Absolutely Anything Else

There should be no different system here from anywhere else in our region or the EU.

But yes, OV wants to be the new Tsar. No need to consult with anyone

The EU wants Hungary to be a democratic state participating as an equal. It's not doing that. So either follow the rules of the club agreed with peers or persuade enough other countries to agree to change to whatever system agrees with HU's digestion or stop the interference and tantrums and leave the group. If Hungary doesn't want to be part of the club and its norms, then it should just go.


There are many different systems.

Also one of the primary disagreement:

Independent states of Europe (Nations of Europe)


EU Federal-Union Centralized Superstate


Consults with many (forced to do), otherwise would be deposed.

Countries where the political-economic elite actually cares about the opinion of the population are far more democratic.

That is the exact opposite with for example Germany:

Politicians just change definitions, legalization, do policies what the population disagrees with: citizens first duty: just obey... or else.

EU superstate is the same: definie what will be (like: "european values") -> try to enforce upon states -> follow suit or else.

Maybe Hungary will see a Soros and USAID supported colour revolution. I hope not, but ... who knows.


Tried and failed multiple times.

We - Hungarian radicals - are not act as easy to use equipment as they used the ones in Ukraine.

Here will be no Maidan.

Maybe Hungary will see a Soros and USAID supported colour revolution. I hope not, but ... who knows.


Tried and failed multiple times.
We - Hungarian radicals - are not act as easy to use equipment as they used the ones in Ukraine.
Here will be no Maidan.

Seems there is still a fighting spirit alive here in Hungary after all!

That's great.

My Hungarian husband was saying just recently that he thought the Hungarians had lost their fighting spirit.

I guess they are just waiting for the right time to make their moves!

Maybe Hungary will see a Soros and USAID supported colour revolution. I hope not, but ... who knows.


Tried and failed multiple times.
We - Hungarian radicals - are not act as easy to use equipment as they used the ones in Ukraine.
Here will be no Maidan.
Seems there is still a fighting spirit alive here in Hungary after all!
That's great.
My Hungarian husband was saying just recently that he thought the Hungarians had lost their fighting spirit.
I guess they are just waiting for the right time to make their moves!
-@Marilyn Tassy

The fighting spirit was there always - in some.

Still I don't forget events like when in 2007 we were in a certain place where the crowd was cc. 4000 - 5000. Riot police mustered up some cc. 2000 personel + cc. 50 vehicles (water canons, mobile grenade launchers, apc-s, etc..) in the very same place (there were multiple similars city wide).

In 10 min. we remain some 500 vs. 2000.

Since then trust the ones who are no random, but  part of/ affiliated with certain "proven" organizations or know personally based on proven history of past events.

So I am always prefer to undercount the the personel - only the useful, the ready.

But yes cc. 2-3 regiment sized volunter unit can deal with Brussel any time when this softcore-conservative government either becames weak or decides to not hold back radicals anymore.


We had just returned to the US in 2007 when those protests happened in Hungary.

We watched online though.

It seemed wlld.

My husband was too young( 9 years old) in 1956 but he saw the protests starting from downtown in the 5th district. He and his 10 year old bro were playing when groups of young people gathered and stated speeches and such.

They stopped playing and climbed up a lamp post to watch for hours.

Saw a Russian tank run over a young women and they ran home.

His mom didn't et them out for ages. Spent allot of time down in the cellarlistening to noises from outside their building.

His mom spent 2 years underground with his 2 year old older sister during the war. Going underground was her thing to do when trouble started.

She was also hidding from soilders, she was only 22 at the time and he rhusband was fighting.

Her mother and older brothers wouldn't allow her out to see the daylight for those 2 years. They'd hussle her into the flat at night or when things were really calm.

Most of her older brothers were in the HU Army as well as her husband. She had 6 older brothers!

Would of been 7 but her twin died soon after birth.

Anyways, even older people can fight, maybe not on the front lines but they are good support.

I pray I never see war up close in my life but one never knows.

