Absolutely Anything Else

I was pretty sure True Grit (1969) was way too early to be his last film so looked up the actual.one (1976).

    I was pretty sure True Grit (1969) was way too early to be his final film so looked up the real final film (1976).


Yes, that's right, it was too early. 

I liked his movies but his politics rather sucked.  He was a supporter of the Vietnam War which went against the sentiment of the times.   He was never actually a soldier unlike others like James Stewart or Audie Murphy.  I was somewhat full of disdain when I saw Elizabeth Taylor pleading for Wayne to be awarded the Purple Heart. Like what for? For pretending to be a hero?  Ay Caramba....

    Her husband I though as a child was also putting on airs. He went by  name ,The Duke! Later silly me, I found out his last name was Duke.The lady was a trip. One of those people with nice furniture which is always covered in plastic.My mom had a funny story about the time the 2 of them went to a restaurant /bar /dance place together. Maryon, went to the ladies room, came back to the bar walking like she owned the place, had flaming red hair and was flashy in her 70's.My mother noticed as she entered the room that the roll of TP had stuck to Maryons shoes and it was like a wedding  train  unrolling after her!My mom, being a good friend and all, jumped up and started to reroll the paper as Maryone kept on going.Too bad there were no cell phones back then, what a trip, would of gone viral!        -@Marilyn TassyI always thought The Duke was John Wayne.  Also known as Marion Morrison.   He wasn't a bad actor and made a lot of money playing the same person every time.  He was good in True Grit which if I'm not mistaken was his last film.Your TP story reminded me of people being at some function and a woman in a white skirt came  back from the ladies room with the back of her skirt tucked in her panties.  I don't know if I saw it in real life, in a movie or dreamt it.  Ye gods, reality is becoming blurred these days at Fluffy Towers.I've actually seen that TP on the foot thing in a movie way back in the 90s.  It was a Finnish sci-fi movie which was parodying Star Trek.  I think it was called Star Wreck.  Wasn't bad. It took the mickey out of the Finnish, Vikings (presumably Swedes/Danish/Norwegians) and the Russians.   Dangerous occupation to laugh at The Bear.        -@fluffy2560

It is a true story about my mom and her buddy," Marion" someimes known has ,"Mariona" depended on how heavy her fake accent was that day.

I thought Mr. Duke was a fake name he went by because at th time John Wayne was still making flims and went by the name , the Duke.

It was Mr. Dukes real surname but took me years to chatch  onto it.

I thought he was being as werid as his wife was at the time.

Actually was a nice quiet thoughtful guy who put up with his looney wife for years.

He didn't drink, she did,he would drive her around in their new Caddie and often they spent the night in mom's extra room while my father slept on the couch.

My mom and step-dad liked having guests over the weekends. ( Madhouse)

Very wierd, no wonder I was gone all the time as a teenager.

Speaking of old film stars, I did a thriple dose of Joan Crawford last night.

It is a true story about my mom and her buddy," Marion" someimes known has ,"Mariona" depended on how heavy her fake accent was that day.
I thought Mr. Duke was a fake name he went by because at th time John Wayne was still making flims and went by the name , the Duke.
It was Mr. Dukes real surname but took me years to chatch  onto it.
I thought he was being as werid as his wife was at the time.
Actually was a nice quiet thoughtful guy who put up with his looney wife for years.
He didn't drink, she did,he would drive her around in their new Caddie and often they spent the night in mom's extra room while my father slept on the couch.
My mom and step-dad liked having guests over the weekends. ( Madhouse)
Very wierd, no wonder I was gone all the time as a teenager.
Speaking of old film stars, I did a thriple dose of Joan Crawford last night.
    -@Marilyn Tassy

I actually like Joan Crawford although she often played horrible people.  I believe she was very nice in real life.  Makes you wonder about John Wayne.  He was in a spat with Marlon Brando who called Wayne a white supremacist which is odd as most of his wives were of Mexican origin.

Apparently Wayne's "Duke" moniker came about because his large dog was called Duke.  Big Duke (the dog) and Little Duke (Wayne).

I suppose it's like Mel Gibson. I thought he was good but then he was was caught drunk driving spouting anti-Jewish sentiment.   I no longer watch his movies since he made the ludicrous anti-British movies Braveheart and The Patriot.   What a crock.

I guess we're all human. 

Gibson is curious because he comes across as so Australian though he's actually American-born: his father moved the family to Australia at the height of the Vietnam War.

    Gibson is curious because he comes across as so Australian though he's actually American-born: his father moved the family to Australia at the height of the Vietnam War.

Yes, indeed, his father won some TV quiz show (Jepoardy?) with a top prize which financed his move down under.

His father was of Irish extraction and had a very tainted view of Anglo-Irish relations which he instilled in his kids, hence Gibson's unfortunate views. Gibson Senior's views were something like Joseph Kennedy's anti-British thinking in WW2.  Never seen a family more willing to destroy itself than the Kennedys.

Last straw for me was The Patriot where Gibson sought to portray the British setting up concentration camps during the American Revolution.   Sorry Mel, I don't think so. 

We British have a different view of our relations with Ireland even though the IRA tried to kill me several times. I'm more willing to work on it than I was back in my 20s.  That said I'm more Irish than even Biden. One of my kids is shacked up with a really nice Irish fella.  Since the Good Friday Agreement, calmer heads have prevailed and the violence has faded a bit from most people's memories.  One of my HU kids is even thinking of studying in Ireland. So things are very different now a generation has passed.  It took a knock with Brexit but luckily my kids are dual nationals of HU and the UK so they can use either nationality to the same effect in Ireland.   

