Absolutely Anything Else

I heard the interview with him on LBC and he said the pub trade was doing well. He also didn't answer questions. Callers ringing in said exactly the opposite, pubs are going bust all over. He doesn't care. It's only about winning the next election.

It's a bizarre situation with politicians these days. If you ask them about some issue, they'll tell you something irrelevant. Maybe it's always been like that but I'm old school.

Interviewer: What about refugees PM?

PM: I'm in favour of saving hedgehogs

Public: WTF?

And that magic actually works and these people get elected. I think it was always like that, but in the old days leader surrounded themselves by experts there were producing more than blurb.

Thank you, it's our second grandchild, this time it's a girl, so now one of each. We already have our own dog (a Patterdale Terrier); he and my daughter's dog (a Lakeland Terrier) make a great play group, they are non-stop rough and tumble.

So Boris has a playmate?

I said before a second dog should be called Rishi.

But maybe Nigel or Nadine could work too.

LOL - me suggesting to my youngest that I should choose her dog's name is almost as likely as me offering constructive thoughts on her fashion sense/hairstyle.  It's great being married to a nurse, but having one as a daughter is quite daunting.  The dog's name is Poppy (or Pops); she's completely changed in the fortnight we've had her living with us; regular walks out here in the countryside and having Boris around to annoy her here have worked wonders - her tail never stops wagging (even if my wife thinks WW3 has broken out; no sense of humour these Cloggies).


My bro's podiatrist is on staff at the hospital he is in.

She agrees with the surgeon to wait till this Friday to see if they can save his big toe.

He said ATM the toe is open and he also has a 7 inch long gash on the top of his foot?

No idea what that's all about, sounds a bit painful.

I don't get it.

They can give millions of people a vax to cure Covid but they can't stop an infection that has been going on for over a decade?

Something isn't right.

He is keeping his humor, he said if the toe comes off, he wants to make a necklace with the bone.

Demi Moore a witch. I'm sure it's true.

Most are in Hollywood. Hollywood, dream/spell capital of the world.

Hollywood was named after the holly tree, the type of tree used to make magic wands

Back in the 80's my wild sister had a couple of girlfriends who quit their office jobs and both went to make up artist school.

I know about how hard it is to break into the beauty industry.

It can be a very well paying job if you land in the right salon and have a good cliental.

Takes years to build up and have your regualrs.

Well, these two finished a short course, maybe it was 3 months long.

They both landed jobs the next day inside the studios working on major movies.

Neither was that talented, I met them once or twice and they weren't that impressive.

( In fact they both came to a swim party at our house!)

Well, I asked my sister how the heck they both landed good jobs right out of school with no experience.

Her simple answer was, "They both are witches and in a coven in Hollywood".

She also said she was no longer hanging with them because they were into some,"Dark stuff".

I am so mad, got up early ,left for the spa, stood once again waiting for the connecting bus and saw how dark, cloudy and windy it was. Just turned back home an hour ago.

Now the sun is trying to come out!

Not really feeling like running acrros town again.

Wish they would get these weather reports right for once.


And that magic actually works and these people get elected. I think it was always like that, but in the old days leader surrounded themselves by experts there were producing more than blurb.

I think people notice it now. Seems to be a kind of style the political class have adopted

Persistent journalists are unlikely to push it too far because they won't get another interview.

Seems dubious at best.

@fluffy2560 It would be hard to find "a persistent journalist" these days. Most are on the political gravy train themselves.

My bro's podiatrist is on staff at the hospital he is in.
She agrees with the surgeon to wait till this Friday to see if they can save his big toe.
He said ATM the toe is open and he also has a 7 inch long gash on the top of his foot?
No idea what that's all about, sounds a bit painful.
I don't get it.
They can give millions of people a vax to cure Covid but they can't stop an infection that has been going on for over a decade?
Something isn't right.
He is keeping his humor, he said if the toe comes off, he wants to make a necklace with the bone.
Demi Moore a witch. I'm sure it's true.
Most are in Hollywood. Hollywood, dream/spell capital of the world.
Hollywood was named after the holly tree, the type of tree used to make magic wands
Back in the 80's my wild sister had a couple of girlfriends who quit their office jobs and both went to make up artist school.
I know about how hard it is to break into the beauty industry.
It can be a very well paying job if you land in the right salon and have a good cliental.
Takes years to build up and have your regualrs.
Well, these two finished a short course, maybe it was 3 months long.
They both landed jobs the next day inside the studios working on major movies.
Neither was that talented, I met them once or twice and they weren't that impressive.
( In fact they both came to a swim party at our house!)
Well, I asked my sister how the heck they both landed good jobs right out of school with no experience.
Her simple answer was, "They both are witches and in a coven in Hollywood".
She also said she was no longer hanging with them because they were into some,"Dark stuff".

I am so mad, got up early ,left for the spa, stood once again waiting for the connecting bus and saw how dark, cloudy and windy it was. Just turned back home an hour ago.
Now the sun is trying to come out!
Not really feeling like running acrros town again.
Wish they would get these weather reports right for once.

-@Marilyn Tassy

That infection must be in the bone.  Perhaps the gash is to drain the site of infection? Has he got other conditions like diabetes or circulation issues or immune conditions?  Just speculating.  I hope they get it sorted out.  My Dad had persistent infections and at the time he just didn't have the strength to fight it off.  Just general decline.