We had just returned to the US in 2007 when those protests happened in Hungary.
We watched online though.
It seemed wlld.
My husband was too young( 9 years old) in 1956 but he saw the protests starting from downtown in the 5th district. He and his 10 year old bro were playing when groups of young people gathered and stated speeches and such.
They stopped playing and climbed up a lamp post to watch for hours.
Saw a Russian tank run over a young women and they ran home.
His mom didn't et them out for ages. Spent allot of time down in the cellarlistening to noises from outside their building.
His mom spent 2 years underground with his 2 year old older sister during the war. Going underground was her thing to do when trouble started.
She was also hidding from soilders, she was only 22 at the time and he rhusband was fighting.
Her mother and older brothers wouldn't allow her out to see the daylight for those 2 years. They'd hussle her into the flat at night or when things were really calm.
Most of her older brothers were in the HU Army as well as her husband. She had 6 older brothers!
Would of been 7 but her twin died soon after birth.
Anyways, even older people can fight, maybe not on the front lines but they are good support.
I pray I never see war up close in my life but one never knows.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Been some interesting things in the news recently. 

Watching people die is going to lead to PTSD. I cannot imagine the horror of tanks running over people.

The Russians are now recruiting ex-military officers now pensioners back into their ranks.  Up to 70 years old. That smacks of so much desperation.   I'm almost 63 now and I couldn't voluntarily get back in uniform to do anything like that.  Too bloody old with rusted up joints.  But if I had to, to defend my family, I would do it but I cannot believe the Russian population buy into the Ukraine war as a righteous cause.

I was in The Netherlands when the wall came down.  I actually wanted to drive to Berlin to see personally the whole communist edifice collapse but decided against it.   I still had work the next day!

BTW, similar thing to Cold War history, I see Facebook is launching a Twitter alternative called Threads.  What Zuckerburg and crew failed to note is that people (>50) in the UK may remember an apocalyptic TV drama Threads about the after effects of nuclear war.  It was a traumatic show for many people.  The name Threads is forever tainted.   

The Russians are now recruiting ex-military officers now pensioners back into their ranks. Up to 70 years old. That smacks of so much desperation.

That must mean then that the Russians will be surrendering withing the next few days. I mean, what chance do they have against the best trained young Ukrainian army of the world.

That must mean then that the Russians will be surrendering withing the next few days. I mean, what chance do they have against the best trained young Ukrainian army of the world.

Honestly, it must be exhausting being so toxic/sarcastic all the time.

Do you find people ignore you and your opinions quite quickly after meeting you?

I am not sure I would be allowed to mention a competing Expat organization but there is one that runs global surveys every year on a variety of issues. It asks expats from all over about the places where they live, work, raise their families, and have social lives.

One of the biggest losers this year is Hungary. Here is their summary:

The Biggest Losers

Hungary has dropped 13 places in the Ease of Settling In Index, coming in 36th out of 53 destinations. The country saw the biggest fall in the Finding Friends Subcategory (from 13th to 31st). Expats are less happy with their social life: from 61% positive responses in 2022, it is down to just 50% in 2023. In fact, 47% find it difficult to make local friends (vs. 36% globally), which is a 14 percentage point increase compared to the 33% in 2022. Another big change is that only 59% of expats feel at home there (vs. 62% globally), compared to 70% in 2022.

I am not sure I would be allowed to mention a competing Expat organization but there is one that runs global surveys every year on a variety of issues. It asks expats from all over about the places where they live, work, raise their families, and have social lives.
One of the biggest losers this year is Hungary. Here is their summary:
The Biggest Losers
Hungary has dropped 13 places in the Ease of Settling In Index, coming in 36th out of 53 destinations. The country saw the biggest fall in the Finding Friends Subcategory (from 13th to 31st). Expats are less happy with their social life: from 61% positive responses in 2022, it is down to just 50% in 2023. In fact, 47% find it difficult to make local friends (vs. 36% globally), which is a 14 percentage point increase compared to the 33% in 2022. Another big change is that only 59% of expats feel at home there (vs. 62% globally), compared to 70% in 2022.

