Absolutely Anything Else

Wow, no one has dared to comment after my long essay about my brothers health.

Yes, a bit of a sore topic.

He was able to get off all the tubes, was holding real conversations with his wife, staff and friend. Even ate some food after weeks of a feeding tube.

They just went too fast too soon and put him in a regular room.

His wife and friend said good night to him, all fine he even took in the info about losing his leg.

Next morning when they both visited him his was just sitting staring at his food, could not lift his arm and was confused with a high fever.

Dumb night nurses!!

They only took his temp every 4 hours and his wife had to scream and drag them into his room to check before the 4 hours time limit .Lazy overpaid idiots.

I told her to get them to put ice on him , she did that but they had to be pushed. They had been icing him in the ICU.

Not sure who makes these calls in hospitals but there was no way he was ready for a regualr room. They took another 24 hours and first put him into a half way between room with closer monitoring and now he is back in the ICU.

This is one big problem when one is an ex pat. If we lived closer, there is no way on earth we would let him be alone at all.  Family could be taking shifts watching the staff and keeping notes and gathering names.

Seems like we are back to square one because of someones half brained idea of saving money by taking him out of ICU too soon.

I was under the impression he was in a great hospital, guess a place is only as great as the people working there.


If you know, you know 1f602.svg1f602.svg

    If you know, you know 1f602.svg1f602.svg-@SimCityAT

Shock result!

    I am really under the weather today ,got one of those fun summer head colds.Such oddball weather, slept with the window open and it seems it was not a good idea.Have to start a colon prep in a few hours,,, more fun times!!!Have not eaten a thing for 24 hours and looks like it is going to be another 24 at least until I eat again.Fasting is good for you but not when you already feel terrible.Yes, I am a bit confused to why my brothers leg got so bad like that and had to be removed .He is or was going into wound care 2 times a week for his toe issue.You would think they would of warned him about sepsis.I think they have Kasier heath insurance, known to be a terrible health care plan overall.They live in a sort of posh area in Camarillo, Ca and he was taken to a top notch hospital because it was close to them.One of the top 100 hospitals in the USA.I wonder if something like that happened here in HU, probably not a good outcome.Hard to say but from my past experiences here, you have to stay on top of them or they do not do more then they think they must do at any given moment.I have a small sore on my lip and showed it 6 months ago to my oncologist.He sent me to a ear nose and throat doc and told me if he could not find the source of it then to come back to him and he would send me over to a immune specialist.\I also had seen a dermatologist and showed him my lip, a dentist too.Well, 3 weeks ago when I went to oncology for a CT scan result, I mentioned my lip was still not healing, not worst , not better after these 7 or 8 months.My professor said to me, it is not his problem!!OK, but you would think he would at least send me to someone about it.No matter, I am mentally winding down my need for doctors.Most really do not care if you heal or not as long as they get paid.The dermatologist told me my immune system is a bit weak , hench the lip thing.Bought all sorts of creams for it but I will probably just use my own home grown aloe vera on it . Natures  way is best.        -@Marilyn Tassy

I don't think I got a notification about your posting.  Something was up with that, maybe now fixed.

Sorry to hear about your health issues. And rude doctors. Doctors used to be "Gods" but now it seems they are merely human.

I wondered if your bro's leg was infected with that horrible disease Necrotising Fasciitis

That's life and death and time critical. 

Here, you'd get emergency treatment with no questions asked. It might not have saved his leg but he'd have been taken care of.

In the UK, definitely get it and no-one will ask you about insurance at all - everyone gets emergency treatment free at the point of care.  Longer term, people are asked but no-one would be thrown out even if they did have to pay eventually. 

Mrs F's paternal  great aunt had a dodgy leg caused by complications of diabetes.  She refused to have it amputated and was warned about it being life and death.  And consequently she died as predicted.  Oh well, she made her choice.  She's missed apparently - I never knew her of course.

I don't think I got a notification about your posting.  Something was up with that, maybe now fixed.


There had been some issues with notifications, but everything is back to normal now. 

        I am really under the weather today ,got one of those fun summer head colds.Such oddball weather, slept with the window open and it seems it was not a good idea.Have to start a colon prep in a few hours,,, more fun times!!!Have not eaten a thing for 24 hours and looks like it is going to be another 24 at least until I eat again.Fasting is good for you but not when you already feel terrible.Yes, I am a bit confused to why my brothers leg got so bad like that and had to be removed .He is or was going into wound care 2 times a week for his toe issue.You would think they would of warned him about sepsis.I think they have Kasier heath insurance, known to be a terrible health care plan overall.They live in a sort of posh area in Camarillo, Ca and he was taken to a top notch hospital because it was close to them.One of the top 100 hospitals in the USA.I wonder if something like that happened here in HU, probably not a good outcome.Hard to say but from my past experiences here, you have to stay on top of them or they do not do more then they think they must do at any given moment.I have a small sore on my lip and showed it 6 months ago to my oncologist.He sent me to a ear nose and throat doc and told me if he could not find the source of it then to come back to him and he would send me over to a immune specialist.\I also had seen a dermatologist and showed him my lip, a dentist too.Well, 3 weeks ago when I went to oncology for a CT scan result, I mentioned my lip was still not healing, not worst , not better after these 7 or 8 months.My professor said to me, it is not his problem!!OK, but you would think he would at least send me to someone about it.No matter, I am mentally winding down my need for doctors.Most really do not care if you heal or not as long as they get paid.The dermatologist told me my immune system is a bit weak , hench the lip thing.Bought all sorts of creams for it but I will probably just use my own home grown aloe vera on it . Natures  way is best.        -@Marilyn Tassy

I don't think I got a notification about your posting.  Something was up with that, maybe now fixed.