As an American IDK what to say.

I think of the Brits as cousins, maybe 2nd or 3rd cousins but still fam.

I am party Mohawk and I , if history can be belived..Mohawks were on the side of the Brits during the US revolution.

I think most Americans like the UK. Sort of admire them really.

We get allot of our culture from there if not our language. ( Let's not take about the Tea Party)

One can't really think Hollywood films are legit.

They will do and say anything for box office hits.

Like most things in life, It's complicated.

IDK about old Mel, after Mad Max I really never follwed him.

To my way of thinking anyone in the multi- millionair club is beyond me.

Lately we've been thinking of ,"Going home" to the US but from all I see on the US news it looks like clown show and I'm afriad I'd be lost in the BS going on over there.

Biden has to be a joke. I mean seriously did anyone think he was up for the job?

I am embarrased by the many decades of idiot Presidents in office in the US.

Is there anyone out there with common sense and half a brain cell?

    Gibson is curious because he comes across as so Australian though he's actually American-born: his father moved the family to Australia at the height of the Vietnam War.


Because of his mother, Gibson retains dual Irish and American citizenship.

        Gibson is curious because he comes across as so Australian though he's actually American-born: his father moved the family to Australia at the height of the Vietnam War.        -@zifBecause of his mother, Gibson retains dual Irish and American citizenship.        -@SimCityAT

According to Wikipedia, he's just an Australian permanent resident.   You'd think he'd have taken out citizenship by now considering his family connections (wife, kids etc).

    As an American IDK what to say.I think of the Brits as cousins, maybe 2nd or 3rd cousins but still fam.I am party Mohawk and I , if history can be belived..Mohawks were on the side of the Brits during the US revolution.I think most Americans like the UK. Sort of admire them really.We get allot of our culture from there if not our language. ( Let's not take about the Tea Party)One can't really think Hollywood films are legit.They will do and say anything for box office hits.Like most things in life, It's complicated.IDK about old Mel, after Mad Max I really never follwed him.To my way of thinking anyone in the multi- millionair club is beyond me.Lately we've been thinking of ,"Going home" to the US but from all I see on the US news it looks like clown show and I'm afriad I'd be lost in the BS going on over there.Biden has to be a joke. I mean seriously did anyone think he was up for the job?I am embarrased by the many decades of idiot Presidents in office in the US.Is there anyone out there with common sense and half a brain cell?        -@Marilyn Tassy

I mentioned this idea of the British being cousins with Americans to a colleague and the guy I told was quite put out as his origin was Estonian.  He spoke Estonian with his wife and kids even though they all sounded completely American. I think his grandparents or parents were Estonians.  Bit of an assumption on my part.

I'm shocked to hear Trump is now 10 points ahead of  Biden. Obviously Trump wouldn't fit with my thinking as I'm more centre left but Teflon man? Again?  It was bad enough before having that lunatic leading the "free world".  Biden is obviously getting too old for the job but he is at least surrounded by adults and he does have considerable experience of US politics.

If I was a US person I'd vote for a lettuce to be President rather than see Trump in again.  Anyone but Trump. Even Biden.  At least  Biden wouldn't sell Ukraine out to Putin. Ukraine is making progress now after hitting Crimea the past few days.

It would be interesting if Trump is president from Club Fed.  We live in interesting times unfortunately.

As for Gibson,  meh, no longer on my movie radar.  I liked him in Mad Max as he was an "Australian" hero but since then, I keep away from him and his movies.

Sorry to say, your Estonian colleage, just doesn't have the proper American spirit.

My Hungarian husband calls himself American and feels more American then Hungarian.

He likes Americans better as well, well their happy-go lucky way of living he likes better then the woes me attitide he finds here so often.

He has more get up and go in the US as well. No holds barred and more open to new things.

I don't have any British blood in me but I say Brits are my distant cousins. The culture is close in many ways.  ( Strange no UK blood since I seem to have everything else but...)

After all ,we had a family issues back in 1776 and since then we've buried the hatchet.

That's what family is suppose to do.

Yesterday was an experience of inflation and bakery hopping.

My husband turned 76 yesterday!

He planned on getting slices of cake from different bakeries instead of just one boring cake.

Our neighbor suggested 2 bakeries.

We took the trolly to one place, they had nothing.

Then took the subway over to Buda side with a transfer.

Walked a few blocks and found the bakery.

Out of their minds in pricing. Each slice was  1,800 or more.

We planned on buying a few for our neighbor so buying 6-8 slices at those prices was something we just couldn't,"swallow".

Went to yet a 3rd bakery back in the 8th district.

Couldn't be sure how fresh the slices were, prices were around 980 each.

Just wasn't in the mood to buy what they offered.

Left and took another trolly to yet a 4th bakery.

Decided in the end to just be done wth it and bought a whole cake instead of slices.

My husband is a typical Libra, can't make up their minds very fast about anything.

Took a good 3 hours to find a cake worthy of his 76th.

IDK does anyone really spend 1,800 for a small slice of cake?

I'm going to learn to bake before his next BD!

Were these the sort of places where your slice of cake entitles you to sit and play with your phone for the afternoon?

