
Absolutely Anything Else

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Marilyn Tassy

I think Hungary used to ask new grads from medical school to work in Hungary for at least 5 years.

If their education was free then I don't see it as a hardship.

They actually will be making mistakes when they are new, maybe it's bettr if they leave town after all when they just get out of school?

I know when I was just a cosmotologist out of school. we had to work as assistants for a year.

We had all the papers to work on people, did so in school but in a nice salon we had to spend our days, sweeping floors, washing and rinising hair and making coffee.

Hardly got tipped either.

I also was required to attened cutting classes once a week. It fell on my day off too. A long 2 hour drive to the classes.

My husband got good and sick of baby-sitting after a long day of working while I was off for half the evening. I was sick of it too.

I also had to dress the part, spend more then my checks on my wardrobe.

The 80's when fashion was expensive.

I remember a few stylists saying one co-worker was showing off a bit too much by wearing a $600. leather skirt to work.

There was money to be made doing hair back then if one stuck it out.

Worked for a S. African chain of high end salons, they had 11 salons just in S. Ca.

Too much pressure to be perfect for me.

I think the pressure was more then many doctors are under when they get out of school.

IDK though.

Haridressers also must buy all their own supplies.

Some shears cost well over $1,000.

My friend did a hair show and had about 7 pairs in his case.

They all were stolen.

Beauty school now in the US can cost upwards of $40,000 for a 9 month course.Depending on the school.

I just went to a normal beauty college but my friend wanted me to attend Vidal Sassons where he taught.

Go to school there and you can work at any salon you wish to without assisiting many times.

Seriously thought about doing that but would of had to give up all the long hours I had already put into classes ( had over 800 hours invested by then) and drive over an hour each way to the school in traffic.Had a toddler then and it just wasn't in the cards.

Later, I found out the stylists in my salon on the floor working made well above $100,000 per year in the early 1980's!

I should of hired a baby sitter and even moved closer to the school!

Sometimes one need to sacrifice to win in the end.

5 years isn't that long to give back to get a free education.

They do get paid even if it isn't mega bucks.


@fluffy2560 We shall see how the Hungarians vote. If all the bad things happening over the last 16 years are Fidesz responsibility then all the good things must be as well. Many people like Hungary for its tax regime. And for the fact that it isn't overrun by foreigners from very different cultures. Btw, bad things happen in other countries including the UK as well.
Regarding the medical professionals only working 4h per day in the national health service, I think that this happens in many countries. In Portugal it is quite usual as well. The main thing is that the medical services are available at all (private or public). Sure, one could "force" all medical students who have not paid their education in full to work what they owe off over more than 10 years. I guess any type of "force" would not be in line with our values.

And what might the good things be?  Proper list please.

Actually the HU has plenty of foreigners. I see many Asian people now in my village.  My daughter knows many Hungarians of foreign origin.

What OV BS says to win an election and what is really happening are two different things.   As was said before the labour shortage needs migration.

In the UK, people complain about "foreigners" but many of them are actually British.  Similarly, I was on Lufthansa to the UK earlier this week and plenty of brown people with German passports were around in Frankfurt.  They were in the queue with me.

Marilyn Tassy

Hungary is very diverse.

In the past 2 days alone I must of seen at least 10 people who appear to be from Africa just in my neighborhood alone.

Many foreign looking food delevery drivers all over the place.

Still, I'm not too sure the average Hungarian is thrilled abut it.

What really got me going was the first time I went to see my oncologist. A professor too.

He spoke perfect, I mean perfect English.

Really almost threw me how good he spoke.

I couldn't of made any mistakes when he said to us,'Are you a Hungarian citizen".

My husband said no , I wasn't.

The professor said , "that's too bad".

Now nothing is more scary then having someone in control of your health acting like you are a second class human.

In the end he was Ok but why on earth did he ever ask such a question?

I swear it had me going for awhile.


Just read that OV is thinking of ordering doctors to work a full 8 hours.
As it is now, many work 4 hours per day in public service then go off to a private clinic.
Many doctors may quit as a result.
This will be interesting to see how it all turns out.
Even so, often the doctors have a full waiting room. No one is being called in for the longest time.
The numbers on the board are not changing.
Then the doctors comes back to the office and rushes through to get to everyone. A one hour wait time can easily turn into 3 to 4 hours.
They obviously are doing their thing outside the office, who know what, going to the gym, doing persoanl business or meeting friends for lunch while keeping sick people waiting.
Doesn't happen all that often from my experience but it has happened more then once.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I cannot really blame the doctors for wanting to be paid decent salaries like everyone else.