Sorry to hear about your health issues. And rude doctors. Doctors used to be "Gods" but now it seems they are merely human.

I wondered if your bro's leg was infected with that horrible disease Necrotising Fasciitis

That's life and death and time critical. 

Here, you'd get emergency treatment with no questions asked. It might not have saved his leg but he'd have been taken care of.

In the UK, definitely get it and no-one will ask you about insurance at all - everyone gets emergency treatment free at the point of care.  Longer term, people are asked but no-one would be thrown out even if they did have to pay eventually. 

Mrs F's paternal  great aunt had a dodgy leg caused by complications of diabetes.  She refused to have it amputated and was warned about it being life and death.  And consequently she died as predicted.  Oh well, she made her choice.  She's missed apparently - I never knew her of course.


Thanks for the well wishes, we both are 95% better.

Homemade chicken soup and loads of herbal teas...

Felt well enough today to give my husband a good cleaning!

I.E. Hair cut and eyebrow check.

Our son in japan had a haircut the other day, they guy even did his eyebrows, not just a trim but a real shaping... IDK if that is good or not, he does not have to be that perfect looking. I know in Japan and Korea and many other places it is sort of a fad for guys to be super groomed...

IDK, nothing wrong with that I guess but when I was a young lady and dating, I made sure to never date someone who spent more time on themselves then I did.

Do not need the competition,,,

My father was a very handsome man, I learned to not try for perfection because no lady needs to think her guy is prettier then she is.

Vanity in a man is a real strange thing...

We have an old so called, friend living here in HU who is a year or two older then I am but  has had so much work done on his face, he looks plastic.

I suppose in his youth, leaving HU at age 17 he got by on his looks, Now it is a bit strange to see how far he has gone.

Speaking of old friends... Last Friday we missed a visit from 4 of my husbands old HU buddies from way back when.

I met one of these guys even before I met my husband...

I thought he was a nice guy since he was so short, he had to have a nice personality...

IDK if that is true or not nowdays...He does not seem so nice now.

He and all 3 of the others have dumped their Japanese wives and all moved close to each other out in Szeged where they came from.

My husband was never that super close to them since he is a city boy of Budapest but with them all being Hungarians in the US they got a bit close out of need.

I know for a fact that 2 of the 4 have left there wives and children and moved home to HU .

I find that so disloyal and horrible.

The other 2 are now single, not sure if they also dumped their familes to be old single men in Hungary.

We missed their message about them coming into Budapest for the day.

I have no problem with my husband seeing his old partners in crime but sort of glad he missed their visit.

My poor baby brothers health situation is not very good. My heart and the hearts of our entire family are broken right now.

Been nearly a month now and still in the ICU.

Was taken out of ICU for less then 24 hours and that was a huge mistake.

I can not even really understand how he is still with us after all that he is going through.

Of course there is the drama, like nearly every family goes through under stress.

Everyone is against my SIL , one reason being he wrote me on May 27th and it took his wife 5 days to let us know he was in hospital and already had his leg removed.

My sisters and cousin are out of their minds with anger.

Crazy tale, not even sure if it is real or not, My brothers ex wife, number one and their 32 year old son came to the ICU.

From what I know, my brohrer visited his son a few months ago and was trying to help him. Brought him new clothing etc.

Seems the little perfect young lady my brother married in his early 20's turned into a meth head and took their son down with her.

They live either in NM or N. Ca. Hard to get the right info.

My Nancy Drew cousin is on the case though... Another tale.

Well my current SIL , the ex school teacher left them alone to visit my brother in the ICU because she did not want their drama .

The next day when my SIL came to the hospital, my brothers doctor pulled her aside and told her they found Meth in his daily blood test!!!!

What the heck, where are the ICU staff and what  was wrong with his family??

IDK, maybe it was not real, maybe they wanted to help him pass away?

Now no one is allowed to see my brother except his wife.

With our dark humor this insane situation could be funny considering my bro being a biker and rocker but in reality it is very disturbing.

He is in a state of confusion now, which I know is normal with so many drugs being pumped into him.

In any case, I have a feeling I got ill over all of this, have to let go and let things fall into place as they will.

Not easy to just enjoy our summer and not think about others but sometimes one must do that.

We can not control everything in life.

I never get any notifications here and lately my edit does not work.

Loved the thunder showers this morning, my soul feels like they were tears from heaven.

