Absolutely Anything Else

Last week we read on a HU language news article that the Hungarian gov. is going to pay for 100,000 new drivers, teenagers to go the driving school.

Watch out, insurance rates will probably being going up if this happens.

100,000 newbie drivers set loose at once on the streets.

Does not sound great.

Why the gov. wants to pay the costs IDK.

A friend has set up a go fund me page.

Heard they are asking anyone who donates for $85.to cover their costs.

So for every $100. donated they keep $85. for their costs?

Something sounds off with that.

    Last week we read on a HU language news article that the Hungarian gov. is going to pay for 100,000 new drivers, teenagers to go the driving school.
Watch out, insurance rates will probably being going up if this happens.
100,000 newbie drivers set loose at once on the streets.
Does not sound great.
Why the gov. wants to pay the costs IDK.
A friend has set up a go fund me page.
Heard they are asking anyone who donates for $85.to cover their costs.
So for every $100. donated they keep $85. for their costs?
Something sounds off with that.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Our eldest needs driving lessons so that would be good.  I  will ask her to research that.  She can actually drive a bit already. I take her out to some private land near here which is accessible. I've taught her how to change gears, braking etc.  It doesn't give her any road sense of course, that comes only from experience and practice. 

BTW, insurance rates here are not higher than elsewhere.   I pay more for my UK car than I do here for the HU cars.   The problem is claiming.  Will they ever pay out?  It's a lot easier to check out insurance though in the UK. It's all done online. Everything is managed via web sites.  No need to go anywhere so long as one has a credit card, job done.

What's the Go Fund Me for? Increased insurance costs?  I'm not sure about those things.   I see on some forums people always having serious motorcycle accidents in places like Thailand.  Either they have no insurance cover or it doesn't cover motorbike riding.  That's just really bad planning.

Something I never thought I would see here.....


    Something I never thought I would see here.....440958459_10161115535507279_1100376904405032662_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=r2aPR6RXbgEQ7kNvgHJ_nNS&_nc_ht=scontent.fvie2-1.fna&oh=00_AYCV7xHckB-FEwhDCfoKQ4Xb_V0BSonHrzl6XTaT5tEXgw&oe=66447A68-@SimCityAT

We are heading towards the peak of a solar cycle. The top will be next year so expect more of the same for some months.

Radio enthusiasts are loving it as it allows very long distance communications on the high HF bands. I worked stations in Israel, Italy, and Spain on 28mhz recently.

Edit. I gather 4 sunspots exploded in epic fashion, and all were pointed at Earth.

One absolute giant of an erruption is expected to allow visable aurora

That finishes the reason for aurora at lower than usual latitudes.

    Something I never thought I would see here.....


We missed it.  We didn't know and we were all asleep. 

We'll have to wait for another spectacle at reasonable times. 

And that's Eurovision tonight! 

        Last week we read on a HU language news article that the Hungarian gov. is going to pay for 100,000 new drivers, teenagers to go the driving school.Watch out, insurance rates will probably being going up if this happens.100,000 newbie drivers set loose at once on the streets.Does not sound great.Why the gov. wants to pay the costs IDK.A friend has set up a go fund me page.Heard they are asking anyone who donates for $85.to cover their costs.So for every $100. donated they keep $85. for their costs?Something sounds off with that.        -@Marilyn Tassy

Our eldest needs driving lessons so that would be good.  I  will ask her to research that.  She can actually drive a bit already. I take her out to some private land near here which is accessible. I've taught her how to change gears, braking etc.  It doesn't give her any road sense of course, that comes only from experience and practice. 

BTW, insurance rates here are not higher than elsewhere.   I pay more for my UK car than I do here for the HU cars.   The problem is claiming.  Will they ever pay out?  It's a lot easier to check out insurance though in the UK. It's all done online. Everything is managed via web sites.  No need to go anywhere so long as one has a credit card, job done.

What's the Go Fund Me for? Increased insurance costs?  I'm not sure about those things.   I see on some forums people always having serious motorcycle accidents in places like Thailand.  Either they have no insurance cover or it doesn't cover motorbike riding.  That's just really bad planning.


I know when I was in HS the public school gave us driving lessons.

The thing was not everyones parents were able to buy them a car in Ca and afford the insurance for a teenager.

We had driving simulators in the classroom and after we knew the rules of the road and practiced  in class, we were taken out in groups of 4 or 5 with a teacher.

We spend perhaps 6 weeks in this class.

My mom told me she was not willing to let me drive at 17 because of the costs.

From experience, my friends who did have access to a car drove a bit insane.

One friend, Holly, my buddy who was born the same day and perhaps the same time as I, drove like a maniac.

Her mom let her drive a big bright red convertible car.

We left campus without permission at lunch time to take a joy ride.

Did not really sneak off as she went wild.

She drove all across the lawn in front of the school, real incognito and all!

Man, every student around was laughing and teachers started running after us.

She blew them off by gunning the engine and off we went.

The knew who we were, hard to not notice with and exit like that.

Teenagers on the road is a bad mix most times.

I have been invited a few times to a go fund me page.

Never donated...

I think it is best to just give the person in need directly and skip the middleman.

        Something I never thought I would see here.....440958459_10161115535507279_1100376904405032662_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=r2aPR6RXbgEQ7kNvgHJ_nNS&_nc_ht=scontent.fvie2-1.fna&oh=00_AYCV7xHckB-FEwhDCfoKQ4Xb_V0BSonHrzl6XTaT5tEXgw&oe=66447A68


We missed it.  We didn't know and we were all asleep. 

