Absolutely Anything Else

    Are the Tory MPs going to let Sunak march them into the sea? It's probably too late for a change at the top to work, but why aren't they at least trying. Self-preservation is normally a politician's greatest compulsion.


Actually Sunak probably thinks he's just adding something to his CV and really doesn't care.  He'll get an advisor job in a top finance business in NYC.  But here, everyone will remember his failures, not his successes.  But he won't care that much, he's made for life anyway.

It's like Nick Clegg, former politician, who famously screwed all the younger people and their parents in the UK over on university fees. He's only famous for that epic failure.  But now he's being paid gazillions by Facebook/Zuckerberg.  But he's living it large in California and not doing very much either.  He only pops up sometimes like a glove puppet.  I expect they keep him away from sharp objects and can only use scissors under supervision.

You mean inexactitude.   Dictionaries are available   


In my experience, those who push a point but are unable to defend it do two things:

  • They try to divert
  • They resport to attacking typos

The worst is your wish to make political points, but attempt to shut down anyone who disagrees with you.

When you make extremist political points, you have to expect opposing opinions.

Luckily, most will see how wrong you are on their own.

        Are the Tory MPs going to let Sunak march them into the sea? It's probably too late for a change at the top to work, but why aren't they at least trying. Self-preservation is normally a politician's greatest compulsion.        -@zif

Actually Sunak probably thinks he's just adding something to his CV and really doesn't care.  He'll get an advisor job in a top finance business in NYC.  But here, everyone will remember his failures, not his successes.  But he won't care that much, he's made for life anyway.

It's like Nick Clegg, former politician, who famously screwed all the younger people and their parents in the UK over on university fees. He's only famous for that epic failure.  But now he's being paid gazillions by Facebook/Zuckerberg.  But he's living it large in California and not doing very much either.  He only pops up sometimes like a glove puppet.  I expect they keep him away from sharp objects and can only use scissors under supervision.


Don't forget Sunak also get the golden handshake if he is isn't reelected to help him back into society like all MPs get. he also has a nice pension.

On another note, a lot of Tory MPs will not be standing for reelection because they know they will not win in the election. So to save the embarrassment of losing they won't stand.

As the news article says, they are going to have the worst results ever. Not surprising really. Having 5, Prime Ministers in 6 years! No end of cabinet reshuffles. The public has had enough.

Labour isn't much better, but people want a change. The Election is always held on a Thursday, so whenever it is held, I will be taking the Friday off so I can stay up and watch the results come in.

But first we have the local elections on 2nd May, so this will be interesting and should give indication on how they do.

I think a lot of Tory councillors will be pooing their pants.

I think I will have to get truck load of popcorn 🍿 in, going to be interesting viewing.

If interested you will be able to view it on the Sky News YouTube channel.

My theory would be that nobody wants to be the one to replace Sunak before the election and lead the party to defeat. Much better optics to step in after the election to "save" it.

            Are the Tory MPs going to let Sunak march them into the sea? It's probably too late for a change at the top to work, but why aren't they at least trying. Self-preservation is normally a politician's greatest compulsion.        -@zifActually Sunak probably thinks he's just adding something to his CV and really doesn't care.  He'll get an advisor job in a top finance business in NYC.  But here, everyone will remember his failures, not his successes.  But he won't care that much, he's made for life anyway.It's like Nick Clegg, former politician, who famously screwed all the younger people and their parents in the UK over on university fees. He's only famous for that epic failure.  But now he's being paid gazillions by Facebook/Zuckerberg.  But he's living it large in California and not doing very much either.  He only pops up sometimes like a glove puppet.  I expect they keep him away from sharp objects and can only use scissors under supervision.        -@fluffy2560

Don't forget Sunak also get the golden handshake if he is isn't reelected to help him back into society like all MPs get. he also has a nice pension.

On another note, a lot of Tory MPs will not be standing for reelection because they know they will not win in the election. So to save the embarrassment of losing they won't stand.

As the news article says, they are going to have the worst results ever. Not surprising really. Having 5, Prime Ministers in 6 years! No end of cabinet reshuffles. The public has had enough.

Labour isn't much better, but people want a change. The Election is always held on a Thursday, so whenever it is held, I will be taking the Friday off so I can stay up and watch the results come in.

But first we have the local elections on 2nd May, so this will be interesting and should give indication on how they do.

I think a lot of Tory councillors will be pooing their pants.

I think I will have to get truck load of popcorn 🍿 in, going to be interesting viewing.

If interested you will be able to view it on the Sky News YouTube channel.


Once you realise most politicians are in it for the cash, you gain a far greater understanding of how little PMs actually care.

Sunak is set for life with money gained legally and his ex-PM lifetime salary.