Thanks for the well wishes, we both are 95% better.Homemade chicken soup and loads of herbal teas...Felt well enough today to give my husband a good cleaning!I.E. Hair cut and eyebrow check.Our son in japan had a haircut the other day, they guy even did his eyebrows, not just a trim but a real shaping... IDK if that is good or not, he does not have to be that perfect looking. I know in Japan and Korea and many other places it is sort of a fad for guys to be super groomed...IDK, nothing wrong with that I guess but when I was a young lady and dating, I made sure to never date someone who spent more time on themselves then I did.Do not need the competition,,,My father was a very handsome man, I learned to not try for perfection because no lady needs to think her guy is prettier then she is.  Vanity in a man is a real strange thing...We have an old so called, friend living here in HU who is a year or two older then I am but  has had so much work done on his face, he looks plastic.I suppose in his youth, leaving HU at age 17 he got by on his looks, Now it is a bit strange to see how far he has gone......
......My poor baby brothers health situation is not very good. My heart and the hearts of our entire family are broken right now.Been nearly a month now and still in the ICU.Was taken out of ICU for less then 24 hours and that was a huge mistake.I can not even really understand how he is still with us after all that he is going through.Of course there is the drama, like nearly every family goes through under stress.Everyone is against my SIL , one reason being he wrote me on May 27th and it took his wife 5 days to let us know he was in hospital and already had his leg removed.My sisters and cousin are out of their minds with anger.Crazy tale, not even sure if it is real or not, My brothers ex wife, number one and their 32 year old son came to the ICU.From what I know, my brohrer visited his son a few months ago and was trying to help him. Brought him new clothing etc.Seems the little perfect young lady my brother married in his early 20's turned into a meth head and took their son down with her.They live either in NM or N. Ca. Hard to get the right info.My Nancy Drew cousin is on the case though... Another tale.Well my current SIL , the ex school teacher left them alone to visit my brother in the ICU because she did not want their drama .The next day when my SIL came to the hospital, my brothers doctor pulled her aside and told her they found Meth in his daily blood test!!!!What the heck, where are the ICU staff and what  was wrong with his family??IDK, maybe it was not real, maybe they wanted to help him pass away?Now no one is allowed to see my brother except his wife.With our dark humor this insane situation could be funny considering my bro being a biker and rocker but in reality it is very disturbing.He is in a state of confusion now, which I know is normal with so many drugs being pumped into him.In any case, I have a feeling I got ill over all of this, have to let go and let things fall into place as they will.Not easy to just enjoy our summer and not think about others but sometimes one must do that.We can not control everything in life.I never get any notifications here and lately my edit does not work.Loved the thunder showers this morning, my soul feels like they were tears from heaven.    -@Marilyn Tassy

Ugh, personal grooming is important but it's a bit of a chore.  Our daughter spends ages on that stuff mixing up all sorts of potions and creams.  She's almost 19.  I think for her, art and presentation is part of her "performance". It's kind of interesting. I read an interview with Lady Gaga and her clothes, music and life are a kind of continuous performance.  I never thought of it as one merged thing.  I just don't think like that apparently!  I guess it doesn't really come on my radar.

That's terrible someone tried to give your bro meth.  Maybe they thought they were helping.  But really, WTF?  They need some serious help and counselling on their moral compasses.  Slaves to a chemical (meth) and slow suicide.

I was watching a TV show ("The Boys") where one character's Dad is in ICU and the only thing which might save him is a drug that might give him super powers and possibly immortality.  They slip it into him but we'll only know next week if it worked.   TV mirroring reality.  Maybe they saw the same episode as me which got them on the job.

I hate to say it but perhaps your bro is in the final days.  That sepsis is really hard to shift and many people succumb to it.  I remember my Dad had it but it was caught early and resolved.  He got it simply by getting a cut on his leg.  What with his poor circulation, mild diabetes and lack of mobility, it was inevitable something would happen.  It was always a concern it'd come back.   It wasn't that that killed him, it was either a stroke or heart attack.

Well done Hungary for winning last night against Scotland, what a game.

Bad news about the Hungary forward going down in the second half after an apparent clash with Scotland's goalkeeper Angus Gunn following a free kick.


The game was held up as Varga required lengthy treatment.

After several minutes, Varga was eventually taken away on a stretcher as both sets of fans applauded.

He has since been taken to hospital, where he is said to be stable.

Final score Hungary 1 - 0 Scotland

    Well done Hungary for winning last night against Scotland, what a game. Bad news about the Hungary forward going down in the second half after an apparent clash with Scotland's goalkeeper Angus Gunn following a free kick.skynews-hungary-scotland-euro-2024_6589366.jpg?20240623223048The game was held up as Varga required lengthy treatment.After several minutes, Varga was eventually taken away on a stretcher as both sets of fans applauded.He has since been taken to hospital, where he is said to be stable.Final score Hungary 1 - 0 Scotland        -@SimCityAT

I wasn't going to watch the game but I was reminded it was on and thought, why not?   It was a bumbling lacklustre performance on both sides with Scotland marginally more on point. It was only towards the last 30m, it really started to be interesting. 

