Absolutely Anything Else

Time to stock up on everyday items for the long weekend.
Just found out it's yet again another long 3 days weekend in Hungary.
Never heard of so many long weekends as they have over here.
Lupa Lake is opening this weekend and it's free.
Going to be a madhouse if the weather is nice.
I am ready for swimming season, just need the water to heat up a bit more.
Lost so much weight recently that I'm still wearing sweaters at night in the apt.
Down to something like 52-53 Kilos and tall.
Almost need a new wardrobe if I don't gain a bit more.
They do say one can never be too thin or too rich. I'd like to find out about the rich part!
Had a fun day yesterday, got a colonscopy exam! They were very nice with me. I was worried they wouldn't sedate me, they did one better and totally knocked me out. They put me to bed for at least 90 mins. before letting me go.
I admit a spa day would of been a bit better but we take what we can!

We lost yet another icon, Tina Turner.
I was lucky enugh to see her life two times.
First as an opening act for The Rolling Stones in 1972 when she was still with Ike.
Great show.
Saw her one her own with my sister and SIL in the 1980's, still a great act.
Ike would of been nothing without her.
Can't forget her in that Mad Max film either.Thunderdome.

Just part of the passing of time.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Yes, sad to see Tina Turner go.  I thought she did some good stuff.  Mrs F says she didn't like her.  But even without the music, she was quite interesting in her personal life - marrying a German guy, becoming a Swiss citizen and renouncing her US citizenship.  All from very tough roots.  Her health seems to have been really difficult in later years.   And her early relationship with Ike was poisonous.  I sometimes confused her and Diana Ross - I went off her because she was really supporting Michael Jackson. That seemed a bit dodgy.

I know about those drugs they use for sedation.  They won't normally let people go after that as they could fall over.   That said,  what a great trip.  Best sleep and dreams ever.

When Mrs F, the kids and I were at the airport the other day, we were in the boarding queue and the woman in front, toppled over backwards and crashed into our hand luggage. We had to help her up.  She could hardly speak, was wrapped up around her throat - like she'd had a tracheotomy or throat surgery.   If she'd be operated on, they should have kept her in at least 24 hours.  One of the other passengers took her on and helped her on to the plane.  Well done that man! While she could hardly speak, she was very insistent she would get on the plane.  Don't know if she made it off and wherever she needed to go.

Time to stock up on everyday items for the long weekend.
Just found out it's yet again another long 3 days weekend in Hungary.
Never heard of so many long weekends as they have over here.
Lupa Lake is opening this weekend and it's free.
Going to be a madhouse if the weather is nice.
I am ready for swimming season, just need the water to heat up a bit more.
Lost so much weight recently that I'm still wearing sweaters at night in the apt.
Down to something like 52-53 Kilos and tall.
Almost need a new wardrobe if I don't gain a bit more.
They do say one can never be too thin or too rich. I'd like to find out about the rich part!
Had a fun day yesterday, got a colonscopy exam! They were very nice with me. I was worried they wouldn't sedate me, they did one better and totally knocked me out. They put me to bed for at least 90 mins. before letting me go.
I admit a spa day would of been a bit better but we take what we can!

We lost yet another icon, Tina Turner.
I was lucky enugh to see her life two times.
First as an opening act for The Rolling Stones in 1972 when she was still with Ike.
Great show.
Saw her one her own with my sister and SIL in the 1980's, still a great act.
Ike would of been nothing without her.
Can't forget her in that Mad Max film either.Thunderdome.

Just part of the passing of time.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Yes, sad to see Tina Turner go. I thought she did some good stuff. Mrs F says she didn't like her. But even without the music, she was quite interesting in her personal life - marrying a German guy, becoming a Swiss citizen and renouncing her US citizenship. All from very tough roots. Her health seems to have been really difficult in later years.  And her early relationship with Ike was poisonous. I sometimes confused her and Diana Ross - I went off her because she was really supporting Michael Jackson. That seemed a bit dodgy.

I know about those drugs they use for sedation. They won't normally let people go after that as they could fall over.  That said, what a great trip. Best sleep and dreams ever.

When Mrs F, the kids and I were at the airport the other day, we were in the boarding queue and the woman in front, toppled over backwards and crashed into our hand luggage. We had to help her up. She could hardly speak, was wrapped up around her throat - like she'd had a tracheotomy or throat surgery.  If she'd be operated on, they should have kept her in at least 24 hours. One of the other passengers took her on and helped her on to the plane. Well done that man! While she could hardly speak, she was very insistent she would get on the plane. Don't know if she made it off and wherever she needed to go.


Poor lady. She could of perhaps had wheelchair service to help her so that her BP etc. wouldn't drop to the point where she passed out.

That's if they actually listen and get you a wheelchair.

I know post knee surgery I asked while booking for a wheelchair at the BUD airport about 9 years ago. One never knows how long the lines will be and when or if instant lock up of joints can happen if already injured.

Well, no chair was waiting for me, I was OK that day but asked the check in lady where my chair was as I had requested it many weeks in advance.

She asked me if I really needed it or not?? WTH?? Like that isn't part of her job to ask such a question.

The thing is on the way back into Hungary, 6 months later post physical therapy they called out my name at the airport and 2 ambulance drivers were waiting for me with a chair and a special emergency van! I told my husband I was not going to answer them but he wanted to see what was up.

They took me in the van with a lift and strapped me down in a chair so it wouldn't move while they drove me to the gate.

Man alive, never again, I'd rather crawl then make such a show again!

Poor lady though, sometimes people get light headed in those long lines.

Poor lady. She could of perhaps had wheelchair service to help her so that her BP etc. wouldn't drop to the point where she passed out.
That's if they actually listen and get you a wheelchair.
I know post knee surgery I asked while booking for a wheelchair at the BUD airport about 9 years ago. One never knows how long the lines will be and when or if instant lock up of joints can happen if already injured.
Well, no chair was waiting for me, I was OK that day but asked the check in lady where my chair was as I had requested it many weeks in advance.
She asked me if I really needed it or not?? WTH?? Like that isn't part of her job to ask such a question.
The thing is on the way back into Hungary, 6 months later post physical therapy they called out my name at the airport and 2 ambulance drivers were waiting for me with a chair and a special emergency van! I told my husband I was not going to answer them but he wanted to see what was up.
They took me in the van with a lift and strapped me down in a chair so it wouldn't move while they drove me to the gate.
Man alive, never again, I'd rather crawl then make such a show again!
Poor lady though, sometimes people get light headed in those long lines.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I thought perhaps the falling over lady had been drinking but she didn't smell like it.  I think she was sick.   She could have asked for help and it would have been free.  And a lot safer for us. I wasn't happy she crashed into our hand luggage and could have damaged our stuff. Wasn't very considerate of her if she knew she wasn't 100%. 

I've used the disabled services at BUD and other airports when I was transporting my (now) 99-year old Dad.  It does work but does it waste huge amounts of time.  I'm not used to hanging about.  They are a LOT better organised at other airports.  They are slow slow slow at BUD and the disabled are the last ones off.  I was clucking around my Dad like a mother hen making sure they were looking after him.  He's perfectly competent mentally but somehow they seemed to think he was intellectually disabled rather than just extremely old and slow moving.  After I returned him home to the UK about a week later, we decided between us he was simply too old to do that kind of thing again. 