I didn't know that about Hollywood.  Magic wands, well I never.  I was being gossipy about Demi Moore but surprised to think others also had the same idea. I am sure there's a lot of extra weirdness in the film industry - more than just general California hippy weirdness.  I always kind of admired that as a kind of free living.  But my view is totally formed from Hollywood TV shows. I am sure the reality was and is totally different.   

More concerning is our No. 1 Fluffyette wants to get into it.  I like the idea as it sounds attractive but I am trying to encourage getting qualified in technical work and artistic work via say, cinematography rather than performing.  Can always do performing as part of the technical work but can fall back to technical work if performing doesn't bring enough work.

@fluffy2560 It would be hard to find "a persistent journalist" these days. Most are on the political gravy train themselves.

As I said, they aren't that persistent.

Usually they have a go  a couple of times and then give up and move on to another question.

In some ways it's as dishonest  as the politicians themselves.  On the other hand, we do hear about investigative journalism like Watergate and the Panama papers.  The Panama papers never really went anywhere despite plenty of revelations.

Yes, it's a bone infection of some sort.

Today is Friday, D-Day for them to decide to cut or not to cut off...

Been praying for the best outcome for him.

I'm not sure he is diabetic at all, don't think so but then again so many people are boarderline .

I know he gave up drinking which should be helping with his blood sugar levels.

Boy he could party that's for sure!

My sister had 2 long term( long term for her was over 6 months to a year) boyfriends who worked behind the scenes in Hollywood.

One guy was very long term over 3 years together, he was from the UK. A real "swell" guy even my anti-social husband liked him allot.

He worked as a flim editor for Hanna-Barbara studios.

Another nice guy worked in Disney imgaineering, really very artisitic and talented.

I don't think either of them were in a coven, just regualr 9 to 5 working people with interesting jobs.

My sister knew so many people with strange jobs. Funny she mostly worked as a office organizer at the front desk, paid the bills I suppose.

She was in a Hollywood movie , big mistake I think. Rated X and not for excitment!!

She was in the movie, not the headliner, thankfully! Gosh not sure where she put her head doing that, well actually...Not going there!

I went with husband then just my BF to see it. I had him walk me out within the first 5 mins. First and last time I ever saw anything X rated. Enough said!

Long story as most of mine are but here goes in short order.

I was staying with my sister for a week just because I'd given up my flat and was moving to Maui.

Just finishing up last min. packing and shipping and stayed with her.

She went out to dinner at least 6 times per week and clubbing just about that often too.

Work or no work in the morning.

Some Hollywood producer she knew asked her to dinner. She told me the guy was a real strange guy and she didn't want to go alone with him.

I asked her why go at all then?

She wanted a nice meal at a nice Japanese place though and never turned down a free meal on the town.

She twisted my arm to go with them. I was nearly 7 months pregnant and a good cover for her. used me as an excuse to eat and leave right away.

What can I say, I was young and dumb and always listened to my elders so I said OK but just a quick dinner and home again.

We drove to the guys large house and he drove us to eat and back to our car afterwards.

My sister told me under no circumstances were we to enter his house, not even if pregnant me need to use the loo.

Looking back on that now makes my hair curl, what was up with that?

@fluffy2560 It would be hard to find "a persistent journalist" these days. Most are on the political gravy train themselves.

As I said, they aren't that persistent.

Usually they have a go a couple of times and then give up and move on to another question.

In some ways it's as dishonest as the politicians themselves. On the other hand, we do hear about investigative journalism like Watergate and the Panama papers. The Panama papers never really went anywhere despite plenty of revelations.

And - as we know - one can end up in jail for meany years for persistent journalism. And that is happening in the free and democratic West.

And - as we know - one can end up in jail for meany years for persistent journalism. And that is happening in the free and democratic West.

If you're talking about Assange, that's the US doing that and hypocritical of them. 

I don't really think Assange could claim he was a journalist but it's hardly  worth pursuing by the US.  And Obama pardoned  Chelsea Manning who was the source.  But of course, Manning was convicted.  Assange hasn't even been convicted of any crime and remains on remand as far as I know. I don't really get why he isn't out on bail.

The US is known for vindictive justice. Look at Roman Polanski.  They pursued him endlessly even though the alleged victim wanted it to be over and no longer to be in the public eye.  Doesn't excuse Polanski's supposed behaviour but arguably If the victim wants it over, it seems bizarre for the US justice system to continue to pursue him.   

And - as we know - one can end up in jail for meany years for persistent journalism. And that is happening in the free and democratic West.

If you're talking about Assange, that's the US doing that and hypocritical of them.


Well, the Brits could simply let Assange go and send him home to Australia. Assange is in a UK high security prison. Or did you mean to say that the UK anyway has to do what the US says and is not an independent nation?

And - as we know - one can end up in jail for meany years for persistent journalism. And that is happening in the free and democratic West.

If you're talking about Assange, that's the US doing that and hypocritical of them.

Well, the Brits could simply let Assange go and send him home to Australia. Assange is in a UK high security prison. Or did you mean to say that the UK anyway has to do what the US says and is not an independent nation?

Yes, I can agree on that issue with you.  I think USA is calling the shots. 