The collision between the Scottish goalkeeper and the Hungarian player was difficult to see and they didn't play back the detail as they thought it would be too much for the viewers to watch - pfff come on UEFA, there are worse things going on in the news each day.  I believe the Hungarian guy only has a broken cheekbone but will get surgery.  They put a neck brace on him, hence the stretchering.

Anyway, the Hungarians really got going towards the end and the final scoring goal was quite something.  This is a different Hungary playing to those I've seen before - they were much more aggressive and in Scotland's face.  But still nowhere near the sophistication of the top teams like Germany or even England. 

Surprised me but in the neighbourhood, we could hear the cheering when the goal went in! 

Next important match, Tuesday 25, England vs Slovenia, 21h  (my prediction, England 4 Slovenia 0).


Next important match, Tuesday 25, England vs Slovenia, 21h  (my prediction, England 4 Slovenia 0).


I don't know, England have been playing awful lately.

Heard my hubby laughing his head off, saw he was watching that game.

Good for Hungary!

My BIL met the entire GoldenTeam when he was 10 or so. His uncle was good friends with many members on that team and was at almost all their home games, was allowed to bring his little nephew to the locker room where he was given a signed ball from the team.

My husband did go that day, his loss.

Poor guy, hope is injury is not serious and he can return to playing if he wishes to.

My husband was banned by me from football after I witnessed his arm breaking in a fall.

Bad thing was he had a rod put in his arm from a previous break so when he fell, the break was worst then normal, the rod bent backwards in his forearm and his arm was in a very  unnatural pose. Took 4 men at hospital to pull it straight.

Much safer to watch the game then play it.

IDK how meth could of been around in the ICU, just sounds way too odd. We think my SIL may of just made it up to keep visitors away but then again, who knows for sure.

You would think the police would be notified if it happened .

I looked back at the last mail my brother sent me, the day he went into hospital actually. His spelling was all over the place, he already had a fever and was going down.

I re reread his mail and it stated that he had the fever for 4 days. I wonder now if he had acted sooner if things might not have gotten so bad?

Hate thinking it could of been prevented by faster action.

Sepsis is more common then I thought it was. Never been on my radar before now even though that is also what took my other brother down less then 2 years ago.

Any infection can turn septic.. really scary stuff.

    Well done Hungary for winning last night against Scotland, what a game.
Bad news about the Hungary forward going down in the second half after an apparent clash with Scotland's goalkeeper Angus Gunn following a free kick.

The game was held up as Varga required lengthy treatment.

After several minutes, Varga was eventually taken away on a stretcher as both sets of fans applauded.

He has since been taken to hospital, where he is said to be stable.

Final score Hungary 1 - 0 Scotland


Poor guy, seems he had many facical bones broken.

Hubby said it was too gross for tv and they did not show his face, they put blankets around him.

The team doctors just casually walked onto the field like a walk in the park.

So slow that the HU team members were screaming at them to hurry up. The team captain even ran himself and started to bring over the gurney.

Some people should be fired.

Perhaps this game is getting a brutal as American football is?

        Well done Hungary for winning last night against Scotland, what a game. Bad news about the Hungary forward going down in the second half after an apparent clash with Scotland's goalkeeper Angus Gunn following a free kick.skynews-hungary-scotland-euro-2024_6589366.jpg?20240623223048The game was held up as Varga required lengthy treatment.After several minutes, Varga was eventually taken away on a stretcher as both sets of fans applauded.He has since been taken to hospital, where he is said to be stable.Final score Hungary 1 - 0 Scotland        -@SimCityAT

Poor guy, seems he had many facical bones broken.
Hubby said it was too gross for tv and they did not show his face, they put blankets around him.
The team doctors just casually walked onto the field like a walk in the park.
So slow that the HU team members were screaming at them to hurry up. The team captain even ran himself and started to bring over the gurney.
Some people should be fired.

Perhaps this game is getting a brutal as American football is?

    -@Marilyn Tassy

The Hungarian captain even broke down crying

            Well done Hungary for winning last night against Scotland, what a game. Bad news about the Hungary forward going down in the second half after an apparent clash with Scotland's goalkeeper Angus Gunn following a free kick.skynews-hungary-scotland-euro-2024_6589366.jpg?20240623223048The game was held up as Varga required lengthy treatment.After several minutes, Varga was eventually taken away on a stretcher as both sets of fans applauded.He has since been taken to hospital, where he is said to be stable.Final score Hungary 1 - 0 Scotland        -@SimCityATPoor guy, seems he had many facical bones broken.Hubby said it was too gross for tv and they did not show his face, they put blankets around him.The team doctors just casually walked onto the field like a walk in the park.So slow that the HU team members were screaming at them to hurry up. The team captain even ran himself and started to bring over the gurney.Some people should be fired.Perhaps this game is getting a brutal as American football is?        -@Marilyn Tassy

The Hungarian captain even broke down crying


Let up hope he did not get a serious concussion.

I heard he was passed out so he got  one, just how bad, who knows.