I can totally believe that. 

I've spent a lot of time in the surrounding countries and they have a lot more going for them than Hungary.   Croatia or Serbia were the easiest.  Romania wasn't bad too. Even Albania is up and coming. Anyway, Croatia would have to win because it's in the EU and seems to be well organised and they are serious polyglots.  Serbia seems to oscillate from chaos to stability.

The Russians are now recruiting ex-military officers now pensioners back into their ranks. Up to 70 years old. That smacks of so much desperation.
That must mean then that the Russians will be surrendering withing the next few days. I mean, what chance do they have against the best trained young Ukrainian army of the world.

Probably they are the best Army in the world right now.

Anyway, the pensioners will be just more Cargo 200.  Vlad is happy to say from the safety of his bunker,  "some of you may die but that's a price I'm willing to pay".

Reminds me of that famous Adolf Hitler film where he's seen inspecting the Hitler Youth defending Berlin  - *click here.   

*Mark Felton produces some of the best historical videos about WW2. Top stuff.

I can totally believe that.

I've spent a lot of time in the surrounding countries and they have a lot more going for them than Hungary.  Croatia or Serbia were the easiest. Romania wasn't bad too. Even Albania is up and coming. Anyway, Croatia would have to win because it's in the EU and seems to be well organised and they are serious polyglots. Serbia seems to oscillate from chaos to stability.

-- And don't forget that Serbia is pro-Russia.

I can totally believe that.

I've spent a lot of time in the surrounding countries and they have a lot more going for them than Hungary. Croatia or Serbia were the easiest. Romania wasn't bad too. Even Albania is up and coming. Anyway, Croatia would have to win because it's in the EU and seems to be well organised and they are serious polyglots. Serbia seems to oscillate from chaos to stability.
-- And don't forget that Serbia is pro-Russia.

Yes, absolutely.   I did think about that when thinking of the chaotic politics there.  Of course the right wing PM is very unpopular in Serbia.   The Russia link is one of the reasons I would rate Croatia higher.  The coast and islands which are very nice to visit. 

The only one I haven't been to is Montenegro but people tell me it's a decent tourist spot.

70 year old soldiers? AKA Cannon Fodder.

That does reek of desperation and insanity.

Sometimes It's difficult to think there is murder ,fighting going on so close to Hungary.

I thought humanity was heading for a golden age,don't think any of us will see that in our lifetime, maybe not for many generations to come.

They are all out of their heads. Common people will not gain a thing no matter who,"wins".

It's all about who will be making money when all is said and done.

Has any war really improved the lives of the common people once a winner is declared?

Only perhaps in a few countries where it was total dictatorship, hmm, that might be all countries at this point.

We got all the way to Margret Island to swim yesterday when the wind just about blew my hat off.

We decided the smart thing was to just get back on the tram heading home and forget sitting out in a wind storm all day long.

This summer weather has been hard to figure out.

Most everyone had their noses in their cell phones on the tram. They don't know what is going on a foot away from their phone.

I don't think I'm the only person not really aware what danger is so close by.

Seems like tick-tock is the new reality for people.

Whatever is posted most people believe.

I can see by watching the evening news that most of the shots are done with a green screen for a background.

I wonder if a time we really are living in a matrix?

Yes, absolutely.  I did think about that when thinking of the chaotic politics there. Of course the right wing PM is very unpopular in Serbia.  The Russia link is one of the reasons I would rate Croatia higher. 


Whoa, you UK/US people are really brain washed in your anti Russian attitude. Always in for a very balanced view.

Yes, absolutely. I did think about that when thinking of the chaotic politics there. Of course the right wing PM is very unpopular in Serbia. The Russia link is one of the reasons I would rate Croatia higher.

Whoa, you UK/US people are really brain washed in your anti Russian attitude. Always in for a very balanced view.

I for one think both sides are insane.

I can't stand looking at the faces of the,"leaders" from each country.

