Absolutely Anything Else

    This wintery weather is really making me lazy.
Slept till nearly 9 am today!
Yesterday must of worn me out.
We ran all over town in the snow.
Missed a tram by just seconds and had to wait nealry 20 mins for the next one.
Not the best weather to be hanging out waiting.
By the time we returned home it had turned to rain and all the snow was melted.
I doubt I'll ever really get used to cold weather.
Too lazy today to even go food shopping.
The malls and markets probably will be super busy since the holidays are coming.
I do just about anything to avoid holiday shoppers.
It will be interesting to know how well the shops did this season.
We don't plan on buying anything, just a couple of things for my upcoming BD.
I should really grow up and forget that day too.
It's the worst to have a BD during holiday season.
My cousin was born on Dec. 25th.Poor guy.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

I think people born on Dec 25 usually don't get two sets of presents!  That's a shame for them. 

I'm somewhere that's not snowy at all.  I was looking on HU webcams and I was sent pictures of snowy scenes by Mrs F and it just seems so different to hereabouts.  It rains a lot (like Noah type biblical) and it's really humid and warm.   Never really varies from mid 20-s deg C.

Xmas has become too commercial for me.  I am however looking forward to it this year as I'm not away from home.  It's a bit sad because I will need to work to catch up.  What to do. Looks like live to work not work to live.  Goes against my grain now which is to be as lazy as possible, do just enough to get a tick in the box. I never used to be like that but age makes you cynical, even contemptuous.  That's when it's time to retire really.

    Yes I know it sounds like heresy, but so long as you brown the cheese on top till it's really crisp, frozen supermarket pizzas can be surprisingly edible.
(And it's hard to get that brown crispy cheese on top at most pizza places because they don't want to leave it in the oven so long and slow down their production line.)


We have bought shop pizzas before, used them as a base and added extra toppings.

    Yes I know it sounds like heresy, but so long as you brown the cheese on top till it's really crisp, frozen supermarket pizzas can be surprisingly edible.(And it's hard to get that brown crispy cheese on top at most pizza places because they don't want to leave it in the oven so long and slow down their production line.)        -@zif

We bought a really cheap small frozen pizza here in HU just for a late night snack.
Had it in the freezer for ages then decided to heat it up in the oven. It tasted like cardboard.
I see they sell some better quailty ones here.
We were cheap and got what we paid for.
My crust had a nice flavor but I rolled it out, not able to toss it in the air like a pizza pro.
I added some fresh basil from our window garden and lightly fried in olive oil red onions.
It was just a whim and I didn't have all the right cheeses on hand, had to make due with Gouda cheese. I'd eat it again though, wasn't bad.
I did want to mention we got a letter in the mail for a gift from our district. Not sure if every district gives this gift away for the holidays.
Next week we have to pick up a card worth 20,000 forints each. It's usually good for shopping at Lidl.
Probably the same sort of deal as in the past. It used to be only 10,000 forints but due to inflation it seems they are aware that 10,000 doesn't buy much now.
It's for people over age 60 and those under age 18 as far as I know.
Just be sure to read your mail  if your over 60 or have small children before throwing it out, it's all written in Hungarian.
    -@Marilyn Tassy

At least Hungary has decent cheeses available.  Some countries don't have cheeses that are good for pizzas, never mind cheeseburgers or anything else.

I want a gift card as well. I'm over 60 and one of the kids is under 18.  I bet I don't get one, not even our youngest Fluffyette.  The one over 18 needs it more than us for sure.

Our district has never been generous in that regard.  We just had a swimming pool constructed in the village and attached to a new'ish school they built. It's so small, you could only do about 4 strokes before you reach the other end. I cannot see anyone using it for fun, they'd just go to Aquaworld or somewhere more interesting.

I'm not sure if it's a district thing or available in all districts.

We don't,"need" it but it's a nice offer, I'll be using it.

They used to just go door to door and give out gift boxes with treats inside, then we had to go to a stand have them check our ID's and then pick up a box of gifts.

Now they just mail a notice to come in and get a gift card.

I like this card better, more practical then a box of coffee, tea and candies.

Oh , can't forget the boxes had a bag of paprika inside too, can't forget that!

In the US they give ya, nada unless your on some sort of scocial welfare and then it's just food stamps, no extra amount for holidays.

A 4 stroke pool, no way, what a tease!!

In the states when we looked at signing a lease but before hand , I first told the agent i wanted to see the community pool before even seeing the flat!

Some flats were really nice but the pool was too small.

I settled for an older building with a larger pool. Sad thing is we lived there only 6 months, during the winter and the pool wasn't heated.

I did have the Jacuzzi all to myself though.

Crazy lady sitting in the hot water in the wind and rain. Vegas gets cold and windy at times.

They have many  nice indoor pools in Vegas. Just a buck a day to enter or $25. for 3 months.

17 lanes, heated a bit in a cozy temp. room, showers, dressing rooms and lockers included.

They life guards and staff were rockers, blasted classic rock over the PA system, It was great.

Maybe one day, we will return...

I'm simple, ( minded) doesn't take much for me to have a good time, just water and open lanes.

20 C. and humid,I'll trade places!!

Even the tropical rainy season is better then freezing.

Miss hearing the sound of rain on a tin roof.

Speaking of hamburgers...They have come a long way here with fixing them.

In 1986 on Vaci Utca we stood in line just to try the hottest new place to try, "American Burgers". It had a line a half mile long and I wasn't interested at all in trying it but my husband insisted we do.

Terrible isn't even the word for it. Dry little roll, flat tastless thin slice of meat of some sort,a pickle and a dash of not catsup but tomato sauce.Oh yes, a few sherds of cabbage too.


Obviously they made a few bucks and ran. Someone who made better burgers came to town and put them out of business.

My friend in AZ went into Kingman AZ for the day. She and her husband slipt a fish sandwhich and a small bag of fries, chips. Cost $17.00!!

At those prices she'd be better off brown bagging it.

Not sure where they ate at but just a everyday fast food place.

She is known for wasting money of food but that is more then a waste.

In Vegas they took us for pizza9 back to pizza) she was raving about how god it was, their treat. Over $100. for a so-so forgetable pizza . I doubt her side salad cost that much for a $100. bill, with tip on top of it.

