Absolutely Anything Else

    @Marilyn Tassy 
War is wrong and primitive, humans should be able to find solutions.


You mean like Trump surrendering to Putin as soon as he's elected?

Reminds me of the various versions of "cheese eating surrender monkeys".   

I'm wondering what Putin has on Trump.  Must be something really solid.  Allegedly he's been up to fun and games with Stormy Daniels.  I suppose it's something like that.

Hopefully we'll find out.  I, for one, am looking forward to enjoying those Schadenfreude rays.

Good grief!

The mailman just rang for us to pay another 4,000 plus the $16.30 my cousin spent on postage from New Mexico!

To me it's priceless, 2 photos of my deceased brother and a getting card from my cousin.


To me it's only money but my husband that's another story...

I'll have to send a memo out to everyone , please don't think of me or send me anything!

I don't remember these outragous fee in the past. Thought it was a fluck when I was charged another $50 for vitamins from Japan on top of the $80. on postge and $10. customs on 2 silly homemade pot-holders from the states.

The cost of living in Hungray.


I actually mean to find a solution.

    Good grief!
The mailman just rang for us to pay another 4,000 plus the $16.30 my cousin spent on postage from New Mexico!
To me it's priceless, 2 photos of my deceased brother and a getting card from my cousin.
To me it's only money but my husband that's another story...
I'll have to send a memo out to everyone , please don't think of me or send me anything!
I don't remember these outragous fee in the past. Thought it was a fluck when I was charged another $50 for vitamins from Japan on top of the $80. on postge and $10. customs on 2 silly homemade pot-holders from the states.
The cost of living in Hungray.

Was it sent as some kind of thing with a value?  Or some Express Post service.  If she put it was worth something, that'll be the problem.   She could have sent the photos digitally and then you could have had them printed out locally.

Someone sent me a card and the person put a value of £25 on it.  I was furious as I also had to pay 4000 HUF to get a card 3 weeks late which just went in the bin.  I told them to never send anything of value to me in the post again. I will reject things like that if it happens again.

If I have anything of value to bring in, I now put it in my suitcase but it's a lot easier for my to get back to my mothership (2.5h on Wizzair).    If I have to bring in something big, I'll have to bring it personally by car.  It's going back to the pre-EU days.  How pathetic.

What did the EU ever do for us?.

The customs frm she filled out had no value written on it.

Just stated one greeting card and 2 memorial photos.

My husband said next time he will reject any mail with a customs fee.

I  actaully wnated the nice memorial photo the way she had them custom made up at the printers.

I figure it's a once in a lifetime thing to lse my brother and much cheaper then if I flew there in person but still...

What a scam.

Barely weighed anything at all and could of fit right in the mail slot.

I used to mail myself heavy boxes from the US.

Never again , when did they start this scam, I don't remember it 15 years ago.

I often want to order soemthing online but stop short when I think of customs fees.

Just another way to make us feel isolated from home.

My husband read recently that pawn shops in Hungary are doing a big business these days.Sad.

We opened up a new HU bank account and just now I was told it's owned by OV's SIL...Darn it!

It's all very complicated but it looks like 4000 HUF is the postal service fee for clearing customs.

https://www.posta.hu/static/internet/do … as_ENG.pdf

    It's all very complicated but it looks like 4000 HUF is the postal service fee for clearing customs.
https://www.posta.hu/static/internet/do … as_ENG.pdf-@zif

Sounds about right.  It's a scam though, especially on printed material.

    The customs frm she filled out had no value written on it.
Just stated one greeting card and 2 memorial photos.
My husband said next time he will reject any mail with a customs fee.
I  actaully wnated the nice memorial photo the way she had them custom made up at the printers.
I figure it's a once in a lifetime thing to lse my brother and much cheaper then if I flew there in person but still...
What a scam.
Barely weighed anything at all and could of fit right in the mail slot.
I used to mail myself heavy boxes from the US.
Never again , when did they start this scam, I don't remember it 15 years ago.
I often want to order soemthing online but stop short when I think of customs fees.
Just another way to make us feel isolated from home.
My husband read recently that pawn shops in Hungary are doing a big business these days.Sad.
We opened up a new HU bank account and just now I was told it's owned by OV's SIL...Darn it!