    Yesterday was an experience of inflation and bakery hopping.
My husband turned 76 yesterday!
He planned on getting slices of cake from different bakeries instead of just one boring cake.
Our neighbor suggested 2 bakeries.
We took the trolley to one place, they had nothing.
Then took the subway over to Buda side with a transfer.
Walked a few blocks and found the bakery.
Out of their minds in pricing. Each slice was  1,800 or more.
We planned on buying a few for our neighbor so buying 6-8 slices at those prices was something we just couldn't,"swallow".
Went to yet a 3rd bakery back in the 8th district.
Couldn't be sure how fresh the slices were, prices were around 980 each.
Just wasn't in the mood to buy what they offered.
Left and took another trolly to yet a 4th bakery.
Decided in the end to just be done wth it and bought a whole cake instead of slices.
My husband is a typical Libra, can't make up their minds very fast about anything.
Took a good 3 hours to find a cake worthy of his 76th.
IDK does anyone really spend 1,800 for a small slice of cake?
I'm going to learn to bake before his next BD!

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Those seem like crazy tourist prices.   Our local cake shops is more like the 600-800 HUF level.  I think a lot of cake shops are struggling.  We know at least two of them that have closed down in the past 2 years.  Another one is operating part time and also doing ice cream.

Making your own is the way to go.  I went through a cheesecake period a while ago.  Well worth the effort. I was not bad at lemon cheesecake.  I grated sugar free chocolate on top.   I'm usually doing sugar free ice cream these days.  It's not as popular as the cheesecake. 

Cheesecake!!  My all time fave!

Yes, these were little bakeries where people were sitting across from each other with their noses in their phones.

We just wanted to get the slices to go.

We dislike sitting around, I'm usually never hungry at the time we purchase these sort of items.

I hate ofrcing myself to eat , even if it's a treat. ( My husband can eat cake anytime, anywhere)

I forgot the name of the 2nd shop, some famous one from 1935 near Allie Plaza.Named after some river.

Finally picked the whole cake out at a bakery near our place.

Of course they charged an extra 400 forints for a cardboard cake box!

My husband goes through the roof the way they nickle and dime you everywhere. Why not just include the box price in the cake charge?

Like what are you suppose to do, carry a whole cake in your hands?

One of my husband first jobs in Budapest after he got his professional driving license was as a delivery driver for the Gerbeaud.

He was a very skinny young man back then and the barkers had specail treats waiting for him every morning when he arrived for his shift.

They wanted to fatten him up.

He had acess to all the cakes, creams, rolls with butter that he could stuff in.

As a lttle child his father would take his 3 children there almost every week when he visited them.

I only ate there once, pretty but I'm not a fan of cakes really.

I would rather buy something else then a slice of cake. Call me cheap but it's a waste to me to eat cake that is gone in less then 5 mins.

I'm terrible, for my husbands BD we purchased a few new sweaters or jumpers as they do call them.

The thing is they all were in a ladies size M.

My husband dislikes presents so I stepped in and took the hit for him!

Someone had to bite the bullet !

    Cheesecake!!  My all time fave!Yes, these were little bakeries where people were sitting across from each other with their noses in their phones.We just wanted to get the slices to go.We dislike sitting around, I'm usually never hungry at the time we purchase these sort of items.I hate ofrcing myself to eat , even if it's a treat. ( My husband can eat cake anytime, anywhere)I forgot the name of the 2nd shop, some famous one from 1935 near Allie Plaza.Named after some river.Finally picked the whole cake out at a bakery near our place. Of course they charged an extra 400 forints for a cardboard cake box!My husband goes through the roof the way they nickle and dime you everywhere. Why not just include the box price in the cake charge?Like what are you suppose to do, carry a whole cake in your hands?One of my husband first jobs in Budapest after he got his professional driving license was as a delivery driver for the Gerbeaud.He was a very skinny young man back then and the barkers had specail treats waiting for him every morning when he arrived for his shift.They wanted to fatten him up.He had acess to all the cakes, creams, rolls with butter that he could stuff in.As a lttle child his father would take his 3 children there almost every week when he visited them.I only ate there once, pretty but I'm not a fan of cakes really.I would rather buy something else then a slice of cake. Call me cheap but it's a waste to me to eat cake that is gone in less then 5 mins.I'm terrible, for my husbands BD we purchased a few new sweaters or jumpers as they do call them.The thing is they all were in a ladies size M.My husband dislikes presents so I stepped in and took the hit for him!Someone had to bite the bullet !        -@Marilyn Tassy

Cheesecake is easy to make and versions don't even need much cooking.  I use (Gullon) sugar free digestive biscuits crushed up for the base and (Aldi) marscapone cheese for the filling, lemon zest, vanilla essence and maybe a couple of eggs and some sweetner (Erythritol).  Bake in the oven in a greased tin that comes apart.  Grated sugar free chocolate on top and it looks good.  Can also put some blueberries on it and serve with a dollop of cream. Getting the base right is quite difficult.  It needs something to bind it together.  Melted butter isn't really enough. An egg might make it too "eggy" tasting.    It's not a recipe for losing weight!

Mrs F was making cakes this week for one of the kids birthday.  Made a sponge and melted some cooking chocolate over it, then some sprinkles.  I won't be able to have any as too sugary.  I am used to not being included.

They've been charging for cake boxes (and any takeaway boxes) for a long time.  As far as I know, the takeaway charges are the same as eat-in price.   So better to eat in and they can wash the dishes and dispose of any leftovers!

I was in Gerbeau a few times in my early HU years. It was OK but pricey. Never been since!  Tourist trap and prices to match.  Robinson the same.

I remember going to Gerbaud for the first time in the late '80s. Can never forget the cinnamony buttery flaky taste of the roll. Mmmm. You just didn't find stuff of that quality around then.

