Absolutely Anything Else

                We have a store called Action here, and we can pick up Kettle Chips and Hellmann's Mayonnaise for half the price of what we would pay in the UK        -@SimCityATYay - a Dutch multinational discount chain, like their version of Aldi/Lidl; we use it all the time when we are back there.        -@CynicAldi/Lidl/Hoffer are supermarkets so nothing like Action. Action is more like Woolworths which is expanding across Europe.         -@SimCityAT

Aldi and Lidl here middle-isles are expanding at an ever-increasing rate - 4 at our local and they are building extensions to sell even more non-food.


Down at Balaton (big lake used as summer holiday place), the local Aldi puts up a tent outside with all the non-food.  Like blow up animals, BBQ materials, gardening tools etc. 

There's a rumour Woolworths might return to the UK.  It was on a news site (might have been the BBC).

It's a bit like Starbucks.  An Aldi on every corner.  Simpsons did a parody of it.

Well, my trusty old laptop went Kaput.

Going to miss the English keyboard.

Have to learn this HU one.

Still not sure where all the hidden keys and symbols are.

I keep holding out for our next trip to buy a new one with English letters. In the mean time...

I can now add yet one more broken computer to our collection.

I am deeply sorry Mr. Fluffy to hear the latest on your MIL. It is not easy to see ones parent going down and not being able to help them get better.

On the topic of FACTA tax on US SS. We finally got over to the tax office on Dob. Utca and asked some questions.  Well ,my husband did the asking.

We are fine, no tax on US SS income here in  Hungary!

They admitted they still do not know all the info about the tax treaty changes but SS is clear. That is really all we wanted to know for now.

Our son BTW had a nice birthday, thanks for asking. We sang him the old Happy Birthday song over the internet. Time is moving so fast.

His wife took the day off of work to hang with him.

We remembered when he was born and silly young me asked, so what will he be, a doctor or a lawyer.

We never imagined he would become a house husband in Japan!

It is all good. As long as people are happy and healthy nothing else really is that important. Yes, I am like an old dog learning a new trick with this keyboard... Better get going before I hit the wrong key and find myself in another mess.

Everyone have a nice weekend.

    Well, my trusty old laptop went Kaput.
Going to miss the English keyboard.
Have to learn this HU one.
Still not sure where all the hidden keys and symbols are.
I keep holding out for our next trip to buy a new one with English letters. In the mean time...
I can now add yet one more broken computer to our collection.
I am deeply sorry Mr. Fluffy to hear the latest on your MIL. It is not easy to see ones parent going down and not being able to help them get better.

On the topic of FACTA tax on US SS. We finally got over to the tax office on Dob. Utca and asked some questions.  Well ,my husband did the asking.
We are fine, no tax on US SS income here in  Hungary!
They admitted they still do not know all the info about the tax treaty changes but SS is clear. That is really all we wanted to know for now.
Our son BTW had a nice birthday, thanks for asking. We sang him the old Happy Birthday song over the internet. Time is moving so fast.
His wife took the day off of work to hang with him.
We remembered when he was born and silly young me asked, so what will he be, a doctor or a lawyer.
We never imagined he would become a house husband in Japan!
It is all good. As long as people are happy and healthy nothing else really is that important. Yes, I am like an old dog learning a new trick with this keyboard... Better get going before I hit the wrong key and find myself in another mess.
Everyone have a nice weekend.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

You can go to Austria and have a German keyboard, just like an English one but with a few new ones. Very easy to pick up.

@Marilyn Tassy

Or get yourself a tablet, they are cheap enough and you can set whatever language/country you want.

    @Marilyn Tassy
Or get yourself a tablet, they are cheap enough and you can set whatever language/country you want.


If you don't really want to walk around with the laptop, it's easier just buy a separate American KB and plug it in the USB port.  They are easily available here in Hungary - I know they are around because I've ordered a British KB and they gave me a US one which was given back immediately.    They didn't know they were different. They should have known given it was one of the well known suppliers here.

The physical KB is nothing to do with what it types.  What appears on the screen is set in the KB settings in Windows (for example). It's no problem.  If you can type without looking at the KB, it's really no problem at all to use a foreign KB whatever is written on the top of  the actual buttons.

I am deeply sorry Mr. Fluffy to hear the latest on your MIL. It is not easy to see ones parent going down and not being able to help them get better...........................On the topic of FACTA tax on US SS. We finally got over to the tax office on Dob. Utca and asked some questions.  Well ,my husband did the asking.We are fine, no tax on US SS income here in  Hungary!They admitted they still do not know all the info about the tax treaty changes but SS is clear. That is really all we wanted to know for now.Our son BTW had a nice birthday, thanks for asking. We sang him the old Happy Birthday song over the internet. Time is moving so fast.His wife took the day off of work to hang with him.We remembered when he was born and silly young me asked, so what will he be, a doctor or a lawyer.We never imagined he would become a house husband in Japan!It is all good. As long as people are happy and healthy nothing else really is that important. Yes, I am like an old dog learning a new trick with this keyboard... Better get going before I hit the wrong key and find myself in another mess.Everyone have a nice weekend.        -@Marilyn Tassy

Yes, the MIL is losing the plot daily but it waxes and wanes depending.  There's something called sundowning which we may or may not be experiencing. Essentially the dementia sufferer changes in evenings - agitation and lack of reasonableness and wanting to leave where they are.   Not really much we can do about it.  In care homes, they have coded door locks to stop them escaping or wandering off. 

Anythjng with numbers and keys confuses them - like  getting the phone and TV remote control mixed up.

Good to know HU and USA won't be after you for FACTA.  One of only a few countries to have such policies.   

I hope your son had a cake for his birthday!