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Everything is owned by OV's something.   When he's out, he'll still have power through his relatives and cronies.  It's the corrupt way.  Any incoming government will almost certainly be looking for how these people can explain their unexplained wealth.  If I was them, I'd sell up now and move to Dubai.

I used to buy car parts and all sorts of stuff from the UK and it was cheap to send it from there. I've sent printers, tents and even bicycles.  All without duty/customs interference.

But since Brexit, it's all gone back to the old ways so I don't bother with UK stuff unless I can bring it back in a suitcase.

So now, I shop for my car parts elsewhere, like Latvia and Poland.   Money going there and not the UK so their loss.

The place I rarely shop online is Germany because of the "green shipping cost".  It's just too much.

One thing I have been doing is if I go to a USPS location is to get suppliers to send things USPS to General Delivery and then I just pick it up.  I've done it a few times and it's worked OK. Only problem is some suppliers want to use DHL or UPS or some courier.  Makes no sense for small value items.

    It's all very complicated but it looks like 4000 HUF is the postal service fee for clearing customs.
https://www.posta.hu/static/internet/do … as_ENG.pdf-@zif

I wish at those prices she could of sent me a gummy too!!

    @Marilyn Tassy 
War is wrong and primitive, humans should be able to find solutions.


Here's one for you Angela

World Press Photo exhibition: Hungary museum head sacked over LGBT content

This is what it is like in Hungary now.

Well, considering this will probably be my last piece of mail I'll pay for, it's worth it sort of.

Once I got over the fee I looked again at the memorial photo.

One of the best looking young men one could ever see, my deceased younger brother in his prime.

All decked out with a Stetson cowboy hat, native American choker on his neck and a tight shirt with his strong young muscles showing, his sly smile on his face. His bronze skin glowing longish dark hair and beautiful full lips and of course his trademark stash.

That's exactly how we all want to remember him.

I may have myself a littyle cry now...

        It's all very complicated but it looks like 4000 HUF is the postal service fee for clearing customs.https://www.posta.hu/static/internet/do … as_ENG.pdf-@zif

I wish at those prices she could of sent me a gummy too!!

    -@Marilyn Tassy

It's just a money making scam by Customs and the PO in cahoots. 

Absolute waste of time. 

What did they think was in there?  The Mona Lisa?!!

            It's all very complicated but it looks like 4000 HUF is the postal service fee for clearing customs.https://www.posta.hu/static/internet/do … as_ENG.pdf-@zifI wish at those prices she could of sent me a gummy too!!        -@Marilyn TassyIt's just a money making scam by Customs and the PO in cahoots.  Absolute waste of time.  What did they think was in there?  The Mona Lisa?!!        -@fluffy2560

That's funny but actually to me, the photos are worth more then the Mona Lisa .

It was a bit healing for me to recieve a card also from my cousin. We had a falling out for over 5 years and it's really nice too be at peace with her again.

No one should be at unease with anyone before their life is over with.

She has stage 4 breast cancer but has been hanging in there for years somehow.

It feels good to not be angry with anyone over anything.

That's funny but actually to me, the photos are worth more then the Mona Lisa .
It was a bit healing for me to receive a card also from my cousin. We had a falling out for over 5 years and it's really nice too be at peace with her again.
No one should be at unease with anyone before their life is over with.
She has stage 4 breast cancer but has been hanging in there for years somehow.
It feels good to not be angry with anyone over anything.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

I feel for you.  People can choose their friends but not their family.  But life's too short to argue with people.

Nothing to do with your post but I see Democrats have a good night on local and State elections.  Been quite a topic at my current workplace.  Biden must be happy but what confuses me is how Trump could be ahead in the last poll.  Makes no sense but there's always the old adage that all politics are local.

I can't stand watching anything about politics.

All the players are just so bad.

I'd rather get my toenails removed with plyers then watch those liars.

It's painful listening to their lies over and over again.

My cousin is so upset, I don't blame her.

She just wrote to tell me her BFF in Conn. who she's known all her life was killed a few days ago in a hit and run accident as she crossed the street.

The selfish jerk who hit her had the nerve to post on FB that his windshield was cracked!!

Not sure what's going on, pray the police have collected him and he faces serious jail time for leaving the accident.

