement is: no troublemaking here, so up untill the bosses keep that in respect they are more or less safe.

Sounds like the Putin school of intelligence gathering.  Well, the FM is going to believe what he reads Putin style.  Laughable really.  They won't be seeing unredacted NATO reports.  Tough luck for them.

Who matters in the world?
That is a good question.
The so called modern / civilised/ democratic (?) ones are still in a delusion that they are the world when in reality they are about one quarter of the world. China alone can overshadow that by cc. 2030 - 2035.

China is dependent on other markets for its goods and growth.  They aren't as dumb  as Putin biting the hand that feeds them.  They play the long game but even that's starting to wane.  Africans and others are beginning to wonder who they got into bed with - Belt and Road is not going as expected.   Militarily, the Chinese haven't got a hope against the West and China as it is now, may not even  exist by 2035.  Eventually revolution will ensue. One man resembling Winne the Pooh does not a stable country make.

do consider the guy as a cleaner.
No one can change the system within the system, following the rules which set to upkeep that very system. Nor power nor change relies on becaming a politician and gain popularity.
The Bolsheviks are one of the best example: a very small minority gained rulership by overpowering all others and did conquer the largest country up to date.

That's an outrageous trolling statement. They were mostly young people.  It's indefensible to be murdered because of one man's delusion.  I suppose the US school shooters are justifiable then by that measure?

You know traditionally the lack of remorse was = clear intent, which was = less problematic than when someone is mad with rage, or cannot provide reasoning.-@sjbabilon5

Nah, you got that wrong - clear intent - no way, it's twisted thinking.  .  Lack of remorse on both Breivik and Fritzl's behaviours is sociopathic, i.e. a mental illness. 

I begin to think it's just trollingnow.  It's not a pleasant experience for readers.  If you want to continue in the forum, it would be better to lighten the tone of your posts.

They won't be seeing unredacted NATO reports. Tough luck for them.

That would be unwise to rely on the reports of someone else exclusively. 

Best is to rely on predominantly own sources.

China is dependent on other markets for its goods and growth. They aren't as dumb as Putin biting the hand that feeds them. They play the long game but even that's starting to wane. Africans and others are beginning to wonder who they got into bed with - Belt and Road is not going as expected.  Militarily, the Chinese haven't got a hope against the West and China as it is now, may not even exist by 2035. Eventually revolution will ensue. One man resembling Winne the Pooh does not a stable country make.

China is clearly for the long game.

They always think in decades not some 3-4 years prior the next election for sure.

It's indefensible to be murdered because of one man's delusion. I suppose the US school shooters are justifiable then by that measure?

Delusion or truth? Terrorist or freedom fighter? Celebrated hero or war criminal?

Always depends on who do you ask. + Who does win like in a war.

As for US school shooters:

Those cases are at least that diverse as the United States itself.

You know traditionally the lack of remorse was = clear intent, which was = less problematic than when someone is mad with rage, or cannot provide reasoning.-@sjbabilon5

Nah, you got that wrong - clear intent - no way, it's twisted thinking. . Lack of remorse on both Breivik and Fritzl's behaviours is sociopathic, i.e. a mental illness.

Nowdays called as such.

And by modern standards the whole army of the Mongolian Empire was a bunch of psychopaths. For example when a city which failed to open gates and peacefully surrender - they offered just once.

When the Mongols later conquered the city they butchered everyone who was still alive and from the cut down heads of former citizens they made a grand piramid which hight matched the hight of the city walls.

Or when the Japanesse during the times of Taiko made a large hill from the cut down ears and noses of the Korean army.

Clear purpose and intentions based logical reasons.

Not by chaos, not for pleasure, not by mistake.

Was the girl I mentioned a clinical case by diagnostics? Don`t care: she was the victim, vengeance was her business.

I begin to think it's just trollingnow. It's not a pleasant experience for readers. If you want to continue in the forum, it would be better to lighten the tone of your posts.


Sure not trolling nor (jet) was sarcastic.