It could be life changing for him.

|My cousin was a minor child actor in the early 1960s. Some fluff films, one with Don Knotts. My auntie got him into films as a infant.

At around age 11, his older brother jumped over a bush not knowing his younger brother was playing behind it.

\Kicked him hard in the head by accident.

Total personality change after that.

Sadly he shot himself in my aunties living room age age 21, he just knew he was not his old self and felt useless.

Gosh, I sure have allot of horror tales about injuries...

My sister had her jaw broken , another wild tale about that. Had her jaw wired shut for 6 weeks or so. She was naturally as thin as Twiggy but not being able to eat solid food for 6 weeks turned her into a real skeleton.

She was funny though, brought her own straw to a bar with her.. just in case they did not have any in stock.

Heard trying to drink a steak was not very tasty.

Meant to type, Let us Hope, my edit is not working on this site.

No idea why not.

Just get 3 blue dots flickering but the page does not show up to do any edits.

Sooner or later someone will post a video of the goal keeper from Scotland ramming his forearm into the Hungarians face.

So far he has not even offered a weak apology, real classy...

My husband said the ref is lousy too, did not even give a yellow card, should of given a red card and stopped the game.

IDK if criminal chaarges can be filled but that is an idea.

These guys are so overpaid and greedy that they would punch their own mothers in the face for more money.

    Meant to type, Let us Hope, my edit is not working on this site.
No idea why not.
Just get 3 blue dots flickering but the page does not show up to do any edits.
Sooner or later someone will post a video of the goal keeper from Scotland ramming his forearm into the Hungarians face.
So far he has not even offered a weak apology, real classy...
My husband said the ref is lousy too, did not even give a yellow card, should of given a red card and stopped the game.
IDK if criminal chaarges can be filled but that is an idea.
These guys are so overpaid and greedy that they would punch their own mothers in the face for more money.

    -@Marilyn Tassy

I doubt the Scottish goal keeper had any malice and I am sure he's sorry.  Some of those players from each side will also be team mates in other non-national teams and leagues.  They will know each other.

The referee was from Argentina.  I once worked with a guy from there.  He was very difficult to work with. I think possibly his cousin/brother/uncle/dad or whatever was on the Belgrano and it must have been my fault.    Not only a Yellow Card, the referee should have given a penalty on one occasion in that game but did not.  Not a good decision - needed new glasses or re-training.

IDK how meth could of been around in the ICU, just sounds way too odd. We think my SIL may of just made it up to keep visitors away but then again, who knows for sure.
You would think the police would be notified if it happened .
I looked back at the last mail my brother sent me, the day he went into hospital actually. His spelling was all over the place, he already had a fever and was going down.
I re reread his mail and it stated that he had the fever for 4 days. I wonder now if he had acted sooner if things might not have gotten so bad?
Hate thinking it could of been prevented by faster action.
Sepsis is more common then I thought it was. Never been on my radar before now even though that is also what took my other brother down less then 2 years ago.
Any infection can turn septic.. really scary stuff.
    -@Marilyn Tassy

It's very strange if Meth was in his system.   It could have all sorts of nasty interactions.   

It must have been difficult for your bro to know how serious it was, even if he had a fever.   How would he know?   

My FIL died after he had a blood clot in his pelvis.  He waited a week and thought he'd get better with bed rest.  He'd been working on his land and maybe thought he'd just overdone it - hard physical work followed by nights of boozing.   He ended up in hospital and died there.  If he'd gone earlier, they could have fixed it probably but he was frightened of hospitals.  They got him in the end.

We never used to hear about Sepsis.  Now perhaps we are all more aware of it so that's why it seems to be everywhere.  It's a bit like Strokes, we should all know the symptoms through advertising campaigns - Face (drooping once side perhaps), Arms (cannot raise them above head), Speak (speech affected), Time (to call an ambulance) - easy to remember F A S T.

Mrs F's uncle had a stroke a few years ago.  He's not looking that bad but he cannot speak and when he tries it's just nonsense babbling.  He also cannot read or write.  And he was a smart guy - electronics engineer, speaker of German.    Behaviourally, he seems normal.  I think he can even ride a bike.  I don't know how he goes on day to day dealing with people.  One odd thing is that he knows all his computer passwords but cannot tell anyone what they are.   Probably the best idea is to write them all down and tell your nearest and dearest where they are.  Not very high security but what can you do?

Brain injuries can be very strange indeed.

Well I got that score wrong, England 4 Slovenia 0 - in my dreams.

England 0 Slovenia 0

        Meant to type, Let us Hope, my edit is not working on this site.No idea why not.Just get 3 blue dots flickering but the page does not show up to do any edits.Sooner or later someone will post a video of the goal keeper from Scotland ramming his forearm into the Hungarians face.So far he has not even offered a weak apology, real classy...My husband said the ref is lousy too, did not even give a yellow card, should of given a red card and stopped the game.IDK if criminal chaarges can be filled but that is an idea.These guys are so overpaid and greedy that they would punch their own mothers in the face for more money.        -@Marilyn Tassy

I doubt the Scottish goal keeper had any malice and I am sure he's sorry.  Some of those players from each side will also be team mates in other non-national teams and leagues.  They will know each other.