I'm half Rus by nationality too. ( Ruysn/ Ukrainian/ Rus/ Galician/Polish, whichever country was in power at the time)

I think they are really the same people and Ukraine wasn't  a country until Russia made it happen.It was all one country at one time. The language and customs seem so close to each other.

Personally I think Russia is a bit more modern the Ukraine but as I have never been to either country I really can't say for sure.

Just judging by the people I've met from each country.

We forget at times when we travel that we are reps from our home countries.

I can't stand it when everyone who asks where I'm from right away thinks about LA and American football. Drives me nuts and I really am not in the mood to have a conversation with them.

I try to see people on an individual base not as a country.

I try to see people without color as well but I often think I am fighting a battle that will never be setteled.

People seem to love to hate.

Yes, absolutely. I did think about that when thinking of the chaotic politics there. Of course the right wing PM is very unpopular in Serbia. The Russia link is one of the reasons I would rate Croatia higher.

Whoa, you UK/US people are really brain washed in your anti Russian attitude. Always in for a very balanced view.

Ukraine didn't invade Russia and isn't run by an autocratic. What other view could there be? What would be balanced? That Russia had grievances?  Hardly. Putin now has to deal with Prigozhin. How long before he falls out of a window or becomes radioactive?  Not that I care about his survival, but how can that guy's fate under a Putin regime be spun for balance?

Anyway, even if Ukraine is run by a**holes, they are our a**holes.

Here's some balance - I've worked in both Russia and Ukraine and I've always found the Ukrainians to be generally more sympathetic. Mrs F isn't that enamoured by any of them. But I have some Ukrainian (ethnic Hungarian) neighbours and they are mostly OK but do harbour some grudges against the Ukrainian state's behaviour in the past. Both Russians and Ukrainians drink a lot of vodka. That's some common ground.

70 year old soldiers? AKA Cannon Fodder.
That does reek of desperation and insanity.
Sometimes It's difficult to think there is murder ,fighting going on so close to Hungary.
I thought humanity was heading for a golden age,don't think any of us will see that in our lifetime, maybe not for many generations to come.
They are all out of their heads. Common people will not gain a thing no matter who,"wins".
It's all about who will be making money when all is said and done.
Has any war really improved the lives of the common people once a winner is declared?
Only perhaps in a few countries where it was total dictatorship, hmm, that might be all countries at this point. -@Marilyn Tassy

Yes, 70 years and sent to the front. That's bonkers. Who in their right mind is going to sign up for that at 70?

WW2 was a righteous cause in the end. And for sure Germany did really well after WW2.  Same for South Korea.  I wouldn't say Viet Nam was one of those wars.  War does creates technological advance so there are long term benefits. Not much of a reason for so much destruction and death - too high a price.

Mrs F told me that during the break up of Yugoslavia people in Szeged could hear and see the fighting and the Serb air force regularly entered Hungary's airspace by mistake. I expect over near the Ukrainian border the same kind of thing is going on.

Anyway, if the war with Russia is to end,  it's simple.  Russia just has to leave Ukraine and pull back to its pre-2014 borders (incl. Crimea).   

Anyway, if the war with Russia is to end, it's simple. Russia just has to leave Ukraine and pull back to its pre-2014 borders (incl. Crimea). 

I would say that a lot of other outcomes are possible. It could be that only a small Ukrainian state without access to the Black Sea and in permanent need of external support will remain. That's just one of those alternative options.

I would say that a lot of other outcomes are possible. It could be that only a small Ukrainian state without access to the Black Sea and in permanent need of external support will remain. That's just one of those alternative options.

That's not going to happen.

As Zelensky has said, that's not an acceptable solution.

If they allow Russia to be rewarded with any territory, then there's nothing to stop present and future Putins seeing that as an endorsement for trying to take the Baltics, Georgia (for sure), possibly Armenia and others more extreme like Poland.  None of the former satellites want their territory taken by Putin and definitely they do not want their own autocratic rule threatened.  Belarus is of course a lost cause for the moment.