It's a scary world with people acting they they are playing a video game by counting coup, killing people and thinking they are the victims.

People do n ot even consider their wrong actions and how it hurts anyone else.

For sure our leaders don't give a ratz a@@ about anyone.

As far as new wiring in our house goes, I'm betting on it being up to new regualtions.

That was the pretence of doing all the work at least.

The less I actaully know, the better off I am.

We read that soon the gov. is going to make every building do upgrades.

New building reguations or something.

Many of these older homes have old everything inside.

The thing is most people like in our building went out and got bank loans for the repairs. If they start forcing people to change pipes, electic wiring etc. it's going to cost more then many people have to spend.

Slowly they will be so much in debt to the banks they may lose their properties by default on loans.

If they already have a bank loan for a mortgage then getting more in debt will drown many people.

They will own nothing but not be happy.

    As far as new wiring in our house goes, I'm betting on it being up to new regualtions.
That was the pretence of doing all the work at least.
The less I actaully know, the better off I am.
We read that soon the gov. is going to make every building do upgrades.
New building reguations or something.
Many of these older homes have old everything inside.
The thing is most people like in our building went out and got bank loans for the repairs. If they start forcing people to change pipes, electic wiring etc. it's going to cost more then many people have to spend.
Slowly they will be so much in debt to the banks they may lose their properties by default on loans.
If they already have a bank loan for a mortgage then getting more in debt will drown many people.
They will own nothing but not be happy.
    -@Marilyn Tassy

That sounds like an OV crony land/property grab.   

They do need proper fire systems, exit routes and that kind of thing.

But they should do it over some years, not all at once.

Considering the economics now, people are out of cash and on the edge.  Prices are still going up and salaries are not keeping pace.

Land grab is exactly it.

They are going to break allot of people.

As far as we know these new reguations are from the EU.

My husband read that the pawn shops are booming in Hungary.

Strapped for cash, people are selling anything of value.

I'm sure many will go into futher debt with the holidays.

Yesterday we went to the great market hall.

They seemed to have lowered many prices on veggies.

We hadn't looked there for a long while and just happened by so we checked it out.

Actaully picked up a few items because the price was good and the quality was good too.

The meat prices are a bit off. Goose grease pieces are more then some meats per kilo.

I thought it was slauder time and the prices would be dirt cheap.

We enjoy some goose grease spread on toast some mornings.

I saw whole fresh turkey's being sold for 3,999 foints per kilo!!

What, in the US at this time of year they are giving them away.

What's that then, like nearly $6.00 per lbs. for turkey?

Don't even like turkey that much.

It was surprizing though on a Thrusday, it was not busy at all in the market hall, not even all that many tourists.

It was ,"Thanksgiving" yesterday. Another holiday we don't make much of.

Although, today we are having our own little Thanksgiving Friday.

I must celebrate my good health news!

Had a CT scan done over 5 weeks ago.

Suppose to be able to download the results within 10 days through the health portale online.

Had to call the place up and ask what the long delay was.

Well, we saw it posted finally and withoout yet seeing my doctor, we can read ourselves that I'm clear!

2 years now!! We've learned to read medical reports.

I didn't listen to the doctors with all the advice they gave me, I refused any surgery and am so glad I listened to my heart and not what they were saying.

Now though my family seems to think I am ready to take on the world again.( I feel great)

IDK, anyone who has experienced such a big health scare is going to need time to wrap their heads around the whole thing.

Having experienced a real threat I am changed , I know I am.

I hardly care about things that used to seem so important.

Maybe it was a blessing in disguse? You learn quickly who is with you and what is important. Not all that much in reality.

We have also read that in Hungary they are really behind in surgeries.

A kindney stone operation now has a 5 year wait time!

Waiting over 5 weeks for a CT result was nothing compaired to that.

I suppose it's true , people with medical skills are leaving Hungary.

I saw a dermatologist last week.

Just walked in the office because they didn't pick up their phone.

Was told they have a 2 months wait on appointments but the assistant was super sweet and made sure I was seen right away.

Not sure why they say 2 months to wait.

I suppose it's a way to weed out minor issues and only those with something more serious will keep trying to get in?

As it turned out, I wasn't serious, thankfully.