We left the tip, Can't see such waste on food.

My niece used to take me out to dinner everytime she was in Vegas with her job.

She had a $300. a day expence account for food.

Still she spent double that a day on food and drinks. ( $40.00 bottles of saki a head)

The nice thing was she could book a suite in any hotel she wanted to in town.

She stayed at all the high end ones so I was able to see how they were.

Most were nice but at the rates they charged I'd rather of stayed in the Motel- 6 then pay for them myself!

Motel-6 is a very old motel co. We stayed in them in 1959 when driving from Conn. to Ca. The thing is back then , they probably cost only $6.00, not any longer...

    I'm not sure if it's a district thing or available in all districts.
We don't,"need" it but it's a nice offer, I'll be using it.
They used to just go door to door and give out gift boxes with treats inside, then we had to go to a stand have them check our ID's and then pick up a box of gifts.
Now they just mail a notice to come in and get a gift card.
I like this card better, more practical then a box of coffee, tea and candies.
Oh , can't forget the boxes had a bag of paprika inside too, can't forget that!
In the US they give ya, nada unless your on some sort of scocial welfare and then it's just food stamps, no extra amount for holidays.
A 4 stroke pool, no way, what a tease!!
In the states when we looked at signing a lease but before hand , I first told the agent i wanted to see the community pool before even seeing the flat!
Some flats were really nice but the pool was too small.
I settled for an older building with a larger pool. Sad thing is we lived there only 6 months, during the winter and the pool wasn't heated.
I did have the Jacuzzi all to myself though.
Crazy lady sitting in the hot water in the wind and rain. Vegas gets cold and windy at times.
They have many  nice indoor pools in Vegas. Just a buck a day to enter or $25. for 3 months.
17 lanes, heated a bit in a cozy temp. room, showers, dressing rooms and lockers included.
They life guards and staff were rockers, blasted classic rock over the PA system, It was great.
Maybe one day, we will return...
I'm simple, ( minded) doesn't take much for me to have a good time, just water and open lanes.

20 C. and humid,I'll trade places!!
Even the tropical rainy season is better then freezing.
Miss hearing the sound of rain on a tin roof.

Speaking of hamburgers...They have come a long way here with fixing them.
In 1986 on Vaci Utca we stood in line just to try the hottest new place to try, "American Burgers". It had a line a half mile long and I wasn't interested at all in trying it but my husband insisted we do.
Terrible isn't even the word for it. Dry little roll, flat tastless thin slice of meat of some sort,a pickle and a dash of not catsup but tomato sauce.Oh yes, a few sherds of cabbage too.
Obviously they made a few bucks and ran. Someone who made better burgers came to town and put them out of business.

My friend in AZ went into Kingman AZ for the day. She and her husband slipt a fish sandwhich and a small bag of fries, chips. Cost $17.00!!
At those prices she'd be better off brown bagging it.
Not sure where they ate at but just a everyday fast food place.
She is known for wasting money of food but that is more then a waste.
In Vegas they took us for pizza9 back to pizza) she was raving about how god it was, their treat. Over $100. for a so-so forgetable pizza . I doubt her side salad cost that much for a $100. bill, with tip on top of it.
We left the tip, Can't see such waste on food.
My niece used to take me out to dinner everytime she was in Vegas with her job.
She had a $300. a day expence account for food.
Still she spent double that a day on food and drinks. ( $40.00 bottles of saki a head)
The nice thing was she could book a suite in any hotel she wanted to in town.
She stayed at all the high end ones so I was able to see how they were.
Most were nice but at the rates they charged I'd rather of stayed in the Motel- 6 then pay for them myself!
Motel-6 is a very old motel co. We stayed in them in 1959 when driving from Conn. to Ca. The thing is back then , they probably cost only $6.00, not any longer...

    -@Marilyn Tassy

I was just thinking our older Fluffyette would like the 20K HUF to spend on having a good time in downtown Budapest.  A Lidl voucher isn't going to do that.   Now  old enough, fancy cocktails have become interesting to that Fluffyette.  At my age, the novelty of a fancy drink with a sparkler and umbrella has waned to zero. I'd rather have my usual tipple of a cup of tea.

Yes, the pool in my village is tiny.  And there's apparently something amiss in the financing of it - well gossip is around that.  It's like a large bath. It's been under construction for about 2 years.  At least that's what I think as it seems like it.  A proper pool to me has slides, water fountains, wave pools and all that jazz.  I don't want to go up and down 50 times.    That'd be like jogging.  On the other hand, I used to like mountain biking.  Bit more like action sports but I'm getting a bit old for it and my knees might not take it.

I remember New York Bagels opening in Budapest in the mid-90s.  We used to go there for lunch. That's where I got pick-pocketed and lost my passport, credit cards and a bunch of stuff.  Made me a bit wary of choosing where I sit now.

Where I am it's the rainy season and about 26C everyday.  But it'll be over soon as I'll be back in the freezer.  Mrs F has told me to wrap up warm.  When I left I only needed a hoodie but what I'm hearing I need Artic gear.  I am not sure I have enough of the right clothing.   But Mrs F told me it was 18C down near the Romanian border.  That's extraordinary.  Maybe it'll come to Budapest and I won't need anything too much.

IDK they used to have a NY bagel shop here in the past.

My neice's father gave his wealthy father a reciepe for bagels that turned into a well known in the area, succesful business.

Boston Bagels.

Story was he was sitting in a bar and chatted up some guy who handed him the perfect bagel reciepe. It was written down on a bar napkin.

Some people are just lucky that way.

My neice and all her cousins had to work after school and in the summers in the shop for their granparents.

In exchange she drove around in a new nice BMW, rich kid stuff...

My son in NM had 2 jobs going on at once. He often did that, worked 2 full time casino dealing jobs at the same time and saved up.

We never charged him rent because we saw how hard he was working for his dream...

Dream however turned into a nightmare when he married that ex HU chick and she spent all his money. In many waya we felt it was our money as well since we supported our son for a long time and never asked for a dime from him.

Another tale for another day...

Well one of his jobs when he was 17 in NM was working in a family owned bagel shop.

He brought home bags and bags of unsold bagels every day or so.