        @Marilyn TassyOr get yourself a tablet, they are cheap enough and you can set whatever language/country you want.        -@SimCityAT

If you don't really want to walk around with the laptop, it's easier just buy a separate American KB and plug it in the USB port.  They are easily available here in Hungary - I know they are around because I've ordered a British KB and they gave me a US one which was given back immediately.    They didn't know they were different. They should have known given it was one of the well known suppliers here.

The physical KB is nothing to do with what it types.  What appears on the screen is set in the KB settings in Windows (for example). It's no problem.  If you can type without looking at the KB, it's really no problem at all to use a foreign KB whatever is written on the top of  the actual buttons.


My laptop was bought in Austria and has an Austrian/German keyboard. But all the software is in English.

But I need the German letters so works for me and after 15 years I'm used to having the layout, I have trouble using the UK layout now.

    Well, my trusty old laptop went Kaput.
Going to miss the English keyboard.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

I had "kaput" 2 laptops recently, one still new with a promised guarantee: will see how effective ASUS repair is.

So ASUS and ACER both defunct in rather short time - probably it is about modern quality or lack of it, anno ASUS was a very good brand.

So ASUS and ACER both defunct in rather short time - probably it is about modern quality or lack of it, anno ASUS was a very good brand.


Both are still in production.

    So ASUS and ACER both defunct in rather short time - probably it is about modern quality or lack of it, anno ASUS was a very good brand.         -@sjbabilon5Both are still in production.         -@SimCityAT

Yup, Acer and Asus are still going. 

I've got several personal laptops in current operation. A Samsung, a Sony VAIO (now Lenovo) and Alienware (now Dell).    Mrs F and the kids have Dell laptops.   Mrs F has her work laptop as well.  One of the kids has a flashy games desktop  with a super fancy graphics card for first person shooter games like Counter Strike.

The best made machine I have is the Alienware but it is punishingly heavy.  It's almost unusable due to the weight and size but it's lightning fast and super powerful.    The only way to travel with it is with a wheelie bag in Business Class as it's so heavy, there's not enough baggage allowance for Economy.  So it stays at home all the time. 

I use the Sony VAIO mainly.  I've upgraded memory and disk, replaced the keyboard multiple times (Ebay is useful).  I've extended its life on multiple occasions. It's on its last legs really - camera doesn't work, USB ports are dodgy, it complains about the battery all the time.   I don't want to waste money on it further.

All machines we have are secondhand except the Counter Strike machine. I do my own repairs and upgrades so I buy low configured but high spec secondhand machines and do upgrades myself.  Mostly all you can do is double the memory and replace the disk drive with a SSD (solid state disk).   Rarely the processor can be swapped to a higher spec one - on laptops that's unusual.  Desktops much easier. 

Day to day I use the Sony which has taken an inordinate amount of abuse over a few years.   

There was eMachines which was a subsidiary of Acer. That is no longer going, 1 of my first computers was an eMachine. Gawd, that must be like 30 years ago?

    There was eMachines which was a subsidiary of Acer. That is no longer going, 1 of my first computers was an eMachine. Gawd, that must be like 30 years ago?        -@SimCityAT

Ah yes, I remember them.  I don't think they really went anywhere.  There's been so much consolidation these days. 

I was very annoyed when Lenovo took Sony laptops over as they wouldn't put so much effort into support.  My daily machine is so old now, I'm having trouble getting software for the hardware.  It's one reason I avoid Windows 11 (which is totally annoyingly crap).  I'm sticking with Windows 10 for as long as possible.

Dell is THE powerhouse.  Their stuff is solid but very proprietary in the early days.  Hard to swap bits around.  I maintain piles of old stuff as some of it can be reused.   

But right now I'm seriously thinking of getting another Dell Alienware.  Pricey as hell but should last at least 5 years but I'll have  to look for a much lighter, smaller but solid model.  The current Alienware at Fluffy Towers is murder to carry.  It uses odd power adaptors too - size of real bricks. I had to make a special trip to Conrad (yes, the electronics shop in Austria/Germany) to buy some bits for it.    I've been trying to palm it off onto our eldest kid on the grounds it can be used for video editing projects.  Not fallen for it so far!


The problem is even PC is around the same price in the end as laptops nowdays.

A few years back there were far more difference.

Also that is a matter of laught when ASUS centre dont know exactly what sort of internals are in a sub-serie, just with special unique serial number, so that means put something into the same series what they can grab. 1f632.svg

For clearnet I do still use a very old HP with secured win7 a some 10 years old laptop which constantly want to update java to a post 2015 version to make work the new ad/ tracking skills of new sites.

Bozth with pc and notebooks I have problems on the design level: modern motherboards are bad, as does the lack of laptops with proper dvd drive + hdd combo - recent notebooks are all about SSD, no internal dvd and low quality plastics. I would prefer more if a 17.3 laptop is + 1.5 kg, but more durable witjh proper drives.

The problem is even PC is around the same price in the end as laptops nowdays.
A few years back there were far more difference.

Also that is a matter of laught when ASUS centre dont know exactly what sort of internals are in a sub-serie, just with special unique serial number, so that means put something into the same series what they can grab. 1f632.svg
For clearnet I do still use a very old HP with secured win7 a some 10 years old laptop which constantly want to update java to a post 2015 version to make work the new ad/ tracking skills of new sites.

Bozth with pc and notebooks I have problems on the design level: modern motherboards are bad, as does the lack of laptops with proper dvd drive + hdd combo - recent notebooks are all about SSD, no internal dvd and low quality plastics. I would prefer more if a 17.3 laptop is + 1.5 kg, but more durable witjh proper drives.


