Absolutely Anything Else

    Is your kid Hungarian? From March 14, Hungarians can travel visa-free to China for 14 days. A chance to use the language is always the best incentive.


It's an interesting change, thanks for sharing.

And yes, both  our kids are dual Hungarian-British.   

As we all live here, they use their HU passports more than the British one.

The one with the Asian language interest would rather go to South Korea I expect - it's all K-Pop factor.  We were thinking of going there for some holidays but it's quite expensive and we've done nothing about it.

I cannot see visa-free to China is much interest to the vast majority of people here except a tiny few.  People here are likely more concerned about their grocery bills and rubbish politics of OV. 

I travel a great deal and even I'm not that interested in going to China. I'd rather go somewhere else like Thailand or Malaysia. Some airlines are now offering free stopovers.   I received advertising a couple of days ago offering me a free stopover in China but the other one, Taiwan.  Probably one of the more interesting free stopovers. If I go that way again, I might take them up on that.

But what I really want is Budapest Airport to offer flights to long haul places like Singapore or Tokyo.

    Well, cooking is a bit of an art as you know.
I have my own way of cooking but this is basically how it is done.
A bit of oil, veggie or coconut oil, olive is too strong to use for this dish.
Add the shredded cabbage, sometime I mix both white and red, or just one or the other, whatever is on hand.
Salt and pepper it and add carraway seeds to taste,. Stirring and added the apple sauce or shredded fresh apple at this time. Stir and simmer, not always but if the cabbage is a bit older or dry I will ad a tiny, tiny bit of water, all depends on the cabbage used. Simmer till soft. Then add white vinegar and a bit of sugar , with cover off of pan and let it cook for about 5 mins longer.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Good tip.  Now I want some! 

I remember the caraway seeds in a version done by mother.  It made a huge difference to my liking it.  Apple sauce will boost it further. I'd have to leave the sugar out.

I've never been a fan of green boiled cabbage but white and red in coleslaw is very acceptable. 

We used to get that boiled green cabbage dished  up at school.   Like one of the revolting things they made for school dinners.  I suppose they did their best on a limited budget. 

Typical school dinner menu in the UK as below.  In my mind, the height of a chef's perverted sense of humour!

Main course:

  • Spam fritters (with greasy fake meat)
  • Boiled leeks (WTF?)
  • Mashed potato (about the only edible thing)


  • Semolina or tapioca pudding (aka fake rice pudding)

It must have been really bad for me to specifically remember it!  How they thought it would appeal to kids, I do not know.

Honestly, who wouldn't visit Mar-A-Lago if they had the chance?

    Honestly, who wouldn't visit Mar-A-Lago if they had the chance?


Interesting ...I'll play.

I wonder if OV used the servants entrance?  And if the not-so-Teflon Don will do when he goes to the Kremlin?

Mar-A-Lago even if given a chance?  I'd rather just have the cash and forget the tour.  Donny can claim it as legal expenses.

I reckon it looks like someone's idea of trying to be posh with fake French renaissance furnishings.   It just ends up looking kitsch. Shows too much money (for now) but no taste.   All mouth and no trousers. 

DT's tower is the same. Bling and no substance.

Sometimes less is more. 

I'd assumed this was the first time a foreign leader visited the U.S. to meet with a presidential candidate but not the President. 

But no, my AI bot says Adenauer, Rabin and Sadat did the same. So did the Mexican president in 2016, but the circumstances were different.

    Honestly, who wouldn't visit Mar-A-Lago if they had the chance?


I wouldn't


My friend was telling me a week or so past that OV was giving funds to Trump!

HU tax payer funds?

        Well, cooking is a bit of an art as you know.I have my own way of cooking but this is basically how it is done.A bit of oil, veggie or coconut oil, olive is too strong to use for this dish.Add the shredded cabbage, sometime I mix both white and red, or just one or the other, whatever is on hand.Salt and pepper it and add carraway seeds to taste,. Stirring and added the apple sauce or shredded fresh apple at this time. Stir and simmer, not always but if the cabbage is a bit older or dry I will ad a tiny, tiny bit of water, all depends on the cabbage used. Simmer till soft. Then add white vinegar and a bit of sugar , with cover off of pan and let it cook for about 5 mins longer.        -@Marilyn Tassy

Good tip.  Now I want some! 