My aunt, cousin and we ,had freezers full of bagels. For a spell we had no need to buy any bread. Bagels were coming out of our ears!

Now, I miss eating them, never see them sold here in Hungary.

Had no need to put the heat on last night. Surprizing how dressing with the right clothing can change things.

It's not too cold for a few hours outdoors, just cover your feet and hands...

The other day on the no, 4  tram I almost laughed out loud. My husband didn't notice but I did and couldn't really bring his attention to how this dude was dressed.

He had a hat on, hoodie and a back pack, nothing special BUT I looked at his feet.

My God, he was wearing a pair of laides thin strapped flat sandels!

Ladies ones, not even men's .

My husband said he probably had to dress fast when his GF's husband came home early and just grabbed her sandels! They way he stood with full confidence was a killer, so funny.

It was snowing that day and I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Although I love to swim, I really am not into it so much in the cold weather.

My friend in AZ had the most amazing back yard swimming pool.

I can't believe she sold her house and left that behind.

A built in pool that was so large  her back yard looked like a tiny postage stamp.

It was 20 feet across by 45 feet long.

Ours in Ca. was nice but only 15x30, large enough for a family, hers was large enough for a swim team.

I remember swimming in her pool while she sat out in her wheelchair.

She was talking to me as I got to the far end of her pool.

I couldn't hear a word she said, I was so far away from the end where she sat.

For the life of me, I'll never figure out why she never had a lift,swing , craine,made for herself to have easy access to her pool.

Her husband had to carry her in and out and it took so long for her to dry off her wasit length hair that she only used her pool once a week, even in the Vegas heat.

What a shame that was.

I don't sleep very well so to relieve the boredom of lying in bed awake I stream live BBC radio on my phone. I normally listen to Radio 4 Extra and this morning they started a programme about the film "The Wicker Man". After a couple of minutes into the 50 minute programme they started a repeated announcement: "Due to rights restrictions, this part of the programme is unavailable". I don't know if this is just on the internet as I don't have a working DAB radio. That programme was due to end at 6 am UK time but the announcement continued after that. It is back to normal now.

    I don't sleep very well so to relieve the boredom of lying in bed awake I stream live BBC radio on my phone. I normally listen to Radio 4 Extra and this morning they started a programme about the film "The Wicker Man". After a couple of minutes into the 50 minute programme they started a repeated announcement: "Due to rights restrictions, this part of the programme is unavailable". I don't know if this is just on the internet as I don't have a working DAB radio. That programme was due to end at 6 am UK time but the announcement continued after that. It is back to normal now.


I also didn't sleep well last night.   I was working until late and everything is oscillating around my brain. I try and read a chapter of a book to distract me but it didn't work last night. 

Anyway, the BBC know where you are due to your Internet address and block you from hearing that part. It's probably extracts from the film.   They don't have rights to share that internationally.  It's a very stupid business as you could probably download a podcast and listen to it that way.  They also do it with sport.  I was watching World Cup matches on HU TV and wanted to hear English language commentary, so tried to have Radio 5 on.  It didn't work well. 

I get around it by either VPN'ing into the UK or listening to something else (usually LBC). I have enough speed to VPN into the UK and watch direct video on the BBC or ITVx. I don't use a commercial VPN supplier so not on the BBC/ITV hit list. I just VPN into my Dad's place in the UK.  They cannot tell where I am without effort.

    I don't sleep very well so to relieve the boredom of lying in bed awake I stream live BBC radio on my phone. I normally listen to Radio 4 Extra and this morning they started a programme about the film "The Wicker Man". After a couple of minutes into the 50 minute programme they started a repeated announcement: "Due to rights restrictions, this part of the programme is unavailable". I don't know if this is just on the internet as I don't have a working DAB radio. That programme was due to end at 6 am UK time but the announcement continued after that. It is back to normal now.


I use https://mytuner-radio.com to listen to the radio and never have any issues.

There really is allot of interesting things to listen to or watch on U tube.

Last night I fell asleep peacefully although I had been watching tons of Led Zeppelin videos and live concert videos.

Once a rocker , always a rocker? IDK more like I'd like to have a rocker but without the knitting needles!

My crazy sister and her husband used to blast music when their duaghter was an infant.

They said at the time they wanted to train her to sleep through anything.

Never heard of that as a parental thing before.

Really if you take some magnizium before sleeping, it may help induce sleep.

If that doesn't work, some light stretching might do it.

We used to use a VPM but have forgone it. Not sure why but we found we didn't use it as much as we thought we would.

    There really is allot of interesting things to listen to or watch on U tube.
Last night I fell asleep peacefully although I had been watching tons of Led Zeppelin videos and live concert videos.
Once a rocker , always a rocker? IDK more like I'd like to have a rocker but without the knitting needles!
My crazy sister and her husband used to blast music when their duaghter was an infant.
They said at the time they wanted to train her to sleep through anything.
Never heard of that as a parental thing before.
Really if you take some magnizium before sleeping, it may help induce sleep.
If that doesn't work, some light stretching might do it.
We used to use a VPM but have forgone it. Not sure why but we found we didn't use it as much as we thought we would.
    -@Marilyn Tassy

There's really a lot to distract on YouTube and on the web in general. The other day, I ended up watching some guy constructing a giant model plane.  Took him ages but it helped it was sped up in places.   There are three guys constructing electric cars or doing conversions as well.  That's just video of them fixing stuff.   I find that strangely sleep inducing.  Like videos of people getting head massages (aka ASMR to me).  I was watching Jack Ryan (TV show) last night and I woke up with the TV on and the show finished. I only managed about 20m before I was "gone".

I used to play music to my eldest daughter and dance about.   I read the pyschology is that it's like over stimulation. The baby cannot take the amount happening so just shuts down by going to sleep.  I am not sure it is the right way to get used to noise,  There's always the problem of hearing damage. Boy, do I know about that now - all those rock concerts.   The other way to knock kids out is to take them for a ride in the car.  That's supposed to be like mother's womb, warm, comfort and jiggled and ideal for getting off to sleep.  My grandma might have slipped us a tiny bit of booze but that could have been verging on dangerous.


I am another person who can wake up too early or even in the middle of the night and fail to sleep again.