As said, it's now touristy and expensive. Don't dare try anything there because I know it won't be as good and would spoil that great memory.

Sometimes best just to leave the past in the past.

    I remember going to Gerbaud for the first time in the late '80s. Can never forget the cinnamony buttery flaky taste of the roll. Mmmm. You just didn't find stuff of that quality around then.
As said, it's now touristy and expensive. Don't dare try anything there because I know it won't be as good and would spoil that great memory.

Sometimes best just to leave the past in the past.


ooo...cinnamon buns....now you've done it.   I'll have to take the dog for a walk to burn off those calories I added just thinking about it.   

I usually go for the sugar free Francia Kremes.  Mrs F does those but not enough.  I did get pancakes with raisins yesterday. I might get lucky this arvo. 

The cinnamon rolls at Aldi are not bad for the price. Not buttery but filling. Just need to make sure they're real fresh. Strangely, Aldis outside Hungary don't seem to carry them.

(We need a better plural for Aldi than Aldis.)

    The cinnamon rolls at Aldi are not bad for the price. Not buttery but filling. Just need to make sure they're real fresh. Strangely, Aldis outside Hungary don't seem to carry them.
(We need a better plural for Aldi than Aldis.)


I'd have to make own cinnamon rolls as it would need to be sugar free for me.  But good tip.  Mrs F will have to look.  She has started going to Lidl as they have better fruit and veg. More reliable. Last week Aldi didn't have  any bananas but Lidl did.  WTF?

Maybe Aldi is already plural.  Like hippopotami.  Or just fish and deer.   It could be like stadium and stadia.  Aldia doesn't really trip of the tongue. Maybe Aldiok as we're in HU.  Aldi is called Hofer in Austria - Hoferok/Hoferi/Hofers.  Don't get me started on Lidl(s).

    I remember going to Gerbaud for the first time in the late '80s. Can never forget the cinnamony buttery flaky taste of the roll. Mmmm. You just didn't find stuff of that quality around then.As said, it's now touristy and expensive. Don't dare try anything there because I know it won't be as good and would spoil that great memory.Sometimes best just to leave the past in the past.        -@zif

My husband loves his sweets.

He often goes down memory lane speaking of the days when his mother managed a dairy shop on Vaci Utca. ( She used to be the owner before the commies allowed her to manage the shop for them)

He's often as a 8-9 year old child be given a sweet roll and a glass of buttery /creamy milk while he sat on a wooden barrel on Vaci and watched the world pass by.

They used to have traffic on that st. before it was turned into just a walking blvd.

He looks and looks but can't find any sweet rolls that come close to what he used to munch on.

He gets so angry with the bakers, how they use cheaper ingredients just to make more pennies for themselves.

Even the bread we used to buy everywhere in Hungary isn't even close to what I even remember being sold here.

We see a bread seller at the farmers market but he wants an arm and leg for a loaf. Maybe one day we will try it out but we are trying to cut back on bread and startches.

Although, I have cheesecake on my mind now...

We bought a wedding cake for our son's wedding in HU around 2000 if memory serves me.

A baker out in Erd where we were staying.

It was for 25 people and 3 layers high.

It was $25.00 and really tastey and nice.

My husband's BD cake  cost that much and was no where as large, tasty or fancy.

There used to be a chain of commie owned deli shops all around Budapest called,"The Golden Bear".

I swear they were the best and I've been to a few well known delis in Ca. and NYC.

Salads to no end.

I have no idea where to even find something that good here now days.

I suppose it's all about the mayo, some are too sweet and others too oily tasting.

I met a fellow American who lived in the 5th district.

Her American husband disliked the mayo sold in HU s much that when he visited the US he'd bring back a full suitcase of mayo, "Hellmans" I think it was.

Now they sell that brand here.

Happy Birthday to Fluffy Jr.

So many people I know were born in late Sept. and Oct.

It was a sort of joke in my family since 3 out of the 6 of us were born under Libra. The 4 of us were full siblings with the same father in the first batch.

I guess dad got "randy" at a certain time of year!

    The cinnamon rolls at Aldi are not bad for the price. Not buttery but filling. Just need to make sure they're real fresh. Strangely, Aldis outside Hungary don't seem to carry them.
(We need a better plural for Aldi than Aldis.)


Not that it's much use to those who live in Hungary, but Aldi in the UK sells their own brand of cinnamon buns, also a Belgian bun which is super yummy.

        The cinnamon rolls at Aldi are not bad for the price. Not buttery but filling. Just need to make sure they're real fresh. Strangely, Aldis outside Hungary don't seem to carry them.(We need a better plural for Aldi than Aldis.)        -@zif

Not that it's much use to those who live in Hungary, but Aldi in the UK sells their own brand of cinnamon buns, also a Belgian bun which is super yummy.


Aldis are thin on the ground in my usual hang outs (Surrey/West Sussex).   Lidl is more everywhere.

I always avoided Lidl thinking it inferior but they have quite good stuff. 

Their tools aren't quite as good as Aldis but Lidl now they have Schwarzenegger on the job. Of course that'll make all the difference.

    Happy Birthday to Fluffy Jr.So many people I know were born in late Sept. and Oct.It was a sort of joke in my family since 3 out of the 6 of us were born under Libra. The 4 of us were full siblings with the same father in the first batch.I guess dad got "randy" at a certain time of year!        -@Marilyn Tassy

I think I can guess why. 

Depths of winter, cold, bit of booze to keep warm and snuggled up together..... 

....and 9 months later....a stork arrives....