Then add the bribe payments for whatever he's done on the QT, and he's laughing.

Of course that's unfair to politicians who care about any given political ideal, but they tend to be extemists of whatever sort trying to push whatever moronic point suits their personal stupidity. One lot are into the idiocy we know as racism, while the other lot want ultra left stupidity pushed onto everyone.

This is why I never support any political ideal or support any given politicians.

    My theory would be that nobody wants to be the one to replace Sunak before the election and lead the party to defeat. Much better optics to step in after the election to "save" it.


There is no time to have challenge the leadership, so you're right. After the election there will be new a new leader for the Tories. Even if Sunak still holds his seat, they will want to blame someone.

        My theory would be that nobody wants to be the one to replace Sunak before the election and lead the party to defeat. Much better optics to step in after the election to "save" it.        -@zifThere is no time to have challenge the leadership, so you're right. After the election there will be new a new leader for the Tories. Even if Sunak still holds his seat, they will want to blame someone.         -@SimCityAT

I agree with "zif" but none of the higher ups are going to be left out in the cold, broke and without support.  Sunak especially.  The leader always resigns on failure.   

I am wondering if we're entering a period of change, with the right dropping off and the liberal left re-emerging on a 12-year cycle.   

We've seen Poland swap back,  Turkey has retained/(re)elected secular mayors in their local elections - mayor of Instanbul has always been the gateway to the Presidency there. 

Biden has been recently pumping up the volume on Trump who must be looking like a busted flush what with his financial and legal woes.   

Hungary itself might see a change as OV has no answer for the scandals that surround him.  His recent speeches were just more of the same nonsense.  The posters are quite brutal over the child abuse scandal. It's hard to come back from that kind of thing,

I am wondering if we're entering a period of change, with the right dropping off and the liberal left re-emerging on a 12-year cycle.   

Labour generally last one session of parliament before they infight and blunder their way to bankrupting the UK and become unelectable for another decade.

Sadly, the tories are using the Labour playbook at the moment.

        My theory would be that nobody wants to be the one to replace Sunak before the election and lead the party to defeat. Much better optics to step in after the election to "save" it.        -@zifThere is no time to have challenge the leadership, so you're right. After the election there will be new a new leader for the Tories. Even if Sunak still holds his seat, they will want to blame someone.         -@SimCityAT

I agree with "zif" but none of the higher ups are going to be left out in the cold, broke and without support.  Sunak especially.  The leader always resigns on failure.   

I am wondering if we're entering a period of change, with the right dropping off and the liberal left re-emerging on a 12-year cycle.   

We've seen Poland swap back,  Turkey has retained/(re)elected secular mayors in their local elections - mayor of Instanbul has always been the gateway to the Presidency there. 

Biden has been recently pumping up the volume on Trump who must be looking like a busted flush what with his financial and legal woes.   

Hungary itself might see a change as OV has no answer for the scandals that surround him.  His recent speeches were just more of the same nonsense.  The posters are quite brutal over the child abuse scandal. It's hard to come back from that kind of thing,


No PM has ever lost their seat in a GE, so Sunak might well make history.

No PM has ever lost their seat in a GE, so Sunak might well make history.

He's a bit rubbish so he might manage.

However, the fool that will replace him, the millionaire man of the people, won't be any better.

No PM has ever lost their seat in a GE, so Sunak might well make history.        -@SimCityAT

Good point.  It would really be a slap in the face for the Tories.  And indeed history - shortest serving Tory PM in history I believe, beaten by a lettuce and if losing the Sunak PM seat, wow, that's quite something.   

Not that many will be complaining if Sunak lost his seat with the many others who will.  The number deserting the sinking ship by not standing for re-election is creeping up all the time.  I think it was about 60 last time I heard about it.  Seen the writing on the wall.

No PM has ever lost their seat in a GE, so Sunak might well make history.        -@SimCityAT

Good point.  It would really be a slap in the face for the Tories.  And indeed history - shortest serving Tory PM in history I believe, beaten by a lettuce and if losing the Sunak PM seat, wow, that's quite something.   

Not that many will be complaining if Sunak lost his seat with the many others who will.  The number deserting the sinking ship by not standing for re-election is creeping up all the time.  I think it was about 60 last time I heard about it.  Seen the writing on the wall.


So far, 66 MPs elected as Conservatives in 2019 have announced they will not stand again – this includes four who have since lost the whip and sit as independents – which is close to one in five of the total.

So far, 66 MPs elected as Conservatives in 2019 have announced they will not stand again – this includes four who have since lost the whip and sit as independents – which is close to one in five of the total.        -@SimCityAT

Looking bad for them isn't it?  And it doesn't get better.