If we're doing scenarios, I can see an outcome of Putin losing control completely and the RF eventually breaking up. China might see that as an excellent opportunity too. There are lot of natural resources in the Far East. One of my Russian speaking friends thinks Sakahlin Island Is particularly coveted by China.

As Zelensky has said, that's not an acceptable solution.


Zelensky is an actor and says what he is supposed to say. He is a puppet of his Western puppet masters. Is Ukraine essential for the US? As essential as for the Russians? That will decide in the end. Unfortunately, the EU will be sacrificed for the fight of the US and UK against Russia. And, the rest of the world doesn't care.

As Zelensky has said, that's not an acceptable solution.

Zelensky is an actor and says what he is supposed to say. He is a puppet of his Western puppet masters. Is Ukraine essential for the US? As essential as for the Russians? That will decide in the end. Unfortunately, the EU will be sacrificed for the fight of the US and UK against Russia. And, the rest of the world doesn't care.

Oooo..fighting talk.

Actually the rest of the world does care.  The grain export issue is going to affect a lot of countries in Africa and the middle East. I found it interesting African countries tried to do diplomacy. Good for them. But Wagner is engaged in Africa presumably to enrich the oligarchs and others in their mafia state.

Zelensky is more than an actor. He was running a very successful media business. He's not just an "actor".  He's a very dynamic guy and he's been a remarkably successful president under dire conditions. It's not like this hasn't happened before - Reagan in the US and Estrada in the Philippines. Even Schwarzenegger got to governor.   We cannot write off these people just because of their previous day job.

Anyway, if Trump gets re-elected, he might do something crazy like leaving NATO.  EU has already said (well Macron did) that the EU needs to be able to support Ukraine without the USA.  It's a dilemma they'll have to fix. They have to up their military game - they are having to buy Korean tanks etc due to lack of own capacity.  Meanwhile, the US has been asleep at the wheel over Asia Pacific. But they are ramping up there to counter China.

But whatever the fate of the EU and US-UK-EU relations, Putin cannot be allowed to get away with his expansionist aims.  Period.

I told my wife at the start, Ukraine should accept being part of Russia (not too bad I think). I do not like Putin and his policy at all, but also Zelensky is not a saint.

Mentioned (almost for a few years) Ukraine part of Russia no problem, if people are happy that is good. Russia is rich and honestly what is wrong with being part of Russia? (good life, good social security)

Too late now I am afraid. NATO is NATO and if Ukraine is part of Russia (good for Russia, but also good for NATO)

Sick on all the issues Zelensky created, it could be so much easier (no doubt about it Putin was agressive, but honestly is Russia so terrible??)

NO is the answer.

I told my wife at the start, Ukraine should accept being part of Russia (not too bad I think). I do not like Putin and his policy at all, but also Zelensky is not a saint.
Mentioned (almost for a few years) Ukraine part of Russia no problem, if people are happy that is good. Russia is rich and honestly what is wrong with being part of Russia? (good life, good social security)
Too late now I am afraid. NATO is NATO and if Ukraine is part of Russia (good for Russia, but also good for NATO)
Sick on all the issues Zelensky created, it could be so much easier (no doubt about it Putin was aggressive, but honestly is Russia so terrible??)
NO is the answer.

Sure Zelensky has his faults like everyone but he was democratically elected. We cannot say the same for Putin.

Substantiate your claim. What issues did Zelensky create?

The summary is that Russia is run by a dictator. People's human rights are infringed there all the time.  We know that Putin assassinates people who do not agree with him.  Who wants to live in a country where there is no freedoms or self-determination? Such practices will obviously lead to resistance.

If you apply your logic, none of the countries formerly part of the USSR or even in its sphere of influence deserve their independence. I think their own dictators would strongly resist that idea. We can already see that. Armenia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan , Uzbekistan etc are NOT participating in Putin's war. There's only Belarus and that country will cease to exist if Putin continues in power for any substantial period. I am sure the Belarussians will have something to say about that.

Putin fears that the West wants the RF to be broken up.  It seems to me, that could be one of the best possible outcomes in the long term. Then people like him cannot be allowed to wage war against others again.

