Absolutely Anything Else

    Used to be U.S. passports were produced on site by embassies and consulates, for a very quick turn-around. Now they're all produced in the States (except for short-validity emergency passports).
In most countries for renewal you just mail your old passport and the application to the nearest American embassy or consulate, which then sends it electronically to the passport factory in the U.S.

The factory couriers it back to the embassy or consulate which then mails it back to you.

In normal times, it's a two-week or so process, but real slow after Covid.

Cost is US$130, plus local mail postage.

Nicer to use local mail or local pickup.   The two week wait I suppose is OK if it's backwards and forwards to the USA.

I seem to remember several years ago it took about 4 weeks for me to get  my UK passport delivered to Hungary.  I resent the commercial international courier costs.  I expect with Brexit, they will be held up in Customs or confiscated.

If they printed them locally, it could be a couple of days or even same day for simple cases.  It's not like the equipment costs that much and the admin must be trivial.

A US Air Force guy I used to know told me they did all the Embassy deliveries so it's not like they need to use commercial services anyway.   

Actually, I just checked and it seems that in Budapest you (or someone with your power-of-attorney) must show up at the U.S. embassy to renew your passport; no mail-in service.

Mail-in service doesn't seem as widespread as I had thought.

    Actually, I just checked and it seems that in Budapest you (or someone with your power-of-attorney) must show up at the U.S. embassy to renew your passport; no mail-in service.
Mail-in service doesn't seem as widespread as I had thought.


True we had to bring all new photos to the US embassy and go back later to pick up our new passports.

They also have SS services inside the embassy for anyone collecting SS in Hungary from the USA.

At the time, not sure ATM a woman from Poland comes to Budapest about once a month to handle all SS issues.

She was very nice a helpful.

It's all kicking off tonight in Hungary:

Hungarian president Novak resigns over sex abuse case pardon

OV did have the political savvy to dump her tout de suite and not let this fester for days.

    It's all kicking off tonight in Hungary:
Hungarian president Novak resigns over sex abuse case pardon-@fluffy2560

My husband is telling me about this ATM. Interesting.

She was the sacrificial lamb because OV and the rest all had a hand in pardoning this pedo. or was it a group of pedos from a school?

The subject got too hot so he ,OV backed away and let her take the fall.

Covered a bit better here & here

    Covered a bit better here & here-@SimCityAT

Yes, those were better articles.

At Fluffy Towers, we are all very happy to see these too apologists/shills out of politics. There are so many scandals involving their politics, it's not surprising considering the quality of people involved someone will mess it up eventually.  Amazing it blew up so quickly. 

According to local gossip, the pardoned person was well known to be a big friend of OV and a enthusiastic Fidesz supporter.

They just got caught out that someone noticed.   And of course, one rule for them and one rule for everyone else.

        It's all kicking off tonight in Hungary:Hungarian president Novak resigns over sex abuse case pardon-@fluffy2560My husband is telling me about this ATM. Interesting.She was the sacrificial lamb because OV and the rest all had a hand in pardoning this pedo. or was it a group of pedos from a school?The subject got too hot so he ,OV backed away and let her take the fall.        -@Marilyn Tassy

The President (of Hungary) Novak pardoned the guy who was covering up for the paedophile director.  So it was a conspiracy. All of them I believe were heavily engaged with Fidesz.  The baddest apples in a barrel of bad apples. 

OV probably said, take the fall, then you come back later when memories have faded. 

The former Justice Minister Varga had a hand in processing the pardon but probably thought she'd get away with the loot as they have enough already. 

Mrs F said, now the rest have to go - somehow.

American Football Superball


I am by no means a sport fan, I do watch the odd game of Football/soccor+Th. I am more a Rugby man, especially when it comes down to th 6 nations and world cup. But my goodness, the superball has to be the most boring final game ever.

I wached the last quater and it really put me off the game. Having the clock stop every 5 mins, I wanted to shout, just get on with it.

I am by no means a sport fan, I do watch the odd game of Football/soccor+Th. I am more a Rugby man, especially when it comes down to th 6 nations and world cup. But my goodness, the superball has to be the most boring final game ever.

I watched the last quarter and it really put me off the game. Having the clock stop every 5 mins, I wanted to shout, just get on with it.


It's a very silly game.  I don't get it at all.  Don't get me started on World Championship Baseball - no-one else is involved.

I remember when the World Cup (proper football) the TV people wanted stoppages every 5m for adverts and were complaining each half was 45m without any breaks.  Imagine that!

I heard on the radio that the TV coverage was mostly about Taylor Swift!

My friend in AZ and her husband placed a bet on that silly game.

They lost...

I am perhaps one of the oddest Amricans because I can not stand those games.

Never watched one in my life other then in passing.

Never watched a baseball game either of had coffee in a Starbucks.

My mother used to shut of the tv when those games were on and send out outdoors for some exercise.

My father was from Europe and never got into those sports on tv.

Sometimes he would watch skiing in the winter Olympic games, ice skating all the time since he was a skater. And big boxing matches.

My uncle, moms half brother was a professional boxer back in the days before tv and radio even.