My Alienware doesn't have any peripherals like DVD drive and it still weighs about 5kg. If you add in the power bricks (yes, there are two), it's about 7 or 8 kg.  Too much for hand luggage.  No way to put the machine in checked luggage as it's got a Lithium Ion battery in it.  It's also too big for my "office" backpack.  I should have thought about that when I bought it.  Oh well.

I have a portable USB DVD player/writer I can attach if I really have to do that but who uses CDs/DVDs anymore?  Everything is memory  stick  or download now and yay for that.  Internal drives are really a different format of SSD - the M.2 NVMe style.  I use those in the Alienware and 2.5" SSDs in the others.  We've pretty much abandoned all use of rotating disks now except on a server we run for backup storage.  I am also using online storage as backup.


What I really complain about is the lack of an Ethernet port on latest physical models. I want to plug in and I want to turn off the WiFi.  But they've stopped putting them in.  I'm avoiding machines without a network socket. 

If you want to know what's in your machine, download the SIS Sandra software (it's free for basic use) and you can find out everything about the configuration.  I use it quite a lot to check out compatibility for upgrades.

Well I do prefer DVD + HDD not SSD.

Prev. laptop was chosen for that spec. even when get it for the same price which then would give a 2X stronger GPU in notebook.

Most of my machines are offline only, so prefer solid discs.

Some are USB OS - which does not access any of the drives.

"If you want to know what's in your machine, download the SIS Sandra software "

That was a question during OS install when it turned out needs a limited install, because only after was possible to install the driver for the (unknown) wifi using ethernet.

    Well I do prefer DVD + HDD not SSD.
Prev. laptop was chosen for that spec. even when get it for the same price which then would give a 2X stronger GPU in notebook.
Most of my machines are offline only, so prefer solid discs.
Some are USB OS - which does not access any of the drives.
"If you want to know what's in your machine, download the SIS Sandra software "
That was a question during OS install when it turned out needs a limited install, because only after was possible to install the driver for the (unknown) wifi using ethernet.


I used to have a DVD in my Sony but I took it out and replaced it with a carrier for an 2.5" SSD.  Not missed the DVD drive at all.  One of the biggest problems I face is doing the backups. I have 3TB in my Sony and 3TB in the Alienware.  I hardly delete anything.  I rarely delete my e-mails.  To save space, I compress using 7Zip and copy on to an remote drive service.

Rotating disks are so SLOOOOWWww.....like watching paint dry.  Takes all night to do a backup even over Gigabit network or fast USB.  And takes ages to boot up too.

Anyway, you've answered the question yourself - run Sandra from a USB stick.  It will tell you nearly everything you need to know in great detail.  Far more detail than you probably will ever need.   

As for the WiFi, just download the drivers onto a USB stick and install from there if the machine is not connected to a network.    Or just skip those drivers and load them afterwards. All the main manufacturers provide downloadable drivers so it's easy to do.

My ASUS doesn't have a CD/DVD drive. I really don't miss them. I just use my USB drives and  if its music, pics or the odd film I play it on my TV. I have an Email address for Expat.com, which I delete from time to time but then I have my personal email address for official work, w also have a shared cloud account we can store stuff to.

When Im out and about I use my mobile as hotspot I have unlimited data on it. I usually just have my tablet and its just to read the news.

    My ASUS doesn't have a CD/DVD drive. I really don't miss them. I just use my USB drives and  if its music, pics or the odd film I play it on my TV. I have an Email address for Expat.com, which I delete from time to time but then I have my personal email address for official work, w also have a shared cloud account we can store stuff to.When Im out and about I use my mobile as hotspot I have unlimited data on it. I usually just have my tablet and its just to read the news.        -@SimCityAT

Yes, CD/DVD is now "old hat".   Amazing how the streaming services have just about killed that market stone dead.   It was useful to store data on but even that's almost gone.  I sometimes get given CDs and usually I groan when they do it and I ask, why not put it on a memory stick.  Some people stuck in the past.

Memory sticks and cards are now way beyond that technology for storage.  I've got a CD player in my hobby car but the newest car doesn't have one.

If you need to play some of your own music, it's either Bluetooth or memory stick.  The car recognises who gets in and automatically starts playing music off the phone.  That's actually really annoying but I've not found out how to stop it.

My phone currently has enough storage to store maybe  50 HD movies - or even more if I changed out the memory card.

I'm clearing out my Dad's place stuff in a few weeks - DVD and CD player included. I doubt I could even give them away.

The big grocery stores here still sell DVDs; they even have a chart for enthusiasts to drool over.  I have a library of ours in my office at home; apart from the ones I used to use for training/audits; I don't think I've opened one for years.

Music-wise, I transferred all our vinyl, cassette music and VHS stuff to digital many years ago; it now all sits in the attic, where, as the Dutch say, it doesn't eat any bread.  What I transferred now all sits in the cloud and I have downloaded it to my phone; I also have a backup on a memory stick and an SD card that I keep in the safe.  I also have my old Hitachi tower music centre up in the attic, something I bought tax-free 30-odd years ago and it still works, well it did when I packed it away.

    The big grocery stores here still sell DVDs; they even have a chart for enthusiasts to drool over.  I have a library of ours in my office at home; apart from the ones I used to use for training/audits; I don't think I've opened one for years.
Music-wise, I transferred all our vinyl, cassette music and VHS stuff to digital many years ago; it now all sits in the attic, where, as the Dutch say, it doesn't eat any bread.  What I transferred now all sits in the cloud and I have downloaded it to my phone; I also have a backup on a memory stick and an SD card that I keep in the safe.  I also have my old Hitachi tower music centre up in the attic, something I bought tax-free 30-odd years ago and it still works, well it did when I packed it away.