He's got 2 kids with a South African born woman who is also Swedish and Spanish.  And she and the kids live in the UK.  They will probably not deport him from the UK in the end but they could go to Sweden perhaps.  Assange also says he has a French child. Perhaps that would lead to French citizenship. The French don't deport their nationals to the USA.  Polanski is an example.

UK courts have rejected extradition in the past for hackers. Gary McKinnon for example.

Even the old slave trade has a hidden history as to who did what to what tribe.
Never knew Portugal was where it all started.
-@Marilyn Tassy

As for written history it was Babilonia, Assiria, Egypt which started.

But most likely just as old profession as prostitution far before written history exist.

I watched two fairly new from 2022 documentaries on U tube about poverty in the UK.
I was really surprised.
They said about 1 in 5 people in the UK live below the poverty line.
That's allot .
Social beniefits have been reduced by 44% in recent years and many are struggling with what is called, "heat or eat" issues.
Why then does it seem every immigrant heads for the UK if it' that bad there?
My 2nd cousin and her Hungarian husband( she was born in Hungary too) are both doctors who haved lived in Kent in the UK for over 25 years.
They both are research doctors working in labs.
In the US most nurses are from the Phillipines too.
That documentary also said the NHS is in big trouble.
People have to wait 13 weeks for an appointment, are given 10 mins. and can only discuss one medical issue per visit.
Having gone through the HU health system here over the past 20 months I was under the impression that medical care was better in the UK then here in HU.
Seems I maybe wrong?
-@Marilyn Tassy

Even back in 2014 there already was a massive poverty this is not something new.

Why head there? UK is the N1 talent planetary in propaganda - or call it image building, PR, information operations, whatever.

Also world lacks far behind in reality - what was and what is now.

NHS is not in trouble: it is simply grossly incompetent and an endless money waste.

My personal experience was up to irreal: after first day would trust more the medical (!) knowledge of the cleaning lady (!) from Bangladesh than a bunch of doctors/ nurses altogether.

As for luck in the end get a competent doctor from India and a nurse from Romania - they were fine.

BTW in Hungary medical also in the bottom 10% planetary.

Closest quality medical system: Austria. Or at least was 10+ years ago.

I always thought Japan was a modern country but their judicial system is out of the 1500's.
When accused of any crime and arrested one must stew for 23 days for each offence before being placed in front of a judge. There is no bail system.
You can hire a lawyer but your lawyer is not allowed in court with you.
You can be grilled for hours and days by police without breaks.
They basically mentally break you down till you confess, guilty or not.
Hench their 99% conviction rates.
I am speechless really, I now know why Japan is a safe country.No one dares speak up or act out.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Japan is well known for it's unfair judicial system. Japan is not that technologically advanced either. I was there earlier this year and the only hi-tech thing I saw was a bizarre electronically controlled hotel toilet. It had all sorts of features you need a training course for. They must have the cleanest rear ends in the world. No buffing and polishing option though (!). Not sure what that would entail.

Anyway, Japan prison it's not a place you want to be. Not confessing is sure sign of guilt. Needs radical reform.

But the again, in hot weather Texas they kill you by cooking you alive in prisons with no airco. Over there in Lone Star republic, prison is a place of punishment and not rehabilitation. Who wants to waste taxpayer's money on comfort for jailbirds. No human rights needed.

Japan is bad? Compared to?

Ex-Convict Reviews the Top 10 Worst Prisons

I watched two fairly new from 2022 documentaries on U tube about poverty in the UK.
I was really surprised.
They said about 1 in 5 people in the UK live below the poverty line.
That's allot .
Social beniefits have been reduced by 44% in recent years and many are struggling with what is called, "heat or eat" issues.
Why then does it seem every immigrant heads for the UK if it' that bad there?
My 2nd cousin and her Hungarian husband( she was born in Hungary too) are both doctors who haved lived in Kent in the UK for over 25 years.
They both are research doctors working in labs.
In the US most nurses are from the Phillipines too.
That documentary also said the NHS is in big trouble.
People have to wait 13 weeks for an appointment, are given 10 mins. and can only discuss one medical issue per visit.
Having gone through the HU health system here over the past 20 months I was under the impression that medical care was better in the UK then here in HU.
Seems I maybe wrong?
-@Marilyn Tassy

Even back in 2014 there already was a massive poverty this is not something new.

Why head there? UK is the N1 talent planetary in propaganda - or call it image building, PR, information operations, whatever.
Also world lacks far behind in reality - what was and what is now.

NHS is not in trouble: it is simply grossly incompetent and an endless money waste.
My personal experience was up to irreal: after first day would trust more the medical (!) knowledge of the cleaning lady (!) from Bangladesh than a bunch of doctors/ nurses altogether.
As for luck in the end get a competent doctor from India and a nurse from Romania - they were fine.

BTW in Hungary medical also in the bottom 10% planetary.
Closest quality medical system: Austria. Or at least was 10+ years ago.

I had a 2 year go around with the Hungarian medical system.

Very mixed reviews on my part.

I am healed so there's that.

Very grateful but getting there was murder.

There are very incompetant people in the medical system in the US too. Not just in Hungary.

Over the years I've run int a few quacks here and some decent doctors too.

I've never been seriously ill in my life until 2 years ago.

A cancer due to the HPV virus, I've found out abut 90% of the worlds population has had this virus or does have it in the blood stream but it usually doesn't cause any major issues.

It's more common in women over age 60 but men get it too.