He later became the sparring par tner for Jack Dempsey. Unreal , I know but true.He was largely native American by heritage and that somehow gave him an edge, Unusual, I only remember a old guy with the shakes, Parkinsons from getting hit so many times in the head. He was married to a Hungarian lady, my auntie Rose. She took great care of him when he was ill.

He was 19 years older then  mom was born in in 1905. My cousin saw a photo in the Smithsonian of our uncle with the caption of, Charlie Rice, famous Native American Boxer.

It probably is not hanging on the wall in the museum any longer, they change the exhibits. My cousin saw it in the 1980s.

Seems he did some time in jail after his boxing career went down. He and another guy robbed a potato chip factory!

Mom said it was the best Xmas she ever had, he bought his 2 little sisters beautiful new dolls and clothing with his ill gotten gains. Mom said she remembered when the cops dragged him off...She got to keep her gifts .

Sounds like my aunt Rose was a saint!

Strange how close we all are to fame. Like 6 degrees of separation.

My uncle with Jack Dempsey, my father skating with Sonja Hennie and my sister getting kissed on the Lips by Mick Jagger.

I saw Robin Leach at the Burbank airport once!! Big Deal!! BTW he was with a young lady and they flew coach, so much for the rich and famous tv show he hosted in the US!

    My friend in AZ and her husband placed a bet on that silly game.
They lost...
I am perhaps one of the oddest Amricans because I can not stand those games.
Never watched one in my life other then in passing.
Never watched a baseball game either of had coffee in a Starbucks.
My mother used to shut of the tv when those games were on and send out outdoors for some exercise.
My father was from Europe and never got into those sports on tv.
Sometimes he would watch skiing in the winter Olympic games, ice skating all the time since he was a skater. And big boxing matches.
My uncle, moms half brother was a professional boxer back in the days before tv and radio even.
He later became the sparring par tner for Jack Dempsey. Unreal , I know but true.He was largely native American by heritage and that somehow gave him an edge, Unusual, I only remember a old guy with the shakes, Parkinsons from getting hit so many times in the head. He was married to a Hungarian lady, my auntie Rose. She took great care of him when he was ill.
He was 19 years older then  mom was born in in 1905. My cousin saw a photo in the Smithsonian of our uncle with the caption of, Charlie Rice, famous Native American Boxer.
It probably is not hanging on the wall in the museum any longer, they change the exhibits. My cousin saw it in the 1980s.
Seems he did some time in jail after his boxing career went down. He and another guy robbed a potato chip factory!
Mom said it was the best Xmas she ever had, he bought his 2 little sisters beautiful new dolls and clothing with his ill gotten gains. Mom said she remembered when the cops dragged him off...She got to keep her gifts .
Sounds like my aunt Rose was a saint!
Strange how close we all are to fame. Like 6 degrees of separation.
My uncle with Jack Dempsey, my father skating with Sonja Hennie and my sister getting kissed on the Lips by Mick Jagger.
I saw Robin Leach at the Burbank airport once!! Big Deal!! BTW he was with a young lady and they flew coach, so much for the rich and famous tv show he hosted in the US!

    -@Marilyn Tassy

We've all said you need to write these things down for posterity.

Not everyone knows someone who was kissed by Mick Jagger or was sparring with Dempsey and hob-nobbing with famous skaters.  Or even robbers of potato chip factories - maybe they thought they could use them at the casino.  Oh no, that's the other one - silly joke.

I remember Robin Leach as he had a distinctive voice and presentation.  He never really made it in the UK - on TV anyway. But vaguely remember him on Lifestyles (of the Rich and Famous).  Not sure that's even journalism.

Sorry to say, there's a push to get interest in American "Football".  Very few people care about it.  There's a following in Hungary (Mrs F's brother is in a team) and there's a few exhibition matches in the UK each year.  Only a hard core get involved. 

I always thought it was stupidly boring.  Compared to dynamics of real football ("soccer" - not a term I like), it's like watching paint dry. 

And going to University to play "football" is beyond my understanding!

My idea of hell would be being forced to watch the Super Ball followed by the World Series of baseball!

I would take a few Sumo matches any

day instead.

Nothing funnier to me then 2 fat dudes tugging at each other!

If I ever make it to Japan, seeing a Sumo match is on my list of things to do.

I now think these games are just like acting. They practice all the moves over and over again before any big game.

The winners are more or less already chosen, they big match makers know who to bet on.

It is the little folks who spend their money on trying to guess who will win while it is already in the bag.

I have a negative view lately of many things going on in this world.

It is all rigged.

The biggest fools are some of my former co workers in Vegas.

Knew one very funny dealer who had 2 full time dealing jobs. One was for everyday living and the other job was to pay off his bookies. He loved to bet on the games, sport betting.

He was well liked by all the other dealers and the management. They would invite him to sit with them at lunch etc.

He was so funny and jolly, a big heavy set guy with a loud laugh that would get everyone going, even losing players.

He was being groomed to be a manager.

Well, he messed it all up by his gambling habit.

I had the day off so only heard second hand what happened to him at work.

We used to place all tips into a pocket in our shirt and when tapped out for a break, we had to first go to a box and empty our pocket of tips. We all shared tips equally in a 24 hour period.

All 3 shifts per day shared the same pot of tips.