I must admit I have periods of unsteadiness myself.  I think it's my ears.  On the other hand,  it could have been an earthquake (!). 

Poor lady. She could of perhaps had wheelchair service to help her so that her BP etc. wouldn't drop to the point where she passed out.
That's if they actually listen and get you a wheelchair.
I know post knee surgery I asked while booking for a wheelchair at the BUD airport about 9 years ago. One never knows how long the lines will be and when or if instant lock up of joints can happen if already injured.
Well, no chair was waiting for me, I was OK that day but asked the check in lady where my chair was as I had requested it many weeks in advance.
She asked me if I really needed it or not?? WTH?? Like that isn't part of her job to ask such a question.
The thing is on the way back into Hungary, 6 months later post physical therapy they called out my name at the airport and 2 ambulance drivers were waiting for me with a chair and a special emergency van! I told my husband I was not going to answer them but he wanted to see what was up.
They took me in the van with a lift and strapped me down in a chair so it wouldn't move while they drove me to the gate.
Man alive, never again, I'd rather crawl then make such a show again!
Poor lady though, sometimes people get light headed in those long lines.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I thought perhaps the falling over lady had been drinking but she didn't smell like it. I think she was sick.  She could have asked for help and it would have been free. And a lot safer for us. I wasn't happy she crashed into our hand luggage and could have damaged our stuff. Wasn't very considerate of her if she knew she wasn't 100%.

I've used the disabled services at BUD and other airports when I was transporting my (now) 99-year old Dad. It does work but does it waste huge amounts of time. I'm not used to hanging about. They are a LOT better organised at other airports. They are slow slow slow at BUD and the disabled are the last ones off. I was clucking around my Dad like a mother hen making sure they were looking after him. He's perfectly competent mentally but somehow they seemed to think he was intellectually disabled rather than just extremely old and slow moving. After I returned him home to the UK about a week later, we decided between us he was simply too old to do that kind of thing again.

I must admit I have periods of unsteadiness myself. I think it's my ears. On the other hand, it could have been an earthquake (!).

When I went to the UK last year I had assistance and I went through passport control faster than anyone else and was on the plane first. Amsterdam was a joy because, it's a bit of a walk between the 2 gates and we travel on a buggy.

When I went to the UK last year I had assistance and I went through passport control faster than anyone else and was on the plane first. Amsterdam was a joy because, it's a bit of a walk between the 2 gates and we travel on a buggy.

We also had a buggy/golf cart at Gatwick but it had about 4 other people on it.

They all had to be loaded on to the plane as well.

We had to wait ages, just to go through security and passport control.

I know at one point we were shuttled with a bunch of other people on a buggy through an airport.

Think our plane was leaving and they wanted us all not to miss our connection.

My point was I had requested aid to get to my flight and the Budapest employee asked if I really needed it or not.

Not like she is an expert or is on a medical need to know base with travelers.

I found it very rude and not helpful at all. Sort of judgemental really.

My brother and his wife both worked 35 and 40 plus years as major US airline mechanics.

My brother refused to fly, think he took advantage of his free flight perk all of 6 times if even that much.

He never checked in a bag either.

He said most of his co-workers were,"Bozos". Real idiots.

My SIL was a skilled mechnic, had to be one of the best as she was one of the first females in that job and had to prove herself.

She was handed the trash bag by female flight attendants when she would board to fix something that needed fixing on the plane.

Without her OK, the plane wasn't going anywhere but yet they handed her the trash like she was the cleaning person.

My brother said usually a plane left with more things wrong with it then it landed with.

They would tag issues for the next stop to have them checked over, if they had time.

Had to be a major repair to keep a plane from flying out.

He said most planes are held together with duct tape and bobby pins.

I doubt that but I can guess what he meant.

I know we have been thinking and looking into a big trip for awhile now but at times I'm Ok with just watching a video and imgaining I'm there.

I really just wish my next big flight to be one way.( not to go down though!)

We bought our son a ticket just before covid to visit us from Japan.

The very last hour, just before he was to walk out of his door he cancelled on us.

Left us holding the bag so to speak, money down the drain on that seat.

Not everyone likes to fly.

Our HU friend years ago moved back to Hungary 2 times. He couldn't make up his mind if he liked the US or Hungary better.

He isn't the only Hugarian we knew who did this, one guy even moved back to Hungary when it was still communist.

He lived in Ca. and Hawaii but settled for working as a gas man in a small town in S. Hungary.

So the first guy met his wife in Hungary as many we knew did and brought her to the US.

She refused to fly to Ca.

He had to ship her over then she took a train to Ca.

That's a bit extreme but I understand.

My BFF, Lisa who passed a couple years ago also hated to fly.

She visited me in Vegas a couple of times and instead of taking the quick hour flight to see me she took a long hot sweaty Greyhound bus for 6 or 7 hours.

Last time it was both distrubing for her and sort of funny as well.

A women on the bus accused the guy next to her of stealing her $40.

The bus driver pulled off the road and called the police.

Everyone on the bus was searched for her lousy $40. and questioned.

Finally they let everyone go except for the guy and the women.

My friend was freaking out, she even offered to just give the women $40 and call it a day so they could pull out and hit the road.

Travel is not for the weak of heart!

Hello every one

We are in early stages of planning looking at Schenzen restricted passport times of travel

the weather climate conditions to reduce huge baggage of clothes gloves sweaters and

regional tourist customer services including problems with political unrest inside famous

cities of Europe as two old retired foreign travelers... Great deal of information is against

our plans for a safe comfortable pleasure vacation for old age (80) travel planning... ???

The USA online stories are not offered in Europe or perhaps blocked news in Europe so

it is very difficult to analyize travel news from the other side of "everything is beautiful"

Would like to connect to your country  news feeds and comments to help us decide

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcHtvx … EOQ/videos




Thank you in advance for any non fake  news line  help

My BFF, Lisa who passed a couple years ago also hated to fly.
She visited me in Vegas a couple of times and instead of taking the quick hour flight to see me she took a long hot sweaty Greyhound bus for 6 or 7 hours.
Last time it was both distrubing for her and sort of funny as well.
A women on the bus accused the guy next to her of stealing her $40.
The bus driver pulled off the road and called the police.
Everyone on the bus was searched for her lousy $40. and questioned.
Finally they let everyone go except for the guy and the women.
My friend was freaking out, she even offered to just give the women $40 and call it a day so they could pull out and hit the road.
Travel is not for the weak of heart!
-@Marilyn Tassy

I (very) recently was on a long round trip work journey to the Pacific. It involved going to Japan and back (to Hungary). It was 12h going there and 14h coming back.  I've been to Japan before and I am sure it didn't take that long.  Then I realised it was because they no longer fly over Russia.  It's probably 2h longer than it was before.  From Japan it goes over China, then Kazakhstan, then across the Caspian Sea, onwards towards Romania and the rest of Europe.  I thought they could have gone over the North Pole, over the very tip of US Alaska air space, then done a right turn towards Japan.   Anyway, it was pretty uncomfortable travel squashed in that plane for hours.  There's only so many movies you can watch. And only so many hours your back can take it.  When you factor in getting to/from the airport, it takes just ages and ages.  And amazingly on my recent journey, the plane was absolutely full.  But why?