If the Docs are getting in the neck, then probably we should have a go at the lawyers, dentists, plumbers, carpenters and any manner of entrepreneurs too.

They could be doing paperwork or training in their non-office hours.   I often have discussions with people that some jobs need thinking and research time. It's not possible to work in some professions 24x7.  It's easy to get  burnt out.  I know!


I think Hungary used to ask new grads from medical school to work in Hungary for at least 5 years.
If their education was free then I don't see it as a hardship.
They actually will be making mistakes when they are new, maybe it's better if they leave town after all when they just get out of school?
-@Marilyn Tassy

Situation in the UK is that medics have to pay for their education but if they do their 5 years in medical school, they get employed by the NHS for their 2 years of hospital training.  So they are paying back their loans all the time.   However, the training is so long and the working conditions are quite tough.  So they want to leave the country.   Looks like the same kind of thing is going on in Hungary.

I'm very concerned about education in Hungary as our kids are in the system now.  The financing is very difficult for university now and the government has interfered with the system big time, removing some courses and  creating politicised oversight committees. It really sucks.  We have no idea how to support our children.  Quite possibly they'll have to go to university outside the country.


Enjoy your visit with your father in the UK Mr. Fluffy.
Today would of been my mother's 99th birthday!
Miss her so enjoy visiting your father while it's possible.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Your mother must have been born in 1924.

I'm afraid my Dad is not that good.  It's only a matter of time. He's not the same person, becoming more of a shell each day.  He says he doesn't know what is happening to him. Perhaps it's for the best he doesn't know.  Everytime I see him he's a bit worse so it's quite upsetting. 

The nurses said he might have a couple of months. Very unlikely he'll reach Christmas.  He had a long, active and adventurous life so not good to see him in decline.


So sorry to hear this Mr Fluffy


Marilyn Tassy

Enjoy your visit with your father in the UK Mr. Fluffy.
Today would of been my mother's 99th birthday!
Miss her so enjoy visiting your father while it's possible.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Your mother must have been born in 1924.

I'm afraid my Dad is not that good. It's only a matter of time. He's not the same person, becoming more of a shell each day. He says he doesn't know what is happening to him. Perhaps it's for the best he doesn't know. Everytime I see him he's a bit worse so it's quite upsetting.

The nurses said he might have a couple of months. Very unlikely he'll reach Christmas. He had a long, active and adventurous life so not good to see him in decline.

I'm so sorry, it's hard I know from experience.

Losing a parent is something there are no words for.

Its harder perhaps since your father is aware of his decline.

I hope you have more visits with him and make him know how much he means to everyone in the family.

My parents both passed at ages 67.

Never really saw them age and be helpless.

My mother was very ill but she never allowed us to see her the last year.

She always said she was fine.

Not sure if she did us any service by denying her illness to us.

If and when his time comes I hope he makes a smooth and peaceful transistion.

He had many interesting adventures and experiences.

One day we all must have this final experience.

I hope to be brave when it happens.

My sister had a NDE at age 42.

She said it was not painful and it was really peaceful, she was full of life and young but said it was so nice that she really was disappointed they brought her back in the ER.

It brings me comfort to know her words.She passed about 13 months later and knwoing she was OK meant allot to us.


Situation in the UK is that medics have to pay for their education but if they do their 5 years in medical school, they get employed by the NHS for their 2 years of hospital training. So they are paying back their loans all the time.  However, the training is so long and the working conditions are quite tough. So they want to leave the country.  Looks like the same kind of thing is going on in Hungary.

I'm very concerned about education in Hungary as our kids are in the system now. The financing is very difficult for university now and the government has interfered with the system big time, removing some courses and creating politicised oversight committees. It really sucks. We have no idea how to support our children. Quite possibly they'll have to go to university outside the country.

From what I hear the salaries for doctors are not really the big problem, but the work conditions are. When my friend was doing his years in a large hospital, he was doing an unbelievable number of hours at all times of the day. Even for a workaholic like him this was too much.

In Germany going to university is practically free, but living away from home is expensive unless the children find a room in a University owned dormitory. When it comes to school I assume that in Hungary the children at least speak Hungarian at school. In Germany - depending on the school district - a large proportion of the pupils don't speak German. Then one either has the money for private schools or there is a drama in the making.