Since Waz, his nickname at work, was so good a dealer and so jolly, they always but him on the high action tables.

He often had a pocket busting full of $25, to $100. dollar tips every hour .He might have a couple thousand bucks in his pocket every hour.

Must of burned him to have to share with everyone.

Well the camera finally picked up on what he did.

He being so heavy set was able to hide many of his tip chips in his pocket .

He would then go to his locker and put them there every hour when he got a break.

They arrested him. They have a thing in Vegas where they first shame a crocked dealer.

They have security march them by every table to show the other dealers what will happen if you steal from the casino.

Not too terrible compared to when the mob ran things and they just took you for a long ride or a swim in Lake Mead.

Even so, embarrassing it must be.

Years later on holiday in Vegas, I saw Waz dealing Blackjack in a very low level downtown casino...Sad really he could of easily been a boss not a low life.

Not cool when people lose total control of themselves with anything .Drinking, gambling, getting on a power trip, over shopping, over eating etc. Even being overly into any groups like a cult, a religion to the extreme or making money. Balance is the key to a happy peaceful life, I think.

I was into yoga and exercise way too much for years, missed allot of family times by spending hours and hours in the gym.

I knew a nice women in Ca. who taught exercise classes.

She was married with 3 children . Her husband worked for the electric co. and made decent money and she had a house and the American Dream.

She started to focus too much on her looks, Got her husband to get her a breast operation, she was super fit.

Then she spent hours with her trainer to do body building.

She then competed and had a love affair with her trainer, right there in front of the entire gym. Everyone knew she was messing around on her hard working husband.

Divorce soon came, all vanity and all a waste for her to get so carried away with how she looked.

Sad really.

HU President etc.....

Peter Magyar has spilled the beans on various financial goings-on.  Peter Magyar is the former husband of former Justice Minister, Judit Varga who resigned at the same time as the HU president.

Magyar has directly implicated major Fidesz supporters in scamming public companies of very large amounts and using a spiders web of companies charging over inflated prices.

There's a further scandal developing but the international newswires have not got on to it yet.  Be interesting to see if they pick it up.

I am sure this will be picked up in Brussels as further evidence of corruption in Budapest.

Update: BBC News article in English about this emerging scandal

    My idea of hell would be being forced to watch the Super Ball followed by the World Series of baseball!
I would take a few Sumo matches any
day instead.
Nothing funnier to me then 2 fat dudes tugging at each other!
If I ever make it to Japan, seeing a Sumo match is on my list of things to do.
I now think these games are just like acting. They practice all the moves over and over again before any big game.
The winners are more or less already chosen, they big match makers know who to bet on.
It is the little folks who spend their money on trying to guess who will win while it is already in the bag.
I have a negative view lately of many things going on in this world.
It is all rigged.
The biggest fools are some of my former co workers in Vegas.
Knew one very funny dealer who had 2 full time dealing jobs. One was for everyday living and the other job was to pay off his bookies. He loved to bet on the games, sport betting.
He was well liked by all the other dealers and the management. They would invite him to sit with them at lunch etc.
He was so funny and jolly, a big heavy set guy with a loud laugh that would get everyone going, even losing players.
He was being groomed to be a manager.
Well, he messed it all up by his gambling habit.
I had the day off so only heard second hand what happened to him at work.
We used to place all tips into a pocket in our shirt and when tapped out for a break, we had to first go to a box and empty our pocket of tips. We all shared tips equally in a 24 hour period.
All 3 shifts per day shared the same pot of tips.
Since Waz, his nickname at work, was so good a dealer and so jolly, they always but him on the high action tables.
He often had a pocket busting full of $25, to $100. dollar tips every hour .He might have a couple thousand bucks in his pocket every hour.
Must of burned him to have to share with everyone.
Well the camera finally picked up on what he did.
He being so heavy set was able to hide many of his tip chips in his pocket .
He would then go to his locker and put them there every hour when he got a break.
They arrested him. They have a thing in Vegas where they first shame a crocked dealer.
They have security march them by every table to show the other dealers what will happen if you steal from the casino.
Not too terrible compared to when the mob ran things and they just took you for a long ride or a swim in Lake Mead.
Even so, embarrassing it must be.
Years later on holiday in Vegas, I saw Waz dealing Blackjack in a very low level downtown casino...Sad really he could of easily been a boss not a low life.

Not cool when people lose total control of themselves with anything .Drinking, gambling, getting on a power trip, over shopping, over eating etc. Even being overly into any groups like a cult, a religion to the extreme or making money. Balance is the key to a happy peaceful life, I think.
I was into yoga and exercise way too much for years, missed allot of family times by spending hours and hours in the gym.
I knew a nice women in Ca. who taught exercise classes.
She was married with 3 children . Her husband worked for the electric co. and made decent money and she had a house and the American Dream.
She started to focus too much on her looks, Got her husband to get her a breast operation, she was super fit.
Then she spent hours with her trainer to do body building.
She then competed and had a love affair with her trainer, right there in front of the entire gym. Everyone knew she was messing around on her hard working husband.
Divorce soon came, all vanity and all a waste for her to get so carried away with how she looked.
Sad really.
    -@Marilyn Tassy

I agree, Superbowl is super boring.  As is the "World Series" baseball.  Jeez, gimme a break on such "sports". 