The body fights it off within about 2 years  from time of infection or as in my case, it can lay dormat for many, many decades and pop up when your imune system, or older age gets you down.

They have a vax these days for younger people under age 45 to prevent the virus from turning into a cancer.

I nevr mentioned it really until now because I didn't wish anyone to feel sorry for me.

Only told a few people and family. Only one neighbor was told because it's not good to get negative vibes from people with either them wishing you evil or overdoing the sympathy.

My HU neighobr was super sweet, would leave me 100% coco candy bars in my post box to make sure I didn't lose to much weight and to add something sweet my way.

I was sent here and there and told I needed major surgery before getting to the right clinic.

I refused surgery but I wonder if I had done what I was told? For sure I'd not be around now, I'd of offed myself before doing what they wanted to do.

I wonder how many people tell a suregon no way and walk out on them like I did?

They put fear into you and try to make you think they are the only ones that can do anything for you.

Holisitc when possible is not a bad idea.

This experience and coming through it has taught me that life is short, no time for silliness and bad energy.There is more to it then making money or keeping up with others. I've learned who is in my corner and who had to go.

I also learned the HU medical system is sort of broken but they do try when it comes to shove.I was never refused anything I needed to heal. In fact they did many tests ASAP and took it seriously.Had a few staff workers make mistakes but the important players like doctors did what they had to do.

In the US ones life depends on which insurance coverage they have.

Here no matter who you are they treat you the same, good or bad.

I was the only westerner getting treatments and the staff always treated me exactly the same as anyone else. Just me and a guy from Slovakia, everyone else was Hungarian.

Many of the nurses were very kind and gentle while others just did their jobs.

A good explanation why the inflation is so high in Hungary would be interesting. I mean more than "because OV is so evil". Why are the prices in the basket rising so much in Hungary? Is it because of lots of imports and bad exchange rates? Is that a main reason?
I remember that there is a tool available that allows to calculate the personal inflation by putting together your own "basket". How much can one influence ones own Inflation?

Portugal has reduced the VAT on many food items to 0%. They also gave a rebate for fuel when it was so expensive. That is all very nice and kind, but ... can a country like Portugal say good bye to the taxes. They are already the 3rd most indebted country in the EU.

Shadow (or not so shadow) sanctions.

The same retailers sell the processed/ finished goods here in a much more expensive rate, sometimes up to 2 - 3X price (while use all their power to buy up base agricultural materials far under market price).

Similar trend exist in finance.

Influence inflation:

What is done is pretty weak and on a larger picture ineffective.


it is around 25 - 30 on Earth in regard of EXTERNAL debt which is truly important. In regard of GDP% nowdays in a western country that nothing outstanding.

But it is interesting why it is intentionally misrepresented.

For example since when it is common to include in the GOVERNMENTAL (!) external debt the debt of not just the central bank, but also other banks + other corporations?

While in the same time do not do such with 8 among the top10 countries with external debt?

Churchill was right about statistics...

Decrease taxes to reduce prices VERY rarely worked in history.

In most cases rulers and in modern times governments end up begging for loans as a result, while merchants fare better and population have cc. the same position as before.

A good explanation why the inflation is so high in Hungary would be interesting. I mean more than "because OV is so evil". Why are the prices in the basket rising so much in Hungary? Is it because of lots of imports and bad exchange rates? Is that a main reason?
I remember that there is a tool available that allows to calculate the personal inflation by putting together your own "basket". How much can one influence ones own Inflation?

Portugal has reduced the VAT on many food items to 0%. They also gave a rebate for fuel when it was so expensive. That is all very nice and kind, but ... can a country like Portugal say good bye to the taxes. They are already the 3rd most indebted country in the EU.

Something OV (ok, it's say Fidesz but it's OV's watch) is doing is causing economic problems. It might be the nuclear power station expansion, university island, the high speed railway to Belgrade or the large number of sports stadiums. Or something else, like COVID (very high death rate/capita). The HUF is falling as confidence in the currency reduces. Moreover, savings are being eroded rapidly. People will run out of cash. It will be a turning point.

We also had a fuel subsidy which was widely abused by the people in the neighbouring countries. It's unclear why it wasn't thought out - they had to tinker with the rules incessantly. Essentially HU was exporting cheap fuel to the neighbours threatening their revenues.

We generally have low taxes, high social security costs and very large VAT rates at 27%. I have been looking at national debt vs GDP and I'm not seeing anything particular. It could be off books borrowing.

As for a rarity I am able to paint a darker picture from the siutuation - while a brighter from the outcome.

As for Paks2:

Years of delay by local mishandeling. Then more years because of the EU, then again more time (and who knows how long it will last) predominantly because the current german gov. (more exactly the greens) who block the german companies to do what they contracted to do.

Delays cost money - in this case very much money.

BUT: all our enemies were unable to cancel it (and destroy the possibility of Electricity autarky), just able to put it hold/ delay.

The Huf is under attack long since, since 2015 it is massive and often succesful. Especially can thak for the EU which witholded and witholds much of the pro9mised (or by their regulations must give) funding (a large part of that actually lost).

BUT: they up to date were unable to generate either exchange rate collapse, or state default to get rid of the current government.

VAT is actually 5 - 27%. Most of the goods/ services are in the low end but corporations keep that as extra profit, close to nothing from the low end ends up in lesser price for consumers.

Fuel subsidy:

EU did not let it to offered just locals, actually treatened with large fines if do so.