But I've grown to accept it now and like most catch up with my e mails and watch rubbish on u tube or Netflix.

And I dislike winter but that is another story.

I am another person who can wake up too early or even in the middle of the night and fail to sleep again.
But I've grown to accept it now and like most catch up with my e mails and watch rubbish on u tube or Netflix.
And I dislike winter but that is another story.


I do the same. 

Sometimes I get up at 4am and get on with stuff, then go for another couple of hours kip when the kids and Mrs F have gone off to school/work.

I was hoping to miss winter this year almost completely this year by going somewhere else but the snow is piling up and it's all low temps and short days.  Not so long to the shortest day on night of 21st/22nd December.  It's all downhill to summer from there!  We will be adding about a minute a day of daylight after the winter solstice. What's not to like?! 

When I was a kid, when it got to April, I was really anticipating Spring - almost excited.   I dare say I was even frisky. Like a frolicking lamb. Oh, the marvels of youth.

I am more simple in a way, I go to bed at 6.00 PM or 7.00PM and I wake up 3.00 AM , looking at mails (if any), internet sites (I am happy that this website is on the top right now), news, youtube channels, ... My wife wakes up at around 7.00 , I have my medicines,talk a bit, tea (coffee is not allowed (?)), have my breakfast (small).

Afterwards my first whisky cola, play some strategy games, or chess online.

In Turkey a lot of rain right now (so home delivery), there will be good days, but we have to settle for home lot of the time.

Winter in Hungary can be nice, but indeed also cold. (snow can be nice though). Here in Alanya it is still acceptable (saving on energy bills quite a bit).

In Hungary energy (GWL are cheap (comparable), but here in Alanya it is even 3x cheaper.

        There really is allot of interesting things to listen to or watch on U tube.Last night I fell asleep peacefully although I had been watching tons of Led Zeppelin videos and live concert videos.Once a rocker , always a rocker? IDK more like I'd like to have a rocker but without the knitting needles!My crazy sister and her husband used to blast music when their duaghter was an infant.They said at the time they wanted to train her to sleep through anything.Never heard of that as a parental thing before.Really if you take some magnizium before sleeping, it may help induce sleep.If that doesn't work, some light stretching might do it.We used to use a VPM but have forgone it. Not sure why but we found we didn't use it as much as we thought we would.        -@Marilyn Tassy

There's really a lot to distract on YouTube and on the web in general. The other day, I ended up watching some guy constructing a giant model plane.  Took him ages but it helped it was sped up in places.   There are three guys constructing electric cars or doing conversions as well.  That's just video of them fixing stuff.   I find that strangely sleep inducing.  Like videos of people getting head massages (aka ASMR to me).  I was watching Jack Ryan (TV show) last night and I woke up with the TV on and the show finished. I only managed about 20m before I was "gone".

I used to play music to my eldest daughter and dance about.   I read the pyschology is that it's like over stimulation. The baby cannot take the amount happening so just shuts down by going to sleep.  I am not sure it is the right way to get used to noise,  There's always the problem of hearing damage. Boy, do I know about that now - all those rock concerts.   The other way to knock kids out is to take them for a ride in the car.  That's supposed to be like mother's womb, warm, comfort and jiggled and ideal for getting off to sleep.  My grandma might have slipped us a tiny bit of booze but that could have been verging on dangerous.


Too funny, my mother said she slipped about a tablespoon of booze int our bttles so she culd get a good nights sleep.

Can't start them soon enough!

Gesh, she'd be in jail these days!

My bro lost allot of hearing in one ear after working on jets in the USAF.

I dig walking in the snow but yesterday it was mostly slushy and slippery in many places.

I am Ok though, didn't need to use a cane, haven't for many weeks now.

So strange, having iffy knees you never know what causes them to get  messed up and what makes them better.

Exercise and being able to relax seems like the cure so far.

My husband said during the commie days they cleared up just about every walkway and side st.and roads were  always clear for traffic.

Everyone was required to work if they were physiclaly able to.

They had many jobless men who were put to work clearing sts during winter.

Every house master, manager had to get up early and clear the walkways all around their buildings.

When he was 18 or so on his days off of his normal job , maybe once or twice per month he and a bunch of his friends took on an overnight job of clearing the snow.

Usually it was a gruffy, semi-homeless older man in charge of them but they did what they wanted really.

They seemed to play in the snow more then clear it up.

They piled snow into wheelbarrows and dumped it into the river.'They had crashing races in the wheelbarrows in the middle of the night. Not sure how many people they woke up with their antics.

He said they got paid after the night was over with in cash.

It was about mIn. wage.

They did it not so much for the money but to get crazy at night. In those days normal people would not really be allowed to mess around at night without getting into troubles with the police.

They'd ask what you were doing out and about in the middle of all hours.

They usaully wore themselves out by daybreak after slamming and sliding around all night long.

I do hope they actually cleared up some snow too.

They had regulars and people like my husband and his friends who just did it once in awhile for some extra spending money.

I am another person who can wake up too early or even in the middle of the night and fail to sleep again.
But I've grown to accept it now and like most catch up with my e mails and watch rubbish on u tube or Netflix.
And I dislike winter but that is another story.


I wish I could do that but my eyes struggle to focus at such times. It takes me ages to read a book for the same reason. I normally only read when I go to bed but a couple of pages and I'm losing focus. The listening to radio with my eyes closed is almost as good as proper sleep. If I did 8 hours of physical work I would get tired enough to sleep OK but my back would protest!

        @fluffy2560I am another person who can wake up too early or even in the middle of the night and fail to sleep again.But I've grown to accept it now and like most catch up with my e mails and watch rubbish on u tube or Netflix.And I dislike winter but that is another story.        -@anns

I wish I could do that but my eyes struggle to focus at such times. It takes me ages to read a book for the same reason. I normally only read when I go to bed but a couple of pages and I'm losing focus. The listening to radio with my eyes closed is almost as good as proper sleep. If I did 8 hours of physical work I would get tired enough to sleep OK but my back would protest!

I tried to watch the TV show Jack Ryan again and once again, I missed bits of it.  I couldn't be bothered to rewind.   I know the plot even after a short period of watching - rogue CIA agent vs drug lords in Shan State, Myanmar. It can only go one way and it's a dead cert the drug lords ain't going to make it.   