In UK schools, we played a kind of baseball called "Rounders".  It's not a game adults play, only kids and only at school.

The only thing about the Superbowl worth watching is the half-time show.   Some of the stars on there really pack in the hits.  I thought Lady Gaga was great.  The rest of other years stars, not so much. And forget the actual game.

As for gambling, never understood the attraction.   Cannot be any skill in it and the odds are always stacked against the punter.  Otherwise it wouldn't be worth running a casino or any kind of betting game - horses, lottery etc.   The house's take has to be at least 15% to make it even worth while.  That means the games are stacked only one way.    I think playing the stock market is has more skill in it.  Not sure I'd call it gambling though.

When I first moved to Berlin, I didn't speak any German and there was very little English language content on German TV, so we watched the American Force Network in the evenings and weekends; non-stop football, basketball, and baseball, broken up by repeats of Hee-Haw.  I reckon it was this that drove me to learn to speak German, mind you though, German TV (East and West) wasn't that much better.

    When I first moved to Berlin, I didn't speak any German and there was very little English language content on German TV, so we watched the American Force Network in the evenings and weekends; non-stop football, basketball, and baseball, broken up by repeats of Hee-Haw.  I reckon it was this that drove me to learn to speak German, mind you though, German TV (East and West) wasn't that much better.


You poor thing. German tv shows I have seen on Netflix in the past are terrible, I can only imagine how bad their tv was in the past. He Haw, that is a throw back! I am surprised they did not have the Lawrence Welk polka tv show on the air. That would of been , Wonderful a wonderful..My early trips to Hungary were just about as much as a bore, their few channels were horrible.

        My idea of hell would be being forced to watch the Super Ball followed by the World Series of baseball!I would take a few Sumo matches anyday instead.Nothing funnier to me then 2 fat dudes tugging at each other!If I ever make it to Japan, seeing a Sumo match is on my list of things to do.I now think these games are just like acting. They practice all the moves over and over again before any big game.The winners are more or less already chosen, they big match makers know who to bet on.It is the little folks who spend their money on trying to guess who will win while it is already in the bag.I have a negative view lately of many things going on in this world.It is all rigged.The biggest fools are some of my former co workers in Vegas.Knew one very funny dealer who had 2 full time dealing jobs. One was for everyday living and the other job was to pay off his bookies. He loved to bet on the games, sport betting.He was well liked by all the other dealers and the management. They would invite him to sit with them at lunch etc.He was so funny and jolly, a big heavy set guy with a loud laugh that would get everyone going, even losing players.He was being groomed to be a manager.Well, he messed it all up by his gambling habit.I had the day off so only heard second hand what happened to him at work.We used to place all tips into a pocket in our shirt and when tapped out for a break, we had to first go to a box and empty our pocket of tips. We all shared tips equally in a 24 hour period.All 3 shifts per day shared the same pot of tips.Since Waz, his nickname at work, was so good a dealer and so jolly, they always but him on the high action tables.He often had a pocket busting full of $25, to $100. dollar tips every hour .He might have a couple thousand bucks in his pocket every hour.Must of burned him to have to share with everyone.Well the camera finally picked up on what he did.He being so heavy set was able to hide many of his tip chips in his pocket .He would then go to his locker and put them there every hour when he got a break.They arrested him. They have a thing in Vegas where they first shame a crocked dealer.They have security march them by every table to show the other dealers what will happen if you steal from the casino.Not too terrible compared to when the mob ran things and they just took you for a long ride or a swim in Lake Mead.Even so, embarrassing it must be.Years later on holiday in Vegas, I saw Waz dealing Blackjack in a very low level downtown casino...Sad really he could of easily been a boss not a low life.Not cool when people lose total control of themselves with anything .Drinking, gambling, getting on a power trip, over shopping, over eating etc. Even being overly into any groups like a cult, a religion to the extreme or making money. Balance is the key to a happy peaceful life, I think.I was into yoga and exercise way too much for years, missed allot of family times by spending hours and hours in the gym.I knew a nice women in Ca. who taught exercise classes.She was married with 3 children . Her husband worked for the electric co. and made decent money and she had a house and the American Dream.She started to focus too much on her looks, Got her husband to get her a breast operation, she was super fit.Then she spent hours with her trainer to do body building.She then competed and had a love affair with her trainer, right there in front of the entire gym. Everyone knew she was messing around on her hard working husband.Divorce soon came, all vanity and all a waste for her to get so carried away with how she looked.Sad really.        -@Marilyn TassyI agree, Superbowl is super boring.  As is the "World Series" baseball.  Jeez, gimme a break on such "sports".  In UK schools, we played a kind of baseball called "Rounders".  It's not a game adults play, only kids and only at school. The only thing about the Superbowl worth watching is the half-time show.   Some of the stars on there really pack in the hits.  I thought Lady Gaga was great.  The rest of other years stars, not so much. And forget the actual game. As for gambling, never understood the attraction.   Cannot be any skill in it and the odds are always stacked against the punter.  Otherwise it wouldn't be worth running a casino or any kind of betting game - horses, lottery etc.   The house's take has to be at least 15% to make it even worth while.  That means the games are stacked only one way.    I think playing the stock market is has more skill in it.  Not sure I'd call it gambling though.        -@fluffy2560

As a girl, before I messed up my knee, I loved playing baseball.