I can believe planes are held together with pins and  duct tape. I'd add string to that.  I reckon they fly with many faults all the time.  Bulbs missing, toilets not working and so on. Anything to get that thing in the air and earning.  If it's sitting on the ground more than about 2h, it's not making money.  Those aircraft get a daily beating. 

Hello every one

We have traveled to Japan and landed at Narita then purchased the bullet train pass offer

to foreigners and went all over Japan down to Kagoshima black sand spa resort to several

volcano aactive hot spas and castles on the western side back to mount Fuji.  It was a

life time opf photo adventures and happy susgi meals...  Alas that was over 20 years ago

we spend 30 days in Japan but the entire world has changed after 2008 and then Covid

All we hear today is complaints and bad news from most people and it is very different

and also dificult to make travel plans  with all the noise over the global change of life.

We travel to USA but did not like New York or Chicago or Texas or Colorado but did

stay several weeks in Los Vegas Nevada and went to the Bull Head city river casinos

that reminded of Venice Italy with all the casino taxi boats... 

The world has changed over the years and keeps changing faster and faster as we all

gtow older we all get senile then we all get to  die... so there are some people who make things happen and there are some people who only watch things happen and the rest of

the people never know what happen...   we hope to stay alive and kepp trying to make

things happen before the fat lady starts singing...  cheers

Yes, those long haul flights are something out of hell.

I used to take a little something something either in pill or cookie form to relax.

Helped a bit but still...

My husband flew to S. Africa in 1975 from NYC to Jo Berg.

A 27 hour flight! They only did that route once a week and stopped in every tiny airport from N. Africa on down.

He said the plane was not full as many workers got off in N. Africa. Everyone was just passed out laying across seats and the flight attendants gave up on keeping their madeup faces fresh and neat.

No one wanted to eat any longer or even try to watch anything.

They had all reached the Zombie Zone. My husband was young and helathy then too, just 26 years old and full of energy.

Our son declined a free flight to visit us because last min he decided he hates flying.

We got stuck with a useless ticket from Japan.

It get harder as one ages to sit so long.

One should however travel when they can if they are into traveling.

My brother and his wife worked for the airlines and could of flown anywhere in the world for just the tax cost. First class or businessclass is where airline employees usually get a seat if they are open. They know you work for the airlines and treat each other speacial knowing their turn to be special will come too.

Well sad to say today my SIL wrote me and told me again about all their plans to travel when he retired. Even a trip over here to Hungary to see me.

He passed away in Sept. and all those plans were for nada.

Yes, we never know when the fat lady is going to sing.

Only flown to America once, the flight itself was fine, it was just the films...... Just my luck the return flight had the same films.

Only flown to America once, the flight itself was fine, it was just the films...... Just my luck the return flight had the same films.

The worst part is flying to Las Vegas verses flying say to LAX or another city.

Almost everyone on the last leg of the flight is off to party in Vegas.

All ampted up to play and act the fool in Vegas. A rowdy group of party animals.

Not excactly the best compnay on board when you already have put many hours of flight time behind you and are about ready to try and nap.

I will never fly on British Airlines again.

Last time our mistake, we didn't spring for desinated seats.

We were the last to board due to the connecting flight arriving late.

They sat us several rows apart and mid row. We were stuck in a group of over 30 young Swedes who were on their way from London to Vegas. All drunk outta their minds with none stop drinks.

Don't get me wrong, I like a drink and understand but when one gets so drunk they pass out next to you and you are afraid to wake them up to get to the WC there is a problem. One guy I was chatting with casually while stetching my legs . He out of the blue just layed down in the on the floor and passed out cold. The flight attendants just left him there while eveyone had to step over his body! Hard to believe I know. It was bad enough for me to have to just abut sit on the guy next to me lap everytime I wanted to get up. He was out of it for ages and his legs were so long I would of tripped if I wasn't as agile as I am. At least he didn't chat my ear off.

Thes party dudes were  jr, managers of a fast food chain in Sweden and the co. paid their way to Vegas to party. I swear to God it was a nightmare.

I felt so slighted by the airlines, they could of asked at least one of these dudes to let us at least sit next to each other since we are older and I had to keep getting up and checking on my husband to make sure he was drinking enough water so his heart wouldn't get fast or his BP go down or up in this case.

I will now be purchasing my seat ahead of time and picking out where we will sit. Not perfect but better then getting stuck between 30 Sweds ona drinking tour.

Only flown to America once, the flight itself was fine, it was just the films...... Just my luck the return flight had the same films.

They only change them once a month. If you fly in and out in the same month, you'll get the same stuff.   

Thing to do now is to take a bunch of downloads on your smart phone and watch or listen to  that stuff instead.

Only Emirates seem to have a very wide range of new movies and shows.   Rest of them are working on 2-3 year old movies and even older shows - like anything up to 20 years old.

One thing I've recently acquired is noise cancelling ear buds so I can put those in to cut out most of the plane noise. Works quite well.   

Hello every body

apologizing for intruding into a happy jolly group of fiendly retired HUN people...

Already had intresting conversations with fluffy2560 representing options avaiilable

entertainment / weather reports...   We at present inside Thailand and travel / fly

every year because we also have old age retired and love global adventures...

Can any of you chat about experiences using variety of internet streaming movies

news etc  entertainment  received over comouter & TV  connection...  Examples are



they provide in theater movies international tv shows series as a free installation

how ever the catch is the installation of "addons"

described and listed as optional and  independant sourced add on sources

The  sources sending all the movies news etc from all over the globe except for a

few countries like Hungary Magyar languge attachable add on sources .. 

Is there a streaming service for HUN movies ? News ?

that can be installed in the above KODI / STREMIO  free  video internet players?

Don't know much about streaming shows in Hungary.

I'm OK with Netflix and U tube.

I am actually enjoying old tv shows from the 60's, Dragnet, Dark Shadows, might even get ino watching old Hawaii-5-0.

New shows basically bore me to death, same old thing over and over again.

I did like Breaking Bad and Son's of Anarchy but those types of shows are few between.

Was into even watching historical Turkish shows until the ran their course.

When my son and DIL flew to Japan from Vegas over 4 years ago he paid for the shortest flight and chose their seating.

Not sure now what happened but the plane landed in Alaska and they were put up in a hotel for the night.

My son was so mad. No food given to them, he said they were walking the streets at night and with snow falling on them. They ran to a Subway sandwhich place because that's all that was around.

He later made a claim and was given back over $800.

Had thought about heading to the spa today but changed my mind.

Need a bit of time for things to really warm up for me first.

The prices for a spa day have really gotten out of hand.

It will be interesting to see if people still come or not.

I need to swim at a min. 2 times per week so that can add up for a month,let alone for the whole season.

Worth it to me but still, sort of a bummer.

My husband isn't into sitting on the train all the way to Balaton or swimming in the messed up green waters of Velence.

Not sure what has happened to lake Venlence.

I know last year was a bust over there.

It was nice outside today, not too hot but mild .