There's another revolt brewing now over homelessness legislation.  Cruella (Braverman) seems to be at the centre of that monstrosity.  Talk about blundering.  Sunak should have killed that stone dead before it ever got into the public space. The optics are outrageous.  If Cruella ever thought it would fly and represent "British values", she's even more sandwiches short of a picnic than we all thought. 

We do seem to be a very turbulent political period. Elections due everywhere so I guess it's not unexpected things will become more extreme.

I did not open up the link, too many cookies but I saw they had a serious accident at a battery factory here in Hungary.

8 people put in hospital.

IDK if they have workmans comp here or not.

It was beautiful outdoors yesterday.

The city park was really busy, people all out walking, sitting in cafes and tons of children playing in the new playground area.

Really nice big clean new playground.

Man, wish we had that when I was younger.  All we had was hard concrete ground under the swings and monkey bars.

On the tram home a nice young women from India gave my husband and I a compliment.

I have a hard time excepting compliments and have a dark sense of humor to boot.

We both were wearing black from head to toe, thought it was colder out then it turned out to be.

Black hats on too.

She said we looked so cute together in our black outfits.

With out  thinking I told her, thanks , we are ready for a funeral anytime, even our own. I was laughing so she was not insulted but why did that come out of my moth to begin with?

She laughed too but seemed nervous.

My old friends baby brother posted a photo of his 4th greatgrand child! In my mind I still see him as my friends little brother wearing his boy scout uniform.

It is strange when everyone around you gets older but in your own mind you have not aged a day.

There's another revolt brewing now over homelessness legislation.  Cruella (Braverman) seems to be at the centre of that monstrosity.  Talk about blundering.  Sunak should have killed that stone dead before it ever got into the public space. The optics are outrageous.  If Cruella ever thought it would fly and represent "British values", she's even more sandwiches short of a picnic than we all thought. 

The police could already move on troublesome sleepers anyway. But to fine them as well to the sum of 2500 GBP!! What world are they living in?

    I did not open up the link, too many cookies but I saw they had a serious accident at a battery factory here in Hungary.
8 people put in hospital.
IDK if they have workmans comp here or not.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Several people were taken ill and 8 hospitalised at the battery factory in Komárom, Telex reports. A pungent smell spread and several workers complained of headaches on Sunday evening at SK's battery factory in Komárom. Workers were evacuated from the factory. According to the emergency services, the firefighters who checked the site found no hazardous substances in the air of the factory that exceeded the limit values. On Monday morning, several independent sources told Telex that there was a malfunction at the battery factory on Sunday evening. The NGO Kiállunk Ácsért wrote to Telex: “People are being taken away from the factory by ambulances without sirens, police and emergency services have been deployed, and workers have been evacuated to the parking lot in front of the factory. The air around the factory smells pungent, irritating to the eyes and throat.”

https://dailynewshungary.com/accident-h … -hospital/

Might be linked to the Spar activity mentioned previously:

Russian hard discounter eyes Hungarian retail market

This might be one of those OV takeovers of the supermarket sector using Russian money.  Not sure how it works when there are sanctions.  EU needs to look into it.

Mrs F says there's a boycott campaign starting up.  Unsurprising.

        I did not open up the link, too many cookies but I saw they had a serious accident at a battery factory here in Hungary.8 people put in hospital.IDK if they have workmans comp here or not.    -@Marilyn Tassy

Several people were taken ill and 8 hospitalised at the battery factory in Komárom, Telex reports. A pungent smell spread and several workers complained of headaches on Sunday evening at SK's battery factory in Komárom. Workers were evacuated from the factory. According to the emergency services, the firefighters who checked the site found no hazardous substances in the air of the factory that exceeded the limit values. On Monday morning, several independent sources told Telex that there was a malfunction at the battery factory on Sunday evening. The NGO Kiállunk Ácsért wrote to Telex: “People are being taken away from the factory by ambulances without sirens, police and emergency services have been deployed, and workers have been evacuated to the parking lot in front of the factory. The air around the factory smells pungent, irritating to the eyes and throat.”
https://dailynewshungary.com/accident-h … -hospital/       -@SimCityAT

That's mad.  Hydrogen cyanide is really toxic.  I've been to so many sites across the world where they have batteries in the same room as electrical gear.  The chances of an explosion due to arcing of electrical contacts are greatly increases when they are being charged (hydrogen gas is given off).   I told them (Chinese builders) to build a separate battery room.  They should have known that.  It could just go bang!