I ripped all my music from my CD collection into .mp3 files. I had about 200 CDs,  And it was all reduced to fitting on one memory stick. Bit of a shocker.  I haven't digitised the vinyl or cassettes - no player for them any more. I suppose I could buy one but meh, not bovvered.   The French call cassettes K7s (K-Sept), un joke Francais perhaps.  My Dad used to have an 8-track in his car.  How bonkers does that seem now!  Who wants to go back to that craziness.

IDK, I have fond memories of driving a VW van and popping in the old 8 track!

Of course being 18 might have more to do with the fond memories then actually using an 8 track.

I have many vinyl LPs in storage. I wonder if they are worth anything to a collector.

We bought both an Acer and Asus here in Hungary.

Sort of flimsy laptops but they served their purpose.

I just e mail and mess around online, nothing like using a laptop for working with.

My broken laptop was brought over by my cousin from the states over 9 years ago.

I asked her to pick one up for me and repaid her when we met in Poland.

I should of asked my other cousin to bring me a ,care package when he visited Hungary. Hate to impose on people but he is fam.

My husband has found some online HU place that sells used laptops for reasonable.

Thinking of maybe checking them out.

Saw a couple English ones on FB but they sold right away .Too late to the party once again.

I wonder if anyone has heard from CWD057. No comments from his way for awhile.

I know he was not feeling too great .Or maybe he just got tired of us all,IDK.

The weather is started to get nice,really should start spending more time outdoors.

It is so easy to hibernate when it is cold outdoors.

    IDK, I have fond memories of driving a VW van and popping in the old 8 track!
Of course being 18 might have more to do with the fond memories then actually using an 8 track.
I have many vinyl LPs in storage. I wonder if they are worth anything to a collector.
We bought both an Acer and Asus here in Hungary.
Sort of flimsy laptops but they served their purpose.
I just e mail and mess around online, nothing like using a laptop for working with.
My broken laptop was brought over by my cousin from the states over 9 years ago.
I asked her to pick one up for me and repaid her when we met in Poland.
I should of asked my other cousin to bring me a ,care package when he visited Hungary. Hate to impose on people but he is fam.
My husband has found some online HU place that sells used laptops for reasonable.
Thinking of maybe checking them out.
Saw a couple English ones on FB but they sold right away .Too late to the party once again.

I wonder if anyone has heard from CWD057. No comments from his way for awhile.
I know he was not feeling too great .Or maybe he just got tired of us all,IDK.

The weather is started to get nice,really should start spending more time outdoors.
It is so easy to hibernate when it is cold outdoors.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Vinyl is quite sensitive to heat.  If warps, it's had it, only good for plant pot holder.   

But I do like the artwork used for albums.  Some simple (think Dark Side of the Moon) and some complicated (think Sgt Pepper album). 

8-Track, awful system. Hard to believe anyone used those giant cartridges.  It's a sign of authenticity in a movie set in the 70s when someone has an 8-track in their car.  I notice continuity mistakes all the time. I think sometimes the directors don't care.  I saw one TV show recently, set in the 1990s, where they had LCD information screens in the lobby of a police station.  No way they would have  had that back then.

And 18! A different life.  If only knew then what I know now.  I would tell my younger self to follow a different path.

Not heard anything from out Dutch contributor.  Maybe he'll pop up again soon enough.  I was concerned about some of the things he was posting.

I am pleased to see the weather turning.  About time!  When it gets over about 15C I will have to think about working under the car on some things that need doing.  And there's always more gardening over (at the MIL's place).

I'm having to work far away this week and next week so not likely to be posting as much as I usually do.

Safe travels!

You should write a book on packing .

I am sure you must be an expert packer by now!

I would now pack light and purchase anything needed at my destination.

Hope CDW057 is OK. If the King of England can get ill then the rest of us can go at any time.

I had a feeling his reign wouldn't last long...

Have a feeling he will step down and heal .

Spend his time perhaps as an advisor to his son who will take over royal duties.

My husband said he should go to his village in Romania where it is peaceful and the air is better.

He really was too old to take on such a job to begin with.

I read that the American country singer, Toby Keith died yesterday from stomach cancer.

Never really followed him but I know he played often in Las Vegas and had some catchy country tunes.

A long 2 year battle for him. That's about average for late stage cancers, 6 months to 3 years.

Not that I am an expert, no one wants to be an expert in cancer!

The weather is starting to get nice. We once again had a light winter overall here.

Took a walk yesterday but the air was so thick with chemtrails and smoke. Looked up and noticed they were spraying like crazy.

I am convinced they are killing us with the spray but it is hard to get people to look up and notice. Most are walking with their heads down checking out the phones.

My brother who was an airline mechanic did not believe in chemtrails, IDK he always said it was just jet vapor. He must of been breathing a bit too much vapors with his years at his job plus a few years of repairing jets for the USAF. I am convinced now that his job contributed to his cancer and killed him.

Speaking of vapors... IDK, my friend in AZ cracks me up . She is on gummies day and night plus her regular smoke times. I had no idea they sell gummies for day time use or night time use.

She quit drinking wine  well, not drinking very often. I suppose with all those gummies there is no need for a drink of wine.

Those gummies overall are much less expensive then wine too. Surprise to me.

They even have sale days on them in Vegas.

Hi, All.  Interesting topics and ideas being thrown around.  But no one seems to have mentioned the fact that Orban is more than cozy with Russia despite the Ukraine "training exercises" now going on for almost 2 years. Also, PM Orban has been cozying up to China and their lucrative business propositions and thus, this too could be the discord between Hungary and the Biden administration.  The situation in Hungary is a bit more complex than the U.S. southern border situation.  Just calling out the elephant in the room.  Follow the money...  Bottom line, the quotation at the foot of the Statue of Liberty died after Eisenhower (a Republican, I might add) permitted ten of thousands of Hungarians in 1956, WITHOUT ANY PAPERS, like my parents, and created papers for them.   @ljcooke

There's quite a lot of things going on this year politically.  I wonder if there's a ramp up in stories now because of the elections in important places. 