From what I hear the salaries for doctors are not really the big problem, but the work conditions are. When my friend was doing his years in a large hospital, he was doing an unbelievable number of hours at all times of the day. Even for a workaholic like him this was too much.

In Germany going to university is practically free, but living away from home is expensive unless the children find a room in a University owned dormitory. When it comes to school I assume that in Hungary the children at least speak Hungarian at school. In Germany - depending on the school district - a large proportion of the pupils don't speak German. Then one either has the money for private schools or there is a drama in the making.

There's a shortage of medics in HU now.   Many have had enough and are leaving for the private sector or just leaving the country for pastures new.  Long hours and pressure used to be seen as a rite of passage but it's not the modern way.  Tired and overworked medics put patients at risk and even caused deaths. No-one would want to fly on a plane flown by overworked, tired and hassled pilots.

The vast majority of kids in school are Hungarians. Obviously there are some that are not. Our kids are completely bilingual (and verging on trilingual to some level). 

We do know about going to Uni in Germany or Austria but our eldest child has a dream of going to a latin language country to study - Spain or maybe Italy.  There's a lot of the usual things to consider, the fees, the lodgings, travel etc.  But there's also a political dimension to it.  Our eldest has a particular view of the world and is already beginning to have leanings to be a leftish activist.  Nothing wrong with it but it will have to end up with compromises somehow.


1 There's a shortage of medics in HU now.  Many have had enough and are leaving for the private sector or just leaving the country for pastures new. Long hours and pressure used to be seen as a rite of passage but it's not the modern way. Tired and overworked medics put patients at risk and even caused deaths. No-one would want to fly on a plane flown by overworked, tired and hassled pilots.

2 The vast majority of kids in school are Hungarians. Obviously there are some that are not. Our kids are completely bilingual (and verging on trilingual to some level).

3 We do know about going to Uni in Germany or Austria but our eldest child has a dream of going to a latin language country to study - Spain or maybe Italy. There's a lot of the usual things to consider, the fees, the lodgings, travel etc. But there's also a political dimension to it. Our eldest has a particular view of the world and is already beginning to have leanings to be a leftish activist. Nothing wrong with it but it will have to end up with compromises somehow.

Regarding (1) I can only say: Where isn't?. One reason for this is that for years already so many women are excelling at school and select medicine as their University topic. However, a large percentage of these female doctors don't end up working in their field, also because the work conditions are often unattractive for mums. Generally, going private or leaving the hospital environment  might at least solve the financial side.

Ad (2) assuming that this is a public school I must say that you are really lucky. More and more people in Germany and with some money are sending their kids to private schools so that the children can get a normal (majority in class speak German from day 1) education.

Ad (3) I assume that you are a very well off man to even think of sending your children abroad for university. However, if you are not the big cash cow of the family, an Erasmus year in Spain or Italy might be a good idea and so much cheaper. Regarding "leftish" the term "He is a chip off the old block" comes to mind 1f601.svg.

I think that lots in our wonderful world is pretty f#$ked up. I am happy to be over 60 already. 3/4 done without much damage done.


Regarding (1) I can only say: Where isn't?. One reason for this is that for years already so many women are excelling at school and select medicine as their University topic. However, a large percentage of these female doctors don't end up working in their field, also because the work conditions are often unattractive for mums. Generally, going private or leaving the hospital environment might at least solve the financial side.

Ad (2) assuming that this is a public school I must say that you are really lucky. More and more people in Germany and with some money are sending their kids to private schools so that the children can get a normal (majority in class speak German from day 1) education.

Ad (3) I assume that you are a very well off man to even think of sending your children abroad for university. However, if you are not the big cash cow of the family, an Erasmus year in Spain or Italy might be a good idea and so much cheaper. Regarding "leftish" the term "He is a chip off the old block" comes to mind 1f601.svg.

I think that lots in our wonderful world is pretty f#$ked up. I am happy to be over 60 already. 3/4 done without much damage done.

Not sure what damage is in this context.

Anything wrong with female doctors?  I think it's normal. Same for teachers but some OV acolytes would argue otherwise.

I'm not rich but I had advantages. University was effectively free in my day.  It's a question of how to finance it.  We'll have to think how to do it.

If you want to know a person's politics, ask the parents.


Anything wrong with female doctors? I think it's normal. Same for teachers but some OV acolytes would argue otherwise.

I'm not rich but I had advantages. University was effectively free in my day. It's a question of how to finance it. We'll have to think how to do it.

If you want to know a person's politics, ask the parents.