     There's another revolt brewing now over homelessness legislation.  Cruella (Braverman) seems to be at the centre of that monstrosity.  Talk about blundering.  Sunak should have killed that stone dead before it ever got into the public space. The optics are outrageous.  If Cruella ever thought it would fly and represent "British values", she's even more sandwiches short of a picnic than we all thought.  -@fluffy2560

The police could already move on troublesome sleepers anyway. But to fine them as well to the sum of 2500 GBP!! What world are they living in?


It's just gone stupid. 

Earlier today, a minister says people won't be fined for being smelly under the nuisance provisions.

I suppose they could arrest the entire Tory government for being a nuisance and creating such a stink in the first place.

Must really suck to be them these days.

On the tram home a nice young women from India gave my husband and I a compliment.
I have a hard time excepting compliments and have a dark sense of humor to boot.
We both were wearing black from head to toe, thought it was colder out then it turned out to be.
Black hats on too.
She said we looked so cute together in our black outfits.
With out  thinking I told her, thanks , we are ready for a funeral anytime, even our own. I was laughing so she was not insulted but why did that come out of my moth to begin with?
She laughed too but seemed nervous
    -@Marilyn Tassy

You could have said you were on a "mission" but ssshhh....don't tell anyone. 1f609.svg

The Fluffy family was at the Van Gogh Immersive Experience exhibition out near the Puskas stadium.

It's not cheap  but if one likes Van Gogh, it would be  interesting.   Takes about 1.5-2h. We've always been fans of Van Gogh's paintings so we liked it.  Mrs F is a total fan.

There's a large scale video presentation at the end with multi-media display, voice overs and history of Van Gogh's paintings. It's quite impressive as a display but unfortunately in Hungarian only.

We parked at Arena Mall and walked.  But if you are smarter than us you can park right outside the place.

Just hosted my American friends (Husband, Wife, 2 kids (11F & 14M) in Hungary. It was wonderful to see them. Did all the touristy stuff and 2 Escape Rooms.

If ever in Bp and need suggestions, do contact me! :-)

    Just hosted my American friends (Husband, Wife, 2 kids (11F & 14M) in Hungary. It was wonderful to see them. Did all the touristy stuff and 2 Escape Rooms.
If ever in Bp and need suggestions, do contact me! :-)


My first cousin and his Thai wife visited us in Hungary 2 times about 6 years back.

I think they have traveled to every country in the world a few times.

He used to teach in Thailand and traveled all over SE Asia.

Was in Vietnam as a young man .

He has the means to travel when ever they wish to.

His first time in Hungary though.

I am not sure we showed him a good time or not. Maybe we did since they came twice?

My husband is friendly and nice but hates all sorts of waste. My cousin wanted to treat us to any cafe he took a liking to but my husband refused to sit down and pay tourist prices and hated to see my cousin waste his money.

Not sure why he was so hard lined but thats why people like my husband, he tells it like it is and is always honest with people .Not everyone likes the truth however...

Anyways, it is fun to see a place through the eyes of a tourist.

I wonder if the eclipse will be partly seen here in Europe or not?

I am not interest in it at all.

Saw one in Ca. back in the 1960s.

My friend in AZ is ready. Having a get together with neighbors with the glasses and all.

Further to "Is this the right room for an argument?"


My first cousin and his Thai wife visited us in Hungary 2 times about 6 years back.I think they have traveled to every country in the world a few times.He used to teach in Thailand and traveled all over SE Asia.Was in Vietnam as a young man .He has the means to travel when ever they wish to.His first time in Hungary though.I am not sure we showed him a good time or not. Maybe we did since they came twice?My husband is friendly and nice but hates all sorts of waste. My cousin wanted to treat us to any cafe he took a liking to but my husband refused to sit down and pay tourist prices and hated to see my cousin waste his money.Not sure why he was so hard lined but thats why people like my husband, he tells it like it is and is always honest with people .Not everyone likes the truth however...Anyways, it is fun to see a place through the eyes of a tourist.I wonder if the eclipse will be partly seen here in Europe or not?I am not interest in it at all.Saw one in Ca. back in the 1960s.My friend in AZ is ready. Having a get together with neighbors with the glasses and all.        -@Marilyn Tassy

Didn't see the eclipse obviously.  I am nowhere near the path.  And if it was visible, it's really cloudy here (UK).

I find we do not (recently or) actively visit the tourist sites on our doorstep.  It's very rare for us to do that.  Our kids visit them but they are on school trips so it's about history.   

For ourselves, we're always busy with domestic stuff and never seem to have time for it recently unless we have visitors who shake us out of our torpor. It was an exception for us to visit the Van Gogh experience.  We do go to the cinema etc but not as much as we used to.  The last thing we saw was Dune Part II.