I was a pretty good outfielder and could swing the bat, not too terrible of a pitcher either.

Was rather proud of myself when I learned to jump and use a catcher mitt and actually caught flying balls .Baseballs that is!! My mind went to a dark place for a second!

My sisters and I would team up with neighborhood kids, even some older boys and form teams on weekends.

That is when baseball is fun, we you are actually playing the game.

Never liked football much but did learn to toss one of those odd shaped balls without a sloppy spin.

Can no longer throw to safe my life. At Balaton a couple years back some people were tossing a US style football in the water. It landed near me so I tossed it back... Well, it flew about 6 feet and went under...Embarrassed.

I really do not understand gamblers after being a games dealer for a bit over 5 years.

My son knew how to within a few numbers make a roulette ball fall where we wanted it to land. For sure he could spin it to land in either red or black if he wanted to. He learned to time when to drop the ball and how much spin to put  on the wheel.

No trickery just skill.

If a player was a pain he got rid of them quickly...Or they had more money then brains, usually that is the case with gamblers.

I guess we are too honest or afraid because I never came to where my son worked and played at his tables.

It is actually illegal for dealers to work or visit family in even different casinos and play at their table.

I was taken aback when I saw Waz dealing at the Horseshoe after he had stolen from us fellow dealers at our old job.

To be a dealer you must go through a security check with the FBI and local police, get fingerprints taken and a drug test.

Perhaps in the end our old work place did not press charges on Waz?

I somehow thought that casinos kept a blacklist of "no-hires" that they shared amongst themselves.

    I somehow thought that casinos kept a blacklist of "no-hires" that they shared amongst themselves.


Wouldn't that be illegal?   

Must be some protections, like discrimination.

I've heard casinos are using facial recognition to keep potential card counters and n'er do wells out of the places.

As a girl, before I messed up my knee, I loved playing baseball.
I was a pretty good outfielder and could swing the bat, not too terrible of a pitcher either.
Was rather proud of myself when I learned to jump and use a catcher mitt and actually caught flying balls .Baseballs that is!! My mind went to a dark place for a second!
My sisters and I would team up with neighborhood kids, even some older boys and form teams on weekends.
That is when baseball is fun, we you are actually playing the game.
Never liked football much but did learn to toss one of those odd shaped balls without a sloppy spin.
Can no longer throw to safe my life. At Balaton a couple years back some people were tossing a US style football in the water. It landed near me so I tossed it back... Well, it flew about 6 feet and went under...Embarrassed.

I really do not understand gamblers after being a games dealer for a bit over 5 years.
My son knew how to within a few numbers make a roulette ball fall where we wanted it to land. For sure he could spin it to land in either red or black if he wanted to. He learned to time when to drop the ball and how much spin to put  on the wheel.
No trickery just skill.
If a player was a pain he got rid of them quickly...Or they had more money then brains, usually that is the case with gamblers.
I guess we are too honest or afraid because I never came to where my son worked and played at his tables.
It is actually illegal for dealers to work or visit family in even different casinos and play at their table.
I was taken aback when I saw Waz dealing at the Horseshoe after he had stolen from us fellow dealers at our old job.
To be a dealer you must go through a security check with the FBI and local police, get fingerprints taken and a drug test.
Perhaps in the end our old work place did not press charges on Waz?

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Maybe they didn't want to draw attention to Waz and how they caught him.  Just show him the door.  They say any publicity is good publicity regardless if it's negative.  That's how Trump operates.

Playing "Rounders" (aka baseball) is obviously much better when you are doing it and not just watching.  And as kids, we used to like it.   If I remember correctly it was primarily the girls that played it in UK schools.   Like Netball (like Basketball) was a girls game.

It's all a bit too random throwing a ball into the roulette wheel.  Too much is in the hands of the Gods.  Fools errand really.

In Britain I think it would be illegal: wasn't there a big scandal in the construction industry some years ago when several big contractors were found to be sharing lists of "problem" workers?

    In Britain I think it would be illegal: wasn't there a big scandal in the construction industry some years ago when several big contractors were found to be sharing lists of "problem" workers?


Yes there was a scandal about that. I think there are unofficial lists and opinions people keep in their heads anyway. I work with people who I like as people but they are crap at their jobs.

Someone recounted to me a story of some guy being persistently being victimised at a job by management. After narrowing it down to one person, it turned out the badmouthing was because the victim had an affair with the manager's wife! So it's not always so clear cut. I don't know what the final outcome was but I can imagine the manager being fired for that.

I know they keep a list of players that are blacklisted  but dealers, not so sure about.

Vegas is really a small town anyways.

They HR dept .goes threw your application and send it down to the Pit Boss . He decides if he needs a new hire and what shift they need one on.

Anyone with a criminal record can not be a dealer. Drug testing is done at work at random too.

You can side step the whole HR dept first IF you have some Juice.

I was rehired and hired at different casinos just because they knew me or a friend gave them my name.

IDK now days but you also could buy a gig.

Depending on how good the tips at a casino usually were, it cost X amount of money under the table to get hired.