The only thing wrong with female doctors (includes vets) is that they are - after a long time at universities with a limited number of places - not available to the medical system (for their own valid reasons). Combine this with female school students having the better grades and the fact that places at medical universities are assigned according to school grades. The result is an overall lack of doctors in the medical field. … ml#242500. And yes, it is normal, if a nation wants to have a lack of practicing doctors.

When my ex studied veterinary science in Budapest there were only 10 females allowed per year. Now the sex doesn't matter anymore, 90% of the vet students are female and when finished nobody wants to become a vet for anything other than pets and horses. This has nothing to do with OV or his party. It is a worldwide phenomenon.


As I live in the countryside our vets are quite a busy one. As people travel from far away. All the staff are nearly all women.


@SimCityAT Yup, that's how it is. And many of these doctors (not necessarily at your clinic) are working for next to nothing. Pets and horses are very propular amongst the vets. However, it is evry hard to find vets that want to work in the wider "food industry". The latter means with the animals themselves or with the products.


The only thing wrong with female doctors (includes vets) is that they are - after a long time at universities with a limited number of places - not available to the medical system (for their own valid reasons). Combine this with female school students having the better grades and the fact that places at medical universities are assigned according to school grades. The result is an overall lack of doctors in the medical field. … ml#242500. And yes, it is normal, if a nation wants to have a lack of practicing doctors.

When my ex studied veterinary science in Budapest there were only 10 females allowed per year. Now the sex doesn't matter anymore, 90% of the vet students are female and when finished nobody wants to become a vet for anything other than pets and horses. This has nothing to do with OV or his party. It is a worldwide phenomenon.

Sorry to say, that's not true. Fidesz is anti-feminist.

OV's party has anti-feminist wing on the "feminisation" of certain sectors - notably teachers.  Some of OV's disciples believe a woman's place is to produce and look after babies. If you feel enthusiastic, you can google it - search "anti-feminist view fidesz". 

Fidesz killed "gender studies" at public universities and continues to interfere by populating supervisory boards with cronies. It's extremely damaging to society.

Part of this general destruction is the same kind of nonsense spouted by incels and that awful chap in Romania now on trial there - Andrew Tate.

My kids don't like this kind of ideology as it effects them and obviously I want to defend their rights.

OV would claim that he's all inclusive with Novak (the President) and Varga (formerly Justice minister) but they are just shills.


@fluffy2560 You really cannot let go, or can you. If you really cannot stand the Hungarian government, then leave. Go to a country where you feel comfortable. You are the typical Brit interfering in the internal affairs of other countries? If you were at least Hungarian.

The Hungarians will vote for whom they think is best for them. None of your business.

BTW: I agree that the ratio of female vs male teacher is pretty unhealthy. More men should be encouraged to become teachers. And yes, women are the ones "producing" babies. Nothing to say against that, or?


@fluffy2560 You really cannot let go, or can you. If you really cannot stand the Hungarian government, then leave. Go to a country where you feel comfortable. You are the typical Brit interfering in the internal affairs of other countries? If you were at least Hungarian.
The Hungarians will vote for whom they think is best for them. None of your business.
BTW: I agree that the ratio of female vs male teacher is pretty unhealthy. More men should be encouraged to become teachers.

That's a silly series of statements and overly personal. Losing the argument?

Look, I'm obviously deeply involved. My wife's Hungarian and so are my kids. I'm invested in Hungary. What would you expect me to do except defend them and their rights?

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women) to do nothing"

Look it up.

Marilyn Tassy

I suppose I'm out of the loop.

Gender studies, no actual idea what that is all about.

As far as I know women have always had all the power.

The trick is to not flaunt it.

As least that is what I was taught as a young women.

I never felt I was held back by being female, I held myself back by just allowing myself to slide by and not take resonsiblity.

I've been offered management jobs all through my life and oppertunities to move up the ladder in all my jobs.

Everything from becoming a Vegas casino floor manager to running a hair salon for a large co.

I never wanted to run the show and always declined.

As the mother of a male child I think men have it harder overall.

I never ever had a problem landing 90% of the jobs I've ever wanted either.

Perhaps I was grabbing the low hanging fruit? IDK.

Never used my looks( used to have them at least) or my being female to get any jobs either.

I can't say what's happening now with younger people but from the outside it seems they are not willing to do much on their own and push themselves. Seems they want mommy and daddy to make everything nice for them and then blame them for their own short comings.