Back to repairs, what we read is that Hungary has to get the building codes up to EU standards so they are going to make people get the repairs done by any means possible.

Not sure how quickly all this has to be done but it is going to happen.

When I first moved to my house in Hungary I sometimes heard crackling sounds from the electric junction boxes high up the walls! It was wired with a mixture of aluminium and copper wires, all the joints being twisted and taped. Rewiring was a high priority but I couldn't fit a proper consumer unit as the existing setup was sealed. There was just 2 trip switches, one for normal rate and one for cheap rate which just powered the water heater. It was ironic that I turned a potential deathtrap into a safe home but a few years later the electrics were condemned. Nobody ever went into the house to determine that, they just cut off the cable from the pole and left it draped across the front lawn. I can't remember how much it cost to get the electricity reinstated but it would have been several months income for the average Hungarian.

@Marilyn Tassy On healthcare in Hungary I was quite happy, my cataract, blood analysis (they were the first fo actually do it and were first fo see bad cholesterol is far too high)

Having said that in Turkey there is a lot of young doctors (they concluded I have emoboly and a lung issue (smoking 3 packages per day no surprise), I had/have a good insurance, so no real cost, service was excellent (even if I did not like the excessive injections and infuse treatments (but they do well and I brang a present afterwards for the good intended treatment)

Very fast I have to say and additional treatments were arranged within a day (I suppose a private health insurance helped)

A side note (as I blocked and fo the floor (not only alcohol) they concluded I have epilepsy, my wife brought to the hospital a few times (no conclusion at the time) and she would (after three times) just let it go, (I do have medicines in the mean time (too much in my view, every morning 6 medicines and some in the afternoon

I have nothing to complain, apart from getting old (with ...)

No difference between Hungary and Turkey, having said that in Turkey it is betterm question do I realky want to prolong life??

    @Marilyn Tassy On healthcare in Hungary I was quite happy, my cataract, blood analysis (they were the first fo actually do it and were first fo see bad cholesterol is far too high)Having said that in Turkey there is a lot of young doctors (they concluded I have emoboly and a lung issue (smoking 3 packages per day no surprise), I had/have a good insurance, so no real cost, service was excellent (even if I did not like the excessive injections and infuse treatments (but they do well and I brang a present afterwards for the good intended treatment)Very fast I have to say and additional treatments were arranged within a day (I suppose a private health insurance helped)A side note (as I blocked and fo the floor (not only alcohol) they concluded I have epilepsy, my wife brought to the hospital a few times (no conclusion at the time) and she would (after three times) just let it go, (I do have medicines in the mean time (too much in my view, every morning 6 medicines and some in the afternoonI have nothing to complain, apart from getting old (with ...)No difference between Hungary and Turkey, having said that in Turkey it is betterm question do I realky want to prolong life??        -@cdw057

That's funny to be blocked frm bringing in alcohol in the hospital.

My German grandfather mved into the VA home in his mid 50's way back in the 1930's.

( Was born way back in 1882 and was a US military vet by the time he was 14)

No booze allowed in the home but he had his ways...

I remember as a small child we'd visit him at the home, usually we picked him up on weekends and took him to our home for a few days.

My mm always got upset because he's ask her to carry a bottle of booze in  her handbag into the VA home for his little supply.

My mother was a very honest person but she also couldn't say no to her father.

When I was in isolation in the oncology unit 2 years ago. I know the ther patients in the small unit were having a great time.'My door was closed but each evening when the charge nurse was gone... Party time started.

It went on for a good hour, 7 pm to 8 pm.

Maybe it was visiting hours with the public coming in,IDK. I wasn't allowed any visitors.

I thought they were drinking and carrying on from all the noise they made.

I had cataract sugery on both eyes here. Just at the local hospital walking distance from our place. ( In fact I walked home alone post surgery with an eye patch on)

The young female doc was nice and really took her job seriously but I still got an eye infection with my second eye surgery. Man, that hurts like heck, an eye infection , pain shooting into your brain.

I've had a few minor fix ups in Hungary where I needed stiches. The eye surgery was one infection and I picked up 2 others here with just an out patient small procedure.

Oh forgot just about 6 moths ago I saw a gyno doc here. She did an exam on me, I wound up needing 3 exams in one month! Took a swab and it took over a month to get the results back. In the mean time I knew they gave me an infection during the exam. Swollen lower stomach and pain.