I told my husband this morning that Russia wants to recruit over 70 year olds.

He laughed and said good thing he is 75.

No, serioulsy it's insane.

He said Russia must be running out of food supplies because Ukraine grew most of their food.


They want to get rid of the , "Useless eaters".

They can still brain wash younger people and need to get rid of those who actually know some history.

I heard as of Thursday the US banking system as gone digital.

Only a matter of time until cash is no longer excpeted anywhere.

Track and trace!

They could shut you off from you money if you dn't comply with any new laws regulations etc.

Just as they did with those truckers up in Canada not so long ago.

I feel there is more behind this war then what we are being told.

It's a distraction from the real agenda.

Total control of the masses.

I told my wife at the start, Ukraine should accept being part of Russia (not too bad I think). I do not like Putin and his policy at all, but also Zelensky is not a saint.
Mentioned (almost for a few years) Ukraine part of Russia no problem, if people are happy that is good. Russia is rich and honestly what is wrong with being part of Russia? (good life, good social security)
Too late now I am afraid. NATO is NATO and if Ukraine is part of Russia (good for Russia, but also good for NATO)
Sick on all the issues Zelensky created, it could be so much easier (no doubt about it Putin was agressive, but honestly is Russia so terrible??)
NO is the answer.

There are no angels in politics. Nowhere. It is very interesting to read the books of or watch the presentations of Prof John Mearsheimer. He is making a lot of sense, but who needs sense these days? Who would have thought that Germany would support - after so many years - the Nazis in the east again. Fact is that NATO are the war mongers of the later 20th and beginning 21st century. The list of military interventions by some or all of the members is shocking (to me).

And then there are some hypocrites that say that every country is free to chose its allegiance. Ask Cuba about that. We are living in a pretty messed up world today. Who would have ever thought that one day we have to rely on the so call global south to fix things.

On the war, just wasting things. I hate Putin for being aggressive (no doubt about it). Having said that being Nationalist (Zelensky) is also not too good, what is wrong being part of Russian empire (looking forward to reactions)

I HATE both (Putin and Zelenski alike)

Personally I would have had no problem with Great Russia (good for residents of Ukraine as well)

NATO and big Russia (fine for me). People (including my family) are suffering for these things.

On the war, just wasting things. I hate Putin for being aggressive (no doubt about it). Having said that being Nationalist (Zelensky) is also not too good, what is wrong being part of Russian empire (looking forward to reactions)
I HATE both (Putin and Zelenski alike)
Personally I would have had no problem with Great Russia (good for residents of Ukraine as well)
NATO and big Russia (fine for me). People (including my family) are suffering for these things.

We all suffer when the world is out of balance.

I too am not a fan of either of these two ego maniacs.

At least Putin is funny.

Horse back riding without a shirt on, trying to appear like a big man.

I now call him," Rasputin Putin".

Can't take either of these clowns seriously.

Now the person /persons puling their strings are another matter.

On the war, just wasting things. I hate Putin for being aggressive (no doubt about it). Having said that being Nationalist (Zelensky) is also not too good, what is wrong being part of Russian empire (looking forward to reactions)
I HATE both (Putin and Zelenski alike)
Personally I would have had no problem with Great Russia (good for residents of Ukraine as well)
NATO and big Russia (fine for me). People (including my family) are suffering for these things.

We're all suffering one way or another.

I have a problem with RF in its current form and I would like to see it broken up. That way, there's no way to centralise power on a state or individual. I have the same problem with China. That'll have to break up too.

Nationalism is only going to create division. There's always some idiot trying to stir up division as a means to gain or retain power. And fools continue to believe in them and yet they seem surprised some people don't agree with them.  Zelensky is defending his country.  I wouldn't count that as nationalism.  It will be turbulent after Russia is defeated but with that turbulence will come reform and consolidation.

What baffles me constantly is that very few people have a grasp of current affairs or history. It's like what went before is distant or was in a parallel universe or Hollywood fantasy or irrelevant to the present day. I don't get it at all. Doesn't anyone read anything objectively or did everyone miss those days at school when these subjects were discussed?