We'll have to wait for another spectacle at reasonable times. 

And that's Eurovision tonight! 


Will be able to see see the lights tonight and tomorrow as well

Will be able to see see the lights tonight and tomorrow as well


What time?

    Will be able to see see the lights tonight and tomorrow as well         -@SimCityAT

What time?


11pm +

And that's Eurovision tonight! 


Eurovision axes Dutch entry Joost Klein after controversy over 'incident'

And that's Eurovision tonight! 


Eurovision was rubbish 20 years ago, slowly turned into a toilet, then a sloppy stool after last year's pathetic show and totally crap winner based on politics rather than talent.

It's strictly for people with an IQ smaller than their shoe size.

    And that's Eurovision tonight!          -@fluffy2560Eurovision was rubbish 20 years ago, slowly turned into a toilet, then a sloppy stool after last year's pathetic show and totally crap winner based on politics rather than talent.It's strictly for people with an IQ smaller than their shoe size.        -@Fred

It's not quantum physics that's for sure but it's one of the last bastions of European unity. No matter it and the participants are having a day off to be as daft as brushes. What's not to like.

The dodgiest tv at the moment looks like the new  Dr Who. Its not the classic of my youth. I've seen some trailers.  Makes Blakes 7 look like Shakespeare.

BTW, I've got big feet.

        Will be able to see see the lights tonight and tomorrow as well         -@SimCityATWhat time?        -@fluffy2560

11pm +


It's doable at that time

    And that's Eurovision tonight!          -@fluffy2560

Eurovision axes Dutch entry Joost Klein after controversy over 'incident'-@SimCityAT

I saw that. NL home crowd will be mightily annoyed. Sweden is always the favourite these days.  I bet Israel doesn't perform.

        And that's Eurovision tonight!          -@fluffy2560Eurovision axes Dutch entry Joost Klein after controversy over 'incident'-@SimCityAT

I saw that. NL home crowd will be mightily annoyed. Sweden is always the favourite these days.  I bet Israel doesn't perform.


She has had death threats and has 24hour bodyguards

I was not sure if this post was up and running or if we closed down.

Warming up this week, would enjoy popping over to a spa before the kids roam free.

Last week of school and all.

Hardest part is putting on a swimsuit after the long winter months...

It is Memorial Weekend in the US, not sure if it is a world wide holiday or not.

Seems rather silly to me considering people are still taking each other out, no lessons learned from the past.

Most of my male cousins, have allot of them, were in Vietnam. They are still active with charity events for veterans and in parades. One was the MC in a local parade in Conn.

Hard to let them know exactly what I think about war because they gave it their all in their youth and one has to respect that fact.

My brother in Ca. wrote to tell me he fell in the evening and broke his ribs against a book case.

Seems like a very odd home accident.

I had to tell him I bet it only hurts when you laugh.

Not funny though, my husband broke his back ribs falling down a flight of stairs here in Hungary while we were on holiday .

Worst vacation ever. Had to lay in bed for over 2 weeks on a 6 week vacation.

Last Saturday we skipped out on a 70th BD party for an old friend of ours.

Met the guy in Ca. back in 1975, knew him in Hawaii too.

He and a couple other HU expats from Hungary have moved back to Hungary a couple years ago from Hawaii.

What a let down it seems to me. After over 40 some years in Hawaii they have all returned home in their Golden years.

What I disliked hearing was they all sent their Japanese wives back to Japan and they all moved back to the same city  in the south of HU.

What went so wrong I wonder to get divorced and move to different countries?

I really did not want to take the train for hours and then be around tons of drunken Hungarians having a party.

I was ready to send my husband off himself to enjoy seeing them all. He decided not to go and thinking it over, I am glad he did not go. Do not need them to influence him with dreams of Freedom.

We didn't close it down, the Admins closed it so they could review it.

    I was not sure if this post was up and running or if we closed down.Warming up this week, would enjoy popping over to a spa before the kids roam free.Last week of school and all.Hardest part is putting on a swimsuit after the long winter months...It is Memorial Weekend in the US, not sure if it is a world wide holiday or not.Seems rather silly to me considering people are still taking each other out, no lessons learned from the past.Most of my male cousins, have allot of them, were in Vietnam. They are still active with charity events for veterans and in parades. One was the MC in a local parade in Conn.Hard to let them know exactly what I think about war because they gave it their all in their youth and one has to respect that fact.My brother in Ca. wrote to tell me he fell in the evening and broke his ribs against a book case.Seems like a very odd home accident.I had to tell him I bet it only hurts when you laugh.Not funny though, my husband broke his back ribs falling down a flight of stairs here in Hungary while we were on holiday .Worst vacation ever. Had to lay in bed for over 2 weeks on a 6 week vacation.Last Saturday we skipped out on a 70th BD party for an old friend of ours.Met the guy in Ca. back in 1975, knew him in Hawaii too.He and a couple other HU expats from Hungary have moved back to Hungary a couple years ago from Hawaii.What a let down it seems to me. After over 40 some years in Hawaii they have all returned home in their Golden years.What I disliked hearing was they all sent their Japanese wives back to Japan and they all moved back to the same city  in the south of HU.What went so wrong I wonder to get divorced and move to different countries?I really did not want to take the train for hours and then be around tons of drunken Hungarians having a party.I was ready to send my husband off himself to enjoy seeing them all. He decided not to go and thinking it over, I am glad he did not go. Do not need them to influence him with dreams of Freedom.        -@Marilyn Tassy

Memorial Day is a US holiday.  Maybe in some other territories as well but don't know which ones.