There's so much obscure stuff to visit in Budapest. I'm thinking dragging the Fluffy family to go to the  Electrotechnical Museum (free last Saturday of the month as a Family Day).  I remember visiting a science museum as a kid standing on a plastic bucket and being charged up by a Van der Graff generator and my hair standing on end. Everyone wanted to do that.    Shocking!

We've been to the BKV transport museum in Szentendre.  If you like buses and trams, it's quite good.

I am not sure which is the most odd museum in Budapest or even Hungary.  There must be one!

I think I was a bit put off inside the Agricultural museum in the city park when I noticed a stuffed dog.

Also when my old yoga teacher , her husband and another couple from the US visited Hungary we took them over to Keszthely to the Festetics palace.

Several huge rooms where just full of stuffed animal heads.

Freaked the heck out of us,

That was overall a very odd ball experience having them visit and showing them around to various places for a few days.

I will NEVER again be a semi tour guide to people we do not know well.

My teacher was a nice lady but about 15 years older then I and unbeknown to me beforehand was a anorexic.

Her husband and the other couple were super wealthy and did a tour of a few countries in Europe but had to see Hungary because Marys son was about to marry a Hungarian women in CA and they wanted to know where her parents had come from.

Overall. Mary was still nice but her husband and the other couple were not exactly our cup of tea.

It was so odd.

We were living in Erd at the time and they were staying at the old Maridian hotel in the 5th, a 5 star hotel that had been the head office of the communist police dept. back in the day.

We really went way out of our way to show them around, total waste of time in the end.

We drove to Budapest at 4 pm, rush hour, Marys husband said that was when they had some time to have us show them around downtown.

We walked them around for a couple of hours then they had to go and get ready for dinner.

We were not invited , no problem but they did not even want to stop for a quick drink with us.

I heard later from the women traveling with them, the personal surgical nurse for 2 high end heart doctors in Las Vegas, they they spent over $500.  16 years ago that is for dinner and that Mary kept excusing herself to bring up her food! This was a then women in  her late 50s to early 60s. Ex flight attendant, that is where she met her wealthy husband, the mile high club maybe??

The nurses husband was then the CFO for a major casino in Vegas, name I have forgotten now. I mean he knew I was a dealer and never even offered to recommend me to HR if we ever returned to Vegas. I never expect anything from anyone but man.. CFO and no help to anyone? Jerk!

Marys husband had his own business designing the inside of casinos.

I know he kept going on about making a fortune in Budapest if her brought over a sandblasting machine.

These 2 couples stayed 4 days in Budapest and were to spend 4 days in different condo near Hevis, they both rented separate cars for the trip over there.

We heard of some event happening a good 2 hours away by back roads from Erd but close to where they were staying in Hevis.

An annual event to celebrate Roman days in HU.

We drove over and were to meet a a site at 2pm.

We had a hard time on the roads and were late by 30 mins.

We waited to find them at the place were set up for meeting them.

4 pm, no shows, wind started up and my head was beating from stress and the wind.

Called them up at their condo and were told both couples decided to do something else that day.

The smart a@@ CFO and his nurse wife got lost  and found themselves in Austria!

Mary was not feeling good, probably barfed too much that day.

My husband and I found a hotel room because I felt so bad I could not face a long ride home by car.

Had to pay double for the room because of the local even happening and it being so busy.

Next day however they wanted to meet us in Keszthely and take a boat ride.

Since we were so close by we said OK and met them.

My husband did not even know any of them and really was a gent considering how rude they had been over those few days. He said he did not want me to feel bad if I saw Mary again in Vegas.

So we went to the museum first, the rich nurse was complaining she had to pay to use the WC! Cheapos!

Then we took the boat ride.

It was run by a full crew and only one other couple was onboard with us.

I think they sprang for a beer each while we sailed around the lake. Not sure though, we might of actually been suckers and bought them drinks!

After the sail was over with the crew and caption, a older man in a nice uniform all stood and said thanks and good bye to the passengers.

The CFO dude made me wish to bunch him hard, he had the dang nerve to hand the Captain a dollar as a tip, in front of his crew too!

The Caption had some class and just said thank you but my husband and I were cringing .Yikes.

I mean, hand out at least a $20. or forget it!

We walk to our cars and say bye bye to the 2 couples, as we are chatting Marys rude husband says to me in front of his wfe and my husband, quote, Mary is never home, if you are ever in Vegas, why not come visit me, you are in good shape!!!

My husband was cool, my face had to be red, I did nothing to bring on that remark.

My husband laughed and made a joke out of it, he is smart that way.

Either had to beat him up on the spot or make a joke.

He said, sorry, my wife does not make house calls.

Ok, so the next couple days pass by and Mary contacts me.

She said they had been back in Budapest early and got another hotel room because she did not like Hevis and was bored.

They lost the money on the condo and rental cars on top of it all.