I remember the caraway seeds in a version done by mother.  It made a huge difference to my liking it.  Apple sauce will boost it further. I'd have to leave the sugar out.

I've never been a fan of green boiled cabbage but white and red in coleslaw is very acceptable. 

We used to get that boiled green cabbage dished  up at school.   Like one of the revolting things they made for school dinners.  I suppose they did their best on a limited budget. 

Typical school dinner menu in the UK as below.  In my mind, the height of a chef's perverted sense of humour!

Main course:
Spam fritters (with greasy fake meat)
Boiled leeks (WTF?)
Mashed potato (about the only edible thing)

Semolina or tapioca pudding (aka fake rice pudding)

It must have been really bad for me to specifically remember it!  How they thought it would appeal to kids, I do not know.


Oh elementary school lunches.

I only remember fish sticks and red jello.

I suppose I was an odd girl.

I volunteered for just about ever helper job in elementary school.

I worked in the school cafeteria, first as a seller of milk cartons, collected the money and turned it into the office. Then I worked the register selling the daily food menu. First it cost 35 cents then went up to a whopping 45 cents for a full lunch.Milk was a nickel then up to a dime.

I also was a was a safety guard, Girl Scout, patrol leader of the scouts, a playground guard and an overall trusted student. Often the teacher would put me under pressure by giving me a paper and pencil and leaving the room with instructions for me to write down the names of any trouble makers while she was out.

I never wrote down names although I easily could of, no one likes a snitch though.

My fave school job was working in the school library. Checking books out, putting them back on the shelves, the old Dewey decimal system.

By Jr. high I turned rebel and never volunteered for anything again.

Even quit the scouts.

I never ate lunch at school in high school. Too busy with my friends having our cocktail hour. All fine and dandy until the lunch guard lady found our stash in the locker.

She was cool, did not report us .We would buy a coke and fixed cocktails with booze my friend provided from her home. Later we smarted up and switched  to pills.

Man instead of working the library, I was covering up for my friend who ,lost her lunch inside the library so to speak. Whiskey and tootsie rolls do leave a nasty stain on a carpet!

Funny, now days I can hardly spell let alone read a book.


It's happened before in other countries that private individuals have met with governments in some kind of foreign policy intervention.  OK, I know Trump hasn't been elected again luckily but OV is an elected official unluckily.

It's not quite the same thing but I believe in the USA, it's against the law usually for private individuals to make foreign policy (Logan Act).  Perhaps it could be argued that Trump was doing that as the USA is in dispute with Hungary.  If the not-so-Teflon Don wasn't in enough trouble.  I'd certainly be looking into that if I was running  the Department of Justice.

In my own country (UK), it's not allowed for ministers to make private, outside their briefs, visits to foreign governments and thereby attempt to subvert or challenge the official policy.  One of our ministers had to resign because she did that.  Nobody was shedding any tears over her resignation as she was universally despised.

@fluffy2560 I am simple, but people over 70  should not run for presidenty (both for Biden and Trump)


I agree but I'd make it 68.   Anyone over 65 will have some decline. I'm not quite there yet but even I feel it.  It's possibly partially physiological but I also think maybe a change in thinking brought about through years of experience - like knowing when to classify something as "cannot be bothered" or garbage.

When I look at Biden and Trump, both of them aren't really that great. I'd go with Biden more because he's a stable person who is unlikely to be swayed by BS.  Trump is just a narcissist showman and he's not that different in age to Biden. I find it hard to believe "the majority" would vote that guy in and in fact, vote for yet more chaos once again.    Biden is less likely to get excited and push the button. Whereas Trump might just push it because he can.  His stance on NATO is a gift to Putin.  It's showing the USA will become untrustworthy and not the ally we all supposed. 

Surely a country the size of the USA could come up with some better candidates.

Anyway, I'm not a US voter, so what I think means nothing.

The two main US political parties appear to be holding a contest to find the largest penis (with as many diseases as possible) to be President.