Some quick notes/round up that caught my eye:

I saw today Orban is being sued by the European Commission over his plans to prosecute anyone saying bad or negative things about Hungary via his new quango.  That's going to be hard to police and could even put the kibosh on posting anything anti-Hungarian government in these forums or any other social media. Be a chilling effect.  It could be Orban meets his EU end over this one as it seems to me HU as a country has to leave the EU if the electrorate continue to support OV as PM.

I saw Biden fumble over the name of Hamas etc.   Makes you wonder.  Everyone has senior moments so maybe it should be expected but maybe he should retire.  But I'm not an American so I've no say and I wouldn't choose the other guy anyway.

Trump loses his immunity case.  Wonder if SCOTUS will take it up. I am thinking no, they won't which leads to the Teflon Don being prosecuted for insurrection.  But will they criminally prosecute and actually exclude him from the ballot?  I think they will quickly do it as it would only lead to uncertainty.   Would that mean Nikki Haley being the GOP candidate by default?

UK PM puts his foot in it over murdered trans teenager, killed by two 16 year olds but trying to use a trans "joke" in PMQs (Prime Minister's Questions) when the victim's mother was in the public gallery.  How insensitive of the PM.  And no apology either.

Tucker Carlson interviews Putin in Moscow.  What would be the point of watching the interview? Putin's people will be editing it their way and Carlson's just an attention seeking shill.  Shame he won't stay there forever.

    Safe travels!
You should write a book on packing .
I am sure you must be an expert packer by now!
I would now pack light and purchase anything needed at my destination.
Hope CDW057 is OK. If the King of England can get ill then the rest of us can go at any time.
I had a feeling his reign wouldn't last long...
Have a feeling he will step down and heal .
Spend his time perhaps as an advisor to his son who will take over royal duties.
My husband said he should go to his village in Romania where it is peaceful and the air is better.
He really was too old to take on such a job to begin with.
I read that the American country singer, Toby Keith died yesterday from stomach cancer.
Never really followed him but I know he played often in Las Vegas and had some catchy country tunes.
A long 2 year battle for him. That's about average for late stage cancers, 6 months to 3 years.
Not that I am an expert, no one wants to be an expert in cancer!
The weather is starting to get nice. We once again had a light winter overall here.
Took a walk yesterday but the air was so thick with chemtrails and smoke. Looked up and noticed they were spraying like crazy.
I am convinced they are killing us with the spray but it is hard to get people to look up and notice. Most are walking with their heads down checking out the phones.
My brother who was an airline mechanic did not believe in chemtrails, IDK he always said it was just jet vapor. He must of been breathing a bit too much vapors with his years at his job plus a few years of repairing jets for the USAF. I am convinced now that his job contributed to his cancer and killed him.
Speaking of vapors... IDK, my friend in AZ cracks me up . She is on gummies day and night plus her regular smoke times. I had no idea they sell gummies for day time use or night time use.
She quit drinking wine  well, not drinking very often. I suppose with all those gummies there is no need for a drink of wine.
Those gummies overall are much less expensive then wine too. Surprise to me.
They even have sale days on them in Vegas.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

I'm the worst person to advise on packing.   I'd take everything including the kitchen sink if I could.  I'm a serial hoarder of rubbish. I find it hard to throw anything away.  It's probably some kind of OCD but I'm not throwing that term around, I'm relatively serious.  I always want to keep stuff just in case but in case of what? Obviously irrational!

Yes, it was sad to hear the King (the British one, not Elvis) has cancer but I don't think it's truly serious.  If it's bladder cancer they'll wash his bladder out with a special chemical mixture and that could in fact cure it completely.   It's not unusual to have prostate problems at his age - he's 75.  He could go on another 20 years or just a few years more depending on severity.   

Makes you wonder if it's time to think about dissolving the Royal Family.  I used to be very anti-Royal, then I realised the Queen was a special case holding the country together and had always been Queen since I was a child.  But now I'm beginning to think it's just looking silly now. 

On the other hand, if we had an elected President we could end up with people like Trump or the Polish President disturbing everyone.  Queen Liz had at least a sense of decorum.

To be honest, I'd never heard of Toby Keith.  So I won't be missing him in  a hurry.

Chemtrails are a fiction.  Your bro was right, it's just condensation/water vapour.   Have you ever seen the movie "They Live"?   Worth a look. Maybe that's what they are doing with "chemtrails", turning us all in to zombies within the Matrix. Life is getting pretty weird so maybe it really is a simulation.

Since I did wood chopping I need some gummies too.  I might be able to get some sleep due to my bad back.  I've never understood how the Feds can chase people for hash but the state governments have legalised it.  So what happens? Light a spliff outside FBI HQ in LV, they'll cuff you but down at Police Plaza, no problem. Err...not sure how that works.


Tucker Carlson is against the support for the war in Ukraine. The  war needs to end and only communication would achieve that.

Tucker Carlson is against the support for the war in Ukraine. The  war needs to end and only communication would achieve that.


Nah, for Carlson, it's just self-serving.  Carlson needs to earn money and the only way he can get anyone's attention is to deal with controversy.  No-one over here cares about him.  He's not on TV and no-one follows him.  It's effectively a US based Trumpist nonsense agenda. 

It's all very well that lot cosying  up to Putin, all the neighbours of Ukraine and all the Baltics will be the ones living next door to the bear if Ukraine fell.  And no doubt we'd be on the list to join the new Soviet empire with Orban becoming the new puppet Lukaschenko.   