I know exactly why she was bored ,she , I was told by the nurse was not a swimmer because she was anorexic and looked terrible in a swimsuit!

IDK, maybe there is something in the Las Vegas water supply, these people were nuts and although I did take a few classes later in Vegas with Mary, I lost all respect for her and her friends. More like her enemies the way that women was bad taking her to me. It actually embarrassed me to hear her talk.

In the end the casino where that rude dude was the CFO closed down, could not of happened to a bigger jerk.

Not sure about Marys husband if he ever found a house visitor for himself or not.

I found my own dealing job when we returned to Vegas on my own. At a brand new nicer casino so there is that. Never expect anything from anyone !Better casino with better tips.

This all happened in a short week!

They say you are known by the company you keep, we tend to fly solo these days.


As I mentioned, my friends were just here from the US. We went to the Flippermuzeum -- aka the Pinball muzeum.

I expected a few people but it was quite busy and had a large range of games.

As you say, tons of things to do in Bp!

As I mentioned, my friends were just here from the US. We went to the Flippermuzeum -- aka the Pinball muzeum.
I expected a few people but it was quite busy and had a large range of games.
As you say, tons of things to do in Bp!


That's definitely obscure.  But was it good?  Did the kids like it? I expect they did. Pinball is pretty retro compared to video games.  Is it worth going on a rainy afternoon?

Take a quick peek at the hours:


It was fun and had many arcade games in addition to the pinball tables.

None of it would be confused with VR, many are really quite old.

But as they are all free after entry, if you don't like it, try the next!

My only complaint would be that there are few multi-player games. If you think of the pinball table, it's really one player playing. Maybe then the next player plays but you don't play at the same time. So you have to look for games for multi-player coordination. They do exist though.

If the price doesn't scare you off, I recommend it!

Though I can also say that once was enough for me for a while. I have enough video games online and at home :-)

But again, these are unique...

    Take a quick peek at the hours:
It was fun and had many arcade games in addition to the pinball tables.
None of it would be confused with VR, many are really quite old.
But as they are all free after entry, if you don't like it, try the next!
My only complaint would be that there are few multi-player games. If you think of the pinball table, it's really one player playing. Maybe then the next player plays but you don't play at the same time. So you have to look for games for multi-player coordination. They do exist though.
If the price doesn't scare you off, I recommend it!
Though I can also say that once was enough for me for a while. I have enough video games online and at home :-)

But again, these are unique...


Thanks for the link.

It does look rather cramped in there - obviously a basement.  It must be really noisy when it's really busy.   I agree, pinball is not multi-player really although I vaguely remember some pinball games where two people could alternately play on the same game.  Very old school and no VR (that can be very weird).  Very different to games now.   

Price wise, it's not cheap at all, I can say that for sure.

    I think I was a bit put off inside the Agricultural museum in the city park when I noticed a stuffed dog.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

For some reason that really amused me.   

Do you think it was looking at you accusingly? 

Look what you humans have done to me!