So because exist: exist for all who have profit on it outside the borders.

So again: EU.

Governmental debt to GDP is over 150% which in the west considered low, but compared to East Europe record high. Not much off book, but more like trick: like the Hungarian businessmen/ coroporations in Transillvania hold Huf treasury bonds, which is a borderline case because holded by external party - regardless that it denominated in Huf.

BUT: Still no state default, or popular uprising against the government what our so called "allies" await for.

For comparison: the top 10 indebted country have cc. 220 - 630% EXTERNAL debt compared to their GDP, and 8 of those in Europe.

While normal East European countries (so not Hungary/ Ukraine) have less than 80% external debt to their gdp.

Poland got extra brownie points over Ukraine war support and intensive Ukrainian refugee support.

They may get brownie but no funds.

And while they host between 3 to 5 millions! of true refugees from Ukraine treatened by EU to pay a fine after each non-accepted "EU distributed" migrants in: €22,000.

Hungary and Portugal are of similar size, but here the prices have not gone through the roof.

The fuel subsidy implementation was a clumsy muddle. OV personally must have been behind that 1f602.svg. Anyway, the whole subsidy idea was stupid and only done to hide the madness of bad energy politics.

The EU holding back funds intended for Hungary smells a bit like cancelling bank accounts for now having the correct political opinion. Being somewhat connected to the UK you must have heard about kind of a scandal over there. In the EU countries get rewarded for always following the EU opinion. And punished for the opposite. When Hungary is protecting the Schengen borders then that is punished. When Spain does that in Ceuta and Melitta then this is ignored and possibly rewarded.

My current tenant is from Portugal and he was stunned by the differences.

The canceling of bank accounts for poltical reasons is not an UK patent recently.

They (and others) did learn from their good buddy Trudeau  who made Canada a dictatorship.

Even get it from real MP's:


Actually in many regard impressive I wonder when such beginners as Kim Dzsongun would implement similarly true liberal democratic measures what Canada did in recent years.

Just read that OV is thinking of ordering doctors to work a full 8 hours.
As it is now, many work 4 hours per day in public service then go off to a private clinic.
Many doctors may quit as a result.
This will be interesting to see how it all turns out.
Even so, often the doctors have a full waiting room. No one is being called in for the longest time.
The numbers on the board are not changing.
Then the doctors comes back to the office and rushes through to get to everyone. A one hour wait time can easily turn into 3 to 4 hours.
They obviously are doing their thing outside the office, who know what, going to the gym, doing persoanl business or meeting friends for lunch while keeping sick people waiting.
Doesn't happen all that often from my experience but it has happened more then once.
-@Marilyn Tassy

Some personal experience - Hungarian - public health "service" dentist:

First appointment (2 weeks after asked):

Doctor did not turn up - assistant claims private praxis (aka: own business when do dentist work for money)

Second appointment - 3 weeks later:

Doctor did not turn up - also private dentist work.

Third appointment (again later):

Doctor nortify assistant she will late for 2 hours because of private patient.

Arrives with uppish attitude as "be glad" that she ever turn up to do anything about her full wage government funded "worksplace".

Off course I have taken care that she no longer employed on public funds - but remains with her private ones.

Still: blacklisted in that institute too.

So for both Hungarian doctors and teachers the wast majority certainly not deserves better wages or whatever.

Actualy I would vote to send them to North Korea to a fine camp there (because we lack of salt mines), like for cc. 500 €/ year - for sure it would be a good busines for both countries.

So when cc. 50% of the present "health" workers, and over 60% (the useless part of) teachers disappear there, AFTER that can be enacted an effective a reorganization an more funds into the public health/ public education system. A very hard 5 - 10 years, but at least the end of internal rotting and bottomless spending for nothing.

Sadly this softcore government of Hungary hardly would do any effective measures. 

Now nothing is more scary then having someone in control of your health acting like you are a second class human.
In the end he was Ok but why on earth did he ever ask such a question?
-@Marilyn Tassy

Did you considered this from the other end?

Foreign person + HU husband (who maybe  familiar with local things):

Probably bad for a doctor because he DON'T DARE even to try such thigs against you what would do with a local?

You know it is regulary tried out in various service sectors:

  • Go in as Hungarian -> reaction: get lost
  • Go in who appear and speaks as a foreigner -> reaction: oh how can we help you


Meanwhile in the USA:

California have a mass relocation - because how things are there because certain policies.

When they settle in Florida start to complain about and advocate for the same changes to be enacted at their new place of residence which are exist in California.

Meanwhile in Belarus (where the leader proudly stated in the early 2010' that he is the last dictator in Europe) opposition which want to depose him/ the government:

  1. Fled abroad and very brave from a distance
  2. In prison because advocated to overthrow the ruling government
  3. In the cemerery

Meanwhile in Canada:

Jordan Peterson (and all professional who needs approval to practice their profession by permission of semi-governmental agencies) in the danger to lose the permission because talked against the policies of the Trudeau government.

Members of the freedom convoy get their vehicles stolen, their bank accounts closed, their donation money stolen, and things which come with such_: like unability to pay bills, mortgages, lose housing, jobs, families, etc..

Meanwhile in Hungary:

Foreign people inside the country are allowed to actively advocate of the enforced removal of the local government by foreign forces (like: EU and other international organizations) which should use whatever legal, economic, political, etc measures in their power to dispose a government which elected by popular voting for many times with over 2/3 of the votes in the past 13 years.