I told them all about me being extra sensitive since getting radiaiton but something obvisously wasn't sparkling clean that they used on me.

I picked up 2 types of bacteria but didn;t get any medications for the month while waiting for the exam results.

I even went to my GP that month and one insane gnyo doc, a male sent me to a surgeon , he was confused like me as to why I was sent to him.

That was a funny and odd experience with that guy. He did a pelvic exam on me and called my husband in because he didn't speak English as the female doc did.

He told my husband that I loked 100% normal. He said he had 30 years experience as a gyno doc.

My husband argued with him saying that he'd been looking at me for over 50 years and something wasn't normal! He didn't know what that doc had been looking at for the past 30 years! Doctors think often that they are so above us lay people but they really don't seem to all know more then what you can google online yourself.

So 3 exams, seeing different doctors, getting lab tests with a total of 4 gyno visits, a GP visit and a visit with a surgeon all within one month!

Sort of not cool! I asked for medication  a anti-biotic but they said I had to wait for the lab tests to come back. In the end I was given the exact anti-biotic I thought I'd be getting. In fact I had an old supply at home,a few pills, I should of just taken them on my own.

It's bad when you have to play doctor yourself!

In the end the reason I saw the gyno in the first place was never addressed! What a mess!

Epilepsy. Sorry, I had a yoga teacher with that, she was fine with taking her medications.

I also had a BF when I was 16-17 who had that. We took rollerskating dates around Hollywood even though he had a car. Didn't want to take any chances of having a fit and crash.

He was a ballet dancer and had an attack on stage in the Nertherlands.

Crazy back story with him. Met him on a school outting at a museum with my school friends a few years before I walked into him on the st. . Was walking on, not kidding, Normal Ave. where i lived with my sister and niece.

Can't make this stuff up, Normal Ave, anything but that!

In any case, life is specail and you really should take better care of your health.

Water down your drinks and smoke only half a cig at a time to start.

Going cold turkey isn't for everyone and could cause issues if you stop too fast with either habit.

You're still far too young to welcome the grim reaper.

My husband always teases me saying I'm going to be a young widow if he kicks it.

So lame to say but  he is allot older then you are and has an attitude of a man 50 years younger then his actual age is.

Mind over matter.

    When I first moved to my house in Hungary I sometimes heard crackling sounds from the electric junction boxes high up the walls! It was wired with a mixture of aluminium and copper wires, all the joints being twisted and taped. Rewiring was a high priority but I couldn't fit a proper consumer unit as the existing setup was sealed. There was just 2 trip switches, one for normal rate and one for cheap rate which just powered the water heater. It was ironic that I turned a potential deathtrap into a safe home but a few years later the electrics were condemned. Nobody ever went into the house to determine that, they just cut off the cable from the pole and left it draped across the front lawn. I can't remember how much it cost to get the electricity reinstated but it would have been several months income for the average Hungarian.        -@fidobsa

Now that's scary.

So glad there was never a fire.

That's going to be a huge problem in the future when they start forcing peple to update their pipes, wires, gas lines whatever.

Not everyone has a  bit of change stashed away.

Most people live pay check to pay check.

If they are forced to get a bank loan then that's the start of their downward spiral.

I wish we had saved the article about these new regualations coming up.

In a large house with many units the management and the house meetings decide what's to be done first and when they are going to do it.

It's seems nice to get improvements but if they pile them on too fast people will start getting up to their necks in debt with no way out but to sell out.

We've changed gas lines on our own . Thankfully we have the funds but we just hate the bother.

We noticed at our last house meeting that there are many new onwers in the building.

Most of them had parents who bought them flats. I can name at least 4 off hand that we know of at least.

They want everything perfect with their flats.

My husband was upset because some chick with a tiny flat, like the smallest in the house , about 28 sq. meters if, that wanted to get a new roof.

Her cost would be small because her flat is so tiny.

Everyone voted for a new roof.,

My husband called her out and said if that is so important to you, then why did you buy a 123 year old flat?

Why not buy a new one then?

No answer.. just a blank stare like he was an idiot.

Actually our friend in the house who lives on the top floor spoke a few times with a roof repair man.