That is Vegas, on one had so strict with rules and on another you can buy anything.

In my time the average cost was about one weeks pay or perhaps two weeks pay to get hired.

It is also smart to dress for the job, act like a dealer and be friendly the entire time you are in dealing school.

The schools also recommend people as many of the instructors used to be dealers themselves.

I made sure everyday at school, I dress the part acted the part etc. Some people came to dealing school looking like they just got out of bed or brought in food and were just not professional acting.

It is like an acting job, have to play the part from the start.

Also the more games you know how to deal the better your chances of getting hired.

Although if they can chose between a sloppy unattractive dealer who knows all the games vs a pretty young women who is fit looking, she will get hired first. They figure they can always teach you on the job if needed.

I have seen many pretty young women get hired who had no clue what they were doing.

I was almost in that boat myself. My school called a mid level casino and wanted to send me for a job. I heard the instructor on the phone with me sitting there saying, I have an Older gal, was only 43 when I got into that game.Then he quickly said she does not look that old and has a nice personality and a  big smile.

Man, that was the first time in my 43 years I ever felt over the hill! 

Like my rough old poker dealing instructor in New Mexico said, 30 year old blonde women with a large chest own Vegas. He was right ,hate to say it!

No really they have a place for just about anyone to deal if you are not trying for the strip and know what your doing. All sizes really. They do not wish to make the players feel ugly or awakard so they hire all shapes and sizes for the most part. No tattos can be seen on your arms, IDK about the Hard Rock casino but every other casino is no tattos showing or earrings in men. Not too much jewelry either. You do not want to look like you have better things then the players do, could effect your tips if they think you do not need the money.

All an allusion .

One of the most fun and most fake jobs ever. It took me awhile to not feel weird about making tips from taking money all day long. Got so used to doing hairdressing and actually creating something, casinos only create poor players. Had to switch my mind to think I was in the entertainment business, not the service business.

My son went to a different dealing school then I had gone to.

He was super fresh, 21, clean cut, tall and fast with his hands .Handsome guy even if I say so!

His instructor sent him for a job on the strip fresh out of school. Usually that does not happen. Most people start downtown and them move to the strip.

He worked on the strip for a good 6 months knowing just one game, blackjack.

New management came in, they laid off all the dealers who only knew one game. Promised to rehire them all again when they opened up another casino.

My son was so mad that he decided to learn every single casino game possible. Learned them all except for Pia Gow Tiles but he was learning that one too .He went from great tips to nearly nothing while he learned all the games.

He was hired at a downtown casino where he could take his time learning all the games at his pace without pressure. They wanted him to be a floor man but he wanted to deal at another casino instead.

Later he did become a floor boss and was offered a shift manger job.

He could of gotten part of the profits from the casino as a bonus etc. being a shift boss.

My son can be very professional at his work but I know being young and decent looking was a bonus to getting hired. He is 6.3 feet tall and looks great inside the casino pit from afar. All show in Vegas  nothing is real.

No, he moved to Japan instead....IDK if he would be interested in a casino job again or not.

Things change in Vegas very fast. Last visit many downtown casinos had female dealers wearing tiny outfits and taking turns table dancing and dealing?? I was mortified to see how low it has become there.


Having a fair bit of work done to the house this year. Flat roof got done, that was just minor. Big one was redoing the balcony. Must have been cowboys that did it originally, but its all done properly now. Son and father team, live localy but come from Croatia. It was a joy to see them work some of th technics was proper old school craftmanship.

Having a fair bit of work done to the house this year. Flat roof got done, that was just minor. Big one was redoing the balcony. Must have been cowboys that did it originally, but its all done properly now. Son and father team, live localy but come from Croatia. It was a joy to see them work some of th technics was proper old school craftmanship.


Flat roof is always a problem but as you say, with the right people and materials, it can work out.   We also have a flat roof which is the balcony very similar to the picture. The guys who did it, didn't know how to lay the tiles at an angle so that the water runs off to the edge.  So in some places we get pools.  They are only small and it's still waterproof and sun dries it out in a few hours.  But eventually, it'll start to leak as the materials age and movement.  Maybe not now, but maybe in some years time.

We've also got panelling (siding) on the side of the house which is wood.  The sun beats down on it and some bits have got warped leaving small gaps.  It's going to have to come off and be replaced.  But what with? I'm thinking of composite panels so they don't get destroyed by the UV etc.  But the design means it's all a bit specialised.  We might even have to have them custom made.  It looked good but causing a headache for maintenance. Anything custom made like that is going to cost $$$$.

Here's a odd thought someone might have  a view on.

I've been doing my family tree and I've found my paternal great-great-great-grandmother was definitely German but could also have been Jewish. 

Never occurred to me that this was even a remote possibility. My collaborators in the family tree work have  found this very interesting to know.  I was kind of more interested in the German side and also Irish lineages I have tracked. 

What - if anything - could this Jewish thing do for me?

    Here's a odd thought someone might have  a view on.I've been doing my family tree and I've found my paternal great-great-great-grandmother was definitely German but could also have been Jewish.  Never occurred to me that this was even a remote possibility. My collaborators in the family tree work have  found this very interesting to know.  I was kind of more interested in the German side and also Irish lineages I have tracked.  What - if anything - could this Jewish thing do for me?        -@fluffy2560


Probably will not get a table at , Barney Greengrasses but it is interesting to know your background.