I could be wrong but that's the impression they send out.

Was watching U tube last night and clicked on a movie, a lame one called,"100 degrees below zero"

A real bomb.

It was taking place in Paris but filmed in Budapest.They used Heros Square as Paris and somehow with computer graphics  had the Eiffil Tower in the background.

I suppose Budapest is the Paris of the east but it was so silly to see Hungarian signs here and there on buildings.

I suppose I'm the real silly one, I watched it.

It must be really chaep by Hollywood standards to film here.

Marilyn Tassy

I'm not sure taking a year off before going to uni isn't a bad idea.

Maybe travel around and see which country one would enjoy going to school at?

Perhaps they have some sort of programs in other countries where uni fees are reduced for volunter work or helping other students?

Our son left school at age 15 and we put him in a trade school. He hated it and dropped out, he was too young compaired to the other students and didn't fit in.

He did finish all requiremnts of HS at 15 and took a day long test. Not sure how hard it could of been though just a full day of tests.

Not a GED.

He is a bit of a slacker but still worked 14 years at the same casino and was a manager for at least 11 or 12 of those years. Was offered a higher manager slot but knew he was going to quit.

He always talked about ging to another casino and just dealing without the pressure of being a manager.All with a 10th grade education. He did attend 3 years of private school however. Not sure if that helped or not.

My niece has made a nice life for her daughter and herself without going to collage at all.

She came from a well to do backgrund but even if spoiled here and there she had to work in High School.

Her grandparents had a famous in the Bay Area bagel shop and she and her cousins had to work there to learn abut money and taking care of their bills.

She was given a nice BMW in school to drive but had to pay her own gas and such.

She was mentord by an older women in an office after HS.

My niece may of had a few advantages because they knew people and she was rather pretty, still is.

They say beautiful people have it easier? IDK.

Sometimes people expect more out of them,always being watched.

Her husband was some sort f web designer I believe, my niece was able to paly housewife in South Beach, Fl but her husbands health went down and he died.

She was left to raise their 7 year old girl herslef.

She pulled herself together and found a perfect job for herself. Big personality, smart and can organize things.

She became a facilities manager for a Fortune 500 co. ( Remmy St.)

She managed 3 offices, SF, Las Vegas and Chicago. They sent her to Japan to start up a new office as well.

Co. expense account and all.

Made a very good income without collage.

She recently left that job and is managing another co. in the Bay area.

One has to believe in themselves, doesn't hurt to know people either.


I suppose I'm out of the loop.
Gender studies, no actual idea what that is all about.
As far as I know women have always had all the power.
The trick is to not flaunt it.
As least that is what I was taught as a young women.
I never felt I was held back by being female, I held myself back by just allowing myself to slide by and not take resonsiblity.
Was watching U tube last night and clicked on a movie, a lame one called,"100 degrees below zero"
A real bomb.
It was taking place in Paris but filmed in Budapest.They used Heros Square as Paris and somehow with computer graphics had the Eiffil Tower in the background.
I suppose Budapest is the Paris of the east but it was so silly to see Hungarian signs here and there on buildings.
I suppose I'm the real silly one, I watched it.
It must be really chaep by Hollywood standards to film here.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Just Google "Gender Studies".   It's a real subject people can study at university (except in Hungary).  There's always been male on female violence and aggression.  It's quite bad in Hungary and a tough in school.  It cave people behaviour.  Doesn't make it right. 

Not seen that movie.  There are loads of movies where they've digitally inserted stuff into the Budapest background.   I'm watching a TV show called Hijack (it's showing on Apple TV).  There are so many plot holes it looks like a Swiss cheese plant.  Needless to say I immediately saw a plot issue in the first episode which turned out to be a critical twist in subsequent episodes (maybe I won't give the spoiler).   They are also flying over Hungary and are intending to land at Gyor airport in a large Airbus plane.  Gyor doesn't have a long enough runway for that kind of airliner.    They did at least get some characters to speak Hungarian.  I think however, the actual movie was made in the UK.   


I'm watching a TV show called Hijack (it's showing on Apple TV).


Bloody hell how gripping is that!! It's on tonight.


I'm watching a TV show called Hijack (it's showing on Apple TV).

Bloody hell how gripping is that!! It's on tonight.

Oh you too? It's the last episode tonight.

I do agree it's not bad at all but some of it is technically not quite right.