He told her our old tiles are in great shape, just needed a small fix here and there which had been done in the past.

He also said the materials used on these newer tiles aren't as good as the old ones are.

Do you have this in Hungary?


Does it have a means of determining the age of the customer?

    Does it have a means of determining the age of the customer?


You have to use a bank card.

        Does it have a means of determining the age of the customer?        -@fidobsa

You have to use a bank card.


My kids have bank debit cards. I don't know how they'd know about their ages.

Not seen such a machine in Hungary but we have 24x7 shops.

It would be an emergency purchase to use such a machine.


We have this in our town now. As we have no shops open on a Sunday it will be good if you need anything, like milk etc....

It is run by a local 19 year old lad.

            Does it have a means of determining the age of the customer?        -@fidobsaYou have to use a bank card.        -@SimCityAT

My kids have bank debit cards. I don't know how they'd know about their ages.

Not seen such a machine in Hungary but we have 24x7 shops.

It would be an emergency purchase to use such a machine.


Its like the cigarette machines we have, under 18 can't use them. 

404609193_10160848247247279_2105021309266962609_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=3Be0alyuMGgAX-K53cQ&_nc_ht=scontent.fvie1-1.fna&oh=00_AfDBOzIJ5ksuF3bxnKABpKj1oGytW2nKQA2dhaB7mIjtrA&oe=656A3A58We have this in our town now. As we have no shops open on a Sunday it will be good if you need anything, like milk etc.... It is run by a local 19 year old lad.        -@SimCityAT

That's very entrepreneurial of him.   I like him already.

On the other hand, it would only take a change in the law to allow Sunday trading and he's had it unless he diversifies into something else. 

I suppose he could put toothpaste, shampoo etc into another machine.  I bet headache tablets are only at the pharmacy.  Condoms?  I've been in  some countries where these are actually free.  They leave them in the restrooms of government offices - help yourself!

I don't know how the machine would know if someone was under 18. I bet that's not shared by the card companies under privacy grounds.  Good card, valid PIN, not expired - here's your wine or condoms.

When I go to the UK, I find it really odd that Sunday trading is still limited and everything is closed by 16h.  Just weird. 

In HU, the experiment of closing on Sunday was soon reversed as socially unworkable.  30,000 people lost their jobs due to that political experiment.  You can imagine how popular that was.

Even in my village, which is middling to small (~13000 people) we have at least one 24x7 shop.  And we can always drive to Budapest which is only about 5km to the centre and everything is open there.  And we also have the petrol stations - open extended hours and sell all sorts of things.

They used to have vending machines for cigs in Hungary.

My husband and his friends started smoking at age 8!

You also could go into a shop and just buy one cig at a time, they sold to children if they said their father or mother had sent them .

Often my hubby and his buddies were caught smoking on the st. by radom adults. They always were told to snuff it out.

Those were the days when children listened to adults without back talking.

Of course they'd pick it up and light up again when the coast was clear.

We had cig machines in the US when I was a teenager.

35 cents per pack to start with.

I am that old? Yikes!

Of course those were the days when a US dollar was worth something.

I know in Japan they sell hot food out of vending machines on st. corners.

They sell just about anything there through a vending machine.

They used to have those lunch vending machines here in Hungary.

The US also sold food that way, hot food behind a window where you just selected what you wanted and put coins in to open the window and grab your meal.

It's been so long since we bought or ate fast food.

We had craving for some KFC a couple weeks back.

I usually buy fresh chicken legs and air fry them at home.

Some deal at KFC and we were out and about and busy that day so decided to get take out and bring it home.

I already made a fresh salad to go with.

My husband ordered and had to have help figuring out how to use his bank card in the machine. It's been that long since we ordered and things have changed.

Actually it was terrible food.

The pieces were much smaller then I remembered KFC giving out in the past.

I think they must of been sitting all day long under the heat and shrank up.

Never again.

Our son worked at age 17 at a KFC in New Mexico.

He banned us from eating there after seeing how it's done.

He told me he wouldn't allow his own mother to eat there!

All I really know is that we had him strip to his underwear in the garage before he came in straight to the shower after work.

He smelled like raw bloody meat.

I know in Japan going to eat on Christmas day at a KFC is suppose to be a thing to do.