We (British and Commonwealth) remember those who died in war on the Sunday closest to the 11th November as this is Armistice Day when hostilities stopped at 11.11h.   We sometimes go up to the Commonwealth War Cemetery at Solymar for that.  We wear poppies as a reminder of the poppies of Flanders of WW1.  This year, I hope to able to pay respects as my Dad was a soldier in WW2.  Miss the old codger.  My source of vehicle repair knowledge has gone. My nephew is quite good at that stuff so I can always ask him.

Some kids won't finish school until mid-June.  Our eldest is in the final high school exam period.  She only has vivas (verbal exams) and then she's off the hook and next step, proper higher education at a university or college, probably overseas.   The younger one is just cruising on down to the end.  I expect hibernation in the bedroom with headphones on and playing shoot 'em up games.  Staying in when the actual friends on the other end of the games are known physical people from school.  They could just meet up.  I believe they plan to hang out on Margit Island at the weekend - brilliant, it's what summer is for.

Sorry to hear your bro hit himself on a book case.  I have noticed myself that I'm more wobbly than I was before.  I think it's my ears - I'm going a bit deaf and some tinnitus. Perhaps it's the same for your bro?   I blame Hawkwind, Status Quo and others.  I enjoyed it at the time.  When you're young, you're invincible but it's payback 45+ years later on that heavy metal hearing damage.

Looking out the window, our cherry tree is in full cherry mode.  I'm going to have to train the cat to get up the tree and shake the branches.  People passing have been known to grab the cherries off the low hanging branches that stick out over the street.  Mrs F got some nice apricots from Aldi.  Really tasty.  We might have apples and greengages  (plums) this year.

I'm going walkabout next week to see one of my older kids.   The other one has gone to South America on holiday.   I've got a bit of a difficult thing I could do but not sure if I should do it.  A friend of mine's other half is slowly dying and might have passed by the time I arrive in the UK.  Question is if I should go and visit before at a difficult time or should I wait until it's all over and wait for the funeral?  Not sure.

Suppose you could attend the funeral if you are up for it.

He may need the support of a friend?

Yes, my bro is wild but he also had 3 or 4 toes removed from one foot.

That would really mess up your balance , it was the middle of the night and he had a fever too.

He is only 55 years old.

My sister is 56, I had her at 58 already.

They are about one year apart in age.

My husband and I both have balance issues at odd times .I spent several hours per day doing flow  yoga for years too.

Guess my medical treatments did me in for good.

Radiation does the bones in, many people who had my experience now have hip issues.

I work out daily to try to stay those issues off.

No way do I want to go through a big health scare again.

Yesterday I messed myself up at oncology.

Just a check in to let the doc review my recent scans. All CLEAR!!!

God is GREAT!!

Anyways I stupidly mentioned a small issue and he sent me over to a gastro doc.

Darn, now I have an appointment for a colon scope in a couple of weeks.

I promised myself, never again no matter what.

I fell in the rabbit hole this time!!

I know they say every year but I had enough scans a poking for a lifetime and a half.

It is the prep that kills me... Up all night...

The female gastro doc did a quick exam on me yesterday before making the appointment for a scope.

She was something else, I think she did my last scope but I never personally spoke with her, I was out cold when she did her thing.

Well, man, she is not exactly a nice person, so hard, cold rude and aggressive acting.

Was was ragging on me for not speaking Hungarian.

She asked how could I go through a life threatening disease and not speak Hungarian.

Like words heal? I thought talk was cheap... Would not we all like to talk ourselves out of trouble?

She spoke with my husband and was sweet as pie with him.

I guess I put her off when she was so bossy and I told her well I do not speak Hungarian because we dislike people and are not social. Scared her off maybe? Hard to hold a conversation while getting poked in the behind with a finger!

Not true but she was too much, even spoke rude with her staff.

I know the doctors are overworked but come on.

My oncologist was on a short rope yesterday as well.

Maybe they are behind quota and under pressure with too many ill people?

Just when you think things can not get bad, the world crashes.

I received a message from my SIL in Ca. this morning.

I am still in shock and confused.

I mentioned my little brother had a fever and fell into a book case and thought he broke some ribs.

He had 4 toes removed over the last 10 years.

He picked up some odd, rare fungus infection on his honeymoon in Hawaii when he cut his toe on some coral.

Toe after toe was removed as the infection could not be stopped.

Well, when he told me about his fever the other day I asked him to go to the ER by ambulance and get an x ray.

They may of been able to take a look at his foot and see about his fever.   

His wife said Monday night he was taken by ambulance to hospital because he was delirious with fever.

He has sepsis. The same dam thing that killed my other brother less then 2 years ago.

The fever could not come down, his kidneys are shot, his liver too and last night his wife allowed them to remove his leg to try and save his life.

He is only 55 .

His heart stopped a few times that she knows of.

ATM he is on machines for his kidneys and to breath.

Now I do wish I lived closer to help in any way possible.

It helps to lay hands on an ill person and let them know they are not alone.

I am trying to view thing horror as a test of some sort.

No idea why I am sharing this sad news with total strangers but sometimes getting a option from people who are not emotionally involved helps one to deal with the realities  of this life.

Prayers and good thoughts, we are all in Gods hands in the end.

The next few days will unfold as they are meant to be.