Apple TV is doing some good shows - Severance and Silo



Well, I have to say that was a disappointing ending, I think they could have done another episode. It was kind of rushed and was for me just messy. Which was a shame because it was gripping in places throughout the season and did have the potential to be excellent instead I just rated it as good to average, 6/10


Well, I have to say that was a disappointing ending, I think they could have done another episode. It was kind of rushed and was for me just messy. Which was a shame because it was gripping in places throughout the season and did have the potential to be excellent instead I just rated it as good to average, 6/10

I haven't seen the episode yet. I'll probably watch it at the weekend as I will be at a loose end on Friday and slumming it in Munich.

I suppose there will be a season 2 maybe with a different cast and some other premise like the evil OCG taking over a dam or something and threatening to blow it up. I don't see how Sam Nelson (Idris Elba's character) could be that unlucky.

But then again, look at the Bruce Willis and Die Hard.

Marilyn Tassy

My friend just landed in Munich.

Vegas to Germany.

She said it wasn't a full flight and everyone had an entire row of seats to themselves.


I read that in 2024 Americans will need a visa to enter Europe.

Anything to had more stress and make a buck.

Need to get back to the water, summer is going by so fast.

This consant wind however isn't ideal for being out in for hours.

3 more weeks and summer is winding down. August 20th and it's all downhill.

We only watch regualr HU tv or U tube nw that we no longer have Netflix.

I really don't miss Ntflix much.

It seems like there are only about 20 r s stres anyways. All based on good vs evil, love vs hate and lost love .

Remake of remake over and over again, same ol' story just with a new tiwist.

Bruce Wills, my sister was out clubbing many yearsago in LA. Bruce was new and on that tv show Moonlighting. Demi and he were dating at the time. My sister watched them , he was really friendly and dancing with everyone while Demi was giving dagger looks to all the women.

Marilyn Tassy

I had a premination the other night. Tossing and turning , not normal for me to not sleep well.

I expected to hear bad news. None came, thankfully.

This morning however my baby-bro wrote telling me he is in hospital.

His big toe was infected and they did surgery to clean it up. They want to remove the toe. He is holding out until his foot doc see is first.

He already had 3 toes removed from that foot.

He cut his foot 11-12 years ago on his honeymoon in Hawaii.

A piece of coral. Nothing but infections that won't clear up since then.

I'm afraid his foot will be next.

My freind in AZ just about did herself in.

She pushes too hard.

Her husband was out picking up groceries and she decided to take a shower alone at home.

She is in a wheelchair and has to use a transfer board to get from her chair to the chair inside her shower.

The board is a new one, shorter then she is used to using.

It slipped and down she went.

Wrote me while laying on the floor waiting for him to come home and pick her up.

2 long hours on the floor.

She had a knee replacement years ago and can't put any weight on that knee.

I am a bit upset with her and told her so.

She never lets her handicap get in the way but she has to learn to slow down a bit and get help when needed.

I'll be glad when she moves back into a city and not out in the boonies any longer.

I do dislike being right about some event happening to those I know.

So far, I slept well last night so all is safe with the world.

A day late and a dollar short, if only we could control some of our gifts and know ahead of time what will happen to who and what to do to prevent it from happening.

I dislike witchcraft in any form but these strange premonitions are disturbing.

Maybe it's called being in tune with the universe or is it something else?


My daughter is in Canada atm; when they flew out a few weeks ago, they got free upgrades to 1st class; she said the same thing about the flights out to Vancouver; maybe the wildfires have put people off?


My friend just landed in Munich.
Vegas to Germany.
She said it wasn't a full flight and everyone had an entire row of seats to themselves.
I read that in 2024 Americans will need a visa to enter Europe.
Anything to had more stress and make a buck.
Need to get back to the water, summer is going by so fast.
This consant wind however isn't ideal for being out in for hours.
3 more weeks and summer is winding down. August 20th and it's all downhill.

We only watch regualr HU tv or U tube nw that we no longer have Netflix.
I really don't miss Ntflix much.
It seems like there are only about 20 r s stres anyways. All based on good vs evil, love vs hate and lost love .
Remake of remake over and over again, same ol' story just with a new tiwist.

Bruce Wills, my sister was out clubbing many yearsago in LA. Bruce was new and on that tv show Moonlighting. Demi and he were dating at the time. My sister watched them , he was really friendly and dancing with everyone while Demi was giving dagger looks to all the women.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I'm on Lufthansa back to Budapest today. My work here in the UK is done for the moment. 