The referee was from Argentina.  I once worked with a guy from there.  He was very difficult to work with. I think possibly his cousin/brother/uncle/dad or whatever was on the Belgrano and it must have been my fault.    Not only a Yellow Card, the referee should have given a penalty on one occasion in that game but did not.  Not a good decision - needed new glasses or re-training.


I saw a few news clips about the game. Did not show the guys face after the accident but I imagine is has a headache today.

I had a school friend from Argentina and one from Scotland. I always wanted to know the interesting children in school who came from other countries. Even had a good friend from Texas and one from Arkansas, those actually were more foreign then  those two from other countries.

I suppose this is slightly good news, too soon to get excited but my brother was transferred Sunday night to another hospital. One in their health care coverage.

He is out of the \IUC but in a room with allot of monitoring. All his tubes have been removed except for a IV line which is giving him a broad spectrum antibiotic. Still has an infection which so for they can not find.

He is still confused but getting some PT until he can move on his own.

I pray he improves every day because the stress is too much for me.

I have restless nights ad I never have those under normal circumstances.

It really will be something if he gets to even 75% of his old self and goes home someday.

The down side is he is in Kaiser hospital, not known to be very good. My BFF Lisa died there and when my step dad was there after a motorbike accident, the night nurse refused to give him pain meds post surgery.

Hope they know their bad rep and have gotten better.

Really do hope the rain arrives today because these weather reports that do not happen are putting a cramp in our plans.

    IDK how meth could of been around in the ICU, just sounds way too odd. We think my SIL may of just made it up to keep visitors away but then again, who knows for sure.You would think the police would be notified if it happened .I looked back at the last mail my brother sent me, the day he went into hospital actually. His spelling was all over the place, he already had a fever and was going down.I re reread his mail and it stated that he had the fever for 4 days. I wonder now if he had acted sooner if things might not have gotten so bad?Hate thinking it could of been prevented by faster action.Sepsis is more common then I thought it was. Never been on my radar before now even though that is also what took my other brother down less then 2 years ago.Any infection can turn septic.. really scary stuff.        -@Marilyn Tassy

It's very strange if Meth was in his system.   It could have all sorts of nasty interactions.   

It must have been difficult for your bro to know how serious it was, even if he had a fever.   How would he know?   

My FIL died after he had a blood clot in his pelvis.  He waited a week and thought he'd get better with bed rest.  He'd been working on his land and maybe thought he'd just overdone it - hard physical work followed by nights of boozing.   He ended up in hospital and died there.  If he'd gone earlier, they could have fixed it probably but he was frightened of hospitals.  They got him in the end.

We never used to hear about Sepsis.  Now perhaps we are all more aware of it so that's why it seems to be everywhere.  It's a bit like Strokes, we should all know the symptoms through advertising campaigns - Face (drooping once side perhaps), Arms (cannot raise them above head), Speak (speech affected), Time (to call an ambulance) - easy to remember F A S T.

Mrs F's uncle had a stroke a few years ago.  He's not looking that bad but he cannot speak and when he tries it's just nonsense babbling.  He also cannot read or write.  And he was a smart guy - electronics engineer, speaker of German.    Behaviourally, he seems normal.  I think he can even ride a bike.  I don't know how he goes on day to day dealing with people.  One odd thing is that he knows all his computer passwords but cannot tell anyone what they are.   Probably the best idea is to write them all down and tell your nearest and dearest where they are.  Not very high security but what can you do?

Brain injuries can be very strange indeed.
I sometimes wonder if I had a brain injury all my life, my sister used to say she dropped me on my head as an infant...No , I am OK, just getting old and no longer care about some matters.

Funny how things that were so important 20 years ago, mean little to nothing now days.

I know when my sister had her jaw broken in 3 places she was a bit different after that. She was super sharp, had an I.Q. of over 145 and was always two or three steps ahead of everyone around.

She outsmarted so many people , cops, her bosses our parents , you name it she was always ahead of the game.

I have heard a child gets their I.Q. from the mothers side? IDK, our son seems pretty quick when he wishes to be. My husband is quick minded although he says these days he is slow minded, probably just you everyday average person now because he no longer is in the game and rarely cares.

I know people used to always ask his advice on important matters because he always had a none personal, logical view.

IDK but in the coming days it is possible that even 2 more of my husbands old HU/US buddies will be coming to Hungary.

I have no desire really to see anyone of them except one guy, maybe. He has invited us to stay in AZ in his house if we ever want to, even has a extra car to loan us etc.

We should see  him if he visits HU but as long as he does not bring along the other 5 dudes. Too much for me...

The thing is they all now are single old men, one is a widower, our AZ friend but the rest just divorced their wives , sent them back to Japan with the kids, young adults now and they all moved back to where they grew up in Szeged. All have been lifelong friends since childhood and now in old age.

Sort of strange that they never expanded their social circle.


    Well I got that score wrong, England 4 Slovenia 0 - in my dreams.
England 0 Slovenia 0


I fell asleep in the 2nd half, England have to be the luckiest team. If they had played a stronger team they would have been going home by now.