    Just when you think things can not get bad, the world crashes.I received a message from my SIL in Ca. this morning.I am still in shock and confused.I mentioned my little brother had a fever and fell into a book case and thought he broke some ribs.He had 4 toes removed over the last 10 years.He picked up some odd, rare fungus infection on his honeymoon in Hawaii when he cut his toe on some coral.Toe after toe was removed as the infection could not be stopped.Well, when he told me about his fever the other day I asked him to go to the ER by ambulance and get an x ray.They may of been able to take a look at his foot and see about his fever.   His wife said Monday night he was taken by ambulance to hospital because he was delirious with fever.He has sepsis. The same dam thing that killed my other brother less then 2 years ago.The fever could not come down, his kidneys are shot, his liver too and last night his wife allowed them to remove his leg to try and save his life.He is only 55 .His heart stopped a few times that she knows of.ATM he is on machines for his kidneys and to breath.Now I do wish I lived closer to help in any way possible.It helps to lay hands on an ill person and let them know they are not alone.I am trying to view thing horror as a test of some sort.No idea why I am sharing this sad news with total strangers but sometimes getting a option from people who are not emotionally involved helps one to deal with the realities  of this life.Prayers and good thoughts, we are all in Gods hands in the end.The next few days will unfold as they are meant to be.        -@Marilyn Tassy

Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that about your bro.   From what you've said, the prognosis doesn't look good. And it sounds like he's suffering and his body is under a lot of stress.  The medics will be skilled and know what to do and are probably pumping him full of antibiotics.  Fingers crossed it works out.

That sepsis seems to get people these days.  I never really heard about it until maybe 10 years ago when suddenly sepsis is everywhere and everyone has it.     

I didn't mention it about my friend's wife.  But she's got sepsis too. I'm afraid for her, it's curtains.  They don't seem to have anything powerful enough to stop it.  She's also got kidney failure (and liver failure - too much booze). My friend says it's just palliative care until she passes.  They aren't really trying to save her.  I don't get that many updates.  I am thinking I'll wait until she passes.  He's just under 60 so still relatively young to on his own after 30+ years of marriage.

I did not know my bro had a bout of sepsis in the past with his foot issues.

I wish my brain worked better. I would of written his wife instead of him and told her to call the medics ASAP when he first told me he was suffering from a fever.

Hard to get upset with her though, she has her own heart issues and had a second knee replacement just 7 weeks ago.

Hard to get around.

Some people just glide through life and some go through the wringer.

My bro is sedated for now, he has no idea they took his leg.

He is in hospital close to their home so at least his wife can get to the ICU with the help of friends.

Now is the time I am sorry I am so far away.

I am trying hard to keep cool and not flip out but it is not easy.

I remember sitting with my mother during her labor pains while expecting my brother.

I used to bottle feed him too.

Almost like a child of mine, silly fun guy, too soon for him to check out.

His wife was saying if and when he goes home, she will now rent him a matching hospital bed next to hers!!

This is the reason we quit work early and retired when we did.

No one knows when their number will be called up.

My husband said he would turn in his grave if he died while machining a part. Best to quit when you can because you can never keep up with the Joneses anyways.

They tell people to work hard and you can enjoy life when you retire, well they forgot to mention those who check out too soon and never see retirement or any golden years.

All we can do is keep him in our thoughts and prayers and hope the doctors really can do something.

The reason they took his leg is the antibiotics were not working.

He has a long road ahead of him .

I am glad our mother is gone or this really would do her in.

Sorry to be a downer, this too shall pass.


    I did not know my bro had a bout of sepsis in the past with his foot issues.
I wish my brain worked better. I would of written his wife instead of him and told her to call the medics ASAP when he first told me he was suffering from a fever.
Hard to get upset with her though, she has her own heart issues and had a second knee replacement just 7 weeks ago.
Hard to get around.
Some people just glide through life and some go through the wringer.
My bro is sedated for now, he has no idea they took his leg.
He is in hospital close to their home so at least his wife can get to the ICU with the help of friends.
Now is the time I am sorry I am so far away.
I am trying hard to keep cool and not flip out but it is not easy.
I remember sitting with my mother during her labor pains while expecting my brother.
I used to bottle feed him too.
Almost like a child of mine, silly fun guy, too soon for him to check out.
His wife was saying if and when he goes home, she will now rent him a matching hospital bed next to hers!!
This is the reason we quit work early and retired when we did.
No one knows when their number will be called up.
My husband said he would turn in his grave if he died while machining a part. Best to quit when you can because you can never keep up with the Joneses anyways.
They tell people to work hard and you can enjoy life when you retire, well they forgot to mention those who check out too soon and never see retirement or any golden years.
All we can do is keep him in our thoughts and prayers and hope the doctors really can do something.
The reason they took his leg is the antibiotics were not working.
He has a long road ahead of him .
I am glad our mother is gone or this really would do her in.
Sorry to be a downer, this too shall pass.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

I'm sorry to hear about these things.  It seems like Black Friday and Grim Reaper Day.  It's a downer everywhere today.

My friend's wife passed this morning around 7am.  She probably succumbed to sepsis.  I think she was completely sedated.  That's what they did to my mother as her heart gave out.  It would have been a rough time and very painful for her.   So even if knocked out, I wonder if anyone in an induced coma is really asleep. I think it possibly just paralyses people and they are still suffering. 