Don't know much about streaming shows in Hungary.
I'm OK with Netflix and U tube.
I am actually enjoying old tv shows from the 60's, Dragnet, Dark Shadows, might even get ino watching old Hawaii-5-0.
New shows basically bore me to death, same old thing over and over again.
I did like Breaking Bad and Son's of Anarchy but those types of shows are few between.
Was into even watching historical Turkish shows until the ran their course.
When my son and DIL flew to Japan from Vegas over 4 years ago he paid for the shortest flight and chose their seating.
Not sure now what happened but the plane landed in Alaska and they were put up in a hotel for the night.
My son was so mad. No food given to them, he said they were walking the streets at night and with snow falling on them. They ran to a Subway sandwhich place because that's all that was around.
He later made a claim and was given back over $800.

Had thought about heading to the spa today but changed my mind.
Need a bit of time for things to really warm up for me first.
The prices for a spa day have really gotten out of hand.
It will be interesting to see if people still come or not.
I need to swim at a min. 2 times per week so that can add up for a month,let alone for the whole season.
Worth it to me but still, sort of a bummer.
My husband isn't into sitting on the train all the way to Balaton or swimming in the messed up green waters of Velence.
Not sure what has happened to lake Venlence.
I know last year was a bust over there.
It was nice outside today, not too hot but mild .
-@Marilyn Tassy

I loved Hawaii 5-0. Jack Lord (playing Steve McGarrett) was apparently not a very nice person.  But it seemed so exotic back then compared to the dreary old UK. The only thing was it seemed to be a hot bed of crime and intrigue in Hawaii. Nice to view from a distance but you wouldn't like to live there etc considering the amount of murdering going on. Just book 'em Dano!

I watched Parks and Recreation on my recent plane journey and I found it quite amusing. I binged Season 1. There's an actress on there called Aubrey Plaza. She plays deadpan intern April. She was in a Netflix movie called Emily the Criminal. It's quite a good movie about credit card scammers and she does a fine acting job. I think a few people will have had their careers launched via Parks and Recreation.

The trouble with those streaming channels is that they cancel shows after 2 or 3 seasons. They aren't showing Snowpiercer - Season 4 - on Netflix and they cancelled time travel show Travelers. I liked both those shows and wish they'd air them or extend them. It's hard to understand why they do that. Look at Star Trek. That was going to get cancelled after a season but it's a classic now and must have spawned billions in revenue.

We've got workers in the garden doing construction. They all look like lobsters from being in the sun. It's quite a change from just a few weeks ago. It's brutal out there in the sun even if the temperatures are lower than average.  Looks like a proper summer now it's June.

We'll be sunning ourselves and relaxing at Mrs Fluffy family's Balaton "house"/shack/shed mid-July and mid-August. I hope the weather holds up for our slots down there. No intention of going to Velence. It's just not worth it nowadays. Easier to go Balaton for the day as there's more going on.

I'm glad it was possible for your son to get some money back from the airline. If it was United, I can understand the problem. They seem to be a bit rubbish and unaware of their obligations. They owe me big time for messing me about. Them or my travel insurance.

Hello every body and thank you for sharing your adventures today...  Having problem with one computer

after using this expat.com blog it shut down crashes the only sign is the CPU is running  random at 100%

so switched over to another computer for now....

It is cloudy with a bit of sun shine but every day a T shirt and short pants clothes here steady 29 C weather

near the ocean. The area is full of sauna and steam and swim pool resort clubs offering 30 day membership

abouts 2 USD per day for all services.  We meet a hungarian couple in the sauna complaining they can not

find a restraunt on the ocean road offering Goulash...  The area is full of UK Australia German Russian

residents and tourists so restraunst offer Borsht, chicken. rice, beef, plenty of wine and beer to wash it all down...

Anout Netflis and streaming entertainment we stop using Netflix after they blocked pass words and cut

programs required payments to watch a TV show every time as extra...  The KODI program was very

good but it requires extensive setup to load sorces and crashed many times using python software not

compatible from the add on tv sources so we use stremio

stremio is simple to  download and install on your computer.  You enter a email and password only to

start it up where you left off connected to your large TV watch a movie....    The only setup required after

install is enter the sources add on and select all the sources.. For example Netflis is only one add on source

buried inside 10000 global sources you can add on...  After this you start up and if searching add your

movie name or TV series name or actor  name in the above search menu drop down and then every thing

available pops up below as icons..  Just click on one icon and open up  full TV description and then add it

to your library to watch later...    The search you do has several identical named movies or tv shows and

you need to click on what it is you want to watch amd add it////   For example search for CITADEL and

get back several fils and movies along with the (four existing) TV series. click on add to library and watch

it any time,,, 

I love my music, well who doesn't?

I have come across this musician from South Africa


Reinhardt Buhr

You really need to check him out, I can't stop listening to him.





I checked him out on the u tube link.

Talented but not really my sort of jam.

I'm so old school I still have my vinyl from over 50 years ago.

My last LP was a gift from my BFF, Get your Ya-Ya's out by the Stones. Their live LP.

It was her last LP in her collection and we shared some fun times as teens seeing the Stones in concert.

I honestly don't really like hearing music much any longer except my old 60's through 80's faves.

I cringe when we walked underground at Keliti station, some old guy is murdering the violin for passers bys.

I always want to give him something to stop playing!

My friend just bought her daughter a vinyl LP by the Foo Fighters for her BD.

She said the record was white, interesting.

I wasn't even aware tehy still made vinyl.

For a short spell in Old Town Albuquerqe we liked listening to those flute bands from S. America. Even bought one of their tapes.

Then coming to Hungary it seemed years ago that those wind/flute bands were everywhere in Budapest.

Got so sick of hearing them.

( Had to look up how to spell Albuquerqe, used to know how when we lived there but suppose the old brain does housecleaning with info it no longer uses much)

I checked him out on the u tube link.
Talented but not really my sort of jam.
I'm so old school I still have my vinyl from over 50 years ago.
My last LP was a gift from my BFF, Get your Ya-Ya's out by the Stones. Their live LP.
It was her last LP in her collection and we shared some fun times as teens seeing the Stones in concert.
I honestly don't really like hearing music much any longer except my old 60's through 80's faves.
I cringe when we walked underground at Keliti station, some old guy is murdering the violin for passers bys.
I always want to give him something to stop playing!
My friend just bought her daughter a vinyl LP by the Foo Fighters for her BD.
She said the record was white, interesting.
I wasn't even aware tehy still made vinyl.
For a short spell in Old Town Albuquerqe we liked listening to those flute bands from S. America. Even bought one of their tapes.
Then coming to Hungary it seemed years ago that those wind/flute bands were everywhere in Budapest.
Got so sick of hearing them.
( Had to look up how to spell Albuquerqe, used to know how when we lived there but suppose the old brain does housecleaning with info it no longer uses much)
-@Marilyn Tassy

Vinyl is making  a big time come back.  There's almost no pressing capacity as everyone has gone digital.  I've still got some of my vinyl but nothing to play them on. I don't get why you'd trade down to vinyl when digital is always 100% reproducible.

On the other hand, I did read that Metallica owns a record pressing factory in the USA - Furnace Record Pressing.

I'm also not really interested that much in music much these days.  I just cannot be bothered.  In fact, I think it's noise I don't like now. Over 60, don't like noise at all.  Like the golden oldies though.