My husbands father was part Jewish but not his mother.

It is the mothers side that counts.

His step mother was Jewish so he has a Jewish half sister.

I would not doubt if I too have a few Jewish relations ,Everyone might be surprised to know their real family tree.

I met a really nice Ca gal living in Hungary with her in laws and husband.

They were Jewish and she wanted to send her 8 year old boy to Jewish school here in Budapest.

She said when she went in to enroll her son the staff sort of brushed her off, until she got papers from her parents in Ca. proving she was Jewish.  Then it was one big happy family reunion. They even had a Rabbi chat with her about her sons education.

Until she had the papers she was a no go for anyone high up in the school to even bother with .

Sounds too much like a club to me, I never enjoyed being part of a big club that excludes people

In 1975 we lived for several months in Flatbush NYC.

A very Jewish neighborhood at the time, probably still is.

It was nice enough, I was treated fine.

I mentioned before how silly I was. I honestly never made a distinction between people all that much.

I was 20 years old and had not really left Ca. much and had no clue about religious things.

I went into a Kosher butcher shop and asked for pork chops! Idiot!!

At first the butcher glared at me then he took a good look at silly ol me and laughed hard. He told me, no do not have any today but try the shop across the st .I was so silly, I took his advice, he also had no chops that day!

I bought something else, came home and told my husband how hard it was to find pork chops!

He laughed so hard and told me I was an idiot! True, live and learn.

In Ca. I was grocery shopping in a high end food store called Gelsons.

A women came up to me and insisted I tell her who did my nose. I had no idea what she was on about but she would not take no for an answer. I told her it was my natural nose and I never had surgery. She walked away from me in a huff and said keep it to yourself then! What? As if I was keeping the name of a surgeon to myself.

What can I say?

Not been that active lately due to the notification problem. The notification icon shows X amount of posts, but when you click on it, it shows nothing. Well, the program is slowly being sorted out and now showing the posts. YAY.

Well in the meantime I've been busy making a website for us English speakers in my local area where locals can join us and polish up on their English over a beer in an informal setting. https://www.englishbaden.at

Pretty happy with the way it turned out as I've never done something like it from scratch.

    Not been that active lately due to the notification problem. The notification icon shows X amount of posts, but when you click on it, it shows nothing. Well, the program is slowly being sorted out and now showing the posts. YAY.
Well in the meantime I've been busy making a website for us English speakers in my local area where locals can join us and polish up on their English over a beer in an informal setting. https://www.englishbaden.at

Pretty happy with the way it turned out as I've never done something like it from scratch.


You did a great job setting up your page.

This is in Austria?

You did a great job setting up your page.
This is in Austria?

    -@Marilyn Tassy


    Not been that active lately due to the notification problem. The notification icon shows X amount of posts, but when you click on it, it shows nothing. Well, the program is slowly being sorted out and now showing the posts. YAY.
Well in the meantime I've been busy making a website for us English speakers in my local area where locals can join us and polish up on their English over a beer in an informal setting. https://www.englishbaden.at

Pretty happy with the way it turned out as I've never done something like it from scratch.


Looks very good and nice to see a few people attending.

I hope everyone is polishing up their German too!

        Not been that active lately due to the notification problem. The notification icon shows X amount of posts, but when you click on it, it shows nothing. Well, the program is slowly being sorted out and now showing the posts. YAY. Well in the meantime I've been busy making a website for us English speakers in my local area where locals can join us and polish up on their English over a beer in an informal setting. https://www.englishbaden.atPretty happy with the way it turned out as I've never done something like it from scratch.        -@SimCityATLooks very good and nice to see a few people attending.I hope everyone is polishing up their German too!   


It does look sweet.

I doubt even if it was happening in Hungary that I could DRAG my husband to such an event.

IDK, he is not as social as he used to be.

He no longer drinks any alcoholic drinks and has little interest  in other people lives etc.

I suppose he is a self contained person? That might be our ultimate goal, to be self aware and not need any outside  influences?

Heavy stuff , Mr. Stoic I call him, our son calls him Mr. Spock.

To be ONE with the universe and all.

German, man that brings back negative memories.

I took French in school and got an A in the class.

I had to wait a year until HS to learn German. Got a D.

I requested German that year but the class was super packed and I was not given the class.

Nearly 3 months later someone dropped out and they had an empty space for me. I was so far behind everyone else in the class and the teacher did not give me  a break in catching up. I was given the same tests as everyone else within a short time frame.

I now dislike nearly everything German except red cabbage, gotta love the gas

I should of stuck with French, a beautiful language, German now hurts my ears. And my soul...