Both have done an excellent job.

An idiocracy is a society or group that is controlled by or consists of stupid people.

The political parties (or at least the people who bribe them) have a massive financial interest in using an idiot, but the voters are the greatest fools for allowing them in.

    The two main US political parties appear to be holding a contest to find the largest penis (with as many diseases as possible) to be President.
Both have done an excellent job.
An idiocracy is a society or group that is controlled by or consists of stupid people.
The political parties (or at least the people who bribe them) have a massive financial interest in using an idiot, but the voters are the greatest fools for allowing them in.


I don't think it's a dick comparing contest.  More like ego dependent but almost totally on the Trump side. I think Biden's the old fashioned sort.   He lost a son, he's not going to do anything surprising to disturb the status quo. 

Looking back, we had Bush vs Gore and the hanging chads - seems daft now.    Half the population didn't vote for Bush yet had him as President.  Took 8 years for him to be out.  Doing the same thing and expecting a different result is the definition of madness and it seems half the voters had officially a screw loose.

I'm rather concerned how half the country will react if Trump doesn't get elected.  It could end up with widespread violence from extremists.  Trump is running a cult.  People have lost their integrity.  Even now Republicans want favours from the King in waiting.  I heard on the radio that that loon MTG might be selected as VP.   That would be the inmates taking over the asylum.

An idiocracy could also be defined as a country or state that this it's great but is actually rubbish. Perhaps we might suggest it's a Dunning-Kruger country.

China - 28,000 miles of high speed rail that is taking over from domestic flights

US - 375 miles

UK - working on it, but they have to decide if a human with a penis can be a woman before they can finish the first part.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … r-row.html

Yes, I used the Daily Fail deliberately because I wanted total crap that is part of the problem.

I don't think it's a dick comparing contest. 


Not comparing, voting in.

    I don't think it's a dick comparing contest.      -@fluffy2560

Not comparing, voting in.


I see.

But they aren't alone.

I am sure every other country can rustle up their share of dangerous types.

    An idiocracy could also be defined as a country or state that this it's great but is actually rubbish. Perhaps we might suggest it's a Dunning-Kruger country.China - 28,000 miles of high speed rail that is taking over from domestic flightsUS - 375 milesUK - working on it, but they have to decide if a human with a penis can be a woman before they can finish the first part.https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl … r-row.htmlYes, I used the Daily Fail deliberately because I wanted total crap that is part of the problem.        -@Fred

China builds stuff but it's not all good.   I've in countries where I've been a direct observer of Chinese construction and some of it is less than well thought out.   That's the fault of both the Chinese constructor and the buyer.  Plus they had that rail failure sometime ago. 

UK cancelling of HS2 (high speed rail project) line north of Birmingham was just completely weird considering how much it's cost and the damage it's already done to communities through land and property forcibly purchased.   It's of the same scale as the Channel Tunnel and no-one cancelled that, they kept going.  Looks like that's in bother too - insufficient numbers are using it.

JK Rowling is not worth reporting on and a good example.  She's a bigot who understands little of human diversity and physiology. It's all fodder for the right pumped up by the Daily Mail.  Sort of person who would get on quite well with Elon Musk and probably Donny T.   I can imagine a bizarre comedy movie of those three stuck on a desert island.   

    @fluffy2560 I am simple, but people over 70  should not run for presidenty (both for Biden and Trump)


IDK about age being a factor or not.

Younger people tend to need to prove themselves.

They should elect a person with a high I.Q. who does the job for free.

A professor or educated person, not some Hollywood movie star or big mouth no nothing.

In the future I can see AI being in charge.

No personal gain from any agendas.

People equal problems, a computer based system would be fair to all, depending on who programed it.

        I don't think it's a dick comparing contest.      -@fluffy2560Not comparing, voting in.        -@Fred

I see.

But they aren't alone.

I am sure every other country can rustle up their share of dangerous types.


More than a few. Russia has a dodgy chap and there are plenty more all over the world from times past, the present, and there will be more in the future.

JK Rowling is not worth reporting on and a good example.  She's a bigot who understands little of human diversity and physiology.