I've never liked those musicians they have in restaurants.  I had a nightmare night recently when I was taken to a jazz club as part of a work thing. It was just awful.  The musicians were good at their jobs but I didn't like the music style, it was too loud and I couldn't hear what anyone was saying.  The food was rubbish as well. 

I have hearing damage and tinnitus from too many rock concerts in my misspent youth.  Noisy environments and it's like everyone is speaking underwater.  I tell my kids they are risking tinnitus, hearing loss etc if they go down the front in a concert and do not wear ear protection.

My friend invited us to join her and her husband years ago at a piano bar in Ca.

Really not our thing at all.

My sister loved off beat places where there was live music.

Me, not so much, take it or leave it.

She loved some Italian restuarant in Hollywood where the servers would break out signing Opera?

She also was one of those Rocky Horrow Show people. I was never interested in that fad.

I went a couple of times in my yearly 20's with my other siter and a friend of hers to a sort of famous in LA Jazz club. The Hot Potatoe.

Her friend was an odd little short older man who lived in her building.

My eldest sister had allot of friends in her apt. building at the time. In fact her next door neighbor just happened to be HU friends of ours unknown to either of them at the time.

He couldn't bend one of his knees, some damage done from WW11 where his knee was fused together. Good thing he was super short or he'd never fit in a car with a straight leg.

Later that litte man hooked me up with a job for a week that was really off the charts.

A really tall gay man was a script writter and this tiny man was his agent or something like that, memory is now gone on the details. Maybe they wer more then just friends, IDK.

Well the script writter had broken his leg and was all depressed and not writting.

He needed someone to stay over and cook him some meals and get him outside sometimes in his wheelchair so his writting energy would boot up.

My mother baby-sat that week for me while I took the odd gig.

Paid really well, like almost a months salary at a min. wage job.

That would boost the pay 4 times what was normal for such a job.

Couldn't resist it.

He was OK, rather nice and not that hard to cook or clean for.

I have no idea now if it was a tv script, a movie or what.It got done, I know that much.

My son was never a big concert goer. He was more into dancing in techno clubs in Vegas years back.

My little nerd of a boy, love how children don't always grow the same way their parents did , sometimes the apple does fall far from the tree.

My friend in the states made me laugh today.

She told me something I doubt I'll ever hear here in Hungary.

Big sale happening at her local dispensary.

She needs her stuff for pain , sad to say, I'm not so sure it works for her.

It just sounded so funny to think they have a sale on Purple Haze or Maui Wowie.

In reality I don't think what they would be selling at these shops is organic or not spiked with something not healthy.

I watched a video about how actually dangerous it is to have them swipping your ID in the states to be able to purchase these products.

Sooner or later they will use that info to repress people.

A black mark on your social credit score perhaps?

The video said in the state of MInn. they are seriously using this info to stop people from using their second ammendment rights.

My friend in the states made me laugh today.
She told me something I doubt I'll ever hear here in Hungary.
Big sale happening at her local dispensary.
She needs her stuff for pain , sad to say, I'm not so sure it works for her.
It just sounded so funny to think they have a sale on Purple Haze or Maui Wowie.
In reality I don't think what they would be selling at these shops is organic or not spiked with something not healthy.
I watched a video about how actually dangerous it is to have them swiping your ID in the states to be able to purchase these products.
Sooner or later they will use that info to repress people.
A black mark on your social credit score perhaps?
The video said in the state of MInn. they are seriously using this info to stop people from using their second amendment rights.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Oh, 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms etc.   Sounds like an agenda in the video against ID tracking.  Here of course, they want ID for anything at all.   

People will find any excuse to carry - open or otherwise.  From Europe that just seems crazy.  Another school shooting this morning.  In Virginia this time. 

If people couldn't have these weapons so easily, people wouldn't reach for them to settle whatever beef they have with whomever.

And because people think others are going to be armed, it's literally an arms race. If you are in a dispute with your neighbour and it's very aggressive, you'd have to go armed in case the other side is loaded up with weaponry.   And the cops shoot first just in case.

Not sure what I should take for my bad back/hip - just painkillers. If I was retired the wacky baccy might help but probably I wouldn't be able to keep up with all my jobs.  I probably need physio more than anything.  My back got better when I laid off the physical work for a few weeks.  But since I'm working outside a lot on garden matters, it's come back somewhat.  It's heavy lifting that's doing it.  I used to be able to lift heavy objects OK but now I wait and ask Mrs Fluffy to help.

Not sure what I should take for my bad back/hip - just painkillers. If I was retired the wacky baccy might help but probably I wouldn't be able to keep up with all my jobs. I probably need physio more than anything. My back got better when I laid off the physical work for a few weeks. But since I'm working outside a lot on garden matters, it's come back somewhat. It's heavy lifting that's doing it. I used to be able to lift heavy objects OK but now I wait and ask Mrs Fluffy to help.

Maybe work on strengthening the core muscles (Pilates) and take it slow, use lifting equipment and avoid ruining the back/hip completely. My back pain is gone since I regularly do the right excercises regularly and avoid activities that do harm. I know, not very medical, but orthopedists are usually hopeless when the problem is not obvious.

Not sure what I should take for my bad back/hip - just painkillers. If I was retired the wacky baccy might help but probably I wouldn't be able to keep up with all my jobs. I probably need physio more than anything. My back got better when I laid off the physical work for a few weeks. But since I'm working outside a lot on garden matters, it's come back somewhat. It's heavy lifting that's doing it. I used to be able to lift heavy objects OK but now I wait and ask Mrs Fluffy to help.
Maybe work on strengthening the core muscles (Pilates) and take it slow, use lifting equipment and avoid ruining the back/hip completely. My back pain is gone since I regularly do the right excercises regularly and avoid activities that do harm. I know, not very medical, but orthopedists are usually hopeless when the problem is not obvious.

Most doctors in general are useless.

I had 3 really high fevers within the last 6 weeks.

What set me off I do believe is doing the so called, "right thing" and getting making a visit with my gynocologist.

I am 99% sure I picked something up nasty from her office equipment.

Just 4 days after that visit I was swollen, high fever and red .

Had 3 pelvic exams within a month, one male gyno send me to the surgeon?? OK like what for, I went because that was what I had to do to get to the next level with these doctors.

He sent me back to the gyno again, just the medical meery-go-round.

Given several creams, none worked, saw my GP who fianlly orded lab tests.

Just yesterday I was finally given anti-biotics for 2 strains of bacterica introduced to me.

I never in my long life had a bacteria infection .

I can put 2 and 2 together . No dective work really needed to figure it out why I got so ill.

103 F for days then a 101 fever the next few times they came back.

Now on a course of probiotics because these anti-biticos are going to give me a ,"run" for my money, they always do.

I think we must try to heal ourselves because doctors really are not invested in our health.

My pap smear results took 7 weeks to come back as well.

Turns out they never even tested me for the reason I went in the first place!

One could drop over and be buried before you know what wrong with you.

I was getting better myself with all this waiting to know what was my problem.

The body can heal itself many times without doctors.

Back issues, I do think a chiropractor is handy but often their ajustments don't last long. Building muscle strength is all one can do and keep the stress levels low. Stress is a major enemy to ones health.