I've had a general anaesthetic a couple of times for day cases and you're gone straight away.  One minute your chatting, the next second, someone turned out the lights.  Second time, they gave me fentanyl (I think).  I am not sure about the sedation they give in hospital.  It might just make you sleep lightly.  The first time I had some, it was a fantastic trip. Apparently I thought I'd been on holiday.  Second time I thought I was in an episode of Fawlty Towers - the one with the talking moose head.  If you haven't seen it, it's just bonkers.

Anyway, I am wondering what to do - if I should drop by at his place.  It's not that easy to get to. Maybe we'll leave the kids at home and fly in for the funeral.  If there is one. She had no relatives as far as I know.

I am sorry to hear about your friends wife.

I am sure he would really like it if you could spend some time with him, funeral or no funeral.

Sepsis ,yes I am thinking my bro probably did not break any ribs, it is the sepsis making it hard to breath.

He is still sedated.

I see he is in one of the top 100 hospitals in the US, so hopefully they are on the ball and giving the best care possible.

It is located in Camarillo, Ca, my husband can be funny, he said they always have a mental hospital located in the city!

I know that, my HS friends father was living there, full time.

I woke up feeling calmer this morning although still have that underlaying feeling of doom inside.

Nothing new to report on my bro, just allowing him to sleep.

Too bad really, my sister mentioned last chat he had with her , he said he had a new sore on his foot.

He should of gone right to the ER and not waited it out.

If he can overcome this infection stuff, I know he will make it with a new leg and some time.

He might even be able to ride his motorbike again if he tries.

I am thinking to the future, hopefully he has one!

The power of suggestion works when one is sedated. As a 7 year old getting tonsil surgery, the doctor told me I would see cartoons, I did .Mickey Mouse to be exact.

    I am sorry to hear about your friends wife.
I am sure he would really like it if you could spend some time with him, funeral or no funeral.
Sepsis ,yes I am thinking my bro probably did not break any ribs, it is the sepsis making it hard to breath.
He is still sedated.
I see he is in one of the top 100 hospitals in the US, so hopefully they are on the ball and giving the best care possible.
It is located in Camarillo, Ca, my husband can be funny, he said they always have a mental hospital located in the city!
I know that, my HS friends father was living there, full time.
I woke up feeling calmer this morning although still have that underlaying feeling of doom inside.
Nothing new to report on my bro, just allowing him to sleep.
Too bad really, my sister mentioned last chat he had with her , he said he had a new sore on his foot.
He should of gone right to the ER and not waited it out.
If he can overcome this infection stuff, I know he will make it with a new leg and some time.
He might even be able to ride his motorbike again if he tries.
I am thinking to the future, hopefully he has one!
The power of suggestion works when one is sedated. As a 7 year old getting tonsil surgery, the doctor told me I would see cartoons, I did .Mickey Mouse to be exact.
    -@Marilyn Tassy

It doesn't sound like a good situation for your bro.  But he's where he should be - in hospital and being well looked after by experts.   

Losing his leg will be a shock but it's a price to be paid if it finally puts his infection to bed and saves his life.

I don't think he'll have any trouble riding his motorbike.

I didn't know that's what doctor's did.  Makes me wonder why I thought I was on holiday.

I have not had an update from my SIL for 2 days.

I assume he is still sedated and they are monitoring him.

In the mean time, my female family member have lost their dam minds...

Man, I guess we are lucky after all to be more then 8,000 miles away from the drama queens.

Everyone is getting their egos in a huff for no reason.

My half sister lives in the mid west, she is something else. My SIL can not stand her for good reason.

They each think the other is insane and bi polar, well, could be true that they both are that!

My deceased brothers wife unknown to me until yesterday, is supporting my half sister.

Not sure how long she has been doing that but could be these last 2 years since her husband died.

My deceased brother had cancer and passed from sepsis, the same evil illness my younger brothers has now.

I hate to upset my SIL by making her have a flashback about my brothers passing by over informing her of events.

I decided to write you but so far nothing back, fine I understand, she may be busy or can not hear it.

My cousin in NM happened to catch me live on FB yesterday and we chatted. It has been years since we spoke.

She has health issues with breast cancer and is limited with what she can do. She is mad at my deceased brothers wife for not calling the day my brother walked into the ICU and never came out.

She thinks she should of called her from the ICU unit the moment he entered and let him talk to her.

What? Forget the crash cart, the machines, the doctors and staff running around and the drama of watching your husband die, she should of let his cousin talk to him over the phone! Very non logical...

So that is water under the bridge now since his funeral and my cousins and her seeing each other, still a grudge though somewhere...

Now with my baby bro being sedated, everyone is mad at this other SIL for turning off his phone??!!

Like the staff in the ICU are suppose to hear it ringing or answer it?

I can not believe the ego trip everyone is on, thinking they are more important then they are in his life.

My half sister mentioned yesterday in writing that she may get money and take a bus to Ca. where she is not wanted or needed, just show up and stay with one of my sick bros friends. out of the blue, just show up.

Everyone is asking me what is going on because without bragging, I am the only logical one around that people trust.

They all want my SIL to hold the phone up to his ear and let him hear them praying or crying away.

Last thing he needs to hear while sedated.

My SIL has a serious heart issue and had a knee replacement just 7 weeks ago, her own health is at risk ATM and she does not need more stress.

Have have not told her they want her to put them down as contacts in the ICU or that they want her to put the phone to his ear, no way did I mention her enemy my half sister wants to just show up in person!

I told her to not even think about going but she never listens to anyone, hench her life is a mess...

Oh yes, my SIL had to be reminded by me to contact my brothers adult son to let him know he dad is fighting for his life.

Egos running wild, my God my brother is better off being sedated for life!