Even now, some of my HU in-laws even say they want a dictator. WTF? 

We all suffer when the world is out of balance.
I too am not a fan of either of these two ego maniacs.
At least Putin is funny.
Horse back riding without a shirt on, trying to appear like a big man.
I now call him," Rasputin Putin".
Can't take either of these clowns seriously.
Now the person /persons puling their strings are another matter.
-@Marilyn Tassy

He's not funny at all.  He and his proxies are killing people all the time.  Nothing funny about that.  Putin appealed to people as a strong man. It's hard to see OV riding horses shirtless with that giant belly flapping in the wind.

My view of Putin is that he's primitive and a petty criminal type that's got too big for his boots. He's created a mafia state. In such an environment, if he lives by the sword, he'll die by it.  Someone is going to get him sooner or later.

I told my husband this morning that Russia wants to recruit over 70 year olds.
He laughed and said good thing he is 75.
No, serioulsy it's insane.
He said Russia must be running out of food supplies because Ukraine grew most of their food.
They want to get rid of the , "Useless eaters".
They can still brain wash younger people and need to get rid of those who actually know some history.
I heard as of Thursday the US banking system as gone digital.
Only a matter of time until cash is no longer excpeted anywhere.
Track and trace!
They could shut you off from you money if you dn't comply with any new laws regulations etc.
Just as they did with those truckers up in Canada not so long ago.
I feel there is more behind this war then what we are being told.
It's a distraction from the real agenda.
Total control of the masses.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I wondered cynically if the 70s recruitment drive was an attempt to reduce the long term pension costs.  That's what Putin is doing now.  He doesn't say his troops are KIA but MIA.  If MIA, he doesn't need to pay out compensation to the families for their loss.  He can defer for years.

The world is going cashless I'm afraid. Nowadays there are businesses in the UK that don't take cash.  I can see their point. It costs money to handle cash, take it to the bank, provide security, insure it etc.  Far easier to do it all electronically.  I am sure that sooner or later, all debit card transactions in the EU (at least) will have to be provided free by banks.  It costs very little to process a debit card transaction.

Going digital with money will put allot of people out of business.

Drug dealers for one.

My thoughts are they could remove or change the numbers on your digital account.

Perhpas even change the value of money.

Say give you 10 cents on the dollar, who's to stop them?

If they don't like your social credit score thy may even block your account.

Force people to get a chip in the hand.

Right hand of forehead.Mark of the beast stuff.

Not getting Biblical but the writting is on the wall.

Mick Jagger is turning 80 on the 26th!

Time defo waits for no one.

@fluffy2560 You are really a great example of the typical British Russia (and these days China) hater. Closes the eyes to every atrocity by his own country and NATO, but permanently pointing fingers at Russia and China. I think NATO should be broken up. This organization is a real danger to the world. Fortunately the "global South" is waking up to this as well.

@fluffy2560 You are really a great example of the typical British Russia (and these days China) hater. Closes the eyes to every atrocity by his own country and NATO, but permanently pointing fingers at Russia and China. I think NATO should be broken up. This organization is a real danger to the world. Fortunately the "global South" is waking up to this as well.

Disagree with that.  My nationality has nothing to do with the discussions here. My country does have history but so does yours.

Both the EU and NATO has brought security and stability to Europe for many years.

I wanted to believe Russia is a partner the West can trust but it's proved itself to be exactly the opposite.  China is likely to be equally untrustworthy in the longer term.  It's actions over the Nine Dash Line and Taiwan are not those of a country that wants peace. 

But go on, put your money where your mouth is. Document a NATO atrocity carried out in the name of any member state's irredentism.

The Russians are now recruiting ex-military officers now pensioners back into their ranks. Up to 70 years old. That smacks of so much desperation.
That must mean then that the Russians will be surrendering withing the next few days. I mean, what chance do they have against the best trained young Ukrainian army of the world.

Also out of rockets and artillery shells since the past 500 days!