@Marilyn Tassy That doesn't sound good. The mum of my wife also tries to avoid the doctors as much as she can and she made it to over 80 already. What seesm to be great in Hungary are the dentists and dental surgeons. Excellent quality for a very reasonable price. Apart from that we didn't have personal experience with the Hungarian medical system. Cross fingers that is remains like that.

Maybe work on strengthening the core muscles (Pilates) and take it slow, use lifting equipment and avoid ruining the back/hip completely. My back pain is gone since I regularly do the right excercises regularly and avoid activities that do harm. I know, not very medical, but orthopedists are usually hopeless when the problem is not obvious.

I think that nails it.  I've had Docs looking at my back.  And chiropractors.  All of them aren't able to get a diagnosis. I reckon it's a disk pressing on a nerve or some alignment problem.  They didn't see any of that on x-ray.   

The way it's going one of these medics is sooner or later going to tell me I need a hip replacement. 

I think it's not that as it's more like sciatica.

@Marilyn Tassy That doesn't sound good. The mum of my wife also tries to avoid the doctors as much as she can and she made it to over 80 already. What seesm to be great in Hungary are the dentists and dental surgeons. Excellent quality for a very reasonable price. Apart from that we didn't have personal experience with the Hungarian medical system. Cross fingers that is remains like that.

I had a rather serious issue 19 months ago.

Went through a living hell here to get my ,"cure". So far with God's help and the limited care here I am in remission!!

I did some unorothdox things on my own. My oncologist didn't even know what I was talking about where as in Japan it is standard in over 700 hospitals to take the suppliment I took on my own.

He is a good doctor by reputation and I"m sure he knows his stuff but still there is always room for improvement.

I also researched natural treatments on my own, teas from India, oils to take etc. Plus I was allergic to one of the treatments they gave me, no one bothered to test me beforehand. It is a possiblity that being allergic to my medication could of killed me. As it was I spent 5 days in isolation in the hospital. Could of been much worst then that.

Took all sorts of suppliments from those body builders take to teas ones old granny might brew at home.

I threw out almost all the food given to me in hospital, all sugary and white flour products and canned or proccesed lunch meats.

Didn't really see a vegatable in 5 days.

I am grateful however, in the US I wonder if my care would of been any better. I know my pocket-book would be much lighter in the US for the same care even with health coverage.

My friends husband in the US had the same treatments I had and he was billed,$98,000! No hospital stay for him either. With insurnace they have to pay $9,800 and their monthly insurance coverage with medicare and a supplimental plan is about $800. per month for the two of them! Yikes!!

The dentists here are usually very good, except for the one with the whittered arm who didn't have the strength to pull my tooth out after tugging away for  no lie, one full hour. He broke my tooth in half and had to call another dentist out to try and pull out the rest in my jaw.

The dental school is great here they don't take short cuts and really do good work even if it's slow going.The fixed what those 2 screw balls did to my tooth.

Then again in the US my husband went to a dentist who charged before doing any treatments. If you needed something more you got out of the chair and paid at the desk before treatment started. We laughed so hard when we later passed that office and noticed someone had broken their windows! karma!

The distrubing thing with my last medical trauma was the pathology was so slow. I mean 7 weeks and then 2 weeks for a blood and urine test to come back?

I don't know what to say really, sort of scary.

I'm fine now, tell myslef that was just a little bump in the road and time to move on and enjoy life.

Can't worry about what ifs and if that happens etc.

Looking forward to summer, if it ever really comes here.

Maybe work on strengthening the core muscles (Pilates) and take it slow, use lifting equipment and avoid ruining the back/hip completely. My back pain is gone since I regularly do the right excercises regularly and avoid activities that do harm. I know, not very medical, but orthopedists are usually hopeless when the problem is not obvious.

I think that nails it. I've had Docs looking at my back. And chiropractors. All of them aren't able to get a diagnosis. I reckon it's a disk pressing on a nerve or some alignment problem. They didn't see any of that on x-ray. 

The way it's going one of these medics is sooner or later going to tell me I need a hip replacement.

I think it's not that as it's more like sciatica.

I do really hope you never need any joint replacements.

My cosuins had 2 on the same hip.

My sister had one a couple years ago and seems fine. She is a tough lady though, I mean she cared for herself and her dogs post surgery without any help.

My friend in AZ had a new knee, never was right again. She had me feel her knee cap very creepy feeling, not like a natural knee cap feels.

I guess if needed you'd do it in the UK. Good move to go there.

Here in HU I think I heard it was over a year wait time to get one.

I could scream but will control myself.

My internet seems to always go down just as I'm almost finished with my post!

Well . let's see if I can get back on track.

My friend in AZ is very talented.

She does beautiful window and wall hangings with cut stained glass.

She cuts the glass, solders, uses a blow tourch all from her wheelchair.

She made her daughter a really pretty cut glass bee with the use of only half of her hand!

She has nerve damage and her latest medical issue is 2 of her fingers will not lift up on her right hand. Her ring and pinky fingers.

She saw her GP who sort of brused it off.

Waiting now to see someone who can give her a proper exam.

Only been a couple of months of waiting...

Made me rethink my medical care as well.

I had terrible medical care in the US but on reflection it is really hit or miss here as well.

I thought back over the years with all the run around I was given with my shoulder and other issues like my knee and it blows my mind.

I am grateful I have HU national health but not so sure it's worth much if you need anything more serious then a flu shot in some cases.

I have experienced so many infections right after having a treatment from a doctor here.

At least 4 that I can remember that lead to needing anti-biotics.

Who knows how many more my body fought off on it's own.

I can understand how some religions don't believe in seeing doctors.

Sometimes the cure is worst then the illness.

First an infection from the dentist while breaking my tooth in my jaw.

Had to take anti-biotics which lead to more medical issues needing a gastro doctor to correct the damage done by the too strong drugs.

Then an infection in my shoulder wound after an in office minor shoulder surgery.

Then an eye infection. Now that one was more then painful, gave me white lighting headaches.

Had eye surgery and my eye was infected afterwards.

Now the latest is seeing the gynocologist and getting an infection. Had to have 3 pelivc exams within a month by 2 different doctors plus they had me run to a surgeon who was at a loss for words as to why I was sent to him. My husband was funny enough, he came in with me while a male gyno checked me out. The guy said I was fine and he had 30 years experience. My husband in Hungarian told him he has seen me for over 50 years and things just aren't normal. My husband was wondering what exactly does he see daily? Scary!!

Had lab tests down, took over 7 weeks in total for my lab work to come back, finally given anit-biotics . My GP sent me for the lab test, not the gynoclogist.

Almost went to the ER a few weeks ago because of a 3rd very high fever from this latest infection.

I also almost was a goner because they didn't test me before giving me fluoropyrimidines in chemo. A possible fatal issue. Being allergic to a drug that is suppse to cure you isn't great care. The test for an allergy only costs $100. to $150. , I would of sprung and paid it myslef if I had been informed such a thing was possible.

As it turned out my gynocology exam was not conclusive and a total waste of time. They didn't test for the reason I went to them in the first place either!

I am unsure if I should go along any longer with any tests or exams they recommend.

Is it a sanitation issue here or am I that sensitive to everything?

My think our bodies can heal themselves if we allow it to heal.

I wonder in the future if using AI to diagnosis is in the cards.

No ego, no in it for the money attitude with AI.