    I have not had an update from my SIL for 2 days.I assume he is still sedated and they are monitoring him.In the mean time, my female family member have lost their dam minds...Man, I guess we are lucky after all to be more then 8,000 miles away from the drama queens.Everyone is getting their egos in a huff for no reason. My half sister lives in the mid west, she is something else. My SIL can not stand her for good reason. ....She thinks she should of called her from the ICU unit the moment he entered and let him talk to her.What? Forget the crash cart, the machines, the doctors and staff running around and the drama of watching your husband die, she should of let his cousin talk to him over the phone! Very non logical...So that is water under the bridge now since his funeral and my cousins and her seeing each other, still a grudge though somewhere...Now with my baby bro being sedated, everyone is mad at this other SIL for turning off his phone??!!Like the staff in the ICU are suppose to hear it ringing or answer it?I can not believe the ego trip everyone is on, thinking they are more important then they are in his life.My half sister mentioned yesterday in writing that she may get money and take a bus to Ca. where she is not wanted or needed, just show up and stay with one of my sick bros friends. out of the blue, just show up.Everyone is asking me what is going on because without bragging, I am the only logical one around that people trust.They all want my SIL to hold the phone up to his ear and let him hear them praying or crying away.Last thing he needs to hear while sedated.My SIL has a serious heart issue and had a knee replacement just 7 weeks ago, her own health is at risk ATM and she does not need more stress.Have have not told her they want her to put them down as contacts in the ICU or that they want her to put the phone to his ear, no way did I mention her enemy my half sister wants to just show up in person!I told her to not even think about going but she never listens to anyone, hence her life is a mess...Oh yes, my SIL had to be reminded by me to contact my brothers adult son to let him know he dad is fighting for his life.Egos running wild, my God my brother is better off being sedated for life!        -@Marilyn Tassy

It doesn't sound like she should rush over there to see him.  Looks like she'd be in the way.   If she's not wanted, there, then someone needs to tell her to cool it and not to put more pressure on others who are more directly involved.  Save it up if things take a turn for the worse.

People react so differently to these kinds of situation.  My parents passing was marked by absolutely no drama.  My mother was in the hospital and in a coma.  My Dad just went suddenly in his nursing home bed.  No-one was wailing, we just had to deal with the situation.  I was surprised at my own behaviour - I was rather calm. I thought I'd fall to bits but I didn't.   The odd thing to me was being incredibly busy with him and suddenly, it's not busy at all.  There's no hurry to do anything.   

I just saw it as another thing to do and a process to work through.  I must say now, almost 1 year after my Dad's passing I am beginning to say I miss him and feel sad he's gone.   It's the anniversary of D-Day soon, 80 years.  When my Dad passed through those beaches, a week or so after the landings, he was just 20.   He was probably one of the last few to have been there.  It's a shame he couldn't have gone on a bit more to see that anniversary.  But others will be there.  I'm not even sure if my Dad really looked back at those times with nostalgia.

Drama, you know things are a mess when my SIL thanked me for not being INSANE.

Everyone else is acting like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off.

Yes, she actually thanked me for not being insane.

Everyone is picking sides, like they had a birds eye view of their marriage and are judging.

Not cool.

I have unofficially been put in the possession of being the go between.

Giving me a huge headache and heartache.

Sad though from their honeymoon on, he had those health issues with his toe getting infected. Their entire marriage was him going in for treatments for it and getting better then worst again.

He pushed through, took long motorbike rides and did events with bikers for sick children etc.

He is a sweet bear of a guy and always put himself out for others, just like he father did.

I am acting like he has passed and I think in reality he has.

Still unconscious, kidney machine going, vent for air, now has pneumonia on sedation feeding tube , the works...

My SIL said he might be that way for 2 years!! What??

He will have permanent damage, no idea what that means but not good.

His heart stopped twice that we know of.

I know he would want to be set free, he has a secondary infection and so for all the many tests have not given them a clue as to the source of it.

My family is all against my SIL because she does not want any part of their drama.

I told her to just inform me with any updates but I will not write her until she contacts me first.

Even cousins who have not seen my bro for years are calling her and getting mad that she does not answer everyone.

They are turning against me too because I am , picking sides. No there is no side at all, just what is right and fair and kind.

My SIL is going through enough without all these crazy old ladies in her face.

I know my brother and he would not like all this going on, he would also not enjoy laying like he is for much longer if there is no hope in it.

I spoke online with my cousin the other day, a live chat. Complaining about my SIL, both of them, people she has nothing to do with and situations that are not her business.

I am the sister of these guys and I am not getting involved in their deep personal issues, a cousin out in the desert miles away is though.

Do people really lead such dull lives that they have to get into others lives for the drama?

My eldest sister is now talking about going to Ca. too.

I do not understand their concern now.

I am guessing my brother has A plus health coverage otherwise they would of pulled the plug a few days ago.


Found this in Austria

Makes me think of The London Bridge located in Lake Havasu, AZ.

Saw that years ago.

I could use a pay phone ATM.

Have to check out my skype account or add some funds to our pay as you go cell phone.

\Going to call my brother soon in the ICU!!

He woke up from a 2 week long coma, no more sedation.

He still does not know they took his leg but that is a secondary issue after clearing up his other health issues.

He wife said he held her hand and shook his head to questions, all mentally there!!

Long road ahead of him still but being awake is the start!