Hungary is such an evil dictatorship which let happen even things like that - in strong contrast with existing and not executed/ kept legalization (for example BTK 254. §) in which case such advocation would carry consequances.

We are truly live in the word where the black is white and the white is black.

@fluffy2560 It would be hard to find "a persistent journalist" these days. Most are on the political gravy train themselves.


John Pilger   


Sounds more like persistent than: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embedded_journalism

@Marilyn Tassy

Actually I think you were lucky.

Not to praise the US health system, but there is a stark difference (or at least were before covid):

malpractice lawsuit.

There exist and works well - if someone dies or ends up worse the family able to get compensation.

In Hungary:

"The internal investigation of the hospital find all measures professional the staff did not made any mistake."

That is the end.

As the Hungarian joke goes:

"The surgery was successful, the patient died."

@sjbabilon5 In a summary response to your posts I would say: "Nowhere is perfect.". And that especially applies to the application of medical science to people. Wherever one goes it is hit and miss. Wherever we lived over the past 30 years we had good and bad experiences. The best overall was probably Australia with good diagnostics and good treatment always trying to make you better.

My conclusion is that I have a responsibility as well and need to try to live a healthy lifestyle. It is also problematic to go to a doctor with a problem that isn't obvious. I had excellent surgery in Oman to solve an obvious issue. If the problem isn't obvious then most doctors these days are clueless as well.

I can also say that is helps to have a doctor that is your (cynical) best friend or a (cynical) family member.

@sjbabilon5 In a summary response to your posts I would say: "Nowhere is perfect.". And that especially applies to the application of medical science to people. Wherever one goes it is hit and miss. Wherever we lived over the past 30 years we had good and bad experiences. The best overall was probably Australia with good diagnostics and good treatment always trying to make you better.
My conclusion is that I have a responsibility as well and need to try to live a healthy lifestyle. It is also problematic to go to a doctor with a problem that isn't obvious. I had excellent surgery in Oman to solve an obvious issue. If the problem isn't obvious then most doctors these days are clueless as well.

I can also say that is helps to have a doctor that is your (cynical) best friend or a (cynical) family member.


There are exceptions in even the worst places: the ones who care and treat medical as profession, instead job/ loopholes. Also skilled/ talented ones - no anastasia, nor even alcohol, no supplies at all -> knockout and get the job done (no pain, patient saved in the front).

The problem starts with the mentality:

See for example in Japan, sometimes even up to date: if a doctor makes a serious mistake (just mistake - not something becase don't care, or did not get pocket money): may kill him/ herself.

Just like anno the transport minister resigned because train late in one line.

In ancient Egypt if the patient died: doctor died.

Now compare this with most of the modern health systems...

No care, search of loopholes, hide behind bureaucracy, internal rules, legalization, or just the owned institutions/ committees (like internal investigations).

And it is rotten and cancerous, because:

The ones who are conscientious, hardworking, willing to help and care - overflooded because the others: extra hours, extra patients, and often not grateful ones -># because the bad "medics" in the system already make them more sick, more angry, more agressive.

Off course the ones who do care: burn out, resign, leve, try luck (hope?) abroad, etc...

And the system remains rotten, because the ones who generate that: remain in place, or even rise: to be for example hospital director, or otherwise up.

So sure: I agree with you: money solves nothing.

First needs root cause problem solving.

@Marilyn Tassy
Actually I think you were lucky.

Not to praise the US health system, but there is a stark difference (or at least were before covid):
malpractice lawsuit.
There exist and works well - if someone dies or ends up worse the family able to get compensation.

In Hungary:
"The internal investigation of the hospital find all measures professional the staff did not made any mistake."
That is the end.

As the Hungarian joke goes:
"The surgery was successful, the patient died."

You are right, I was very lucky.

I have experienced my parents having cancer treatments and was ready mentally for almost anything.

The daily waits of a min. of 2 1/2 hours up to 3 1/2 hours of waiting in a gloomy waiting area with 30-40 other ill people all trying to get into the one radiaiton room was a nightmare.

I surprised myself with how I took it in stride. Only got upset along with a few others when we waited over 3 /12 hours to be called in.

My treamtents only took less then 90 seconds once I was set up.

This was every day of the week, 5 days a week for 6 weeks. ( Mine was extended to 2 months)

I should be able to speak fluent Hungarian now after all that!

The radiaiton team was very kind. One guy spoke perfect English and they all were helpful , just way too busy.

Hungary needs more medical equipment because being ill and waiting around hours everyday is pure hell.

I don't remember all that much of it, mind fog. I would just take a few chairs and lay down across them until they called my name. Several of us did this.

No appointments taken here just a genral time to come in. Either mornings, afternoon or late afternoon.

I noticed one or two peple over time who always were called in sooner then anyone else was. Not sure how that went because tipping isn't allowed any longer.

You just put your medical card in a box and wait and wait and wait. They chose who comes in at what time.

Think that was the worst of it, the waiting around while being very dizzy and not feeling like a human any longer.

I used to ( not verly religious) look at people waiting and pray for each of them in turn.

No matter who they were or how they acted.

Have to give it over to a higher power when the chips are down.

I'm sure that is what healed me plus my husband.