I could scream but will control myself.
My internet seems to always go down just as I'm almost finished with my post!
-@Marilyn Tassy

Maybe write what you want to write "offline" (e.g. in MS Word) and then copy the completed text into expat.com. I assume that there are a number of places in the world where the internet is not stable.

@Marilyn Tassy In a different thread you mentioned that you considered Portugal as well. It is hard to say whether this would be worth it. The National Health Service (SNS) is very likely not better then what you get in Hungary. Portugal has a good private healthcare system, but that can be very costly without private health insurance, which in itself can be expensive.

Warmer climate and proximity to the Atlantic are definitely a plus, but renting a place is extremely expensive and not widely available. Also don't underestimate the issues around language. On Bloomberg I read that quite a lot of Americans are leaving Portugal again, either moving on or going back home.

@Marilyn Tassy In a different thread you mentioned that you considered Portugal as well. It is hard to say whether this would be worth it. The National Health Service (SNS) is very likely not better then what you get in Hungary. Portugal has a good private healthcare system, but that can be very costly without private health insurance, which in itself can be expensive.
Warmer climate and proximity to the Atlantic are definitely a plus, but renting a place is extremely expensive and not widely available. Also don't underestimate the issues around language. On Bloomberg I read that quite a lot of Americans are leaving Portugal again, either moving on or going back home.

My deceased brother had a complicated brain hemorrhage in Lisbon. They said his care was beyond their capabilities. I guess small country, smaller skill sets.   As he was relatively wealthy, his family had him airlifted to  the UK to be cared for there.

Portuguese will be a lot easier to learn than Hungarian.  I cannot say it's an attractive language to hear for native English speakers.   

I could scream but will control myself.
My internet seems to always go down just as I'm almost finished with my post!
-@Marilyn Tassy
Maybe write what you want to write "offline" (e.g. in MS Word) and then copy the completed text into expat.com. I assume that there are a number of places in the world where the internet is not stable.

We have regular power failures and brownouts here. It's devastating to my IT gear and my ISP doesn't work without power. I have to have power protection on the important devices. Most of the power failures seem to be weather related or capacity problems. One time we lost one of the phases. That's not good for machinery. What gets me is they never tell us when it's going out. It just gets switched off suddenly. They replaced some of substations a while back and that's improved service levels. Unfortunately, they didn't do it for my street.

Update:  Speak of the devil, we had another power failure about 2h after  I wrote the above! WTF?

Well, really thanks for the info on Portugal.

Might be worth a vacation only.

We are more then ready to take a trip but dislike traveling in the summer season.

Might just follow the sun in the fall and head to SE Asia just for a look around and for an adventure.

Been awhile since we had an adventure.

Well, a fun one at least!

When I think of Portugal I always think of that wine that was so popular in the US in the 70's-80's from Portugal, Mateus . Everyne thought it was so high class to bring to a party!

There are many places in the US with 3rd world health care available.

I know of a man who was treated for cancer and lives in Hilo.

He flew to San Diego for 6 weeks to get treatments because at home they had no clue what to do for him. He said only 3rd world care was available in Hilo.

My freind still lives in Hilo, her husband and she are not poor by any standards but he had sub-par health care and died about 2 years ago in Hilo.

He was being treated for 6 weeks for pneumonia. It got so bad she took him into the ER.

Tests were done, he couldn't even breath well enough to get a CT scan. Couldn't hold his breath for 15 seconds.

Turns out he had end stage lung cancer! Died 10 days later.

Her son from her first marriage is a doctor in Honolulu, he flew to Hilo and stayed with them to try and get answers from his doctors and to try and help him as he was checking out . So disappionting for her, A 2 time window now.

My step-father was only 43 when he died from colon cancer, not related to us by blood so this illness seems rather common. My half hearted research seems to indicate , my own theroy really that eastern European and black peple tend to get colon cancer at higher rates then the general pop. Of curse with GMO foods, bad water and bad air quailty more and more younger peple are getting this monster illness. My step-father's docots treated him in the US for 6 months for a much more minor issue then colon cancer. Time lost getting treatments is time lost forever.

My brother lived in SC and had top notch company health insurance with American Airlines. He worked for them over 35 years.

He found out about 20 months ago that he had stage 4 colon cancer( runs in the family) he saw 3 different cancer clinics and had a full team of oncologists working on him. Had 2 treatments that cost ver $200,000. He died out of the blue from a stupid thing that should of been none exsistant with all his care. He had sepsis, a blood infection.

I suppose it's out of our hands sometimes if we are meant to be cured or not.

I do believe stress and not being positive about life can help bring on ill health.

Can't prove it but I do think it's the case many times.

I could scream but will control myself.
My internet seems to always go down just as I'm almost finished with my post!
-@Marilyn Tassy
Maybe write what you want to write "offline" (e.g. in MS Word) and then copy the completed text into expat.com. I assume that there are a number of places in the world where the internet is not stable.

I'm no IT wizard. Crazy really, we bought a computer way back when . A huge desk top when they first were coming out. Spent a whole $1,700 on it, guess it was in the 1980's.

Had that dial up system to get online.

Never was my cuppa tea.Still don't know how to cut and paste or any techy stuff.

I'm lucky I can sign in to my e-mail on my own!

More of an action person then  one to figure out small details.

I just rewritre everything from scratch if the internet goes down.

Well, really thanks for the info on Portugal.
Might be worth a vacation only.
We are more then ready to take a trip but dislike traveling in the summer season.
Might just follow the sun in the fall and head to SE Asia just for a look around and for an adventure.
Been awhile since we had an adventure.
Well, a fun one at least!
When I think of Portugal I always think of that wine that was so popular in the US in the 70's-80's from Portugal, Mateus . Everyne thought it was so high class to bring to a party!
There are many places in the US with 3rd world health care available.
I know of a man who was treated for cancer and lives in Hilo.
He flew to San Diego for 6 weeks to get treatments because at home they had no clue what to do for him. He said only 3rd world care was available in Hilo.
My freind still lives in Hilo, her husband and she are not poor by any standards but he had sub-par health care and died about 2 years ago in Hilo.
He was being treated for 6 weeks for pneumonia. It got so bad she took him into the ER.
Tests were done, he couldn't even breath well enough to get a CT scan. Couldn't hold his breath for 15 seconds.
Turns out he had end stage lung cancer! Died 10 days later.
Her son from her first marriage is a doctor in Honolulu, he flew to Hilo and stayed with them to try and get answers from his doctors and to try and help him as he was checking out . So disappionting for her, A 2 time window now.
My step-father was only 43 when he died from colon cancer, not related to us by blood so this illness seems rather common. My half hearted research seems to indicate , my own theroy really that eastern European and black peple tend to get colon cancer at higher rates then the general pop. Of curse with GMO foods, bad water and bad air quailty more and more younger peple are getting this monster illness. My step-father's docots treated him in the US for 6 months for a much more minor issue then colon cancer. Time lost getting treatments is time lost forever.
My brother lived in SC and had top notch company health insurance with American Airlines. He worked for them over 35 years.
He found out about 20 months ago that he had stage 4 colon cancer( runs in the family) he saw 3 different cancer clinics and had a full team of oncologists working on him. Had 2 treatments that cost ver $200,000. He died out of the blue from a stupid thing that should of been none exsistant with all his care. He had sepsis, a blood infection.
I suppose it's out of our hands sometimes if we are meant to be cured or not.
I do believe stress and not being positive about life can help bring on ill health.
Can't prove it but I do think it's the case many times.