@Marilyn Tassy Being 20/30/40 or 50 is great, but when aging problems come (some serious), I have no problem with that (in prehistoric 40 years max, my father died at 39, my grandfathers both before 60, my favorite grandmother at 64). My mother is doing well (and still no problems with brain (good plus).

Still I challenge the fact that elderly people should live so long, I personally like not the attack on smoking and alcohol (people die earlier and no real problem).  Just a heart attack is easy.

Nobody thinks about the cost of society of people who live to 100 (also big problems (even without smoking and alcohol)

Why should be so healthy???

In Hungary (my view) I had a good GP (I am too light (true) instrcted my wife to give more food (I am 185cm but 65kg)

I have special GP, he was fine with Alcohol, but was against smoking.

I am curious on what a person costs to society when getting 100?

When I came to Hungary, create a company, get some income, with taxes was already fine, I would say the first 5 years were great (OK Cataract was not convenient, but solved). Our house sold with a good profit (could be more I think).

Now we live in a Duplex Penthouse (fine, very good restaurants in crawling distance etc, Still I can think how long can I walk (in a village in Hungary you can order a taxi, but every day??)

Considerations, still financially for my wife all is fine.

Found this in Austria


Was it made out of metal?   The real ones are cast metal and incredibly heavy.  I thought about trying to get one to use as an interesting shed for the gardening tools.  However, they are extremely expensive.  But it is possible to buy one but one needs a truck and crane to move it.   

Near my village is a depot for retired Hungarian phone boxes - you can see it on Google Maps (click here - zoom in to see them a bit through the bushes - all lined up).  Not really an icon like the British one which is instantly recognised.  I thought about using one of those but we've not done anything about it - too busy to organise it.

I can say one other thing, post boxes and phone boxes are painted in Post Office Red, a very specific colour. It's possible to get the paint in a spray can in the UK from Euro Car Parts but impossible anywhere else.  Made by Simonez (they make polish and car body renovation materials) and oddly manufactured in South Africa.

I know too much about these things.  What a saddo.

447898957_10161178255427279_80428220117320173_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=LWxPf78La68Q7kNvgEVE3qb&_nc_ht=scontent.fvie2-1.fna&oh=00_AYDm1GI58LfvXKipyPpqfRxSWcjGnbkrNgrQWt5EY5347g&oe=666C1193Found this in Austria        -@SimCityAT

Was it made out of metal?   The real ones are cast metal and incredibly heavy.  I thought about trying to get one to use as an interesting shed for the gardening tools.  However, they are extremely expensive.  But it is possible to buy one but one needs a truck and crane to move it.   


Yep, it was the real thing. It was at a cafe, and used to store the umbrellas in it.

    @Marilyn Tassy Being 20/30/40 or 50 is great, but when aging problems come (some serious), I have no problem with that (in prehistoric 40 years max, my father died at 39, my grandfathers both before 60, my favorite grandmother at 64). My mother is doing well (and still no problems with brain (good plus).
Still I challenge the fact that elderly people should live so long, I personally like not the attack on smoking and alcohol (people die earlier and no real problem).  Just a heart attack is easy.
Nobody thinks about the cost of society of people who live to 100 (also big problems (even without smoking and alcohol)
Why should be so healthy???

In Hungary (my view) I had a good GP (I am too light (true) instrcted my wife to give more food (I am 185cm but 65kg)
I have special GP, he was fine with Alcohol, but was against smoking.

I am curious on what a person costs to society when getting 100?

When I came to Hungary, create a company, get some income, with taxes was already fine, I would say the first 5 years were great (OK Cataract was not convenient, but solved). Our house sold with a good profit (could be more I think).

Now we live in a Duplex Penthouse (fine, very good restaurants in crawling distance etc, Still I can think how long can I walk (in a village in Hungary you can order a taxi, but every day??)

Considerations, still financially for my wife all is fine.


Actually it was not London Bridge at Lake Havasu, think it was Tower Bridge that was purchased from the UK.

It is on the lake as  tourist area , there are also real old style UK phone boxes there as well.

Been many years since we visited. Did a camping trip with my boys ,my husband, son and youngest brother.

Never again, no more tent camping for me, that place was so hot it was not funny.

Spend most of the day in the lake in water up to our necks to keep cool.

They also have some small casinos in the area, lots of bars and hotels as well.

    @Marilyn Tassy Being 20/30/40 or 50 is great, but when aging problems come (some serious), I have no problem with that (in prehistoric 40 years max, my father died at 39, my grandfathers both before 60, my favorite grandmother at 64). My mother is doing well (and still no problems with brain (good plus).
Still I challenge the fact that elderly people should live so long, I personally like not the attack on smoking and alcohol (people die earlier and no real problem).  Just a heart attack is easy.
Nobody thinks about the cost of society of people who live to 100 (also big problems (even without smoking and alcohol)
Why should be so healthy???

In Hungary (my view) I had a good GP (I am too light (true) instrcted my wife to give more food (I am 185cm but 65kg)
I have special GP, he was fine with Alcohol, but was against smoking.

I am curious on what a person costs to society when getting 100?

When I came to Hungary, create a company, get some income, with taxes was already fine, I would say the first 5 years were great (OK Cataract was not convenient, but solved). Our house sold with a good profit (could be more I think).

Now we live in a Duplex Penthouse (fine, very good restaurants in crawling distance etc, Still I can think how long can I walk (in a village in Hungary you can order a taxi, but every day??)

Considerations, still financially for my wife all is fine.


IDK, I see your views as very self centered and selfish.

Society, what is a society if they kill off the weak , old and young?

Some people do more for society then other do.