    I think I was a bit put off inside the Agricultural museum in the city park when I noticed a stuffed dog.
Also when my old yoga teacher , her husband and another couple from the US visited Hungary we took them over to Keszthely to the Festetics palace.
Several huge rooms where just full of stuffed animal heads.
Freaked the heck out of us,
That was overall a very odd ball experience having them visit and showing them around to various places for a few days.
I will NEVER again be a semi tour guide to people we do not know well.
My teacher was a nice lady but about 15 years older then I and unbeknown to me beforehand was a anorexic.
Her husband and the other couple were super wealthy and did a tour of a few countries in Europe but had to see Hungary because Marys son was about to marry a Hungarian women in CA and they wanted to know where her parents had come from.
Overall. Mary was still nice but her husband and the other couple were not exactly our cup of tea.
It was so odd.
We were living in Erd at the time and they were staying at the old Maridian hotel in the 5th, a 5 star hotel that had been the head office of the communist police dept. back in the day.
We really went way out of our way to show them around, total waste of time in the end.
We drove to Budapest at 4 pm, rush hour, Marys husband said that was when they had some time to have us show them around downtown.
We walked them around for a couple of hours then they had to go and get ready for dinner.
We were not invited , no problem but they did not even want to stop for a quick drink with us.
I heard later from the women traveling with them, the personal surgical nurse for 2 high end heart doctors in Las Vegas, they they spent over $500.  16 years ago that is for dinner and that Mary kept excusing herself to bring up her food! This was a then women in  her late 50s to early 60s. Ex flight attendant, that is where she met her wealthy husband, the mile high club maybe??
The nurses husband was then the CFO for a major casino in Vegas, name I have forgotten now. I mean he knew I was a dealer and never even offered to recommend me to HR if we ever returned to Vegas. I never expect anything from anyone but man.. CFO and no help to anyone? Jerk!
Marys husband had his own business designing the inside of casinos.
I know he kept going on about making a fortune in Budapest if her brought over a sandblasting machine.
These 2 couples stayed 4 days in Budapest and were to spend 4 days in different condo near Hevis, they both rented separate cars for the trip over there.
We heard of some event happening a good 2 hours away by back roads from Erd but close to where they were staying in Hevis.
An annual event to celebrate Roman days in HU.
We drove over and were to meet a a site at 2pm.
We had a hard time on the roads and were late by 30 mins.
We waited to find them at the place were set up for meeting them.
4 pm, no shows, wind started up and my head was beating from stress and the wind.
Called them up at their condo and were told both couples decided to do something else that day.
The smart a@@ CFO and his nurse wife got lost  and found themselves in Austria!
Mary was not feeling good, probably barfed too much that day.
My husband and I found a hotel room because I felt so bad I could not face a long ride home by car.
Had to pay double for the room because of the local even happening and it being so busy.
Next day however they wanted to meet us in Keszthely and take a boat ride.
Since we were so close by we said OK and met them.
My husband did not even know any of them and really was a gent considering how rude they had been over those few days. He said he did not want me to feel bad if I saw Mary again in Vegas.
So we went to the museum first, the rich nurse was complaining she had to pay to use the WC! Cheapos!
Then we took the boat ride.
It was run by a full crew and only one other couple was onboard with us.
I think they sprang for a beer each while we sailed around the lake. Not sure though, we might of actually been suckers and bought them drinks!
After the sail was over with the crew and caption, a older man in a nice uniform all stood and said thanks and good bye to the passengers.
The CFO dude made me wish to bunch him hard, he had the dang nerve to hand the Captain a dollar as a tip, in front of his crew too!
The Caption had some class and just said thank you but my husband and I were cringing .Yikes.
I mean, hand out at least a $20. or forget it!
We walk to our cars and say bye bye to the 2 couples, as we are chatting Marys rude husband says to me in front of his wfe and my husband, quote, Mary is never home, if you are ever in Vegas, why not come visit me, you are in good shape!!!
My husband was cool, my face had to be red, I did nothing to bring on that remark.
My husband laughed and made a joke out of it, he is smart that way.
Either had to beat him up on the spot or make a joke.
He said, sorry, my wife does not make house calls.
Ok, so the next couple days pass by and Mary contacts me.
She said they had been back in Budapest early and got another hotel room because she did not like Hevis and was bored.
They lost the money on the condo and rental cars on top of it all.
I know exactly why she was bored ,she , I was told by the nurse was not a swimmer because she was anorexic and looked terrible in a swimsuit!
IDK, maybe there is something in the Las Vegas water supply, these people were nuts and although I did take a few classes later in Vegas with Mary, I lost all respect for her and her friends. More like her enemies the way that women was bad taking her to me. It actually embarrassed me to hear her talk.
In the end the casino where that rude dude was the CFO closed down, could not of happened to a bigger jerk.
Not sure about Marys husband if he ever found a house visitor for himself or not.
I found my own dealing job when we returned to Vegas on my own. At a brand new nicer casino so there is that. Never expect anything from anyone !Better casino with better tips.
This all happened in a short week!
They say you are known by the company you keep, we tend to fly solo these days.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Marilyn, that's such a bizarre story.   That kind of behaviour was unfortunate for everyone. 

But then again in the North of England and the land of my mother (Yorkshire), they say

"there's nowt as queer as folk"

(quick translation: nowt = nothing, queer = strange/odd not gay in this case.  Means in totality people do odd and strange things).

A dollar tip to the captain.  The tipper must have thought it was a fortune.   And what do you do with 1 dollar here?  It's impossible to exchange without it having a lot more friends. Be quicker to post it.

Tipping has become a bit odd recently. I was in a taxi yesterday going to an airport and I had no coins and the notes I had were too large.  I had no way to tip the driver. I felt I had to apologise for having no small change. I had paid for the taxi by card.   No-one uses cash any more. 

I have so many odd ball stories it is a bit off putting to my mind.

Why me? I seem to attract people who are a bit off beat, unless all of humanity is off beat and no one told me ?

Tipping a dollar was more then rude to my mind. Considering that idiot was the Chief Financial Officer of a Las Vegas Hotel and Casino.

I mean he must of been handling millions of dollars worth of transactions per day, he had to know the value of a measly buck, even 16 or so years ago it was not worth much.

\Come to think of it, it might of happened back in or around the year 2000?

A long time ago in any case.