Good thing we no longer celebrate Christmas.

    I know in Japan they sell hot food out of vending machines on st. corners.
They sell just about anything there through a vending machine.
They used to have those lunch vending machines here in Hungary.
The US also sold food that way, hot food behind a window where you just selected what you wanted and put coins in to open the window and grab your meal.
It's been so long since we bought or ate fast food.
We had craving for some KFC a couple weeks back.
I usually buy fresh chicken legs and air fry them at home.
Some deal at KFC and we were out and about and busy that day so decided to get take out and bring it home.
I already made a fresh salad to go with.
My husband ordered and had to have help figuring out how to use his bank card in the machine. It's been that long since we ordered and things have changed.
Actually it was terrible food.
The pieces were much smaller then I remembered KFC giving out in the past.
I think they must of been sitting all day long under the heat and shrank up.
Never again.
Our son worked at age 17 at a KFC in New Mexico.
He banned us from eating there after seeing how it's done.
He told me he wouldn't allow his own mother to eat there!
All I really know is that we had him strip to his underwear in the garage before he came in straight to the shower after work.
He smelled like raw bloody meat.
I know in Japan going to eat on Christmas day at a KFC is suppose to be a thing to do.
Good thing we no longer celebrate Christmas.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Can you imagine what kind of products can be kept hot for long periods in a vending machine?

It must be covered in some preservatives or some other chemicals.  Sounds just nasty.

I haven't had any fast food for a long time now.  I don't think I feel any different for it but maybe I'm just eating other rubbish to make up for it.

        I know in Japan they sell hot food out of vending machines on st. corners.They sell just about anything there through a vending machine.They used to have those lunch vending machines here in Hungary.The US also sold food that way, hot food behind a window where you just selected what you wanted and put coins in to open the window and grab your meal.It's been so long since we bought or ate fast food.We had craving for some KFC a couple weeks back.I usually buy fresh chicken legs and air fry them at home.Some deal at KFC and we were out and about and busy that day so decided to get take out and bring it home.I already made a fresh salad to go with.My husband ordered and had to have help figuring out how to use his bank card in the machine. It's been that long since we ordered and things have changed.Actually it was terrible food.The pieces were much smaller then I remembered KFC giving out in the past.I think they must of been sitting all day long under the heat and shrank up.Never again.Our son worked at age 17 at a KFC in New Mexico.He banned us from eating there after seeing how it's done.He told me he wouldn't allow his own mother to eat there!All I really know is that we had him strip to his underwear in the garage before he came in straight to the shower after work.He smelled like raw bloody meat.I know in Japan going to eat on Christmas day at a KFC is suppose to be a thing to do.Good thing we no longer celebrate Christmas.        -@Marilyn Tassy

Can you imagine what kind of products can be kept hot for long periods in a vending machine?

It must be covered in some preservatives or some other chemicals.  Sounds just nasty.

I haven't had any fast food for a long time now.  I don't think I feel any different for it but maybe I'm just eating other rubbish to make up for it.


There are pizza vending machines...


https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/ … index.html

There are pizza vending machines...

3cd7eafa26ba2c2890867e634cb8461e.jpghttps://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/ … index.html-@SimCityAT

Emergency pizza.   There should be one next to every fire station.  I think 5 EUR is quite cheap for a pizza these days but from the look of the pizza you get what you pay for!



I wouldn't fancy cleaning that.

The arrow for collecting the pizza points the wrong way.

Looks like it's where you post the pizza, not collect it.

Not exactly 2 Guys from Italy quality pizza by the looks of it.

Best pizza around in LA as far as we think.

In San Remo. Italy we stopped for a family pizza dinner at a roadside inn.

The pizzaman ( that name always bugs me,some poor boy in school had super bad acne and his nickname was ,"Pizzaman", kids are cruel...)

Anyways, the baker man made hand signals that one pizza wouldn't be large enough for 3 people.

We ordered 2 and told him to put the works on it.

2 huge super sized pizzas to go cost in 1968, over $50.

It was really tastey but way too much to eat in one shot and too expenisve and good to throw away.

My husband put the left over pizza back in the box and stuck it in the truck,boot of the rental car.

Pizza for days...Good cold too.