But Austria played well, top of their group after a win with the Netherlands (3 - 2).

I suppose this is slightly good news, too soon to get excited but my brother was transferred Sunday night to another hospital. One in their health care coverage.
He is out of the \IUC but in a room with allot of monitoring. All his tubes have been removed except for a IV line which is giving him a broad spectrum antibiotic. Still has an infection which so for they can not find.
He is still confused but getting some PT until he can move on his own.
I pray he improves every day because the stress is too much for me.
I have restless nights ad I never have those under normal circumstances.
It really will be something if he gets to even 75% of his old self and goes home someday.
The down side is he is in Kaiser hospital, not known to be very good. My BFF Lisa died there and when my step dad was there after a motorbike accident, the night nurse refused to give him pain meds post surgery.
Hope they know their bad rep and have gotten better.

Really do hope the rain arrives today because these weather reports that do not happen are putting a cramp in our plans.
    -@Marilyn Tassy

Pleased to hear his condition has improved.  Pumping the patient full of antibiotics seems to be the way.  At one time, my Dad was on a drip due to an infection in his foot.  It did get rid of it but took absolutely ages.  I am sure it's causing you sleepless nights worrying about it. 

I had a bad dream where I was trapped in a field repairing my hobby car and I had no tools or spare parts.  I like the car but if it's causing uncomfortable nights, one has to wonder if it's a stress one doesn't need.  I can always opt out and not repair it.  It's got a brake fault which is quite tricky to diagnose but hopefully, simple to fix - I hope.  No spare parts here. I'd have to import it from the USA.  There's one car like it in an Austrian scrapyard and I can ask but I don't want to go there for that item.  Be a real nuisance to drive over there and they can be funny on price and shipping.  500km round trip to that location. 

I'll reply on Weather in that other thread.

Finally a few drops of rain...

I am usually not online so much but ATM I am checking in allot for any updates on my bro.

My cousin has mentioned and I agree with her, he was moved Sunday night and we just hear of it today??

I know my SIL is a narcissist but come on!

I am careful when I write her, they need their fix of attention so I make sure to give her a few kudos just so she does not pull a no contact on the family.

Like we do not have enough to deal with, have to feed her ego too.

I wish I was younger and could help him more if and when he gets better.

Hate to think of him in a rehab and her not visiting him daily.

Seems my brothers 3 wives have all dropped the ball on him over time.

I know women always say men are horrible but as the sister to men and the mother of a man, I see where my sex can drop the ball and let them down.

No one seems to like or know their roles in life.

I am fine being female, not any  ones servant but have a role as a support person to others and enjoy that role allot

Not sure why people like my SIL need to also keep up with the Joneses and be, extra.

I am getting a bit too personal I know, many people want to play both sides, be cared for and also be the boss, it just does not work that way in reality. 

Heard there is a cough going around and soon they will have a vax for it. Well I have had a cough for about 2 weeks now... Seeing the doc tomorrow, thinking of asking for some anxiety pills but doubt they will give my any. I dislike taking meds, most all of my meds are expired  and the packages are still full.

Say no to drugs??

I did not ask for any pain or anxiety pills during my cancer treatments, but seeing a loved on hurting is more then I can bare.

Being a caring older sister is not an easy role.


Local interest:

England vs Slovakia

30 June @ 18h CET


Did you watch any of the games yesterday?

@Marilyn Tassy

A lot of sickness around take care

Did you watch any of the games yesterday?


No, I tend to watch only the England games and possibly Hungary as well.


It looked like Georgia would stay in (4th) after all they were playing Portugal. Wow what a game, they beat Portugal 2 - 0.

So the final 16 are

  • Switzerland v Italy
  • Germany v Denmark
  • England v Slovakia
  • Spain v Georgia
  • France v Belgium
  • Portugal v Slovenia
  • Romania v Netherlands
  • Austria v Turkey

It looked like Georgia would stay in (4th) after all they were playing Portugal. Wow what a game, they beat Portugal 2 - 0.

So the final 16 are

Switzerland v Italy
Germany v Denmark
England v Slovakia
Spain v Georgia
France v Belgium
Portugal v Slovenia
Romania v Netherlands
Austria v Turkey


Some really tough competition in there with powerhouse teams. 

Surprised Portugal are out. 


Portugal arn't out!

    @fluffy2560Portugal arn't out!        -@SimCityAT

You're right!  I didn't read it properly. 

Distracted by giant thunderstorms and massive downpours. 

Must be having a Joe Biden moment.


I tried to watch the debate this morning I gave up.

When you thought the UK had problems. I'm glad I don't have to choose a president in America.

I tried to watch the debate this morning I gave up.

When you thought the UK had problems. I'm glad I don't have to choose a president in America.


I didn't stay up for it.   I couldn't be bothered.  But the news reports say that Trump was on similar form to his previous appearances but Joe has slipped. 

Even Biden channels CNN and MSNBC are finding it hard to excuse Joe's performance. 

It's incredible that out of many millions of people there, they couldn't find people who are better candidates.   