My God, I knew he was a great husband but now I know it for a fact.

He would sit in the car those hours waiting for me to be finished everyday.

It was winter time, he sat in the cold with a blanket on for hours waiting since we never knew when I'd be done for the day. Never said a word about how uncomfortable he was.

He refused to come in a see all those ill people, made him upset plus they wouldn't allow anyone without  a c-19 vax in after 4 pm. I have no idea why that was the rule. If they came in before 4 pm they didn't need a vax. makes no logical sense to me.

In the US people get an appointment and are in and out everyday in 30 mins or less.

I can see where someone might give up, they put you through it here with waiting.

Many people had to stay with extended family for months or rent a hotel room since those in the countryside had to come into Budapest everyday for treatments.

Some have it worst them others that way.

I know Hungary is really underfunded with hospitals and treatment centers.

I really beleive God healed me, if if were for the doctors alone, I'd be a goner.

I also didn't follow everything they told me to, like surgery, forget it.

They do what's easier for them not for you.

I saw a private gastro doctor who found my illness. He refered me on.

I wonder if that was helpful or not because I was sent to the professor not a newer doctor without experience?

They do try here, they have weekly team meeting to discuss treatment plans on each person in their care. Even the professor has to hear other doctors out and consider all plans of action.

Biggest mistake with me here was not testing me for a chemo allergy before giving it to me.

It is very, very rare to be allergic just as the form of cancer I had is very ,very rare.Lucky me, always the odd man out!

If I had known I'd of paid myself to be tested before almost crashing for good.

Something to do with liver enzymes not being able to break done the drugs. Toxic reaction.

In cuntries like France it is illegal t give these drugs without first giving the test for allergies.

They have 2 types of tests. One is abut 40 Euros and the other about 100 Euros. Not much to safe someone from an allergy.

The strange thing is that these tests don't work on black or Asian DNA. I'm learning more all the time.

Perhaps the tests wouldn't of worked on me after all, I have both Asian and black DNA mixed with European.

It's interesting from afar as learning goes.

The good thing is I didn't lose my hair, really that's not even an issue, I never got to wear the wigs we bought.One gives up on vanity with it's life or death.

@fluffy2560 It would be hard to find "a persistent journalist" these days. Most are on the political gravy train themselves.

John Pilger 

Sounds more like persistent than: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embedded_journalism

He's been around forever.  He used to report from hot spots for the BBC.  I think he's lost his way recently but he's in his 80s so maybe no longer active.  No-one hears from him.

@sjbabilon5 In a summary response to your posts I would say: "Nowhere is perfect.". And that especially applies to the application of medical science to people. Wherever one goes it is hit and miss. Wherever we lived over the past 30 years we had good and bad experiences. The best overall was probably Australia with good diagnostics and good treatment always trying to make you better.
My conclusion is that I have a responsibility as well and need to try to live a healthy lifestyle. It is also problematic to go to a doctor with a problem that isn't obvious. I had excellent surgery in Oman to solve an obvious issue. If the problem isn't obvious then most doctors these days are clueless as well.

I can also say that is helps to have a doctor that is your (cynical) best friend or a (cynical) family member.

There are exceptions in even the worst places: the ones who care and treat medical as profession, instead job/ loopholes. Also skilled/ talented ones - no anastasia, nor even alcohol, no supplies at all -> knockout and get the job done (no pain, patient saved in the front).

The problem starts with the mentality:
See for example in Japan, sometimes even up to date: if a doctor makes a serious mistake (just mistake - not something becase don't care, or did not get pocket money): may kill him/ herself.
Just like anno the transport minister resigned because train late in one line.

In ancient Egypt if the patient died: doctor died.

Now compare this with most of the modern health systems...
No care, search of loopholes, hide behind bureaucracy, internal rules, legalization, or just the owned institutions/ committees (like internal investigations).

And it is rotten and cancerous, because:
The ones who are conscientious, hardworking, willing to help and care - overflooded because the others: extra hours, extra patients, and often not grateful ones -># because the bad "medics" in the system already make them more sick, more angry, more agressive.

Off course the ones who do care: burn out, resign, leve, try luck (hope?) abroad, etc...
And the system remains rotten, because the ones who generate that: remain in place, or even rise: to be for example hospital director, or otherwise up.

So sure: I agree with you: money solves nothing.
First needs root cause problem solving.

My father and one of my step-fathers both were medics in WW11.

My father had big dreams of getting the GI bill to pay his way through medical school after the war.

Seeing people bleeding out, hurt etc. changed his mind about becoming a doctor.

One has to have the stomach for it.My father couldn't even look at a scrap on our knees without almost passing out himself. He's always turn away and say get your mother.

He would assist a surgeon during the war and the next thing he knew the surgeon was throwing a bucket of cold water on my father to wake him up. He could not stand the sight of blood.

@Marilyn Tassy

I noticed one or two peple over time who always were called in sooner then anyone else was. Not sure how that went because tipping isn't allowed any longer.

And things like theft, embezzlement, racketeering are not allowed as well - right?

I have no idea why that was the rule. If they came in before 4 pm they didn't need a vax. makes no logical sense to me.

More easy to make a list about rules which made sense (medical) during the mental health pandemic.

Anyway logic is easy: in busy hours: many people with many relatives is more likely occur as well lynch if some believer oversteps and makes crowd angry.