        I remember going to Gerbaud for the first time in the late '80s. Can never forget the cinnamony buttery flaky taste of the roll. Mmmm. You just didn't find stuff of that quality around then.As said, it's now touristy and expensive. Don't dare try anything there because I know it won't be as good and would spoil that great memory.Sometimes best just to leave the past in the past.        -@zif

My husband loves his sweets.
He often goes down memory lane speaking of the days when his mother managed a dairy shop on Vaci Utca. ( She used to be the owner before the commies allowed her to manage the shop for them)
He's often as a 8-9 year old child be given a sweet roll and a glass of buttery /creamy milk while he sat on a wooden barrel on Vaci and watched the world pass by.
They used to have traffic on that st. before it was turned into just a walking blvd.
He looks and looks but can't find any sweet rolls that come close to what he used to munch on.
He gets so angry with the bakers, how they use cheaper ingredients just to make more pennies for themselves.
Even the bread we used to buy everywhere in Hungary isn't even close to what I even remember being sold here.
We see a bread seller at the farmers market but he wants an arm and leg for a loaf. Maybe one day we will try it out but we are trying to cut back on bread and startches.
Although, I have cheesecake on my mind now...
We bought a wedding cake for our son's wedding in HU around 2000 if memory serves me.
A baker out in Erd where we were staying.
It was for 25 people and 3 layers high.
It was $25.00 and really tastey and nice.
My husband's BD cake  cost that much and was no where as large, tasty or fancy.
There used to be a chain of commie owned deli shops all around Budapest called,"The Golden Bear".
I swear they were the best and I've been to a few well known delis in Ca. and NYC.
Salads to no end.
I have no idea where to even find something that good here now days.
I suppose it's all about the mayo, some are too sweet and others too oily tasting.
I met a fellow American who lived in the 5th district.
Her American husband disliked the mayo sold in HU s much that when he visited the US he'd bring back a full suitcase of mayo, "Hellmans" I think it was.
Now they sell that brand here.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

I'm with your Laszlo. I love cakes but I cannot eat them and I have to be very selective.   It's very difficult to be sure what the bakers have done.  It's  almost life and death. Sugar and carbs will kill me.

Your US contact should try the "herby" (Gewuerz'd) mayo from Aldi.  Comes in a squeezy bottle.   Its much nicer than Hellmans.  We've started taking it to the UK and everyone likes it there.  I'm usually bringing stuff back from the UK but now its a two way street - mayo and goulash creme back  to the UK and previously smoked bacon, ginger beer etc back to HU.   I do like the Dutch/Belgian Fritesaus/Mayo.  Great with chips (french fries).   The Aldi mayo is a close substitute.

At a push, it's easy enough to make mayo anyway.  Done it a few times.

All this cake talk got me going.

My husband polished off his BD cake in 2 1/2 days...

I had 2 slices.

I had him dig up a reciept his mom wrote done years ago. He hasn't found it but I sort of remember it.

It was a combo of a butter cake with cottage cheese in it.

Fluffy and cheesy tasting.

His mom however could make a bowl of mash into a special meal, she just had a way with cooking.

Went to Aldi and picked up some ingredients and when we got home he decided he wanted carrot cake instead.

Made one but had no cream for the frosting, less sugar I guess that way.

I try to justify it as healthy with all the carrots, eggs ,nuts and raisins but so much veggie oil inside it's healthy at all.

No matter, I'm sure it will be gone in a day or two.

I buy my mayo at Aldi, I'll double check which one I usually pick up.

I try to use half mayo and half sour cream if I use any mayo at all.

Lately I try to avoid as much processed foods as I can but it's not easy all the time.

Another overcast day.

Had big plans to work on fixing the old putty on our windows but seems we will let it slide yet another day.

We thought of changing the windows years ago but the lnger we wait the more we don't want to deal with it.

I can't belive how long we've put it off, had all summer to do the repairs.

My handicapped friend in AZ puts us to shame.

She is able to force herself up out of her chair to dust crystal glass cabinets and get down and wash her floors.

Her home always looks like a showroom, just perfect.

It's large, over 2,500 sq. feet.

No idea why she needs 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms when it's just for 2 people.

Her homeless cousin always threatens to come visit her.

Terrifying thought.

Hard to say no when everyone knows you have the room.

I tell her to let them know she has the flu everyday.

It's good to have a small place when people want to visit.

I know when I was thinking of visiting my sister and BIL in the UK she told me it was fine but i'd have to sleep on the floor in the kitchen because their place was so small.

As a teenager I actually considered it but it never happened.

My friend sadly has no excuse like too small a space.

Her 2 younger male relations have invited themselves for a visit in the next few weeks, I'm afriad for her.

One of them is the son of her homeless cousin.

Looks like they might be trying to stake their ground by popping over for a visit.

How to detour family visits?

Her husband is about to paint the exterior of their home, maybe she can recruit her family to do the work, they may think twice about a visit then.

I swear I can't figure people out.

We walked to Lidl this afternoon.

I had a craving for avacados and they usually sell them by the package at Lidl.

As we entered the store my husband lagged behind me.

He allowed 3 or 4 people to come between us.

Out of nowhere I felt my bottom being ,"goosed".

I mean I'm 68 year old , give me a break already!

I was wearing a red jacket, I usually opt for black to blend in a crowd etc.

Well it creeped me out so I calmy turned to see who was being a freak. ( perhaps I freaked him out when he saw he was goosing an old goose!)

A young, say 19-20 year old Gypsy guy was the villian.