What about all the welfare cases who are able bodied and young?

Many people who are now aged worked and built society raised children who in turn also give back to society.

Those without children can be seen as the biggest takers if you want to get deep into it.

Everything they did in life was only for themselves.

Many different valid views in life.

My brother had an accident and is only 55 years old.

Guess he is now a burden in your view?

Doctors told him his drinking and smoking were part of his health issues beside picking up a rare bacterial infection from a small cut on his toe.

As if it was all his fault.

People are not here on earth to prove anything to anyone.

@Marilyn Tassy

Something is wrong with pressing the Quote button so no quote here.

Just to say it's London Bridge at Lake Havasu.

Tower Bridge is next to the Tower of London.   That's why it's called Tower Bridge.

It's the one with the fancy towers (unsurprisingly) opening roadway to let ships/boats with masts to pass through.

I believe the people who bought London Bridge thought it was Tower Bridge and I guess it was one of the earliest scams they managed to sell them London Bridge instead.  I bet they were disappointed when they reassembled it!  Probably one of those myths.

I went to college near Tower Bridge and I saw it nearly every day.    And it wasn't hot and sweaty there at all, just drizzle and dull a lot of the time.

    Makes me think of The London Bridge located in Lake Havasu, AZ.
Saw that years ago.
I could use a pay phone ATM.
Have to check out my skype account or add some funds to our pay as you go cell phone.
\Going to call my brother soon in the ICU!!
He woke up from a 2 week long coma, no more sedation.
He still does not know they took his leg but that is a secondary issue after clearing up his other health issues.
He wife said he held her hand and shook his head to questions, all mentally there!!
Long road ahead of him still but being awake is the start!

    -@Marilyn Tassy

This is good news. It sounds like they got it all under control.   Maybe the leg removal will stop any further complications.  I wonder what was in the coral that caused so many problems.

        Makes me think of The London Bridge located in Lake Havasu, AZ.Saw that years ago.I could use a pay phone ATM.Have to check out my skype account or add some funds to our pay as you go cell phone.\Going to call my brother soon in the ICU!!He woke up from a 2 week long coma, no more sedation.He still does not know they took his leg but that is a secondary issue after clearing up his other health issues.He wife said he held her hand and shook his head to questions, all mentally there!!Long road ahead of him still but being awake is the start!        -@Marilyn Tassy

This is good news. It sounds like they got it all under control.   Maybe the leg removal will stop any further complications.  I wonder what was in the coral that caused so many problems.


Even better new today.

My bother has been extubated and his tracheotomy has been removed.

He is breathing on his own!!

Prayers getting answered!!!!

Not everyone is a believer, I know but I am, seen his work myself!!

No politics or religion here but I had to give praise where praise is due.

London Bridge then, OK just looked a bit out of place in the desert. They set up a tiny English village there, shops, pubs etc.

Anything for the tourist buck!

Even better new today.
My bother has been extubated and his tracheotomy has been removed.
He is breathing on his own!!
Prayers getting answered!!!!
Not everyone is a believer, I know but I am, seen his work myself!!
No politics or religion here but I had to give praise where praise is due.

London Bridge then, OK just looked a bit out of place in the desert. They set up a tiny English village there, shops, pubs etc.
Anything for the tourist buck!
    -@Marilyn Tassy

I was forced into reading about Lake Havasu.  Yes, looks like it was a kind of failed retirement resort.  Apparently the lake is poisoned with mercury so no-one should eat the fish in there.  Apparently the stone on London bridge was used for cladding a modern bridge at Havasu.  The actual structural parts were not taken to Arizona.

Pleased to hear your bro is on the mend. Putting people in comas seems to be a common thing nowadays. I guess it allows them to treat the body without worrying too much about the mind dealing with trauma.  It sounds like that leg going was the best thing.  Maybe it was necrosis which is a life and death decision.

I am really under the weather today ,got one of those fun summer head colds.

Such oddball weather, slept with the window open and it seems it was not a good idea.

Have to start a colon prep in a few hours,,, more fun times!!!

Have not eaten a thing for 24 hours and looks like it is going to be another 24 at least until I eat again.

Fasting is good for you but not when you already feel terrible.

Yes, I am a bit confused to why my brothers leg got so bad like that and had to be removed .He is or was going into wound care 2 times a week for his toe issue.

You would think they would of warned him about sepsis.

I think they have Kasier heath insurance, known to be a terrible health care plan overall.

They live in a sort of posh area in Camarillo, Ca and he was taken to a top notch hospital because it was close to them.

One of the top 100 hospitals in the USA.

I wonder if something like that happened here in HU, probably not a good outcome.

Hard to say but from my past experiences here, you have to stay on top of them or they do not do more then they think they must do at any given moment.

I have a small sore on my lip and showed it 6 months ago to my oncologist.

He sent me to a ear nose and throat doc and told me if he could not find the source of it then to come back to him and he would send me over to a immune specialist.

\I also had seen a dermatologist and showed him my lip, a dentist too.

Well, 3 weeks ago when I went to oncology for a CT scan result, I mentioned my lip was still not healing, not worst , not better after these 7 or 8 months.

My professor said to me, it is not his problem!!

OK, but you would think he would at least send me to someone about it.

No matter, I am mentally winding down my need for doctors.

Most really do not care if you heal or not as long as they get paid.

The dermatologist told me my immune system is a bit weak , hench the lip thing.

Bought all sorts of creams for it but I will probably just use my own home grown aloe vera on it . Natures  way is best.