History is: what it is.

Different way of thinking and different cultures: ethics and values for sure different.

East Europe is not west, or countries like Afghanistan: exactly what is it. When someone wish to: can undertood them better, or even well.

But to get them judged by different standards and demonised based on that?

Anno Rome did belive they are the ultimate civilization, and the flame in the darkness.

Defeated by so called "barbarians" who had more stiffness, like instead of the fear of revolutions by arm average citizens - they armed the whole tribe.

What if?

What if you follow my example.

Just recently I did seek some more people from South/ Central America to understand better: how do they live, think, their values, public mentality, etc...

I know parts of that, have/ had connections from  there but the more is the better.

BECAUSE: wish to understand their culture/ them better.

I caught a video last night on U tube about restrictions that may be passed in the US to make having a VPN illegal!

It is bill,S-686 also called the Restrict Act.

Seems freedom to  be private is going to be a thing of the past if this bill passes.

The fine they propose is 20 years in jail and a million dollar fine for clicking a button on your computer in you own home or business!

It seems too crazy to believe.

It seems they are going to scrub the internet and remove infomation.

If this is even thought of in the USA what is the rest of the world going to experience?

Reality is the new sci-fi.

I think it might be a Twilight Zone evening of relaxation for me. It's more believable then the news.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Actually I like this more:

That is also a remake from the 60`
The Outter Limits.
Yes, we used to watch that all the time.
My older sister loved sci-fi and was always in control of the tv set.
Fine, she was in control of our music as well.
Lucky me, I was turned on to many great bands from an early age. 8 years old and already a Stones fan.
These past few weeks I've been rewatching from the start the old Gothic 60's daytime tv show, Dark Shadows.
Love being able to watch it episode after episode and not having to run home from school to catch it at 3:30 everyday for 20 mins with commericals taking the other 10 mins of air time.
Johathan Frid the actor who played the sad vampire Barnabus Collins was gay in real life. Never knew that as a child, all the teengirls had a crush on him back then.
I was too young to indulge in such fantasy but my sister was really into the show. She even slept with garlic around her neck!
She had a wild imgination!
-@Marilyn Tassy

I suppose all vampires are sad really. 

Being half-dead or all-dead but refusing to lie down is not going to cheer you up. I suppose vampires are just animals like dogs and cats - driven by instinct and food needs.

I don't know if my dog is happy or sad. I think it lives for the moment. I suppose it's relative - in pain/not in pain, hungry/not hungry, hot/cold etc. That kind of thing. It never seems to be satisfied about food. It's always ready for a snack.

I suppose The Invaders was kind of like vampires in a way. They would inhabit human bodies and burn up if they were killed (similar to exposure to sunlight). Neat trick they burn up and there's no evidence to show the disbelievers. 

I think vampires are just your everyday narcissist personality.

We all have narcissist traits but most people try to keep it under control.

Social vampires are the worst.

They only enjoy themselves when others are down or they think they have the upper hand even with the most minor of things.

Easily offened people usually are overly narcissist.

My father was a narrcissist person while my mother was an emphath.

Any emphath with an ounce of self confidence wakes up sooner or later and has to cut the narrcissit person out or suffer for it.

I caught a video last night on U tube about restrictions that may be passed in the US to make having a VPN illegal!
It is bill,S-686 also called the Restrict Act.
Seems freedom to be private is going to be a thing of the past if this bill passes.
The fine they propose is 20 years in jail and a million dollar fine for clicking a button on your computer in you own home or business!
It seems too crazy to believe.
It seems they are going to scrub the internet and remove infomation.
If this is even thought of in the USA what is the rest of the world going to experience?
Reality is the new sci-fi.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Welcome in the matrix.

Anyway VPN is a bit tricky and risky. In relity as most people use it that is just a false safety or more like illusion of that.

Things like: log in to email/ social media using VPN = 1f921.svg

Any defense/ measure just as much secure as the one who uses it.