Lufthansa sends me e-mails complaining about hand luggage and you can check it in for free etc. But the plane turns out to be half empty. My flight is a feeder into Frankfurt for longer distance flights. When I left many of the passengers in Budapest and London were holding US passports so they're all going on long haul back home probably.  It'll all drop off come September and schools go back.

You (personally) won't need a visa to come to Europe, it's like the US ESTA. It's only the same as that online hoop we have to jump through going to the USA or Canada (theirs is called ETA). In any case, they've put a hold on it until 2024 and until the Paris Olympics are over. Anyone holding a Residence Permit won't need one (probably, they seem unsure but meh, another PITA for everyone anyway). But I do agree, it's just a ridiculous muddle and Brexit hasn't helped for me and others. Of course you don't need a visa for the UK but I think they are also talking about a similar system because everyone else is doing it. Personally I think it's just another way of screwing cash out of travellers. They already know most of the information from the airline booking. Why ask again? Lack of joined up thinking.

Demi Moore is considered a bit of a witch in Hollywood according to the gossip columns. The columns even nicknamed her "Gimme More" as she was quite demanding. Poor old Brucie is now in trouble healthwise but he still appears in adverts or his likeness does. Those energy drink adverts are everywhere. Kind of interesting he can license his likeness. Must be making plenty out of that.

There's a book you can download which describes all the basic formula plots of the movies or stories. It's really quite old - from the 1920s. As I like the movies, I've managed to get a digital copy. It's not a long book but it's quite interesting someone felt the need to produce such a thing. Might be a useful thing if you were a screenwriter or just interesting.

BTW, I saw a movie called "Gringo" on Sunday. About kidnapping in Mexico. Comedy drama. It's not a classic but it did engage me. Had some well known actors in it.


My daughter is in Canada atm; when they flew out a few weeks ago, they got free upgrades to 1st class; she said the same thing about the flights out to Vancouver; maybe the wildfires have put people off?

I've been trying to find a trip to Asia Pacific.  The price has halved since I started looking in June. Airlines have been taking the mickey on pricing.  I am dragging it out until September to see if it goes down more.


My daughter is in Canada atm; when they flew out a few weeks ago, they got free upgrades to 1st class; she said the same thing about the flights out to Vancouver; maybe the wildfires have put people off?

I've been trying to find a trip to Asia Pacific. The price has halved since I started looking in June. Airlines have been taking the mickey on pricing. I am dragging it out until September to see if it goes down more.

This trip is probably going to be her last for a while, she's expecting her first child in October.  It's also 3rd time lucky for her wanting to go whale spotting/watching; this time she's seen a lot of them; some local aviator took them up in a seaplane yesterday and they found schools of them!  She went to Seattle first, from the photos, apart from spreading out, it hasn't changed that much since I worked in Fort Lewis 38 years ago.

Marilyn Tassy

Free upgrade to first class!!


My husband got bumped to first class once from the US to Europe.

I really wonder who they chose and why.

I know when my bro ( now deceased) would fly the few times he evr did, he being an employee of the airlines had to dress in certain way  to fly for free.

Conservative dress, shirt with collar on it and no jeans and tennis shoes.

I was upgraded once frm Dallas to LA but I was dressed to the hilt.

Was an airline interview and I purchased a beautiful well fitting designer suit in black, nice off white silk shirt, a string of pearls around my neck and pearl earrings, black high heels with flesh colored stocking and small black clutch handbag.

What pissed me off is I didn't land the job but because of the classy way I was done up, everyone was coming to me and asking questions about flights, connections etc.

Dang, they should of hired me!

I have to say dressing up for a long haul flight wouldn't be that comfy.

I usually try to be both not too casual and not uncomfotable when doing a long haul.

Just in case they bump people up, so far no luck.

I think it is all the hand luggage I bring with me, just not flagged for an upgrade.

Marilyn Tassy

My daughter is in Canada atm; when they flew out a few weeks ago, they got free upgrades to 1st class; she said the same thing about the flights out to Vancouver; maybe the wildfires have put people off?

I've been trying to find a trip to Asia Pacific. The price has halved since I started looking in June. Airlines have been taking the mickey on pricing. I am dragging it out until September to see if it goes down more.
This trip is probably going to be her last for a while, she's expecting her first child in October. It's also 3rd time lucky for her wanting to go whale spotting/watching; this time she's seen a lot of them; some local aviator took them up in a seaplane yesterday and they found schools of them! She went to Seattle first, from the photos, apart from spreading out, it hasn't changed that much since I worked in Fort Lewis 38 years ago.