During the late evening at weekends, I'm usually listening to Nick Abbott on LBC radio.  He can be a bit of a laugh and after a while, I begin not to notice the adverts (so repetitive, it becomes like white noise).   I sometimes listen to the BBC "Sounds" stuff - it's on their web site.  Their "Reels" output can be quite good - bite size pieces of interest.

I am usually out like a light once I lay down.

I've always been a deep sleeper ( not thinker!!)

Need my 8 to 9 hours everynight though.

I run on high octane and need to rest at night to recharge.

I miss reading books sometimes.

My eyes were giving me problems so I stopped reading as much.Now they are fixed and I just haven't gotten back into reading much.

In fact we've finally collected all the books I had read to take them into recycling.

Have a min. of 25 kilo's worth.

Loved reading biographies.

Many people led interesting lives.

I know Bill Wyman has a new book out. Think it's his second bio.

He is 86 or 87 now so he could do 2 books at least.

"Stone Alone "was good but his new book ,"Billy in the Wars" is about growing up post WW11 poor in the UK.

I'm sure it is a great read.I may have to check out a book shop and see if they carry it in English.

I know in High School, one friend of mine was a ,"egg head" very smart girl.

We in fact shared a common BD and called ourselves, "soul sisters" .

She was too smart for this world, a person who really thought outside the box.

Her brother was super bright too. Valley Victorian of his graduating class.

My sister was in the same class and we attened the graduation ceremonies.

He nearly caused a riot with his speach. He called out the principle of the school for being a war monger during the Vietnam days. He was chased off stage by a group of male teachers. Last I saw of him he was doing a sprint across the open field as they ran after him... Not sure he was able to pick up his diploma!

Sad, my friend I later found out, offed herself when we were 33 years old.

Well she often carried around thick as a brick books and read them within a few days. Always  off beat ones from Ayn Rand or tales of the Lost Continent of Mu.

I always assumed after we lost contact , as young people do when discovering themselves, that she would go onto a big Uni and becme part of the staff. Or go explore the world in far off places.

Never expected she'd off herself while living with her mother in an apt. in the San Fernando Valley of Ca.

Every BD I have I can't help but think of her and ask myself why?

Her brother became a underground FM DJ in Pismo Beach.

Some people are just too smart for this world, they get disappointed by living around us average folks and turn on themselves.

Oh well, as my mother used to say, no one likes a smarty pants.

In fact my mother tired very hard to not let me be close to my soul sister .

Mom saw something disturbing in her.

Not sure how mom could tell but my friends parents both had serious mental issues.

Her father was a life long resident of the local mental hospital in Camerillo and her mother had numberous breakdowns over the years.

In fact when my friend was about 9 she and her mom were on a train when things go strange.

Out of nowhere her mother starts to take my friends clothing off! She was screaming there were bugs crawling on her. Her mother was escorted off to a hospital.

Later in Ca. her mother was a teacher in a high end private school... Hmm, wonder if they did a background check on their staff or not?

I loved going to ther home as a teenager. My friend could blast all the underground LP's her brother gave her and her granny and mother were always half passed out in front of the tv set.

Any sort of anti-depression drug a 1970's teen would like to experiment with were available in their cabinets. (percocet and placidyl being our faves)

Up or down,made to order.

Since the adults in the house were not all there, we could smoke ,drink coffee and act as crazy as we wished without them even taking notice.

No one to stop us taking a 2 am walkabout in town when we stayed over.

Gosh, if my mother really knew the low down she really wouldn't of let me hang with my friend at all.

I stopped going over so often when her mother remarried. Another person with obvious issues. She once came to school saying she couldn't sleep well the night before because her step-father was shooting holes in the ceiling with his gun.

Just your average American family...

The police in our town were very liberal in those days. I don't know anyone who actually got arrested for losing it in our town.

As far as reading is concerned, my own eyes are not perfect, and I love audible.

    As far as reading is concerned, my own eyes are not perfect, and I love audible.        -@cdw057

My eyes must still need some work. I thought you posted edibles not audible!

If only...

I tend to fall alseep if there is no video. I'm more of a visual person.

Having night vision is really important.

My friend in the high desert of AZ told me the other night a guy going home on is mororbike hit a cow in the dark.

He died, no news on the cow.

He was visiting one of her neighbors and they had just warned him about cows the road 30 mins before he hit one. Sad stuff.

I have no idea if there is a ranch out there or if they have free range cows roaming the high desert.

My night vision has never been good but these days I can mostly avoid driving in the dark. That is one reason I'm not keen to drive to UK these days, plus my car is now 15 years old and I don't trust it to do that kind of trip. I did have to pick up my cousin and her son and drive them from Zagreb airport to my place one evening. That was in torrential rain too but I didn't let on to them how little I could see!

I don't drive anymore, then again I don't need to in Austria as it has some of the best public transport in the world in my eyes. Both reliable and cheap.


I can take the train to Vienna from my town in less than an hour if I take the slow train or 20 mins on the fast one. More and more people are using trains now, and ÖBB is buying more trains. I can't understand why people living and working in Vienna have a car.

I have a supermarket at the end of my road and 2 others just a little further which are still in walking distance plus 9 wine taverns in my town so never short of food.

My eyes aren't as they used to be. I have one set to watch TV, and then another for the Computer. So not sure I would be happy driving anyway.


Eurostat says that in past year ‘EU citizens tended to be quite satisfied with their life in general'

    I don't drive anymore, then again I don't need to in Austria as it has some of the best public transport in the world in my eyes. Both reliable and cheap.

I can take the train to Vienna from my town in less than an hour if I take the slow train or 20 mins on the fast one. More and more people are using trains now, and ÖBB is buying more trains. I can't understand why people living and working in Vienna have a car.

I have a supermarket at the end of my road and 2 others just a little further which are still in walking distance plus 9 wine taverns in my town so never short of food.

My eyes aren't as they used to be. I have one set to watch TV, and then another for the Computer. So not sure I would be happy driving anyway.


I don't really care about driving myself.  Done enough driving to last a lifetime.  I will of course drive if I have to.  I'm OK for Mrs F to do it and then I can look at my phone and fiddle about with stuff.   I get tired quickly - it's a diabetic thing.