      My BFF, Lisa passed at the start of covid in Ca. Her husband of 30 some years had prostrate cancer but was recovering. She was also in a huge court battle with her 2 older brothers over their mom's estate.

The stress of it all got to her and she just died out of the blue.

Her husband is doing fine but misses her so much as we all do.

She never spent any of the money her mom left her, only retiled her kitchen floor before she died.

Just a crime really.Her high BP must of got her, she felt flu like and her husband forced her to seek medical care after a week of feeling bad. She just died in the hospital a week later.

My mother took really good care of my ill step-dad for 3 years. Just 2 weeks after he died she found out she had breast cancer and underwent surgery and treatments. The stress and worry about her husband got her, I'm sure of it.

Well, really thanks for the info on Portugal.
Might be worth a vacation only.
We are more then ready to take a trip but dislike traveling in the summer season.
Might just follow the sun in the fall and head to SE Asia just for a look around and for an adventure.
Been awhile since we had an adventure.
Well, a fun one at least!
When I think of Portugal I always think of that wine that was so popular in the US in the 70's-80's from Portugal, Mateus . Everyne thought it was so high class to bring to a party!
There are many places in the US with 3rd world health care available.
I know of a man who was treated for cancer and lives in Hilo.
He flew to San Diego for 6 weeks to get treatments because at home they had no clue what to do for him. He said only 3rd world care was available in Hilo.
My freind still lives in Hilo, her husband and she are not poor by any standards but he had sub-par health care and died about 2 years ago in Hilo.
He was being treated for 6 weeks for pneumonia. It got so bad she took him into the ER.
Tests were done, he couldn't even breath well enough to get a CT scan. Couldn't hold his breath for 15 seconds.
Turns out he had end stage lung cancer! Died 10 days later.
Her son from her first marriage is a doctor in Honolulu, he flew to Hilo and stayed with them to try and get answers from his doctors and to try and help him as he was checking out . So disappionting for her, A 2 time window now.
My step-father was only 43 when he died from colon cancer, not related to us by blood so this illness seems rather common. My half hearted research seems to indicate , my own theroy really that eastern European and black peple tend to get colon cancer at higher rates then the general pop. Of curse with GMO foods, bad water and bad air quailty more and more younger peple are getting this monster illness. My step-father's docots treated him in the US for 6 months for a much more minor issue then colon cancer. Time lost getting treatments is time lost forever.
My brother lived in SC and had top notch company health insurance with American Airlines. He worked for them over 35 years.
He found out about 20 months ago that he had stage 4 colon cancer( runs in the family) he saw 3 different cancer clinics and had a full team of oncologists working on him. Had 2 treatments that cost ver $200,000. He died out of the blue from a stupid thing that should of been none exsistant with all his care. He had sepsis, a blood infection.
I suppose it's out of our hands sometimes if we are meant to be cured or not.
I do believe stress and not being positive about life can help bring on ill health.
Can't prove it but I do think it's the case many times.
   My BFF, Lisa passed at the start of covid in Ca. Her husband of 30 some years had prostrate cancer but was recovering. She was also in a huge court battle with her 2 older brothers over their mom's estate.
The stress of it all got to her and she just died out of the blue.
Her husband is doing fine but misses her so much as we all do.
She never spent any of the money her mom left her, only retiled her kitchen floor before she died.
Just a crime really.Her high BP must of got her, she felt flu like and her husband forced her to seek medical care after a week of feeling bad. She just died in the hospital a week later.
My mother took really good care of my ill step-dad for 3 years. Just 2 weeks after he died she found out she had breast cancer and underwent surgery and treatments. The stress and worry about her husband got her, I'm sure of it.
-@Marilyn Tassy

It seems to be the way. The intensity of looking after someone is high. It's a tough gig.  All that energy has to go somewhere when the invalid passes and there's no longer a need for intense effort by the carer. It always seem to be everything comes out very quickly afterwards and negatively. And the carer then succumbs.

I suppose the grass is not always greener.

My cousin arrived a week ago back to the Phillipines.

It sounds like reality has hit him.

I do think the biggest reason he moved back there was for his wife.

His health isn't great and it seems like he wants to make sure his wife got back home with her family if anything should happen to him.

6 years in the US. At least she had a taste of America.

They get to live rent free in the house of one of her brothers. This brother lives in Japan and they have use of the bottom half of his home rent free.

The problem is her other brother lives about one foot away and likes to play loud country music and his children have many pets.

I know in the past he had enough of her family and they moved a few hundred miles away in the mountains.

It sounds like they are back to square one now and it's getting on his nerves already.

Going from dry climate New Mexico to wet and wild Phillipines is also a huge adjustment.

4 inch long roaches and flying bugs in the rainy season.

I wonder how long they will stay, perhaps awhile since they are restaining and repainting the place and putting in a new shower.

Sometimes cheaper isn't the way to go though.

Stress is defo not good for anyones health.

I read today about a Hungarian women now living in FL. who shot and killed a mother of 4.

Sounds like two hot headed women got into it and the result is 4 children without a mother.

Guns in the wrong hands is never a good idea.

What ever happened to a good old hairpulling cat fight?

Just sad, one unthinking reaction and lives are ruined forever.

I suppose the grass is not always greener.
My cousin arrived a week ago back to the Phillipines.
It sounds like reality has hit him.
I do think the biggest reason he moved back there was for his wife.
His health isn't great and it seems like he wants to make sure his wife got back home with her family if anything should happen to him.
6 years in the US. At least she had a taste of America.
They get to live rent free in the house of one of her brothers. This brother lives in Japan and they have use of the bottom half of his home rent free.
The problem is her other brother lives about one foot away and likes to play loud country music and his children have many pets.
I know in the past he had enough of her family and they moved a few hundred miles away in the mountains.
It sounds like they are back to square one now and it's getting on his nerves already.
Going from dry climate New Mexico to wet and wild Phillipines is also a huge adjustment.
4 inch long roaches and flying bugs in the rainy season.
I wonder how long they will stay, perhaps awhile since they are restaining and repainting the place and putting in a new shower.
Sometimes cheaper isn't the way to go though.
Stress is defo not good for anyones health.

I read today about a Hungarian women now living in FL. who shot and killed a mother of 4.
Sounds like two hot headed women got into it and the result is 4 children without a mother.
Guns in the wrong hands is never a good idea.
What ever happened to a good old hairpulling cat fight?
Just sad, one unthinking reaction and lives are ruined forever.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Damp and hot means teaming with bugs.  Lovely.

Couple of days ago I read about that HU origin woman Lorincz who shot and killed the neighbour.   Lorincz is claiming "stand your ground". 

From the European perspective, why did she have a gun in the first place?  And stand your ground about what?

Giving people guns freely and randomly is not going to end well.

The right to bear arms needs to become the right to bare arms asap.

Never mind the Kardashians (who?),   I'm up for some super schadenfreude this afternoon with that reality show "Trumps in Trouble".   He cannot even get someone to represent him.  No lawyers will touch him or his family.  What's not to like?!