BTW there is actually no effective way to restrict/ block/ ban anything country wide.

A few countries tried which often lead to epic fails - like when they tried in Russia, and millions of users just acccidentally get aware of "measures" years later by news - oh government really tried something - did not even notice.

What regular folks call internet actually called "clear"net and it is 2-5% of the real internet.

BTW 2:

The USA have the largest prison population on planet Earth already. 

https://worldpopulationreview.com/count … by-country

The only one "close" to it at least in % is Turkmenistan.

So if they wanna enlarge it with en masse 20 years sentences just became larger.

So much about the land of the free...

Most likely this will be just another way to put behind bars unwanted folks:

https://eu.usatoday.com/list/news/natio … c193d389e/

VPNs are illegal (or their use is restricted) in:

  • China (heavily restricted)
  • North Korea (illegal)
  • Iraq (illegal)
  • Belarus (illegal)
  • UAE (legal with restrictions)
  • Egypt (legal with restrictions)
  • Turkey (legal with restrictions)
  • Russia (legal with restrictions)

I really can't see VPN's being banned in the USA. Do you have a link to that YouTube Video @Marilyn?


https://www.msn.com/en-US/news/sciencea … r-AA19exSd

https://www.vice.com/en/article/4a3ddb/ … iktok-vpns

https://www.msn.com/en-US/news/sciencea … r-AA19exSd

https://www.vice.com/en/article/4a3ddb/ … iktok-vpns

Thats kind of different, not a total ban of  using VPNs but only if you are trying to use it for banned Apps.

It's indefensible to be murdered because of one man's delusion. I suppose the US school shooters are justifiable then by that measure?

Delusion or truth? Terrorist or freedom fighter? Celebrated hero or war criminal?
Always depends on who do you ask. + Who does win like in a war.

As for US school shooters:
Those cases are at least that diverse as the United States itself.


You're defending the deaths of innocents by unhinged persons.  Moreover, you're advocating the murder of those engaged in the political process.  That's not a normal perspective.

The freedom fighter vs terrorist is an old trope, a strawman argument if you want. 

Real freedom fighters will engage in the political process whereas terrorists will not.

It's just trolling.   We've got your number now.

I caught a video last night on U tube about restrictions that may be passed in the US to make having a VPN illegal!
It is bill,S-686 also called the Restrict Act.
Seems freedom to be private is going to be a thing of the past if this bill passes.
The fine they propose is 20 years in jail and a million dollar fine for clicking a button on your computer in you own home or business!
It seems too crazy to believe.
It seems they are going to scrub the internet and remove infomation.
If this is even thought of in the USA what is the rest of the world going to experience?
Reality is the new sci-fi.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I cannot see that happening. It sounds like fake news.

VPNs are secure links used to access many IT systems. I use it all the time.

I set up my own VPN to my relative's house in the UK. I can then access the UK news and all TV without geolocation getting in the way. As it's not a paid for service provider address  the broadcasters have no idea. Neither does Google or other search engines.

They could find out by inspecting the data passing in real time but they don't bother - it'd be a load on their systems and one of billions of data streams. But they just don't have the resources for it.

If legit, some political nitwit who understands nothing about IT security will have probably lashed that together as a policy. They are idiots.

Banning them will never happen. Entrepreneurs will be over that hump inside of 5 minutes.

https://www.msn.com/en-US/news/sciencea … r-AA19exSd

https://www.vice.com/en/article/4a3ddb/ … iktok-vpns

Thats kind of different, not a total ban of using VPNs but only if you are trying to use it for banned Apps.

Kinda broad - use legalisation as wish type.

Anyway technicaly I don`t see a feasable way to execute such: KNOW when someone uses VPN - used to what after someone connected (VPN services worldwide).

If they meant: US VPN servers only then simply pointless: they already report all, and deliver the data to all agencies into big data. Also shared that with all the 14 eye.

One of the reason I have said: VPN is tricky and can be a false illusion of privacy/ safety.

But legalisation is just a plan in this stage.