We have to drive as we've still got kids at home.  They need their on demand taxi service.  I really want the older one to get some driving lessons in.  Not like the UK where anyone with a licence can take you.

When the teenagers each have a car, we'll have 5 cars on the driveway. I don't really need a car and I can just drive my hobby car if I'm that desperate to go somewhere by road.  So we could reduce it to 4 cars. 

Such is life in the burbs.

Screenshot%202023-12-09%20at%205.17.52%20PM.png?quality=75&width=640&auto=webpEurostat says that in past year ‘EU citizens tended to be quite satisfied with their life in general'-@SimCityAT

Of course that doesn't include the UK any more. I expect it would be quite low anyway.  Government circling the plughole, crappy politics and crumbling services.   

Hungary scores low.  Not surprised.  Stupid signs up again blaming Soros and the EU again for everything.  No-one cares about that, what they care about is the Cost of Living. 

@SimCityAT For me it is simple, more older people in Hungary (less happy people (health, finances)). Europe has a problem, with their workforce (low or non-educated (men mostly) are not needed). Lets see what happens, I think Hungary takes a practical approach in welcoming EU citizens who can spend, foreign (outside EU without language skills (or other skills for that matter) not needed.

Of course I am also not too happy (the country is not to relevant, getting old (and not healthy) is relevant.

Still I believe Hungary (Orban) takes care quite of welll of his old people (even considering the limited means and abundance of old people)

Getting people to work (Ukraine, Serbia) who are skilled and pensioners from Western Europe who can spend is a good approach.

For that matter people from India are in generally hard working and for me very important they can cook Indian dishes.

    @SimCityAT For me it is simple, more older people in Hungary (less happy people (health, finances)). Europe has a problem, with their workforce (low or non-educated (men mostly) are not needed). Lets see what happens, I think Hungary takes a practical approach in welcoming EU citizens who can spend, foreign (outside EU without language skills (or other skills for that matter) not needed.
Of course I am also not too happy (the country is not to relevant, getting old (and not healthy) is relevant.
Still I believe Hungary (Orban) takes care quite of welll of his old people (even considering the limited means and abundance of old people)

Getting people to work (Ukraine, Serbia) who are skilled and pensioners from Western Europe who can spend is a good approach.
For that matter people from India are in generally hard working and for me very important they can cook Indian dishes.

I don't agree with you.   The cost of living has affected everyone, including old age pensioners and Orban has not done anything much to help them.  No-one has money to spare.  Their savings are depleted.  Food prices feel like they've doubled.

My MIL is not well and according to Mrs F the hospitals are staffed by non-Hungarian speaking Indian doctors now.  English speaker helpers are around to help them.  They've run out of options with Hungarians who are all trying to leave.  They now have to bring in skilled people from outside the EU.  The Indonesian bus drivers are an old story.  As are the Filipino nurses working at the local hospital.   In the HU hospital, you will get seen by someone but the support services are underfunded.

BTW, Indian restaurants are usually run by Bangladeshis. 

I think I'd much rather perfer a Fillpino nurse then a Nurse Rachett.

There are many decent nurses here in Hungary but many are a bit scary.

They make you think twice about using the call button.

I had knee orthoscopic surgery about 9 years ago in Budapest.

One nurse was nice but the others gave me the creeps.

I almost hobbled out of my hospital bed before surgery even started.. Had second doubts about the whole thing.

I told my husband to go home and come back later.I would of had to hop home by myself.

I always tell him to leave me when I'm down and out. Not sure why, it hurts too much to see his sad face...

Just a 24 hour stay but dang, it was a nightmare. Not so much for me but my 80 something year old roomate.

She was Hungarian but the staff were so mean with her, she was laying with her broken hip crying all day long.

I think with me, they were hoping for a big tip so they put up with me. ( They didn't get one, we didn't like their way of doing things)

I never used my call button and a nurse found me getting up on my own to use the WC and ran off to get me a walker to use. I was about to just crawl across the floor to the WC, that's how much they overall didn't care)

I put my headphones on most of the day and tuned out too that world of insanity.

The physical therapist came before i was discharged to show me hw to use crutches up and down staires( scary) she had such a miserable look on  her young face.

My husband gave her a nice tip and all of a sudden she was smiling and couldn't do enough for me.

I'd rather have a staff that was paid well and took their jobs seriously.

Went in last week to see my oncologist. He said congrats, I fine.. Praise God!

My husband noticed bags full of gifts under his table and it was still before lunchtime.

Driving in puring rain is always a bit dangeorus.

A few years back we drve home in the pouring HUngarian rain from a friends home.

Narrow one lane rad home with crazy no warning turns in the road. Lighting was terrible overhead and it was hard to see anything.

The sort of road where one needs to have had experince on in good weather to know when the turns were coming.

My husband drove but I held my breath all the way home.

No more night driving for either of us, at least not on bad roads.

Not really complaining, it's just the way it goes.

BTW, in my experience, the more seriously ill one is, the better they seem to treat you.

The staff is more upper crust in oncology then some other depts.

Everyone in radiaiton was professional and kind. Chemo staff was beyond nice.

It's pretty much hit or miss I suppose.

Even so I do not recommend getting seriously ill anywhere.

@fluffy2560 Of course is higher cost of living is everywhere (even in Hungary (or Turkey for that matter)), we lose (massively), but expats can still afford (often). It is not in a hyper inflation situation, we loose 5 or 10% per year, when money goes out we die.

    @fluffy2560 Of course is higher cost of living is everywhere (even in Hungary (or Turkey for that matter)), we lose (massively), but expats can still afford (often). It is not in a hyper inflation situation, we loose 5 or 10% per year, when money goes out we die.        -@cdw057

When money goes out we die? Not sure what exactly that might mean.

Money isn't everything.

In fact it's just a means to an end or to buy a bit of freedom with.

My parents  all of them , step-fathers included lived through the Great Deprssion of the 1930's.

They were just children and at the mercy of adults around them.

My father's family were either immigrants to the US or lived isolated a bit in their own ethnic communities.

They still found a way to feed the many children in their families and keep a roof over their heads.

We live way below our means but it's fine with us.