Congrats on the new baby coming!! Lucky you!!


Free upgrade to first class!!
My husband got bumped to first class once from the US to Europe.
I really wonder who they chose and why.
I know when my bro ( now deceased) would fly the few times he evr did, he being an employee of the airlines had to dress in certain way to fly for free.
Conservative dress, shirt with collar on it and no jeans and tennis shoes.
I was upgraded once frm Dallas to LA but I was dressed to the hilt.
Was an airline interview and I purchased a beautiful well fitting designer suit in black, nice off white silk shirt, a string of pearls around my neck and pearl earrings, black high heels with flesh colored stocking and small black clutch handbag.
What pissed me off is I didn't land the job but because of the classy way I was done up, everyone was coming to me and asking questions about flights, connections etc.
Dang, they should of hired me!
I have to say dressing up for a long haul flight wouldn't be that comfy.
I usually try to be both not too casual and not uncomfotable when doing a long haul.
Just in case they bump people up, so far no luck.
I think it is all the hand luggage I bring with me, just not flagged for an upgrade.
-@Marilyn Tassy

I know who they don't choose, anybody that's going to take advantage of the free booze and need to be poured off the aircraft, or be a bore and upset those in 1st class who are paying through the nose for the privilege.  It's a discussion the senior flight attendant will have had with the check-in staff.


My daughter is in Canada atm; when they flew out a few weeks ago, they got free upgrades to 1st class; she said the same thing about the flights out to Vancouver; maybe the wildfires have put people off?

I've been trying to find a trip to Asia Pacific. The price has halved since I started looking in June. Airlines have been taking the mickey on pricing. I am dragging it out until September to see if it goes down more.
This trip is probably going to be her last for a while, she's expecting her first child in October. It's also 3rd time lucky for her wanting to go whale spotting/watching; this time she's seen a lot of them; some local aviator took them up in a seaplane yesterday and they found schools of them! She went to Seattle first, from the photos, apart from spreading out, it hasn't changed that much since I worked in Fort Lewis 38 years ago.
Congrats on the new baby coming!! Lucky you!!
-@Marilyn Tassy

Thank you; we understand her partner asked her to marry him last night, so she's very excited now.  Looking forward to the next few weeks, I shall miss her little dog that I'm looking after at the moment.


Congrats on the new baby coming!! Lucky you!!
-@Marilyn Tassy
Thank you; we understand her partner asked her to marry him last night, so she's very excited now. Looking forward to the next few weeks, I shall miss her little dog that I'm looking after at the moment.

Congrats to her and you and your family!

Keep the dog! I used to own a dog (it was a birthday present when I was 18) but I didn't look after it.

Until I actually owned a dog I looked after daily I didn't realise how much they ingratiate themselves into people's lives. It's my friend but still a dog (i.e. not a human).


Congrats on the new baby coming!! Lucky you!!
-@Marilyn Tassy
Thank you; we understand her partner asked her to marry him last night, so she's very excited now. Looking forward to the next few weeks, I shall miss her little dog that I'm looking after at the moment.

Congrats to her and you and your family!

Keep the dog! I used to own a dog (it was a birthday present when I was 18) but I didn't look after it.

Until I actually owned a dog I looked after daily I didn't realise how much they ingratiate themselves into people's lives. It's my friend but still a dog (i.e. not a human).

Thank you, it's our second grandchild, this time it's a girl, so now one of each.  We already have our own dog (a Patterdale Terrier); he and my daughter's dog (a Lakeland Terrier) make a great play group, they are non-stop rough and tumble.



Can we be glad that he isn't a barman?


Thank you, it's our second grandchild, this time it's a girl, so now one of each. We already have our own dog (a Patterdale Terrier); he and my daughter's dog (a Lakeland Terrier) make a great play group, they are non-stop rough and tumble.

So Boris has a playmate?

I said before a second dog should be called Rishi. 

But maybe Nigel or Nadine could work too.


Can we be glad that he isn't a barman?

I heard the interview with him on LBC and he said the pub trade was doing well. He also didn't answer questions. Callers ringing in said exactly the opposite, pubs are going bust all over.  He doesn't care. It's only about winning the next election.

It's a bizarre situation with politicians these days. If you ask them about some issue, they'll tell you something irrelevant. Maybe it's always been like that but I'm old school. 

Interviewer: What about refugees PM?

PM: I'm in favour of saving hedgehogs

Public: WTF?

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