Can you supply examples of her bigotry, please?

            I don't think it's a dick comparing contest.      -@fluffy2560Not comparing, voting in.        -@FredI see.But they aren't alone.I am sure every other country can rustle up their share of dangerous types.        -@fluffy2560

More than a few. Russia has a dodgy chap and there are plenty more all over the world from times past, the present, and there will be more in the future.


I've always  been fascinated by the ascendancy of these types.  Stalin, Hitler, Putin, Pol Pot, Lukaschenko, Orban, 

What is it that creates the circumstances that enables these people into positions of unfettered power?

Events I suppose.

    JK Rowling is not worth reporting on and a good example.  She's a bigot who understands little of human diversity and physiology.    -@fluffy2560

Can you supply examples of her bigotry, please?


You posted it yourself.  Her post in the DM is evidence enough but you can Google for more.

I'm for diversity and inclusion so if she opens her mouth, it's almost certainly going to be something opposite to my way of thinking.

        @fluffy2560 I am simple, but people over 70  should not run for presidenty (both for Biden and Trump)        -@cdw057IDK about age being a factor or not.Younger people tend to need to prove themselves.They should elect a person with a high I.Q. who does the job for free.A professor or educated person, not some Hollywood movie star or big mouth no nothing.In the future I can see AI being in charge.No personal gain from any agendas.People equal problems, a computer based system would be fair to all, depending on who programed it.        -@Marilyn Tassy

Computer system?  Jeez, please no.  I've seen too many dystopian movies where the AI decides human beings cause wars and then the AI decides to eliminate all the humans.  Reality of no Asimov laws of robotics - do humans no harm etc.

God forbid we have someone like Elon Musk running the show. 

Apart from having a show biz presence, Trump wants the job to protect himself from legal disputes.  He's got something like 90+ cases outstanding against him right now.  Based on probabilities, he could be banged up in jail for at least one of them.

I'm hoping he's prosecuted for violating the Logan Act meeting with OV.  No-one sensible seems to be engaging on that one although some dodgy web sites are discussing it a bit.

We've still got to hear from SCOTUS on his immunity claims post Appeals Court rejection.   We have to wait until April 22nd.  I don't see SCOTUS would take a different view to the Appeals Court. If they did, it'd be King Trump.  Who would want that? Given the right wing bias there right now, they might well agree with him but some of them are literalists so we'll see how much their heads implode when their personal thinking obscures their interpretation of the law. Some of those people need to resign asap.

We've just seen the new HU President Tamas Sulyok "elected".   Another OV shill perhaps but time will tell.

I've always  been fascinated by the ascendancy of these types.  Stalin, Hitler, Putin, Pol Pot, Lukaschenko, Orban, 

What is it that creates the circumstances that enables these people into positions of unfettered power?

Events I suppose.


Easy one to answer - It's stupidity and a total lack of critical thinking .. or outside interference.

The US gets a string of twits because of massive bribes (Sorry, campaign contributions)

Hitler promised a solution (A final one) to the mess caused by the vindictive allies at the end of WW1. The Treaty of Versailles was idiotic and guaranteed to cause problems.

The Bolsheviks strutted their funky thing in Russia because Czar Nicholas was a git

Iran has an extremist government because the US and UK dumped the elected government of that country for their puppet dictator

and that's just three off the top of my head

I'm for diversity and inclusion so if she opens her mouth, it's almost certainly going to be something opposite to my way of thinking.


People aren't bigots for disagreeing with an opposing point of view, but those who seek to gag 'offending' words that are NOT actually offending, just different, are.

My point of view is the correct one, so you aren't allowed to speak up.

Let's burn a few of her books - I think someone else did that in the 1930s.

Witchcraft, or trans-activists - It hardly matters which opinionated ideal they follow - The point is, they know they're so right, everything that disagrees must be destroyed.

This motorcyclist identifies as a cyclist - Is he?

As for bigotry, I would ask you one question.

Would you marry a trans woman who was a man in the past and still had a penis?

If the answer is in the negative, are you a bigot?