If I was an American, I'd still vote for Biden, simply on the grounds that he's the figurehead.  He's got an raft of "sensible" people under him making rational decisions.   

Trump is off-piste and off-the-wall and a loose cannon a lot of the time and will be micro-managing,  convicted felon, insurrectionist,  so nah, definitely not him, never again.

It's truly dreadful prospect for Ukraine, NATO and our European security to have Trump back in again.  He'll be reporting to his boss in the Kremlin again. Standing up with OV and Farage to salute Vlad once more.

    @Marilyn Tassy
A lot of sickness around take care


Thanks Anns, you take care too.

Turns out after seeing the doc that I just have an allergy...

I have some fantastic news!!

My brother has been released from hospital and is in a nice rehab center near his home.

He is so very lucky to be alive!!

It may take a long while for him to learn to walk again and get his health issues under control but like they say, where there is life, there is hope!

He is seeing several types of physical therapists and well and getting some mental help.

They have started him on some anti depression meds, if any needs those, I would say he does right now.

Many of his health issues got worst because of his smoking and drinking.

I had no idea he was drinking that much to cause a problem with healing.

Talk about a quick way to get sober!!

He can not ever smoke or drink again if he wants to live.

His wife told me he was looking at some photos she took of him in the ICU.

He just got quiet and looked for a long time. Hard to believe it happened to him but seeing is believing.

I hope it was a wake up call for him.

He is too young and full of life to go too soon.

I wonder though if one was to get that seriously ill here in Hungary if they would do as much as was done for him in the USA?

I sort of lean on the no side..

        @Marilyn TassyA lot of sickness around take care        -@anns

Thanks Anns, you take care too.
Turns out after seeing the doc that I just have an allergy...
I have some fantastic news!!
My brother has been released from hospital and is in a nice rehab center near his home.
He is so very lucky to be alive!!
It may take a long while for him to learn to walk again and get his health issues under control but like they say, where there is life, there is hope!
He is seeing several types of physical therapists and well and getting some mental help.
They have started him on some anti depression meds, if any needs those, I would say he does right now.
Many of his health issues got worst because of his smoking and drinking.
I had no idea he was drinking that much to cause a problem with healing.
Talk about a quick way to get sober!!
He can not ever smoke or drink again if he wants to live.
His wife told me he was looking at some photos she took of him in the ICU.
He just got quiet and looked for a long time. Hard to believe it happened to him but seeing is believing.
I hope it was a wake up call for him.
He is too young and full of life to go too soon.
I wonder though if one was to get that seriously ill here in Hungary if they would do as much as was done for him in the USA?
I sort of lean on the no side..

    -@Marilyn Tassy

Good to hear he's been released.  I guess seeing himself in the ICU has brought a dose of reality to his life and giving up smoking and drinking has to be a good thing anyway.  He will adapt to losing his leg. Many people adapt to far more serious amputations.  Right frame of mind and it's the least of his problems.

I don't know if they would work on him the same here.  Emergency services are pretty good everywhere in Europe.  But I do know in the UK, the NHS (National Health Service) is the ONLY service in the entire country that has the resources and skills to deal with very seriously ill emergency cases. 

Reason I say that is my BIL had a private hospital heart bypass operation and unbeknownst to him, he was allergic to the anaesthetic.   He had to be taken as an emergency to the government hospital.  It was the only way to save him.  The private hospital did not have the skills or resources to deal with that kind of an emergency.

Portugal arn't out!


Magnificent goal by Bellingham in extra time.  Kane of course gets that winning goal.   

Next Up (my interesting ones anyway):

England vs Switzerland on Sunday 6th July at 18h CET Duesseldorf.

Austria vs Turkey Tuesday 2nd July at 21h CET Leipzig

(Hungary is of course out)


England was very lucky, I can't see them going much further. They have played bloody awful again.

Austria and Turkey will be an interesting game. Austria has beaten Turkey in all of the last 5 or 6 games. So I expect a win plus they have also been playing well.

    @fluffy2560England was very lucky, I can't see them going much further. They have played bloody awful again.Austria and Turkey will be an interesting game. Austria has beaten Turkey in all of the last 5 or 6 games. So I expect a win plus they have also been playing well.        -@SimCityAT

Yes, England were dreadful until the 2nd half. I agree a lot of luck was going around. If it hadn't been for ET they'd have had it.  They didn't substitute anyone really and commentators said it was a mistake but perhaps not since they won.

I also think Austria will easily win.

Austria and Turkey will be an interesting game. Austria has beaten Turkey in all of the last 5 or 6 games. So I expect a win plus they have also been playing well.


That was unexpected.   Austria tried to come back but they seemed to be playing in a rather lacklustre way until the panic set in in the last 20m.  That save towards the end was impressive.

Quarter-finals start Friday with heavy hitters:

Spain vs Germany, 18h - Stuttgart

Portugal vs France, 21h - Hamburg

Its only a game, but how many yellow cards have been given out throughout the Euros........

I'm not a big football fan, I prefer Rugby 🏉 much more.