I can see the way it's going - Orban's latest wheeze is to ban criticism of Hungary and use instruments of state security to quash dissent.  That's dictatorship playbook 101.    It's an existential threat to the EU and European solidarity to tolerate that.   

It's so far against the norms of EU membership, if Orban, his cronies and the population insist, then Hungary will have leave the EU.  At some point, there's going to be a referendum on membership which is really a referendum on OV remaining in power permanently. That's really what it's about. 

Polls show 80% in favour of EU membership, so we'll see if the population believe in OV that much.   

My friend mentioned that she has been taking gummies for so long that she no longer gets high from them!

It is legal in NV and I think they have a health card thing to buy them.

No, way is it worth it here, no one wants to sit in a HU cell!

My husband spent a good 2 or 3 months in a cell before his court date and being proven innocent.

Some stupid girl went off with one of my hubbies friends and my husband happened to be passed out cold on the sofa when she hooked up with is friend. She later regreted it because the guy was not interested in seeing her again so she pulled one of those, fake accusations on the two of them.

My husband was picked up at his job without knowing what for.

So embarrassing that my husband had a verbal fight with his step dad and moved out.

In a way I should thank that lying B@@@@ because he never would of left HU if not for her lies.

I still tell my husband after over 55 years that if we ever run into her on the st. he should point her out to me and I will finish her off. Just kidding, she probably is pushing daisies these days.

It changed the way my husband saw women after that. He used to think they all were angles...

Our neighbor dislikes OV but votes for him all the time. She said he is the better of the two.

        @fluffy2560Tucker Carlson is against the support for the war in Ukraine. The  war needs to end and only communication would achieve that.         -@angelarobbins

Nah, for Carlson, it's just self-serving.  Carlson needs to earn money and the only way he can get anyone's attention is to deal with controversy.  No-one over here cares about him.  He's not on TV and no-one follows him.  It's effectively a US based Trumpist nonsense agenda. 

It's all very well that lot cosying  up to Putin, all the neighbours of Ukraine and all the Baltics will be the ones living next door to the bear if Ukraine fell.  And no doubt we'd be on the list to join the new Soviet empire with Orban becoming the new puppet Lukaschenko.   

I can see the way it's going - Orban's latest wheeze is to ban criticism of Hungary and use instruments of state security to quash dissent.  That's dictatorship playbook 101.    It's an existential threat to the EU and European solidarity to tolerate that.   

It's so far against the norms of EU membership, if Orban, his cronies and the population insist, then Hungary will have leave the EU.  At some point, there's going to be a referendum on membership which is really a referendum on OV remaining in power permanently. That's really what it's about. 

Polls show 80% in favour of EU membership, so we'll see if the population believe in OV that much.   


I just read that the EU's External Action Service is contemplating sanctions against Carlson because of this interview, which led me to read about Orban's sovereignty law; I think you guys may need to keep your heads down.

I just read that the EU's External Action Service is contemplating sanctions against Carlson because of this interview, which led me to read about Orban's sovereignty law; I think you guys may need to keep your heads down.        -@Cynic

Interesting about *ucker Carlson.  I quite like that idea of sanctions on him. I'd say it's not even journalism.  I wonder how much he was paid. I seem to remember Carlson got $250K from Orban. Where next, North Korea?  Belarus? Obviously, not without Putin's permission.

More importantly, the new HU sovereignty law is a really dangerous.  It's probably the most dangerous piece of legislation we've seen of late.

We'll all end up self-censoring, especially us foreigners.  We all live on the edge of being deported on trumped up charges anyway since our rights were removed following Brexit.   We'd be deported and the Hungarians will be doing time.

I already sometimes think twice about what I say to others.  Mrs F says she controls what she says anyway but it's like back to the old Commie days.  You just don't know who is who so everyone is potentially an informer.  Be like denouncing people or swatting.   

It is somehow going in the direction of a climate of fear.  But I guess that's what the HU sheeple voted for.

OV is probably hoping for a right wing shift at the EU institutions to protect him. 

He's got "supporters" like Meloni - who has actually turned out more middle of the road except where LGBT rights goes), Fico - just nasty,  Vučić- not fooling anyone, Wilders - would be more extreme if he could.

Luckily Poland is going the other way so at least OV lost that support. 

    My friend mentioned that she has been taking gummies for so long that she no longer gets high from them!It is legal in NV and I think they have a health card thing to buy them.No, way is it worth it here, no one wants to sit in a HU cell!My husband spent a good 2 or 3 months in a cell before his court date and being proven innocent.Some stupid girl went off with one of my hubbies friends and my husband happened to be passed out cold on the sofa when she hooked up with is friend. She later regreted it because the guy was not interested in seeing her again so she pulled one of those, fake accusations on the two of them.My husband was picked up at his job without knowing what for.So embarrassing that my husband had a verbal fight with his step dad and moved out. In a way I should thank that lying B@@@@ because he never would of left HU if not for her lies.I still tell my husband after over 55 years that if we ever run into her on the st. he should point her out to me and I will finish her off. Just kidding, she probably is pushing daisies these days.It changed the way my husband saw women after that. He used to think they all were angles...Our neighbor dislikes OV but votes for him all the time. She said he is the better of the two.        -@Marilyn Tassy

I think your neighbour needs to think harder.  Once rights are lost, they aren't coming back in a hurry and if they come for her, it'll be too late to complain once she's banged up in the clink.  Maybe her better bet is to spoil her ballot as a protect - "none of the above".  It's not compulsory to vote for any of them.  I note that Haley was beaten by "none" (or something like it) in Nevada.