    I'm for diversity and inclusion so if she opens her mouth, it's almost certainly going to be something opposite to my way of thinking.    -@fluffy2560

People aren't bigots for disagreeing with an opposing point of view, but those who seek to gag 'offending' words that are NOT actually offending, just different, are.
My point of view is the correct one, so you aren't allowed to speak up.
Let's burn a few of her books - I think someone else did that in the 1930s.
Witchcraft, or trans-activists - It hardly matters which opinionated ideal they follow - The point is, they know they're so right, everything that disagrees must be destroyed.

This motorcyclist identifies as a cyclist - Is he?

As for bigotry, I would ask you one question.
Would you marry a trans woman who was a man in the past and still had a penis?
If the answer is in the negative, are you a bigot?


It's not about me.

It's about making divisive public statements. 

It's like Trump or Orban, they seek to promote division rather than inclusivity and tolerance.  Same old nonsense about identifying an enemy and using it for political gain.

The LGBT community is getting it in the neck in Russia and Ghana at the moment. Different drivers, but at least in Ghana, they already know they'll lose $3.6 billion in foreign funding.  Their Ministry of Finance say they'll lose money.  Be interesting to see if  cash beats ideology. 

But anyway, if people have a lifestyle which doesn't harm anyone else, then they should be able to get  on with it.  Live and let live etc.

Being offensive to some groups of people for whatever hateful thoughts cross their minds and for whatever reason should be socially unacceptable.   They should not be given visibility in a echo chamber (i.e. Daily Mail) to air their views.  Better to ignore them and whatever they are selling - no-one needs to buy a Tesla or a Harry Potter book. 

    I've always  been fascinated by the ascendancy of these types.  Stalin, Hitler, Putin, Pol Pot, Lukaschenko, Orban,  What is it that creates the circumstances that enables these people into positions of unfettered power?Events I suppose.        -@fluffy2560Easy one to answer - It's stupidity and a total lack of critical thinking .. or outside interference.The US gets a string of twits because of massive bribes (Sorry, campaign contributions)Hitler promised a solution (A final one) to the mess caused by the vindictive allies at the end of WW1. The Treaty of Versailles was idiotic and guaranteed to cause problems.The Bolsheviks strutted their funky thing in Russia because Czar Nicholas was a gitIran has an extremist government because the US and UK dumped the elected government of that country for their puppet dictator and that's just three off the top of my head    -@Fred

Yes, Hitler thought Germany was hard done by at the end of WW1.  He thought Germany was being punished. Well, yes it was and it was unsurprising.  I've spent a lot of time looking at what went on that got Hitler into power.

Discarding Hitler for the moment, it doesn't explain how Stalin came to be or Pol Pot or even Mao all of which led to the deaths of millions.  What is the common theme in there about their upbringing, genetics or thinking that made them do it?

BTW, now we know (probably) what Trump plans to do about Ukraine if he gets in again: Trump will not give a penny to Ukraine - Hungary PM Orban.     This statement made me really sad if it's true.  Hopefully Trump is never allowed to do such a thing and he'll be stopped from abandoning NATO and Ukraine.

The EU, NATO (without USA) and UK seem to have missed it.  They are so far behind the curve.  I'm now expecting a massive European ramp up in military spending but it's probably too late for some countries.   If Trump really pulls the plug, no-one is going to rush to help the USA in the Pacific over Taiwan.   The USA will have lost the trust of its allies for decades.

As for bigotry, I would ask you one question.Would you marry a trans woman who was a man in the past and still had a penis?If the answer is in the negative, are you a bigot?    -@Fred

It's not about me.

It's about making divisive public statements. 


JK and Trump - Way out on the far edge of reality. Could you tell me about the grass in your garden?

The Daily Fail loves a nice right wing story, but what has one of the most influential pensmiths since Wilde actually said?

https://www.glamour.com/story/a-complet … ontroversy

"Bugger all", is the answer.

This woman (person who menstrates) got a whole generation to read books in an era where small screens were dumbing our children's minds.

Seems small screens won.

I would argue it is about you. If you refuse to answer a simple question, it suggests you would not marry a woman with a penis, that blanket refusal leading to suspicions of bigotry.