@fluffy2560 It would be hard to find "a persistent journalist" these days. Most are on the political gravy train themselves.

John Pilger

Sounds more like persistent than: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embedded_journalism

He's been around forever. He used to report from hot spots for the BBC. I think he's lost his way recently but he's in his 80s so maybe no longer active. No-one hears from him.

Sure not exactly a young fellow.

Vietnam was his main thing.

For me actually was interesting the persistance, like as in the end of 90's he made an interview with the (then) young Scott Ritter who in that time said exactly the same about Iraq as nowdays.

@fluffy2560 It would be hard to find "a persistent journalist" these days. Most are on the political gravy train themselves.

John Pilger

Sounds more like persistent than: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embedded_journalism

He's been around forever. He used to report from hot spots for the BBC. I think he's lost his way recently but he's in his 80s so maybe no longer active. No-one hears from him.

I spotted this on YouTube recently (link); dated from last month, so Pilger is still involved in something.  I haven't watched it so viewers beware.

@fluffy2560 It would be hard to find "a persistent journalist" these days. Most are on the political gravy train themselves.

John Pilger

Sounds more like persistent than: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embedded_journalism

He's been around forever. He used to report from hot spots for the BBC. I think he's lost his way recently but he's in his 80s so maybe no longer active. No-one hears from him.
I spotted this on YouTube recently (link); dated from last month, so Pilger is still involved in something. I haven't watched it so viewers beware.

That is the same video.

Anyway made in 2010.

Another interesting:


He's been around forever. He used to report from hot spots for the BBC. I think he's lost his way recently but he's in his 80s so maybe no longer active. No-one hears from him.
I spotted this on YouTube recently (link); dated from last month, so Pilger is still involved in something. I haven't watched it so viewers beware.

I used to see him on Panorama. That's how I know the name.

But I think he's lost the plot a bit from what I read.

I won't be watching the video. Might be misinformation Twitter style and other things to do. One has to be so careful these days.

At least the mainstream channels do not generally misreport stuff. They do have some standards and obviously try to triangulate their sources.

Elon Musk is a freedom of speech absolutist apparently and is suing everyone. To me it looks like he cannot take criticism. Twitter/X has become ridiculous now.

He's been around forever. He used to report from hot spots for the BBC. I think he's lost his way recently but he's in his 80s so maybe no longer active. No-one hears from him.
I spotted this on YouTube recently (link); dated from last month, so Pilger is still involved in something. I haven't watched it so viewers beware.

I used to see him on Panorama. That's how I know the name.

But I think he's lost the plot a bit from what I read.

I won't be watching the video. Might be misinformation Twitter style and other things to do. One has to be so careful these days.

At least the mainstream channels do not generally misreport stuff. They do have some standards and obviously try to triangulate their sources.

Elon Musk is a freedom of speech absolutist apparently and is suing everyone. To me it looks like he cannot take criticism. Twitter/X has become ridiculous now.

It is exactly about how the mainstream (legacy, matrix) media spreads propaganda and control the narrative. 1f602.svg

Especially in regard of wars/ conflicts.

Musk just offered free lawyers and support for anyone who get canceled for any (formerly known) Twitter post, share, like, whatever -> especially to sue former employers as reparations for the crimes in what former twitter participated.

Obviously the estabilisment is furious when one of the richest man on the planet takes up arms against the woke mind virus -> which makes him earn a good place on the "public enemy" top list.

It is exactly about how the mainstream (legacy, matrix) media spreads propaganda and control the narrative. 1f602.svg
Especially in regard of wars/ conflicts.

Musk just offered free lawyers and support for anyone who get canceled for any (formerly known) Twitter post, share, like, whatever -> especially to sue former employers as reparations for the crimes in what former twitter participated.

Obviously the establisHment is furious when one of the richest man on the planet takes up arms against the woke mind virus -> which makes him earn a good place on the "public enemy" top list.

Yes, read that about the lawyers and Musk. Musk should put his efforts elsewhere instead of stirring up trouble and division. I'm no Bill Gates supporter but at least Gates is supporting efforts to cure malaria. What's Musk actually doing for humanity? I admire his technological work but he's clearly a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

As for the rest of it, woke this and wokily dokily that, it's just blah-blah. No-one is paying attention to that stuff now. That ship has well and truly sailed.


That ship has well and truly sailed.

Not yet, but on the way.

There are a few hundred large corporations which not faced the consequances enough, like theese ones:


Also when other notable companies, like: Berkshire Hathaway and megafunds even Blacrock drops support/ investment for: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity … _inclusion corporations.

So some hope on the end of the tunnel.

That ship has well and truly sailed.

Not yet, but on the way.
There are a few hundred large corporations which not faced the consequances enough, like theese ones:

Also when other notable companies, like: Berkshire Hathaway and megafunds even Blacrock drops support/ investment for: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diversity … _inclusion corporations.

So some hope on the end of the tunnel.

1) I don't do homework.

2) You misunderstand.

Saying critical things about woke this and woke that as some kind of threat is no longer credible. Whatever is woke (whatever it was in the first place) is now embedded. Too late. As with all over used things, they get old and people have moved on from it. Everyone is sick of being fed division. It might work here for a while but it's one of those backward countries where half the population are functionally and politically illiterate. Eventually it will not work at all.

I've just come back from Germany. It's a very diverse place and it's still rich and prosperous. Not what I see here.