Those kinds of assault accusations are so difficult to disprove.  In my own country, they used to publish the names of the accused but of course that labels people even if they are found to be innocent after a trial or evidence arises.  They say that publishing the name means others might come forward but that doesn't protect an innocent party from having their life destroyed.   A famous UK actor called Craig Charles  got caught up in that. 

Trivia: I also saw him in Heathrow Airport British Airways lounge.  He was with a group of very recognisable actors from a cult TV show called Red Dwarf.   They were flying to Germany.

p.s. I changed my mind, I think SCOTUS should deliberate now on the 14th Amendment and Trump's insurrection.  I just read up on the impeachment trials and Trump was guilty by simple majority in both impeachment trials but didn't have 2/3rds majority in the Senate trial which is not guilty on that one technicality.   There's nothing to say there has to be a 2/3 majority for SCOTUS to consider. Congress has already found him guilty.  Looks like a slam dunk.

I guess the old saying, Be careful about the company you keep, is true.

My poor hubby was passed out cold sleeping and then got locked  up without knowing what for!

At the time in HU you were guilty until proven innocent.

My MIL hired her own lawyer for my husband but still there was no bail in those days. Just like it still is in Japan, no bail system there either.

The silly cow had months to think over what lies she said.

My husband said she was so terrible that even at age 17 she came to court alone. Even her own parents wanted nothing to do with her nasty lies.

His lawyer told him he should sue the state and the girl for defaming him and for him losing his job by being put away.

\He loved that job too but of course they could not keep it for him for months on end.

He decided to just distance himself and not get the state more involved, it was horrible enough without dragging it on longer.

Out side the courthouse his friend who also was accused had to be physically held back by his friends from beating her up and really giving her an excuse to lock him away!

I wonder how such a girl could make suck terrible lies.

She wanted into their group of friends and when rejected she  lied her head off.

They kept my hubby and his friend apart the whole time so they could not make a false tale about the events. The truth would of come out even if she had not changed her mind and spoke the truth in court.

How some people can live with themselves, IDK.

Was thinking of King Charlie, He might take some herbs for his prostrate.

My husband has been taking a tincture oil for awhile and it works. No pain, no enlarged gland.

Not sure what the name would be in English but in Hungarian it is called, Kisviragu Fuzike. Yes, have a HU keyboard now but not switching it into HU right now.

Also pumpkin seeds and suppliments with added B1 and celery are helpful too.

For his cancer he should try Preventa Water. It was discovered here in Hungary but sold in over 50 countries. Was proven with animal studies to kill tumors in dogs... Not saying the King is an animal... Make your own conclusions!!

It is very expensive but he has the bucks.

Our neighbor is in her early 70s.

My husband never calls her up but she calls once in awhile to chat with him.

He never married or had children and now that her mother died she is alone all the time.

She knows everything going on in our house so it is good to use her as a source of local info.

We close our front door and do not even know who lives in our building any longer.

A Gypsy man, a friend of our old mob neighbor died it seems. We noticed 2 young Gypsy guys the other day entering his old flat. Not sure what that is all about.

Rather not know unless we need to know!

My friend in AZ sent a photo of her land. Snowed in the high desert yesterday. All that wet weather in the west coast brought it.

She sent a recent photo of our deceased friends new grand daughter.

Poor Teri, she missed out on meeting her.

Weird thing is neither of us thought it was her daughters natural child until we noticed the family features.

Teri s daughter was gay, then married and had 2 sons then went bi and now left her husband and had a baby with someone else! Who needs soap operas?

I just renewed my passport; it took 4 days from the date I applied to me being handed my new one by the postman this morning.  I was surprised.

    I just renewed my passport; it took 4 days from the date I applied to me being handed my new one by the postman this morning.  I was surprised.


But is it correct info?  I have to renew my son's UK passport soon as he's got 6 months to run.. Once again they are asking for all the pages of his HU passport.  The idiots already have it from last time.  As he's less than 16, passport only lasts 5 years.

When you're overseas, they rip you off on overseas courier charges. 

Those morons at the FCO (now FCDO) should put back passport services at embassies!

What are they doing in those embassies all day anyway?

Sweet FA I could see from when I used to go there for drinks sometimes.

    I just renewed my passport; it took 4 days from the date I applied to me being handed my new one by the postman this morning.  I was surprised.


Lucky you!! That was fast.

        I just renewed my passport; it took 4 days from the date I applied to me being handed my new one by the postman this morning.  I was surprised.        -@Cynic

But is it correct info?  I have to renew my son's UK passport soon as he's got 6 months to run.. Once again they are asking for all the pages of his HU passport.  The idiots already have it from last time.  As he's less than 16, passport only lasts 5 years.

When you're overseas, they rip you off on overseas courier charges. 

Those morons at the FCO (now FCDO) should put back passport services at embassies!

What are they doing in those embassies all day anyway?

I hope they get it together and issue him a new passport.

My tale of whoa is when my son was 18 and we submitted his birth certificate, all required documents etc. by hand to the US post office as told to do in person.. all was lost.

We both went in person in New Mexico to deliver the documents.

He never got his passport and we both into to the post office where we gave all documents.

They had only issued him a 6 month passport!

Somehow somewhere, someone had stolen his original birth certificate!

Out raged as I was, they could not tell me what happened.

I suppose out there in the universe there is a Red headed white  green eyed 6 foot 3 inch tall illegal using  his birth paperwork, Great job US passport control!!

My son had to apply again for a 10 year passport but he never recovered his summitted  paperwork.


My tale of woha is when my son was 18 and we submitted his orginnn

Sweet FA I could see from when I used to go there for drinks sometimes.