Poor Russians have nothing to shoot for more than a year.

It must be true because all the trustworhy news, like Euronews, NBCNews, Reuters, Economist, Newsweek, Businessinsider, etc says it for hundreds of days.

Reminds me of that famous Adolf Hitler film where he's seen inspecting the Hitler Youth defending Berlin - *click here

*Mark Felton produces some of the best historical videos about WW2. Top stuff.

On Mark Felton we can agree - he does quality.

AKA Cannon Fodder.
That does reek of desperation and insanity.
Sometimes It's difficult to think there is murder ,fighting going on so close to Hungary.
I thought humanity was heading for a golden age,don't think any of us will see that in our lifetime, maybe not for many generations to come.

I don't think I'm the only person not really aware what danger is so close by.
Seems like tick-tock is the new reality for people.
Whatever is posted most people believe.
I can see by watching the evening news that most of the shots are done with a green screen for a background.
I wonder if a time we really are living in a matrix?
-@Marilyn Tassy

As for some reality:

The MOD actually have difficulties to keep back their cadets from voluntering and keep them in education instead of the frontlines.


Germans seems like to be serious about their plan to put a tank/ apc equipment factory to Ukraine, actually one of the most recent plans is to set up that in Transcarpathia.

Border in a few dozen km.


Most lives in the matrix - but if you notice what you described already can consider yourself redpilled, or at least one who is ready to take that.

I told my wife at the start, Ukraine should accept being part of Russia (not too bad I think). I do not like Putin and his policy at all, but also Zelensky is not a saint.
Mentioned (almost for a few years) Ukraine part of Russia no problem, if people are happy that is good. Russia is rich and honestly what is wrong with being part of Russia? (good life, good social security)
Too late now I am afraid. NATO is NATO and if Ukraine is part of Russia (good for Russia, but also good for NATO)
Sick on all the issues Zelensky created, it could be so much easier (no doubt about it Putin was agressive, but honestly is Russia so terrible??)
NO is the answer.

That was not the plan that Ukraine should became part of Russia - well from the side of Russia.

Would be difficult.

Lemberg as the non-official capital of Western Ukraine and all the former Austro-Hungarian and Polish territories for sure oppose such. What is on the map as Ukraine is not so different as Jugoslavia was: different territories which are together mostly namely.

Save some ultra nationalst the Russian state/ most people would be perfectly happy with neutral or close-friendly Ukraine before 2014. Some simplification and travel easyness at most mostly because of families/ relatives.

Since then that train is gone.

Actually close to miracle that the Russian leadership was able to witstand internal/ Donbass pressure for 8 years to do something with all the discharged on request/ straightforward deserting soldiers who were eager to volunter (and leave Russia) to join LPR/ DPR, as well the other volunteers.

Then come the point when because of foreign intrique and plans: even the state decided to act.

THIS Is How NATO's War On Russia Has FAILED w/ Scott Ritter

After cc. 1 hour start to talk from that - before that Iraq / US spec things.

About Ukraine - Russia - NATO some intresting insight quite rare from a westerner that understand some 70% correctly.

About territory:

Donbass that is Russian.

Novorossiya would be a question nowdays - people needs to decide, not politicians.

Track and trace!
They could shut you off from you money if you dn't comply with any new laws regulations etc.
Just as they did with those truckers up in Canada not so long ago.
I feel there is more behind this war then what we are being told.
It's a distraction from the real agenda.
Total control of the masses.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Remember how get "healed" the whole world from the mental health pandemic in late 2022 instantly?

New and better excuses come for economic crisis, censorship, surveillance - a better way towards the new world order.

But go on, put your money where your mouth is. Document a NATO atrocity carried out in the name of any member state's irredentism.

The destruction of Libya.

But, USA and UK are the greatest warmongers in the world. On the Internet you can find the complete list of US/UK NATO military Ops of the past 50 years. Mostly against small weak opponents. But, they even got kicked out of Afghanistan. Fortunately, I would say. It is a shame that Germany got involved in this madness.