It does look sweet.I doubt even if it was happening in Hungary that I could DRAG my husband to such an event.IDK, he is not as social as he used to be.He no longer drinks any alcoholic drinks and has little interest  in other people lives etc.I suppose he is a self contained person? That might be our ultimate goal, to be self aware and not need any outside  influences?Heavy stuff , Mr. Stoic I call him, our son calls him Mr. Spock.To be ONE with the universe and all.German, man that brings back negative memories.I took French in school and got an A in the class.I had to wait a year until HS to learn German. Got a D.I requested German that year but the class was super packed and I was not given the class.Nearly 3 months later someone dropped out and they had an empty space for me. I was so far behind everyone else in the class and the teacher did not give me  a break in catching up. I was given the same tests as everyone else within a short time frame.I now dislike nearly everything German except red cabbage, gotta love the gasI should of stuck with French, a beautiful language, German now hurts my ears. And my soul...        -@Marilyn Tassy

My Dad was an independent person.  Looking back on it, he was a little bit of a loner and an isolationist.  He did keep in touch with his siblings and his WW2 Army mates until they all passed.   I guess in those times, everyone was a ship in the night.

French is one of those languages that appeals to English speakers ears.  German not so much.  Apparently French people like the sound of Russian.  I don't think anything Russian is very attractive right now, French or otherwise.   

There's a word for attractiveness of the sound of languages but I don't recall what it is right now.  A linguist told me about the technicalities.  Someone can look it up. 

I learnt French at school and I was quite good at it as well.  Somehow it's much more familiar to English speakers. So many words are the same.

However, all my European working experience is in Germanic countries.  I am attracted to Germany as a place after living there a couple of times back in the 1990s.  It was rich and well organised. I had wondered if my Germanic (tenuous) ancestry had anything to do with it. 

I even had a German girlfriend.   I upgraded to a permanent Hungary sourced SO when I came here.  Now that'll cause some comments, upgrade, haha.

I quite like sauerkraut with I think cardamon seeds or might be fennel seeds.  Tasty but of course not limited to Germany, pickled stuff quite popular here.  No news there.

Watched a short video about the 5 hardest languages to learn for a native English speaker.

  1. Finnish
  2. Xhosa
  3. Cantonese
  4. Polish
  5. Hungarian

My father spoke Polish but was able to communicate with my stepfather who spoke Czech.

They both grew up speaking their mother languages and English.

My grandfather spoke English and about every Slavic language, even Russian.

My HU step FIL spoke Hungarian and Romanian, he became fluent in Russian too, after being in a POW forced labor camp for several years. He also spoke German because he was German but born in Romania.

My other grandfather was German but born in the US to immigrant parents from Frankfurt. They only spoke German at home.

I love Kraut too. Picked up 2 kilos last week!

I drink the juice several times per week for my gut health.

I love sweet/sour red cabbage. A HU women in Ca. told me her secret to making it come out really good. She used apple sauce, I now just grind up a fresh apple or two when cooking.

Languages were like a wall to me.  We did French and Latin at school, I didn't bother with the exams.  Moved to Germany and learnt what could be best described as basic German.  Then I married my wife (Dutch) and it was as if the wall had suddenly gone.  I learnt to speak Dutch, my German improved, then I noticed that my French and Latin had improved and I still don't know why - I hardly ever used them.  I reckon it's down to confidence, and the desire not to have people laugh at you when you try to speak another language put me off.

    Watched a short video about the 5 hardest languages to learn for a native English speaker.


My father spoke Polish but was able to communicate with my stepfather who spoke Czech.
They both grew up speaking their mother languages and English.
My grandfather spoke English and about every Slavic language, even Russian.
My HU step FIL spoke Hungarian and Romanian, he became fluent in Russian too, after being in a POW forced labor camp for several years. He also spoke German because he was German but born in Romania.
My other grandfather was German but born in the US to immigrant parents from Frankfurt. They only spoke German at home.
I love Kraut too. Picked up 2 kilos last week!
I drink the juice several times per week for my gut health.
I love sweet/sour red cabbage. A HU women in Ca. told me her secret to making it come out really good. She used apple sauce, I now just grind up a fresh apple or two when cooking.
    -@Marilyn Tassy

Our kid is learning Mandarin on Dulingo at the moment.   But kids are sponges.  They soak up everything.  Mandarin seems like a better bet than Cantonese.  Xhosa is never going to take over the world.

I've read people who are bilingual (and more) live longer and are better at problem solving and so on.

I can see that could work.

There's an old story of London taxi drivers having bigger "spatial awareness" due to having to learn all the street names and maps.   They've measured their brains change.  I didn't read that it increased their abilities to talk about and have an opinion on any subject under the sun.

What do you do with the apple sauce? Just mix it in?  I might try it.  We've got a surplus of apples here for some reason. It's either put some in the sauerkraut or make apple pies!

Well, cooking is a bit of an art as you know.

I have my own way of cooking but this is basically how it is done.

A bit of oil, veggie or coconut oil, olive is too strong to use for this dish.

Add the shredded cabbage, sometime I mix both white and red, or just one or the other, whatever is on hand.

Salt and pepper it and add carraway seeds to taste,. Stirring and added the apple sauce or shredded fresh apple at this time. Stir and simmer, not always but if the cabbage is a bit older or dry I will ad a tiny, tiny bit of water, all depends on the cabbage used. Simmer till soft. Then add white vinegar and a bit of sugar , with cover off of pan and let it cook for about 5 mins longer.

Is your kid Hungarian? From March 14, Hungarians can travel visa-free to China for 14 days. A chance to use the language is always the best incentive.