I hope they get it together and issue him a new passport.
My tale of whoa is when my son was 18 and we submitted his birth certificate, all required documents etc. by hand to the US post office as told to do in person.. all was lost.
We both went in person in New Mexico to deliver the documents.
He never got his passport and we both into to the post office where we gave all documents.
They had only issued him a 6 month passport!
Somehow somewhere, someone had stolen his original birth certificate!
Out raged as I was, they could not tell me what happened.
I suppose out there in the universe there is a Red headed white  green eyed 6 foot 3 inch tall illegal using  his birth paperwork, Great job US passport control!!
My son had to apply again for a 10 year passport but he never recovered his summitted  paperwork.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Oh dear. I've no idea how US passports are issued.  Presumably they are issued at offices in each state or Embassies if abroad.  Just guessing. Bet you can get a proper passport at an Embassy.

Years ago, the UK removed all the passport issuing facilities at the UK Embassies.  Then, if you were abroad, they forced you to use an expensive courier to get it delivered from a regional centre and then suddenly they forced all the passports to be delivered from the UK.  That's on top of very expensive passports anyway. Maybe $60 equivalent.  No way they cost that much to make.

Passports in Hungary are easier - go to the local Kormany Ablak (Government Window), get measured up for it there, then it arrives in the post a week later.  And for kids, it's cheap, like the equivalent of $10 or similar! 

        I just renewed my passport; it took 4 days from the date I applied to me being handed my new one by the postman this morning.  I was surprised.        -@Cynic

But is it correct info?  I have to renew my son's UK passport soon as he's got 6 months to run.. Once again they are asking for all the pages of his HU passport.  The idiots already have it from last time.  As he's less than 16, passport only lasts 5 years.

When you're overseas, they rip you off on overseas courier charges. 

Those morons at the FCO (now FCDO) should put back passport services at embassies!

What are they doing in those embassies all day anyway?

Sweet FA I could see from when I used to go there for drinks sometimes.


Yes, the passport is fine; I even remembered to sign it in black, ball pen; made me smile when an hour later, I got an e-mail from them, reminding me to sign it in black, ball-pen.

I can sympathise with your issues renewing passports abroad; my daughter had to register her new-born son, and then get his UK passport sorted just before they moved back here, she said it was a total faff she could have done without.  They centralised it for better control, although quite how when they are using a Polish company to make them and a German distribution company to handle the logistics, puzzles me.

When I first joined up, my unit was the Spearhead logistics regiment, so every single member had to have an up-to-date passport and I was the custodian of 700 passports; I used to spend a lot of time driving up to Petty France in London in my old Army Landrover renewing passports; in those days I could just park it outside, wouldn't try it now (and we didn't have to pay for them either).  I also worked from our Embassy in Lisbon for a couple of years and would occasionally help out handling passport issues, people weren't happy then in how long it took, I bet their even more pissed off now, but at least they had a nice garden to sit in the sun and wait in while things got sorted.

            I just renewed my passport; it took 4 days from the date I applied to me being handed my new one by the postman this morning.  I was surprised.        -@CynicBut is it correct info?  I have to renew my son's UK passport soon as he's got 6 months to run.. Once again they are asking for all the pages of his HU passport.  The idiots already have it from last time.  As he's less than 16, passport only lasts 5 years.When you're overseas, they rip you off on overseas courier charges.  Those morons at the FCO (now FCDO) should put back passport services at embassies!What are they doing in those embassies all day anyway? Sweet FA I could see from when I used to go there for drinks sometimes.        -@fluffy2560

Yes, the passport is fine; I even remembered to sign it in black, ball pen; made me smile when an hour later, I got an e-mail from them, reminding me to sign it in black, ball-pen.
I can sympathise with your issues renewing passports abroad; my daughter had to register her new-born son, and then get his UK passport sorted just before they moved back here, she said it was a total faff she could have done without.  They centralised it for better control, although quite how when they are using a Polish company to make them and a German distribution company to handle the logistics, puzzles me.

When I first joined up, my unit was the Spearhead logistics regiment, so every single member had to have an up-to-date passport and I was the custodian of 700 passports; I used to spend a lot of time driving up to Petty France in London in my old Army Landrover renewing passports; in those days I could just park it outside, wouldn't try it now (and we didn't have to pay for them either).  I also worked from our Embassy in Lisbon for a couple of years and would occasionally help out handling passport issues, people weren't happy then in how long it took, I bet their even more pissed off now, but at least they had a nice garden to sit in the sun and wait in while things got sorted.


It's that idea of the users paying for the service when of course, there's no option except to cough up.

You have to pay but it just cannot be a passport costs what they charge.  They must be raking it in. Total con job.  They work for us!

I've also got a beef about being charged for ancestry based public records, especially being provided by their contractors. 

It's like they own your personal history. In my mind, I'm the only one who owns my personal history.  And why should I pay for the privilege of seeing or owning it? 

Apart from passport dishing, what else do they do in an Embassy, especially somewhere touristy like Lisbon? 

I think they lounge about having afternoon tea on the terrace next to the pool or drinking in the Embassy bar.  Maybe snoozing at their desks or tax-free shopping.

I was in a British embassy in a warm country and we had drinks by the pool.  The grounds were immaculate and the pool looked inviting.  No-one there though, just the people I went to see - they were from the FCO. 

They had a fully functioning bar AND they made us pay for our drinks.   I don't know where the staff were. Probably down at the beach for the working day.


Used to be U.S. passports were produced on site by embassies and consulates, for a very quick turn-around. Now they're all produced in the States (except for short-validity emergency passports).

In most countries for renewal you just mail your old passport and the application to the nearest American embassy or consulate, which then sends it electronically to the passport factory in the U.S.

The factory couriers it back to the embassy or consulate which then mails it back to you.

In normal times, it's a two-week or so process, but real slow after Covid.

Cost is US$130, plus local mail postage.