When one retires it's more practical to think you don't want to get yourself in a situation where you might need to work again. If so, we wouldn't be the first or last to do it.

In any case this way our son will at least have it a bit easier when we kick it.

I can sometimes understand those people one sometimes hears about who left their entire estate to an animal  shelter or social cause. Leaving all their relations with a dollar.

Leaving just a dollar means they can't sue the estate for being written out.

My eldest sister is or was unless he has changed her will,she is leaving me her home in Minn.

I really think it will be more of a hassle then a help.

When I was really ill a few years ago, I made out a short a very short list of things to do or give away should I kick it.

I realized just about everything we have is in my husbands name or I'm an add on to his accounts.

I honestly felt so free not really being responsible for anything.

A few pieces of nice jewlery for him to give to various relations and that was about it for my part.

Now I wonder if they are disappointed they have to wait to get their ,"gifts" from me.

Silly, I'm practically worthless on paper but those thoughts still get in my head.

Being a millioniar must really be terrible, you wonder if they only love you for what you have and not for being who you are.

My brother passed about 17 months ago now. His wife got it all, I never asked him what he was worth or even cared. ( I wouldn't of minded though if he had left me one of his AK-47's or a M-16!)

What does money have to do with anything of real spiritual importance?

I beleive we are spirits and not just material beings.

Our time on earth is just a few seconds of time, just a blink of the eye and you can't take anything with you as we all know.

Perhaps I was blessed experiencing near death? I realized nothing I had put so much impotance on was real.

Many people are so caught up in their outside image that they never really experience life.

I know in my life, any and all  worthwhile experiences I've had had absoultly nothing to do with money.

Of course everyone sees and experinces life differently.

I've never been of the mind set that we have to do  anything in life but enjoy it and try to spread knowledge and happiness with others.  We were made by the most high to love not to get a large bank account.Not everyone is receptive but that's their problem.

Money is just means to buy some comfort, not too much needed, but some is needed.I am not a millionaire (not at all), but I go to a restaurant, buy tabasco, whisky, cigarettes,

I am not at allinterested in outside image, if it was me I go to a shower once per three months (my wife although is more insistent though), same for changing shirts,underwear, I really do not care how other people think, Outsode image I really do not care (I have hardly any teeth, and all of them which are there are dead (so no pain).

In a lot of cases, expats are financially better off than the citizens in the country they are living in.

    Money is just means to buy some comfort, not too much needed, but some is needed.I am not a millionaire (not at all), but I go to a restaurant, buy tabasco, whisky, cigarettes,I am not at allinterested in outside image, if it was me I go to a shower once per three months (my wife although is more insistent though), same for changing shirts,underwear, I really do not care how other people think, Outsode image I really do not care (I have hardly any teeth, and all of them which are there are dead (so no pain).        -@cdw057

Oh, I wasn't picking on you personally, not at all.

I know so many money minded people who care more about how they appear from the outside then the inside.

I no longer wish to be in such society.

Yes, I'd have a huge issue if my husband refused to shower, change his undies etc.

As it is I almost have to tie him down to do a bit of basic detail grooming on him.

He hates it when I start on his eyebrows...

I am very much into my outward appearance although I do leave the house these days without much makeup on. I know it's all silly and vainty but as a female I know people tend to judge a book by it's cover.

Plus I worked in the beauty industry for so long that it's second nature to me to spend a few mins on what I look like.

I am vain but not as bad as I used to be.

Losing some hair off my head ( thankfully never went bald) and losing hair all over my entire body with medication gave me a different way of seeing things.

I am back almost to my normal self outwardly but inside I have changed.

I lost over 18lbs and was so thin and weak looking that my looks were the last thing on my mind for months.

No one now would guess I was ever that ill, of course in reality no one really looks deeply at anyone else, they are to into themselves.

One of the most fun times I ever had was hitching rides with a friend from LA,Ca. to SF, Ca.

Between the two of us we had a total of 4 US cents .

We got rides from strangers who invited us to meals. They were bored drivers who needed to chat n a long ride.

Many adventures are to be had for free.

Of course if the banks closed tomorrow and we no longer had access to our funds, it wouldn't be a nice feeling.

I'm not above needing money to live. Just not the center of my world. Maybe I am too much of a first world person who never went without a meal because of cost? I'm sure if you spoke to a starving person they would have a different way of seeing the world.

I know I'm really not s much into buying things for myself like I used to be.

In fact it seems like a waste to buy so many material things.

I was silly and watched far too much negative U tube last night.

First a movie about a nuke attack worldwide. Even the hero died in the end...

Then I watched a 2 part documentary about a German WW11 tank commader who wrote a blow by blow dairy.

He was in the Russian front, super depressing .

    In a lot of cases, expats are financially better off than the citizens in the country they are living in.         -@SimCityAT

You're right aboout that.

Even foriegn students find it cheaper to attend uni here then back in ther homeland.

I think that may be the no.one reason most expats moved to Hungary in the first palce.

I know in our case it was.

Why not retire early?

We personally know many ex-pats in Hungary that are pretty well off here.

They however are Hungarian/Americans.

Most brought their money over here with them. Combined whatever enheritance they got from family and have a cushy life here.

We only know one women who got super, super wealthy in Hungary and later became a US citizen too.

She married an ex-frriend of my husband. He's known this guy since they were 17 or younger in Budapest.

The guy had a way of hooking up with well off women over all these years. Drove a Ferrari in Honolulu and married an older  HU lady over there.

Now he is on wife no. 3 and hit the gold mine.

His current wives ex-husband and she got rich with her fathers help back when the changes came here. They invested in retail. office buildings etc.

Haven't see this guy for a long while. Last he invited us to a July 4th party. I know he only wanted us there as ,"token" Americans.

No thanks, not going to a dog and pony show to be examined.

To think years ago my husband let this guy sleep on the floor in his apt. because he was without money or a place to stay.

I suppose in his day, he was a decent looking guy with blonde hair and lots of charm.

Have to feel a bit sorry for him though. Last photos his skin was pulled so tight from facelifts he looked like it would rip off any moment.

We've heard of trophy wives, he is a trophy husband.