No, I'm I'm not serious, but you can see how nothing turns into wild allegations.

Personally, I see it this way. Anyone is free do do trans in whatever way they want as long as it causes no harm to others.

They can walk down the street in a dress, proclaim their womanhood, and whatever else they like - but biological males should not enter places where biological females need privacy.

If they remove their meat and 2 veg, that changes the situation.

As for my personal opinion, I was brought up by a scientist- You decide if science is bigoted or not.

It's like Trump or Orban, they seek to promote division rather than inclusivity and tolerance.  Same old nonsense about identifying an enemy and using it for political gain.

Not Hitler?

Her heinous crime is in 2 parts :

She champions the left wing ideal of women's rights

She mentioned a taboo subject in a non-suppotive way

She doesn't seem to be creating an enemy for political gain, simply disagreeing with a very extreme political ideal. Sadly that ideal is often held close to the chests of sometimes violent groups who can't stand any argument against their point of view.

I bit like Stalin in some ways. Perhaps we could look back at groups of book burners of the past, and people who tried to deny free speech they didn't agree with.

A quick wander through history suggests these people are more dangerous than a woman who believes in safety for women and women's rights.

If you don't want to say you would not marry a woman with a penis, would you want a biological male woman alone in a changing room with your 16 year old daughter?

India Willoughby is the latest in a string of JK haters.

JK's evil was to misgender a person, so it was reported to the cops as a hate crime.

Let's shut up everyone who disagrees with any given point of view, get them arrested, and dumped into a dark hole where they can't express their point of view.

You mused at how dictators and other extremists get into power - There you go.

Pick a political ideal, claim it's popular, then make it a crime to disagree with.

I am 100% against having AI dictating human lives. I do see it is very possible it will happen at some point in time.

Perhaps after the system crashes and war is over with.

My friend just got back from Vegas after being away for a few years.

She said there were so many AI table game dealers!

I noticed a few table games years ago with an AI dealing the game but she said it is all over now.

AI needs no pay, no breaks and no health insurance. Plus they do not talk back.

There are no good leader that I now of in any country.

Everyone seems to only think of personal gain, power or who they can do in.

Seems all is lost at times....

IDK if we will ever see another King David in our lifetime, maybe someday, long after we now living are long gone.

My husband showed me a tick tock quicky in which a human like robot was feeding pigs in a pen. Did not miss a beat, perfectly poured out their grain and walked sidestep without spilling anything.

It was rather scary to see.

    India Willoughby is the latest in a string of JK haters.
JK's evil was to misgender a person, so it was reported to the cops as a hate crime.
Let's shut up everyone who disagrees with any given point of view, get them arrested, and dumped into a dark hole where they can't express their point of view.
You mused at how dictators and other extremists get into power - There you go.
Pick a political ideal, claim it's popular, then make it a crime to disagree with.


I think JKR was confused in the past between India Willoughby and Holly Willoughby.    I hardly know the difference myself as I don't watch or see 99% of UK TV so wouldn't know one from the other.  They look fairly similar.   But anyway, JKR should just STFU and mind her own business. She's got a chip on her shoulder about something.  No-one should give oxygen to her toxic views.  She can hold them but who cares what she thinks anyway.  Cold shoulder and all that.   

I'm just about (and unnaturally) with Michael O'Leary on Brexiteers and therefore by extension DM readers dying out so the rest can move on.    And I'm in that category O'Leary was on about.  I'm 63 and I think I'm the opposite of the type he suggested should die out. We're not all the same.

Anyway, we've been here before about tactics of "othering" people to cause division.

As for political ideals, were you thinking of Putin?    That's not quite the same.  It's post-dictatorship consolidation.  I don't think Stalin was similarly motivated by his views other than his hold on power.  North Korea the same but a cult.  Pol Pot, not sure about him or Mao probably ideology.  Maybe motivation is diverse but outcome can be the same.  I was just reading about Hoess, the commandant of Auschwitz and Eichmann for that matter. It's in the news because of the movie about Hoess and his family.   It's a banality of evil discussion.   