I gave him a look and called out to my husband that this dude just gabbed my A@@!

I then realized he was part of a gang of 3-4 guys and a couple of chicks.

My 76 year old husband told the guy off, he said he didn't care, no one is grabbing his wife.

An older mid 20's year old guy in the group asked what was going on but my husband didn't push the issue too far and we walked on.

I adviced my husband to avoid them in the store.

We went to check out the avacados, as luck would have it, they were out of stock!

Right near us the 2 guys we had incountered were both on the floor of the store beating the crap out of each other... Or so it appeared, could of been their tirck to distract while others in the group did their handiwork...

I felt very uncomfortable, left my cane at home and had no way of beating them off if needed.

The store security was nowhere in site.

We went in search of some ice cream and my husband said they are coming our way. I told him we are outta here, just left everything and walked out.

I wanted to take off my red jacket to be able to blend in more with the public.

What the heck is going on here?

As we went instead to Aldi ,a Gypsy women in her mid 40's or so was just standing on the sidewalk crying ,shouting and screaming her lungs out into her phone.

I had to pick up something to calm my nerves after this.

And they say Walmart shoppers are a trip?!

I actually shouldn't be too overly upset, 68 and someone is still willing to goose me!!

Last time that happened to me was here in Hungary in Tesco while I was squeezing fruits. That time it was a women who gave me a grab!

Not sure which experience was more creepy!!

Isn't it part of a distraction to steal something from you or your husband? These thieves work in groups and are well trained.

Walking along a street in Istanbul a guy right in front of me suddenly stopped and I bumped into him hard. Meanwhile the guy right behind me was lifting my wallet.

    Isn't it part of a distraction to steal something from you or your husband? These thieves work in groups and are well trained.Walking along a street in Istanbul a guy right in front of me suddenly stopped and I bumped into him hard. Meanwhile the guy right behind me was lifting my wallet.        -@zif Yes, my husband said I was prbably sme srt of warm up for their in stoore act.

I swear, the guys were literally on the floor rolling around hitting each other, next min. they are buddy buddy and coming our way. I just left everything and left the store.

This location of Lidl is on the same block as The New York Hotel is.

It's is usually packed with tourists. I was just a warm up I guess.

They know where to go hunting I suppose.

I confess, it scared me. Not that I was afraid for myself but I didn't want my elderly husband getting into it with a group of insane idiots. ( I think the tally is now 7 times in 14 years where somene got too grabby with me in public)

I was sorry I mentioned it to my husband but he said he saw it happening and he couldn't let it slide, that was to much to ignore.

I am not a large built person, maybe they see me as an easy target? My husband promises too stick closer to me frm now n, I'm no longer,"allowed" to wander off by myself in the shops.

I was not carrying anything in my pockets, thankfully.

I'm sure the security guard must oof been aware of them but afraid himself with so many coming in together.

My husband said it's going to get worst as inflation goes up. desperate people d desperate things.

He says the countryside must be run by gangs of these people who taunt innocent peple, hench the homes in the countryside are so reasnable.

We looked at an add online for a nice 2 story house with built in swimming pool. About 6km away from Balaton area.

New add.

It was more like 2 family style home with a kitchen and bath on each flor and sepeate enterances.

Lots of land too, only 50 million.

Something must be wrong with that low price because it was cute, not a fixer upper.

I told my husband if it was this wild in the US, I'd open carry without any second thoughts.

I had a friend in Vegas in her 70's, she had a weapn in her handbag and took shooting lessons.

I didn't think she was the most stable person but she was alone and it made her feel safer to be able to defend herself.

She worked nights too.

My mother carried a little 2 shooter inside her bra when she worked nights in the 1960's.

She never wanted to hurt anyone but she also wanted something to at least stop them from grabbing her. ( She also slept with a larger weapon under her pillow, she had 4 children to protect by herself.) Mom never allowed us to make her bed or look in her draws...

Not sure why I'm going on about weapons.

I suppose all that news abut what's going on in ther parts of the world is a worry for us all.

So upsetting to see innocent people being hurt.

    I swear I can't figure people out.
We walked to Lidl this afternoon.
I had a craving for avacados and they usually sell them by the package at Lidl.
As we entered the store my husband lagged behind me.
He allowed 3 or 4 people to come between us.
Out of nowhere I felt my bottom being ,"goosed".
I mean I'm 68 year old , give me a break already!
I was wearing a red jacket, I usually opt for black to blend in a crowd etc.
Well it creeped me out so I calmy turned to see who was being a freak. ( perhaps I freaked him out when he saw he was goosing an old goose!)
A young, say 19-20 year old Gypsy guy was the villian.
I gave him a look and called out to my husband that this dude just gabbed my A@@!
I then realized he was part of a gang of 3-4 guys and a couple of chicks.
My 76 year old husband told the guy off, he said he didn't care, no one is grabbing his wife.
An older mid 20's year old guy in the group asked what was going on but my husband didn't push the issue too far and we walked on.
I adviced my husband to avoid them in the store.
We went to check out the avacados, as luck would have it, they were out of stock!
Right near us the 2 guys we had incountered were both on the floor of the store beating the crap out of each other... Or so it appeared, could of been their tirck to distract while others in the group did their handiwork...
I felt very uncomfortable, left my cane at home and had no way of beating them off if needed.
The store security was nowhere in site.
We went in search of some ice cream and my husband said they are coming our way. I told him we are outta here, just left everything and walked out.
I wanted to take off my red jacket to be able to blend in more with the public.
What the heck is going on here?
As we went instead to Aldi ,a Gypsy women in her mid 40's or so was just standing on the sidewalk crying ,shouting and screaming her lungs out into her phone.
I had to pick up something to calm my nerves after this.
And they say Walmart shoppers are a trip?!
I actually shouldn't be too overly upset, 68 and someone is still willing to goose me!!
Last time that happened to me was here in Hungary in Tesco while I was squeezing fruits. That time it was a women who gave me a grab!
Not sure which experience was more creepy!!