        Money is just means to buy some comfort, not too much needed, but some is needed.I am not a millionaire (not at all), but I go to a restaurant, buy tabasco, whisky, cigarettes,I am not at allinterested in outside image, if it was me I go to a shower once per three months (my wife although is more insistent though), same for changing shirts,underwear, I really do not care how other people think, Outsode image I really do not care (I have hardly any teeth, and all of them which are there are dead (so no pain).        -@cdw057

Yes, I'd have a huge issue if my husband refused to shower, change his undies etc.
As it is I almost have to tie him down to do a bit of basic detail grooming on him.
He hates it when I start on his eyebrows...
I am very much into my outward appearance although I do leave the house these days without much makeup on. I know it's all silly and vainty but as a female I know people tend to judge a book by it's cover.
Plus I worked in the beauty industry for so long that it's second nature to me to spend a few mins on what I look like.
I am vain but not as bad as I used to be.
Losing some hair off my head ( thankfully never went bald) and losing hair all over my entire body with medication gave me a different way of seeing things.
    -@Marilyn Tassy

Not washing is not good for you and others nearby.  In the military, basic hygiene is taught to GRUNTs because some people literally don't know what soap is or even how to take care of themselves. Who doesn't know how to clean their teeth?  Unbelievably, some people do not.   And getting smashed each day, no way anyone could survive military life. It can be non-stop during deployments.

And there are no Mums ironing your clothes or cleaning/polishing your shoes.  You of course are the only one who suffers when you don't turn out for parade correctly attired and presented. If you don't wash it risks disease and therefore disrupts the ability to fight effectively. 

And as for eyebrows, this seems to come with the territory of age.  It also includes nasal hair and ear hair.   One has to wonder what the purpose is of hair  appearing in your ears? Or bushy eyebrows even?  Nasal hair, I can get as it's like a filter for dust and muck.  Despite keeping on top of that I've started to look like I've been roughed up with sandpaper or fried by UV and elasticity is declining all over and looking a bit "hang dog" with droopy bits.

Overall, I think I look younger perhaps than my age.  I'm 63,  I said to my colleague, I think I look younger than my age and the charmer said you don't look a day over 62.5!   Tut-tut some people.

I didn't want to mention nose and ear hair, but I let my husband take care of his nose buisness, yikes... ( Have to be careful to not infect that area, very sensitive)

I pull out my tweasers ,when he sees them he runs for his ear trimming machine.

I usually give him a quick trim on the length when I get him to sit long enough for a haircut.

I'm an ex-hairdresser who spent allot of time doing some barbering work, no razor shaves but lots of trims on beards, etc.

In the US only a licensed barber can use a straight razor for a shave, cosmotologist like myself aren't legaly able to pull out the razor for a face shave.

I'd be a bit afriad these days with my eyesight to start doing that now!

In barber school they learn by shaving a ballon. I can imagine all the popping that went on!

Even with having a hairdresser in the house, my husband has to be talked into sitting long enough for a cut every 3 weeks or so.

I tell him a well groomed man gets a cut once a week at least. Really it depends on the haircut.

Those razor short cuts need to be trimmed really often to look fresh.

I notice the younger men here are really into the short cuts now. They were popular in the US a long while ago.

Not sure what's up over there now.

My son never was into those short razor cuts. He wore a flat top when he was under age 10.

I took him to a old time barber just because kids hate sitting still for mom, even if she can do the job herself.

I went for a cut a couple weeks back with a new hairdresser.

She told me she had 50 years experience. IDK, she seemed to get her nose in a twist when I asked for a mirror when she was finished and I pointed out a few stay hairs she needd to remove.... When I got home i still needed to pull out my shears and take of a few strays.

Man, no longer getting a Sassoon cut over here. It's a curse to know how to cut but can't get anyone to do it for me and my arms just don't work backwards in a mirror to do the job myself. My friend cuts her own hair and it always looks neat. Not sure how she does it but she isn't in Hungary so I have to take my chances with new hairdressers here.

I've been through at least a dozen different ones and I don't think I am overly fussy.

Just like to shake my head and have my hair fall into place without trying to force stay hairs into places they don't want to fall into.

I know what the issue is, people are lazy to spend the extra 5 mins on double checking the cut once it's done , an overall dry cut at the end.

Well, it's all too  much for a lay person to understand but a real hairdresser would know what to do if they cared.

I got spoiled being a hairmodel for a few salons my friend worked in. He was the artistic director for Carltons' Hair international and later became the head of the barbering board for the state of Ca. 5 years running. Arnold Swatzenagger( butchered his name) appointed him when he was the gov. of Ca.

He used to cut Pat Benatars hair when she wore it short and cute in the 80's.

He would cut my hiar and my sisters before giving Pat a new look. We, my sister mostly looked allot like Pat in the face so we were perfect practice models for her.

Oh, how the mightly have fallen... Now I have to beg for a mirror!

So many stories on so or so much divorce of husbands or wifes, in my view if you are married you make a commitment, at the start there is love and probably sex; afterwards you should and will be become trusted friends. Marriage is for life, if you like it or not!!

    So many stories on so or so much divorce of husbands or wifes, in my view if you are married you make a commitment, at the start there is love and probably sex; afterwards you should and will be become trusted friends. Marriage is for life, if you like it or not!!-@cdw057

Obviously not because people get divorced and go their separate ways.   

Sometimes, it's the best outcome for everyone.

I'm an ex-hairdresser who spent allot of time doing some barbering work, no razor shaves but lots of trims on beards, etc.
In the US only a licensed barber can use a straight razor for a shave, cosmotologist like myself aren't legaly able to pull out the razor for a face shave.
I'd be a bit afraid these days with my eyesight to start doing that now!
In barber school they learn by shaving a balloon. I can imagine all the popping that went on!
Even with having a hairdresser in the house, my husband has to be talked into sitting long enough for a cut every 3 weeks or so.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

I am surprised about the idea of licensing barbers.  But why would anyone want to use a cutthroat razor anyway?  Even safety razors are quite dangerous. 

One of my grandfathers was a barber. I think he has one style, short back and sides. I don't think he knew anything else - one of the old school barbers. I don't know if he had a red/white pole outside the shop.  My grandmother became a hairdresser and was really the boss of the whole thing. I suppose they made enough money as they owned property. They were definitely middle class or aspiring to be.