    It's like Trump or Orban, they seek to promote division rather than inclusivity and tolerance.  Same old nonsense about identifying an enemy and using it for political gain.     -@fluffy2560Not Hitler?Her heinous crime is in 2 parts :She champions the left wing ideal of women's rightsShe mentioned a taboo subject in a non-suppotive wayShe doesn't seem to be creating an enemy for political gain, simply disagreeing with a very extreme political ideal. Sadly that ideal is often held close to the chests of sometimes violent groups who can't stand any argument against their point of view.I bit like Stalin in some ways. Perhaps we could look back at groups of book burners of the past, and people who tried to deny free speech they didn't agree with.A quick wander through history suggests these people are more dangerous than a woman who believes in safety for women and women's rights.If you don't want to say you would not marry a woman with a penis, would you want a biological male woman alone in a changing room with your 16 year old daughter?        -@Fred

Like I said, it's not about me.  BTW, I don't have a 16 year old daughter.  All my daughters are adults and can do what they want.  And they generally do!  We've made sure they were brought up where they are confident and liberally minded.  If any of them want to shack up with any kind of partner, so long as it works for them, no-one is getting hurt, then who are we to object or interfere?

Anyway back to JKR. She's not political, it's her inability to accept people are not the same and to mouth off about it.  It's "othering" people.   But if JKR wants to take her views to parliament, she can do that. She's got her Harry Potter money to finance her launch into politics.     No-one is stopping her getting elected if she can manage  it.  But she'll never get there. No-one would vote for her because it's only her and a few others that are interested in the issue.  Years of elections have proved it's impossible to be elected on a single issue.  There has to be more depth and breadth.

People are more interested in food and energy prices, Gaza, Ukraine and trying to get the Tories out.   There's no giant issue in public discourse right now on LGBT+ rights. 

The lead news item (in the UK) this morning is about Tory donor racism.  Over in the USA, it's just Trump, Gaza and Haiti. 

    I am 100% against having AI dictating human lives. I do see it is very possible it will happen at some point in time.Perhaps after the system crashes and war is over with. My friend just got back from Vegas after being away for a few years.She said there were so many AI table game dealers!I noticed a few table games years ago with an AI dealing the game but she said it is all over now.AI needs no pay, no breaks and no health insurance. Plus they do not talk back.There are no good leader that I now of in any country.Everyone seems to only think of personal gain, power or who they can do in.Seems all is lost at times....IDK if we will ever see another King David in our lifetime, maybe someday, long after we now living are long gone.My husband showed me a tick tock quicky in which a human like robot was feeding pigs in a pen. Did not miss a beat, perfectly poured out their grain and walked sidestep without spilling anything.It was rather scary to see.        -@Marilyn Tassy

Pig feeding robots I think I can go with as it means the drudgery is gone.  Automation increases quality of life for people.  Where would be without the Internet?  I'm online almost 24h day it seems.  I wonder what I did during the working day, 30+ years ago. It seems I've always been working online one way or another.  At least since the 80s anyway.

But it's always been odd that farmers form relations with their products.  I mean, a cheeky pig with a personality  one could personally like but then launch it off to be made into bacon.  I am not sure how they can do that.  Like some kind of cognitive dissonance  - holding two competing valid views at the same time.   

I must say I've not gone vegetarian but I have thought about it.  Just really because I think too much meat is unhealthy but there's an element of guilt in there too.  Nothing wrong with more vegetables and roughage.

I wish AI would diagnose and fix my car.  The weather is rubbish with poor light. And I have to find an electrical fault in between rain.  Out of all the things I dislike, it's electrical faults in cars.

Like I said, it's not about me.  BTW, I don't have a 16 year old daughter. 

If you did - Would you allow a woman with a penis to enter a shower room with her?

Anyway back to JKR. She's not political, it's her inability to accept people are not the same and to mouth off about it.  It's "othering" people.

Please articulate JK's crimes.

I don't mean in general terms, but what hate she actually showed.

In my most humble of opinions, the only hate I have seen is from those who disagree with her, but nobody has actually said what her crime is... well, except a fool who the cops kicked out for wasting their time with rubbish complaints.