    -@Marilyn Tassy

It does sound like they were operating as a gang but didn't know your hubby was a few steps behind.   They use multiple distraction techniques and they are really good at it.  Obviously they will go for a 68-year old rather than a 28-year old who might fight back.

I've been pickpocketed, my car broken into, another car stolen, one car vandalised and we've been burgled.  That's over 30 something years so I think on the whole, it's not too bad.  Must be 7 or 8 years since we were burgled. 

I was very careful when renovating our house. Now I live in Fort Knox - alarms, multiple cameras, electric metal shutters on most windows, special security doors, a noisy dog and very nosey neighbours. 

Overkill really. But cops said to us that anyone with shutters on their house is not going to be burgled.  Apparently the professionals don't care about the cameras.  We have to make sure we put away all our garden tools.  Burglars will use whatever they can find to get in.    The neighbours twitchy curtains I reckon are probably the most helpful.

        I swear I can't figure people out.We walked to Lidl this afternoon.I had a craving for avacados and they usually sell them by the package at Lidl.As we entered the store my husband lagged behind me.He allowed 3 or 4 people to come between us.Out of nowhere I felt my bottom being ,"goosed".I mean I'm 68 year old , give me a break already!I was wearing a red jacket, I usually opt for black to blend in a crowd etc.Well it creeped me out so I calmy turned to see who was being a freak. ( perhaps I freaked him out when he saw he was goosing an old goose!)A young, say 19-20 year old Gypsy guy was the villian.I gave him a look and called out to my husband that this dude just gabbed my A@@!I then realized he was part of a gang of 3-4 guys and a couple of chicks.My 76 year old husband told the guy off, he said he didn't care, no one is grabbing his wife.An older mid 20's year old guy in the group asked what was going on but my husband didn't push the issue too far and we walked on.I adviced my husband to avoid them in the store.We went to check out the avacados, as luck would have it, they were out of stock!Right near us the 2 guys we had incountered were both on the floor of the store beating the crap out of each other... Or so it appeared, could of been their tirck to distract while others in the group did their handiwork...I felt very uncomfortable, left my cane at home and had no way of beating them off if needed.The store security was nowhere in site.We went in search of some ice cream and my husband said they are coming our way. I told him we are outta here, just left everything and walked out.I wanted to take off my red jacket to be able to blend in more with the public.What the heck is going on here?As we went instead to Aldi ,a Gypsy women in her mid 40's or so was just standing on the sidewalk crying ,shouting and screaming her lungs out into her phone.I had to pick up something to calm my nerves after this.And they say Walmart shoppers are a trip?!I actually shouldn't be too overly upset, 68 and someone is still willing to goose me!!Last time that happened to me was here in Hungary in Tesco while I was squeezing fruits. That time it was a women who gave me a grab!Not sure which experience was more creepy!!        -@Marilyn TassyIt does sound like they were operating as a gang but didn't know your hubby was a few steps behind.   They use multiple distraction techniques and they are really good at it.  Obviously they will go for a 68-year old rather than a 28-year old who might fight back.I've been pickpocketed, my car broken into, another car stolen, one car vandalised and we've been burgled.  That's over 30 something years so I think on the whole, it's not too bad.  Must be 7 or 8 years since we were burgled.  I was very careful when renovating our house. Now I live in Fort Knox - alarms, multiple cameras, electric metal shutters on most windows, special security doors, a noisy dog and very nosey neighbours.  Overkill really. But cops said to us that anyone with shutters on their house is not going to be burgled.  Apparently the professionals don't care about the cameras.  We have to make sure we put away all our garden tools.  Burglars will use whatever they can find to get in.    The neighbours twitchy curtains I reckon are probably the most helpful.         -@fluffy2560

The thing is I'm one of the rare 68 year old women who fights back.

( grew up in a small town where getting jumped happened all the time, Mexican low riders all over,my mother forced us to fight back or she would do worst to us. Funny to think the sts. of Simi Valley, Ca. were mean sts.)

If my cane was with me, things would of been a bit nastier yesterday.

I had to jump a dude in Aldi a few years back who pushed my husband hard in the chest.

I actually told him if he tried anything more that I'd kill him... He ran away from me, thankfully. My bark is worst then my bite.I couldn't believe those words came out of my mouth but I meant every word.

I am crazy a bit, I don't think twice about it until later...

Like my mother was that way.

She and my stepfather were kissing by their car one night outside a bar.

A guy passed by them, swung my step-father around and punched him hard in the eye.

My mother didn't skip a beat. She jumped the guys back and started pounding his head in.

My step-father recovered and beat him down.

The silly drunk thought my mother was his wife!

That's one thing to be outside a bar , you might expect something crazy to go down but walking in a grocery store mid day to buy avacados?

I hope with inflation etc. people all over don't start losing their minds and jumping/grabbing people.

I teased my husband and said they just can't keep their hands off me!

I should just drop this because it does get me going.

I just can't understand how anyone thinks it's ok to put their hands on anyone else, for any reason other then to aid them cross the street, even then it's best to ask first.