Hard to believe it is so nice outside and it is suppose to get much colder in a day or so.

Super busy with spring cleaning.

Yesterday we gave away about 60 plus aloe vera sprouts to a vendor in the farmers market.

It is a big deal, my husband treats every little sprig special.

He had to go back and remind the lady about how much sunlight they like etc.

Started out with one little plant and now every widow sill is full of them.

When we arrived in the lobby yesterday we were greeted by 2 different neighbors.

The young man living above us came down to meet us to inform us that his living room ceiling was falling down.

The previous owners made a mess of things.

I remember wanting to murder the construction crew who did the remodel above us back around 2017.

6 to 7 days per week from 7 am till after 7 pm.

Breaking every house rule on the books.

We could tell by just looking at the crew they they were clueless and not professionals.

Well it all came down last night.

Poor guys upstairs, they are another gay couple.

The guys they purchased the flat from were a HU gay couple who scammed their own it seems.

They invited us up to see the ceiling, man alive what a mess, the previous owners took apart all the rooms and redid them in some off configurations.

The new owner told me they had to change the washroom sink because a senor one was put in. Everytime they went to brush their teeth they had to play with starting the senor to get the water running.

The former owner had allowed his 20 year old partner to design the place.

I almost laughed when I saw the tile work in the combo, shower, sink and hallway, it was a large tile work of the back side of a female with long hair.

The poor guy even said to me, WTH, they were gay, why did they put that on the wall?

I told him it must of been a beard because they older guy was in the HU military.

Man, I feel for them.

They had to get friends to drive over from Romania to help pull down the ceiling before it all came down on their heads last night.

No such thing it seems as an emergency crew to come over on a weekend here.

They actually seem very considerate, they came down to tell us how sorry they are for any noise they make fixing the ceiling.They even gave us a half liter of homemade Transilvanian palinka.

Too strong for us but , you never know...

Lesson learned, double check the credentials of anyone working on your property before signing the dotted line.

Mrs F has determined I can vote only in the local elections.  The confusion on the letter we all received is that it's local elections only, not elections for the EU Parliament. I think those letters have not been sent out yet.

So far, I've seen many Fidesz posters in my ward (electoral district) but only one or two others.  It's already Fidesz around here.     The most visible opposition is the Two-Tailed Dog Party. 

We've not seen anyone else with posters up.  Certainly not the new Tisza party (Magyar Peter) which is a pro-EU Fidesz lookalike as far as I can determine.

Yes, my husband informed me that I could vote in our local elections if I registered first.

No thinks, unless one of them is promising to make a reasonable priced local swimming hole for everyone, they can not offer me anything.

That will be the day, they day they do something for our well being and joy.

Not sure why the edit button ins not working, my spelling makes it seem I barely made it through the second grade!

    Not sure why the edit button ins not working, my spelling makes it seem I barely made it through the second grade!        -@Marilyn Tassy

Not to worry, when I read back my previous posts, I see so many grammatical errors. 

My brain works faster than my fingers.

My God, I even tired to correct myself by spelling ins instead of is.

Not sure if my fingers work faster then my brain or if I am already brain dead!!

I am a bit on the sad side today. My bro who is 14 years younger then I wrote to tell me his wife was in and out of hospital lately.

I am not sure but I know she is a few years older then he is, maybe 6 years older?

She is having some heart issues.

Plus her knee replacement is not great, she needs another one.

Being a total male as he is, I am sure he left out allot of details about his wives situation.

He is having a hospital bed delivered to their home... OK, not sounding very good to me.

Totally breaks my heart, such a mess since their honeymoon in Honolulu.

That was when it all went sour. He was cut on the foot by some coral at the beach and from then on has been losing toes and his health.

Now she is crashing.

I wonder what sort of curse we are under?

It is really something to see people around you going down for the count.

I know her parents were in their late 80s before then gave up the ghost and she is in her early 60s.

Her 3 sons are no where to be seen either.

One had 3 kidney transplants, he came from her first hubby.

Her second boys, 2 of them are half black from her 2nd hubby.

I suppose times have changed, people age and they no longer can expect care from their children.

I figure they may owe you a few years at the min. since you gave them a min. of 18, more like 18 to life!

The police could already move on troublesome sleepers anyway. But to fine them as well to the sum of 2500 GBP!! What world are they living in?


What world?

Modern, developed, civilised society.

Governments and city councils worldwide with a very few exceptions do just one of the following:

  1. Total disregard and 0 regulations (like: San Francisco)
  2. Administrative fine and harassment

What 95+% fail to do even as intent: root cause problem solving.

Social work unable to break out from it stupid christian roots since they misrepresented who is the deserving and undeserving poor - which should be the very opposite in an effective society.