I had a craving for pizza last week but those slice places look sort of iffy to me.

I made my own tomato sauce with ground meat and spices, tons of garlic and made my own pizza crust. First time doing the crust. Wasn't great but wasn't bad either.

Practice makes perfect.

This wintery weather is really making me lazy.

Slept till nearly 9 am today!

Yesterday must of worn me out.

We ran all over town in the snow.

Missed a tram by just seconds and had to wait nealry 20 mins for the next one.

Not the best weather to be hanging out waiting.

By the time we returned home it had turned to rain and all the snow was melted.

I doubt I'll ever really get used to cold weather.

Too lazy today to even go food shopping.

The malls and markets probably will be super busy since the holidays are coming.

I do just about anything to avoid holiday shoppers.

It will be interesting to know how well the shops did this season.

We don't plan on buying anything, just a couple of things for my upcoming BD.

I should really grow up and forget that day too.

It's the worst to have a BD during holiday season.

My cousin was born on Dec. 25th.Poor guy.

Yes I know it sounds like heresy, but so long as you brown the cheese on top till it's really crisp, frozen supermarket pizzas can be surprisingly edible.

(And it's hard to get that brown crispy cheese on top at most pizza places because they don't want to leave it in the oven so long and slow down their production line.)

    Yes I know it sounds like heresy, but so long as you brown the cheese on top till it's really crisp, frozen supermarket pizzas can be surprisingly edible.(And it's hard to get that brown crispy cheese on top at most pizza places because they don't want to leave it in the oven so long and slow down their production line.)        -@zif

We bought a really cheap small frozen pizza here in HU just for a late night snack.

Had it in the freezer for ages then decided to heat it up in the oven. It tasted like cardboard.

I see they sell some better quailty ones here.

We were cheap and got what we paid for.

My crust had a nice flavor but I rolled it out, not able to toss it in the air like a pizza pro.

I added some fresh basil from our window garden and lightly fried in olive oil red onions.

It was just a whim and I didn't have all the right cheeses on hand, had to make due with Gouda cheese. I'd eat it again though, wasn't bad.

I had a friend in the 1980's ( she passed early from cancer at age 32) who lived in Milan , Italy with her BF and his mother.

She was a high end runway model for the likes of designers like Valentino and many others.

She was always freaking out that her MIL made pasta 3 times a day when she had to stay skinny as a rail for her job. Her BF just happened to be a pizza man as well.

Man, the sacfices she made for fashion.'

My sister modeled a bit before her husband put a stop to it( the agents wanted the models to go on ,"dinner dates" with clinets, dirty business really) She was skinny as a rail and as a teenager all my friends just thought my sister was the bomb. She was only 108lbs at 5'10" tall. Twiggy looking thing.

My friend now as old ladies always tells me she can't belive I didn't do more modeling then just being a sometimes hair model for the salon I worked in.

Funny how people believe the glam and not the dark side of some industries.

My niece at age 14 was offered a modeling job and had a runway  interview with a few agents through contacts my sister had.

She was really fit for her age and nearly 6 feet tall with geen cat eyes and blonde hair.

It was for a swimsuit company. Slips my mind at the moment but an American co.

My niece is smart and hated the entire freak show and told my sister to never take her for such a thing again.

Now she is in her early 50's and likes her food, no more skinny minnie.

My sisters friend did say she was on the old side when she became a model.( Mid 20's)

She was offered gigs earlier but she refused the games that went with the job, such as dinner dates and yahat parties.

I thought she had it all when I met her. Looks, travel, nice clothing and tons of money for little hours of working. It was an eye opener when she give us the real low down on how it went.

She also said her career was only going to last so long.

She might of been happier eating pizza and pasta and having children in Italy then walking up and down the catwalk.

I did want to mention we got a letter in the mail for a gift from our district. Not sure if every district gives this gift away for the holidays.

Next week we have to pick up a card worth 20,000 forints each. It's usually good for shopping at Lidl.

Probably the same sort of deal as in the past. It used to be only 10,000 forints but due to inflation it seems they are aware that 10,000 doesn't buy much now.

It's for people over age 60 and those under age 18 as far as I know.

Just be sure to read your mail  if your over 60 or have small children before throwing it out, it's all written in Hungarian.