To be fair, they guy might of mistaken me from behind as a younger women. Not bragging but I don't look like your average 68 year old .

Even our new GP asked my husband what he was doing with a young wife, my husband had to tell her to read my chart, my age was listed there.

One day as a lark, I may dress all in black with a long full skirt on and my old lady looking ortho shoes which I had made up over 25 years ago for work support.

Might be interesting to make notes about if clothing matters?

When I was a teen we used to go clubing and my sister would make me up with dark shadws under my eyes and make lines around my mouth just so I could pass for 21 and get in.

It's fun to dress up in customs sometimes and not because of Halloween.

I once at age 14 when staying with my super conservative BIL and sister we played a trick on her husband for fun.

I put on one of her business dresses, a wig and makeup and knocked on their door.He opened the door and i told him I was a friend of my sisters. He invited me in and my sister came out, she was in on the rouse. We had tea and chatted for awhile then I pulled off the wig.

I'm not 100% sure we fooled him but it if not, he sure went along with it .

He laughed when he realized we had pulled one over on him.

Could be he never really listened to me at 14 and didn't know my voice?

The thing is I'm one of the rare 68 year old women who fights back.
( grew up in a small town where getting jumped happened all the time, Mexican low riders all over,my mother forced us to fight back or she would do worst to us. Funny to think the sts. of Simi Valley, Ca. were mean sts.)
If my cane was with me, things would of been a bit nastier yesterday.
I had to jump a dude in Aldi a few years back who pushed my husband hard in the chest.
I actually told him if he tried anything more that I'd kill him... He ran away from me, thankfully. My bark is worst then my bite.I couldn't believe those words came out of my mouth but I meant every word.
I am crazy a bit, I don't think twice about it until later...
Like my mother was that way.
She and my stepfather were kissing by their car one night outside a bar.
A guy passed by them, swung my step-father around and punched him hard in the eye.
My mother didn't skip a beat. She jumped the guys back and started pounding his head in.
My step-father recovered and beat him down.
The silly drunk thought my mother was his wife!
That's one thing to be outside a bar , you might expect something crazy to go down but walking in a grocery store mid day to buy avacados?
I hope with inflation etc. people all over don't start losing their minds and jumping/grabbing people.
I teased my husband and said they just can't keep their hands off me!

    -@Marilyn Tassy

I think you are right. People seem to be losing their self control.

Mrs F and I also think somehow people have gone bonkers of late.  It's like a kind of anger and frustration bubbling under the surface. Nothing is easy. I am wondering if  modern life is incompatible with happiness and calm.  We've got so much to stress about - a-hole governments and divisive politicians, refugee issues, war, financial stress, climate change. 

It seems more intense than it used to be.  It might just bubble over and a riot might develop.  HU is particularly prone to it. But it's quite bad in the UK as well.  There's discontent and a feeling something in the air.   I don't expect a riot in the UK but I do expect an election.

Who knows how bad it is in Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, the USA or even South China Sea.

Earlier this week I was looking out of a window in the UK and I watched someone about 20 crying outside someone's front door.  She was banging on the door and didn't get an answer.  So after hitting the doorbell and nothing happening, she pulled it off the wall!  Then stormed off.   God knows what that was about. 

People lost their way.

It's all good to express yourself and not hold it all in BUT lately it's all been let loose and it's not pretty.

I wonder why some of us are on the same planet with these crazed ones.

Why drag us down ?

People are lost, too isolated even when surrounded by people. Noses in the phone, everyone is getting different info and letting themselves be influenced by different sources.

Everyone needs to put those phones down and take a walk!

Actaully start talking with other people not just living as a by-stander watching tick-tock or whatever.

Shutting off the tv set is also a good idea.

People were more in control of themsleves when there were only 3 tv stations and the tv was off after the evening news at 11pm.

Everyone wants to be a video star, just like that song by The Buggles, Video killed the radio  star. Now it's everyone wants to be a video star.

Ah. I first thought a Lidl was a strange place for that to occur, but that particular Lidl with its cramped narrow aisles, twisting layout and large packs of customers.is different. Most unpleasant Lidl I've ever been in.

@Marilyn Tassy Having a big house is not easy at all, still it has it pluses, when we lived in Hungary we had a Pilatus room for my wife, a office for myself, large kitchen (with massive table for guests), spare room for guests, .. Space can also be a convenience I can say (I miss that even if we have large apartment now, but massive as before??

Energy in Hungary as I understand is still relatively cheap (for water, gas, electricity), last year 2021 (we paid well munder EUR 2 K combined)

We pay honestly under EUR 800 py combined (but still Hungary on the EU is cheap)

We have 4 toilets (far too many), 2 showers and one bathroom, I really do not understand.

I lived in a city in Netherlands, very, very small toilet room, a shower room, that is it, but still iving is more comfortable.

@zif Personally I hate Tesco, even if they have a good things. I Personally liked Lidl and Aldi (Spar from Time to time), Tesco was a no go in 7 years I think we went 3 times (Lidl and Aldi were quite fine)

Oh the standalone Lidls and Aldis are great. But the urban ones crammed into old buildings are uncomfortable places to shop.

The breads at Tesco are awful. Strange because I always thought supermarkets like to use good fresh bread as a loss leader to bring customers in.

    Ah. I first thought a Lidl was a strange place for that to occur, but that particular Lidl with its cramped narrow aisles, twisting layout and large packs of customers.is different. Most unpleasant Lidl I've ever been in.


So true, I have to give myself a pep talk before walking in!

I am ready to leave the moment I enter!