Are her supposed crimes actually deserving of the death threats some of her extremist opponents feel are warranted?

https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/2 … gender-row

London (AFP) – "Harry Potter" author J.K. Rowling said Monday she had received a flood of death threats, as she slammed three transgender rights activists who posted her home address on Twitter.

The 56-year-old writer said she had received "so many death threats I could paper the house with them", and that "families have been put into a state of fear and distress" by transgender activists.

Now, what was that about hate crimes? In fact, most of the hate comes from very dangerous extremist groups who want to silence anyone who disagrees with them - even to the point of murder.

On one side we have an author that has done a massive service to kids all over the world by making them want to read real books.

On the other we have groups who with to silence anyone who doesn't agree with their narrow point of view.

I know which one I think is dangerous.

    Like I said, it's not about me.  BTW, I don't have a 16 year old daughter.      -@fluffy2560If you did - Would you allow a woman with a penis to enter a shower room with her?        -@Fred

I'm not on your obvious agenda Fredo. 

And it's a strawman argument.

But as you insist, I'll answer your question another way.

I favour gender neutral private facilities then your question does not arise. I've been in numerous public places and offices where there are gender neutral private rooms.  This is an obvious way to go.

BTW, to show the absurdity of your and many others arguments and indeed legislation around this, what do you think about this person being in your daughter's changing room? It's not a one way street!

Buck Angel

        Like I said, it's not about me.  BTW, I don't have a 16 year old daughter.      -@fluffy2560If you did - Would you allow a woman with a penis to enter a shower room with her?        -@Fred

I'm not on your obvious agenda Fredo. 

And it's a strawman argument.

But as you insist, I'll answer your question another way.

I favour gender neutral private facilities then your question does not arise. I've been in numerous public places and offices where there are gender neutral private rooms.  This is the obvious way to go.

BTW, to show the absurdity of your and many others arguments around this, what do you think about this person?


Perhaps you won't answer because you know you would not allow a fully endowed man to shower with your daughter.

I do not favour that gender neutral dangerous stupidity because my daughter's safety is worth a lot more than political idiocy.

Luckily, I live in a country where that stuff is not allowed. There were reports of an international school with them, so the dept of education conducted a search to ensure it wasn't true.

Had it been true, the school would have been closed until they removed them.

Strawman? A great way to avoid answering. I do have a 16 year old daughter. The last time I saw a man hanging around the entrance to a ladies toilet, I grabbed security. They grabbed him and slung him out of the shopping centre. The question is, what's the difference between that pervert and a man in a dress doing the same thing?

        Like I said, it's not about me.  BTW, I don't have a 16 year old daughter.      -@fluffy2560If you did - Would you allow a woman with a penis to enter a shower room with her?        -@FredI'm not on your obvious agenda Fredo.  And it's a strawman argument.But as you insist, I'll answer your question another way. I favour gender neutral private facilities then your question does not arise. I've been in numerous public places and offices where there are gender neutral private rooms.  This is an obvious way to go.BTW, to show the absurdity of your and many others arguments and indeed legislation around this, what do you think about this person being in your daughter's changing room? It's not a one way street!Buck Angel-@fluffy2560

A drug addict porn star with mental health issues - That's your argument???

Of course I wouldn't want a drunken drug abuser in the same room as her.

I see you're still totally failing to say what JK has actually done that's so hateful.

Still, the attempt at deflection almost had me for a moment.

What are JK's crimes?

On one side we have an author that has done a massive service to kids all over the world by making them want to read real books.
On the other we have groups who with to silence anyone who doesn't agree with their narrow point of view.

I know which one I think is dangerous.


I think you're flogging this a bit too much to the point of trolling.

JKR is divisive and uses discriminatory language.   No wonder people disagree with her.    She's got some psychological problem she needs to sort out.  Other people know how to moderate their language.   

As you should know, gender reassignment is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010.

That's the law of the land back at the mother ship.  I'd be happy to see her sorted out via the UK courts.  She can afford it if she wants to make a point over it in a legal case.   

As I said, if she wants to advance her point of view then she can stand for parliament with the Reform Party and say whatever she wants about anyone under parliamentary privilege.